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        대행선에 관한 일고 -『한마음 요전』을 중심으로

        강문선(혜원)(Kang, Moon-Seon(Ven, Hye-Won)) 대행선연구원 2018 한마음연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This thesis aims at investigating the course of truth seeking Venerable Myogong Daehaeng (1927-2012) took by herself and at examining her full awakening to the truth, rather than viewing Daehaeng Seon from the standpoint of patriarch Seon, gongan Seon, ganhwa Seon, or the theory of original buddhahood. The scope of my investigation is restricted to the period ranging from Daehaeng’s childhood to her arrival at Baengnyeonsa Temple in Jecheon City in order to ‘dim her radiance and mingle with the dust of the world’ 和光同塵 as recorded in the Han mau m yojeon: Daehaen g sunim haengjanggi, peobeojip. My thesis is generally based on this book. Before and after Daehaeng’s teen life, Korea was in the gloomy conditions under Japanese colonial rule. On account of dire poverty and ill-treatment by her father, Daehaeng at that time had an extremely hard time: she frequently run away from home and slept in the open air. But on the contrary this situation allowed her to thoroughly investigate such things as ‘life’, ‘uncertain self-existence’, ‘refuge’, and ‘existence’. She pursued to find out a compassionate ‘father’ in her inner world as a replacement of her cruel father in the troubled external world. This is the starting point of Daehaeng Seon. At the age of nine, Daehaeng came to the recognition of life through the question of “Who led me to such a state?” She looked straight on the reality of the world full of discrimination and hardship, but discovered that there is an inner world, namely ‘he(father),’ in which people can find their inherent peace and refuge beyond this troubled world. In other words, she understood that ‘he’ and ‘I’ are coexistent. At the age of fourteen, when she met Master Hanam, she longed for seeing the actual appearance of ‘father’ with Hanam’s compassionate nature as condition. Ten years after that, she realized that the actual ‘I’ and inherent ‘he’ are non-dual. Before, the actual ‘I’ followed the inner ‘him’[master] but now she penetrated a basic spiritual barrier upon removing the boundary between ‘he’ and ‘I’. In 1950 when she was twenty-four years of age, Daeng became a novice nun. Master Hanam noticed Daehaeng’s capability of following the buddha-way and acknowledged that she had been free from affliction. Hanam gave her the dharma name Cheonggak 靑覺 and entrusted her with an order that she now go her own way. Daehaeng continued her traveling practice firmly abiding in the contemplation of no-thought in which she stayed only at the things touching to her comfortable mind. One day both at a graveyard and from her reflection in water, she reached a thorough realization that the ‘I’ in the actual world and ‘he’ in the fundamental nature are neither the same nor different. Thereafter, in her capacity as a free person, she set off to extend compassion to all sentient beings, manifesting unrestricted competency. Daehaeng had already realized that the troubled reality [guest] and secured inner fundamental nature [master] are both coexistent and non-dual. All Hanam did was merely to approve Daehaeng’s intent of Seon. Furthermore, Daehaeng did not know about the Chinese Chan (Seon) in Tang China. However, rather than being in the style of the ‘ordinary mind is free from troubles’ 平常無事 of Mazu Daoyi 馬祖道一, Daehaeng Seon corresponds to the lineage of Shitou Xiqian 石頭希遷 because Shitou Chan emphasizes the original self whose aspects in the actual world and fundamental nature are not rejected but maintained as they are, and considered as non-different. Like this, we can find that Daehaeng Seon embraces in Seon all the activities such as looking straight on both the nature and actual world; thereby finding out an inner refuge; and realizing one’s ‘original self’ in which one can reach the union of various phenomena. I think this features prominently in Daehaeng Seon. 본 논문은 ‘대행선’을 조사선, 공안선, 간화선, 본래성불론 등의 관점에서 바라보기보다는 그의 생애(1927-2012)에서 스스로 형성된 구도의 과정과 증오證悟를 살펴보는 데에 목표를 둔다. 연구의 범위는 유년기에서 제천 백련사에 당도하여 ‘화광동진和光同塵’하는 시기 이전까지로 하며, 『한마음 요전』을 중심으로 고찰했다. 대행의 10대 전후는, 암울한 일제 강점기였으며 가세의 몰락과 부친의 학대 가출과 노숙으로 이어진 극히 어려운 시기였다. 이로 인해 ‘생명’, ‘불확실한 자기존재’, ‘도피처’, ‘실존’ 등에 대해 궁구하게 되었으며 고난의 외부세계보다 내면에서 혹독한 아빠를 대신 할 수 있는 자애로운 ‘아빠’를 찾으려 한다. 대행의 선禪은 여기서 비롯된다. 대행의 나이 9세, ‘누가 나를 이렇게 만들었는가?’라는 간절한 물음은 현실이 분명 차별과 고난의 세계임을 직시한 것이지만, 이 를 벗어난 본래 평화롭고 위안처가 되는 내면의 세계, 즉 ‘그(渠= 아빠)’가 있음을 발견한다. 다시 말해서 ‘그’와 ‘나’가 둘이 공존함을 알게 된다. 14세, 모친을 따라 선지식 한암을 만나게 되고 스님의 자비로운 성품이 기인이 되어 ‘아빠’의 현실의 모습을 보기를 갈망한다. 10년 후, 현실의 ‘나’와 본래의 ‘그’가 불이임을 체득하게 된다. 그동안 현실의 ‘나’가 내면의 ‘그[주인공]’를 따라다녔는데 이제 ‘그’와 ‘나’가 소통이 되고 경계가 없어진다. 말하자면 초관初關을 투득透得한 것이다. 낙발落髮하기 전의 일이다. 24세(1950) 대행은 사미니가 되고, 한암은 대행과의 문답에서 대행의 법기法器를 알아보고 이미 신심身心이 투탈透脫되었음을 안다. 법명을 청각靑覺으로 내리고 ‘이제 네 길을 가라’고 부촉付囑한다. 대행의 만행은 계속되고 무심관으로 편안한 마음에 와 닿는 것에만 응주凝住할 뿐이었다. 어느 날 묘지에서, 또한 물에 비친 자신의 모습에서 현실의 ‘나’와 본래성의 ‘그’가 불일불이不一不異임을 철견徹見하였다. 견자성見自性한 것이다. 이후 ‘자유인’으로서 자재 한 권능으로 ‘입전수수入鄽垂手’의 길로 나섰다. 대행은 이미 고된 현실[客]과 안정된 내면의 본래성[主]을 직시하고 관찰하여 이 둘이 공존함을 알았고 객과 주가 불이임을 알았다. 한암은 대행의 선지禪旨를 인가했을 뿐이다. 또한 대행은 중국 당대唐代의 선을 알지 못했다. 그러나 그의 선은 ‘평상무사’의 마조계馬祖系 선禪보다 이를 비판하고 현실태와 본래성을 유지하면서 이 양자를 상즉시키는 ‘자기自己’를 중요시 하는 석두계石頭系 선禪에 상응됨을 살필 수 있었다. 이와 같이 대행선에서는 자연과 현실의 세계를 직시, 내면의 안락처를 발견, 이를 상즉相卽시키는 ‘자기自己’를 투득하는 것 등이 전부 선禪임을 알 수 있다. 이것이 바로 대행선의 특색이라고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        치매환자 조호자를 위한 교육지지프로그램의 효과성에 관한 비교연구

        송 흡(Heup Song),강재명(Jae Myeong Kang),김병규(Steven B. Kim),조성진(Seong Jin Cho),윤선경(Seon kyung Yun),윤혜진(Hye jin Yoon),연병길(Byeong Kil Yeon) 대한노인정신의학회 2017 노인정신의학 Vol.21 No.1

        Objective:We studied the effect of Hyu-Sig-Gong-Gan and Hye-Ah-Rim on several evaluations and compared the two programs. We then investigated factors associated with the difference between pre- and post-ratings. Methods:Thirty-six patients were randomized to Hyu-Sig-Gong-Gan (n=23) or Hye-Ah-Rim (n=13). We tested for the effect of each program on several evaluations and compared the two programs through Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression Scale, Dementia Attitude Scale (DAS)-intelligence, DAS-comfort and DAS-total. We then investigated whether the difference between pre- and post-rating depends on other factors. Results:We observed significant positive effect of Hyu-Sig-Gong-Gan on DAS-comfort (t=1.843, p=0.039) and significant positive effect of Hye-Ah-Rim on ZBI (t=-2.327, p=0.019), DAS-comfort (t=2.241, p=0.022), and EuroQol-5 Dimensions-Visual Analogue Scale (t=2.537, p=0.013). For comparing the two programs, we found a lack of evidence for the difference in any of the five commonly observed evaluations. In the secondary analysis, we observed a strong trend that the two programs were particularly effective for caregivers with negative pre-ratings. Conclusion:The two programs showed positive effects on the various evaluations, but some evaluations could not reach statistical significance. The programs appear to be particularly helpful for those who are in need before the program participation.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 사전성능평가를 위한 성능평가 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        강미선,이상현,김하나,엄혜진 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.10

        The purpose of this study is to propose an evaluation framework for Collective Housing and to develop the Design Evaluation System. The Performance Evaluation System of Collective Housing in the Design Development Stage evaluates its design results by running CAD program. The results are automatically reflected in the design process. The scope of this study will be limited to the contents within the Barrier Free Design. Running the design evaluation program requires the conversion of design forms and design checklist to computerized ones. To efficiently conduct this process, First, organize the existing guideline of the Barrier Free Design. Second, define attributes of each part in Building Data Model with the analysis of the checklist. Third, develop the Performance Analysis agent that compares Building Data Model with translated checklists. Finally, verify the efficiency of the Performance Evaluation System by seeking experts' advice on the result of the program.

      • 일부 운수사업장 근로자의 건강진단 유소견자의 사후관리 실행과 관련요인

        윤혜은,박종,이영선,강성득,김철호 조선대학교 2003 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.28 No.1

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between the follow-up management status for medical problem to be treated and various characteristics of some workers at transportation business. Methods : A questionnaire survey was made toward 183 workers with medical problem(C and D2) among 945 examine in 1997. Results: Sixty four point five percent of surveyee received the examination result report and 40.5% were explained about the result 80.3% of surveyee answered that they knew the result of health examination. Most workers felt the necessity of the health examination, but 54.1% were dissatisfied with present health examination system and 66.7% pointed it out as nominal The rate of follow-up management for the medical problem was 62.8% By the multiple logistic regression the follow-up management rate for those who knew the health examination result were 2.98 times higher than those who didn't know the result (OR=2.98, 95% CI 1.41~6.29) The rate for those who perceived the medical problem already were 2.64 times higher than those who perceived the problem for the first time (OR=2.64, 95% CI 1.13~6.15). The rate for those who had subjective symptoms were 2.83 times higher than those who didn't have subjective symptoms. Conclusion : sixty two point eight percent of workers with medical problem performed the follow-up management and perception of health examination result, perception of the problem in the past and experience of subjective symptoms were related with the follow-up management.

      • KCI등재

        유산균 발효유가 Streptococcus mutans의 생균수 및 biofilm 형성에 미치는 영향

        신혜성,김선미,최남기,양규호,강미선 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        유산균이 위장관과 구강건강에 probiotics로서 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있음이 보고되고 있다. 이에 시판되는 유산균 발효유 5종과 우유를 선택하여 우식유발 원인균인 S. mutans에 대한 증식억제 및 biofilm 형성에 미치는 영향을 평가하고, 발효유의 산도, 완충능, 산생성능, 칼슘과 인의 함량을 측정하였다. 유산균 발효유에 S. mutans를 주입한 후 생균수를 측정한 결과 모든 발효유의 %가 증가함에 따라 S. mutans 수가 감소했으나 우유에서는 변화가 없었다. 10% 유산균 발효유에 S. mutans를 주입한 후 biofilm 형성 정도를 측정한 결과 액티브 GG, 불가리스는 biofilm 형성이 감소하였고, 이오는 유의한 변화가 없었으며, 투티, 에이스, 우유는 증가하였다(P<0.05). 유산균 발효유 및 우유의 산도를 측정한 결과 이오(3.48±0.01), 투티(3.67±0.02), 에이스(3.71±0.02), 액티브 GG(4.04±0.02), 불가리스(4.19±0.02) 순으로 나타났다. 유산균 발효유의 산생성능을 평가한 결과 불가리스가 가장 높은 산생성능을 보였으며 액티브 GG, 에이스, 투티, 이오, 우유 순으로 산도 하강 경향을 나타냈다. 이상의 결과는 유산균 발효유가 초기산도 및 산생성능 측정 결과 우식유발 가능성이 있음을 나타냈다. 그러나 유산균 발효유 중에서 농후발효유가 우식유발균인 S. mutans를 억제하였고 biofilm 형성을 감소시켜 긍정적인 효과를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Lactic acid bacteria worked positively on gastrointestinal tract and oral environment. So I selected commercial five fermented milks and milk. and then I evaluated their effect of growth inhibition and biofilm formation of cariogenic bacteria. Streptococcus mutans. And also calculated the acidity. buffering capacity. concentration of Ca and P ion and pH change of those drinks. After adding S. mutans to fermented milks viable cell count of S. mutans in milk was not statistically different but those in all fermented milks were decreased as concentration of fermented milk increased. When I measured the amount of formed biofilm in 10% fermented milks and milk with S. mutans and compared with those without S. mutans. the amount was decreased in Active GG and Bulgaris while being increased in Tootee. Ace and milk(P<0.05). The fermented milk with the lowest pH value was E5(3.48±0.01). and the highest was Bulgaris(4.19±0.02). pH change of the fermented milks and milk with S. mutans was measured. The highest acid producing fermented milk was Bulgaris. and followed by Active GG, Ace, Tootee, E5, Milk. These results indicated that fermented milks had caries activity due to the value of initial acidity and acid producing capacity. But, concentrated fermented milks had the inhibitory effect against S. mutans, and also had high volume of Ca and P ion that protected teeth. So I suggest that they have positive effect on teeth.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibitory Effect of Cordycepin on Human Platelet Aggregation

        박화진,--,--,--,--,--,-- THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 2004 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.10 No.1

        Cordycepin separated from Cordyceps militaris is a major physiologic active component in Cordyceps militaris. The platelet aggregation is stimulated by Ca^(2+), which is either mobilized from intracellular endoplasmic reticulum or transported from extracellular space. cGMP antagonizes the actions of Ca^(2+). Based on these facts, we have investigated the effects of cordycepin on the mobilization of Ca^(2+) and the production of cGMP on collagen (10 ㎍/ml)-induced human platelet aggregation. Cordycepin potently stimulated the human platelet aggregation induced by collagen (10 ㎍/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. Cordycepin (500 μM) inhibited also the collagen-induced human platelet aggregation in the presence both 1 mM and 2 mM of CaCl_(2). These are in accord with the results that cordycepin inhibited the Ca^(2+)-influx on collagen-induced human platelet aggregation. These results suggest that cordycepin decrease the intracellular Ca^(2+) concentration to inhibit collagen-induced human platelet aggregation. Besides, cordycepin increased the level of cGMP on collagen-induced human platelet aggregation. This result is related with the decrease of intracellular Ca^(2+) concentration, because cGMP inhibits the mobilization of Ca^(2+). In addition, cordycepin inhibited the human platelet aggregation induced by LY-83583, inhibitor of guanylate cyclase. This result suggested that cordycepin inhibit the platelet aggregation by stimulating the activity of guanylate cyclase. In conclusion, we demonstrated that cordycepin might have the antiplatelet function by inhibiting Ca^(2+)-mobilization via the stimulation of the production of cGMP.

      • KCI등재

        Inhibitory Effect of Clavicepitaceae on Serotonin Release out of Human Platelets and Human Platelet Aggregation

        박화진,--,--,--,--,--,-- THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 2004 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.10 No.1

        We have investigated the effects of hypha-water extracts (HWE), fruit body-water extracts (FWE) and cordycepin from Cordyceps militaris on serotonin release out of human platelets and human platelet aggregation. HWE and FWE inhibited the release of [^(3)H]-serotonin from human platelet stimulated by thrombin (2 U/ml) or collagen (20 ㎍/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, cordycepin, a major component of Cordyceps militaris, inhibited the human platelet aggregation induced by collagen (10 ㎍/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that cordycepin containing in HWE and FWE may inhibit the serotonin release by suppressing the collagen-induced human platelet aggregation. Accordingly, our data demonstrate that HWE and FWE containing much cordycepin might have antithrombotic and antimigrainous functions.

      • KCI등재

        Successful Application of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for a Patient with Clinical Amniotic Fluid Embolism

        Hye Seon Kang,Hwa Young Lee,Hea Yon Lee,Seok Chan Kim 대한중환자의학회 2015 Acute and Critical Care Vol.30 No.4

        Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is a rare but potentially fatal complication that occurs acutely during pregnancy or within 12 h of delivery. The management of AFE focuses initially on supportive measures for cardiopulmonary stabilization. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation should be considered in patients who are unresponsive to medical treatment in order to prevent additional hypoxia and subsequent organ failure. We present a 41-year-old woman with clinical AFE who developed acute respiratory distress syndrome and was treated successfully with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

      • Defect States below the Conduction Band Edge of HfO<sub>2</sub> Grown on InP by Atomic Layer Deposition

        Kang, Yu-Seon,Kim, Dae-Kyoung,Kang, Hang-Kyu,Cho, Sangwan,Choi, Sungho,Kim, Hyoungsub,Seo, Jung-Hye,Lee, Jouhahn,Cho, Mann-Ho American Chemical Society 2015 The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C Vol.119 No.11

        <P>The electronic structure and nature of the defect states below the conduction band edge of an HfO<SUB>2</SUB> gate dielectric grown on InP substrate prepared by atomic layer deposition was examined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), and density functional theory (DFT). When the HfO<SUB>2</SUB> dielectric was deposited on an InP substrate with an abrupt interface, the resulting HfO<SUB>2</SUB> develops a tetragonal (<I>t</I>) structure, which minimizes the interfacial lattice mismatch. The O <I>K</I>-edge absorption features and DFT calculations indicated that additional structural distortion occurred by a <I>q</I> = −2 charged O vacancy (VO<SUP>–2</SUP>) in the <I>t</I>-HfO<SUB>2</SUB>. The electronic structure and the charge-transition levels of <I>t</I>-HfO<SUB>2</SUB> with VO<SUP>–2</SUP> were assigned based on a second derivative analysis of O <I>K</I>-edge features; 12 distinct pre-edge defect states below the Hf 5d conduction band edge were evident when the degeneracies resulting from Jahn–Teller splitting and crystal field splitting were removed. No changes in the electronic structure near valence band edge by VO<SUP>–2</SUP> were observed in XPS valence spectra. Moreover, O vacancies in <I>t</I>-HfO<SUB>2</SUB> lead to substantial midgap states caused by interstitial elemental In or P in the <I>t</I>-HfO<SUB>2</SUB> due to the enhanced out-diffusion of elemental In or P through O vacancies. We conclude that both the defect states near the CBE and the midgap states could be controlled by the incorporation of nitrogen into the HfO<SUB>2</SUB> using a thermal NH<SUB>3</SUB> treatment.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/jpccck/2015/jpccck.2015.119.issue-11/jp511666m/production/images/medium/jp-2014-11666m_0010.gif'></P>

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