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      • 유학생들의 의료문제를 개선하기 위한 공유의료 서비스디자인 : 모바일 앱 인터페이스 디자인을 중심으로

        소신주 중앙대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2937

        최근 공유경제에 대한 관심이 높아지면서 공유경제 여건에서 파생된 다양한 공유제품과 서비스에 대한 사용이 늘고 있다. 그에 따라 다양한 공유의료 서비스도 파생되었다. 그러므로 본 연구는 공유의료 서비스를 통해 많은 의료문제를 해결할 수 있다고 생각한다. 교육부가 발표한 '2018 한국국제학생통계' 자료에 따르면 한국에 거주하는 국제 학생은 142205명이 있다. 유학생들은 외국인으로서 의료 보험 문제, 의사와 소통에 있어서 어려운 문제 등 다양한 의료문제를 만날 수 있다. 이런 많은 유학생들의 의료문제를 중시하고 해법을 제시할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 유학생들의 의료문제를 개선하는 목적으로 서비스 디자인적 방법론을 통해 유학생들의 의료문제에 대해 조사하고 분석하여 문제점을 도출한 후에 유학생들에게 편한 의료 서비스를 제공할 수 있는 공유의료 서비스 디자인을 제안하고자 한다. 먼저, 서비스 디자인을 기반으로 서비스 디자인 프로세스를 확립하기 위해 디자인 방법론에 대한 문헌연구를 실시하였다. 또한, 공유경제의 개념 및 유형, 공유경제 서비스의 개념, 공유경제에서 공유의료 서비스의 개념을 파악하기 위한 문헌연구를 병행하였다. 그리고 중국과 한국 공유의료 서비스 모바일 앱의 공통점과 차이점을 파악하기 위해 중국과 한국 공유의료 서비스 모바일 앱 사례를 분석하고 비교하였다. 그에 따라 문헌연구 결과를 활용하여 한국에 있는 유학생을 대상으로 정량적과 정성적 조사 방법을 통해 사용자 조사를 진행하였다. 조사에 대한 분석 결과를 토대로 디자인 컨셉과 메뉴 설계를 구축하여 공유의료 서비스 모바일 앱 프로토타입을 제작하였다. 이를 통해 사용성 평가를 실시하여 본 연구에 대한 결과물을 검증하고 유학생들의 의료문제를 개선할 수 있는 공유의료 서비스 모바일 앱 인터페이스 디자인을 제안하였다. 본 연구는 유학생들의 의료비용 산정 문제와 의사소통 문제, 그리고 가입한 유학생 보험의 보상 규칙에 대한 무지와 복잡성의 문제점을 개선하기 위해 온라인에서 의사에게 문진 및 처방전을 받을 수 있으며, 약을 쉽게 주문하고, 보험 회사 담당자에게 연락할 수 있는 원스톱 서비스를 제공하는데 의의가 있다. At present, the sharing economy has attracted much attention, and more and more people have got in touch with all kinds of shared products and services appearing under the condition of the sharing economy. In addition, the medical shared services also appear with it. This study believes that lots of medical problems can be solved through medical shared services. According to the statistical date of Korean International Students in 2008 released by the Ministry of Education of Korea, there are 142,205 international students in South Korea. As a foreigner, international students may encounter various problems such as medical insurance and difficulty in communicating with doctors. The medical problems of so many international students shall be paid more attention as well as the solutions shall be given. Therefore, in order to improve the medical problems of international students, this study has conducted the investigation and analysis for the medical problems of international students through service design methodology. And after finding the problems' spot, put forward that a more convenient medical shared design of medical services could be provided to the international students. Firstly, in order to establish the service design process based on service design, the literature research is conducted for the service design methodology. In addition, the concept and type of the sharing economy, the concept of sharing economy services as well as the concept of medical shared service under the sharing economy also conduct a literature research. Then, in order to grasp the similarities and differences of internet applications of medical shared service between China and South Korea, this study analyzes and compares the cases of China and South Korea's medical shared service applications. And then, based on the results of literature research, taking the international students who are in South Korea as its objects, conduct a user survey through a quantitative and qualitative survey method. Moreover, the design concept and the structure of software menu are established based on the results of user investigation and analysis and the prototype is also made. Later, the user evaluation is carried out to verify the prototype. Finally, the interface design of internet applications of medical shared service which enables to improve the medical problems of overseas students is proposed. In order to improve the computational problem of medical cost of the international students, the communication problem with the doctor, the problem of not understanding the compensation rules of insurance for the international student who joins it for short time and other complicated problems, this study has provided a series of one-stop service designs, such as, providing online inquiry, prescribing and buying medicine as well as being able to contact with the principal of insurance company, which has a signi ficate influence.

      • 한국 의대생의 삶의 질에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구

        박진영 연세대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 2911

        Medical students are living under heavy stress coming from excessive work load and competition. Thus, the present study purposed to examine the quality of life that medical students feel and to set directions for guiding medical students’ study and life.For this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of 215 medical students who were freshmen, sophomores or juniors attending the Medical School of Yonsei University as of 2005. The contents of survey were their demographical characteristics, the quality of life and school record. The survey on life quality was made using WHO Quality of Life Assessment in brief form (WHOQOL?\BREF) and a self?\developed questionnaire on socio?\demographical composition. The results were assessed using the total score and the scores of four domains ? physical, psychological, social and environmental. In addition, we analyzed the school record of 142 students, who consented to open their school records, out of the 215 participants. The relations among socio?\demographical characteristics, the quality of life and school record were tested through t?\test and ANOVA.:The total score of quality of life and the social domain score of male students were significantly higher than those of female students. In the physical domain, the quality of life of the freshmen and the juniors was significantly lower than that of the sophomores. Students from special high schools had significantly higher scores of quality of life than students from ordinary high schools in the social domain. In addition, students who exercise 1~3 hours a week had significantly higher total score of the quality of life and the scores of the physical, social and environmental domains. The students who chose to enter medical school by internal motivation had higher scores on quality of life in the psychological domains than those who chose to enter medical school because of the prospects of the medical profession. Also, those who do not drink alcohol had significantly higher scores on the social domain than those who drink alcohol. No significant differences were observed in the total score of the quality of life and the scores of the four domains in relations to the distance from home to school, the area in which graduated high schools are located, whether the students live in a dormitory, how they entered medical school, religion, smoking, coffee, sleeping hours, whether the students have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, club activities, the number of close friends, and allowances. Smokers had significantly higher scores than non-smokers.The results of this study as presented above show that female students are more vulnerable in terms of the quality of life and it is important to guide them in establishing social relations. In addition, the results suggest that freshmen who start medical study and juniors who start clinical experiments need to pay attention to their physical condition, and thus medical students should be actively supported to take regular exercise. 의대생들은 과중한 학업량과 경쟁으로 인하여 스트레스가 많은 가운데 살아가고 있다. 따라서 이들이 느끼는 삶의 질을 통하여 의과대학생들에 대한 효과적인 학습 및 생활 지도 방향을 정하기 위하여 본 연구는 실시되었다.2005년도에 연세대학교 의과 대학에 재학 중인 1,2,3학년 학생 213명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 대상은 인구학적 특징, 삶의 질, 학교 성적이었다. 삶의 질 조사는 세계보건기구 삶의 질 간편형 척도(WHOQOL-BREF)와 자체적으로 제작한 인구 사회학적 구성에 관한 설문이었다. 결과는 전체 점수 및 신체, 심리, 사회, 환경의 4가지 도메인 점수를 가지고 평가하였다. 또한 연구에 참여한 학생 중 자신의 학교성적 열람을 동의한 학생들 142명의 성적을 분석에 이용하였다. 인구 사회학적 구성 및 성적과 삶의 질의 관계를 T-test 및 ANOVA를 이용하여 검정하였다.남학생이 여학생보다 삶의 질 전체 점수와 사회관계 영역에서의 점수가 통계적으로 유의미하게 높게 나왔다. 신체적 영역에서 1학년, 3학년 학생들의 삶의 질은 2학년에 비하여 유의하게 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 특목고 출신 학생이 일반고 출신의 학생에 비해서 사회관계 영역에서의 삶의 질이 더 높았다. 또한 운동을 1주일에 1시간 초과 3시간 이하로 하는 학생들이 운동을 하지 않는 학생들에 비해서 삶의 질 총점 및 신체, 사회관계, 환경적 영역에서 유의미하게 삶의 질이 높았다. 자신의 내적 동기에 의해서 의대를 입학한 학생들이 사회적인 전망에 의해 의대를 선택하게 된 학생들에 비해서 심리적 영역에서의 삶의 질이 더 높게 나타났다. 또한 술을 안 마시는 학생들이 마시는 학생들에 비해서 사회관계 영역에 있어서 삶의 질이 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 등교 거리, 출신고 소재지, 기숙사 거주 여부, 입학 형태, 종교 유무, 흡연 유무, 커피 음용 여부, 수면 시간, 이성 교제, 서클 활동, 친한 친구 수, 한달 용돈 등은 삶의 질 총점 및 4개 영역의 삶의 질 점수에서 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 학교 성적 집단 간에 있어 삶의 질 총점, 4개 영역의 삶의 질 점수에서는 각 그룹 간 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 금연자가 흡연자에 비해서 유의미하게 성적이 높았다.이와 같은 결과는 삶의 질적인 측면에서 여학생들이 취약하며, 특히 그들의 사회적 관계를 잘 가질 수 있도록 지도하는 것이 중요함을 보여준다. 또한 의과대학 교육을 처음 받는 1학년 및 임상실습을 처음 시작하는 3학년 학생들의 신체 상태에 관심을 가져야 함을 알 수 있고, 의대생이 일정한 정도의 운동시간을 가지도록 적극적으로 지원하는 것이 중요할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다

      • 환자중심의료를 위한 현황과 개선방안에 대한 연구 : 임상실습 의과대학생과 환자 및 보호자의 의사소통을 중심으로

        김가영 건양대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2911

        The purpose of learning communication skills in medical school can be seen in two ways: "learning communication" and "learning through communication." This study began with the question of "how to effectively teach communication skills to medical students in order to achieve patient-centered medical care." This study articulated that patient-centered medical care starts with clinical training and experiences during clinical clerkship when medical students directly interacted with real patients and their guardians. The existing studies have been based solely on quantitative research based on questionnaires by ignoring specificities and particularities in favor of generalizations. Also most studies on medical communication have only relied on communication between medical students with simulated patients, not real patients. In oder to overcome limitation of quantitative studies and revive real patients’ voices in medical communication, this study thus relied on narrative interview based on qualitative research methodology. By analyzing the current status of medical communication between medical practitioners (including physicians and clinical clerks) and patients and/or guardians, this study aimed to suggest future directions of education on medical communication skills in medical school. This study first identified existing problems in their communication between patients and/or their guardians and medical students during clinical clerkships, to seek resolutions to better communication by analyzing both students’ reports collected over three years and narrative interview data of experiences of patients (and/or their guardians) while communicating with clerkship students. As a result of analyzing the data, this study revealed that patients and their guardians found communication with clerkship students uninformed, unprofessional, halfhearted, and meaningless. They also complained that some clerkship students attempted conversation with patients and their guardians at inappropriate and inconvenient times, like during the early dawn. Most clerkship students experienced negative reactions from patients and their guardians while communicating with them; these reactions included ignorance, refusal, noncooperation, insincerity, discomfort, annoyance, or anger. Such negative responses to these students tremendously affected them and caused them to negatively criticize themselves while becoming frustrated and atrophied, leading the students to passively engage in training. To improve communication between the student trainees and patients and their guardians, this study proposed the following four suggestions. First, clerkship directors or advisors should find steps to appropriately introduce clerkship students to patients and/or their guardians before a clinical clerkship begins. Second, clerkship directors and teaching hospital personnel must inform patients and their guardians of the role of teaching hospitals as clinical training centers to seek cooperation and understanding regarding medical clerkships. Third, standardized guidelines or manuals (e.g. what, when, and how to communicate with patients) for better and more effective communication with patients and their guardians should be provided to students before they begin clinical clerkship training. Finally, a systematic medical communication curriculum should be implemented for students so that they are trained on basic communication skills such as listening, empathy, consideration, and respect for patients.

      • 메디컬 드라마를 활용한 의과대학생을 위한 죽음 교육 연구

        주예진 건양대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2908

        Although the proportion of deaths at medical sites is increasing, there was a lack of reflection on the deep contemplation of death and the doctor's attitudes to various situations related to the death of patients. The medicalization of death, which most hospitals have no choice but to experience the death situation, has made it more important for doctors to recognize and attitude toward death. It can also be said that ‘death education’ for medical students who will become future doctors is essential because doctors are increasingly responsible for decisions on patients' ‘life-sustaining treatment’. Due to the ‘medicalization of death’, death situation can only be experienced in hospitals, and even in university hospitals, which can be called practical educational institutions, it is difficult to witness the actual death of patients due to strengthening their authority. Nevertheless, the study focused on ‘medical drama’, in which death education cannot be centered on textbook theory. It is hoped that even medical students, who are practical students, will be able to provide death education using medical dramas that closely reenact the actual medical situation at a time when it is difficult to experience death in hospitals. Among the medical dramas, seven were selected to reflect the actual medical reality. It is intended to extract the story of death in seven medical dramas and provide it by theorizing the subject of death education through qualitative coding, one of the methods of qualitative research, as a death education module for medical students. As a result of structuring and coding the death education key words in the death story to the goals of education, we classify them largely in terms of cognition and emotion, as well as in practice and action. In terms of cognitive and emotional aspects, it consists of topics that allow you to think about the patient's own, the patient's family, and the doctor's feelings around the patient's death. After practice after after aware of the patient's death and behavioral aspects of education to discuss the topic, to real action around the patient's death. Things to do more about the patient's pain to empathize with and will be able to act. It is hoped that death education will be activated in medical education through the Death Education Module, which was formed using medical dramas.

      • 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 적응과정 연구

        장익 연세대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 2907

        ABSTRACT The Failure Experiences of Medical Students and the Process of their Adaption Jang, Ik Dept. of Theology The Graduate school Yonsei University The purpose of this research was to investigate medical students, specifically in the adaptation processes of students having experienced failure, and to present directions to care. The subject of the study were 12 students that have experienced failure at least once as a registered student and attending school at the time. 8 of those students have experienced failure more than once, while 4 students, only once. Duration of study was from January of 2012 to January of 2013, in which 3 individualized deep-interviews were conducted. Collected data were open coded on basis of Grounded Theory (Strauss & Corbin, 1990), resulting in 160 codes, 34 concepts and 9 categories. Categories were further analyzed by axial coding to establish common demonstration of ‘acquisition of academic adaptation,’ ‘return to anxiety ridden life,’ and ‘acceptance to continued failure’ within aforementioned students. Furthermore, four stages of adaptation was established, the first being ‘acknowledgement of collapse due failure,’ second, ‘adjustment efforts in overcoming failure,’ third, ‘reinforcement of overcoming failure,’ and fourth, ‘finalization to adaptation.’ Thus, core category was established as ‘overcoming failure and processing adaptation’ with subcategories of ‘resistance to continued failure,’ ‘anxiety,’ and ‘self-discipline,’ leading to four types of adaptation: ‘driven,’ ‘conceited,’ ‘effortful,’ and ‘anxious.’ The ‘driven’ types were optimistic of their failure and were confident they will overcome the difficulties, maintaining their self-discipline actively. The ‘conceited’ types were less sensitive in understanding anxiety and their situation, while being resistant and overly confident in continued failure but were poor in self-discipline. The ‘effortful’ were more stable and highly resistant to continued failure while showing less confidence, but active in self-discipline, resulting in high academic adaptation . The ‘anxious’ type wee highly resistant to continued failure but were highly sensitive their surroundings, while being poor in self-discipline, resulting in low academic adaptation, demanding much help. The liberation model by Watkins Ali was used to spotlight the hidden mentality of ‘first-place-or-nothing’ and ‘disconnection from society’ present in medical students, while presenting a pastoral counseling model that involves ‘nurturing,’ ‘empowering,’ ‘liberating,’ and ‘reconciling,’ for ‘voluntary resources’ and ‘restoration of relationship.’ This research expands from previous studies of finding fault in individuals to encompassing the actual voices of medical students, presenting experience-driven theories to help understand overcoming processes. It also presents a systematic rehabilitation model as well as academic notes for failure-experienced medical students to become a new subject to their academic society. 국 문 요 약 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 적응과정 연구 본 연구의 목적은 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 적응과정과 적응유형을 확인하여 이들을 위한 체계적 돌봄의 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구의 참여자들은 의과대학생 중 유급을 1회 이상 경험한 총 12명의 학생으로 2회 이상 유급을 경험한 학생은 8명이며, 유급을 1회 경험한 학생은 4명으로 구성되어 있다. 연구를 위한 자료 수집은 2012년 1월부터 2013년 1월까지 이루어졌으며, 연구 참여자와의 개별적 심층 인터뷰를 근거이론방법론에 따라 자료를 개방 코딩하여 160개의 개념과 34개의 하의범주, 9개의 범주를 도출하였다. 범주들 간에 연관성을 정렬하는 축코딩을 통해 ‘학업 적응감 획득’, ‘불안한 일상으로의 회기’, ‘재유급에 대한 수용’이라는 결과를 확인하였다. 그리고 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 적응과정은 총 4단계로 구성되어 첫째, ‘유급경험 붕괴 인식단계’, 둘째, ‘유급극복 조정시도단계’, 셋째, ‘유급극복 강화단계’, 넷째, ‘유급극복 적응단계’로 나타났다. 본 연구의 중심적 주제를 응축하고 핵심적인 의미를 나타내는 핵심범주로 ‘유급을 극복하고 적응하기’로 설명할 수 있으며 속성은 ‘재유급에 대한 저항’, ‘불안감’, ‘자기관리’이었다. 핵심범주와 각 범주간의 가설적 관계유형을 통해 유급을 극복하고 적응하기의 4가지 유형으로 ‘주도형’, ‘자만형’ ,‘노력형’, ‘불안형’으로 구분하였다. 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 적응과정에서 나타나는 4가지 유형 중 첫째 ‘주도형’은 자신의 유급에 대해 긍정적으로 생각하고 있으며, 유급과 관련한 어려움들을 극복할 자신감과 확신을 통해 자기관리가 매우 적극적인 유형이었다. 둘째, ‘자만형’은 다른 유형에 비해 불안감과 주변 환경에 대한 평가의 민감성도 매우 낮고 재유급에 대한 저항과 자신감이 있으나, 자기 관리가 취약한 유형이었다. 셋째, ‘노력형’은 다른 유형에 비해 안정적이며 재유급에 대한 강한 저항을 보이고 자신감은 다소 약한 편일 수 있으나 적극적인 자기 관리로 학업 적응감 획득이 높은 유형이었다. 넷째, ‘불안형’은 재유급에 대한 저항이 매우 강하지만 타인에 대한 민감성이 매우 강하고, 자기관리 부족으로 학업 적응감 획득이 낮아 불안감을 느껴 실제적인 유급극복을 위한 도움이 필요한 유형으로 나타났다. Watkins Ali의 신학방법론을 통해 유급의 경험 속에 숨겨 있는 ‘일등주의에서의 실패’와 ‘관계의 단절’ 이라는 문화적 정황을 해석 할 수 있었고, 유급을 극복하고 적응하는 개인의 ‘자발적 자원’과 공동체로서의 ‘관계성 회복’의 통괄적 관점을 이루기 위한 목회상담 돌봄 모델로 ‘양육(nurturing)’, ‘힘 실어주기(empowering)’, ‘해방(liberating)’, ‘화해(reconciling)’를 제시하였다. 본 연구는 유급의 문제를 한 개인의 문제로 인식하던 기존의 연구를 넘어 유급을 경험한 의과대학생의 실제적인 이야기를 담아냈고, 이를 통해 유급을 극복하는 과정을 이해하는 경험적 이론을 마련하였다. 또한 유급을 경험한 의과대학생이 유급을 극복하고 공동체의 새로운 구성원으로 회복하기 위한 체계적인 모델과 학문적인 자료를 제시한 연구라 할 수 있다.

      • 응급구조학과 학생의 손 씻기 수행과 관련된 요인

        정소정 조선대학교 보건대학원 2022 국내석사

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        본 연구는 응급구조학과 학생들을 대상으로 일상생활에서 손 씻기 수행과 관련된 요인을 파악하기 위한 것이다. 연구대상은 만 19세 이상(2002년 이전 출생자)의 응급구조학과 학생 152명으로 연구를 진행하였다. 자료 수집은 네이버 온라인 카페인 『응급구조사 생명의 별』을 통해 구글 온라인 설문으로 진행하였다. 자료 분석은 T검정, 일원분산분석, 피어슨 상관관계 분석, 다중회귀분석을 이용하여 학생들의 손 씻기 수행과 관련된 요인을 확인하였다. 연구 결과 대상자의 하루 평균 손 씻는 횟수는 10.8회로 나타났고, 손 씻을 때 걸리는 시간은 21.7초였다. 손 씻기 지식점수는 15점 만점에 평균 14.3±1.0점으로 높게 나타났으며, 손 씻기 수행도는 64점 만점에 49.0±7.1점이였다. 일반적 특성에 따른 수행도에서는 부모님과 함께 살지 않은 경우 52.8±7.5점으로 높았고(P<0.047), 최근 6개월 동안 손 씻기에 의해 예방가능성이 높은 질병에 이환된 경험이 있는 학생이 50.7±7.0점으로 높게 나타났으며(P<0.001) 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 손 씻기 특성에 따른 수행도 에서는 손 씻을 때마다 비누를 사용하는 학생은 51.2±7.3점으로 높았고(P<0.003), 건조 방법의 경우 종이타월을 사용하는 학생이 49.6±9.0점으로 높았고(P<0.007), 손 씻은 후 수도꼭지 잠그는 방법의 경우 종이타월로 잠그는 학생은 54.8±9.8점으로(P<0.011) 유의한 차이가 있었다. 최근 1년간 손 씻기 관련 교육을 받은 경우 51.4±7.9점으로 높았고(P<0.003), 손 씻기 관련 광고를 접한 학생의 경우 51.1±7.6점으로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다(P<0.001). 손 씻기에 대한 수행도의 상관관계는 손 씻는 시간(r=0.324, P<0.01)과 통계적으로 유의한 양의 상관관계를 나타냈다. 다중회귀분석 결과 수행도는 부모님과 같이 살고 있지 않은 경우 수행도가 높았고(β=0.24, P=0.003), 손 씻는 시간이 길수록 수행도가 높았다(β=0.29, P=0.000). 손 씻은 후 건조 방법 중 공기건조기를 이용한 건조 방법이 수행도가 높았고(β=0.20, P=0.008), 손 씻은 후 수도꼭지 잠그는 방법은 손으로 잠그는 경우 수행도가 낮았으며(β=-0.15, P=0.045) 이들은 모두 수행도와 통계적으로 유의한 관련이 있었다. 본 연구의 결과에서 보면 손 씻기에 대한 지식점수는 높은 수준을 나타내나 수행도는 지식에 대해 아는 만큼 못 미치는 결과를 나타내고 있다. 이 결과를 바탕으로 알고 있는 지식을 어떻게 일상생활에서 인지하고 행동으로 실천으로 옮길지 교육프로그램을 개발하여 적극적으로 적용시켜 수행도를 높여야 할 것이다. Objective : This study is to identify factors related to performance of hand washing in daily life for emergency Medical Technology students. Methods : The study subjects were 152 Emergency Medical Technology students Data collection was conducted through the Google Online Survey through Naver Online Cafe of Emergency Medical Instructor Life Star. Data was analyzed with t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression using the SPSS version 26.0 program. Results : As a result of the study, the average number of hand washing per day of the subjects was 10.8 times, and the time it took to wash hands was 21.7 seconds. The knowledge score of hand washing was high with an average of 14.3±1.0 out of 15, and the performance of hand washing was 49.0±7.1 out of 64. In terms of performance according to general characteristics, 52.8±7.5 points were high when not living with parents (P<0.047), and 50.7±7.0 points were high for Students who have been affected by highly preventable diseases by hand washing in the last 6 months(P<0.001). In terms of performance according to hand washing characteristics, 51.2±7.3 points were high for students who used soap for each hand wash (P<0.003), 49.6±9.0 points for students who used paper towels (P<0.007), and 54.8±9.8 points for students who locked faucets after hand wash (P<0.011). There was a statistically significant difference with 51.4±7.9 points for receiving hand washing-related education over the past year (P<0.003), and 51.1±7.6 points for students who encountered hand washing-related advertisements (P<0.001). The correlation of performance to hand washing showed a statistically significant positive correlation with hand washing time (r=0.324, P<0.01). As a result of multiple regression analysis, performance was higher when not living with parents (β=0.24, P=0.003), and the longer the hand washing time, the higher the performance (β=0.29, P=0.000). Among the drying methods after hand washing, the drying method using an air dryer had high performance (β=0.20, P=0.008), and the method of locking the faucet after hand washing had low performance when hand-locked (β=-0.15, P=0.045). They were all statistically significantly related to the performance. Conclusion : Based on the results of this study, it is necessary to develop and actively apply educational programs to how to recognize knowledge in daily life and put it into action to increase performance.

      • The Effects of Curricular Change on Student Learning and Well-Being in Biomedical and Clinical Education

        Novak, Rachel Jalaire Tomco ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Brigham Young Univ 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

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        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        The implementation of curriculum change, and innovative pedagogical theory, can help educators and administrators in higher education further the learning gains of students in the sciences. But the introduction of new methods of teaching, or curricular restructuring, can be interpreted by students differently, potentially affecting students' emotional states as well as their relationships with peers. To support not only the learning of students, but also their emotional and social well-being, pedagogical and curricular theory should be enacted in ways that take into consideration the full scope of the student experience.In this dissertation, the implementation of curriculum and pedagogical theory, and the effects of the usage of active learning methods, are examined through student learning gains as well as through any reported social and emotional affects. In the first chapter we examine the history and realization of the integration of clinical and biomedical sciences in the field of predoctoral dental education. In the second chapter, the effects of early experiential learning opportunities are examined via students' progression to clinical competence and students’ self-reported confidence in a predoctoral dental program. In the third chapter, we consider and review how curricular change may affect students' emotional states, their relationships with peers, and if the concept of stereotype threat played any role in the complication observed. Lastly, in chapter four we explore how active learning may benefit, or hinder, the learning of students in an undergraduate anatomy course with social anxiety in a virtual learning environment. Throughout this dissertation, we seek to promote student learning through the use of educational best practices and consider how curriculum and pedagogical changes might also affect the feelings and emotional states of students, for the purpose of building a considerate and effective educational environment.

      • The Value of a REU Program for an Engineering Community College Student's Persistence and Continuation

        Morin, Megan Patberg North Carolina State University ProQuest Dissertat 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

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        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Undergraduate research experiences (URE) can help retain and support STEM undergraduate program persistence for underrepresented populations, women, and nontraditional STEM students, such as community college students. Understanding their primary discipline, obtaining critical thinking skills, improving their communication skills, gaining networking opportunities, and increasing the probability of pursuing graduate education are some of the many benefits UREs can provide. Despite the impact of UREs, engineering community college students do not always have an opportunity to participate in them at their institution due to limited resources. An URE like the National Science Foundation–funded Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) Program can be a significant intervention, particularly for community college students. The purpose of this study is to explore how a community college student experiences an URE and its influence on their motivation and values, including its influence on the completion of their engineering degree and persistence in an engineering career. The theoretical framework that provides this study's lens is Eccles' expectancy-value theory (EVT) with two primary beliefs: competence and value of achievement-related choices and behaviors. The idea is that achievement-related actions like vocational choices relate to individuals' expectations for success and the importance or value individuals attach to these options. A conceptual framework was creating applying the Eccles’ expectancy value theory to explain how the intervention of an REU Program can help community college persistence in an engineering program. This dissertation study is a phenomenological case study analyzing the influence of a Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program on community college participants in three cohorts in 2017, 2018, and 2019 as well as their persistence in their engineering program and continuing into an engineering program. There were three sources of data: student created electronic portfolios, demographic survey, and semi-structured interviews. The electronic portfolios were collected during the REU experience of the participants. Ten participants completed the demographic survey and were interviewed two to four years after the experience to understand the impact of the program on their persistence in their engineering undergraduate program and continuation into an engineering career. The analysis included inductive and deductive thematic approaches. The findings show that the REU Program was able to influence interest, attainment and utility value, which in turn provided low cost values for the participants in the study. Students were able to identify their engineering interests, find significant utility in the characteristics of the REU Program, and identify with the engineering progression. Based on participants discussions, it is hard to determine whether these findings were specific to the community college students and if they influenced their persistence and continuation into engineering. The phenomenological case study demonstrates why these experiences need to be more readily available. Participants were able to identify their specific interests and disinterests, develop their identity, and gain benefits related to engineering. If correctly designed, these experiences can provide high impact with a very low cost. This study will also provide a starting point for future research into understanding if there is a difference in how a community college student and a four-year student use an undergraduate research experience in terms of their future opportunities and engineering career.

      • Underrepresented Minority Medical (URiM) Students: A Social Work Approach to Identifying Factors Affecting Their Experience

        Richards, Regina D ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Colorado State Uni 2020 해외박사(DDOD)

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        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        A major injustice in the United States is the wide disparity in health care across racial/ethnic, gender and economic lines. The lack of URiM (underrepresented in medicine) physicians is a major cause of health care disparities: health care is enhanced when the physician is race-concordant with the patient. Many URiM students have negative experiences that can impact their motivation, performance, well-being and future careers. The major goal of this research is to gain an understanding of URiM student experience as a basis for changes within the student’s Ecosystem. Using a social work approach and thematic analysis to gain a better understanding of the URiM experience at the University of Colorado School of Medicine (CU SOM), four themes emerged: (a) Overall Experience: URiM experience is multifactorial, reflecting positive, negative and ambivalent experiences and can change through time. (b) Impacts of Explicit Racism, Microaggressions and Low/Insufficient Diversity. (c) Negative Impact of Incongruence: URiM students expressed dissatisfaction at the incongruence between the medical school messaging about valuing diversity and the reality experienced by the students. (d) Sense of Belonging: multifactorial and dynamic: It is a significant factor in student experience, has multiple meanings for the students, and can change through time. In addition to the above four themes, one key result is a new definition of Sense of Belonging. Student recommendations combined with the researcher’s experience were used to generate implications for programs and student support services. These results can be used to inform program development, coaching, advising and system level improvements. This will achieve the research goal of improving the experiences of URiM students and thus potentially their motivation, performance, well-being and future careers.

      • 의과대학생의 학습환경에 대한 인식이 자기조절학습 능력에 미치는 영향 연구

        김미영 연세대학교 대학원 2019 국내석사

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        이 연구는 의과대학생의 학습환경에 대한 인식이 자기조절학습 전략에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 구체적인 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학년 및 성별에 따른 의과대학생의 자기조절학습 전략과 학습환경에 대한 인식은 어떠한가? 둘째, 자기조절학습 전략과 학습환경에 대한 인식은 어떤 관계에 있는가? 셋째, 학습환경에 대한 인식이 자기조절학습 전략에 영향을 미치는가? 이를 위해 천안에 소재하는 일 개 의과대학 4개 학년 361명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 305명의 자료가 최종분석에 사용되었다. 본 연구의 측정도구로는 대학생용 자기조절학습 검사 도구와 존스홉킨스 학습환경척도(Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale, JHES)를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS 24.0을 이용하여 기술통계, 독립표본 t-검정, 일원배치 분산분석, Pearson 적률상관분석, 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자기조절학습 능력이 학년에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 의예과 2학년과 의학과 1학년이 의학과 2학년과 의학과 3학년 보다 자기조절 학습 능력이 더 높았다. 즉, 상급학년보다 하급학년의 자기조절 학습 능력이 더 뛰어났다. 또한, 학습환경에 대한 인식도 학년에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었다. 의예과 2학년과 의학과 1학년이 의학과 2학년과 의학과 3학년 보다 학습환경 전체에 대해 더 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 즉 상급학년보다 하급학년이 학습환경에 대해 더 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 성별에 따른 자기조절 학습 전략과 학습환경에 대한 차이를 보면 자기조절학습 전략은 성별에 따른 유의한 차이가 없었다. 학습환경의 하위요인 중 멘토링만 성별에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었는데, 남학생이 여학생보다 멘토링에 대한 인식이 긍정적이었다. 둘째, 자기조절학습 전략과 학습환경의 인식에 대한 상관관계를 보면, 자기조절학습의 하위 요소인 동기조절, 인지조절, 행동조절은 학습환경의 하위요인 중 소속감과 안전을 제외한 다섯 가지 요인들(친구집단, 사제관계, 면학분위기, 의미있는 참여, 멘토링)과 유의한 정적 상관관계를 보였다. 셋째, 학습환경에 대한 인식이 자기조절학습 전략에 미치는 영향을 살펴보면, 학습환경의 하위 요인 중 친구집단, 멘토링, 면학분위기에 대한 인식이 긍정적일수록 자기조절학습 전략이 뛰어난 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 친구집단, 멘토링, 면학부위기에 대한 인식이 좋은 학생들이 자기조절학습도 잘하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 연구결과를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 첫째, 학년에 따라 자기조절학습 전략은 유의미하게 변한다. 대체로 학생들은 상급학교로 진학할수록 자기조절학습 능력도 발달한다. 그러나 학년이 올라갈수록 자기조절 능력이 떨어지고 있다. 무엇이 이 우수한 인재집단의 잠재력을 퇴화시키고 있는지, 의학교육 현장에 대한 정확한 진단과 개선이 필요하다. 둘째, 학습환경과 자기조절학습 전략은 상관관계가 있다. 자기조절을 잘 한다는 것은 학습에 대한 조절뿐만 아니라 환경에 대한 통제력도 갖고 있다는 의미이다. 자기조절을 통해 자신의 삶을 제어할 수 있는 학생은 삶의 질도 높고 정신적, 육체적으로 건강한 삶을 영위할 수 있다. 따라서, 의과대학생의 정신건강에 대한 접근을 할 때에도 이 두 가지 척도는 의미있는 지표가 될 것이다. 셋째, 자기조절학습 능력을 향상시키기 위해 학습환경의 개선이 필요하다. 좋은 학습환경은 학생들의 학습능력도 향상시키지만, 전문가로 성장하는데 있어 중요한 밑바탕이 된다. 각 대학의 현실을 고려하여 좋은 학습환경이 무엇인가에 대한 고민과, 어떻게 학습환경을 개선시킬 수 있을지에 대한 방안을 찾는 노력을 해야한다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of perception of learning environment of medical students on self-regulated learning strategies. Specifically, the study gave answers for the following questions. First, what is the perception of self -regulated learning strategy and learning environment of medical students by grade and gender? Second, what is the relationship between self-regulated learning strategies and perceptions of the learning environment? Third, how does perception of learning environment affect self - regulated learning strategies? For answering those questions, we surveyed 365 students of a medical school in Cheonan, Korea and the data of 305 students were used for the final analysis. As a measuring tool, the Self-Regulated Learning Scale developed by Jung, Mi-Kyung(2005) and the Johns Hopkins Learning Environment Scale(JHES) developed by Shochet, Colbert-Getz and Wright(2015) were used. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 24.0. The results were summarized below. First, there was a significant difference in self - regulated learning ability by grade. Self-regulated learning ability of lower graders was superior to upper graders. In addition, the lower graders were more positive about the learning environment than the upper graders. Second, the correlations between self-regulated learning strategies and perceptions of learning environments were positively correlated with other factors(community of peers, faculty relationship, academic climate, meaningful engagement, mentoring) except inclusion and safety. Third, the more positive perception of faculty relationships, mentoring, and academic climate you have, the better self-regulated learning ability. Based on the results of this study, the conclusions are as follows. First, self-regulated learning strategies change according to the grade level. In general, self-regulated learning develops as students progress to higher education. However, in this study, the self regulating ability was getting worse as the grade goes up. Accurate diagnosis and improvement are needed to understand what causes the deterioration of the potential of this taleted group. Second, the learning environment and self - regulated learning strategies are correlated each other. Good self-regulation means not only learning but also environmental control. A student who can control his or her life can have a high quality of life and can lead a healthy life mentally and physically. Therefore, these two measures will be meaningful indicators when evaluating the mental healths of medical students. Third, it is necessary to improve the learning environment to develop self-regulated learning ability. Students learn better in a good learning environment. It is an fundamental factor for becoming professional. Practically, we should try to find out what is good learning environment and how to improve the learning environment.

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