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      • 누에의 人工飼料에 있어서 곡물의 利用에 관한 硏究

        孫海龍,李鎭根 慶北大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.42 No.-

        This studies were investigated on the utilization of the grain flour instead of starches in the artificial diet for silkworm raising. The results are as follows; 1. The corn, barley, small green pea and rice powder are good for feeding response and available to starch source for artificial diet. 2. The small green pea and millet powder instead of potato starches were affected shorten young larval period. 3. The corn powder was affected shorten grown larval period but the cocoon shell weight were weighted more heavy. 4. In the original race, jam 113 and Jam 114 were shortened larval period and cocoon quality were more better than another varieties. 5. In the hybrid, Jam 113 x Jam 114 was affected better larval period, mortality and cocoon quality than another varieties. 6. The constant dark condition was shortened in the larval period and was affected significantly cocoon quality in the artificial feeding. 7. Artificial diet fed on 1st-2nd larval stage were affected more long larval period and a little lighter than mulberry leaf feeding. so there were no problems on artificial feeding, because 1st-2nd on Artificial diet feeding were same levels on various characters and were recovered infereior characters to change on mulberry leaf feeding but 1st-3rd on artificial diet feeding were affected more worse than cocoon production, cocoon quality and larval period on mulberry leaf feeding.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 “항미원조운동” 중 나타난 한반도 인식 ― 국내 시사선전을 중심으로

        해룡 한국중국현대문학학회 2011 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.59

        Historical memories have always been obstacle that hinders the progress of the reconciliation within three countries of East Asia. In order to overcome this obstacle, we need to trace back to the time when the actual event occurred back in 1950s. In year 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War was accelerated the emergence of Cold War in Asia. Due to the rapid spreading of the cold war in Asia, it has resulted in the separation between North and South Korea and mainland China and Taiwan. To overcome this difficult situation, it is necessary and imperative to reflect on the causes that triggered the Korean War. This article has analyzed the points on China aiding North Korea and against American actions during the Korean War period and also the awareness and position of China toward the Korean peninsula and the separation of North and South Korea issues. After a series of in-depth research and study found that the contradiction in ideology between dominant countries - America and Soviet Union during the Korean War was the main factor that influenced the relationship between China and North Korea in terms of the idea of socialism. In the case of the configuration of Cold War, affected by the socialism ideology, China has taken an extreme diametrically strategy toward North and South Korean after the division. Furthermore, the propaganda and creation of dramatic works during the period in China were primarily focuses on farmers and laborers works. Hence in the distinction between North and South Korea, China has obviously shown a deeper relationship with North Korea.

      • 蠶卵의 秋期採種時 原種, F_1 및 F_2의 孵化力과 再出卵發生에 關한 硏究

        孫海龍 慶北大學校 1984 論文集 Vol.38 No.-

        This study was carred out to know hatching ability and unseasonal hatched egg of the original, F_1 and F_2 hybrid in Autumn production. The results of this study were summarized as follows: About hatching ability, F_1 hybrid was best, second was F_2 hybrid and then original race was worst. The reason was the ratios of unseasonal hatched egg, dead egg and unfertilized egg were increased, and each ratios were 3.8, 2.9 and 2.5 percent. The unseasonal hatching egg was found in all Japanese original races, but F_1 hybrid was observed its eggs slightly. By contrasting to the F_2 hybrid was hatched its egg and the ratios were very high. On the contrary, this eggs were not hatched at all in original Chinese races, F_1 and F_2 hybrid of Chinese×Chines races.

      • 에집트 기후조건 특히 온도의 변화가 원원잠품종의 주요 유전형질에 미치는 영향

        해룡,임종성 경북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 慶北大農學誌 Vol.18 No.-

        Eleven inbred lines of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. were exposed to two main different temperature (23C and 25C) during the larval period in order to elucidate the effect of the temperature differences on their main characters under the, prevailing in Egyptial agro-climactic conditions. The results show that the temperature differences did not affect significantly the pupation ratio and cocoon shell ratio. However, they affected their larval duration to become shorter with the high temperature treatment () and their cocoon shell weight and cocoon yield per box of silkworm eggs to be higher in the lower temperature(). It was recommended that some inbred lines should be bred at the 23C throughout the whole larval period, particularly in being reared with high nutritional leaves in order to maximize the hybridization of cocoon yields. 수입된 11개 원원 종을 열대기후인 이집트에서 온도가 다른 와 에서 사육하여 주요 유전 형질에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 저온 및 고온 공히 교잡 종의 화용 비율과 견층 비율에는 영향을 주지 않았으나, 고온은 유충기간을 단축시켰고, 저온은 견층 중과 상자 당수견 량을 무겁고 높게 하였다 따라서 원원 종의 육성과정에서는 유충 전령을 저온으로 사육하는 것이 잡종강세를 극대화할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • 稚蠶 人工飼料育에 關한 硏究

        孫海龍,金潤植 慶北大學校 産業開發硏究所 1975 硏究報告 Vol.3 No.-

        This work was carried out to compare fed on artificial diets with mulberry leaves on silkworm young larva. The results may be summarized as follows: 1. The larva fed on artificial diets were inferior to larval characters and cocoon qualities than mulberry leaves. 2. After fed on mulberry leaves, the larva on artificial diets were largely affected on various characters by qualities of mulberry leaves. 3. This composition of artificial diet may be shortened the duration of young larva.

      • 인삼첨식(人蔘添食)이 누에 성육(成育)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        해룡 ( H. R. Sohn ),박광준 ( K. J. Park ),이상풍 ( S. P. Lee ) 한국잠사학회 1972 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        인삼의 추출용액 및 비여과용액을 누에에 첨식하였을 경우 누에성육 및 형질에 미치는 영향을 알고자 1971년 춘잠, 하잠 및 만추잠, 1972년 춘잠 및 추잠기에 각종농도 및 첨식시기를 달리한 결과에서 1. 인삼용액첨식이 잠작에 미치는 영향은 어떤 농도나, 어느 령기 급여에 있어서도 인정할 수 없었다. 2. 인삼 비여과용액 첨식은 오히려 누에 생리에 나쁜 영향을 미치는 것 같다. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of the mulberry leaves sprayed with filtered solutions and non-filtered solutions of ginseng, on the various practical characteristics of the silkworm (Bombyx mori) in spring, summer and late autumn in 1971, and spring and autumn in 1972. 1. There was no evidence that the various ginseng concentrations influence the practical characteristics in the silkworms, according to the different instars and rearing seasons. 2. Non-filtered solutions of ginseng have a bad effect upon the silkworm characteristics, especially in pupation ratio and reelable cocoon ratio.

      • KCI등재

        중국에서의 임진전쟁 연구 현황과 제언

        해룡,공미희 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2020 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.57

        16세기 말에 동아시아 지역에서 발발한 임진전쟁은 한중일 삼국과 깊이 연동된 국제전이자 동아시아 정국에 결정적인 영향을 미친 역사적 대사건이었다. 중국 학계에서 임진전쟁에 대한 관심은 일찍이 20세기 초반부터 생겨났으며, 중화인민공화국 성립 이후 이에 대한 연구도 점차 본격화되었다. 지금까지 중국의 임진전쟁 연구는 주로 역사학, 문학과 문헌학 등 세 학문 분야에서 진행되어 왔으며, 또한 비교적 풍부한 연구 성과를 거두었다. 그러나 많은 연구 성과를 거두었음에도 불구하고 관련 연구들은 여전히 적지 않은 문제점도 안고 있다. 예컨대, 기존 연구마다 자민족적 경향이 강하고 각 연구 분야와 연구 주제 간 편차가 존재한다는 것, 각 학문 분야 간 소통이 부족하다는 점이다. 그리고 연구 사료 확보가 부족하며, 전 국면을 총체적으로 바라보면서도 동시에 미시적인 안목을 가진 연구가 부족하다는 것을 문제로도 지적할 수 있다. 이와 같은 문제들이 중국에서의 임진전쟁 연구의 발전을 크게 제약하고 있다는 점을 지적할 수 있을 것이다. 그러한 이유 때문에 중국에서의 임진전쟁 연구를 보다 잘 수행하기 위해 자민족적 시각 대신 동아시아적인 시각을 도입하고 세부적 연구 및 학제 간의 연구와 소통을 강화시키는 동시에 한중일 삼국 학자 간의 공동연구와 협력도 진일보로 강화시켜 나가야 된다. 16世纪末发生于朝鲜半岛的壬辰战争, 不仅是一场关涉中日韩三国的国际战,也是一个对东亚局势产生了深远影响的历史大事件. 中国学界对壬辰战争的关注最早始于20世纪初叶, 新中国成立后相关研究逐渐步上正轨. 迄今为止, 中国学界主要从“历史学”, “文学”与“文献学”三个方面出发对壬辰战争做出了广泛而深入的考察, 取得了较为丰富的成果. 尽管成果堪称丰硕, 但同时也存在着不少的问题与短板. 譬如, 研究视角自我中心, 学科壁垒深厚, 研究主题冷热不均, 以及着眼全局的细节研究不足与史料占有不够等诸多问题的存在严重制约着中国学界对壬辰战争研究的深化与发展. 为了能够更全面, 系统地呈现壬辰战争立体多元的丰富面貌, 亟需引入东亚视角, 推进细节研究, 同时也需要进一步加强不同学科与不同国籍学者之间的交流与合作.

      • 누에 奬勵品種의 人工飼料育에 대한 齡別病源性 硏究

        孫海龍 慶北大學校 새마을硏究所 1979 農村과 科學 Vol.2 No.-

        A study was made on the variety difference of the silkworm Bombyx mori L. which had been reared on artificial diet, in the resistance to the peroral infection with a nuclear polyherosis virus. The results indicated there was a large variation for the resistance among various silkworm varieties such as Jam 107×Jam 108. Jam111×Jam 112, Jam 113×Jam 114, Jam 115×Jam 116, Jam 117×Jam 118, Hanseang 1×Hanseang 2 and Gyungchu×Yunil, suggesting that a number of genetical factors together with the effect of the silkworm to a nuclear polyhedrosis virus. It was clearly demonstrated that the mortality of the silkworm larvae among the varieties were more than 50 percent without big variations in any instar's inoculation with the high concentration of 10^7/ml and 10^6/ml dose, but there were a considerable difference in the resistance in the treatment of lower inoculum of 10^5/ml to 10^3/ml, indicating the less susceptability of Jam 111×Jam 112 and Hanseang 1×Hansaeng 2 to the nuclear polyhedrosis virus. In the comparision of the three different instar's mortalities the silkworm larvae at the third instar showed lower suscptability than the larvae at the second and fourth instar.

      • KCI등재

        조선시기 한글 장편소설 <천수석>의 중국 역사 재현 양상 분석-唐懿宗 함통 시기를 중심으로

        해룡 반교어문학회 2022 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.- No.60

        As one of the many Korean national masterpieces on China that emerged between the 17th and the late 19th century, Cheonsuseok sets its background in the Xiantong Era ruled by Emperor Yizong of Tang, when partisan strife intensified and the ruling class lived luxuriously. Based on the existing research, through the analysis of the past-related contents of Volume 2 of the novel, it is believed that Cheonsuseok was created at some point during the reign of King Yeongjo, especially between 1759 and 1776. It is also presumed that Cheonsuseok referred to the story of Princess Dongchang among historical books such as History as a Mirror and written novels in the series of The Collected Stories of Du Yang when recreating the history of the Xiantong Era. Cheonsuseok revises life stories and marriage experience of historical figures like Wei Baoheng and Princess Tongchang, endowing Wei—the chief culprit of partisan strife—with a Confucianist image to criticize extravagance and praise austerity, meanwhile disciplining women against “jealousy” and “wantonness”. Such revisions of Cheonsuseok are closely connected with realistic issues under the reign of Yeongjo of Joseon: the malpractice of partisan struggle, the growing trend of luxurious living, and the difficulty of disciplining women under the patriarchal system. The fictional adaptation of Chinese history in this novel bears the author’s intention and expectation to entertain and shape the readers. 17세기 중후반에서 19세기 말까지 중국 이야기나 인물 혹은 중국 역사를 소재로 한 한글 장편소설들이 속출했다. 그 중 <천수석>은 당의종 함통 연간을 주요 서사 배경으로 중국 역사 실존 인물인 위보형과 동창공주의 생애를 선별적으로 변형시켜 서사화했다. 기존의 연구를 바탕으로 하여 소설 제2권의 과거 관련 내용에 대한 분석을 통해 <천수석>은 대략 영조 재위 시기‚ 특히 1759년~1776년 사이 어느 시점에 창작되었을 것으로 판단되며‚ 또 함통 시기의 역사를 재현할 때 資治通鑒 등 역사서와 杜陽雜編 계열의 필기소설 중의 동창공주 이야기를 참고했을 것으로 추정된다. <천수석>은 중국 역사상에서 붕당 정치의 우두머리로 이름난 부정적 인물 위보형에게 유가의 모범적인 인물 이미지와 새로운 삶의 모습을 보여주었다. 이와 동시에 동창공주의 호화로운 결혼식과 장례식에 대한 사실적 재현과 위보형의 검소․청렴 이미지의 서사를 통해 黜奢崇儉의 담론을 강조하는 한편 성품이 다른 여성 인물들의 서로 다른 인생 결말을 보여줌으로써 여성의 음행과 투기를 경계했다. 붕당과 사치로 요약될 수 있는 함통 연간의 역사 및 관련 인물에 대한 <천수석>의 관심은 영조 시기에 두드러진 당쟁의 폐해, 날로 치열해진 사치의 풍조 및 종법제가 확립된 후 여성의 교화가 시급하다는 당대 현실적 문제들과 밀접한 관련이 있어 보인다. <천수석> 속에 조선 현실에 맞게 새로 개작된 중국 이야기는 소설을 통해서 독자를 즐겁게 하면서도 교화하고자 하는 작가의 바람을 고스란히 담았다.

      • Morphological Features of Maxilla and Antennae Structures fed on Artieicial Diet in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. : Silkworm Breading Center, Azad kashmir, Pakistan

        Sohn, Hae Ryong,Khawaja Mohammed Sadiq 慶北大學校 1991 論文集 Vol.51 No.-

        본 실험은 인공사료육잠에 있어서 아래턱 및 촉각의 형태학적 특성을 구명하고자 전자 현미경으로 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 촉각에 있어서 섭식성의 강한 누에는 4개의 원추상 돌기가 발달되어 있고 섭식성이 약한 누에는 발달되지 않은 2개의 원추상 돌기를 인정할 수 있었다. 아래턱에 있어서 섭식성이 강한 누에는 좌우 8개의 원추상 돌기가 발달되어 있었으나 섭식성이 약한 누에는 오른쪽 원추상 돌기의 발달이 전혀 부진하였다. 잠 107 및 잠 108에 있어서 아랫입술은 섭식성에 강한 누에가 약한 것에 비하여 길이가 길었다. 그러나 스리랑카 품종인 51은 유의성이 없었다. The silkworms used in the experiment were categorized into reveals two types of feeding response i. e.. energetic and inert feeding response. The structures of functional organs of mouth part and antennae of energetic and inert feeding response were examined by scanning electron microscope. There is a big variations in the ultrastructures of different sensilla. the maxillary palpi or the sensilla basiconica at the top of maxillary palpus of maxilla are well developed in the energetic larvae while in the inert larvae these organs on thr right side are extremely deformed. Similarly, these sensilla on the third segment of antennae are well developed in the energetic larvae and four in number but in the inert larvae only two deformed sensilla basiconica are present. The different feeding response between the energetic and the inert larvae are due to morphological normal and abnormal primary organs of the mouth part for the food preference and food location. These fact findings suggests that a sluggish behavior of the larvae was probably not due to physiological obstruction but due to the abnormality of maxillary and antennal sensilla of the silkworm.

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