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      • KCI등재

        Efficacy, Efficiency, and Safety of Magnetic Resonance-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Ablation of Uterine Fibroids: Comparison with Ultrasound-Guided Method

        Yi Wang,Zhi-Biao Wang,Yong-Hua Xu 대한영상의학회 2018 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.19 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare efficacy, sonication energy efficiency, treatment time and safety of magnetic resonance-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (MRgHIFU) and those of ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound (USgHIFU) for ablation of uterine fibroids. Materials and Methods: This study included 43 patients with 44 symptomatic uterine fibroids treated with MRgHIFU and 51 patients with 68 symptomatic uterine fibroids treated with USgHIFU. After therapy, contrast-enhanced MRI was conducted and complete ablation was defined as 100% non-perfused volume (NPV) of fibroids. Patients with completely ablated fibroids were selected for the comparison of the treatment data and sonication parameters between MRgHIFU and USgHIFU treated groups. Results: Thirteen completely ablated fibroids in 10 patients (23.3%, 10/43) were achieved with MRgHIFU and 28 completely ablated fibroids in 22 patients (43.1%, 22/51) were achieved with USgHIFU. In completely ablated fibroids, the energyefficiency factor (EEF) was 5.1 ± 3.0 J/mm3 and 4.7 ± 2.5 J/mm3 in the MRgHIFU and USgHIFU, respectively (p = 0.165). There was a negative linear correlation between EEF and the NPV of fibroids for MRgHIFU (p = 0.016) and USgHIFU (p = 0.001). The mean treatment time was 174.5 ± 42.2 minutes and 114.4 ± 39.2 minutes in the MRgHIFU and USgHIFU procedures, respectively (p = 0.021). There were no severe adverse events and major complications after treatment. Conclusion: MRgHIFU and USgHIFU are safe and effective with the equivalent energy efficiency for complete ablation of fibroids. USgHIFU has shorter treatment time than MRgHIFU.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of the behavior of a crack between two half-planes of functionally graded materials by using the Schmidt method

        Zhen-Gong Zhou,Biao Wang,Lin-Zhi Wu 국제구조공학회 2005 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.19 No.4

        In this paper, the behavior of a crack between two half-planes of functionally graded materials subjected to arbitrary tractions is resolved using a somewhat different approach, named the Schmidt method. To make the analysis tractable, it is assumed that the Poisson’s ratios of the mediums are constants and the shear modulus vary exponentially with coordinate parallel to the crack. By use of the Fourier transform, the problem can be solved with the help of two pairs of dual integral equations in which the unknown variables are the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces. To solve the dual integral equations, the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces are expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. This process is quite different from those adopted in previous works. Numerical examples are provided to show the effect of the crack length and the parameters describing the functionally graded materials upon the stress intensity factor of the crack. It can be shown that the results of the present paper are the same as ones of the same problem that was solved by the singular integral equation method. As a special case, when the material properties are not continuous through the crack line, an approximate solution of the interface crack problem is also given under the assumption that the effect of the crack surface interference very near the crack tips is negligible. It is found that the stress singularities of the present interface crack solution are the same as ones of the ordinary crack in homogenous materials.

      • KCI등재

        Mathematical modeling of torque for single screw expanders

        Yuting Wu,Ruiping Zhi,Wei Wang,Lili Shen,Yeqiang Zhang,Biao Lei,Jingfu Wang,Chongfang Ma 대한기계학회 2017 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.31 No.1

        This paper presents a mathematical model of torque for Single screw expanders (SSEs). Instantaneous torque and torque ratio were analyzed and discussed. The periodic variation of instantaneous torque is the same for different inlet pressure levels. The torque ratio, with its value close to 1, is independent of the inlet pressure of SSE. An experimental system was established to measure the torque, power and shaft efficiency of the self-developed SSE prototype, and results were used to validate the model. Comparison shows that the difference between calculated and experimental torque values is small (6.58 N.m to 7.55 N.m). The calculated and experimental output power is similar, with a difference of 2.07 kW to 2.37 kW. Therefore, the proposed model can be used to estimate the torque and output power of SSEs.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of water injection parameters on the performance of a water-lubricated single-screw air compressor

        Yanan Li,Jingfu Wang,Yuting Wu,Biao Lei,Ruiping Zhi,Lili Shen 대한기계학회 2022 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.36 No.1

        A thermodynamic model of a water-lubricated single-screw air compressor was established to examine the impact of water injection parameters on performance. Heat transfer and leakage between humid air and water was considered by analyzing the impacts of rotation speed, discharge pressure, the rate of water injection, and diameter of droplets on the performance of a compressor. The discharge temperature could be reduced by increasing the rate of water injection, resulting in the compression procedure moving towards an isothermal state. The increase in the rate of water injection under rated conditions from 60 L/min to 80 L/min resulted in a reduction in the compressor discharge temperature, increased the volume efficiency, and increased adiabatic efficiency by 11.1 K, 1.5 %, and 2.8 %, respectively. Water injection atomization increased the area of transfer of heat between humid air and water and improved the performance of compressor.

      • KCI등재

        A Hybrid Protection Scheme for Active Distribution Networks Based on Fault Components Principle

        Zhao Rui-feng,Su Biao-long,Yu Zhi-wen,Wang Kai-lin,Lu Jian-gang 대한전기학회 2025 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.20 No.1

        The integration of distributed generation (DG) into active distribution networks poses signifcant challenges to traditional protection schemes due to altered power fow directions and the impact on short-circuit fault currents. This paper proposes a novel multi-layered protection scheme based on fault current components to address these challenges. The scheme incorporates pilot protection, DG active islanding protection, and traditional three-stage overcurrent protection, leveraging the amplitude ratios and phase diferences of positive and negative sequence current components. A compensation mechanism is introduced to adjust the protection setting, enhancing the sensitivity and reliability of the protection criteria. Through MATLAB/Simulink simulations on a 10 kV active distribution network model, the proposed scheme demonstrates robust performance under various fault conditions, providing comprehensive and reliable protection. This scheme advances the state-of-the-art by integrating multiple fault characteristics and optimizing sensitivity, ofering a new approach to enhance the protection of future active distribution networks.


        Investigation of the behavior of a crack between two half-planes of functionally graded materials by using the Schmidt method

        Zhou, Zhen-Gong,Wang, Biao,Wu, Lin-Zhi Techno-Press 2005 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.19 No.4

        In this paper, the behavior of a crack between two half-planes of functionally graded materials subjected to arbitrary tractions is resolved using a somewhat different approach, named the Schmidt method. To make the analysis tractable, it is assumed that the Poisson's ratios of the mediums are constants and the shear modulus vary exponentially with coordinate parallel to the crack. By use of the Fourier transform, the problem can be solved with the help of two pairs of dual integral equations in which the unknown variables are the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces. To solve the dual integral equations, the jumps of the displacements across the crack surfaces are expanded in a series of Jacobi polynomials. This process is quite different from those adopted in previous works. Numerical examples are provided to show the effect of the crack length and the parameters describing the functionally graded materials upon the stress intensity factor of the crack. It can be shown that the results of the present paper are the same as ones of the same problem that was solved by the singular integral equation method. As a special case, when the material properties are not continuous through the crack line, an approximate solution of the interface crack problem is also given under the assumption that the effect of the crack surface interference very near the crack tips is negligible. It is found that the stress singularities of the present interface crack solution are the same as ones of the ordinary crack in homogenous materials.

      • Expression of HMGB1 and its Clinical Significance in T-cell Lymphoma

        Mao, Xing-Jiang,Wang, Geng-Fu,Chen, Zhi-Jun,Wang, Li-Na,Zhang, Jun-Biao,Wang, Hui-Ling Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.11

        Objectives: To evaluate the clinical significance of HMGB1 expression in T-cell lymphoma. Methods: Immunohistochemical staining for HMGB1 and survivin was performed with specimens from 120 cases of T-cell lymphoma and 40 cases of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia with antibodies against human HMGB1 and survivin. Results: The expression of HMGB1 and survivin was significantly higher in tissues of T-cell lymphoma than in reactive lymphoid hyperplasia. Positive expression of HMGB1 and survivin was observed in 63.7% (65/102) and 61.8% (63/102) of T-cell lymphoma cases, respectively. While was associated with gender, age, and tumor location, significant correlations with malignancy and clinical stage were observed. Spearman rank correlation analysis revealed that the expression of HMGB1 and survivin was positively correlated in T-cell lymphomas (P<0.01). Conclusions: Expression of HMGB1 and survivin in T-cell lymphomas is significantly associated with malignancy and clinical stage, but not with gender, age and tumor location. Elevated expression of HMGB1 may be an important biomarker for the development and progression of T-cell lymphoma.

      • KCI등재

        Treatment of bladder cancer by geoinspired synthetic chrysotile nanocarrier-delivered circPRMT5 siRNA

        Chunping Yu,Yi Zhang,Ning Wang,Wensu Wei,Ke Cao,Qun Zhang,Peiying Ma,Dan Xie,Pei Wu,Biao Liu,Jiahao Liu,Wei Xiang,Xing Hu,Xuewen Liu,Jianfei Xie,Jin Tang,Zhi Long,Long Wang,Hongliang Zeng,Jianye Liu 한국생체재료학회 2022 생체재료학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        Background: Circular RNAs (circRNAs) have important functions in many fields of cancer biology. In particular, we previously reported that the oncogenic circRNA, circPRMT5, has a major role in bladder cancer progression. Therapy based on circRNAs have good prospects as anticancer strategies. While anti-circRNAs are emerging as therapeutics, the specific in vivo delivery of anti-circRNAs into cancer cells has not been reported and remains challenging. Methods: Synthesized chrysotile nanotubes (SCNTs) with a relatively uniform length (~ 200 nm) have been designed to deliver an siRNA against the oncogenic circPRMT5 (si-circPRMT5) inhibit circPRMT5. In addition, the antitumor effects and safety evaluation of SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 was assessed with a series of in vitro and in vivo assays. Results: The results showed that SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 nanomaterials prolong si-circPRMT5’s half-life in circulation, enhance its specific uptake by tumor cells, and maximize the silencing efficiency of circPRMT5. In vitro, SCNTs encapsulating si-circPRMT5 could inhibit bladder cancer cell growth and progression. In vivo, SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 inhibited growth and metastasis in three bladder tumor models (a subcutaneous model, a tail vein injection lung metastatic model, and an in situ model) without obvious toxicities. Mechanistic study showed that SCNTs/sicircPRMT5 regulated the miR-30c/SNAIL1/E-adherin axis, inhibiting bladder cancer growth and progression. Conclusion: The results highlight the potential therapeutic utility of SCNTs/si-circPRMT5 to deliver si-circPRMT5 to treat bladder cancer.

      • KCI등재

        Study on the internal irreversible losses and process exponent of single screw expanders

        Lili Shen,Yuting Wu,Wei Wang,Biao Lei,Wei Duan,Ruiping Zhi 대한기계학회 2022 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.36 No.3

        The irreversible losses including intake pressure, leakage, heat transfer, friction and over-expansion losses have great influence on the expander performance. In this paper, a thermodynamic model is presented to predict the real expansion process exponent and analyze the under-expansion or over-expansion under designed and off-designed operation conditions. The model verified by experimental results has a good agreement. Results showed that the real expansion process exponent of air is higher than the ideal adiabatic index of 1.4 and decreases from 1.716 to 1.644 with the internal volume ratio changing from 1.8 to 6.5. The real expansion process exponent of R123 is close to 1.00 under different internal volume ratio. Compared to the intake pressure, the variation of back pressure has greater influence on the large internal volume ratio than the small one. Thus, to adjust the back pressure is more effective to match the designed condition for the expander with a large internal volume ratio.

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