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        표준화와 요구사항 불확실성이 소프트웨어 개발예산 초과에 미치는 영향

        나관식 한국정보사회진흥원 2004 정보화정책 Vol.11 No.4

        일반적으로 소프트웨어 프로젝트들은 필연적으로 다양한 형태와 강도의 불확실성을 동반하기 때문에, 적절한 통제나 조정이 이루어지지 않으면 프로젝트들은 쉽게 통제 불가능 상태가 되거나 예산초과와 같은 심각한 추가자원소요 현상을 초래하게 된다. 이에 따라, 본 연구에서는 이러한 예산초과에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 식별하고자 하며, 기존연구들을 통해서 세 가지 가설을 도출하여 구조방정식 모형으로 실증분석 하였다. 123개의 프로젝트들로부터 수집된 데이터를 이용한 검정결과, 세 가지 가설로 구성된 연구모형이 채택되었다. 즉, 요구사항 불확실성은 잔여성과위험을 증가시키고 표준화는 감소시키며, 잔여성과 위험은 예산 초과율을 증가시킨다.

      • KCI등재

        가상 공간 하에서의 대학생들의 함수개념 변화에 관한 연구

        노관식 한국교육정보미디어학회 1999 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.5 No.2

        이 연구는 실시간 및 비 실시간 컴퓨터 매개 통신(Computer Mediated Communication [CMC]) 체제를 이용한 가상 공간 환경 하에서 대학생들의 수학 함수 개념의 변화를 관찰 기록하였다. 네 명의 애리조나 주립대 학생들이 두 명씩 짝지어서 가상 공간 하에서 한달 정도에 걸쳐 함수문제들을 풀었다. 원안분석 방법을 통해 학생들의 함수개념 변화에 대한 기록들이 수집분석 되었다. 연구결과 학생들의 잘못된 또는 제한된 함수개념들은 대부분 변화되었다. 학생들의 개념은 일관성 있게 변하지 않았고 확고히 정립된 개념은 쉽게 변화되지 않았다. 학생들의 몇몇 제한된 개념들과 잘못된 개념은 학생들의 함수에 대한 이해에 중대한 역할을 하였다. 마지막으로, 이 CMC 체제의 소집단 수학 함수개념 학습에의 적용 가능성을 확인하였다. This study observed and documented the changes of the college student's notion of mathematics functions in a virtual environment that integrated a synchronous and asynchronous Computer Mediated Communication system. Four Arizona State University undergraduates were teamed into pairs and solved function problems in the virtual classroom over a one month period. A protocol analysis method was used to analyze the collected data on the student's conceptual change of the function mncept. The study found that most of the students limited conceptions and misconceptions were changed. Student's conceptual change did not follow a linear pattern, and the change did not occur eady especially when the notion of functions was well established. Some of the students hited conceptions and misconceptions of functions were interrelated. A notion, a function problem should make sense, played an important role in the development of students function concept. Finally, students corrected most of their incorrect conceptions regarding the notion of functions. This means that college students could learn through interactions in ths type of virtual learning environment.

      • 칸트철학에 있어서 아름다움의 구조에 관한 연구

        조관홍,추군식 東亞大學校 2005 東亞論叢 Vol.42 No.-

        Die Definition des Geschmacks, daß er das Vermögen der Beurteilung des Schönen sei. Das Geschmacksurteil ist ästheisch. Das Wohlgellen, welches das Geschmacksurteil bestimmt, ist ohne alles Interesse. Interesse wird das Wohlgefallen genannt, das wir mit der Vorstellung der Existenz eines Gegenstandes verbinden. Ein solches hat daher immer zugleich Beziehung auf das Begehrungsvermögen, entweder als Bestimmungsgrund desselben, oder doch als mit dem Bestimmungsgrunde desselben notwendig zusammenhängend. Das Wohlgefallen am Angenehmen ist mit Interesse verbunden. Angenehm ist das, was den Sinnen in der Empfindung gefällt. Das Wohlgefallen am Guten ist mit Interesse verbunden. Gut ist das, was vermittelst der Vernunft, durch den bloßen Begriff, gefällt. Das Schöne ist das, was ohne Begriffe als Objekt eines allgemeinen Wohlgefallens vorgestellt wird. Die Allgemeinheit des Wohlgefallens wird in einem Geschmacksurteile nur als subjektiv vorgestellt. Die subjektiv Notwendigkeit, die wir dem Geschmacksurteile beilegen, ist bedingt. Schön ist, was ohne Begriff als Gegenstand eines notwendigen Wohlgefallens erkannt wird. Das Schöne kommt darin mit dem Erhabenen überein, daß beides für sich selbst gefällt. Zum Schönen der Natur müssen wir einen Grund außer uns suchen, zum Erhabenen aber bloß in uns und der Denkungsart, die in die Vorstellung der ersteren Erhabenheit hineinbringt. Erhaben nennen wir das, was schlechthin groß ist. Die Größenschätzung durch Zahlbegriffe (oder deren Zeichen in der Algebra) ist mathematisch, die aber in der bloßen Anschauung (nach dem Augenmaße) ist ästhetisch. Macht ist ein Vermögen, welches großen Hindernissen überlegen ist. Ebendieslbe heißt eine Gewalt, wenn sie auch dem Widerstande dessen, was selbst Macht besitzt, überlegen ist. Die Natur im ästhetischen Urteile als Macht, die über uns keine Gewalt hat, betrachtet, ist dynamisch-erhaben. In Beziehung auf das Gefühl der Lust ist ein Gegenstand einweder zum Angenehmen oder Schönen oder Erhabenen oder Guten (schlechthin) zu zählen (incundum. pulchrum, sublime, honestum).

      • Theodore Dreiser의 小說 : 自然主義를 中心으로 한

        宋寬植 단국대학교 1980 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        It is a wonder that Theodore Dreiser whose education was quite irregular and who had stopped his education after a year of study in Indiana University could write such great novels on American Naturalism. His own life was the very course that was relived by those heroes in his naturalistic novels. The experiences he had had, the American social development itself and the world trend in literature were integrated to create his universe in literature. His major novels that earned him farme as America's true novelist of naturalism were Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt and An American Tragedy. His first novel, Sister Carrie caused him enough trial in his literary career and almost led him to despair in life and nearly made him abandon his literary career. However, this novel became the landmark of American naturalism. The heroine Carrie is the very embodiment of the rapidly changing morals coniciding with the industrization of America. Her coming to the great city of Chicago was itself a revolution in the American traditional society. Stirred up by the American dream and with only a desire to live in luxury, her life in Chicago was a challenge to the old traditions. Being thrown into the big city with nothing but her beautiful body, her life there was to be immoral and her pursu it in life was to step upward for acquiring more wealth and material comforts. Drouet and Hurstwood were the victims and also the means through which she ascends to her goals in life. Dreiser in depicting Carrie, entirely depended on the naturalistic method. Carrie was like a leaf floating on the ocean in the society of Chicago and New York. Her life was led by the forces she couldn't resist. By presenting Carrie's life in the big cities, Dreiser vividly showed how big cities were alluring to young people and accordingly their pursuits in life were a misdireced American dream. With this theme the author interprets the changing morals of American life in the early twentieth century s with naturalistic touch. Through Jennie in Jennie Gerhardt, Dreiser presents the lives of the young along with the conservative old. Again in this novel the heroine Jennie struggles hard to free herself from the social pressure of poverty. The gap between the rich and the poor was great, and for those who were suffering from various oppressing forces was not very easy to get rid of poverty. But Jennie was an unusual girl who never lost her womanly heart even in her bitter struggles in life. Her lover Lester was another young American who represents a part of the American life in the changing period. His firm principle to live a free life had frequently been given blows so that at last he yielded to the will of his stubborn conservative father. But at his death he returned to his lover Jennie and showed that he was the one person who had at last obtained freedom from the traditional restraints imposed by the conservative society. As a novelist of naturalism Dreiser revealed the changing American society composed of by those people whose conduct was entirely controlled by the great forces of the society. Regardless of their will, the environment, morals and social acceptance were from the beginning powerfully cominating over those individuals to the extend that their lives in society were extremely passive. Dreiser faithfully pur the facts in details and with a deep philosophy of life he created an art based on human life in the changing society. This attitude was culminatied in his great novel, An American Tragedy. The hero, Clyde, was brought up in a home where religion dominated the life of the whole family. Father and mother were eagerly engaged in missionary work employing their children in the religious mission. But the eyes of the children were turned to ward worldly pleasures and their thoughts were astray seeking every chance to escape the present uninteresting life. Clyde became ambitious when he got a job as a hotel bell-boy. From then on his life in the society was driven by forces he could never dispel Following the theory of naturalism, faithfully, Dreiser presented the life of Clyde in detail and finally put Clyde to the gas chamber to end his life at a young age. He had committed the crime of killing his pregnant lover Roberta for which act Clyde couldnever be responsible. At the time things in the society were so complicated and dominated over by the big forcesthat such a boy as Clyde could never reach the status he craved for. With such an unsteady background the life he desired would require only sacrifice instead of any reward he would for. The society that the author described is outwardly very friendly and favorable to the many boys and girls, but the deep structure of the society always repelled unwelcomed and unqualified intruders. Men are controlled by the forces enforced by circumstances, tradition, the existing authorities and others which cannot easily yield to new development. The ambitious boy like Clyde, however hard he may try, was ultimately repelled by the existing social system. Another example of the misdirected young man was vividly described by the great author, and once again we appreciate a novel of great human drama with super art by a novelist whose philosophy of human life was presented by a naturalistic method. This thesis attempts toanalyze graps Dreiser's literary universe, his principles on naturalism and his themes through theacts of characters of universal appeal.

      • 디자인 교육의 아이디어를 위한 창조성에 관한 연구

        이관식,신승혁 경복대학 2002 京福論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        고도화된 현대 사회에서 점차 발전의 속도는 가속화 되고 있으며 새로움에 대한 인간의 욕구 역시 복잡 다양해지고 고도화 되고 있다. 특히 새로움이란 창조성의 필요성과 중요성이 인식됨에 파라 창조성의 이해와 개발, 그 실천응용부분에 대한 연구는 요구되고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 창조성의 본질을 파악하고 디자인 초기단계에서의 문제형성을 위해 체계적이고 전반적인 창조성 접근을 실행하는 방법을 계발함으로써 문제를 발견하고 잠정적 해결안들 내포한 일차적 초기 컨셉을 수립하는 과정에서 창조적, 종합적, 직관적 사고를 하도록 유도하는 방법을 제시 하고자 한다. In a high level of modern society, a face of growing is accelerating gradually. Desire of the human being for brand new is going to be complex, diverse and high level, too. Particularly, as the brand new is perceived the need and importance of creativity, the comprehension and development of creativity, and therefore the study on its practical application is required. At the first stage of design, this study focuses on grasping the essence of creativity and developing the program to practice a creative approachsystematically and generally. Hereupon, this thesis proposes the plan of Incitement to creative, comprehensive and imuitive consideration in the process of devising a primary concept.

      • 中炭素鋼의 破壞靭性値에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        沈寬植 江原大學校 産業科學硏究所 1982 産業技術硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        The fracture of a hot rolled SM 45C steel plate was investigated for various crack ratio, thickness and loading point using the method of J-integral. It was found that the stable crack growth increased as the thickness and crack ratio of the specimen. the results are summerized as follows. 1.The more crack ratio increase, the less fracture toughness tend to. 2.Considering fracture toughness, a thin specimen is stronger a thick one. 3.Considering only the bending of specimen without thickings of the axial direction, we can get J₁сvalue decreased about 10 percentage within the scope of experimental crack ratio.

      • 지방화 시대의 지역 이벤트에 관한 연구

        이관식 경복대학 1997 京福論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        WTO 출범에 따른 무한 경쟁시대를 맞아 위기를 극복하기 위한 효율적이고 합리적인 농정계획과 방향이 모색되고 있다. 지자체의 전면적 실시에 따라 중앙정부 의존 방식에서 탈피함으로써 각 지자체는 지역특유의 이벤트를 적극 주관하여 외부 방문객을 유치, 지역이미지 개선을 물론 침체된 곳에 활력을 주고 지역 주민들의 단합된 응집력을 유도해 내는 것이 지방화 시대의 지역 이벤트의 핵심적인 관건이다. 또한 지역 이벤트는 지역 공동체의 문화적 정체성(正體性)을 확립시키고 지역 주민의 삶의 질을 높여 줄뿐만 아니라 지역경제를 살찌우는 문화적 자원으로 각광받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 지자체에서 지역 이벤트 현황과 포천군을 중심으로 한 관광 및 이벤트, 향토 특산물의 실태를 소개하고 분석정리함으로서 지역 이벤트 연구의 기초적인 틀을 마련하 고자 한다. 이를 위해서 현행 지자체에서의 지역 이벤트의 실태 및 분석, 문제점, 개선방안 등에 대하여 검토했다. 위의 사항을 기틀로 지방화시대의 지역 이벤트의 활로와 전망에 대하여 살펴보고자 한다. With entrance to WTO, the local goverments have geared themselves to make effective and rationalized agricultural administration plan in order to cope with the difficulties of fierce competition. With the implementation of Local autonomy system, local governments away from centralization have held various events peculiar to their own area in order to attract visitors, to improve image of the area and to vitalize the local comunity as well. In the era of localization, the main focus on the events is to incite the united solidar ity of the local people by introduction and well maintenance of their own culture. Also the events are welcomed as it contribute in establishing the cultural identity of the community and in deve loping the economy of the community as well as improving the quality of life. In this research, I would like to make a fundamental ground for the research on the events by local community by analyzing the current situations of the events and the tourism promotion activities and specialties of Pocheon-kun. In addition, with the result of analysis on the current situation of local events, I have investigated in the events of Pocheon area, its specialties, the current problems it has and the improvements. Through this research, I would like to look into the prospect of the local events in the era of localization.

      • N-메틸화된 폴리(4-비닐피리딘)과 메틸오렌지동족체와의 상호작용에 있어서 무기전해질 첨가의 영향

        김우식,서관호 경북대학교 산업기술연구소 1987 産業技術硏究誌 Vol.15 No.-

        The binding of methyl orange and its homologs by N-methylated poly (4-vinylpyridine) has been investigated in the presence of sodium ch1-oride by the equilibrium dialysis method. The first binding constants and the Gibbs free energy changes for these binding systems were calculated in various concentrations of NaCl in order to clarify the effects of sodium chloride on the binding behaviors and to gain some insight into the nature binding energy. It was found that the first binding constants decreased with an increase in sodium chloride concentration and tend to approach a constant value above 0.4 mol NaCl. This might be due to the shielding of electric field around the binding system. The electrostatic force for the binding of methyl orange, ethyl orange, propyl orange by N-methylated poly (4-vinylpyridine) were estimated to be -1.97~-1.96㎉/㏖ and the other binding forces -4.31, -4.53, -4.78 ㎉/㏖ respectively. From these results, the calculated hydrophobic contribution for these binding systems were 69~71%. Therefore, the hydrophobic interaction seems to play an important role in these binding systems.

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