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        아시아유럽간 지역협력의 동인과 가능성: ASEM의 국제 정치경제적 함의를 중심으로

        이상균 서울대학교 국제지역원 1999 국제지역연구 Vol.8 No.2

        ASEM은 신세계 질서의 전환기적 불확실성에 대응하여 아시아와 유럽의 지역간 협력을 통해 국제 정치경제 질서의 세력 균형을 강화하고자 하는 노력의 이환으로 출범하였다. 딸서 ASEM의 출범은 탈냉전기적 전환 과정에서 분출되는 제반 다양한 이슈들을 개방적 지역주의를 통해 복합적이고 다자주의적으로 해결하고자 하는 유럽과 아시아의 공동대응이라는 점과 21세기 범세계적 현안들을 지구적 차원에서 효과적으로 관리하고자 하는 균형된 범지구적 관리체제의 출발점이라는 의미를 함께 가지고 있다. ASEM 출범의 또 다른 배경은 대외적으로는 자유롭고 공정한 세계 정치경제 질서를 주장하지만 실제로는 일방주의적 접근을 보이고 있는 미국의 독선적인 관행을 견제하고다 하는 유럽과 아시아의 공조체제 강화라는 측면도 함께 가지고 있다. 제1,2차 회의를 통해 ASEM의 진정한 가능성은 단기적 이익보다는 유럽과 아시아가 가지고 있는 개별적 비교우위의 통합을 통해 얻을 수 있는 장기적인 시너지 효과에서 찾을 수 있으므로 양 지역은 ASEM을 통해 새로운 '협력의 네트워크'를 구축하여야 한다. 21세기 신세계 질서 구축과 관련하여 ASEM은 개방적 지역주의에 기초한 아시아·유럽간 지역협력을 위한 실험의 장으로서 중요한 국제정치경제적 함의를 가지고 있다. ASEM was launched as a comprehensive dialogue framework between Europe and Asia in March 1996. For the first time, Europe and Asia have met together on an equal footing and it is the beginning of a new chapter in cooperative relations between the two regions. For Europe, it was a strategic choice to establish a new relationship with Asia, based on equality and mutual respect, and to prevent the US from monopolizing the emergion Asian markets. For Asia, it was an important opportunity of penetrate into the exclusive European common market by upgrading relations with the integrated Europe in the post-Cold War era. Thus ASEM can be viewed as an outcome of (1) the Post-Cold War search for a manageable set of structures of global management; (2) the dialectic of globalization and regionalization; (3) the new diplomacy of regional cooperation being practised at the end of the 20th century. ASEM is designed as an informal gathering for heads of member states to discuss current issues on regional cooperation. The objective of ASEM is to enhance the friendship between leaders, which is required to build a foundation of regional cooperation and to promote mutual understanding between participation nations. For Europe and Asia, ASEM is useful as a multialteral dialogue framework which can help them to keep a balance in their relations with the US and to hinder the US from implementing unilateral foreign with the US and to hinder the US from implementing unilateral foreign policies. ASEM is expected to play a crucial role in making the US honestly comply with multilateralism. Therefore, for Europe and Asia, ASEM is a vehicle to send a message to the US. In ASEM, Asia exists not merely as an object but as a subject that Europe is to deal with as ans equal partner. This is a not unimportant milestone in the developing status of East Asia in international relations. So ASEM, as a dialogue process of regional cooperation, is the product of conscious decision-making on the part of significant regional leaders in East Asia and Europe.

      • 多目的 物理光度計의 試作과 特性調査

        李相潤 경북대학교 교육대학원 1972 논문집 Vol.3 No.-

        With use of photo-conductivity cell, CdS ceII, as a light detector, the ordinary visual photometry method is improved to a physical photometry method. The improved photometer is the multipurposed: it can be used as a luxmeter, a densitometer, and so on, as well as photometer. By the use of the photometer, the following results are obtained: ⑴ One candle power is equivalent to that of an electric bulb of 2.5watts, and to that of a bundle of 2.4 candles in the market, ⑵ When it is used as a luxmeter, the result shows that 100 luxes are equivalent to the current 3.7mA, ⑶ When it is used as a photo-densitometer, the result shows that 1 density is equivalent to 365μA. In view of the above results, there are good linearities between the corresponding physical quantities.

      • 半導體素子를 利用한 光黑化度計의 試作

        李相潤 慶北大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        The amplifier is battery powered to reduce cost and size. The low current drain of the MPS 3710 transistors assures long batterylife. The meter adjust is the 1MΩ potentiometer and is used only to set full scale meter indication which limits the meter current to 100μA. Final calibration is made with neutral density filters over aperture. A 0.30 density filter was used, and by increasing the number of filter sections over the aperture, the detector was able to obtain up to 1.50 density units. When it is used as a photo-densitometer, the result shows that 1 density is equivalent to 10μA, and γ-value is equivalent to 0.9. In view of the above results, there are good linearities between the corresponding physical quantities.

      • Plastic Scintillator의 應用에 관한 硏究 : 速中性子檢出 Fast Neutron Detection

        李相潤 慶北大學校 1975 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper presents the effects that determine the spectra for plastic scintillator in response to moncenergetic fast neutrons. The data have been compared with experimental measurements obtained at 14.1 MeV. neutrons which are produced by T(d, n)He^4 reaction in Neutron Generator at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Instiute for a cylindrical plastic scintillator 45㎜ diameter × 43㎜ thickness. Detection efficiency of plastic scintillator is obtaind as 0.136, and neutron yield as 8.666 × 10 exp (9)n/sec on continous operation.

      • 사회적 연결망의 연구동향과 공간적 함의

        이철우,박상민 慶北大學敎 社會科學大學 1998 社會科學 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구는 사회적 상호작용의 결과로 형성된 사회적 연결망이 본질적으로 풍부한 공간성(spatialty)을 담지하고 있다는 가정하에서 사회적 연결망의 개념과 분석틀을 개관하고 그 연구동향을 고찰함으로써, 사회적 연결망의 공간적 함의를 도출하는데 그 목적이 있다. 공간연구에 있어서 사회적 연결망 분석이 가지는 함의는 첫째, 사회공간 변증법이라는 맥락과 함께 사회와 공간간의 관계에 관한 연구에서 구체적인 사회적 과정에 대한 이해를 가능케 한다. 둘째, 기존의 사회일반을 대상으로 한 사회적 연결망에 대한 분석은 구체적인 시간과 공간을 대상으로 한 연구가 필요하다. 셋째, 사회적 연결망에 대한 연구는 추상적 수준의 분석과 구체적 수준의 분석을 통합시킬 수 있는 방법론 임을 인식하면서 공간연구에 접목되어야 한다. Man cannot be Cartesian's absolute individual, so man is wedded in particular various social networks. Ons's social networks are not only their social capital, but also spatial thing. Different social spaces nurture different social networks. Theoretically, social network perspectives are related to Giddens's structuration theory and Bourdieu's social capital. A social network is one of many possible sets of social relations of a specific content that link actors within a larger social structure(or network of networks). According to Wasserman and Faust(1994), assumptions of social network perspective are followings: 1)Actors and their actions are viewed as interdependent rather than independent, autonomous units. 2)Relational ties between actors are channels for transfer of "flow" of resources. 3)Network models focusing on individuals view the network structural environment as providing opportunities for or constraints on individual action. 4)Network models conceptualize structure as enduring patterns of relations among actors. Spatal implications of social networks are as follows: First, social network perspective let us can understand concrete social process in the research about the relationship between space and society in the context of socio-spatial dialectic. Second, social network analysis focusing on 'General Society' need to focus upon the society situated in concrete time and space. Third, research of social network should applied to geographical research with a recognition of integrating research tool of abstract analysis and concrete analysis.

      • Plastic Scintillator에 의한 γ-線 測定

        李相潤 慶北大學校 文理科大學 1975 文理學叢 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, by polymerization of monomer, the plastic scintillator to measurement of Gamma-ray were made, and their characteristics are described. It is shown that the proportionality factor between the total Gamma-ray energy absorbed by a plastic scintillator and the energy of the Gamma-ray incident Gamma-ray energy. This property is verified both experimentally and on the basis of Monte-Carlo calculations. Good agreement was also obtained between experimental spectra and results of Monte-Carlo calculations hence the Compton edge of the Gamma-ray spectrum could be accurately identified. Furthermore, the probe of scintillation delector was also made, and we found that the possibility of production of plastic scintillation detectors in our laboratory.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 유럽정책 방향

        이상균 한국전략문제연구소 1998 전략연구 Vol.5 No.3

        Korea and the European Union(EU) have been trading partners for a few decades since 1960s. Nevertheless, only very recently has bilateral cooperation risen high on the agenda of Korea-EU trade diplomacy. It is still true for both that economic relations with the U.S. and Japan are more important than with each other. Fortunately, recent circumstances have favored the promotion of Korea-ED cooperation. It seems timely that the EU Council of Ministers for the first time approved, on June 8 1993, a communication on ''Relations between the ED and Korea: Towards a Growing Partnership". In this report, the Council recognized that the level of exchanges with Korea should be further be developed in order to reflect the importance of both sides in new world order. The Council also expressed that cooperation between the ED and Korea should go hand in hand with the overall development of bilateral trade and economic relations. Since 1990s, in terms of trade and investment, the ED has been more successful in penetrating the Korean market than the U.S. and Japan. This reflects its comparative advantage and benefits from the progressive opening of the Korean market. In particular, the ED has dynamically increased its exports to Korea in passenger cars, machinery and textile products. On the other hand, Korea enjoyed its performance in the EU market until 1988, after which Korean competitiveness suddenly dropped, with the exeption of some products such as motor vehicles, semi-conductors, and general machinery. This means that Korea is in process of restructuring of its exports toward heavy and chemical industry goods. However, the environment for Korea-EU economic cooperation has recently become favorable due to the fact that both Korea and the EU recognize the need for the expansion of economic cooperation while the necessary cooperative framework is being established. Moreover, with the first summit of the Asia-Eurpe Meeting(ASEM) in Bangkok in March of 1996, a new equal partnership between Asia and Europe has begun. Leaders of Asia and Europe met in Bangkok and London in 1998 to improve the understanding between the two regions and accelerate the already expanding economic and political cooperation of two continents. Korea's hosting of the third ASEM summit meeting in Seoul in 2000 will provide a unique opportunity for Korea to foster better relations with EU. As a part of Korea's unique leadership, Korea has also proposed the idea of the Asia-Europe Vision Group which will chart the future course of ASEM. Korea's unique position arises from the fact that Korean economy is undergoing transformation from developing to a developed economy. ASEM approaches the problem of bridging the weak economic link between Asia and Europe by enhancing shared understanding of each other. There is still a long way to go before ASEM could become a locomotive of trade and investment liberalization. However, ASEM could still provide forums for mutual networking between various facets of society in Asia and Europe and provide forums for bringing consensus on contentious issues between Asia and Europe. Korea's contribution to the growth of ASEM process will facilitate better relations between Korea and ED. Cultural misconceptions in Europe about Korea and those in Korea about Europe all undermine development of good relationship between two sides. Korea can play an effective role of moderator in difficult discussions which will be brought at ASEM. In the process, Korea's cooperation with EU will be enhanced.

      • 대구지구의 환경방사능조사연구 (제5보) : 1968.1-1969. 12 Jan. 1968-Dec. 1969

        강영호,이상윤 慶北大學校 1970 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        An investigation of the environmental radioactivity of rain water, fallout, and air-borne dust in Taegu area (E. long. 128˚37′, N. lat. 35°53′) had been made during a period of January, 1, 1968 to December, 31, 1969. During this period, there were two-times nuclear explosion tests by Red China. The results of these measurements are as follows; 1. The annual mean values of radioactivity on the rain-water collected at fixed time daily were (0.02±0.01) μμCi/c. c. (1968) and (0.02±0.01) μμCi/c. c. (1969). The maximum value of the radioactivity during the period was (0.12±0.04) μμCi/c. c. (May. 13. 1968). 2. The annual mean values of radioactivity of the fallout collecetd by gummed papers in 1968 and in 1969 were (28.7±6.2) pCi/ft^2-10days and (59.9±7.5)pCi/ft^2-10days respectively. The maximum value of the radioactivity during the period was (490.9±6.9) pCi/ft^2-10days. (July. 11-21. 1969). 3. The annual mean values of radioactivity of the air-borne dusts collected by the air sampler in 1968 and in 1969 were (10. 38±0.06) pμCi/c. c. and (4.60±0.04) pμCi/c. c. respectively. The maximum radioactivity in this period of investigation was (40.60±0.50) pμCi/c. c. (Sept. 5. 1968) 4. The results of the environmental radioactivitiy caused by these two-nuclear explosion tests (8th, 9th) were much smaller than those of the former tests (1st through 7th).

      • 大邱地區의 環境放射能調査硏究 (第4報) : (1966. 6-1968. 5) (June 1966-May 1968)

        姜榮浩,李相潤 慶北大學校 1968 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        An investigation of the envrionmental radioactivity of rain water, fallout and air-borne dusts in Tagu area (E.long.128˚37',N.lat.35˚53') during a period of June, 1966 to May, 1968 has been made. During this period, there were four-times nuclear bomb tests by Red China. The results of these measurements are as follows; 1. The annual mean values of radioactivity in the rain water collected at fixed time daily were (2.15±3.08) μμ Ci/cc(1966) and 7.77±0.05) μμ Ci/cc(1967). The maximum value of the radioactivity during the period was (270.27±0.72)μμ Ci//cc on Dec. 30,1966. It seemed to be caused by the fifth nuclear bomb test by Red China on Dec. 28,1966. 2. The annual mean values of radioactivity of the fallout collected by gummed papers in 1966 and in 1967 were (46.92±0.08 muCi/ft^2-10d and (1.00±0.02) mu/Ci/ft^2-10d, respectively. The maximum radioactivity (161.1±0.15)muCi/ft^2-day(Dec.30,1966) in this investigation period was seemed to be caused by the fifth nuclear bomb test (Dec. 28, 1966) by Red China. 3. The annual mean values of radioactivity of the air-borne dusts collected by the air sampler in 1966 and in 1967 were (23.19±0.38) pu Ci/cc and (14.05±0.32)puCi/cc, respectively, The maximum radioactivity in this investigation period was(345.9±1.5) puCi/cc(Dec. 30,1966). 4. The environmental radioactivities caused by the fifth nuclear bomb test is enormously higher than that of the first test. (Dec. 16, 1964). 5. Ce^141, Ce^144, Ba^140, Ru^103, Rh^106, Zr^95, and Nb^95 nuclides were detected with gamma-ray spectrometry. 6. Autoradiographic exposure was made for falling dust samples, and the concentration of fallout particles was estimated by inspecting the autoradiography.

      • 大邱地區의 環境放射能調査硏究(第7報) : 1975.1.1~1976.12.31 Jan.1975~Dec.1976

        姜榮浩,李相潤 慶北大學校 1977 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        Since July 1956, the survey of environmental radioactivity has continuously been carried out as a fall-out program. This report concerns radioactivity in Air-borne dust, Fall-out, and Rain-out measured in Taegu area (N. lat. 35°53', E.long. 128°37') during the period of 2 years from January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976. This report includes special survey results form the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21th nuclear explosion tests carried out in the Lop Nor (N.lat. 40°, E. long. 90°), China. The results of these measurements are as follows; 1. The annual average values of radioactivity of the Air-borne dust collected by the air sample in this period were (3.43±0.02) pμCi/cc (6hr.), and (0.08±0.01) pμCi/cc (120hr.) The maximum radioactivities in this period of investigation were (30.39±0.55)pμc:i/C:c (6hr. :Dec. 3, 1976), and (0.63±0.29)pμCi/cc (120hr.:Nov. 8, 1976) 2. The annual average values of radioactivity of the Fall-out collected by gummed papers in this period were (0.24±0.02)mCi/Km^2-10d (6hr.), and (0.17±0.02) mCi/Km^2-10d (120hr.). While the maximum values of radioactivites during the period were (1.70±0.12)mCi/Km^2-10D (6hr; Oct.21, 1972), and (1.42±0.11) mCi/Km^2-10d (120hr: Oct. 21,1972). 3. The annual average value of radioactivities in the Rain-out collected at fixed time daily were (1.28±0.13)×10^-8μCi/cc (6hr.), and (0.74±0.19)×10^-8μCi/cc (120hr.), and the maximum values of the radioactivities during the period were (5.66±1.00)×10^-8μCi/cc (6hr.: Oct.31, 1976), and (4.13±0.01)×10^-8μCi/cc (120hr. : Jul. 10, 1976). 4. The results of the environmental radioactivities caused by these five-nuclear explosion tests (17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21th) were much smaller than those of the former tests (1st through 16th). 5. According to the above data obtained, we have found that the maximum permissible concentrations (M.P.C.∼10^-8μCi/cc for water, 4×10^-14μCi/cc for air) are not reached both in water and in air.

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