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      • 남성서과 범죄 - 양분법적 범죄학을 극복하기 위한 논의

        James W. Messerschmidt 著, 박지현 譯 인제대학교 전자법학연구소 2009 전자법학연구 Vol.- No.8

        Renzetti 등 엮음, 2006, Roxbury)라는 여성주의 범죄학 입문서에 실린 18개의 글 중의 하나이다. 이 책의 내용의 대부분은 2001년에 처음에는 [Women,Crime, and Criminal Justice: Original Feminist Readings]라는 이름으로 출간된적이 있었는데 미국의 학부생들이 읽기 어려운 부분을 보완하여 위와 같은 이름으로 재출간되었다. 이 책에는 편저자인 클레어 렌제티(Claire Renzetti), 린 굿스타인(Lynne Goodstein), 수잔 밀러(Susan Miller) 외에도 미국내 저명한 여성주의 법학자들이 다수 집필에 참여하였다.


        Respiratory Acidosis Attenuates the Anti-ischaemic Effects of the NMDA Ion Channel Blocker, CNS 1102

        Park, Chun Kun,McCulloch, James,Park, Jong Min,Kang, Joon Ki,Choi, Chang Rak 대한신경외과학회 1991 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.20 No.8

        비경쟁성 N-methyl-D-aspartate(NMDA) 길항제의 뇌허혈증에 대한 신경방어효과와 전신성 산증이 이 효과에 미치는 영향에 대하여 쥐에서 24시간 중대뇌동맥의 영구 폐쇄후 조직학적 변화를 관찰하므로써 연구하였다. 본 실험에는 새로운 NMDA 이온 통로차단제인 N-(I-Naphtyl)-N-methylguanidine hydrochloride(CNS 1102)를 사용하였는데 중대뇌동맥 폐쇄 15분전(3㎎/㎏)과 폐쇄 3시간후부터 매 6시간마다 복강내 주입(3㎎/㎏) 하였다. 그결과 중대뇌동맥 폐쇄시 정상 탄산가스 혈액내 분압(약 46㎜Hg)을 유지하였던 동물군에서 대뇌반구내 허혈용적이 35% 감소한 반면 호흡성산증(PaCO₂, 약 60㎜Hg)을 보였던 동물군에서는 CNS 1102의 항허혈효과가 관찰되지 않았다. 이는 산증에 의해 NMDA 수용체 활동이 감소되므로써 ion 통로차단제의 작동이 억제되었기 때문인 것으로 판단되었다.

      • The Great Commission and Education

        ( James H Park ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2012 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.6 No.-

        This article looks at the Great Commission and how it could possibly be applied to post-secondary education. After an initial overview, it attempts to show how the word "disciples" used in Matthew could be related to "students." It then outlines the spiritual dimension of "teaching" as related to baptism, transformation and reproduction. The article concludes with a section on the possible implications of the Great Commission for the post-modern student.

      • The Development of a Missiological Degree For the 10/40 Window

        ( James H. Park ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2011 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.3 No.-

        The Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in 2009 applied to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC) for a grant from a special E-Tithe funds in order to provide a Graduate Program in Missiology for 60 pastors and leaders within the Northern Asia Pacific (NSD) and Southern Asia Pacific (SSD) regions. This article outlines the development of the various proposals, the various influences that shaped it, and the initial implementation of the Missiological Degree program.

      • When Shareholder Approval Matters : 20 Percent Rule for Privately Issued Equity

        James L. Park 한국재무학회 2013 한국재무학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.05

        This paper empirically studies agency con‡ict by using a shareholder approval rule gov- erning private placements. NASDAQ and other exchanges require shareholder approval for discounted, placements that make up more than 20% of existing shares. I document a distribution discontinuity around the threshold and identify many managers who avoid approval by keeping the fraction of new shares just below 20%. Shareholder avoiding …rms have negative and 4.43% lower announcement day abnormal returns than …rms that gain approval. Moreover, shareholder avoiding …rms are less distressed and issue at higher discounts. Overall, my …ndings suggest agency problems in privately issued equity.

      • Making Missionary Disciples in Matthew

        James H. Park 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2009 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.1 No.-

        This article attempts to give a brief overview of the major themes of the Great Commission by showing how the Gospel of Matthew itself, along with the call of Abraham, helps to illuminate just how missionary disciples are to be made. The introduction outlines how the Great Commission has often been divorced from its rich context and thus the missionary enterprise of the Church has not been well informed in its attempt to reproduce lifelong disciples. Sections on Christ`s missionary authority, the sending of the disciples to make disciples of the nations by baptizing and teaching are also explored. The article concludes with the important promise of Christ`s continued presence as we go to make disciples of the nations, as well as a call for the church to wait again on the mountain with Jesus to regain anew the spiritual, theological and practical dimensions of the Great Commission.

      • KCI등재

        Dynamic Effects of Macroeconomic Factors on International Tourism Demand

        Park Hae-Sun(박해선),James W. Mjelde(James W. Mjelde),Lee Choong-Ki(이충기) 대한관광경영학회 2012 觀光硏究 Vol.27 No.4

        Dynamic effects of macroeconomic conditions in major inbound arrivals markets (Japan, China, United States, and Taiwan) on total international arrivals to Korea are examined using a vector error correction model and quarterly data. Overall, results show that the economic conditions in the different major inbound markets affect international arrivals to Korea. Real per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in the inbound markets has strong and long lasting positive influence on arrivals to Korea. Depreciation of Korean won with respect to currency of inbound markets has strong and long lasting positive influence on arrivals to Korea except for China. China’s different response to exchange rate shock may be cause by the number of tourist arriving from China seeking employment. 본 연구는 벡터오차수정모형과 분기별 자료를 이용하여 주요 인바운드 국가들(일본, 중국, 미국, 대만)의 거시경제적 변수가 우리나라 인바운드 관광객시장에 미치는 동태적인 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과 주요 인바운드시장의 거시경제적 조건이 우리나라 인바운시장에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 주요 인바운드시장의 1인당 실질소득은 우리나라 인바운드 관광수요에 강하고 지속적인 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 주요 인바운드시장 화폐의 원화에 대한 환율도 중국을 제외하고, 강하고 지속적인 양(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 환율충격에 대한 중국의 다른 반응은 중국 관광객 중 구직목적의 방문객이 포함된 것에 기인한 것으로 추정된다.

      • Reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity of ambient fine particles (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) measured in Seoul, Korea

        Park, Jieun,Park, Eun Ha,Schauer, James J.,Yi, Seung-Muk,Heo, Jongbae Elsevier 2018 Environment international Vol.117 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Substantial increase in level of particulate matter has raised concerns in South Korea recently. Ambient particulate matter is classified as Group I carcinogen (IARC, 2013) and multiple epidemiological studies has demonstrated adverse health effects due to exposure of particulate matter. Fine particulate matter (PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>) which has a diameter <2.5 μm is likely to penetrate deeply into lung and is known to be eliciting adverse health effects. A number of epidemiological studies have been conducted on adverse health effects of PM-related diseases and mortality rate, yet particulate matter (PM)-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) activity at the cellular level has not been actively studied in Korea. This study assessed PM-induced oxidative potential by exposure of collected ambient PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> samples to the rat alveolar macrophage cell line. The characteristics of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> in Korea were further characterized by linking chemical constituents and contributing sources to ROS. PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> mass concentration during the cold season was relatively higher than mass concentration during the warm season and chemical constituents except for Secondary Organic Carbon (SOC) and SO<SUB>4</SUB> <SUP>2−</SUP> which both showed similar trends in both the cold and cold seasons. The concentration of crustal elements was especially high during the cold season which can be an indication of long range transport of Asian dust. Water soluble organic carbon and water soluble transition metals (Cr and Zn) were also shown to be correlated to oxidative potential and metals such as As and V were shown to have a high contribution to ROS activity according to stepwise multiple linear regression. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) results identified six factors that can be interpreted as soil, mobile, industry, secondary inorganic aerosol, secondary organic aerosol and oil combustion. Moreover, through Principal Component Regression (PCR), industry, soil, mobile and SIA were shown to be statistically significant sources in a relation to ROS activity.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> PM-induced oxidative potential was assessed through cellular responses. </LI> <LI> WSOC and meals (As and V) exhibited high positive association with the ROS activity. </LI> <LI> Industry and soil sources were strongly correlated with ROS activity. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Sol-Gel Synthesis of Chromium-Doped Forsterite

        Park, Dong Gon Burlitch, James M. Geray, Roland F. Diechmann, Rudiger Barber, Duane B. Pollock, Clifford R. 숙명여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1994 자연과학논문집 Vol.- No.5

        Pale purple, polycrystalline, chromium-doped forsterite powder was prepared at low temperature from a magnesium silicate sol. The chromium dopant, introduced as either chromium(Ⅱ) acetate or chromium(Ⅳ) oxide, was combined in solution to maximize homogeneity. Electronic absorption spectroscopy indicated dopantions, CrIII and CrIV, were intimately bound to the magnesium silicate network. At a Cr/Si mole ratio of 0.04 or less, the dried xerogel formed only a single phase, forsterite, after calcination in humid air to 560℃, and was fully crystalline above 800℃. The residual carbon content of the xerogel was decreased by the use of humidified air during calcination. FTIR spectroscopy in dicated that the dopant occupied both octahedral and tetrahedral sites. In the first attempts to grow single crystals of chromium-doped forsterite, coarse-grained samples were obtained by melting and solidification of the polycrystalline powder under an oxygen atmosphere by the crucible-free, floating zone method. Observation of a broad ESR peak for Cr4+ at room temperature and of typical near IR emission spectra indicated that the Cr4+/Cr3+ ratio in the melt grown samples was higher than that of commercial single crystals, grown under a more reducing atmosphere.


        Enhancement of Light Absorption in Silicon Nanowire Photovoltaic Devices with Dielectric and Metallic Grating Structures

        Park, Jin-Sung,Kim, Kyoung-Ho,Hwang, Min-Soo,Zhang, Xing,Lee, Jung Min,Kim, Jungkil,Song, Kyung-Deok,No, You-Shin,Jeong, Kwang-Yong,Cahoon, James F.,Kim, Sun-Kyung,Park, Hong-Gyu American Chemical Society 2017 NANO LETTERS Vol.17 No.12

        <P>We report the enhancement of light absorption in Si nanowire photovoltaic devices with one-dimensional dielectric or metallic gratings that are fabricated by a damage-free, precisely aligning, polymer-assisted transfer method. Incorporation of a Si3N4 grating with a Si nanowire effectively enhances the photocurrents for transverse-electric polarized light. The wavelength at which a maximum photo current is generated is readily tuned by adjusting the grating pitch. Moreover, the electrical properties of the nanowire devices are preserved before and after transferring the Si3N4 gratings onto Si nanowires, ensuring that the quality of pristine nanowires is not degraded during the transfer. Furthermore, we demonstrate Si nanowire photovoltaic devices with Ag gratings using the same transfer method. Measurements on the fabricated devices reveal approximately 27.1% enhancement in light absorption compared to that of the same devices without the Ag gratings -without any degradation of electrical properties. We believe that our polymer-assisted transfer method is not limited to the fabrication of grating incorporated nanowire photovoltaic devices but can also be generically applied for the implementation of complex nanoscale structures toward the development of multifunctional optoelectronic devices.</P>

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