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      • KCI등재

        사계 김장생의 이기론과 심성론 소고

        이학당 ( Li Xue-tang ),왕천천 ( Wang Qian-qian ) 우리한문학회 2017 漢文學報 Vol.37 No.-

        사계 김장생은 조선 중기의 저명한 예학가이고 교육가이다. 그는 스승 율곡의 "기발리승설"과 "리통기국설" 리기론 사상을 계승하면서 리와 기를 혼연일체의 존재로 보았다. 또한 리는 무형무위이고 기는 유형유위라고 보았다. 사계는 퇴계의 이기호발설을 부정한다. 그는 정호의 “기가 도이고 도가 기이다’는 주장을 근거로 이기불상리를 해석한다. 또한 주희의 “리는 리이고 기는 기이다”는 주장을 근거로 이기불상잡을 해석한다. 율곡이 제창한 ‘기발 이승’을 따르면서 리와 기는 “하나이면서 둘이고 둘이면서 하나다.”는 주장을 하면서 리와 기의 조화를 강조한다. 사계는 리와 기가 둘이면서 하나인 관계를 해석할 적에 이기가 합쳐지는 것이 시간적 선후로 구분하는 것은 아니라는 점을 밝힘과 동시에 공간적으로는 기가 리를 포함한다는 입장을 견지한다. 사계는 리는 기 안에 있고 원래 떨어지지 않는다고 하는데 이런 말은 기의 능동성을 중시하는 사계의 입장을 잘 보여주며 그의 심성론과 예악사상의 이론적 기초를 구성한다. 구용에 이해 방식은 사계 사상의 독자성을 보여준다. 사계는 송강이 “구용은 리이다”라고 하는 주장을 두고 체용을 원용하여 구용을 리의 작용으로 설명한다. 따라서 사계는 율곡의 입장에 기반하여 송강의 주장을 반대하지 않는다. 그러나 “형이상자는 기이고 형이하자는 도이다”는 구절에 대한 사계의 해석은 다소 문제가 있다. 사계는 도와 형을 다른 개념으로 이해하고 형과 기를 같은 개념으로 이해하는데 이런 이해는 사실에 부합하지 않는다. 사계는 율곡사상에 기초하여 심, 성, 정, 의, 지 등 성리학 심성론의 기초 개념을 심도 있게 해석한다. 본 연구는 이후 그가 주장하는 사단칠정론과 인심도심설의 이론적 토대가 된다. Shagai Kim jang-saeng was a famous scientist and educator in the middle of the Chosun Dynasty, on Confucianism he basicly inherited Zhu xi and Lee er's overall spirits, in the view of qi he claimedLi is of intangible and inaction, while Qi is of visible and action, so he denied Lee huang’s theory of which Li and Qi are inspired with each other. He cited Cheng hao’s theory of that "Qi is Dao and Dao is Qi" to explain the Li and Qi are not separated, and also quoted zhu xi's theory of that "Li is Li, Qi is Qi" to explain that the Li and Qi are not mixed. He agreed the Lee er’s idea of that"the Qi emits and Li follows " , he advocated "one is two, two is one", emphasizing the harmony of the Li and Qi. In the explanation of the relationship between "two is one", he was not only explained the combination of Li and Qi in chronological order, but also considered that the combination of Li and Qi was "Li was surrounded by Li"in space order. Shagai often said that "Li is in the Qi and they are not dissimilar"which reflected that he emphasised motility of the Qi, and also laid a theoretical foundation for his theory of mindand ritual thought. The understanding of the problem of "nine looks" reflected the autonomy of Shaxi’s thought. He believed that Songgang’s theory of which"nine looks are Li" was the use of Li from the perspective of body and function, so he did not denid Songgang's viewpoint in accordance with Lee er's thought. But he had some problems in the understanding of that "the person who is above, what is the Dao; There are some problems with the understanding of the "Meta physics is the Dao while the opposite is Qi". He seed that the Xing and Dao are different concept, but he thought that Xing and Qi are the same concept, which was lack of science. In terms of theory of mind, he based on the Yulgok’s thoughts, he made the detailed explanation for the basic concepts of neo-confucianism, such as the heart, character, feeling, idea, aspiration, whichbecame the necessary theoretical matting of the theory of four sides and seven feelings and the theory of people’s mind and Dao’s mind for the next step.

      • KCI등재

        이덕무(李德懋)의 명대문학(明代文學) 비평에 대한 일고찰

        이학당 ( Xue Tang Li ),위홍 ( Hong Wei ) 한국실학학회 2011 한국실학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        본고에서는 이덕무의 명대문학 비평 중에서 의고파와 공안파의 대표 작가들에 대한 비평을 위주로 검토를 하였다. 조선후기 저명한 문학비평가인 이덕무는 명대 문단에 대해서 깊이 있게 파악하고 있었다. 그는 우선 명대 문단에서 가장 큰 영향력을 발휘했던 의고파의 대표 인물들에 대해서 많은 기술을 하였다. 그가 남긴 명대 문학비평 자료에서 가장 많이 언급된 인물은 바로 이반룡과 왕세정이다. 그들의 시(詩), 문(文)뿐만 아니라 의고파의 문학이론에 대해서도 깊이 있는 비평을 가하였다. 둘째는 공안파의 대표인물인 원굉도에 대한 중점적인 검토이다. 원굉도의 시와 문에 대하여 흥미있게 감상하고 인용했으며 공안파가 제창한 ``독서성령(獨抒性靈)``의 문학주장에 대해서도 의고파와 견주면서 논평하기도 하였다. 이덕무는 청나라 당대의 문단보다는 오히려 명대의 문단에 대하여 더 많은 관심을 갖고 주목하여 다양한 논술과 비평 내용을 남겼다. 이덕무는 왜 명대 문인들과 그들의 문학을 이렇듯 중요시하였는가. 그 이유는 다음과 같은 세 가지 측면에서 분석할 수 있다. 첫째, 이덕무의 정통 사상과 의리 정신에서 찾을 수 있다. 그는 연암을 대표로 하는 북학파의 일원으로서 북학사상을 공유한 것이 사실이다. 그러나 이덕무는 연암과 마찬가지로 내심에는 아직 명대가 한족이 통치하는 정통국가이고 청나라는 이방인이 잠시 중국을 장악하는 이민족 국가에 불과하다는 생각을 가지고 있었다. 둘째, 이덕무는 중국의 문학 발전에 있어, 명대 문학 자체의 특성에 주목하여, 이 시기의 문학에 대하여 특별한 관심을 가지게 됐다고 생각한다. 셋째, 명대의 많은 문학이론과 그 성과들이 이덕무 본인의 심미(審美)취향, 창작 실천과 맞아떨어졌다고 할 수 있다. 물론 문학론에 있어서 전후 칠자와 공안파는 서로 대립적인 것이다. 그렇지만 각자의 문학론은 꼭 누가 옳고 누가 그르다고 할 수 없을 것이다. 이덕무의 전후칠자 및 공안파의 주장에 대한 평가도 공정하고 객관적이다. 개인적인 취향에 있어서 이 두 부류의 주장과 겹치는 면이 적지 않아, 그들 주장의 심층적인 면에 대해서 더욱 연구해보려는 의도가 있었다고 본다. Lee Demoo(1741~1793)is a famous scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty. As a literary critic, most of Chinese scholars and works he mentioned is about Ming Dynasty, which shows his great attention on the literary world of Ming Dynasty. Some relevant discussion and critical content can be looked as precious data for researching on his literary thought. In the literary world of Ming Dynasty, all kind of new literary current took shape by carrying on previous work, such as classicist school who advocated learning from ancients by QianHouQiZi, anti-classicist School who advocated innovation by Gong an School, Tang-Song School and Jing Ling School. Also the artistic expression means are more rich and varied, and prose, poem and drama competed with each other for beauty. The reasons he pays attention to the literary world of Ming Dynasty focused on three aspects-traditional ideology and argumentation, characteristics of the literary world, the inosculation of his aethestic standard and creation practice to the theory and literature achievements in Ming Dynasty. Lee Demoo thinks highly of the literary theory and achievements in literary world of Ming Dynasty. There are two features of his criticism on literature of that period. First of all, the style of his criticism developed from subjectivity to objectivity, from what we can realize the process of his increased knowledge and experience in literature of Ming Dynasty. Secondly, he made some key criticism by classifying on works or viewpoints of representative figures, such as Lee Panlong and Wang Shizhen in QianHouQiZi School, Yuan Hongdao in Gong an School, Zhong Xing in JingLing School and Critic, Jing Shengtan. The content of his criticism on literature of Ming Dynasty focused on three aspects. The first one is criticism on writer. For example, he summarized some writers` biography and clarified their poems viewpoints and achievements in Mini Biography of Poems Observed, such as Liu Ji, Song Lian, Gao Bing, Li Dongyang in the early of dynasty, Li Mengyang, He Jingming and Li Panlong in the middle period, Gu Yanwu and Zhu Yizun in transitional period. Second, criticism on various kinds of schools. The main issue of fact in literature of Ming Dynasty is about the classicist and anti-classicist. He gave highly appreciate to the vigorous and hsingling literature of the classicist school, while pointing out the disadvantages because of persistent on their own concept. The third is criticism on novels. He did some specific analysis on Zhong Xing`s comment about Water Margin and Jin Shengtan`s novel notion when he wrote his SuiJingXiTan. He did a certain textual research on Shi Naian`s novel from the standpoint of social origin theory, and approved its artistic quality. However, he proposed the useless and harmful theory of novel when he compared novel to the other literary forms, which showed his limitation on literary concept.

      • KCI등재

        Patterns of Failure and Survival Trends in 3,808 Patients with Stage II Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Diagnosed from 1990 to 2012: A Large-Scale Retrospective Cohort Study

        Xue-Song Sun,Di-Han Liu,Sai-Lan Liu,Qiu-Yan Chen,Shan-Shan Guo,Yue-Feng Wen,Li-Ting Liu,Hao-Jun Xie,Qing-Nan Tang,Yu-Jing Liang,Xiao-Yun Li,Jin-Jie Yan,Ming-Huang Hong,Jun Ma,Lin-Quan Tang,Hai-Qiang M 대한암학회 2019 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.51 No.4

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the survival trends and patterns of failure in patients with stage II nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treated with radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy over the last 20 years. Materials and Methods Thirty-eight hundred and eight patients diagnosed with stage II NPC between January 1990 and December 2012 were involved in this retrospective cohort study. All patients were treated with RT. According to the main imaging techniques and RT technology, we categorized these patients into four calendar periods: 1990-1996, 1997-2002, 2003-2007, and 2008-2012. Overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), locoregional relapse-free survival (LRFS), and distant metastasis–free survival (DMFS) were served as the clinical outcome. Results After a median follow-up period of 84.7 months, we observed increasing trends in survival and disease control. The 3- and 5-year OS rates increased from 87.1% and 78.7% in the first calendar period to 97.4% and 94.5% in the last calendar period, respectively (p < 0.001). Additionally, significant increasing trends could be seen in the PFS and LRFS during the four calendar periods. In the subgroup analysis, the LRFS in patients older than 50 years at diagnosis showed greater improvement than younger patients. However, the rate of distant metastasis was stable and relatively low, as the 5-year DMFS ranged from 90.5% to 94.7% among the four calendar periods. Conclusion The survival rates in patients with stage II NPC showed increasing trends from 1990 to 2012. The advance of RT provided excellent locoregional control and enhanced OS.

      • KCI등재

        자우주제 : 노가재(老稼齋)의 예술소양(藝術素養)과 연행(燕行) 문화교류(文化交流)

        ( Xue Tang Li ),( Hua Wei Zhao ),( Hong Wei ) 동방한문학회 2014 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.58

        조선후기 문인으로서 노가재는 연행을 통해 청나라의 정치사회와 경제발전 상황, 문화풍속 등을 두루 견문하였다. 그는 조선 선비로서의 긍지를 가지고 연행에 나섰으며 문명인의 모습을 보여주면서 자각적으로 문화 교류의 사절 역할을 담당하였다. 이번 연행의 성과물로써 삼대 연행록의 白眉로 평가받는 『老稼齋燕行日記』를 전대의 여타 연행록들과 구별짓는 중요한 특색은 노가재가 예리한 안목과 뛰어난 필치로 청나라의 사회상을 그려낸 것이다. 본 논문은 노가재의 남다른 예술적 자질을 특히 주목하고, 그가 연행 과정에서 견문한 연예, 환술 등 청나라 민간 문화예술에 대한 기술을 종합 분석하여 이 연행일기의 한중문화교류사상의 의미를 새로이 부각할 것을 목적으로 한다. 이렇기 위하여 먼저 노가재의 예술적 지향과 재능을 고찰한 다음 예술 부문을 나누어 연행과정에서의 견문과 기록 내용을 구체적으로 분석하였다. 그 결과, 노가재의 남다른 예술적 소양이 그의 기행문의 예술적 분위기를 특히 농후하게 하였다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그는 연행일기에서 적지 않은 편폭으로 청나라 민간 예술인들의 연예와 환술, 공예품 등 문화예술과 관련한 기술을 남겼다. 이러한 내용들은 청나라의 문화사를 규명하는데 중요한 역사 자료로 활용할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 조선지식인의 청나라 문화에 대한 인식 태도를 알아보는데도 중요한 의미를 갖는다. From a young age, Kajae began to try some art activities such as literary creation and music art, which gave him a unique artistic accomplishment and enthusiasm of becoming a practice-based rural artist. All of those rich experiences became one of the preconditions and sources of the Diary of Kajae`s Traveling in Peking, his immortal classics. According to the related contents in this paper, we can found that because of his artistic accomplishment, there is an obvious feature in his travel note, which with dense academic atmosphere of art. He would describe what he heard or saw faithfully by chronological narrative according to the chronological and ordinal order. His skill of recording well-known mountains and rivers is symbolic almost to the point of landscape painting. Meanwhile, just because he can appreciate instruments, music, painting, handiwork, folk drama, vaudeville and magic, he can observe and record basic features and value of these folk arts that can`t be found by ordinary people. Diary of Kajae`s Traveling in Peking is a comprehensive diary style literary work with rich content and its own logic and system, as well as description of scenery and objects. That is the unique feature of this work, which can manifest its value both in history and literature.

      • KCI등재

        Numerical investigations on cavitating flows with thermodynamic effects in a diffuser-type centrifugal pump

        Tang Xue-lin,Bian Li-yuan,Wang Fu-jun,Li Xiao-qin,Hao Man 대한기계학회 2013 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.27 No.6

        A cavitation model with thermodynamic effects for cavitating flows in a diffuser-type centrifugal pump is developed based on the bubble two-phase flow model. The proposed cavitation model includes mass, momentum, and energy transportations according to the thermodynamic mechanism of cavitation. Numerical simulations are conducted inside the entire passage of the centrifugal pump by using the proposed cavitation model and the renormalization group-based k −ε turbulent model coupled with the energy transportation equation. By using the commercial computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT 6.3, we have shown that the predicted performance characteristics of the pump, as well as the pressure, vapor, and density distributions in the impeller, agree well with that calculated by the full cavitation model. Simulation results show that cavitation initially occurs slightly behind the inlet of the blade suction surface, i.e., the area with maximum vapor concentration and minimum pressure. The predicted temperature field shows that the reduction in temperature restrains the growth of cavitating bubbles. Therefore, the thermodynamic effect should be treated as a necessary factor in cavitation models. Comparison results validate the efficiency and accuracy of the numerical technique in simulating cavitation flows in centrifugal pumps.

      • Prognosis of Eight Chinese Cases of Primary Vaginal Yolk Sac Tumor with a Review of the Literature

        Tang, Qiong-Lan,Jiang, Xue-Feng,Yuan, Xiao-Ping,Liu, Yong,Zhang, Lin,Tang, Xiao-Feng,Zhou, Jia-Jia,Li, Hai-Gang,Fang, Jian-Pei,Xue, Lin Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.15 No.21

        Background: Primary vaginal yolk sac tumor is a rare malignancy in the pediatric population, and a diagnostic challenge and appropriate initial treatment remains unsolved. The aim of this study was to investigate the clinicopathologic features, treatment and prognosis of this tumor. Materials and Methods: Eight cases of primary vaginal yolk sac tumor were reported with a literature review. Results: There were 4 pure yolk sac tumor cases and four mixed germ cell tumors containing yolk sac tumor element, including two cases with embryonal carcinoma and two cases with embryonal carcinoma and dysgerminoma. Partial vaginectomy was performed in four cases and all patients received chemotherapy. 85 cases in literatures were reviewed and 9 cases were misdiagnosed. Follow-up data was available in 77 cases and 5-year overall survival rate was 87.6%. 5-year survival rate of biopsy with chemotherapy, conservative surgery with chemotherapy and radical surgery with chemotherapy was 91.1%, 100% and 28.6%, respectively (p<0.001). Compared to cases without relapse or metastasis after initial treatment, patients with relapse or metastasis had a shorter overall survival (35.6% vs 96.6%, p<0.001). Conclusions: Mixed germ cell tumor containing yolk sac tumor element was not uncommon and partial vaginectomy may be a good choice for primary vaginal mixed yolk sac tumor type to eradicate local tumor cells and provide complete information for pathological diagnosis and postoperative adjuvant therapy.

      • KCI등재

        Subdivision of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients with Bone-Only Metastasis at Diagnosis for Prediction of Survival and Treatment Guidance

        Xue-Song Sun,Yu-Jing Liang,Sai-Lan Liu,Qiu-Yan Chen,Shan-Shan Guo,Yue-Feng Wen,Li-Ting Liu,Hao-Jun Xie,Qing-Nan Tang,Xiao-Yun Li,Jin-Jie Yan,Lin-Quan Tang,Hai-Qiang Mai 대한암학회 2019 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.51 No.4

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to subdivide M1 stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients with bone-only metastases for prognosis prediction while identifying the treatment effect of locoregional radiotherapy (LRRT) and metastasis radiotherapy (MRT) among patients with different risk. Materials and Methods From November 2006 to October 2016, a total of 226 patients with bone-only metastasic NPC were retrospectively enrolled. All patients developed distant lesions before receiving treatment. All potential prognostic factors were considered and the correlation of the M1 subdivisions with overall survival (OS) was determined by Cox regression hazards model. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to appraise survival condition and log-rank testing was used to compare the differences. Results The median follow-up time was 33.9 months (range, 3 to 126 months). According to multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis, the number of metastatic lesions and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNA status after palliative chemotherapy (PCT) were independent prognostic factors for OS. Thus, we subdivided patients into three risk groups according to these two factors. Systemic chemotherapy combined with LRRT may benefit patients in low- and intermediate-risk groups but not in the high-risk group. Further aggressive MRT based on systemic chemotherapy showed no survival benefit in any risk group. Conclusion The stratification of NPC patients with bone-only metastasis based on EBV DNA after PCT and the number of metastatic lesions provided promising prognostic value and could aid clinicians in person-specific treatment.

      • KCI등재

        전쟁(戰爭)과 한문학(漢文學) 김창업(金昌業)의 명말청초(明末淸初) 전쟁(戰爭) 기억(記憶)

        이학당 ( Xue Tang Li ) 동방한문학회 2014 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.60

        While NaoKaJai Kim ChangUp was traveling to China during the Ming and Qing dynasties , he saw the prosperity of the Kang Xi Period by his own eyes and had been left a deep impression. It was a great chance for him to abandon the dated ideas of Ming dynasty , as well as to form a sound view towards China in Qing Dynasty based on the reality. During the war between the Ming and Qing dynasties, NaoKaJai realized that the Qing dynasty, especially the area out of Shanhai Pass was still in a mess. What was more, the contradiction between Manchu and the Han nationality had become a threat of the society. He knew that the collapse of the Ming Dynasty and the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty was inevitable. However, he had never analyzed how it came into being .By writing down just his own experience, he made many readers feel as if they were there. NaoKaJai traveled to China 30 years before the Kangxi Emperor unified the country. Therefore the loyalty and revolt of Wu Sangui was still a sensitive political issue at that time. However NaoKaJai was deeply concerned about it and made an objective evaluation as well. The failure of Wu made the Korean royal government and many scholars recognize the irreversiblility of history and the inevitability of the Ming dyn

      • KCI등재

        Induction Chemotherapy Plus Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy versus Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Alone in Locoregionally Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Children and Adolescents: A Matched Cohort Analysis

        Yang Li,Lin-Quan Tang,Li-Ting Liu,Shan-Shan Guo,Yu-Jing Liang,Xue-Song Sun,Qing-Nan Tang,Jin-Xin Bei,Jing Tan,Shuai Chen,Jun Ma,Chong Zhao,Qiu-Yan Chen,Hai-Qiang Mai 대한암학회 2018 Cancer Research and Treatment Vol.50 No.4

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term clinical outcome and toxicity of induction chemotherapy (IC) followed by concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CCRT) compared with CCRT alone for the treatment of children and adolescent locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma (LACANPC). Materials and Methods A total of 194 locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients younger than 21 years who received CCRT with or without IC before were included in the study population. Overall survival (OS) rate, progression-free survival (PFS) rate, locoregional recurrence-free survival (LRFS) rate, and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) rate were assessed by the Kaplan-Meier method and a log-rank test. Treatment toxicities were clarified and compared between two groups. Results One hundred and thiry of 194 patients received IC+CCRT. Patients who were younger and with more advanced TNM stage were more likely to receive IC+CCRT and intensive modulated radiotherapy. The addition of IC before CCRT failed to improve survival significantly. The matched analysis identified 43 well-balanced patients in both two groups. With a median follow-up of 51.5 months, no differences were found between the IC+CCRT group and the CCRT group in 5-year OS (83.7% vs. 74.6%, p=0.153), PFS (79.2% vs. 73.4%, p=0.355), LRFS (97.7% vs. 88.2%, p=0.083), and DMFS (81.6% vs. 81.6%, p=0.860). N3 was an independent prognostic factor predicting poorer OS, PFS, and DMFS. The addition of IC was associated with increased rates of grade 3 to 4 neutropenia. Conclusion This study failed to demonstrate that adding IC before CCRT could provide a significant additional survival benefit for LACANPC patients. Further investigations are warranted.

      • KCI등재

        조선중기(朝鮮中期) 유학자(儒學者) 리민성(李民宬)의 제로문화(齊魯文化) 시문창작(詩文創作)

        이학당 ( Xue-tang Li ) 우리한문학회 2015 漢文學報 Vol.33 No.-

        본고에서는 조선중기의 유학자 敬亭 李民宬이 1623년 연행에서 山東貢道를 통해 齊魯지역을 경유할 때 창작한 작품들에 대해 살펴보았다. 그는 산동의 여러 문묘와 서원을 방문하여 유학의 전통과 역사가 보존되어 있음을 확인하였고, 서책으로만 접했던 현장을 직접 체험한 감회를 작품으로 남겼다. 뿐만 아니라 도교와 불교문화가 융합 및 공존하는 현장과 산동의 풍경 및 생활의 모습들을 작품으로 남기기도 하였다. 이민성의 사행은 인조반정의 정당성을 인정받기위한 것이 목적이었지만 유학자로서 유교문화의 중심인 齊魯지역을 경유하며 강한 문화적 동질감을 확인하였고, 산동의 다양한 문화를 체험하였다는 점에서 주목할 만한 가치를 지닌다. This writing looked into the works created when a Confucian scholar Gyeongjeong Lee, Min-seong during the mid-Joseon Dynasty when he went by way of Qi-Lu district through Shandong gongdao from Yanxing itinerary(燕行路程) in 1623. Gyeongjeong identified that traditions and history of Confucianism was preserved by visiting several Confucian shrines and seowon(a lecture hall) in Shandong, and left his works on his deep emotion from directly experiencing the actual places, with which he had used to come into contact through books only. On top of that, Gyeongjeong also left literary works on the actual places where Taoism and Buddhist culture were blended in coexistence, and landscapes of Shandong and people`s living appearances there. The aim of Lee, Minseong`s Yanxing itinerary was to achieve the acknowledgment of legitimacy of Injobanjeong(King Injo`s Restoration) in the Joseon Dynasty from the Ming Dynasty; however, his Yanxing itinerary has a noteworthy value in that Lee, Min-seong confirmed the strong cultural homogeneity, and experienced various cultures of Shandong as a Confucian scholar while going by way of Qi-Lu district which was the center of Confucian culture.

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