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      • 茶山 '行事'의 교육인간학적 연구

        고내억 연세대학교 대학원 2006 국내박사

        RANK : 232279

        본 연구는 다산사상의 핵심적 주류인 ‘행사(行事)’의 철학을 논구함으로써 그 결과에 대한 인간본질을 이해하고 해석하여 교육인간학적인 의미를 밝히는데 그 목적이 있다.다산은 성리학을 비판적으로 수용함과 동시에 서학(천주교)을 유가의 근본정신의 바탕위에 긍정적으로 받아들이는 것으로 설정하였다. 다산은 형이상학적인 이기론의 문제보다는 현실적인 인간문제 중심의 관점에서 인간을 출발점으로 하여 동시에 인간을 귀착점으로 하는 인간존재의 규명과 이해 속에서 철저히 인간학적인 사상과 철학을 가지고 있었다.다산의 행사론을 규명할 때 가장 중요한 개념은 바로 상제천이였다. 다산은 하늘(天)을 두 가지 의미로 파악했다. 하나는 우리가 관찰할 수 있는 푸르고 둥근 현상으로서의 자연천이며 다른 하나는 초월적이며 만물을 주재하는 영명천이다. 다산의 관심은 영명천이며 그것은 모든 형상적 존재들을 초월하며 인간 정신과 교감할 수 있는 바로 상제천이였다.다산에 있어서 인간은 생명이 생성되는 순간부터 하늘로부터 영명성과 자주권을 부여받게 됨으로 만물을 주재하고 사물을 올바르게 판단할 수 있는 선을 지향하는 도심의 발로자로 보았다. 도심의 발로자인 인간의 본질을 이해하는 다산의 철학적 사유에서 중요한 특징은 다음과 같다.첫째, 인간의 자율성에 따른 ‘행사’이며 그 ‘행사’의 결과에 대한 인간본질을 이해하고 해석하는 인간학적인 성격을 들 수 있다. ‘행사’가 있기 전에는 선악이 있을 수 없으며 ‘행사’가 있는 후에야 비로소 그 이름을 얻게 된다는 점이다. 그런데 이 구체적인 ‘행사’의 과정은 결국 인간과 인간, 인간과 사물사이의 교제와 응접, 즉 ‘인륜을 벗어나지 않는다.’ 고 하는 관계적 존재로서 구체적인 사회현실과 인간의 삶 속의 인간관계 안에서 윤리적 과제가 수렴되었다. 이렇게 ‘행사’라는 요소는 다산의 철학적 세계관을 구성하는데 있어 논리적으로 필수 불가결하게 요청되고 있다.둘째, 다산은 물아이분(物我二分)과 천인분리(天人分離)를 주장하여 인간이 만물과 일체이며 하늘과 합일되는 기존의 개념을 거부했다. 또한 심(心)과 형(形), 즉 정신과 육체가 묘하게 결합되어 있어 하나이지만 둘이고, 둘이지만 불리할 수 없는 심신이원적(心身二元的) 일원론(一元論)을 바탕으로 인간 내면의 양면성, 즉 도심(道心)과 인심(人心)이 공존함으로 인간의 복합적인 갈등구조를 지닌 존재로 보았다.셋째, 다산은 인간에게 ‘행사’의 자율성이 있기 때문에 ‘행사’의 결과에 대한 책임도 함께 져야 한다고 보았다. 즉 선(善)을 행할지 악(惡)을 행할지는 인간 자신에게 달려 있기 때문에 자신의 선택과 ‘행사’에 대해서 책임을 져야 하는바 그 가치판단의 기준은 인간의 본성에 기인하는 도심이라고 했다. 도심과 인심의 갈등상황에서 도심을 따르면 선이 되고 인심을 따르면 악이 되는 것으로 인성 안에 천명이 깃들어 인성과 천명은 불가분의 관계로 결합된다는 점이다.이렇게 다산의 ‘행사’에 대한 철학적 사유를 바탕으로 본 논문에서는 다산의 자율적 ‘행사’에 대한 윤리적 판단의 구성 요소로 세 가지을 설정하였다.첫째로 자율적 ‘행사’에 대한 근거로 하늘(天)의 행사적 기능을 상정했고, 둘째로 그 주체를 자연 내 우월적 존재인 인간(人)을 제시했으며, 셋째로 ‘행사’의 기재로 마음(心)의 구조와 기능 및 마음의 기호인 성(性)을 제시했다. 이것을 근간으로 인성의 회복을 위한 자율적 ‘행사’에 따른 실제로 ‘행사’의 기본태도로 신독(愼獨)과 계신공구(戒愼恐懼)를, ‘행사’의 준칙으로는 서(恕)를, ‘행사’의 추진력으로는 욕(欲)을, 그리고 ‘행사’를 통한 인간의 윤리적 지향점을 인(仁)과 덕(德)으로 제시했으며, 궁극적으로는 하늘의 실체를 알고 섬기는 사천(事天)하는 자세를 기반으로 ‘행사’의 정당성을 확보하려 하였다.이상과 같은 ‘행사’를 통한 인간학적 인간이해를 살펴보면, 인간은 몸과 마음이 묘하게 결합된 신형묘합의 존재며, 하늘로부터 영명성과 자주권을 부여받은 자연 내 우월적 존재이며, 욕망을 ‘행사’의 발현체이며 삶의 추동력으로 부정해서는 안 될 긍정적 요소로 간주함으로써 인간을 욕구하는 존재로 보았다. 또한 상제천은 은미한 곳까지 관찰하고 인간 ‘행사’의 모든 것을 감시하고 있기 때문에 인간은 항상 신중함과 두려운 자세로 ‘행사’해야 하는 계신공구의 존재로 보았으며, 하늘과 교감하는 동물과 다른 초월적 인식의 존재로, 그래서 하늘의 존재를 인식하고 섬기는 사천하는 존재로 보았다.이러한 인간이해를 통한 다산의 ‘행사론’은 선지후행적(先知後行的) 학습태도를 지양하고 실천행사를 통한 앎의 성취를 교육의 목적으로 하는 행사적 교육인간학이며 그 교육적 원리로는 자기성찰의 원리, 기책임의 원리, 기호의 원리, 관계성의 원리, 배려의 원리로서 현대교육의 인성교육 부재의 난맥상을 보완하는데 교육인간학적인 의미가 크다고 보았다. The aim of this study is to thoroughly discuss Dasan''s theory of ‘Haeng-Sa(行事)’(Practice) to understand and interpret the human nature and to find out the educational anthropological significance of the theory.Dasan critically accepted Neo-Confucianism while positively adopting Western Learning(Catholic teaching) based upon the fundamental Confucian thoughts. Focusing on practical human issues rather than the metaphysical theory of principles and the material force of phenomena(理氣論), Dasan had a clear understanding of the human being and a thoroughly anthropological ideology with the human being as both the starting and finishing point in his theory.In the study of Dasan''s ‘Haeng-Sa’, the most important concept was Shang-ti(上帝天)(God of Heaven). The concept of heaven(天) for Dasan was twofold. One was the natural heaven as the blue and round phenomenon which we can observe; the other was the spiritual heaven as the transcendental and dominant heaven in which Dasan had interest. It is Shang-ti which transcends all present beings and communicates with the human spirit.Dasan thought of the human being as a moral one that can control all beings, make sensible decisions on things and seek for goodness, since the moral spirituality and free will were given to the human being by Heaven. The major characteristics of Dasan''s philosophical thinking in understanding the human nature are as follows.First, it was anthropological in that he focused on the theory of ‘Haeng-Sa’ based on the human being''s free will and tried to understand and interpret the human nature based on the consequences of the ‘Haeng-Sa’. No good or evil can exist nor can they be given any name until ‘Haeng-Sa’ occurs. The process of ‘Haeng-Sa’ is interrelational in nature, including the interaction and communication between humans as well as between human and objects. Ethical tasks are accepted in social realities and human relations. As such, ‘Haeng-Sa’ is an essential factor in forming Dasan''s philosophical view of the world.Second, Dasan argued for Mul-Ah-Ie-Bun(物我二分)(The external objects and self are divided) and Cheon-In-Bun-Ri(天人分離)(The heaven and the human being are separate), resisting the existing idea that the human being is united with all beings and the heaven. Furthermore, he thought the mind(心) and the body(形) are united in a strange way, saying they are one but two and the two are inseparable. Based on this theory, he saw the human being as one with a complicated structure of conflicts since there exist the mind of the Way(道心) and the human mind(人心) in the human nature.Third, Dasan thought that human beings should take responsibility in the consequences of ‘Haeng-Sa’ since they have the free will of ‘Haeng-Sa’. In other words, since it is up to human beings whether to do good or bad, human beings should be held accountable for what they have chosen to do and what they have practiced(their ‘Haeng-Sa’), where the foundation for value judgment is the mind of the Way. When the mind of the Way and the human mind conflict, the former leads the human being to good and the latter to the evil, showing the inseparable relations between the human spirit and Heavenly mandate.Based on Dasan''s philosophical thinking on ‘Haeng-Sa’, I set three components for ethical judgment on Dasan''s autonomous ‘Haeng-Sa’.First, as the basis for autonomous ‘Haeng-Sa’ I presented the function of Haeng-Sa of Heaven(天). Second, as the subject of ‘Haeng-Sa’ I presented the human being, the superior being in nature. Third, as the mechanism for ‘Haeng-Sa’ I presented the human nature(性). Based on this, I presented solitary self-reflection(愼獨) and Gye-Shin-Gong-Gu(戒愼恐懼) as the basic attitude, forgiveness(恕) as the rule, desire(欲) as the drive for ‘Haeng-Sa’, humanity(仁) and virtue(德) as the ethical target through ‘Haeng-Sa’, which are the practical components of Haeng-Sa in efforts to improve the human nature. Finally I identified the legitimacy of ‘Haeng-Sa’ focusing on human''s serving heaven with the right knowledge of heaven.The anthropological understanding of human being based on the aforementioned ‘Haeng-Sa’ shows that the human being is the strange combination of the mind and the body, and a superior being with the spirituality and the free will given by heaven. It also sees human beings as desiring ones since it regarded desire as a positive force being the manifestation of ‘Haeng-Sa’ and the drive for life. In addition, according to the understanding, the human being should be prudent and fearful in Haeng-Sa since Shang-ti observes every aspect of human ‘Haeng-Sa’, while the human being serves heaven as a transcendental being which can communicate with heaven unlike animals.Dasan''s theory of Haeng-Sa is educational anthropology focusing on practice since it criticizes the attitude of ‘learning first, practicing later''(先知後行的) and pursues learning by practicing. Its educational principles are those of self-reflection, self-responsibility, preference, relationship and consideration, giving the theory great educational anthropological significance in improving the modern personality education.

      • Situation Understanding Using Smart Devices and Its Applications

        황인환 서울대학교 대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 232254

        With wide use of smartphones, there rise various type of applications through understanding the users situation. Among the various situation information of the user, the information about the place where the user is and the action what the user takes is one of the most important information for understanding the present state of the user. We focused on the location and activity of the user so that we figure out the current condition of the user for various applications. Most of the cases, those situation understanding methods require expensive sensors such as cameras or even using multiple IMU sensors so that the cost for understanding the situation is inevitably high. Furthermore, most of the information gathered from the user including cameras, sound, location gathered from GPS, and smartphone usage history can be a threat to the user by providing a detailed information. In this reason, we suggest situation understanding methods with sensors which are low-cost and rather insensitive to the user's privacy, IMU sensors. We suggest surface recognition based radio free communication, gesture recognition based character input system for smartwatches and context awareness based life logging system as applications. Human activity recognition (HAR) and gesture recognition has been studied with various types of sensors. Cameras and inertial sensors are the most common sensors to recognize human activities and gestures. We mainly focus on the HAR using inertial sensors, accelerometer and gyroscope to identify the user's activities and gestures. With an IMU sensor composed of accelerometer and gyroscope is mounted on the user's frequently used wrist as the user is wearing a watch type smart device such as apple watch. With this experimental setting, we gathered human activities which involve hand movement such as hand waving, picking up stuff, and clapping. For activity recognition, we utilize not only and IMU sensor but also camera is used so that we construct a sensor fusion system for HAR. For classification, we adopted convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifier conjunction with recurrent neural network (RNN) using long short term memory (LSTM). We further improve our algorithm for HAR to delicate hand gesture recognition algorithm to classify the 26 different capital alphabet letters. Life logging is one of the integrated application that the situation understanding is necessary. It has advantages to enlarge the human memory and even can help patients who suffer from memory impairment. Periodical picture taking is the simplest and the most widely used method but inefficient in both energy and memory side. We suggest a novel capturing points decision method using the combination of visual information and non-visual information. In order to merge visual information and non-visual information, we adopted canonical correlation analysis (CCA) which is a statistic technique to nd the mapping function for two different domain data into a highly correlate domain. In this way, we showed the new possibility of life logging system with minimum heuristic methodology. Moreover, we tested our approach on restricted real life situation and evaluated the result based on an image diversity measure using a determinantal point process (DPP) and showed better results than conventional methods. With various sensors in a smartphone, it is now possible to obtain information about a user and her surroundings, such as the location of a smartphone and the activity of the smartphone user, and the obtained context information is being used to provide new services to the users. We designed a system called VibePhone, which uses a built-in vibrator and accelerometer, for recognizing the type of surfaces contacted by a smartphone, enabling the sense of touch in smartphones. For humans and animals, the sense of touch is fundamental for both recognizing and learning the properties of objects. We demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish object types into broad categories where a phone is usually placed, e.g., sofas, plastic tables, wooden tables, hands, backpacks, and pants pockets. The proposed VibePhone system achieves an accuracy over 85% on average. We have prototyped VibePhone on an Android-based smartphone which changes its background display based on the contacting surface. We envision that the haptic perception in future smartphones will enable new experiences to the users. Starting from the idea of surface recognition through smartphone's vibration, we proposes VibeComm, a novel communication method for smart devices using a built-in vibrator and accelerometer. The proposed approach is ideal for low-rate o-line communication, and its communication medium is an object on which smart devices are placed, such as tables and desks. When more than two smart devices are placed on an object and one device wants to transmit a message to the other devices, the transmitting device generates a sequence of vibrations. The vibrations are propagated through the object on which the devices are placed. The receiving devices analyze their accelerometer readings to decode incoming messages. The proposed method can be the alternative communication method when general types of radio communication methods are not available. VibeComm is implemented on Android smartphones, and a comprehensive set of experiments is conducted to show its feasibility.

      • 창세기의 두 전승에 나타난 창조와 인간이해 연구

        위은주 협성대학교 신학대학원 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 232254

        국문요약 이 논문은 창세기의 두 가지 창조 전승을 인간 이해라는 관점으로 살펴본 연구다. 이스라엘의 역사는 제의가 종교의 핵심이었으며 언어적이고 합리적인 신앙의 요소들이 제의 안에서 파생되었음을 볼 수 있다. 창세기에 나타난 창조의 이야기를 통해 두 가지 전승사적 관점으로 창조의 본문을 들여다 보면 창1:1-2:4a에 나타난 P신학자의 눈을 통해 본 우주적인 창조와 인간 이해의 관점에서, 다른 한 부분은 창세기 2:4b-25의 말씀을 중심으로 한 J신학자의 눈을 통해 본 또 다른 창조 이야기를 바라보게 된다. 이 말씀 속에는 오늘을 사는 우리에게 전해 주고 싶은 깊은 이야기가 숨어 있음을 보게 된다. 바벨론의 포로로 끌려가 오랜 세월을 견디며 그들은 이런 역사적 위기 속에서 이스라엘에 대한 신앙의 정체성을 확립하는 것이 시급한 일임을 깨닫고, 이스라엘 패망의 원인을 제의적 범죄에 있다고 보고 하나님과의 관계회복을 위해, 또한 그들의 민족적 정체성과 개인적 정체성을 회복하려는 시도를 하게 된다. P 문서와 J 문서에 나타난 두 가지 창조의 이야기는 창1:1-2:4에서는 하나님의 창조 사역을 ‘망원경’을 통해 거시적으로 들여다본 것이라면 창2:4b-25의 창조는 ‘현미경으로 관찰한 것같이 섬세하며 인간론적 관점을 중심으로 세밀하게 기록한 것이라 할 수 있다. 그동안 수없이 많이 보아온 창세기의 말씀인데 거기에 하나하나의 의미가 부여되고 색깔이 덧입혀지자 그동안 의미 없이 살아가던 나의 마음에 말씀이 살아 움직이기 시작했다. 삶의 의미가 생겨나고, 나의 존재의 목적이 세워지고, 앞으로 이 작은 마음의 진동이 세상을 변화시키는 작은 의미가 되길 바란다. Abstract This thesis examines the two creation traditions in Genesis from the perspective of human understanding. In the history of Israel, the core of religion was sacrifices and rituals, and it can be seen that the elements of linguistic and elements of rational beliefs were derived from the rituals. Looking at the text of creation from two historical perspectives through the stories of creation in Genesis, from the perspective of cosmic creation and human understanding seen through the eyes of theologian P in Genesis 1:1-2:4a, the other part looks at another creation story through the eyes of theologian J, centered on the words of Genesis 2:4b-25. We can see that there is a deep story hidden in these words that we want to convey to us who live today. After enduring many years of being taken into captivity in Babylon, Israel realized that it was urgent to establish their own religious identity in this historical crisis. And, recognizing that the cause of Israel’s defeat was in ritual crime, they tried to restore their relationship with God and also to restore their national and personal identity. Looking at the two creation stories in Priestly source and Jahwist, Genesis 1:1-2:4a is a macroscopic view of God’s creative work through a ‘telescope’, and Genesis 2:4b-25’s creation can be said that it was recorded in detail focusing on the anthropological point of view, as observed under a microscope. These are the words of Gensis that I have seen countless times over the years, but as each of them was given a meaning and color was added, the words began to come to my life, which had been living without meaning. The meaning of my life started, and the purpose of my existence was established. I hope that this small shake of the heart will be the meaning of a small beginning to change the world. Keywords : Genesis, human understanding, history of Israel.

      • 이미지 및 포인트 클라우드 데이터들을 위한 머신러닝과 딥러닝 연구

        림빈보니카 순천향대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 232233

        With an evolution of artificial intelligence technology, researchers and industries have deployed and integrated deep learning approach in various applications in which we would like to automate do similarly to human ingenuity. Those applications include computer vision, recommended system, natural language processing, speech recognition, and more. Deep learning is a study that can learn from experience. By mean of experience in this context, it is a given or an observational data. As the deep learning accumulates more observational data or interactions with an environment, its performance improves accordingly. The main tasks that deep learning has proved its promising performance in computer vision applications are such as classification, segmentation, and detection. Deep learning approach has proved a promising performance on these applications on natural RGB images. However, there are many challenges of deep learning approach to perform on grayscale images, medical images, unstructured data, or RGB-D images. Therefore, in this research, we propose a research of machine learning and deep learning approach for automatic applications of computer vision on these aforementioned challenged data. These application tasks are classification, segmentation, and detection. The data modalities are grayscale images, medical images, 3D point clouds, and RGB-D images. The first study is about exploiting an existing state-of-the-art deep learning model to fine-tune into our target problem. The second study is using a traditional machine learning as a preprocessing step to assist the deep learning. The third study is about defining a deep learning model to solve the semantic segmentation on unstructured data. Finally, the last study is about deploying, integrating, and inferencing the pre-trained weights of traditional machine learning and deep learning model from RGB-D images into a real-time application of human pose estimation. Our main contributions are as follows: ● Three tasks and four data modalities using traditional machine learning and deep learning approach for computer vision applications were studied, implemented, and experimented for deeply understanding. ● Discussion and lesson learnt of application tasks and data modalities were comprehensively analyzed and compared. ● We initially and firstly implemented the multi-label classification of fingerprint for gender, hand, and finger position using deep learning method on fingerprint images, while there are not any researches studying it yet. ● We implemented a heart segmentation without ground truth labels on large amount of subjects (500 subjects) using K-Means clustering on chest CT images. ● We outperformed the building and fence category of 3D LiDAR point clouds segmentation from Toronto-3D dataset using encoder-decoder shared MLPs with multi-losses. ● We integrated the Kinect v2 and Openpose model for real-time application of human pose estimation and achieved a significant performance. Our limitations are as follows: ● Accuracy of multi-label classification of fingerprint is low (59.54%). ● Unsupervised deep learning method was not conducted for semantic segmentation of heart. ● GNN model was not conducted for semantic segmentation of point clouds. ● Deep learning model was not directly trained on RGB-D images for human pose estimation.

      • 자기만족적 이성으로 기만된 신앙의 회복을 위하여 : 실존적 인간이해을 통해 '진보적' 신앙을 성찰하며

        한민우 연세대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 232008

        본 논문은 근대적 사고로 인해 자기모순적 신앙으로 이어지는 한국의 이른바 진보적 신앙에 대한 비판적 성찰과 그 문제를 해결하기 위한 해결책 모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 한국의 진보적 신앙의 기초가 되는 근대 인식론과 합리성을 임마누엘 칸트를 통해 비판적으로 분석한다. 그리고 문제의 대안으로 마르틴 하이데거의 현대적 인간물음과 종교성을 중심으로 살펴보며, 이를 통해 한국의 대안적 신앙과 교회의 위기를 성찰하고자 한다. Ⅱ장에서는 ‘진보적’ 신앙의 토대가 되는 근대적 사고의 대표주자인 임마누엘 칸트을 통해, 획일성에 기초한 근대적 인식론을 분석하고, 이성의 한계 내에서 시도되는 도덕신학을 살펴본다. 도덕신학은 합리적 인간의 가능성에 기초한 신학이다. 도덕신학은 고중세의 형이상학적 신학의 문제들을 극복하기 위해, 합리적 인간을 기초로 최고선에 다다를 수 있는 이론적 토대이다. 그러나 이러한 도덕신학은 합리적인 인간에 대한 절대적인 가치와 그것에 대한 믿음을 필요로 하였기에 현대적 사고에서 볼 때 대상만 바뀌었을 뿐, 고․중세 신학의 문제들인 자기 투사와 자기 확신의 문제들을 그대로 답습하게 된다. Ⅲ장에서는 마르틴 하이데거의 현대적 사고에 기초한 실존적 인간물음을 중심으로 이러한 문제에 대한 대안을 제시할 것이다. 현존재로서 인간은 자명한 것으로서 제시되지 않으며, 시간성과 공간성에 의해서 상호적으로 구성되는 존재이다. 세계 역시 인간과 상호공속적으로 존재하게 되며, 하나님 역시 이러한 공속적인 얽힘 속에서 함께 존재한다. 이전까지 기독교 신앙이 개념적으로만 받아드려졌다면, 현대적 사고 안에서의 기독교 신앙은 이러한 공속적인 관계에 기초되어 이해되어야 한다. 또한 진리 역시 이러한 관계 속에서 혼미 안에서 이해되는 진리로, 진리 강박증에서 벗어나게하는 자유로서 삶 안에서 열어 밝혀진다. Ⅳ장에서는 찾은 문제와 해답들을 통해 진보적 신앙들의 자리를 실존적으로 분석하고 성찰한다. 진보적 신앙들은 기존 교회의 문제들을 해결하기 위하여 노력하였다. 성과도 있었지만, 새로운 교회와 신앙 운동의 대부분의 결과는 허무로 이어졌다. 대안이라고는 불렸지만, 근대적 사고 안에서 다시 회귀 되었기에 종래의 신학과 교회가 행했던 자기만족적 신앙과 별 차이가 없었다. 근대적 획일성과 동일성에 기초한 기독교 신앙을 그저 허무로 이끌 뿐이다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 근대의 자기만족적 사고를 벗어나 상호공속적인 현대적 사고로의 결단이 필요하다. 이는 전체를 통제하고자 싶은 동일성의 욕망에서 벗어나는 것이며, 통제할 수 없는 ‘삶’을 통해 인간과 신앙을 이해하는 것을 의미한다. 결론적으로 현재 한국기독교의 신앙적 사고를 지배하고 있는 근대성 안에서는 단지 우리의 욕망에 충실한 종교성에만 머물 뿐이다. 자기를 비울 수 있는 신앙은 현대적 사고로서의 전환에서만 그 토대를 마련할 수 있다. 마지막으로 이러한 신앙적 사유를 가능하게 할 수 있는 종교적 인간에 대한 연구가 더욱 활발히 진행되어야 함을 제언한다. This research focus on to including critically on Korea's so-called progressive Christianity and faith, which leads to self-contradictory beliefs due to modernized human thought, and to seek solutions to solve the this kind of issues. In fact, the modern epistemology and rationality underlying Korea's progressive beliefs are critically analyzed through Immanuel Kant and followings ways. And as an alternative to the issue, Martin Heidegger's contemporary human questioning and religious characteristics are focused, reflecting on the alternative beliefs of Korea and the crisis of the church. Chapter II points out parochial epistemology and moral theology through Immanuel Kant, a representative of modernizing rational thoughts, the foundation of the "progressive" Christianity and faith. Moral theology is a theology based on rational human possibilities. Moral theology is the theoretical foundation on which rational humans can reach the ‘the goodness’ in order to overcome the issues of metaphysical theology. However, this kind of the moral theology required absolute values of rational humans beings and belief even faith in them, so in modern perspective and thoughts only the object has changed, but it still follows the problems and side effect of self-projection and self-confidence, which are happens of medieval theology and followings perspectation. Chapter III effort to find alternatives ways focusing on Martin Heidegger's existential human questions. Dasein is a being mutually constructed by temporality and spatiality. It is not a self-evident existence. The world also co-exists with humans, and God also co-exists in this communal entanglement concepts. The Christian faith should be understood on the basis of this communal relationship in modern thoughts. In addition, the truth will be liberated from obsession with truth through obscurity, and this tendency will be revealed in human ‘life’ as free truth. Chapter IV examines the place of 'progressive' Christianity and faiths through the issues and answers found. The 'progressive' Christianity and faiths tried to deal with the issues of the ‘existing’ church. There have also been results. However, most of the results of the new concept of the church and religious movement led to nihility. The reason why is that it was carried out in modernized perspectation. Modernized thoughts is based on uniformity and identification, so it only leads to self-satisfaction. To deal with these issues, it is necessary to make a decision to move beyond modern rational thoughts and become a mutually publicized modern view points. This is a results from the human desire of sameness to control the whole, and means understanding human and Christian faiths through uncontrollable "life". In conclusion, within modernity, we still remain merely religious, faithful to our desires. An advance to a ‘self-empty’ Christianity and faith can make the foundation only for the transition of contemporary interrelationships and humans thoughts. therefore, I strongly suggest that this research of religious human beings based on philosophy of religion should be more active.

      • 융, 퇴계, 매튜 팍스의 인간이해 비교연구 : 한국적 목회상담에서의 자아실현 이해

        이승원 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 231995

        This thesis is a comparative study of human understanding of C. G. Jung, Toegye Lee Hwang, and Matthew Fox, through which self-realization needed for pastoral counseling is examined. Although there is a difference in the scholastic characteristics of their understanding of the mankind, they share a common view of the inherent human possibilities and realization of it. According to Jung, all men have an unconscious desire to live as a whole being. He believed that this desire comes from one of the most fundamental archetypes of collective unconscious, ''The Self''. ''The self'' allows men to become a whole being. Jung referred to the process of self realization as individuation.Individuation is a process of sinking into one''s inner world in an effort to recognize one''s inherent possibilities, and the self consciousness putting this possibility into action. Through the individuation process where the attention is transferred from outside to inside, height to depth, ego to the self, conscious to unconscious, bi-polar factors are integrated, the conscious and unconscious come together and become a whole. This is what self realization is. The resource of self realization is ''the self'', inherent and universal to all mankind.Toegye believed that all objects, including man, are made up of ultimate principle and external form. Internal, ultimate principle is intrinsic in all men. The harmony of the principle and action is ''self realization'', according to Toegye. In the process of self-realization, Toegye emphasized gradual effort and moral training in putting internal principles into action. Self-realization should undergo a process of clear recognition of one''s internal principles and then putting it into action. Toegye called the training of recognizing the inherent principle ''gung li''(窮理). ''Gung li'' is needed to recognize the most fundamental principles of objects. Toegye believed that one must find the principles that lies in knowledge and other objects 본 논문에서는 자아실현의 요구를 가진 인간을 이해하고, 자아실현과 그 자원을 찾아보려 한다. 인간이해와 이를 바탕으로 자아실현을 이해하는데 세 가지 접근을 사용하려 한다. 첫째는 융(C. G. Jung)의 분석심리학적 접근이다. 서양에서 신비주의적 접근으로 분류되는 융의 분석심리학에서 말하는 전체성을 지향하는 인간의 욕구를 살펴보고자 한다. 융의 분석심리학은 서양의 학문임에도 동양적 성격을 많이 가지고 있으며, 이러한 특징은 한국적 목회상담을 위한 인간과 자아실현 이해를 위한 많은 자원을 제공한다. 또한 여타의 실험심리학이나 프로이드의 정신분석학이 가지지 못한 종교와의 접촉점을 가지고 있기 때문에 목회상담자들이 이 입장에 더욱 깊은 공감을 할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째는 한국적 인간이해와 자아실현에 도움을 주기 위하여 퇴계의 성리학의 도움을 받으려 한다. 퇴계 심학의 도움을 받는 이유는 한국은 유교의 문화권에 있기 때문이다. 인간의 인식과 감정, 사고는 문화와 관련되어 설명될 때 더욱 효과적일 수 있다. 현재의 한국인은 세계화와 서구화의 흐름 속에서 개인주의적이고 서양적인 사고를 보다 많이 갖게 되었으나, 유교문화권으로서 가지는 명백한 특징들은 유지되고 있다. 우리가 가지고 있는 자아의 개념과 행동양식은 이미 유교적 특성을 가지고 있다. 이것은 조선조 500년이 불교나 도교를 억제하고 유교를 중요시하는 사회였고, 이러한 환경 속에서 우리의 선조들은 자연스레 유교적 사고와 행동에 익숙하게 되었기 때문이다. 즉, 한국적 심성을 가장 잘 보여주는 것이 유교이며, 이것을 토착화한 퇴계의 심학은 한국적 인간과 자아실현을 설명하는데 가장 적합

      • 기독교 교육 문화를 위한 새로운 패러다임 : 다중 지능 이론을 중심으로

        최은원 협성대학교 신학대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 231979

        Christian education has the purpose of leading people to Christ, teaching them and letting them be the light and salt of the world as Christian. The content of the education is based on the Bible, but in the aspect of methodology it should start from understanding human being, contemporary society and the field of culture. However, the continuous change of educational culture has been investigated and demanded, but it is not matched up to the actual circumstances of present church and rather, the voice of criticism and anxiety is getting higher. It is not easy to make the problem clear. However, all problems are formed by the subject recognizing the problems, and so I try to comment on Christian educational culture recognized by my point of view, indicate the problem of the existing educational culture and find its alternative. For this, I broaden understanding human being, based on “The Theory of Multiple Intelligences” by Howard Gardner. According to his theory, human being has nine various intelligences: Linguistic Intelligence applying linguistic sense, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Naturalist Intelligence, and lastly, Existential Intelligence. As the above, human being has diverse intelligences and each of the intelligences is quite different to each person. Acknowledging this point, each child accepts ‘gospel’ in different ways, and the opportunity made by variously receiving ‘Christian culture’ should be provided to him or her. The Bible pursues the change that the content of God’s doing and saying becomes a guide for daily life of the community of faith and people in each age and place. The purpose of revolutionary learning is to understand the meaning of discipleship and citizens’ training and to present the process of practical learning simultaneously used together. In this way, the Christian education has a problem not only to educate for discipleship, but also to train democratic citizens. In addition, the Christian education claims the process of self-emptiness as Christian and the structure of learning which produces border crossings that frequent between the community of faith and social economy. John H. Westerhoff puts worship in the very middle of the Christian education as emphasizing the community of faith. Through this worship, the worship should be a festival for the life and death of Jesus Christ and good news to spread. As moreover, sacrament as a conciliatory language with God is done over the length and breadth of the Christian education, it should be opened for every member of the community of faith to receive faith, to inherit tradition, and to make a decision by being invited to holy mystery. Teacher’s role is also important as a component for educating the community of faith. As yet, the teacher was someone’s part whose Interpersonal Intelligence is unlike other people. The teacher short of this side is asked to develop this ability. However, educators should change their concern to developing critical companion and democratic society. This is to relate the teacher oneself and social ability and to make a church be a democratic, public place. The community of church should stop only church education to maintain church, and rather, operate education that knowledge and life are not separated. It should build up conversation between people and their situation or the community of church and social, cultural situation. The writer dreams the day that in the lives of our teenagers and young people Christian culture takes their culture. Hopefully, they having been assessed by grade and rank are born again as God’s handiwork, people receiving various talents and democratic citizens having God’s purpose. 기독교 교육은 사람들을 그리스도께 인도하고 가르치며 그들이 그리스도인으로서 세상에 빛과 소금이 되도록 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 교육의 내용은 성서를 바탕으로 하지만, 그 방법론에 있어서 인간 이해와 시대사회, 그리고 문화의 현장에서 출발하여야 한다. 그러나 끊임없는 교육 문화의 변화를 추구하고 요청해 왔지만 현 교회 실정에 접목시키지 못하고 비판과 우려의 소리만 높아지고 있다. 그 문제를 명확히 밝히기는 쉬운 문제가 아니다. 그러나 모든 문제란 문제를 인식하는 주체에 의해 성립되는 것으로 본자의 시각에 따라 인식된 기독교 교육문화에 대해 비판하고, 기존의 교육문화의 문제를 깊어보고 그 대안을 찾으려 한다. 이를 위해 가드너의 “다중지능 이론”을 중심으로 인간 이해의 폭을 넓혔다. 그의 이론에 따르면 인간은 9가지의 다양한 지능을 가지고 있다고 본다. 언어적 감각을 활용하는 언어적 지능, 논리-수학적 지능, 공간적 지능, 음악적 지능, 신체ㆍ운동적지능, 대인관계 지능, 개인 이해 지능, 자연 탐구 지능, 마지막으로 실존지능이다. 이처럼 인간은 다양한 지능을 지니고 있으며, 각각의 지능은 개인마다 상당히 다르다. 이점을 인정하여 아이들 각자가 다양한 방법으로 ‘복음’을 받아들이고 ‘기독교 문화’를 다양하게 접하면서 만들어 낼 수 있는 기회가 제공되어야 한다. 성서는 하나님이 행하시고 말씀하시는 내용이 각 시대와 장소마다 신앙 공동체와 민중들의 매일 매일의 삶을 위한 지침이 되기 위한 변혁을 추구한다. 변혁적 배움의 목적은 제자화와 시민 양성의 뜻을 이해하고, 동시에 함께 사용하는 실천적 배움의 과정을 제시해야 한다. 이러한 점에서 기독교 교육은 제자화 교육뿐만 아니라 민주 시민을 양성해야 하는 과제를 갖는다. 여기에 기독교 교육은 그리스도인으로서의 자기 비움(self - emptiness)의 과정과 신앙공동체와 사회의 경제를 드나드는 신앙인(border crossings)을 배출하는 배움의 구조를 요구한다. 웨스터 호프는 신앙 공동체를 강조하면서 예배를 기독교 교육의 가장 중심에 두었다. 이 예배를 통해 예수 그리스도의 삶과 죽으심, 그리고 기쁜 소식이 전해지기 위해서 예배는 축제가 되어야 한다. 또한 하나님과 화해의 언어로 성례전이 기독교 교육 전반에 걸쳐 행해 져서 신앙을 부여받고 전통을 계승할 수 있도록, 그리고 거룩한 신비에 초대되어 결단할 수 있도록 신앙 공동체의 모든 구성원에게 개방되어야 한다. 신앙 공동체의 교육을 위한 구성 요소로 교사의 역할 또한 중요하다. 지금까지 교사는 대인관계 지능이 남다른 이들의 몫이었다. 이러한 부분이 부족한 교사는 이 능력을 개발하도록 요구되어져 왔다. 그러나 교육자들은 비판적 동반자와 민주사회를 개발하는 관심으로 바꾸어야만 한다. 이것은 교사 자신과 사회적 능력을 연관하는 일이며, 교회를 민주적 공공의 장으로 만드는 일이다. 교회 공동체는 교회를 유지시키기 위한 교회 교육만을 멈추고, 앎과 삶이 분리되지 않는 교육을 시행해야 한다. 사람들과 그들의 상황, 즉 기독교 신앙 공동체와 사회, 문화적 상황 사이에서 대화를 증진시켜야 할 것이다. 필자는 우리 청소년 및 청년들이 그들의 삶에 기독교 문화가 그들 문화를 차지하는 그 날을 꿈꾼다. 점수와 등수로 평가받았던 그들이 하나님의 피조물로, 다양한 달란트를 부여 받은 자로, 하나님의 목적이 담긴 민주 시민으로 거듭나길 다시 한번 바란다.

      • W. Pannenberg의 人間理解 : 인간본성론 중심으로

        박성헌 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 215915

        Primarily, the purpose of this thesis is to explain about Pannenberg's anthropology skillfully and exactly. Furthermore, I deal with the differences and characteristics of his anthropology as I compare it with the anthropology of other scholars, and I also suggest what kinds of influences and possibilities of his theology offer for the communication between theology and science, and I also deal with what the possibilities of anthropology in theology, contributions and limitations are. And I also search for the fact whether Pannenberg has any concern for the anthropology for a long time because his major theological subject is not a anthropology but a universality of theology. Therefore, to find the universality of revelation, he rejects the notion of salvation as history, rather, he chooses a secular history for a place of indirect God's revelation. Therefore, it is the purpose of this thesis to find out the position and meaning of anthropology in the perspective of universality of theology, and to study what the problems of his anthropology are. Thus, I am going to study the meaning of the openness to the world in Pannenberg, and I am going to study the relationship between the openness to the world and God's image. Accordingly, the starting point of understanding of God is not any more a natural world, but a changing world from toward the world or inside the world to the experience of human in the present being, so we will realize that we shall understand God from the side of human beings. In chapter 2, I study about his starting point of anthropology, which is based on the preposition of his understanding of human beings. That is, he specifically explains the activities of collective responsibility in the life of whole human beings as he partially accepts the result of anthropology in other areas of studies. Especially, I search for the mutual relationship and possibility as a study of reason by examining the philosophical anthropology in details, and I analyze the method how he understands the human activities and how he portrays his anthropology. In chapter 3, I explain the acceptance of philosophical anthropology and the interrelationship between philosophy and theology. Max Scheler positively saw the openness to the world which is special only for human beings. And J. G. Herder insists that human beings make progress by overcoming human errors and human flaws through human reason and freedom. Such humanity can be obtained by education because only human beings have the notion of object in life. Therefore, we see the way how the openness to the world of Max Scheler and God's image of Herder's correlate, and we also see what the differences of God's image are from the general point of view in the chronological order. And through these understandings, we suggest God's image, which Pannerberg understands. In chapter 4, I study the essence of human beings, that is, I will explain what the meaning and position of the openness to the world and God's image are. The starting point of his openness to the world is that the understanding of God's revelation is revealed in a human history as universality. Thus, he expresses the capability of human beings. Furthermore, he explains the relation between the openness to the world and faith, the relation between human beings and world, and the trust of human beings as a basis of openness. In chapter 5, I specifically study about human beings as a sinner, which implies a meaning of limitation of human beings. It shows us that human beings reject the possibility of openness to world through negative attitudes originating from their mind. Thus, I explain about the sin causing from cutting oneself from one's self-consciousness, greed and arrogance (seeking one's own interest), original sin as universality and sin causing from closing oneself. In Chapter 6, as my last study, I study human beings as a responsible one. That is, I study a salvation for the establishment of a self-identity as I compare it with the responsibility and freedom. In conclusion, Pannenberg's understanding of human beings suggests us a true possibility and a responsibility as he explains God's image through the openness to the world and God's image which is based on the philosophical anthropology.

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