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        Multifunctional Nanorobot System for Active Therapeutic Delivery and Synergistic Chemo-photothermal Therapy

        Jin, Zhen,Nguyen, Kim Tien,Go, Gwangjun,Kang, Byungjeon,Min, Hyun-Ki,Kim, Seok-Jae,Kim, Yun,Li, Hao,Kim, Chang-Sei,Lee, Seonmin,Park, Sukho,Kim, Kyu-Pyo,Huh, Kang Moo,Song, Jihwan,Park, Jong-Oh,Choi, American Chemical Society 2019 NANO LETTERS Vol.19 No.12

        <P>Nanorobots are safe and exhibit powerful functionalities, including delivery, therapy, and diagnosis. Therefore, they are in high demand for the development of new cancer therapies. Although many studies have contributed to the progressive development of the nanorobot system for anticancer drug delivery, these systems still face some critical limitations, such as potentially toxic materials in the nanorobots, unreasonable sizes for passive targeting, and the lack of several essential functions of the nanorobot for anticancer drug delivery including sensing, active targeting, controlling drug release, and sufficient drug loading capacity. Here, we developed a multifunctional nanorobot system capable of precise magnetic control, sufficient drug loading for chemotherapy, light-triggered controlled drug release, light absorption for photothermal therapy, enhanced magnetic resonance imaging, and tumor sensing. The developed nanorobot system exhibits an <I>in vitro</I> synergetic antitumor effect of photothermal therapy and chemotherapy and outstanding tumor-targeting efficiency in both <I>in vitro</I> and <I>in vivo</I> environments. The results of this study encourage further explorations of an efficient active drug delivery system for cancer treatment and the development of nanorobot systems for other biomedical applications.</P> [FIG OMISSION]</BR>


        T-Type Calcium Channels Are Required to Maintain Viability of Neural Progenitor Cells

        Kim, Ji-Woon,Oh, Hyun Ah,Lee, Sung Hoon,Kim, Ki Chan,Eun, Pyung Hwa,Ko, Mee Jung,Gonzales, Edson Luck T.,Seung, Hana,Kim, Seonmin,Bahn, Geon Ho,Shin, Chan Young The Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology 2018 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.26 No.5

        T-type calcium channels are low voltage-activated calcium channels that evoke small and transient calcium currents. Recently, T-type calcium channels have been implicated in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and neural tube defects. However, their function during embryonic development is largely unknown. Here, we investigated the function and expression of T-type calcium channels in embryonic neural progenitor cells (NPCs). First, we compared the expression of T-type calcium channel subtypes (CaV3.1, 3.2, and 3.3) in NPCs and differentiated neural cells (neurons and astrocytes). We detected all subtypes in neurons but not in astrocytes. In NPCs, CaV3.1 was the dominant subtype, whereas CaV3.2 was weakly expressed, and CaV3.3 was not detected. Next, we determined CaV3.1 expression levels in the cortex during early brain development. Expression levels of CaV3.1 in the embryonic period were transiently decreased during the perinatal period and increased at postnatal day 11. We then pharmacologically blocked T-type calcium channels to determine the effects in neuronal cells. The blockade of T-type calcium channels reduced cell viability, and induced apoptotic cell death in NPCs but not in differentiated astrocytes. Furthermore, blocking T-type calcium channels rapidly reduced AKT-phosphorylation (Ser473) and $GSK3{\beta}$-phosphorylation (Ser9). Our results suggest that T-type calcium channels play essential roles in maintaining NPC viability, and T-type calcium channel blockers are toxic to embryonic neural cells, and may potentially be responsible for neurodevelopmental disorders.

      • KCI등재

        Hunchun, the Qing-Chosŏn Borderland in the Eighteenth Century

        Kim Seonmin(김선민) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2016 International Journal of Korean History Vol.21 No.1

        본고는 1749년 훈춘인근에서 일어난 살인사건을 통해 청-조선관계의 다양하고 복합적인 측면을 검토한다. 청인이 두만강을 사이에 두고 조선인과 물건을 매매하다가 죽임을 당한 이 사건에는 국경지대에 거주하는 현지인들, 양국의 경계를 수비하는 지방의 관리들, 그리고 중앙의 청황제와 조선국왕이 모두 개입되어 있었다. 그러나 이 사건은 두만강, 훈춘, 북경과 한양에서 관련자의 입장에 따라 각각 다르게 인식되었다. 북경의 황제와 한양의 국왕은 두만강과 압록강에서 각각 종주국의 권위와 조공국의충성을 확인하고자했다. 경계를 통제하고 범월을 처벌하는 일은 청황제와 조선국왕이 자신의 힘을 표현하고 유지하는데 매우 중요했다. 현지의 거주민들에게 두만강 너머는 사람들과 접촉하여 물건을 매매할 수 있는 교역의 공간이었고, 지방의 관리들에게는 중앙의 명령을 수행하기 위해 인접국의 관리들과 긴밀히 협조해야 할 관할지역이었다. 현지의 거주민과 관리에게 두만강은 추상적이고 정치적인 분리선(divided lines)이 아니라 구체적이고 물질적인 공간(space)이었다. 두만강을 사이에 두고 전개되었던 청인과 조선인의 다양한 접촉과 교류의 양상을 검토함으로써 중앙중심적이고 위계적인 조공관계의 정형화된 이해를 비판적으로 재검토하고, 청과 조선이 맺어온 다층적이고 복합적인 관계를 새롭게 이해할 수 있을 것이다. Based on a murder which emerged near Hunchun in 1749, this study analyzes the varied and complex nature of the Qing-Chosŏn relationship. The local residents residing along the border, local officials guarding the border between both countries, and the Qing emperor and Chosŏn king were all involved in this murder in which Qing subjects were killed by Chosŏn people along the Tumen River. However, this incident was differently perceived in the Tumen River area, Hunchun, Beijing and Seoul, depending on the positions of those who were involved with. The Qing emperor in Beijing and Chosŏn king in Seoul saw the Tumen and Yalu Rivers as an implement to ensure the authority of the suzerain court and the loyalty of tributary court. The control of borders and punishment of trespassers were important elements of the power of the Qing emperor and Chosŏn king. For the residents of this area, the Tumen River area was a trading space in which articles could be purchased based on contacts; meanwhile, for local officials, it was an area in which close cooperation with the officials from the adjacent country was needed in order to implement the orders of the central government. For local residents and officials, the Tumen River was as such a detailed and physical space rather than an abstract and political line. Rather than a space in which the will of the central power was unilaterally conveyed and penetrated, the borderland known as the Tumen River and Hunchun was a space in which various classes of people expressed and negotiated their desires.

      • KCI등재

        청대 길림의 팔기 관병과 호랑이 진공

        김선민 ( Kim Seonmin ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2021 사총 Vol.102 No.-

        청대 길림의 주방팔기와 주둔 관병에 대한 설명은 중국 동북지역에 관한 대부분의 개설서에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 성경·길림·흑룡강 지역에 순차적으로 장군아문이 설치되고, 각지에 주방이 세워지고 관병이 주둔하게 되는 과정은 잘 알려져 있다. 청대 동북에 관한 기존 연구는 대체로 한인과 기인의 관계, 기인의 토지 경작, 한인 문화의 확산 등 한인의 시각에서 팔기제도와 기인을 분석해왔다. 특히 청대 동북의 팔기 주방이 이 지역의 부족민을 통합하여 “청조의 다민족 통일국가의 발전”에 기여했음을 부각시키고, 길림과 흑룡강의 팔기 주방이 러시아의 침입을 방어하고 동북 변강을 보호했으며 이 지역을 내지와 연결시키는 역할을 했으며 주방 팔기가 지역 사회를 안정시킴에 따라 동북에서 인구와 개간 토지가 증가하고 상업이 발전하게 되었음을 강조한다. 그러나 길림의 주방에서 팔기 관병이 구체적으로 어떤 임무를 어떻게 수행했는지에 대한 세밀한 분석은 아직 많지 않다. 『琿春副都統衙門檔』의 만문 사료에는 길림의 팔기 관병들에게 토지경작 뿐만 아니라 활쏘기와 말타기가 특별히 중시되었음을 보여주는 내용이 무수히 많다. 길림장군, 닝구타부도통, 훈춘협령이 주고 받은 공문에 따르면, 19세기까지 길림의 팔기 관병에게 동물을 사냥하여 황실에 진공하는 것은 매우 중요한 임무였다. 내지의 직성과 달리 길림의 주방 팔기 관병들에게는 사냥의 의무가 더해져 있었다. 이들은 사냥을 통해 활쏘기와 말타기를 연마하고, 동시에 사냥 실력을 바탕으로 길림의 자연에 서식하는 동물들을 잡아서 황실에 바쳐야 했다. 국가는 활쏘기와 말타기에 익숙한 길림의 거주민들을 팔기로 편제하여 이들을 통제하고, 다시 이들의 활쏘기와 말타기 실력을 이용하여 길림의 자연을 통제했다. 팔기는 청이 길림의 인적자원과 자연자원을 이용하고 통제하는 핵심 기구였다. Most books on Qing Manchuria pay great attention to the historical process of the establishment of banner garrisons and stationing of banner soldiers in Jilin. They have discussed the ways in which the office of the Jilin military general was built and how many soldiers were stationed in various places, first in Ningguta and Girin Ula, and later Bedune, Ilan Hala, Alcuka, Lalin and Hunchun. Previous studies have largely focused on the relationship between banner soldiers and Han Chinese civilians by discussing topics such as Chinese settlement and land cultivation and the growing influence of Han Chinese culture on the Manchus in the northeast region. In particular, many Chinese scholars of Qing Manchuria highlighted that Qing banner garrisons made a significant contribution to the so-called “development of a united multiethnic state” during the Qing period, in the sense that they succeeded in unifying various tribal people living in Manchuria, protecting the northeastern frontier from the Russian expansion, connecting this northeastern frontier to China proper, and bringing increases in civilian population and cultivable land. Yet, there are still few detailed analyses on the various activities and duties that the banner soldiers in Manchuria conducted for their emperors and state. Unlike other Qing documents written in Chinese, Manchu documents in the Records of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of Hunchun include many entries about the banner soldiers who were given official duties related to hunting. The Jilin military general and his lieutenant governors exchanged numerous letters to discuss how to select soldiers capable of archery and horseback riding, train the selected soldiers to improve their military prowess, and dispatch them to Jilin to join battue hunting endeavors led by the military general. The practice of regular battue hunting had two purposes: first, it was mainly military training for the soldiers combined with hunting activities, and second, it was a chance to hunt wild animals that would be paid to the Qing imperial court as tribute. These Manchu documents show that until the 19th century, battue hunting and animal payments were considered an important duty for banner soldiers to carry out. The hunting duties imposed on the banner soldiers demonstrate that the Qing state controlled tribal residents in Manchuria who were capable of archery and horseback riding by incorporating them into the Eight Banner system and simultaneously used the military skills of the banner soldiers to control Manchuria. In this sense, the Eight Banners were a crucial institution by which the Qing state controlled and exploited people as well as natural resources in Manchuria.

      • KCI등재후보

        청대 만주의 봉금과 개발

        김선민(Seonmin Kim) 한국생태환경사학회 2023 생태환경과역사 Vol.- No.10

        본고는 청조가 만주의 자연을 이용하고 개발하는 데 매우 적극적이었으며, 이는 국가가 주도하여 기인의 토지 경작을 제도적으로 지원하는 과정에서 가장 뚜렷하게 드러났음을 설명한다. 만주를 만주족을 위한 영토로 보호하고 이곳의 토지와 자연자원을 황실과 주방 팔기의 배타적인 재산으로 만들기 위해 청황실은 한인 민인의 만주 출입을 통제했다. 18세기 중반에 이르러 황제와 관리들은 제국의 변경을 개발하기 위한 논의를 발전시켰고, 이 과정에서 만주에서 토지자원의 개발을 목표로 하는 정책이 논의되었다. 한편 기인의 주둔은 이들을 부양할 민인의 농업노동력을 필요로 했지만, 민인의 지속적인 유입은 만주를 기인의 근본지지로 보호하려는 국가의 정책을 크게 위협했다. 19세기 초에 이르러 국가는 기인의 생계문제를 해결하기 위해 이들을 만주로 이주시켰는데, 변경의 토지를 개간하여 기인에게 경작하게 한다는 청의 만주 정책은 결과적으로 수렵과 채집에 기반한 만주의 환경관계를 농경 중심으로 변화시켰다. 만주를 기인의 근본지지로 만들기 위한 정책이 바로 만주의 자연환경을 변화시킨 근본적인 원인이었다. 국가의 목표를 추구한 결과 만주의 자연환경은 달라져갔고, 변화된 환경에 맞추어 청조는 다시 만주와 기인에 대한 정책을 수정했다. 민인의 봉금이나 경사기인의 이주는 청대 만주 정책이 자연환경의 변화에 대응하여 계속 수정되었음을 보여주는 사례였다. This paper discusses the Qing court’s priority on developing natural resources in Manchuria and how its policy was best revealed in the state-initiated project of supporting the cultivation of land by bannermen. By imposing strict controls on the settlement of Han commoners in Manchuria, the Qing state aimed to preserve Manchuria for the Manchus and protect land and natural resources as exclusive properties of the imperial court and bannermen in Manchuria. By the mid-eighteenth century, the Qianlong emperor and his officials shared the idea that the empire’s frontiers should be developed and the fertile land in Manchuria should be made available to bannermen. The banner garrisons established in Manchuria required the agricultural labor of Han commoners, but the constant influx of Han commoners from China proper posed a serious threat to the policy of designating Manchuria as the land of the Manchus. By the early nineteenth century, the Qing court decided to relocate metropolitan bannermen to Manchuria in order to address a fiscal crisis surrounding the support of the banner population. However, this plan of allowing the bannermen to cultivate wasteland in Manchuria reflected a fundamental transformation in environmental relations, one which shifted from hunting and foraging to agriculture. In other words, it was the state policy of preserving Manchuria for the Manchus that eventually resulted in changes in the natural environment of Manchuria. Both the prohibition on immigration by Han commoners and the relocation of metropolitan bannermen show that the Qing court continued to revise its Manchurian policy in order to respond to changes in the natural environment of Manchuria.

      • KCI등재

        1812년 홍경래(洪景來)의 난(亂)으로 본 조청(朝淸)관계

        김선민 ( Kim Seonmin ) 한국중국학회 2019 중국학보 Vol.90 No.-

        본고는 평안도에서 발생한 홍경래의 난이 청측 자료에 어떻게 기록되어 있는지를 살펴봄으로써 이 사건이 단순히 조선의 국내 사건으로 그친 것이 아니라 청조가 예민하게 반응한 조청 관계의 주요 현안이었음을 설명한다. 홍경래의 난에 대한 청조와 조선의 대응은 양국의 관계를 규정하는 두 가지 관건적 특징을 잘 보여준다. 첫째, 청과 조선은 지리적으로 인접하고 있었다. 조선의 변경지역에서 발생하는 사건은 청의 동북 통치에 직접·간접적으로 영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 점에서 조선 변경의 질서를 유지하는 것은 곧 청의 안보와 직결되는 문제였다. 둘째, 양국의 관계는 종주국과 조공국사이의 비대칭적이고 불평등한 질서에 기반하고 있었다. 청조는 조선의 국내 상황이 자국의 영토와 안전에 영향을 끼칠 수 있다고 판단하면 군사를 파견하여 경계를 방어하는 등 매우 적극적으로 대응했다. 이 과정에서 청조는 경계 방어를 위한 군사적 조치를 조선에 대한 황제의 은덕으로 포장하여 설명함으로써 양국 사이의 상하관계를 강조했다. 조선은 역시 청이 요구하는 의례에 따라 청군을 접대하고 황제에게 감사했다. 청과 조선 사이의 모든 사건은 양국의 지리적 인접성과 정치적 상하관계라는 두 가지 전제에 따라 논의되고 처리되었다. 홍경래의 난에 대한 청의 반응과 조선의 대응은 지리적 인접성과 정치적 비대칭성이 양국 관계에서 서로 영향을 끼치며 작동하는 과정을 보여주는 사례라고 할 수 있다. This paper explores the ways in which the Qing and Choson courts responded to the 1812 rebellion of Hong Kyongnae, which took place in a northwestern province of Choson. When the rebellion was reported to Beijing, Emperor Jiaqing rushed to send the Qing soldiers to the Yalu River and strengthen the patrol along the border. Behind his immediate reaction to the Choson rebellion, there were two reasons - military and political. First, the Qing emperor wanted to prevent possible threats to his country from the Choson rebels who might be able to cross the river and trespass the Qing territory. Second, as the suzerain court, the Qing was obliged to protect the tributary state which had long served for them with loyalty. Emperor Jiaqing went further to order his local officials, including Shengjing and Jilin Generals, to increase military alert on all the boundary regions near at the Yalu and Tumen Rivers, even though the Hong Kyongnae rebellion took place only in the northwestern border near the Yalu River. Due to such an imperial order, a series of the reports on the rebellion in Choson was continuously reached up to the Hunchun Regiment Colonel. Jilin Generals and Ningguta Lieutenant General repeatedly sent their letters to the Hunchun Regiment Colonel, emphasizing the necessity to strengthen the patrol along the Tumen River and check the possible trespassing of the Choson criminals. The rebellion within Choson eventually led to increasing patrols both in Shengjing and Jilin. The responses of the Qing and Choson courts to the Hong Kyongnae rebellion show the two defining features of the relationship between these two neighbors. First, they were geographically adjacent, and second, their relations relied on the asymmetrical hierarchy between the suzerain and tributary courts. The Qing government made a quick and immediate response - military action, if necessary - to an event taking place within Choson, if it could possibly make an effect on maintaining order in the Qing territory. At the same time, the Qing disguised such a military action as an imperial kindness to help out the Choson, often with an emphasis on the unequal hierarchy between them. The Choson followed all the ritual protocol and expressed the gratitude to the emperor as the hierarchy of the tributary relationship required. All the events between the Qing and Choson courts were discussed and processed on the premise of their geographical adjacency and political hierarchy. The Hong Kyongnae rebellion provides us with a good example to demonstrate in detail how these premises had actually worked.

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