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      • KCI등재후보


        吴日焕,玄玉宝 경희대학교 법학연구소 2008 경희법학 Vol.43 No.1


      • KCI등재후보


        吴日焕,徐 驰 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2009 스포츠와 법 Vol.12 No.4

        2009年,中国《彩票管理条例》的颁布和施行开启了对体育彩票进行依法统一规制的新篇章,从此中国体育彩票的发展进入良性发展阶段。但在确立竞争性的发行体制、规范的销售机制、有效的监管体制等方面仍有不少问题需要解决。本文试图考察体育彩票在发行、销售、监管等环节中的一系列法律问题并提出相应的解决方案。 In 2009 the “Lottery Regulations” was promulgated, which has great importance on the legal regulation of sports lottery. However, there is much room for the establishment of competitive distribution system, legitimate sale mechanisms and perfect legal regulations. In this paper, we not only analyze legal issues in distributions, sales and regulations but also find plans to settle them.

      • KCI등재후보

        最近中国公司注册资本认缴登记制改革及其评析 - 兼谈未来中国公司资本制度路径之选择 -

        吴日焕 한중법학회 2014 中國法硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        지난해 연말, 중국은 “정부기구간소화 및 기업경영의 자율권강화”라는 원칙 하에서 국무원의 주도로 회사등록자본 및 그 등기제도에 대하여 개혁을 단행 하였다. 이번 자본제도개혁의 주요 골자는 회사 등록자본의 최저한도액에 대 한 제한을 철폐하고 유한회사와 발기설립한 주식회사에 있어서 등록자본의 부 분적인 인수제도를 완전한 인수제도로 전환하며, 실제납입자본의 공상등기를 취소하고 회사등기사항에 대한 연례검사제도를 연례신고제도로 변경함과 아울 러 기업신용정보공시시스템을 수립하는 것이다. 총체적으로 볼 때 자본제도에 대한 이러한 개혁조치는 정부기능전환의 요구와 시장경제발전에 부응하고 회 사설립에 대한 규제를 완화함으로써 국제적인 회사입법의 추세에 부합한다고 할 수 있겠다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이번 개혁은 회사법의 기본제도와 관련 되는 중요한 개 혁으로서 이론적으로 진일보로 검토할 필요성이 있다고 하겠다. 이번 개혁에 서 가장 중요한 내용은 등록자본의 인수등기제도, 즉 2005년 개정 회사법에 도 입한 등록자본에 대한 부분적인 인수제도를 완전한 인수제도로 전환함과 아울 러 실제납입자본에 대한 공상등기를 취소한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 당해 개혁조 치에 대하여 중국 학계에서 찬성하는 목소리가 크지만 사실 깊이 있게 검토한 다면 이론적으로나 실무적으로 많은 문제가 존재하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 중 국식 등록자본의 인수등기제도는 국제상에서 그 입법례를 거의 찾아볼 수 없 는 것으로 채권자보호에 많은 영향을 미칠 것이며 기존 회사법의 논리체계에 큰 충격을 주고 있는 것이 분명하다. 이러한 문제의식하에서 본 글은 우선, 중국의 등록자본인수등기제도에 대하 여 정의하고 그 핵심내용을 분석하였으며; 두 번째로, 미국, 독일, 일본, 한국, 대만 등 회사법과의 비교적인 고찰을 통하여 중국식 등록자본인수등기제도의 법적인 위상에 대하여 깊이 있게 파악하였으며; 셋째로, 중국의 현행 회사법 및 사법해석의 관련 규정에 근거하여 등록자본인수등기제도의 기존 회사법이 론에 대한 충격 및 사법실무에서 회사법의 구체적 적용에 대하여 초래하는 문 제점에 대하여 지적하였다. 마지막으로, 이 기초위에서 등록자본인수등기제도 의 개선에 관하여 몇 가지 의견을 제시함과 아울러 중국 회사제도발전의 장기 적인 관점에서 수권자본제의 채택이 향후 중국 회사자본제도의 개혁방향이라 고 지적하였다. Under the principle of “to simplify administration and transfer power to a lower level”, a reform of company's registered capital and its registration system was implemented by China's State Council at the end of last year, including canceling the minimum limit of registered capital, changing partial subscribed capital system to fully subscription system, abolishing industrial and commercial registration of paid-in capital, taking the annual report system instead of annual inspection system by setting up Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure Platform. These reforms can in general meet the requirements of the change of government function and development of market economy and relax the restrictions on companies to set up, which is also comply with the latest trends of international legislation. However, these reforms are largely related to the basic system of the company law, so it is still necessary for further doctrinal discussion. The most important part is that of subscribed capital registration system reform, namely to change partial subscribed capital system provided in 2005 Company Law to fully subscription system, and also to cancel the paid-in capital of industrial and commercial registration. As to such reforms, most scholars seem to agree. But in another aspect, it is difficult to find the same legislative cases in other parts of the world, because it will make essential effect on protecting creditors and the logic of existing company law system. About the questions above, this paper firstly is to analyze the core contents of subscribed capital registration system by comparing with other laws in order to make a clear concept of subscribed capital registration system, and secondly to interpret in detail the impact of subscribed capital registration system on company law theory and new problems of its application in judicial practice. On this basis, this paper finally put forward some suggestions for improvement on subscribed capital registration system, and point out that authorized capital system is the necessary direction of the company capital system reform in China on view of long-term development of company law.

      • KCI등재

        中國에 있어서 프랜차이즈에 대한 法規制의 現況과 改善方向

        吴日焕 한국경영법률학회 2010 經營法律 Vol.20 No.4

        The business system of franchise in China was formally developed from the middle period of 1990s and became much more widely-used when entering the 2000s. In order to regulate the franchise business activities which more enterprises are becoming involved in, China also commenced to enact related regulations to reinforce its application. To supply a better understanding about the franchise regulations in China for foreigners, this paper is to direct attentions to the special development in China’s franchise business, making an introduction about legal system of franchise firstly and then studying on the detailed contents. On the basis of this, the paper is to review on the legal issues in present regulations and offer some improvement suggestions. The first part is to make an overview on the franchise development in China and the relevant legislations, indicating that the current prime legal system has been formed by the "Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Franchises "enacted by the State Council as the central administrative regulation, and "Administrative Measures for Archival Filing of Commercial Franchise", "Administrative Measures for the Information Disclosure of Commercial Franchise", "Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchises" enacted by the Ministry of Commerce as the supplemental ministerial rules. The second part is to review regulatory contents of current franchise system, focusing on the meaning and categories of franchise, the qualification requirements of franchisor and franchisee, rights and liabilities betweenfranchisor and franchisee, mentioned items of franchise contracts, registration of franchise, public information system of franchise, and relevant penalty and complaint system, etc. The third part is to point out that although Chinahas organized regulatory system in a relatively fully-developed level according to its own franchise progress, there are still not a few issues existing, for example, legislative level is not high and the regulatory contents are incomplete, civilregulations are inadequate and the relations among relevant laws, administrative regulations, ministerial rules are insufficient, and others. Therefore, China ought to make specialized laws regarding to franchise and improve the regulatory details, to accept franchise contract as a kind of typical contract, to reinforce the relations among relevant laws, administrative regulations, ministerial rules, and also to strengthen the legal liabilities related to franchise. As China is approaching to building up a more open market and continuous economy growth, the number of enterprises, including foreign enterprises, which have made use of franchise forms has much increased. However, China still lacks the experience in legislative system of franchise and is deficient in accumulated judicial precedents for references. So it is of great necessary to take reference to advanced advices out of foreign experiences in combination with China’s actual national conditions, for the benefit of improvement and an effective use of the franchise legislative system.

      • KCI등재


        吴日焕,许冬婧 경희대학교 법학연구소 2010 경희법학 Vol.45 No.2

        This thesis takes deposition of pledge of stock rights as the main structure. It explains theoretical questions through analyzing as well as comparing the mechanism of pledge of stock rights in China with their counterparts abroad. Thus it proposes advice on the improvement of our current legal system. First of all, this thesis, by the analysis of current situation of pledge system of stock rights points out that China has now formed a legal regulation system that centers around Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China and Guaranty Law of the People's Republic of China. The system is supplemented by other laws, regulations and judicial interpretations. Such a system reflects certain characteristics that the commercial law doesn’t pay enough attention, the legal terminology aren’t consistent and at the same time, relating rules are conflicting. This thesis then discusses the subject of the scope of pledge of stock rights by discussing separately the pledge of stock rights and the scope of stocks can be pledged in terms of limited liability company, joint stock limited company, and of state-owned equity shares. The thesis focuses on the pledge of potential share, the share of the mortgagee and the stock rights before share issuing. And also discusses the acceptance of pledge of stock rights of the parent company by the subsidiary. In part four, the thesis also analyzes the scope of the force of such pledge. And considers it should be the self-benefited rights, including rights of claim for the distribution of profits and residual properties and right of subscription of newly issued stocks. In part four, this thesis briefly explains how and when to enforce pledge of stock rights, and focuses on the priority of payment of the mortgagee. In part five, based on the analysis above, this thesis concludes several problems in the legal system. They are the loopholes in our current legal system in this field as well as conflicts among regulations. The laws don’t have rules about the validity of the pledge of flawed stock rights and other issues. Then it comes to the advice for improvement that we should, for example, increase regulations about the pledge of stock rights in corporation law. We should also add some articles about the duty of noticing. And we should amend some inappropriate rules in our current laws. 본문은 회사주식(지분)의 질권설정을 중심으로 주식(지분)입질의 기본적인 문제에 대하여 이론적인 검토와 비교법적인 검토를 함과 아울러 중국 있어서 주식(지분)입질에 대한 법규제체계의 현황을 소개하고 개선방안을 제시하였다. 우선, 중국 회사주식(지분)입질의 법규제체계의 현황 및 특징에 대한 분석을 통하여 중국은 현재 “물권법”, “담보법”을 중심으로 기타 법률, 부문규장, 사법해석을 보충으로 하는 주식(지분)입질의 법규제체계를 형성하고 있으며 상법의 관심이 부족하고 법률용어가 통일되어 있지 아니하며 관련 규정간에 충돌이 존재하는 등 특징이 존재한다고 지적하였다. 둘째, 유한회사의 지분, 주식회사의 주식, 국유주식(지분)으로 나누어 주식(지분)질권의 설정범위와 설정방법을 검토하였다. 특히 권리주의 입질, 자기주식의 질취, 주식발행전 주식의 입질 및 자회사의 모회사주식에 대한 질취 등 문제에 대하여 중점적으로 분석과 검토를 하였다. 셋째, 주식(지분)질권의 효력범위에 대한 검토를 통하여 주식(지분)질권의 효력은 자익권에 한하며, 물상대위의 범위에는 이익배당청구권, 잔여재산분배청구권은 포함되지만 신주인수권은 포함되지 않는다고 지적하였다. 넷째, 주식(지분)질권의 실행조건 및 주식(지분)질권의 실행방식에 대하여 간략하게 소개하였으며 집중적으로 질권자의 우선변제권 ... 本文以公司股权质权的设定即股权质押为主线,通过理论探讨以及比较法的分析对股权质押的基本问题进行了阐述,并对中国股权质押法律规制体系的现状与完善提出了意见。 首先,本文就中国公司股权质押法律规制体系的现状及特点进行了分析,指出:中国目前形成了《物权法》、《担保法》为中心,其他法律、部门规章、司法解释为补充的股权质押法律规制体系,体现出商法关注不够、法律用语不统一以及相关规定之间存在冲突等特点。 其次,本文分有限责任公司股权、股份有限公司股权、国有股权探讨了股权质权的设定范围与设定的方法,着重对权利股权的质押、自己股权的质取、股票发行前股权的质押以及子公司对母公司股权的质取等问题进行分析和阐释;第三,本文分析了股权质权的效力范围,认为股权质权的效力仅及于股权中的自益权,物上代位的范围包含盈余分派请求权、剩余财产分配请求权,但不及于新股认购权。 第四,本文简略分析了股权质权的实现条件及股权质权的实现方式,着重探讨了质权人的优先受偿权。 第五,结合上面的分析,归纳出中国现行股权质押法律制度存在以下问题:立法规定混乱且有很多空白;未规定瑕疵股权质押的效力以及缺乏其他相关制度的规定。 然后提出完善意见,例如:增设公司法上股权质押的规定,新设公司通知义务的规定,对非上市公司股权质押的效力要件做出修正等。

      • KCI등재후보

        中國 스포츠保險의 現況과 法政策的 課題

        吴日焕 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2006 스포츠와 법 Vol.8 No.-

        As industrialization to China’s sports is being promoted and China’s sports systemic reform is being furthered, China’s sports insurance has been developed from its birth. China Sports Fund underwrote the sports accidental injury insurance for athletes in Sept of 1998, which remark the start of China’s sports insurance. Currently, China’s sports insurance mainly focuses on the accidental injury insurance and match event insurance which demonstrate inadequate attention to school sports insurance and social sports insurance. The China’s sports insurance is currently in lack of variety. 2008s Olympic shall be deemed as an opportunity to develop China’s sports insurance which produces the necessity of sports insurance legislation as to establish the sports insurance legal system. In the meanwhile, it should be considered to further explore China’s insurance, broaden the fund source of China’s insurance, train for financial talent in sports insurance and complete the sports media institute. 1995년 3월에 중국인민정치협상회의 전국위원회의 11명의 위원은 정치협상회의 제8기 제5차 전국대회에 중국의 스포츠사업을 위해 공헌한 우수선수, 코치를 위하여 상해보험과 연금보험제도를 수립할 데 관한 의안을 발의하였다. 뒤이어 1996년에 홍콩의 南華體育會 主席인 洪祖抗씨가 中華全國體育基金會에 1200만원을 기부하여 모든 국가선수들을 위한 전문적인 보험기금을 설립할 것을 제안하였다. 이를 계기로 1997년에 국가스포츠총국은 중화전국체육기금회에 구체적으로 스포츠보험을 창안할 것을 일임하였다. 이에 따라 중화전국체육기금회는 保險部를 설립하여 1998년 上半年에 보험회사와 공동으로 “국가팀선수부상사고정도의 분급기준”, “국가팀선수의 부상사고분급기준정의세칙”, “국가팀선수부상보험시행방법” 등 “국가선수상해보험”에 관한 관건적인 문서를 제정하여 선수보장에 관한 국내스포츠보험제도의 골격을 이루었다. 이러한 중국 스포츠의 산업화, 프로화 및 스포츠관리체제의 개혁의 따라 중국에도 스포츠보험이 생겨나고 이미 초보적인 발전을 이룩하였다. 그러나 현재 중국의 스포츠보험에는 경기스포츠보험에만 치중하고 대중스포츠 및 학교스포츠에 관한 보험에는 관심이 부족하고 스포츠보험의 상업화운용이 부족하며 보험의 종류가 지나치게 협소하고 보험시장의 경영주체들의 수량 및 규모가 작으며 스포츠보험의 인재들이 결핍하는 등 문제들이 존재한다. 이러한 문제점으로 하여 중국의 스포츠보험은 선진국에 비하여 아직은 많이 뒤떨어지고 있으며 중국 스포츠산업의 진일보한 발전을 저해하고 있다. 또한 이는 중국의 스포츠강국의 지위와도 어울리지 않는다.

      • KCI등재

        试论奥运会仲裁审查原则的实践及对2018年平昌冬奥会的启示 - 基于对冬奥会临时仲裁案件的分析 -

        吴日焕,薛泽涵 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2017 스포츠와 법 Vol.20 No.3

        Abstract: CAS has set up a temporary arbitration institution Ad hoc Division (AHD) in the past five Winter Olympic Games. Essentially, AHD is still a kind of sports-arbitration, which is in line with the general principles of sports-arbitration, such as the principle of Due Process. However, in the review of specific sports disputes, AHD also need to take into account the particularities of the Olympic events, and measure the value of fairness and efficiency. In this article, we analyze the relevant cases of AHD arbitration, and summarize the types and characteristics of the AHD arbitration cases in recent Winter Olympic Games. From these cases, we could know, with the increase of countries participating in Winter Olympic Games, more countries have been got involved in AHD arbitration , a large number of cases are related to traditional sports, and most cases are concerning participation-eligibility and disputes of competition results. Based on the above researches, this article focuses on the relevant principles with respect to the arbitration cases, such as the principle of respecting the principles of specialized institutions, the principle of binding, and the principle of estoppel, adopted by AHD in reviewing the relevant arbitration cases. In our opinion, AHD arbitration follows a certain procedure and precedents. With the above principles and process, on the one hand, it provides the athletes and their team, with guidelines of self-protection. On the other hand, it further embodies the value of Due Process, with respect to the decision of the specialized agencies and referees, preserving the objective and fair goal of the game. Moreover, it also pushes the athletes to enhance the awareness of rules, helps the organizers to utilize the arbitration system, and encourages them to make the AHD advanced experience into building its national sports-arbitration system. Therefore, the analysis and summary of these cases are of great significance for the establishment and operation of AHD in Pyeongchang Olympic Games. CAS已在五届冬奥会期间设立了临时仲裁机构AHD。AHD仲裁本质上仍然属于体育仲裁,需要符合体育仲裁的一般原则,如遵循基本的程序公正原则。但是,AHD仲裁作为奥运会期间的临时仲裁在审查特定的体育纠纷时还需要考虑到奥运赛事的特殊性,衡量公平与效率的价值。本文梳理了AHD在冬奥会期间仲裁裁决的相关案件,统计了近几届冬奥会AHD仲裁裁决案件的类型、特点等,可以看到随着参与国家数量的提升,参与AHD仲裁的国家也在不断地增加;大量案件集中于传统热门项目;案件主要涉及参赛资格争议、赛事结果争议等。在此基础上,本文重点介绍了AHD在审查相关仲裁案件中采用的相关原则,结合个案阐述尊重专门机构原则、重新审查约束性原则、禁反言原则的内涵。本文认为,AHD仲裁遵循一定的程序与惯例,通过较为明确的审查原则及清晰的审查程序,在赛场内,一方面为运动员及其代表队的自我维权提供路径指引,规范维权行为,另一方面也发挥着“程序正当性”的价值指引作用,在尊重专门机构和裁判的决定的同时,保持对赛事客观公正的追求;在赛场外,提升参赛运动员的规则意识,锻炼主办方仲裁体制的运作能力,并将AHD制度的先进经验带到本国体育仲裁制度建设层面上。因此,这些案件的分析与总结对于平昌冬奥会AHD的设立与运作具有重要的借鉴意义。

      • KCI등재후보

        外国破产程序在中国的效力 - 以韩进海运破产为例-

        吴日焕,刘古月 한국채무자회생법학회 2016 회생법학 Vol.13 No.-

        When it comes to effectiveness of foreign insolvency proceedings, most countries adopt the modified universal approach, which gives universal effect to domestic bankruptcy and recognition and enforcement of decisions made by foreign courts on certain basis. The Enterprise bankruptcy law of People's Republic of China provides Chinas court the conditions for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments. According to empirical research, the relevant conditions to apply the law are unclear. In the case of Hanjin Shipping, China and South Korea should strengthen cooperation between courts to find a relatively perfect solution.

      • KCI등재후보


        吴日焕 한국채무자회생법학회 2015 회생법학 Vol.11 No.-

        중국에서는 근년래 경제성장방식의 전환과 기업경영의 원가상승에 따라 외국인 투자기업들이 경영난관에 봉착하여 비정상적으로 철수하는 현상이 많이 나타나고 있다. 이러한 배경하에서 외국인투자기업의 파산사건이 갈수록 증가하고 있는 실정 이다. 내국인기업의 파산사건에 비하여 외국인투자기업의 파산사건은 특유의 복잡 성을 나타내고 있다. 하지만 중국의 “중외합자경영기업법”, “중외합작경영기업법”, “외자기업법” 및 “회사법” 등 법률은 모두 외국인투자기업의 파산절차를 규정하고 있지 않다. 따라서 현행 법률체계하에서 외국인투자기업의 파산은 “기업파산법” 및 그 사법해석에 근거하여야 한다. 그러나 모든 외국인투자기업에 대하여 “기업파산 법”을 적용하는 것은 아니며 회사형태, 조합형태의 외국인투자기업만 파산능력을 가진다. 그리고 “기업파산법”은 외국인투자기업파산사건의 특수성을 고려하고 있 지 않으며, 외국인투자기업파산의 특별절차에 대하여도 규정하고 있지 않다. 이 글은 중국 외국인투자기업의 협의의 파산, 즉 파산청산절차에 있어서의 문제 점을 다루면서 외국인투자기업파산사건이 파산재산, 파산채권, 국제협력절차 등 면 에서 현저한 섭외적 요소를 가지고 있으며 비정상철수가 대량으로 발생할 경우 이 러한 섭외적 요소들은 외국인투자기업파산절차의 순조로운 진행에 큰 곤란을 초래 한다고 지적하였다. 따라서 법원은 파산사건을 처리할 시 사법의 능동성을 발휘하 여야 한다. 우선, 해석론의 측면에서 법관은 응당 능동적으로 “기업파산법”의 자유 재량조항을 적용함으로써 파산법의 규범적 목적을 잘 실현하여야 한다. 예를 들면, 파산관리인의 선임에 있어서 법원은 외국법배경을 가진 법률가나 학자를 파산관재 인으로 선임하여야 하고 파산채권의 신고에 있어서 법원은 응당 외국인채권자의 신고기간을 연장하여야 하며, 우대세금의 보충징수문제에 있어서 외국인투자기업 이 보충납부하는 세금에 대하여 응당 보통채권과 동일한 순위에서 변제하여야 한 다. 다음으로, 입법론의 측면에서 중국 파산법은 외국인투자기업 관련 책임자의 책 임추궁, 국제협력 등에 대한 구체적인 규정을 결여하고 있으므로 세무 등 행정기관 이 규칙을 제정하여 관련 책임인원의 출국을 제한하여야 하고 최고인민법원은 사 법해석을 제정하여 섭외적 파산사건의 관련 절차를 명확히 규정하여야 할 것이다. With the China’s economic restructuring and the rise of firms’ cost, more and more foreign-invested enterprises failed. Abnormal divestments become a common phenomenon. In this context, there are more and more foreign-invested enterprises bankruptcy cases. Compared to domestic bankruptcy cases, foreign-invested enterprises bankruptcy cases have their own complexity. China’s Foreign Joint Venture Law and Company Law do not provide bankruptcy proceedings for enterprises with foreign investment. Under our current law, “Enterprise bankruptcy law” and its judicial interpretation is applicable to foreign-invested enterprise bankruptcy cases. However, the “Enterprise Bankruptcy Law” does not consider the special nature of foreign-invested enterprises bankruptcy cases. This paper argues that foreign bankruptcy case has significant foreign-related elements in the estate, bankruptcy claims and other international assistance items. With the high incidence of abnormal divestment, these foreign-related elements within foreign-invested enterprises bankruptcy proceedings caused great difficulties. Therefore, the court in dealing with foreign business bankruptcy cases, in particular, need to play a judicial activism. This paper argues that the judge discretionary clause should be applied flexibly to better achieve the purposes of the bankruptcy norms. On electing insolvency administrator, the court may specify the legal scholar with expertise in foreign law as insolvency administrator; on declaring bankruptcy claims, the Court should consider the special nature of foreign creditors and extend its reporting time appropriately; On the payment issue of the preferential tax, foreign companies should pay preferential taxes in the same order of priority with ordinary creditors. On the legislative level, China’s bankruptcy law lacks specific provisions to pursue the responsible persons’ responsibility and it also lacks specific international assistance proceedings. So taxation and other administrative authorities should specify responsible persons’ exit regulations. The Supreme Court should specify judicial interpretation related to foreign bankruptcy cases.

      • KCI등재


        吴日焕 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2016 스포츠와 법 Vol.19 No.3

        中国职业体育俱乐部从无到有、从小到大的过程是中国经济体制、体育管理体制改革的产物,带有浓厚的时代特征。现阶段,中国职业体育俱乐部的发展还处于过渡性的培育阶段,在法律规范和实际运行层面都表现出一系列的特点和问题。经过近二十年的改革与发展,职业体育俱乐部在中国的运行状况需要总结,相关法律规范需要梳理,只有在这个基础之上才能有效推动进一步的改革。有鉴于此,本文主要分析中国现行法律法规对于职业体育俱乐部的规范与制约,说明职业体育俱乐部在现有法律框架内的制度空间与规制方法,同时结合体育俱乐部的发展现状,指出现有规范的不足,就职业俱乐部的组织形式及其治理、职业体育俱乐部的法律监管与纠纷解决等几个主要法律问题进行了探讨。 China’s Professional Sports Club (CPSC) has undergone a process from foundation to double-quick development, which is an epitome of China economic system and the reform of sports management system, along with a strong era characteristics. Recent years, the development of CPSC is still in the transitional period; consequently, a series of characteristics and problems in the legal regulations or operations is easily to be perceived. Regarding to the reform and development in recent two decades, it is necessary to analyze and summarize the operation situation as well as the related laws about CPSC, which will do help to further reform. Therefore, this dissertation is firstly to analyze the laws and regulations to restrict and standardize the CPSC, on a basis of which to explain the possible development of the related regulations and rules in the future under the existing law system. Meanwhile, considering the current development of sports clubs, this dissertation is to point out the shortcomings of the existing norms, and also discuss some legal issues of organization form and management, the related legal regulations and dispute resolution about professional clubs.

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