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        고등학교 학생들의 초견 시창능력 향상을 위한 실험 연구

        임계순 한국음악교육학회 1989 음악교육연구 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis was to find out the more desirable and effective teaching method of sight singing through the experimental research fir the improvement of high school stufents` sight singing ability. The main content of this research was to determine which group is better in sight singing ability between a group taught on the basis of the meterials provided systematically and a group taught in other way-not by systematical materials but by only a text book. In order to conduct this experiment, 228 students of the 1st grade of C High School were chosen as a research group and were pretested right after being entered the school in March. The content of the pretest consisted of rhythm sight siging, melody sight singing, melody ear training, and singing test. In the test method, rhythm sight singing and melody sight singing were tested individually in a separate room for the reliability of the test but melody ear training and singing test were done collectively in a classroom. The research group was unconditionally divided into two parts : one was the experimental group and the other was the control group. These groups have been taught respectively with a difference in learning materials and teaching methods through regular classes twice a week. Next the research group was post-tested in the same content and method as those of pretest. T.Test method and Pearson Correlation Test were applied in order to examine whether or not the average gap regarding the development rate of each variable in each group was meaningful and what the relationship between each variable was like. As, the result, conclusions were drawn as follows ; First, the sight singing ability of the experimental group attaching importance to the logical thinking process of music on the basis of essential pulse and tonic in sight singing was higher than that of the control group depending on only a text-boor. Second, the ear training ability of the experimental group attaching importance to the logical thinking process of music on the basis of essential pulse and tonic in sight singing was higher than that of the control group depending on only a textbook. Third, as the sight singing ability of the experimental group improved, the singing ability of the experimental group was much higher than that of the control group. Fourth, in interrelationship of sight singing ability, ear training ability, and singing ability of each group, the coefficient of correlation in each variable of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group. And the same in both groups, sight singing ability and ear training ability showed the hightest relationship, next was the relationship of ear training ability and singing ability showed the lowest. In conclusion, in order to improve sight singing ability, students should be taught systematically and sequentially by Solffeggio learning method from elementary school and should be made to approach music gradually through the logical thinking process of music. For the purpose of this, systematic and sequential musical notations for sight singing should be included in the text-book form elementary school to high school. In teaching method, it is necessary that students should be taught pitch recall practice and ear training practice according to the degree of interval on the basis of rhythm learning, putting great emphsis on the concept of pulse.

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      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        18世紀 淸朝 제2의 政治中心地, 承德 避暑山莊 : 承德避暑山莊

        任桂淳 명청사학회 2004 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.21

        18世紀的中國是淸朝的全盛期. 這一時期, 淸朝在康熙(1661-1722), 雍正(1722-1735), 乾隆(1735-1795)三位皇帝的統治之下完成了民族統一的大業, 劃定了多民族國家的版圖, 發展了邊疆地區的經濟文化. 其中康熙是爲創立這一偉業打基礎的重要人物. 康熙帝認爲要想實現中原地區的安寧就必修處理好與北方蒙古的關係. 特別是面對俄羅斯的領土擴張野心和不斷進行入侵的情況下, 爲了有效的解決邊疆問題, 采取了北巡和懷柔北方蒙古各部的方法. 但是康熙也意識到單純通過懷柔政策是不能使蒙古順服的, 所以在訓練滿洲八旗的同時爲了向蒙古各部族炫耀滿洲的武力建設了木蘭圍場. 北巡和秋선, 需要建立行宮, 康熙決定在沒有天花威脅, 能和蒙古王公們經常進行交流的熱河, 卽現在的承德建設避暑山莊. 不但如此, 避暑山莊位于踞北京約250公里的地方, 是與蒙古各部爲隣的交通戰略要地. 硏究避暑山莊的建立背景我們不難發見康熙選址的政治, 軍事目的. 康熙在塞外建設夏都避暑山莊是他深入硏究歷史, 從歷史中汲取敎訓的結果. 對中國歷代王朝而言, 居住在北方的遊牧民族一向是威脅政權穩固的所在. 他們爲了消除這些遊牧民族的威脅采取了羈미政策, 分割政策, 朝貢政策等各種政策, 但是在這些政策失敗的情況河反被遊牧民族征服. 淸朝在征服戰爭初期通過通婚和武力征伐等, 竝行懷柔和高壓政策成功地征服了蒙古族. 1703年, 從避暑山莊的設立開始, 康熙將每年駐필避暑山莊定爲慣例. 雍正則或是由于在位時間短的緣故從未北巡到避暑山莊駐필. 但是他的兒子乾隆則在位至臨終前駐필避暑山莊53次之多. 除了겁特殊的情況以外, 他每年5月離開北京, 在避暑山莊過完他的生日(陰曆8月13日), 再去木蘭圍20天左右, 9月返回北京. 康熙, 乾隆建設承德避暑山莊幷非單純爲避暑, 還有加强與北方的蒙古各部族的聯係的目的. 避暑山莊變成了淸朝的外交中心, 在政治方面發揮了重要的作用, 是淸朝名副其實的영一個政治中心. 皇帝每次出行, 國家的統治中心也自然근隨皇帝轉移到了承德, 所有政府要員都要隨行, 政務處理也從未間斷過,許多重要的政策都是從這里決定幷下發全國的. 영外在這里還爲懷柔蒙古王公擧辦喇마敎宗敎活動, 蒙古王公和滿洲八旗軍共同行圍狩獵, 探討武術的木蘭秋선也在附近的木蘭圍場擧行. 避暑山莊被譽爲塞外溟洲, 其面積約564平方米. 避暑山莊흔容易讓人聯想到康乾盛世, 讓人聯想到兩位皇帝在山莊接見少數民族王公和外國使節的繁盛場景. 乾隆細致周密地實施료了懷柔政策, 他認爲一方面不對蒙古用兵, 一方面讓他們意識到武力威脅的存在是制御遠方的良法. 靜肅的隊列, 勇猛적八旗兵士的行圍陣勢, 加上濃厚的奬賞和濃厚的宴席, 不僅可以感動遠方, 也可以使打們産生敬畏的心理. 避暑山莊的建設最初與對漠南蒙古的政策有着密接的關係, 隨着淸朝皇帝活動領域的擴大, 對解決漠西厄魯特蒙古問題, 强化對漠北略稱喀蒙古的管理也起到了겁其重要的作用. 總而言之, 避暑山莊爲淸朝鞏固發展統一的多民族國家發揮了重要作用. 康熙建設避暑山莊以後, 康熙, 乾隆, 嘉慶, 咸豊四皇帝均到此駐필. 因此承德的人口日漸增多, 百姓生活變得富裕, 農業和商業得到發展, 繁華景象獲如大都市. 由于乾隆皇帝的萬壽絶大都在承德的避暑山莊度過, 在擧辦盛大的慶典的過程中, 宮廷音樂, 舞蹈, 戱劇等被傳播徒熱河, 熱河的民間文藝, 特別是蒙古族的音樂, 舞蹈, 戱劇, 雜技等也被介紹到中原地區. 避暑山莊成了滿, 漢, 蒙等各民族進行文化交流的場所, 承德一帶成了蒙古族, 滿族, 漢族雜居共處的地帶.

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