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      • 한국에서의 조직은행 구조에 관한 연구

        최승주 연세대학교 보건대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        장기이식과 더불어 조직이식술의 발전은 기증받은 조직으로 많은 화상 환자나 뼈손실 환자들에게 중요한 신체의 부분을 복원시켜 주거나 대신해 줌으로서 새로운 복음의 소식이 되고 있다. 이러한 놀라운 기술의 진보는 사회 전반에 걸쳐 복합적으로 이루어져 왔고, 이루어져야 한다. 외국에서는 장기 및 조직이식의 인도적인 면과 의학적인 면의 필요성에 대해 사회 전반이 인정하고 있으며, 그를 위한 제도적인 뒷바침이 계속 보완되었다. 유족들에게는 기증자의 개인의 권리와 헌신에 대한 존중, 죽음으로써 다시 태어난다는 영예로운 사명감을 갖게 하는 한편 빠르게 발전하는 의학기술이 사회적인 문제와 연관되어 조직이식에 대한 가치를 재평가하게 되었다. 이러한 측면에서 윤리적인 문제와 의학의 진보인 장기기증 및 복제에 대한 충돌이 일어 사회, 윤리학적인 문제가 되고 있다. 지난 50여 년간의 조직은행 술식을 끊임없이 발전시켜 오고, 수요의 증대에 따라 전문기술이 성공적으로 발전하여 의학적인 기술과 법률, 윤리적인 측면에서 모두 높은 성장을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 국내의 조직은행은 조직의 획득이나 처리, 보관, 분배 등의 많은 제안점을 갖고 있어 발전하지 못하고, 이식에 이용되는 조직의 대부분을 수입해 의존하고 있는 실정이다. 외국보다는 늦게 출발하고, ‘장기등이식에관한법률’이 시행되었으나 조직 부분이 제외됨으로 해서 조직기증 및 이식, 그리고 조직은행이 제도권 안에서의 발전이 어렵게 되기는 했지만 각 대학과 병원의 의료기술 수준의 발전과 함께 조직은행의 필요성과 폭넓은 활동이 요구되어지는 만큼, 본 논문에서는 조직은행의 발전 방향을 모색해 보았다. 본 연구는 조직기증에 있어 윤리적·법률적 측면을 조사하고, 국내외 조직은행의 현황을 살피면서, 한국에서의 바람직한 조직은행의 구조와 조직의 안전성에 관한 처리기준, 조직구득 방안에 대해 탐색하고자 한 후 그 발전방향에 대해 탐색하였다. 이 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 조직기증 및 이식은 ‘자율성존중의 원칙’에 의하여 기증자가 충분한 정보와 권리를 가지고, 외부의 상황과는 독립적으로 자율적 의지와 행동으로 결정되어야 한다는 것이다. 이것은 인간 자체의 육체적·정신적 조건들이 참되고도 고유한 의미에서 더 나은 상태를 만든다는 의무까지도 있다는 뜻이다. 그러므로 절대적으로 조직의 매매로 인격의 품위를 떨어뜨리는 일을 해서는 안된다. 2. 법률적인 문제에서는 거론되어야 할 사항이 매우 많다. 조직은행 운영에 있어 가장 중요한 문제는 수준 높은 조직의 질과 안전성을 어떻게 유지해 나가는가에 있다. 앞서 말했듯이 법에서 조직기증과 이식이 제외됨으로 해서 조직은행 스스로 운영에 관한 자율적인 규정과 지침서를 만들어 나가야하며, 자율적인 감독체재와 인증제도를 만들어 나가야할 것이다. 3. 자율적인 감독 체재와 인증제도는 한국조직은행연합회의 창립으로, 각 분야의 전문 분과위원들이 구성되어 각 조직은행을 총괄, 연결하는 공통된 운영규정과 술식에 대한 지침서를 제정하고, 인증하는 방법으로 해나가면 될 것이다. 4. 조직은행과 의사의 법적 책임의 한계는 한국조직은행연합회가 제정한 지침에따라 무균시설과 기술에 의해 조달되어졌다면, 조직의 의학적 사용에 관하여 아무런 책임을 지니지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 지침서의 처리 기준에 따라 행하지 않은 술식으로 일어난 사고에 대해서는 장기등이식에관한법률에 따라 처벌을 감수해야 할 것으로 보인다. 5. 조직의 채취, 처리, 저장 및 보관, 분배 등에서 발생한 비용에 대한 서비스료를 어떻게 책정할 것인가에 대한 논의는 여전히 결론을 내릴 수 없다. 그 과정에 드는 비용이 막대하기 때문이다. 우선적으로 제안할 수 있는 것은 조직이식에 사용되는 전 조직에 대하여 처치료서의 의료보험을 적용하여 환자의 비용부담을 줄이고, 조직은행의 안정적 발전과 연구를 위해 정당한 비용을 산출하여 서비스료를 받을 수 있어야 한다는 것이다. 6. 장기이식도 마찬가지지만 조직은행 발전의 관건은 조직을 어떻게 획득하는가에 있다. 이것은 다각적인 장기기증 활성화 방안을 마련, 법에 잠재적 기증자에게 의사가 기증의사를 묻도록 하는 방법, 공익광고와 각 연령별에 맞는 폭넓은 홍보 기획, 의료기관과의 유기적 협조 내지 국립장기이식관리기관과의 유기적 협조가 요구되고 있다. 이제 출발점에 선 국내의 조직은행이 선진국 수준의 조직은행의 운영과 술식을 단번에 갖추기에는 무리가 있을 것이다. 그러나 국내의 의료 서비스에 대한 욕구는 선진국 수준이며, 쉽게 수입해서 사용할 수 있다는 점에서 조직은행의 수준 향상을 마냥 미룰 수만은 없는 형편이다. 의료보험 적용과 법률의 정비, 조직의 획득 방안 연구, 무엇보다 안전하고 수준 높은 질의 조직을 유지하기 위한 연구와 투자 등 향후 심층적인 연구와 개선에 대한 노력이 필요할 것이다. The development of the transplantation technology of human tissues along with the transplantation of human organs has made many patients with a burn or with a loss of bones recover or substitute some of the body parts, and this news became a great boon to those patients. This unbelievable advancement of technology has been accomplished with all other social progress and it also should continue to follow this step. In other countries, the society gives an acknowledgement concerning on not only the humanitarian issues but also the medical issues related to the transplantation of human organs and tissues. While a respect for the donor's individual rights and dedication and a valuable sense of mission for rebirth to the donor were given to the family of the deceased, the value of the transplantation of human tissues was reevaluated by relating the medical technology to the social issues. In this view, the conflict between the ethical dilemma and medical progress has occurred and it eventually became a social, ethical problems. For last 50 years, the technology, medical practice, and legal and ethical considerations were expanded continuously as the demand of the transplantation has increased. However, the Korean tissue banks was poorly developed because of the limitation on procurement, recovery, storage, and distribution of the tissue, so they depends on the supplies from other countries mostly. Since the Korean tissue banks started later than other countries and the tissues were excluded in the new The Transplantation of Human Organs Act, the development of tissue donation and transplantation of the tissue banks has a lack of systematic protection and governmental policies. Therefore, in this study, I tried to find the vision for the development of the tissue banks since the activities and functions of the tissue banks are very much demanded with the medical development at each university and hospital. This study first examined the ethical and legal issue in the transplantation of the tissues, and investigated the current situation of the tissue banks in Korea as well as in other countries. Then, the ideal structure and standards for safe processing of the tissues was considered in order to make these tissue banks work. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The decision-making for the donation and transplantation of the tissues should be obtained with the informed consent, based on the respect for autonomy. Without any outer influences, the individual decision should be made what they want to do with his own will and action. Therefore, the inhumane activities, such as the trade of the tissues, should not be done in the transplantation of the tissues 2. There are many legal problems raised in this issue. In the management of the tissue banks, the most important issue is how they obtain and preserve the safety and high quality of the tissues. As mentioned earlier, since the donation and transplantation of the tissues were excluded in the newly established law, the tissue banks should establish self-regulations and guidelines as well as self-licensure and control system by themselves. 3. The self-licensure system and control system can be managed by establishing the Korean Association of Tissue Banks(KATB). The professional from various academic fields will make a network as a committee members to establish the unified guidelines for management and control of each tissue bank. 4. The tissue banks and physicians assumes no responsibility or liability regarding to the clinical use of bank tissue. Therefore, the legal liability of the tissue banks and physicians is limited solely to proper quality control, donor identification, and harvest/storage techniques. However, it shows that any banks or physicians that performed the improper application of the transplantation of the tissues will be responsible or liable according to The Transplantation of Human Organs Act. 5. The issue of how the tissue banks charge for a service that they have provided, such as the procurement, recovery, storage, and distribution of the tissues, has yet to be concluded in this study since the cost is too high. The immediate suggestion is that the insurance coverage for treatment should be applied to the transplantation of all tissues in order to minimize the patient's burden and encourage the development of the tissue banks an research activities. 6. The key issue of the tissue banks is how to obtain the tissues. This can be achieved by activating organ donation programs, advanced directives, advertising, and close relationship and cooperation among medical institutions. Since the Korean tissue banks are established very recently, it would require a lot of work to achieve the high quality of management and control of the banks at the level of the developed countries. However, because the great need for medical services in Korea and the increased of imports of the tissues, we cannot continue to delay the improvement of the level of tissue banks. The great efforts from all related fields should be put on making the tissue banks more activated.

      • 한국의 연구중심병원을 위한 인체 조직 관리체계 연구

        유영준 서울대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 248687

        In this paper, I describe more effective conditions for human tissue preparation in a research hospital. Traditionally, human tissue has been managed for diagnostic purposes in hospitals, which aim to treat patients for various diseases. The task of a hospital linked together with a medical school is to do both research and education. Because recent genetic and molecular studies have contributed to the rapid development of molecular and genetic medicine, human tissue is now again being considered as a valuable research resource. By means of this reality, discoveries based on the results of molecular genetic translational research should be applied to various treatments. Basically, research needs a stable and abundant supply of human tissue. High-quality research-oriented tissue bank organizations in the research hospital are a very important part of a research hospital. The management system for human tissue, however, is not too effective because of legal as well as real working situations. According to the paper's analysis, some causes are found. First, despite the fact that there are several pathways for human tissue being obtained in a hospital, domestic laws do not address these situations. Various kinds of storage for each pathways needs to be prepared. For example, [Bioethics and Safety Act] is almost the only Law dealing with the organization and practice of doing genetic research. The Act does not contain any discussion of human tissue generation, disposal, and genetic testing. It also does not apply the opinions of pathologists, who have authority to manage almost every kind of human tissue of a hospital and who are traditional human tissue experts. This is the main cause creating a gap between the Law and actual hospital context. Moreover, despite the glass slides or paraffin blocks, which are essential to the health care process and possess the status as medical records, the [Bioethics and Safety Act] contains only a fragmented sentence concerning maintenance and time period for storage. A second cause for concern is the not well established and unstable management practice of the operation of tissue banks. Currently, [Ministry of Education, and Science and Technology] and [Department of Health and Human Services] in Korea launched the state-led tissue banking system, respectively. However, there are still many unregistered tissue banks. Even if an organization's registration as a tissue bank, it would have been operated as a one way storage without scientific and medical evidence, based on planning and communication with researchers. In this article, I propose some proposals, based on these two fundamental problems, for improving the human tissue management system. First, the Laws about human tissue such as [Bioethics and Safety Act] should be changed to contain suitable language applying on-site and efficient multi-dimensional information. Second, the Law should contain sentences about the whole process of human tissue storage. Third, informed consent should be an essential requirement before operation. Fourth, human tissue banks in hospitals should be registered with the national human tissue bank system and connected with the national network system for communication. Fifth, definition of the genes and genetic tests should be changed. Sixth, Interpretation and application of sentences about genetic test should be applied reasonably. Seventh, the protection of private information should be prepared and strengthened. Eighth, pathologists should be supported as the essential man power of human tissue bank by Law. Ninth, a committee composed of a clinician, researcher, pathologist, information manager, and coordinator should be established to manage human tissue banks in hospitals. Tenth, ruling committees need to make plans to prepare various kinds of human tissue prepared for future unplanned and specific already planned research projects. Eleventh, Institutional Review Board should pay more attention to preventing the leakage of the private information of donors. This suggestion will be create a more stable and effective system for the management of human tissue banks, and it will also create an abundant and integrated system for a national network fornational research institutions. Therefore, human tissue banks can play an important role in improving the competitiveness of a strong research base. 이 논문은 연구중심병원에서 인체 조직의 관리와 그를 이용한 연구를 원활하게 하기 위한, 보다 윤리적이고 효율적인 준비 조건을 찾고자 한다. 병원의 가장 큰 목표가 환자의 치료이므로, 일반적으로 인체 조직은 질병의 진단을 위해 사용된다. 의과대학이 함께 있는 병원에서는 추가적으로 인체 조직을 연구 목적으로 사용하기도 한다. 최근 분자유전의학의 급속한 발달과 함께 개인 맞춤 의학 시대가 열리면서, 인체 조직은 질병 연구에 없어서는 안 될 귀중한 자원으로 재평가되고 있다. 분자세포유전학적 결과를 환자의 치료에 적용시키려면 기초와 임상을 연결하는 중개연구가 필요한데, 여기에는 제도적이고 안정적인 인체 조직의 공급 체계가 필수적이다. 연구중심병원 내의 질 높은 조직은행은 이 중개연구를 위한 가장 중요한 요소이다. 하지만 국내의 인체 조직 관리는 근간이 되는 법률부터 실제적인 현장 관리에 이르기까지 많은 허점을 내포하고 있다. 첫째, 병원 발생 인체 조직은 발생 경로 별로 그 성상이 매우 다양하며, 연구를 위해서는 각각에 따라 보관 및 관리가 차별화되어야 하지만, 이를 총괄하는 관리 시스템이나 법률이 제대로 갖추어져 있지 않다. 인체 조직을 이용한 유전자 연구를 통제하는 국내의 유일한 법,「생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률」은 인체 조직의 발생과 폐기 그리고 유전자 검사 이외의 목적에 대해서는 그 내용이 단편적이거나 개념이 거의 포함되지 않은 수준이다. 게다가 현재 병리과 전문의가 병원 발생 인체 조직을 포함한 인체 조직의 대부분을 관리하고 있음에도 불구하고, 이들의 의견이 법 제정 및 행정에 제대로 반영되지 않은 것은 법과 현실의 괴리를 일으킨 가장 큰 원인이다. 또한 병리과에서 보관하는 유리 슬라이드나 파라핀 블록은 진료 과정에 필수적인 의무 기록이지만, 이의 유지나 관리 기간 등의 제반 사항에 대한 법적인 근거 및 규정이 없어, 학회나 기관 차원의 대략적인 가이드라인을 통해 관리되고 있다. 두 번째 문제는 조직은행의 관리와 운영에 있다. 현재 보건복지부와 교육과학기술부가 주체가 되는 국가 주도형 조직은행 제도가 있음에도 불구하고, 무등록 조직은행이 정리되지 않고 난립하고 있다. 또 등록된 조직은행이라 하더라도 조직의 저장과 사용에 대해서는 적절한 과학적 및 의학적 근거에 바탕으로 한 계획을 갖추지 못하고, 충분한 소통 없이 일방적인 저장을 하는 경우도 있다. 저자는 위의 두 가지 근본적인 문제점을 심층적으로 분석하여, 이의 개선을 위한 몇 가지 조건들을 제안하였다. 첫째, 「생명윤리 및 안전에 관한 법률」 등 인체 조직에 대한 법률을 입체적이고 실제적인 내용을 포함하는 방향으로 개정하여, 현장에서 효과적인 관리가 가능하도록 제도적으로 보완하여야 한다. 둘째, 전체 인체 조직의 폐기와 보관에 대한 규정을 법률화하여야 한다. 셋째, 병리 검체 발생시 의료진이 이에 대한 기증, 보관, 이차적 연구 사용을 포함하는 ‘opt-out’ 동의서를 획득하는 것을 법적으로 의무화하여야 한다. 넷째, 국가 차원의 효율성 증대를 위해서는 국가에 등록된 조직은행을 공식적으로 국가 공인 기관으로 등록하고 이들의 네트워크를 갖추어야 한다. 다섯째, ‘유전자’와 ‘유전자 검사’의 정의에 대한 법 항목의 개정이 이루어져야 한다. 여섯째, 동의서가 필요한 유전자검사 목록의 제한과 ‘한국 유전자 검사 평가원’의 유전자의 해석과 적용의 현실화가 필요하다. 일곱째, 개인 정보 보호에 대한 현실적 상황의 파악과 고려가 필요하다. 여덟째, 인체 조직의 전문가인 병리과 전문의를 조직은행에 배치하도록 법적으로 규정해야 한다. 아홉째, 병원에 설립된 인체 조직은행 내에 그 관리 주체인 병리과 전문의, 임상의사, 연구자, 그리고 데이터 관리자 등으로 위원회를 구성하여 상호간의 원활한 소통이 되어야 한다. 열째, 조직은행의 운영 면에 있어 연구자의 입장과 요구를 파악하여 인체 조직의 보관 방법을 다양화하고, 병리 진단이 완료된 파라핀 블록의 연구 활용 역시 검토되어야 한다. 열한째, 기관생명윤리심의위원회는 국제적 윤리 기준에 합당하면서도, 형식에 얽매이지 않으며 안전에 위협이 되는 상황을 막는 완충 역할을 해야 하고, 이를 위해 탈 관료화 및 연구자와 소통하는 심의 능력이 필요하다. 이상 열거한 제안 사항들이 반영된다면 기관의 조직은행 제도는 보다 효율적이고 안정적으로 다양한 연구에 조직을 공급할 수 있을 것이며, 이는 중개연구를 수행하는 연구자의 좋은 결과물로 이어지고, 국가적 네트워크 구축과 연구 경쟁력의 향상에 큰 역할을 하게 될 것이다.

      • 銀行의 組織開發에 관한 硏究

        장충근 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        In modem society, Business organizations must be flaxible to adjust themselves to the business environments which being changed speedly, In this study, the focus is on the bank organization to maintain and develop itself in the environment by utiliziry the organization development. The result of this research are the followings, (1) members of the bank feel the change of business environment so they recognize the need of organization development strongly, (2) each of the elements of organizational character which neended for organization development has differences in accordance with specific characteristics of demographic statistecs, (3) the order of influences which have an effect on efficiency of the organization is the abilities of members, decentralization dof the authrity, leadership, decision making, measurement of the performance and compensation system, skill level, comunication. On the basis of the result of this study suggest the followings, (1) The change in environment is deeply recongnized by members of bank and that is rinked with the need of organization development, so there is the necessity of the organization development in bank. (2) They have to do a organization development on the most of elements of organizational character (3) The managers should consider carefully the factors, which differed from the characters of demographic statistics, when they do an organization development (4) Since the ability of members, decentralization of authority, leadership have the strong effect on efficience of bank, they should have to try to improve these factors. The techniques which can be used for organization development of bank are the life career planning and decentralization of authority which is needed to improve the ability of members, participation in decision making, T-group training or grid organization development which is needed to improve the leadership, also the survey feedback technique which is needed to survey and develop of overall organization.

      • 學習組織知覺度와 組織有效性에 관한 硏究 : 銀行組織의 經營成果 및 職務滿足을 中心으로

        전선봉 明知大學校 大學院 1997 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        The purpose of this study is as follows: ① Analysis of learning organizing level and variables affecting learning organizing in Korean banks ② Analysis of relation between learning organizing level and management performance ③ Analysis of relation between learning organizing level and job satisfaction Through this study, I tried to contribute to the theoretical and empirical approach of learning organizing. 1. Theoretical Approach Main contents of the theoretical approach that is constructed by the writer on the basis of previous studies are as follows: ① I defined learning organizing as the organization that learns continually in each level of the organization and adapt itself efficiently to any environment by accustoming to self-change and control. ② I divided learning in organization into learning level and organization level and tried to combine them. I also tried to connect individual learning to organizational learning in organization level and thought that learning organization in organization level could be made based on this. Learning organization, of course, is not the concept of completion but it includes the concept of continuity. Therefore, learning organization constructs a circulation system which affects continually to each learning level. ③ I tried to see entire learning in organization as a phenomenon of an organization. This is the viewpoint that the needs for learning comes from recognition to the change of environment and organization responds to it. In the model I created, I used two axes, X and Y. X axis shows behavior level including learning-oriented and non-learning-oriented. Y axis shows recognition level including dynamic and static. As a result, organizations are divided into four types: static/non-learning-oriented habitual organization, static/learning-oriented formative organization, dynamic/ non-learning-oriented onlooking organization, and dynamic/ learning-oriented 'dynamic' organization. ④ The steps of construction based on Lewin's theory of three stages in change were set in order to propel learning organization strategically. This results from practical approach based on debaters' opinions about the process, models, and obstacles of learning organization. Overall flow is as follows: [environmental factors → public relation and common recognition about needs → diagnosis and problem identification → establishment of master plan → practice of plan → periodical assessment → learning organization] In the process of this flow, master plan would be revised as a result of periodical assessment and new goal would be possible to be set by the changed master plan. 2. Empirical Approach Empirical research was made by data that were collected from seven banks: 3 upper level, 1 middle level, and 3 lower level in management assessment.. The main contents are as follows: ① Overall learning organizing level of banking organization was analyzed as 3.20, according to Likert's 5-scale. Among five variables 'empowerment of members' and 'flexibility of organization' affected most and the order of the other three factors was 'dynamics of learning', 'knowledge management, and 'technology application'. The learning organizing is not yet being propelled systematically, but it is shown that a normal-level-basis of it is constructed. ② It showed that learning organizing level varied with management performance. According to Scheffe analysis, the level was higher when bank performance was in high level. In organization type, the organizations in upper level were 'dynamic' organization and middle and lower level were in onlooking organization. The organizations that made a good performance were analyzed close to 'dynamic' organizations. ③ The management style of CEO was 3.67, according to Likert's 7-scale. The more systematic the management style was, the higher the learning organizing level and management performance were. Upper level group showed systematic style while middle and lower level groups showed mechanical style. ④ Overall job-satisfaction level was 3.29 and the higher the learning organizing level was, the higher the job-satisfaction level. When converted to 5-scale, desire for secession(2.70) was 54.0% while job-satisfaction was 65.8% showing double structure was formed. ⑤ In relation with learning organizing, the groups of members that responded most passive and negative attitude were college graduates, the age group of below 25, the position of bank clerk, work experience of below 5 years, and below 5 year service period in current position. Therefore, some additional ways of motivation or enforcement for these groups are required to be prepared. As shown in the results of analysis thus far, the higher the level of learning organizing was, the higher the level of job-satisfaction was. This means that the two goals of organization's performance and member's desire fulfillment could be fostered by propelling learning organizing. 3. Conclusion This study made its effort to contribute to elaborateness of theories in such field as the definition of learning organization and organization types and to verify theories and grasp the point of adaptation effect of them through empirical research. Especially, the results of the empirical research would help adapt learning organizing because empirical research made its effort to verify not only the effect but also various factors affecting learning organizing. Future study should consider followings. ① In-depth study about organization unit and individual company is needed. If the study of units in an organization, comparative study between units, and study of a whole organization, moreover study between organizations were done, theory and its adaptation of learning organization would be developed and contribution level to organization would be lifted to that extent. ② Introducing and studying time-series analysis method about a specific organization would suggest what is needed in the process of organization development. ③ Nothing is more urgent than constructing the theory of learning organization that fits in with our reality and developing effective variable factors. This effort is required to try in other fields of business administration. Learning is a preparation for the future and learning organizing is also today's effort to adapt organization to tomorrow's change of environment. Without saying debaters' opinion that organization can not survive without continual learning, preparing tomorrow with no learning would be meaningless. Learning is not only for individuals but also for organization. Therefore, learning organizing could contribute so much to enhance the value of organization as well as individuals in it.

      • 地方行政機關의 組織有效性: 銀行組織과의 比較 : 大邱地域을 中心으로

        장태옥 慶北大學校 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248654

        The core problems of organization studies are organization effectiveness and it is becoming more important. A clear agreement of the factors and indications to measure and approach methods at organization effectiveness has not been reached. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze organization effectiveness of staffs between banks and local administrative offices. This study was carried out by reviewing applicable literatures and by means of empirical study. To accomplish this purpose, I set up the following hypotheses. Hypothesis I. There are differences in organization effectiveness and the factor of exulted sprits between banks and local administrative offices. 1) Job satisfaction 2) Organizational commitment 3) Cohesiveness 4) Task self-regulation 5) Spontaneity 6) Reward Hypothesis II. There are various differences in demographic characteristics in the local administrative officials. 1) The distinction of sex 2) Career 3) Job level 4) Jop position The empirical study was performed by questionaires collected from 478 staff members of Choong gu-office and bank branchs in Taegu. The collected data were examined by analysis of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and T-Test in SPSS at the level of <.05. The results of the analysis are summarized as follows ; 1. The morale of civil servants is lower than that of the bank staff overall. 2. In terms of demographic characteristics, jop level and career are related to organization effectiveness. And the distinction of sex or jop position has no influnce on organization effectiveness.

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