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      • KCI등재

        綠化と人間 (Ⅲ) : 비탈면 綠化의 展望 Perspective on the revegetation of the face of slopes

        全槿雨,西門原,徐正一,安榮相,金仁愛,井上章二,岩本徹,江崎次夫 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 2002 Journal of Forest Science Vol.18 No.-

        21세기에 들어 在來木本植物을 이용한 비탈면 綠化가 이용되기 시작되고 있으므로 그 발전방향을 예측하기 위해 綠化의 기본적인 개념과 綠化에 대한 주역주민의 인식을 정리하여 보았다. 조사결과, 지역주민은 綠化의 필요성과 在來木本植物을 이용한 工法을 충분히 인식하고 있었으나, 外來種의 도입에 대해서는 대부분의 주민이 부정적이었다. 따라서 앞으로는 비탈면 綠化의 多面性을 추구해야 하며, 在來 木本植物의 도입이 곤란한 장소에는 在來 雜草類의 이용을 추진해야 할 것이다. 또한 비탈면에 시공하고 있는 金網은 人爲的 災害를 유인할 가능성이 있으므로 시정할 필요가 있다. 결론적으로 비탈면 綠化는 단기적으로는 비탈면의 物理的 安定과 生態的 安定에, 중·장기적으로는 地球環境의 改善과 向上에 기여해야 할 것이다. The twenty-first century was entered and began to show the extent where revegetation of the face of slopes using the native woody plant was nationwide at last. Then, future revegetation of the face of slopes was considered on the basis of them in order to attempt the development of this direction, while the recognition for fundamental matter of the revegetation and revegetation of t h e regional inhabitant was arranged this time. The regional inhabitant sufficiently understood t h e necessity of the revegetation, and the method using the native woody plant had sufficiently been recognized, and the high evaluation was given in the method. In the other, the major inhabitant questioned it for introducing the exotic species. I t was proposed that the utilization of native weeds should be advanced by the pursuit of many facets of the revegetation of the face of the slopes based on these in future in the place where the introduction of the native woody plant is difficult. And, the method for stretching the wire netting for the face of slopes indicated the necessity of the urgent review, because the artificial disaster might be caused. As a conclusion, the goal of the revegetation of the face of slopes confirmed that it was ecologically stable short-terminable face of slopes physically and connects it with the medium and long term for improvement and improvement of global environment, and it indicated the importance of the revegetation of the face of slopes.

      • KCI등재

        流域의 環境保全을 고려한 합리적인 林道施工에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) : 일본에 있어서 최근의 林道事業을 중심으로 Recently forest road conservation in Japan

        全權雨,江崎次夫,吳在萬 江源大學校 森林科學硏究所 1996 Journal of Forest Science Vol.12 No.-

        우리나라에서는 농업분야의 경쟁력 강화를 위한 일환으로 임도사업이 전국적으로 실시되고 있으나 임도개설에 따른 土砂流出 및 水質惡化 등의 환경문제가 대두되고 있다. 따라서 임도사업의 역사가 길고 자연환경 등이 우리나라와 유사한 일본에 있어서 임도분야의 연구방향, 임도개설유역의 환경영향평가 방법, 環境親和型 林道施工 및 연구방법에 대한 자료를 정리하였으므로 앞으로의 合理的인 流域管理와 親環境的 林道事業에 유용하게 사용될 것으로 생각된다. In our country, nation-wide forest road works are being carried out as one of the efforts to bolster the international competitiveness of agriculture, however such environmental problems as sediment discharge and water quality degradation accompany such efforts more often than not. Hence, in this research report. we compile and analyze the Japanese sources dealing with the 「research direction of the forest road construction」, 「environmental impact assessment upon the watershed of the forest road construction」 , 「environmentally-sound forest road construction and its research method」 in consideration of the fact that natural environment of Japan is similar to that of our country and Japanese forest road works has a long history. We hope that this report be useful to the reasonable watershed management and the environmentally-sound forest road works.

      • KCI등재

        環境과 조화한 砂防事業(Ⅰ) : 日本의 環境保全砂防 Environment-oriented erosion control works in Japan

        全權雨,江崎次夫 江源大學校 森林科學硏究所 1996 Journal of Forest Science Vol.12 No.-

        최근의 砂防事業은 防災空間의 확보뿐 만 아니라 周邊環境에 잘 조화되고 生物資源이 풍부한 環境空問의 확보가 강조되고 있다. 일본에서도 이와같은 노력이 1990년대에 들어 활발히 진행되고 있으므로 우리나라의 사방사업의 참고가 될 수 있도록 일본의 親環境的 砂防事業에 대한 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 구체적인 내용은 합리적인 水邊環境 造成과 親環境型 砂防事業이며, 親環境的인 砂防事業은 砂防댐, 流路工과 護岸工, 魚道 및 水質保全工 등에 대하여 정리하였다. In recent erosion control works, securing not only the disaster prevention space but the environmental space, harmonized with surrounding environment and abundant with biological resources are emphasized. Inspired of by the fact that efforts to secure such spaces have been being briskly promoted in Japan since the beginning of 1990s. we compile and analyze the Japanese sources about the 「environmentally-sound erosion control works」 to contribute to the erosion control works of our country. Specifically, in this report, we deal with the subjects of 「establishment of the comfortable river environment」 and 「environmentally-sound erosion control works」 which includes 「erosion control dam」, 「water channel works and revetments」, 「fish routes」 and 「water quality conservation works」.

      • KCI등재

        林道斜面의 崩壞에 關한 硏究

        全槿雨,吳在萬 江原大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1991 Journal of Forest Science Vol.7 No.-

        This study was conducted to find out the suitable gradient and length of the slope from the landslide of banking slope and cutting slope caused by rainfall. The survey was carried out on forest road built in 1986. And the period of survey was from June, 1989 to August, 1989 after dividing the forest road into A and B. The survey plots consisted of the 12 banking slopes and 6 cutting slopes. The results obtained from the study were summarized as follows; 1. The rate of landslide appeared 75% in A forest road, 50% in B forest road, and then the average 67% in A and B forest road. But the value of landslide showed considerably low. 2. Because of landslide chiefly occuring on banking slope of 36˚∼38˚ and on cutting slope of 42˚∼ 43˚, it is suitable to decide the banking slope and cutting slope below each 36˚and 40˚. 3. Landslide was the same on banking slopes through the length of slope. The best suitable length of slope is below 4m in cutting slope.

      • KCI등재

        彌矢嶺 龍村川 河床堆積地의 年代學的 硏究

        전근우 江原大學校 林科大學 森林科學硏究所 1991 Journal of Forest Science Vol.7 No.-

        山地流城에 있어서의 土石移動은 滯留過程과 移動過程으로 구분되며, 과거로 부터의 변화과정을 반영하고 있는 현재의 지표면의 특성을 분석하기 위하여는 원인과 결과를 분명히 하여야 한다. 여기서 원인이란 단위시간 안에서 유역특성을 구성하는 요인인 地形, 地質, 氣候, 植生, 土地利用 등을 의미하며, 결과란 流域안에서 발생하고 있는 山沙汰, 땅밀림, 河床變動 등을 말한다. 본 연구는 조사대상지인 山地急流河川에 있어서 상기 원인중 地形(河川徵地形)과 植生(同齡林分)을 분석하여 결과로서 존재하는 河床變動을 해석하는데 필요한 기초자료를 얻고저 하였다. 그 결과 河床堆積地의 침입수목의 年輪解析으로부터 河床變動에 대한 空間的(堆積高)·時間的(滯留期間) 分布에 대한 객관적인 자료를 얻을 수 있었다. 따라서 이를 기초로하여 流域間 또는 區間間의 地表變動의 特性을 時·空間的으로 해석하므로서 보다 객관적인 防災對策을 수립할 수 있을 것이다. Based on the topographical and vegetational indicators on sediment movement of Yongcheon River, the movement occurence years were estimated. 1. The cross sectional shapes of deposits in torrential stream are stepped and even-aged forests tend to be established on each step. 2. Generally the older the forest age is, the higher the height of step from the lowest base tend to become. 3. The ages of trees indicate the year when deposition occured, and so may be useful as plant indicator to get chronological information.

      • KCI등재

        日本의 海岸砂防에 관한 연구(II) : 沖繩縣의 海岸保安林을 중심으로;On Seaside Protection Forest in Okinawa Prefecture

        全槿雨,李在善,朴完根,幸喜善福,中島勇喜,江崎次夫 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 2004 Journal of Forest Science Vol.20 No.-

        우리나라에 있어서 海岸林의 多面的 機能과 時代的 價値觀의 변화를 파악하고, 海岸砂防의 참고자료를 얻기 위해 일본의 海岸林과 海岸砂防에 대한 각종 자료를 수집·분석하고 있다. 전보(全槿雨 등, 2002)에 이어 日本 沖繩縣의 海岸防災林을 중심으로 海岸林의 槪要, 海岸保安林의 實態와 각 島嶼別 주요 海岸砂防用 樹種 및 대표적인 海岸保安林에 대하여 분석·정리하였다. Management system of coastal erosion-control forest in Japan together with coast sand dune fixation and stabilization were investigated and analyzed to introduce to Korean researchers the many-sided importance and function of coastal forest and its chage from the standpoint of social value. In this study some suggestions and ideas were proposed for establishment of coastal forest including some suggestions and idea were proposed for establishment of coastal forest including seaside protection forest characteristics and tree species for coastal dune fixation, based on the analysis of date which were collected from the seaside protection forest in Okinawa Prefecture in Japan.

      • KCI등재

        묘지 조성사업지의 비탈면 보호공법에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 강릉시 시범 공설묘지 조성사업을 중심으로

        전근우,유남재,차두송,이명종,박완근,한상균 강원대학교 삼림과학연구소 2000 Journal of Forest Science Vol.16 No.-

        강릉시 시범 공설묘지 조성사업은 경사 30˚ 의 표고차가 심한 산지를 절 · 성토하여 계단식 묘역단을 조성하는 공사로 수직고 15m이상의 대절토 및 성토부가 산재하고 있다. 특히 묘역단장후 주변 유입수 및 표면 유출수에 의한 비탈면 붕괴, 묘역단 유실 등의 피해가 발생할 경우 보수 또는 보강이 사실상 어려운 실정이며, 사회적 여론으로 확대될 가능성이 크므로 비탈면 보호에 필요한 녹화공법을 검토하였다. 구체적인 연구내용으로는 설계도면 및 현장답사를 통한 문제 비탈면 추출, 비탈면의 물리적 특성과 식생의 생육상황 파악, 비탈면 주변부의 식생조사와 유용식생 선발, 비탈면의 토양조건 분석 및 비탈면 토사의 기본물성 조사 등이며, 이를 기초로 하여 비탈면 현황 및 문제점을 파악하고, 그 대안을 제시하였다. The construction of a public cemetery in Kangnung city includes terraced graveyard with cutting or banking in mountain which has severe altitude differences with a slope of 30˚. Therefore, there are scattered cutting and banking sections with vertical height more than 15m. Especially, if the slope failure or the loss of a graveyard happens after graveyard establishment due to surface flow and inflow around, it is difficult to repair, causing serious public censure. Accordingly. revegetation works were examined that need protection of slope. The specific content of the study was the selection of slopes requiring special care through blueprint and field investigation the measurement of the physical property of slope and the situation of vegetative growth, the investigation of vegetation in slopes and the selection of vegetation, and the analysis of soil condition of slopes and the physical condition of slope sediment. On the basis of investigations some alternatives were proposed.Key words: public cemetery, slope protection works, revegetation works

      • 거제도 구천호와 연초호의 곤충과 저서성 대형무척추동물의 분포

        정선우,박정원,전세근,윤춘식 7개 국립대학교 환경연구 논문집 공동발행 위원회 2004 공업기술연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The community structures of benthic macroinvertebrates and insects of reservoirs Yeoncho and Gucheon in Is. Geoje were studied. The surveyed sites were three streams and waterfronts each lake. The Collection was performed from May to October of 2004. As a result, total macroinvertabrates collected in the reservoir Yeoncho were 2 phyla, 2 classes, 8 orders, 15 families, 17 genera and 18 species. IN insects, 12 orders, 52 families, 89 genera and 95 species were identifies. Total macroinvertabrates collected in the reservoir Gucheon were 3 phyla, 4 classes, 10 orders, 15 families, 18 genera and 18 species. In insects, 8 orders, 45 families, 92 genera and 101 species were identified. Dominant species of benthic macroinvertebrates and insects in reservoir Yeoncho were Macrobrachium nipponense and Nysius(Nysius) plebejus respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in the reservoir Yeoncho was 32.78 and 1,77 respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macroinvertertebrates in the reservoir Gucheon was 36.48 and 1.88 respectively.

      • 합천군 정양지와 박실지의 곤충 및 저서성 대형무척추동물의 분포

        정선우,전세근,김인택,박정원,윤춘식 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        The community structures of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects of reservoirs Jeongyang and Pakasil in Hapcheon-gun were studied. The surveyed sites were three streams and waterfronts of each lake. The Collection was performed from April to October of 2005. As a result, total macreo-invertebrates collected in the reservoir Jeongyang were 3 phyla, 4 classes, 12 orders, 29 families and 56 species. In insects, 12 orders, 71 families and 167 species were identified. Total macro-invertebrates collectd in the reservoir Paksil were 2 phyla, 3 classes, 8 orders, 19 families and 36 species. In insects, 11orders, 50 families and 137 species were identified.Dominant species of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects in reservoir Jeongyang were Chiromomus sp and Nysius plebejus respectively. Dominant species of benthic macro-invertebrates and insects in reservoir Paksil were Physella acuta and Nysius plebejus respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Jeongyang was 16.88 and 1.43 respectively. The total species richness and species diversidty of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Paksil was 12.12 and 1.10 respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of insects in the reservoir Jeongyang was 56.65 and 1.99 respectively. The total species richness and species diversity of benthic macro-invertebrates in the reservoir Paksil was 47.65. and 0.90 respectively.

      • KCI등재

        都市河川의 河床微地形 變化에 관한 硏究 : 春川市 太白川을 대상으로 On Taebaek River of Chunchon city

        金炅南,全槿雨 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 1997 Journal of Forest Science Vol.13 No.-

        都市河川은 人間活動에 의해 주변 환경이 민감하게 변화하므로 지속적인 관찰이 필요하다. 이 연구에서는 인간활동이 都市河川에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 春川市 太白川을 대상으로 1993년 6월 부터 1996년 6월까지, 4개년간 5회에 걸쳐 구간별 河床의 橫斷形狀, 變動量 및 偏倚度를 분석하였다. 연구결과, 1. 橫斷形狀 變化는 조사시기 별로는 1996년 6월이 가장 크게 나타났으며, 구간 별로는 측선 19∼20구간에서 最大 堆積量 1,247㎥, 측선 6∼7구간에서 最大 洗掘量 340㎥가 각각 발생하였고. 2. 1993년 6월 河床面을 기준으로 하면 1996년 6월에는 河床이 전체적으로 상승하여 약 4,600㎥이 堆積되었으며. 3. 流路偏倚度는 시기별로는 1996년. 측 선별로는 4,7,15,16,17,18,19,20을 중심으로 발생하였다 Urban river needs continuous observation for the river conservation because river surrounding environment sensitivly is changed by human activity. In order to grasp the effect of human activity against Taebaek river in Chunchon city, this research analysed the channel shape change, fluctuation volume and bias degree over five times, for June, 1993 to June, 1996. The results were as follows : 1. The change of channel shape on each surveying time mainly occurred in June, 1996 and maximum deposition, 1.247㎥ occurred on 19∼ 20section, maximum scouring, 340㎥ occured on 6∼7 section, 2. When comparing with June, 1993, increased deposition volume of channelbed was about 4,600㎥ in June 1996. 3 The bia degree of channel mainly occured in June. 1996 of surveying times and at 6,7,15,16,17,18,19,20 line of surveying lines.

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