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      • 쌀專業農의 經營分析과 活性化 方案 : 順天市 쌀專業農을 中心으로

        정종복 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        Selected by the government from 1995 in order to improve agricultural structure. The rice-producing farmer can buy, lease, exchange farmland at a low rate of interest through National Agricultural Cooperation Federation. This is the agricultural upsizing business. This business is focused on supporting competitive farmers and producing crops on commercial basis to sharpen the international competitiveness of rice industry under the times of open-door economic policy. Setting a goal of bring up 100,000 the rice-producing farmers, the government selected total 90,163 rice- producing farmers from 1995 to 2003. This study had conducted a questionnaire survey of 122 rice-producing farmers in sunchon city from 1995 to 2003 to be selected. The results of business analysis can be outlined as follows; -29,800,000 won for an annual income compared with urban labor 35,280,000 won. -35,053,000 won an annual expenditure compared with urban labor 23,239,000 won. -minus 3,199,000 won income and expenditure compared with urban labor 12,047,000 won. The presumed value of business analysis of rice-producing farmers is less than that of urban labor, because of less agricultural areas than 4.6ha suitable for earing a balanced annual income of rice-producing farmers compared with urban labor. The solutions for these problems and active plans of rice-producing farmers are as follows. First, agricultural policy has to be planned central structure of rice-producing farmers. Second, as the policy of a real income compensation has to be supported, as agricultural areas of rice-producing farmers is enlarged. Third, rice-producing farmers have to be a capacity of management. Fourth, the pan-subjective policy is required for bring up rice-producing farmers. Finally, it is required ta effectively bring up and manage rice farming experts with international competitiveness.

      • 環境行政機能의 合理的 配分에 관한 硏究 : 産團地域의 環境管理權을 中心으로

        나종호 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        광양시와 같이 대규모의 국가공단이나 지방공단이 관할지역내 소재하고 있을 경우, 이들 환경사업장은 지역환경문제에 실체적·심리적 비중이 지배적 위치를 차지하고 있음에도 불구하고 관리기능의 행사는 환경부가 거의 전담하고 있는 실정이다. 때문에 지방자치단체는 주민들의 집단요구사항들이 대부분 지역내의 환경문제들이고 자치시대에 부응하는 주민만족행정 서비스를 제공하기 위해 어떠한 형태이더라도 지방자치단체가 산업단지지역의 환경관리기능에 대하여 관여할 필요가 있다는 것이다. 반면에 중앙정부는 지방자치단체는 환경규제능력이 부족하고 官經癒着과 같은 정치적 문제점이 내재하고 있을 뿐만 아니라 지방자치단체장이 선거직 공무원이기 때문에 개발을 우선하는 경향과, 환경이 갖는 특수성, 즉 광역성과 전문성을 이유로 들어 대형오염원인 국가 및 지방공단의 환경관리권은 국가에서 관여해야한다는 주장이다. 그러나 이 두 논리간에는 행정기관간 갈등요인으로 작용하여 환경문제 해결에 상당한 지장을 초래하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제점의 해결방안을 찾는데 목적을 두고 광양산업단지지역을 중심으로 공단지역 환경행정기능의 합리적 배분방안을 모색하였던 바, 다음과 같은 연 구결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 국가나 산단지역의 환경관리권은 지방자치단체의 권한으로 위임시켜야 한다. 이는 현행 환경법령에서 지방자치단체장의 권한 또는 고유사무로 인정하고 있는 지역환경계획수립시행, 지역환경기준설정운영, 대기오염 경보발령권운영, Agenda21等의 각종 업무들이 현지성에 부응하여 추진되어야만 그 효율성을 찾을 수 있기 때문이다. 특히 지역 오염물질 배출량의 70∼90%이상을 차지하고 있는 국가 및 지방공단의 환경관리권이 중앙정부에 있는 한, 아무리 좋은 지역환경계획을 수립한다해도 그 실현성은 찾기 어려우므로 더욱 필요하다. 다만, 환경문제가 갖는 광역성과 전문성을 보완하기 위해서는 각 제도별로 환경부의 승인제 또는 수정통보등의 방법을 도입함이 바람직하다. 둘째, 국가나 지방산단의 환경관리권을 갖고 있는 환경관리청의 기능을 지방자치단체로 위임시키고 대신에 지방자치단체의 환경관리권에 대하여 감시·감독권을 부여하거나 지방자치단체의 불합리한 환경권행사와 기업체들의 불만사항을 소청처리 하는 지역환경소청처리기관으로 운영되어야 한다. 셋째, 지방환경조직을 전문화시키고 효율적인 지역환경관리체계가 가능하도록 개편해야한다. 이를 위해 환경부산하의 지역환경출장소를 지방자치 단체로 전환시켜 지방자치단체의 전문성부족 부문을 채워주고, 광역자치단 체의 局기능은 환경국으로 단일화하며 道의 課나 市·郡단위의 환경조직은 단일매체조직으로 전환하되, 정책기능조직은 통합관리방식으로 조정해야한다. 넷째, 지방자치단체와 환경관리청과의 업무영역을 상호 보완하면서 그 기능을 높일 수 있는 방안으로 지역협력기구의 설치를 적극 검토할 수 있다. 지방자치단체, 환경관리청, 검찰, 경찰, 보건환경연구원등으로 합동단속 반 또는 협력기구를 구성운영하고 여기에 민간인을 자원봉사자로 참여시 킨다면 지역의 총체적 환경관리에도 기여할 것이다. 또한 행정기관간 또는 부서간 갈등을 조정하기 위해 전문가가 참여하는 환경정책심의회나 환경 조정회의를 설치하여 실효성 있고 체계적인 환경행정이 가능할 것이다. 이상과 같이 환경행정기능의 조정방안을 모색해 보았으나 가장 중요한 것은 중앙정부의 인식과 자세에 달려있다. 살피건데 지방자치는 이미 시작되었고 그 大勢는 시간이 지날수록 거세어질 것으로 전망되고 있다. 중앙의 행정수행은 궁극적으로 지방의 실천에서 결과를 도출할 수 있는바, 이제는 상호의존적인 관계로 출발 지역주민의 변화하는 목소리를 중앙정부가 수용하도록 해야한다. 이러한 의미에서 사고발생시 지역주민의 생명권과 직접관련이 있는 국가 및 지방산단지역의 환경관리권은 관할구역 지방자치단체장에게 반드시 위임되어야 한다는 것이다. As large scale national or regional industrial complex are located in local cities such as Gwangyang area, their environment-related workplace influence greatly on local residents. In spite of this situation, most of the supervision on the environment-related workplaces are concentrated on only the central environmental department, not local administrative organs. Accordingly, To not only handle with the claims requested by local residents in groups but also provide the high quality services for them, some drastic measures should be taken right away. Above all, It is necessary for local administrative organs to be involved in the supervision of environmental affairs in the industrial complexes to protect their residents from any kinds of harm related to the pollution. Meanwhile, central government argues that most of the environmental supervision must be under the control of it because of professionalism and national level. But, It is true that conflicts between two parties bring about considerable obstacles in solving environmental problems. This study is concerned with the most reasonable ways to get rid of these problems Moreover, It has tried to find the most desirable distribution methods of the functions related to the environmental supervision. The study results are as follows. At first, The environmental supervision of industrial complex must be handed over to local administrative organs. To administer more effectively environmental regulations and laws such as the limits of local pollution and the alertness on air pollution. It's imperative for local administrative organs to take hold of the supervision of environmental workplace. It also leads to the harmony with regional specialties to gain the best results. Especially, As long as the central government is in charge of all the supervision, Any kinds of good local environmental plans would not be realistic. Secondly, The supervision of the environmental regulations on national or regional industrial complex must be shifted from the central environmental department to local administrative organs. Instead, central environmental department should monitor and supervise the local administrative functions on environment affairs. In addition, It is supposed to deal with the absurd practices of environmental functions or investigate complaints from companies and citizens. Next, The local environmental organs must be restructured in ways of professionalism and effectiveness. To achieve this goal, regional environmental branches under the control of the central environmental department must be shifted to local administrative organs. Fourthly, The establishment of the "local cooperation council" should be considered deeply, to work together and efficiently between local and central environmental department. Also, environmental coordination council can play a great role in administering the environmental regulations or laws effectively. Although I have tried to find out the best ways to solve the environmental problems between the central environmental department and the local administrative organs. The change of the attitudes and views about environmental policy of the central environmental department will be the top priority than anything else. Finally, I'd like to conclude this study with this : In order to protect the local residents from any kinds of damage related to environmental pollutions, the supervision of environmental workplace must be handed over to the local administrative organs.

      • 食品衛生行政서비스의 改善方案에 관한 硏究 : 順天市 一般飮食店營業主들의 認識을 中心으로

        남양우 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        The purpose of this study was to provide efficient methods for operating food sanitation administration and organized as follows. Chapter 1 looks at the purpose, scope, and method of study. Chapter 2 considers the theory of food sanitation administration. Chapter 3 examines the operation of food sanitation administration in Suncheon City using statistical data. Finally, Chapter 4 suggests problems and improvement methods, based on questionnaires collected from restaurateurs in Suncheon in order to explore efficient methods for operating food sanitation administration. Research results indicates the following problems: 1)strict standards of facilities, 2)unrealistic procedure of business license, 3)diversified control agencies, 4)one-time control, 5)formal optional guidance of restaurateurs organization, and 6)lack of PR by administration institutions. The situation of operation of food sanitation administration indicates the following problems: 1)dualized food sanitation administration organization, 2)diversified food sanitation-related laws, 3)personnel system of food sanitation staff, and 4)unrealistic classification by food service industry. Such problems hinder the administration management and policy execution of food service business, as well as reduce the acceptance of policy, creating the unsystematic and inefficient execution of food sanitation administration. Therefore, methods for more efficient food sanitation administration are suggested as follows. First, to deregulate standards of facilities and improve the procedure of license. In detail, the standards of facilities and illumination should be loosened and on-the-spot survey after licensing should be introduced. All procedures needed for license(report) should be constructed in a computer network, so called one-stop service and early settlement of SMS is needed. Second, to develop guidance-oriented management. In detail, it may include no duplicate control by institution, a prior or weekly check system, and developing the professionalism of food sanitation staff. Also, the optional guidance of restaurateurs organization should be reinforced and real-name control system should be executed drastically, confirmed, and evaluated. Third, efficient administrative measures should be secured. In detail, it may include reinforcing PR of the standards of administrative measures, introducing the evaluation system of administrative measures, making realistic standards of administrative measures, and constructing a food sanitation administration supervisory system in which the whole nation can participate. Fourth, the optional guidance of restaurateurs organization should be revitalized. Finally, post sanitation education should be introduced and education methods should be improved. It is desirable to get sanitation education after obtaining business license(report), and a plan to execute education evaluation should be explored. The focus of curriculum should be on new information of management and inauguration. Furthermore, food sanitation administration laws should be improved and regulated collectively, and classification of food service business should be changed realistically. To make realistic classification of food service business, food service business should be reorganized on a realistic basis. Moreover, it needs to reexamine unrealistic standards of administrative measures without efficiency such as Dallan Jujeom-style business in Live Jujeom which produces all sorts of illegal acts. The success of improvement methods suggested above will depend on how the administrative authorities who manage restaurants, restaurateurs, and the citizens who use restaurants are systematically cooperative to practice. Also, further study needs to be continued. In conclusion, to develop food sanitation administration, diversified service and administrative system needs to be unified and reorganized into organization or function which professional and strong administrative power can take exclusive charge of food sanitation administration. Furthermore, by preparing institutional devices where public civil groups or citizens can actively participate in and supervise food sanitation administration, the foundation for citizen participation sanitation administration will be established. Also, a rational food safety management system should be constructed in an aspect of the whole government to protect national health, and improvement methods should be prepared to take the initiative in the rapidly changing international environment.

      • 敎育行政職 女性公務員의 職務滿足度 向上方案에 관한 硏究 : 6級이하 全羅南道 敎育行政職 女性公務員을 中心으로

        김혜란 순천대학교 경영행정대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        본 연구는 여성공무원의 직무만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 실증적으로 조사․분석하여 직무만족 향상방안을 모색하여 행정의 생산성을 높이고 나아가 교육행정직 여성공무원의 삶의 질 향상에 이바지하는데 연구목적을 두고 진행하였다. 본 연구의 분석결과 나타난 문제점을 제시하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 직무요인으로는 첫째, 전라남도교육청 산하 교육행정직 여성공무원의 현황분석 결과, 5개 도교육청 중 5급 이상 공무원을 제외하고는 상위직급 비율이 낮고, 특히 전라남도교육청 여성공무원의 비율이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 인사요인에서는 승진(전보)제도나 규정이 불합리하고, 승진시 성차별이 있으며, 승진(전보)의 공정성이 부족한 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 자기업무에 대한 독창성이 요구되지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 다음 직무환경요인으로는 첫째, 현재의 임금은 자기생활을 영위하는데 충분하지 않고, 자신이 받고 있는 임금은 업무성과나 기여도에 비해 적정하지 않으며, 타 직장과 비교해 만족할 만한 임금수준이 아닌 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 근무하는 사무실의 휴식 공간 등 복지시설이 잘 갖추어져 있지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 육아휴직제도의 불만요인으로는 인사 상 불이익우려, 비현실적인 육아휴직수당, 짧은 휴직기간 등의 순으로 나타났다. 마지막 사회적 요인으로는 첫째, 대체적으로 미혼이며, 연령과 경력이 짧고, 직급이 낮을수록 직무만족에 대한 만족도가 낮아 업무의 전문성과 임금이 적으며, 상급자와 인간관계에 어려움을 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 대부분 직장과 가정의 이중역할 부문에 소홀하지 않는 것으로 나타났으나, 직장과 가정의 관계가 원만하지 못한 응답자의 의견을 살펴보면, 가사와 육아의 이중부담이 가장 크고, 다음은 과중한 업무량, 남편(가족)의 가사분담의 비협조 등의 순으로 나타났다. 이상과 같은 문제점에 대한 본 연구의 여성공무원의 직무만족도 향상방안을 제언하면 다음과 같다. 먼저 직무요인의 향상방안으로는 첫째, 적극적인 여성 관리자 임용을 확대해야 한다. 이를 위해서는 여성관리자 임용목표제 확대 실시, 여성공무원 주요보직 배치, 여성공무원 경력개발 프로그램 운영, 양성평등의 인사정책 구현, 적극적 여성공무원 인사관리를 위한 규정 제정이 시급한 것으로 본다. 둘째, 승진(전보) 등 인사이동에서 공정성확보와 승진(전보)기회의 확대를 위한 탄력적인 승진제도 운영이 필요하다. 이를 위해서 인사 모니터링제를 실시하여 인사의 객관성과 공정성을 확보하고, 인사관련 위원회에 여성참여비율을 확대하여 상위직 공무원 승진이나 보직에서 여성공무원이 차별받지 않도록 하여야 한다. 특히, 초․중․고․교육청에 골고루 근무하게 하여 다양한 경험으로 전문성 향상과 직무만족도를 높일 수 있는 순환보직제 확립이 필요하다. 셋째, 승진시 여성의 성차별을 방지하기 위해서는 양성평등의 인사정책을 구현하여야 한다. 이를 위해서 여성공무원의 능력에 따른 적재적소의 배치, 업무분장상의 차별타파, 근무년수를 감안한 객관적 기준 확보, 승진시험제도 기회확대, 승진에 있어서의 동등순위를 배려하여야 할 것으로 본다. 넷째, 교육행정의 최 일선 고객접점에서 근무하는 교육행정직의 직무의 독창성을 극복하기 위해서는 단위학교별 자율성 확대, 책임경영을 위한 상급기관의 권한 위임 확대, 적정규모의 행정지원인력 확충이 필요한 것으로 본다. 다음 직무환경요인의 향상방안으로는 첫째, 임금수준의 적정한 보장과 대외적인 형평성을 확보, 교육의 질적 향상 및 교육여건 조성을 위해 기여하고 있는 점을 감안해 직책수당 및 민원업무수당을 지급하는 방안을 검토해야한다. 둘째, 후생복지시설에 대한 적극적인 투자로 업무환경개선과 사기진작을 위한 보상제도 마련 등의 후생복지제도지원이 마련되어 여성공무원들이 직무에 집중할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 교육행정직의 사회적 평가를 제고하기 위해서는 아동 육아 전담기관, 가사와 직장과의 이중부담에 대한 사회적 인식변화, 육아휴직제도의 적극적인 활성화를 위한 국가의 정책적지원이 필요하다. 마지막 사회적 요인의 향상방안으로는 첫째, 하위직 여성공무원의 직무만족도 향상을 위해서는 상급자를 멘토로 지정하여 직장생활에 적응할 수 있도록 도와주고 고충상담을 하도록 하여 하위직 공무원의 업무능력이나 공무원으로서 역량을 향상할 수 있도록 도와주는 방안이 모색되어야 한다. 둘째, 직장생활과 가정생활의 양립지원 시스템을 구축해야 한다. 즉 교육행정직 여성공무원이 교육현장에서 직장과 가정생활을 병행함으로써 조화를 이룰 수 있는 생애 주기형 근무처 경로를 반영한 인사제도의 지원정책이 필요하다. 셋째, 교육행정직 여성공무원들의 직무만족도를 높이기 위해서는 경력이 짧은 담당직무와 관련된 실무적인 각종 연수강좌를 개설 참여기회를 확대하고 부서 내 상급자와 동료들과 친밀한 관계를 유지할 수 있도록 도와주어야한다. 이상과 같이 살펴보건대, 직무만족 영향요인들은 직무만족에 상이한 영향을 미치고 있으며, 이러한 영향요인은 사회 배경적 특성에 따라 차이를 나타내고 있다. 따라서 집단이나 조직의 직무만족수준을 높이기 위해서는 그 집단이나 조직의 특성, 개인의 특성을 고려한 직무만족 향상방안을 모색해야 할 것으로 생각한다. 본 연구의 한계점은 조사대상이 전라남도 교육행정직 6급 이하 여성공무원 185명을 대상으로 연구하였기 때문에 연구결과를 전체 교육행정직 공무원조직에 일반화하기에 어려움이 있으며, 단일시점의 짧은 조사기간에 의하여 조사하였으므로 종단적인 차이분석을 하지 못했다. 그리고 설문자료 역시 기존의 문헌연구를 통해 직무만족에 영향을 미치는 주요변수들을 설정하였으나 기존의 선행연구 자료를 많이 인용한 2차 자료이기 때문에 모집단이 전체집단을 대표해주지 못한 한계점이 있음을 밝혀둔다. This study explored the measure to improve job satisfaction of female public servants, enhance administrative productivity, and futhermore, increase the living quality of female public servants working in the field of educational administration by investigating and analyzing factors influencing job satisfaction of female public servants empirically. The problems below were identified based on the result of the analysis in this study: First, in relation to the job factor, the analysis on female public servants working in the field of educational administration in organizations under the Jeollanamdo Office of Education indicated that the ratio of female public servants in high-ranking position was low in 5 provincial offices of education, except 5th grade public servants or high grade public servants, and particularly, the ratio of women public servants was the lowest in Jeollanamdo Office of Education. Second, from the perspective of personnel administration, female public servants were found to be disadvantaged by unreasonable promotion(transfer) system or regulation, and face sexual discrimination in promotion, and the fairness of promotion(transfer) was lacking. Second, it was found that the distinctiveness of individual work was not required. In relation to the following job environment, first, the current wage level was not sufficient to lead the self-life, and their current wage was not appropriate in comparison to their performance and contribution, and furthermore, their current wage level was not satisfactory compared to that of other companies. Second, it turned out that their workplace was not equipped well with welfare facilities, such as lounge area in office. Third, in relation to the factor of dissatisfaction with the child care leave, it was found that female public servants were dissatisfied with the disadvantage in personnel policies the most, followed by the child care allowance which is out of touch with reality, short leave period, and others. Finally, in relation to social factor, first, the satisfaction with job was low among those who were unmarried, those who were younger and had short work experience, and those with low post, which suggests that female public servants tended to encounter the problem of low specialization of work, low wage, and problem with interpersonal relationship with higher-ranking officials. Second, it was found that most of female public servants were not negligent in balancing their roles at work place and home, but considering the answer of respondents who had problems in managing their roles between work place and home, their greatest burden came from the household chores and the upbringing of children, followed by excessive workload, unwillingness of husbands(family) to share household chores, and others. In consideration of problems identified above, the following recommendations can be made to increase the satisfaction of female public servants with job. In the first place, in terms of the measure to improve job factors, first, the employment of active female managers need to be expanded. For that, it is urgent to expand the female manager employment quota system, deploy female public servants to major posts, operate programs designed to develop the career of female public servants, implement personnel policies to ensure the sexual equality, enact regulations to ensure effective personnel management of female public servants. Second, it is necessary to implement flexible promotion system which aims to ensure fairness of personnel reassignment and expand the opportunities of promotion(transfer). For that, the objectivity and fairness of personnel management should be accomplished through personnel monitoring system, and the ratio of women in committees relating to personnel management should be expanded to ensure that no female public servants fall victim to the discrimination in promotion to higher-ranking posts or assignment to such positions. Particularly, rotational post system is necessary which helps improve professionalism, specialization, and job satisfaction through various experiences by having them work at the offices of elementary school, middle school, and high school in rotation. Third, personnel policies should ensure equality of both sexes in order to prevent sexual discrimination against women in promotion. For that, it is necessary to assign female public servants to appropriate posts that suite their capabilities, eliminate discriminations in the division of works, establish objective criteria reflecting the number of working years, expand the opportunities for promotion exams, and assign equal priorities to female public servants as far as the promotion is concerned. Third, to overcome the problem pertinent to the distinctiveness of educational administration job which is at the forefront of educational administration, it is necessary to expand the discretion exercised by each school, expand the delegation of authority of upper-ranking organizations to ensure responsible administration, and increase the personnel for administrative support. In terms of the measure to improve job environment factors, firstly, measures, such as guarantee of appropriate wage level and external equality, the payment of job allowance and civil petition work allowance, need to be taken into account, considering that female public servants are playing pivotal roles in helping attain qualitative improvement of education and create effective environment of education. Second, institutional support, such as the welfare support, needs to be provided to improve work environment and boost the morale of female public servants by making aggressive investment in welfare facilities, so they can concentrate on their works. Third, to improve the social evaluation of educational administration, the government should increase the support at the level of policy to raise the social awareness toward the dual burden of having to balance the role at work place and home and stimulate child nursery organizations, and promote the child care leave system. Finally, in relation to the measure designed to improve social factors, firstly, support needs to provide to female public servants by designating higher-ranking officials as mentors, so that female public servants can increase their satisfaction with job and adapt themselves more effectively to their lives at workplace, as well as grievance counselling for helping them improve their work abilities and expand their capabilities as public servants. Second, dual support system needs to be introduced which helps them balance their roles at work place and home. In other words, the support of personnel system should be provided in a way that reflects the lifetime cycle workplace route, facilitating female public servants working in the field of educational administration to balance their roles at work placed and home. Third, to increase the job satisfaction of female public servants working in the field of educational administration, opportunities should be expanded for them to participate in various practical training and educations relating to the job of those with short work experience, and maintain close interpersonal relationship with higher-ranking officials and colleagues in department. Considering the aforesaid, factors influencing job satisfaction have different effect on job satisfaction, and those influential factors vary, depending on the characteristics of social background. Therefore, measures to increase job satisfaction should be explored, which considers the characteristics of group or organization, and individuals, to improve the level of job satisfaction of group or organization. As this study is limited in the sense that the subject of the survey was 185 female public servants below 6th grade in Jeollanamdo Office of Education, there is a difficulty in generalizing the result of this study for overall public servant organization in the realm of educational administration, and the vertical difference was not analyzed in this study because the survey was conducted for short period of time at a single point. It is made clear here that although major variables of survey materials, which influence job satisfaction, were defined through the search of the existing literatures, they have the limit that the population did not represent the entire group because they are the secondary data which quoted many existing and preceding materials.

      • 敎育行政自體監査制度 效率化方案硏究 : 全南 東部地域을 中心으로

        정태옥 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        교육행정내부통제의 중요한 수단으로서 자체감사는 공정하고 투명한 회계질서를 확립하고 사고를 미연에 방지하는 효과가 있지만 자체감사의 본래 목적대로의 기능과 역할을 다하지 못한 점도 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 전남동부지역 자체감사 운영실태를 조사·분석하여 문제점을 도출해 교육행정 자체감사제도의 효율화 방안을 모색하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 연구 목적을 위해 선행연구를 포함한 문헌연구를 통하여 이론적 배경을 고찰하였고 수감자를 대상으로 설문을 조사하였다. 그리고 자체감사제도의 바람직한 방향을 제시하고자 미국, 영국, 일본 등 자체감사제도를 비교 연구차원에서 살펴보았다. 선행연구 및 설문조사를 통하여 나타난 자체감사의 효율화 방안을 간략히 정리해 보면 다음과 같다. 정책방향은 크게 조직, 인력, 집행체제로 분류하여 정리하고자 한다. 첫째, 조직체제를 보면 기관장 직속으로 전환하여 감사의 본래기능을 찾도록 하고, 기관장의 인식을 전환하기 위하여 기관장 교육도 필요하다. 장기적으로는 별도의 독립기관을 설치하여 독립성을 보장하고 감사직을 직렬화하여 신분보장과 전문성을 길러 공정한 감사활동을 하여야 한다. 둘째, 인력체제 측면을 보면 직급을 상향조정하고, 전라남도 교육연수원에 전문 교육과정을 개설하여 전문적인 교육을 상설화하고, 전문분야 공무원을 감사담당공무원으로 임명하여 활용하여야 한다. 셋째, 집행체제를 보면 당해 기관에 일상감사를 이행, IT 기법을 활용한 성과감사, 예방감사 및 사전감사로 전환을 하고, 장학지도와 연계 자체감사를 CSA 기법을 벤치마킹하여 토론하고 성과 지표를 만들어 시행하여야 한다. 결론적으로 본 연구에서 제시된 자체감사제도를 효율화하기 위해서는 감사의 기본방향인 준거(이념)로서 합법성 감사의 강화는 물론, 성과(효율성) 감사 및 정책감사의 중요성도 강조되는 감사로 전환해야하고, 사후감사 일변도보다는 예방적 감사를 병행 적극적인(Positive) 감사체제로 운영상 혁신을 하여야 하며, IT기법과 CSA 기법 도입 등 행정환경에 대응하여 자체 감사제도를 혁신적으로 변화해야 할 것이다. 이를 바탕으로 전문직을 포함한 감사팀을 구성하여 장학지도와 연계하고 CSA의 자율통제를 위한 시스템을 수감단위별로 구성하여 토론하고 장려사항은 장려하고 문제점은 발견, 제도개선차원 적극 수용하는 자세로 변환하여야 한다. 그리고 독직사건이 있을 경우 사직당국에 고발하는 자체감사를 실시한다면 효율적인 행정의 구축은 물론 국민에 대한 책임성과 대응성 및 서비스의 제고에도 큰 기여를 할 것이다.

      • 消防行政組織의 運營 改善에 관한 硏究 : 전라남도를 中心으로

        이병규 순천대학교 경영행정대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        현대 사회는 급격한 산업발달 및 기상이변으로 환경변화가 예측하기 어려울 정도로 복잡하고 다양화 되고 있고, 도시 집중화에 따른 농촌의 공동화 현상은 소방행정 수요의 정치적 ‧ 사회적 욕구(needs)의 변화로 나타나고 있다. 소방서비스를 소비하는 국민의 욕구를 충족시켜야하는 소방행정조직은 한정된 자원으로 일정수준의 서비스를 공급해야 하므로 서비스의 생산성 및 경제성에 관심을 가져야 하며, 비상대응의 효율성을 높이기 위해서는 현재의 소방행정조직의 현황을 분석하여 문제점을 파악하고 개선에 나가야 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 소방행정조직의 현황과 전라남도의 소방행정조직의 운영 실태를 분석하여 문제점을 파악하고, 소방수요에 적극대응하기 위한 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 우리나라의 소방행정조직은 국가사무와 지방자치사무 구조의 한계성을 가지고 있기 때문에 소방업무의 전문성 및 인력 확보를 위한 정책부족으로 소방 본연의 목적달성이 불가한 실정이다. 또한, 교육기관의 부족, 대응장비 노후화 및 최신 첨단장비 부족, 소방차량의 노후화, 열악한 근무환경 등은 소방조직의 큰 문제점으로 나타나고 있다. 특히 전라남도 소방행정조직의 경우 전국 최하위의 재정자립도와 도‧농 복합지역으로 인하여 인력 및 대응장비의 보강이 미흡하고, 소방관서 미 설치지역이 많아 소방행정, 구조‧구급업무 등의 소방 수혜 사각지대가 발생되고 있다. 이러한 전라남도 소방행정조직의 구조적인 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 첫째, 근무환경의 개선방안으로 실효성 있는 3교대를 위한 근무여건 개선 및 근속승진 대상 확대 및 복지를 개선해야 한다. 둘째, 소방력 배치방안으로 지역특성에 적합한 전문인력 및 소방력 운영, 중앙정부의 소방재정 지원확대, 선교육 후 임용체제로 개선해야 한다. 국가는 재해를 예방하고, 그 위험으로부터 국민을 보호해야 한다. 국가의 기본적인 임무는 위험에 대한 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호해야 하는 의무가 있는 것이다. 재정적으로 어려운 현실에 있어서도 법률 규정의 개정을 통해서 반복적이고 비효율적인 소방조직의 문제점을 파악하여 개선해 나가야 할 것이다. Modern society has become diverse and complex so that environmental change is hard to predict, from rapid industrial development and climate change, and that hollowization phenomenon of rural areas from the centralization of cities is leading to the change of political and social needs of fire and disaster administration. The fire and disaster administration, which has to meet the needs of the nation which consume fire-fighting service, should supply a certain standard of service with limited resources, and therefore it is essential to have an interest in productivity and economic feasibility of the service, making it necessary to analyse current situation of fire and disaster administration, to identify the problems, and to improve it, in order to enhance the efficiency of emergency response. As a consequence, this research tried to come up with the methods to tackle the fire service demands, along with the enhancement of the efficiency of fire and disaster administration by analysing the current reality of fire and disaster administration in Jeollanam-do as well as in our country and identifying the problems. Since the fire and disaster administration in our country has limitations of the structure of national affairs and local self-government affairs, the reality is that it is hard to attain its very purpose of fire-fighting, from the shortage of professionalism in firefighting work and the policy to secure the workforce. in addition, there appeared big problems such as: the deficiency of educational institution, deterioration of response equipment and the shortage of latest high-tech equipment, deterioration of fire rescure vehicles, poor working environment etc. What's more, the fire and disaster administration in Jeollanam-do lacks the fire service workforce, let alone the inadequacy in reinforcing response equipment, and thereby resulting in blind spots of fire service in fire-fighting work, rescue and first-aid work etc. since it takes up the lowest level of financial independence in our nation and is the urban-rural complex area. In order to address these structural problems of fire and disaster administration, there are five prerequisites that must be dealt with, which are listed as follows; First, the independence of National Fire Department and the installation of Local Fire Department of integrative structure, Second, the recruitment according to the function and the establishment of the appointment system after education. Thirdly, the expansion of fire-fighting finances and equipment operation, Fourth is to ensure the effective work in three shifts coupled with realization of welfare, Fifth is to ensure the connectivity through the establishment of response plan, around fire service organization and unified field command system. In the meanwhile, when it comes to the fire and disaster administration, there are five things that should be tackled: First, exclusion of fire service budget for other purposes. Second, installment of fire forces unique to each community, in the area where there are no fire station. Third, the improvement of the work in special areas, Fourth installment of training camp for fire prevention education. Fifth, the transfer of fire and disaster administration such as fire inspection to a private organization. It is the national duty to prevent natural disasters and protect its nation from the dangers. The national basic obligation is to protect the life and property of its nation against dangers. It is essential to identify and improve the repeated and inefficient fire service organization through the legal revision, in the financially-difficult reality.

      • 대학행정조직의 팀제도입방안에 관한 연구

        박정만 순천대학교 경영행정대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 250671

        본 연구는 팀제 도입을 위한 순천 C대학 직원의 개인적인 특성과 관련된 조직변동(팀제 도입)의 태도에 관한 연구로서 순천 C대학 행정 조직원을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 설문에 응답한 47명을 대상으로 하였다. 팀제 개념과 조직개혁 이론 등은 기존 문헌과 자료를 토대로 수정, 보완하여 사용하였으며 자료의 통계분석을 위해 사용된 자료는 통계프로그램인 SPSS 10.0을 이용하여 통계 처리하였으며, 95%의 신뢰수준을 사용하였다. 본 연구에 사용된 분석방법론은 단순빈도분석을 실시하였다. 단순빈도분석에 따라 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 팀제 지식정도에 대한 질문에는 모른다와 보통이다가 각각 가장 높게 나왔으며, 알고 있다, 매우 잘 알고 있다, 전혀 모른다순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 본격적인 팀제 도입 필요성에 대하여는 보통이다가 가장 높게 나왔고, 필요하다, 불필요하다, 매우필요하다순으로 인식하고 있었다. 절대 불필요하다라고 응답한 사람은 전혀 없었다. 셋째, 팀제도입이 전면적으로 이뤄져야할 부서에 대한 질문에 기획조정처를 적정한 부서라 답하였으며, 다음이 산학협력처와 교학처, 사무처, 그리고 기타 순으로 나타났다. 넷째, 팀제의 적합성에 대한 질문에는 보통이다라고 답한 경우가 가장 높았으며, 적합하다, 매우 적합하다, 부적합하다 순으로 나타났으며, 매우 부적합하다고 생각하는 조직원은 전혀 없었다. 다섯째, 팀제가 도입되면 가장 중요한 운영요소에 대해서는 적정한 업무배분을 꼽았으며, 목표달성을 위한 의사소통, 팀장의 리더십, 성과보상, 권한위임 순으로 나타났다. 팀제에 대한 많은 정보와 자료를 갖고 신중히 검토하여 실시하기 전에 조직 구성원들에게 팀제에 대한 명확한 설명과 인식을 심어주어야 한다. 이는 집단적 저항이 없게 하며, 순응을 이끌어내 제도의 성공을 기할 수 있기 때문이다. 이를 위하여 조직의 팀제 도입운영 시에 선행되어야 할 과제를 검토해 보면 첫째, 설문조사 결과에도 나타났듯이 팀제 도입에 대한 사전 의견조사를 통하여 조직원의 생각을 충분히 수렴해야 한다. 둘째, 팀제의 명확한 이해를 돕는 체계적이고, 주기적인 교육을 실시하되, 팀제 운영이 잘 이루어지고 있는 타 기관을 벤치마킹하거나 성공사례 등을 접하는 등 다양한 교육의 방법이 마련되어야 하겠다. 셋째, 전면적인 팀제의 도입보다는 단계별 도입을 통한 시대상황에 능동적으로 대처함과 동시에 조직원들이 안정적으로 적응할 수 있는 시기를 가질 필요가 있을 것이다. 넷째, 팀 운영 시 적정한 업무분장은 보다 높은 성과를 거두려는 관점이 기본으로 팀 운영의 기본이 된다. 다섯째, 팀 구성원들이 갈등을 해결하고, 의사결정을 내리며, 일상적으로 상호작용하는 방식은 의사소통의 활성화로부터 올 수 있다고 생각한다. 여섯째, 팀원들의 교육 및 지도를 위해서는 적정한 업무배분, 목표달성을 위한 의사소통과 더불어 팀장의 리더십의 강화라 생각한다. 끝으로 조직원들이 팀제에 적극 참여할 수 있도록 팀 성과평가에 대한 인센티브를 제도화하기 위한 방법으로 다면평가활용의 확대도 팀제도입방안의 하나로 제안한다. 본 논문은 순천 C대학 직원의 개인적인 특성에 따른 팀제 도입에 대한 태도를 다룬 것으로 향후 팀제가 도입·정착 되었을 시 팀제 도입 전·후의 경영 실적이라든지 종사원에 대한 인식 연구와 더불어 조직문화 등을 비교분석하면 팀제운영의 좋은 연구 자료가 될 것이라고 생각한다. On the purpose of introducing a team system, concerning a progress of an organizational change (introduction of team system) related to individual traits of C University personals, the university located at Suncheon, this thesis performed a questionnaire survey on the target at the persons working at administrative organizations on C University located at Suncheon. As for a conception of team system and a theory of organizational change, this thesis amended and complemented existing literatures and materials, and produced a statistic with SPSS 10.0, statistic program, and used 95% reliance level. This thesis analyzed frequency and acquired the result as followings. As for a basic analysis, First, about the knowledge on team system, respondents responded, “I don't know or I know in a medium level”, “I know it”, “I know it well”, and “I don't know at all” in order. Second, as for the necessity of a team system introduction in a full scale, respondents recognized, “necessary in a medium level”, “necessary”, “not necessary”, and “necessary very much” in order. But nobody responded, “not necessary at all”. Third, as for the question on the department in which the team system has to be introduced at our organizations in a full scale, respondents responded, “Department of Planning & Coordination”, “Department of Collaboration between Industry-Academy Cooperations and Department of General Affairs”, “Department of Clerical Works”, and Others in order. Fourth, as for the question on the suitability to team system in our organization, respondents responded, “suitable in a medium level”, “necessary”, “necessary very much”, and “not necessary”, in order. But nobody responded, “not necessary at all”. Fifth, as for the question on the most important thing, the respondents responded, “appropriate assignment of affairs”, “communication for achievement of aims”, “leadership of team managers”, “compensation for fruits”, and “delegation of authority” in order. It is necessary to examinate many pieces of information materials about team system by inches to explain team system to organization members and help recognize the system. The precedent subjects that have to be introduced to organizations are; First, as shown from the result of questionnaire survey, it is necessary to converge organization members' thoughts on introduction of team system in a full scale through precedent surveys. Second, it is necessary to do a systematic and periodical education on helping organizational members understand team system clearly, so in addition to prepare the way to do various educations such as benchmarking of other organizations or contact of successful cases. Third, Step-by-step introduction of team-based system ratehr than a full-scale introduction is necessary. Forth, Introduction of team-based system operating in a costume appropriate business will be more efficient. Fifth, Introduction of team-based system communication in operating the base should be activated. Sixth, Team to introduce team-based system of operational leadership is required. Finally, it is necessary to make incentive for achievement assessment an institution so that team members can participate in the team system. Then, the multilateral-evaluation of the introduction of team-based system in operation is one of the measures introduced. On the purpose of introducing a team system, according to respective traits of C University persons, this thesis is composed. So the thesis will be used for analyzing management fruits before and after a team system is introduced and fixed, for investigating recognition of employees, and for managing a team system through comparison and analysis of organizational culture.

      • 地方議會와 執行機關間의 葛藤解消方案硏究

        손경석 순천대학교 경영행정대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The era of Local autonomy in Korea has extensively reopened by composing both a base city council and a megalopolis council in April and July of 1991, since it was stopped in 1961. Having had high expectations and disappointments, it has been created to have new system of local assembly. In spite of finding the reasons for the existence to serve local citizens, the local assembly and the executive agency frequently disappointed us, with failed trust and lack of support for their residents; for instance, there was discord between the city council and the executive agency, there was conflict between councilmen, and there was controversy surrounding a city council secretariat. The executive agency and the local assembly are the two axises which will lead the local government. The chief of the local government, who plays a role to implement his/her authorities given by law and to execute the matters for decision, represents the local government. The local assembly, a representative body for residents, carries out control functions; such as Ordinance establishment, Deliberation & Decision of city budget, and Audits for administrative affairs, against the chief of the local government. An essential functions of the local assembly is not only to observe but also to criticize the executive agency. Therefore, it is a positive phenomenon that inside the agency confrontation type both the local assembly and the executive agency always maintain the tension relationship they have established. On the other hand, a rather negative aspect would be the falling adhesion situation between both agencies. Accordingly, The local assembly has to faithfully comply with their original duties, which are deciding on proceedings, monitoring against the executive agency, and must contribute to develop local autonomy. The executive agency, as a representative agency for residents, consists of members to be elected by citizens. it needs to set up ideal relationships with the local assembly to avoid their conflict and enmity, by admitting various projects proposed by city council into city policies. After systematically analyzing the conflicts which became an obstacle in the development of the local autonomy between both agencies, I divided the conflicts into similar cases referring to newspapers and related documents. In addition to this, I studied cases in Gwangyang city and divided them into similar types; "What is the cause of conflict?" and "What is the scheme of solving conflict between both agencies?". Moreover, I also divided the cases into Behavioral Conflict, Systemic Conflict, Functional Conflict, and Environmental Conflict. Firstly, The Behavioral conflict focused on the actions and attitudes between both councilmen and executive government officials. Secondly, The Systemic conflict has been caused by differing views between the central and local governments. Thirdly, The Functional conflict is found within a range of systems which are the work between councilmen and executive agency members. Lastly, The Environmental conflict depends on whether or not the groups of the local government, consists of the central government, a political party and local resident group, participate in or concerned with administrative procedures. The conclusion of analyzing differing opinions between both the city council and the executive agency, is as follows; ten Functional conflicts, seven Behavioral conflicts, six Systemic conflicts, and four Environmental conflicts. These are recent cases of Gwangyang city, which are classified into three conflict types from a total of 27 cases. Hereby, in the decisions of general policy cases, conflicts between both agencies compositively appeared at the same time. In the introduction of the local autonomy system, we were faced with more Behavioral conflicts among controversial cases in the nation. According to the cases between both agencies in Gwangyang city with in the past 10 years, Functional conflict has increased. Even though several schemes of solving conflicts between both agencies were provided, It is not a perfect solution to all conflicts. Finally, there is a possibility for local autonomy, when Members of the Local government, the chief of local government, councilmen, and residents all together, make an effort to solve conflicts. This is key to making a bright future of Local autonomy. I am really looking forward to continue studying this area, and accelerating the development for Local autonomy.

      • 地方敎育行政公務員 成果賞與金制度 改善方案에 관한 硏究 : 全南 東部地域을 中心으로

        안정임 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        The bonus system was implemented in the public office sector to face the changing environment, and to increase administrative productivity by introducing the competition principle and providing incentives to outstanding workers. However, although most public servants understand the purpose of the bonus system, they are discontent with the standards and payment methods. As a result, this system has not been able to be fully established. This study analyzes the current situation in running the bonus system in the local education administration sector. The resulting problems are analyzed to provide rational solutions for the success of the system. The subjects of the study were limited to grade 6 or lower grade public servants working for Yeosu, Suncheon, and Kwangyang Education Departments. Previous studies on the bonus system’s effect and the perception applicable public servants mostly showed general results, without much significance. Therefore, the current study conducted interviews with pertinent public servants to effectively analyze their thoughts and situation. This was then compared with results from previous studies The premise of this research is that proper administrative culture, righteous bonus valuation, and motivation are required for the successful establishment of the bonus system. Therefore, the 3 prerequisites were analyzed, problems were deducted and solutions were provided. The thesis can be summarized as follows. There are many problems to the current bonus system. First, it lacks fairness and objectivity. Second, it lacks motivation and induces a sense of incongruity. Finally, there is discord between the system and various inefficiency factors, such as absolute equality, paternalism, and authoritarianism. The following are solutions for successful enforcement of the bonus system. First, in order to establish a fair and objective assessment standard, the system must become more transparent and flexibility must be extended. Also, shortcomings of the multi assessment system must be complemented. There are various ways to improve this by training the appraiser, utilizing self-assessment, carrying out interviews with the candidates, and utilizing informational technology. Second, motivation must play a bigger role, and the sense of incongruity should be minimized. There are many ways to do this: increase motivation by connecting the bonus system with other HR systems, such as promotions and position assignment; diversify the compensation by providing employees with overseas training opportunities, reward vacations, educational support, and sabbatical years. Also, a request system to object to bonus related results should be arranged. Finally, the administration culture must be reformed and the members of it should increase their understanding and participation. The bonus system must be integrated into a result and capability-based administration culture. For this, the administration culture that is the foundation of the behavior of public servants and of related systems. Also, the purpose and effectiveness of the system must be advertised and trained to all members. Participation in setting up assessment standards, selecting assessment methods, and selecting winners must be provided to more people. Also, debates regarding the results of the assessment should be held to establish a stable bonus structure within the pubic service community. This research has significance in its realistic and in-depth analysis of the bonus system of grade 6 or lower public servants, a not so popular research area in the past. However, there might be limitations in generalizing the results of the research, since the study was not conducted on all public servants due to restrictions in time and funding. This shortcoming will be solved with future studies on this field. This thesis strives to provide a foundation for the successful and effective establishment of the bonus system in the local education administration community.

      • 國立大學校 成果給制度 改善 方案에 관한 硏究 : 光州·全南地域 大學을 중심으로

        조천호 順天大學校 經營行政大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 250655

        Past, there was no another question by personnel management based on seniority system fast-tracking by formation swell of ancient city growth period, but induction effect by an elevation became difficult to expect more in low growth rate age that formation's swelling is suspended. Past personnel management method based on seniority system rears superior competent person and improves competitive power of public office but exposes limit debasing formation's vitality. To overcome this limit, various drawings that public official's consciousness and form should be converted rationally, and are based in rationality such as competitive power pacification, wave and drop track of the center, compensation of the results center see that need to be introduced at public office circle. Although is operating introducing merit-based wage system to form public office climate that public official who work hard in government from 1995 is treated, it is dissatisfied subjects of many public officials by recognition attention, realization of public officials tamed to seniority system etc.., valuation basis and objectivity of calm process and fairness insufficiency, rating method that do based on work performance poise etc.. and example that some public officials even restore piece rate happened, and is causing a lot of problems that sex and amount of money by lacking budget do not vivify enough efficiency of merit-based wage system. National university public officials are recognizing how about merit-based wage system itself about merit-based wage system that is knowing these problem, and to present problem of merit-based wage system and improvement plan that is searching that is doing certain estimation and view about operation of merit-based wage system, and enforce at national university, executed questionnaire about owner of a mine, regular government service below 5 degrees that work in 5 national universitys of Cholla-namdo area and public official in skill post who investigator is belonged. According to result that analyze questionnaire, because disbursement subject person's extent and disbursement amount are not proper that stocktaking standard is not objective and because reflection ratio by reflection element is not proper, most public officials are not trusting for stocktaking sequence that effect of necessity and motivation of merit-based wage system is feeble as allurement plan for public office social efficiency elevation that realization of public officials about merit-based wage system is not active, and indifferent merit-based wage system of that piece rate disbursement subject person is decided according to appraiser's tendency and acquaintance relation etc., and public officials doubt fairness for piece rate disbursement subject person selection and trustability for disbursement sequence by doing not exhibit deterministic process and disbursement sequence limpidly that is not rescuing guess originally thing that side effect by merit-based wage system enforcement is inactive result while is serious to controversial point appear. First by improvement plan to solve above problem, understand basic idea and gist of merit-based wage system actively and result of business holds soundest ceremony that an only High person can receive High result that correspond to him and should be changed by direction that realization of public officials is reasonable that face in the job . Second, public official must secure objectivity of stocktaking standard executing job analysis about each, job analysis result method to evaluate results about these job deciding each line of duty through open support after establish grade of business by score introduce, or with result responsibility that is drawn through job analysis result target establishment「administration」need to evaluate and introduce line of duty and administrationsystem that apply the estimation result in repair(treatment) back, Third, should make merit-based wage system can be settled to desirable direction operating controlling piece rate disbursement subject person's ratio and ratio of disbursement amount to direction that increase sharply to become urgent and disbursement amount is certain allurement plan diminishing sharply piece rate disbursement subject person of current, Fourth, convert and should enforces by method that is urgent by group unit evaluating together results of urgent method or individual and group by individual unit evaluating results that estimation and disbursement method for piece rate disbursement are a dog and evaluates together results of individual and group in urgent mode by individual unit, Finally, must do so that may can minimize side effect by open exhibiting gradually about result disbursement process and main contents with disbursement wave or estimation contents etc. and raise fairness and transparency of estimation and secure authoritativeness in position public officials' result disbursement. Can not but operate to direction that to secure competitive power of the country in 21th century international infinity competition age the country seeks efficiency, compensation system by department of public officials and management is expect to be expanded more for this. Poise that expropriate rather than oppose unconditionally about compensation system by performance on the job such as merit-based wage system in these visual point spontaneously sees that public official's effort and man-power development to be required, and gets High result are more more necessary.

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