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      • 황해와 동중국해에서 해수면의 장주기 변화와 대륙붕파

        방익찬 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1995 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        해수면 관측자료로부터 해수면의 장주기변하를 분석해 본 결과 황해, 동중국해, 동해 해역에서 기사으이 효과는 전반적으로 해수면변화의 반 정도를 설명해 주며 나머지 반은 해수운동에 의한 것으로 보인다. 해수운동에 의하여 발생하는 해수면변화는 대마해류역에서 가장 크며 대마해류의 영향을 적게 받는 곳일수록 작아져 해수면변화가 대마해류와 관계있음을 보여준다. 장주기 해수면변화를 정성적으로 분석해 보기 위해 황해와 동중국해의 해저지형에 의해 형성되는 대륙붕파의 이론을 전개하여 분산관계를 구하였으며, 대한해협에서 강제파가 반사에 의해 자유파를형성시키는 해를 구하였다. 전개된 대륙붕파 이론을 해수면변화에 적용시켜 본 결과 쿠로시오해류의 변화에 의해 동중국해에 가해진 파동은 강제파로 대한해협으로 전파되며 대한해협에 이르러 일본연안의 파동은 동해로 계속 전파되는 반면, 우리나라 연안의 파동은 해저지형에 의해 반사하게 된다. 반사된 파동은 자유파로 동중국해 대륙붕을 따라 남서방향으로 진행하며 북동방햐응로 진행하는 강제파와 더불어 동중국해의 해수면변화를 결정하게 된다. The analysis of long-period sea level variations with tidal record data in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the East Sea shows that about half of the variations is due to atmospheric causes and the rest half seems to be due to the water movements. The sea level variation by water movements is the largest in the coasts along the Tsushima Current. To analyze sea level variations qualitatively, the theory of continental shelf waves is developed over the bottom topography of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The dispersion relation is derived and the reflected free waves is solved for incident forced waves in the Korea Strait. The application of the theory to the sea level variations shows that the long period Kuroshio variation propaggate to the Korea Strait as forced waves. The wave continuously propagates to the East Sea through the eastern channel, but reflects in the western channel due to bottom topography. The reflected waves propagate southwestward along the East China Sea as free waves and determine the sea levels with forced waves.

      • 동지나해 해수분포의 계절변화와 해수순환

        방익찬,김태희 제주대학교 1989 논문집 Vol.28 No.-

        동지나해에서의 전반적인 해수분포특성중의 하나는 겨울에 고염이며 여름에 저염이다. 이와같은 동지나해의 염분변화는 쿠로시오해류에 의해 수송되는 염분량의 차이와, 강우량이나 육수 등이 유입되는 담수량의 차이에 의해 영향을 받을 것이다. 이 중, 쿠로시오해류에 의해 공급되는 염분량은 계절에 다라 변화하더라도 년중 공급된 염분량보다 적은량이 대마해협을 통해 유출되기 때문에 쿠로시오해류에 의해서는 항상 동지나해에 염분이 공급된다. 그러므로 쿠로시오해류에 의한 염분량의 변화는 동지나해의 여름철 저염화에 근본적인 이유가 될 수 없다. 그러나 겨울에서 여름사이에 증가되는 강수량 등에 의한 담수량도 여름철에 동지나해의 염분응ㄹ 자료에서 보여지는 만큼 낮출수는 없다. 여름철 저염화를 설명하기 위해서는 다른 형태의 해수순환이 필요하며, 그것은 계절풍에 의한 연안수의 유동으로 추정된다. 이 순환에 의해 겨울철에 쿠로시오난류수 세력이 겨울철에 북서방향으로 확장되고 여름철에 남동방향으로 후퇴하는 것으로 설명될 수 있다. The salinity of the East China Sea waters shows high in winter and low summer. This is one of the general characteristics of water mass distributions in this area. This seasonal variation of salinity is probably affected by the Kuroshio waters and the fresh waters such as rain. The Kuroshio water supplies salinity to the East China Sea all the year round. The salinity of the input Kuroshio waters to the East China Sea is always higher than that of the output Kuroshio waters through the Korea Strait. Thus, the low salinity in summer can not be explained by the Kuroshio waters. The amount of input fresh water is also less than that neccesary to lower salinity as much as shown in data. A circulation of low salinity coastal waters is needed to explain the low salinity in summer. This circulation of coastal waters may probably drive the Kuroshio waters to be spread to the north-west direction in winter and to be shrinked to the south-east direction in summer.

      • KCI등재후보

        『메밀꽃 필 무렵』과 『말을 찾아서』, 『날개』와 『이상의 날개』의 상호 텍스트성

        신익호 현대문학이론학회 2004 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        Parody is conversational action that appears in the co-relations between original test and parodied text, and it is strained relations of structure that connects present and past. I will summarize this manuscript in brief. First, 'To Find Out The Horse', which is parodied [Buckwheat Blossom Time] from an imitative point of view, pursues serious search for self through the experiences of boyhood. This work is similar to creation background that is imitated, story of relations between father and son, symbolic motive of a donkey and a mule. Compared to sensuous style and the poetic mood of polished language, it is more concise and realistic style, so it shows the touching live of stepfather in the conflict which appears between a stepfather and s adopted son. Second, 'The Wings of Lee Sang' criticizes realities, and it parodied 'The Wings' from a critic point of view through the spatial background, character of a hero, symbolism of figure, and the stream of consciousness. The fantastical style of this work is intentional device to satirize all aspects of realities, although it is an absurd story that will one consciousness, which bring up the image of the steam of consciousness, should overcome the pain on talking each other and criticizing an absurd reality.

      • 스피노자의 '참된 觀念'에 관한 小考

        김익현 건국대학교 1993 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.37 No.-

        It is generally thought that compared with Spinoza's metaphysics, his epistemological questions play a subordinate role in his philosophy. However, in fact, his metaphysical statements were not an end in itself, but rather a necessary first step in the acquisition of knowledge regarding the nature of the human mind. A matter of primary concern of Spinoza was how we can have the true knowledge(idea) and come to the highest blessedness. It is Spinoza's epistemology that justifies his metaphysical statement and, at the same time, prescribes the nature of the human highest blessedness. Making a study of the Spinoza's epistemology, first of all, it is Spinoza's use of the word "idea" that leads us to confusion. Therefore, I make clear the meaning of idea in Spinoza and study the (external and internal) character of the true idea. And I would also like to study how the human being as the finite mode can have true idea, and remedy the mutilated and confused ideas.

      • 제주도 북서해역의 해수분포와 해수순환

        방익찬,김태희,노홍길 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1994 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        On the northwestern sea of Cheju Island, which is important to clarifying the circulation structure of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, the circulation has been studied through analyzing the seasonal variation of water mass distributions. The data were observed in February and June, 1994. The water mass distributions in February show that Yellow Sea Warm Water (YSWW) flows into the Yellow Sea through the southern sea of Sohuksando (which can be deduced from it's wide distributions to the west), and Yellow Sea Cold Water (YSCW) flows southward through Taehuksando area between Sohuksando and the korean Peninsula. On the other hand, the water mass distributions in June show that Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water (YSBCW) flow southward to the southern sea of Sohuksando (YSWW disappeared and YSBCW occupies the area) and YSWW flows into the Yellow Sea through Taehuksando area (the characteristics of water mass on Taehuksando area are linked to those of YSWW, not to those of YSBCW) The results agree with the circulation structure presented by Pang et al. (1992) that northly winds in winter season drive southward flows along the coasts and northward flows along the Yellow Sea trough while southly winds in summer season drive northward flows along the coasts and southward flows along the Yellow Sea trough, so that YSWW flows into the Yellow Sea along the Yellow Sea trough in winter and along the western cosat of Korean Peninsula in summer.

      • M₂-Set 에서 choice에 관한 연구

        김익성 尙志大學校 生産技術硏究所 1998 生産技術論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        A topos satisfying the axiom of choice is a Boolean topos. Since the topos M₂- Set is Non-Boolean, the axiom of choice is false. Hence we can find a weak forms of the axiom of choice in the topos M₂- Set. Therefore we show that in the topos M₂- Set, which is not Boolean, there exists an epimorphism that have not a right inverse, that is, axiom of choice is false in the topos M₂- Set. Also we show that decidable epimorphism and separated epimorphism have a right inverse in the topos M₂- Set.

      • 스피노자에게 있어서의 보편자문제

        김익현 건국대학교 1994 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.38 No.-

        The Problem of universals is one of essential problem for spinoza interpretation. Generakky, Spinoza is conceived to be a realist who admits the reality of universals. But we can observe traces of nominalistic thought in Spinoza, so he is regarded as a nominalist by scholars. It is clearly deductive that Spinoza´s method knowledge begins with God and the general axioms and definitions and proceeds to particular things. His rejection of the notiones universales and his using of the essentia particularis for each thing is clearly nominalistic. If one is affirmed, the other is, by definition, denied. Making clear notiones universales and notiones communes communes, and then the meaning od rei singularis essentia, I would like to study why the tension between realism and nominalism happened in Spinoza, what role realism and nominalism play in his thought.

      • 제주도 북서해역의 해수분포의 계절변화와 여름철의 황해난류

        방익찬,이재학,노홍길 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1995 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        제주도 서방해역에서 1994년 2월 17∼18일, 6월 20∼22일, 9월 6∼15일에 관측한 CTD 자료와 제주대학교에서 고나측한 기종의 자료를 분석하여 해수분포와 해수순환의 계절변화를 알아보았다. 겨울철에는 대마난류수가 제주도 연안역을 중심으로 제주도 서방해역에서 제주해협으로 연결되어 분포하고 있으며 대마난류수가 제주도 서방해역을 지나 모두 제주해협으로 유출되고 있다. 황해낸수는 소흑산도 이남해역까지 분포하며 한반도 서해안을 따라 남하하는 구조를 보인다. 황해난류수는 대마난류수와 황해냉수 사이에 분포하며 소흑산도 서쪽해역을 지나 황해중앙부를 통해 황해로 유입되는 형태를 보인다. 여름철에는 표층에 대마난류수는 보이지 않으며, 31‰정도의 저염수가 나타나 양자강연안수의 영향이 6월에 이미 시작되었음을 보여 준다. 이러한 저염수는 남서해역에서 제주해협까지 나타나있다. 한편, 대흑산도 부근의 한반도 남서 연안에는 비교적 차고 높은 염분의 해수가 분포한다. 저층의 황해저층냉수는 황해중앙부를 통해 남하하며 황해난류수를 제주 근해로 압박하는 분포를 보인다. 자료분석 결과는 대흑산도 부근 해역의 해수기둥이 갖는 높은 염분은 이남의 고염수의 공급을 받아야만이 가능하며, 하천수 유입의 영향을 받지 않는 수심의 수온분포를 보면 황해난류수가 제주도 해역에서 대흑산도 해역으로 유입되고 있는 것이 보인다. 황해난류수가 서해안을 따라 황해로 유입되는 형태는 바람이 강할 때만 간헐적으로 나타나는 현상일 수도 있으나 순환구조의 가능성을 보여주었다는 점에서 매우 귀중한 결과이다. 이러한 결과는 Pang et al.(1992)에 의해 제시된 겨울철에 연안을 따라 남하하고 황해의 깊은 골을 따라서는 북상하며, 여름철에 연안을 따라 북상하고 황해의 깊은골을 따라서는 남하하는 계절순환의 구조를 뒷받침해 준다. With CTD data observed on the north western sea of Cheju Island in Feb. 17∼18, Jun. 20∼22, Sep. 6∼15, 1994, and CNU(Cheju National University) data observed previously, the seasonal variation of water mass distribution and circulation are studied. In winter, Tsushima Warm Water(TWW) is distributed near Cheju-do from the western sea of Cheju-do to the Cheju Strait, and totally flows to the Cheju Strait. Yellow Sea Cold Water(YSCW) is distributed over the western coast of Korean Peninsula down to the southern sea of Soheuksan-do, and flows southward along the western coast of Korean Peninsula. Yellow Sea Warm Water(TSWW) is distributed between TWW and YSCW, and flows into the central Yellow Sea through the western sea of Soheuksan-do. In summer, the upper and lower layers show different distributions. In uper layer, TWW disappears and less saline water of down to 31‰appears, which shows that the influence of Yangtze Coastal Water already begins in June. The low salinity water is distributed from the western sea off Cheju-do to the Cheju Strait. On the southwestern coast of Korean Peninsula near Taeheuksan-do, relatively cold and saline water is distributed. In the lower layer, Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water(YSBCW) southeasterly expands from the central Yellow Sea and pushs YSWW to Cheju-do. The result of data analysis shows that the homogeneously saline water column in the cold water area is possible only by the northward supply of southern saline water. According to the temperature distribution of deep layer, which is less influenced by river runoff, YSWW flows northward along the western coast of Korean Peninsula from the adjacent sea of Cheju-do. YSWW's influx along the western coast of Korean Peninsula in summer might appear intermittently, however, the possibility itself is important at present. The result agrees with the seasonal circulation structure presented by Pang et al.(1992) : in winter, southward folw along the coast and southward flow along the central Yellow Sea.

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