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      • 충청지역 교육대학원의 음악교과과정에 관한 분석 연구

        박형주 목원대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249679

        It has been emphasized that the need for education on the finer points of modern society is of growing importance. At this time, the education graduate schools have been played a significant role in enhancing professionalism and education for professionals in musical curriculums, but the rote is mainly quantitative pot qualitative. The purpose of this study was to compare and analys the general conditions and curriculums of Graduate Schools of music Education(n=6) in Chung-Cheong Province. The data was collected using the inner rules of six university. The results were as follow ; First, the qualifications for college entrance are limited to collegegraduates(graduate-to-be), a person who wants to get a teaching certificate and faculty who have recommend a person holding a leading position in what. The students were certified as a music teacher from three colleges. The other schools have function for the reeducation and education for professional and the endow ment qualification for a higher rank and so on. The lesson period was from 4 to6 academic terms. The credit must be 24 units from 27 units. Especially, there had to be 33units from Korea National University Education.The students must submit dissertationfor graduation in three university what. Second, educational goals of education graduate school were follows ; 1) improvement upon the method of teaching and training for leading music teacher 2) practical use on music theory, lead method and practical skill 3) endowwith selective capacity on leading method 4) ameliorate on teaching-learning methodusing lead method, feelings and practical skill 5) contribution to activity of music education and music development of future society 6) adaptation of theory, teaching strategy and training music teacher. Third, there were different by the universities in the area of curriculums ; 1) three university have the subjects of pedagogics, dissertation, major(subject pedagogics & subject domains) 2) two university have the common subjects of teaching, major and dissertation. 3) the one university divided the area of curriculums intoteaching theory, major(compulsory and elective subject), dissertation. Fourth, there were greatly comparison among the universities in common subjects of curriculums. In three univ. they have subjects with which connected music education,instructional methods & resources in music education and field studies & seminar on traditional music education, korean music education. The other univ.(n=3) they have subjects such as philosophical basic of education, educational statistics, seminar in educational psychology, seminar in educational social, educational administration, educational management and methods and technology in educational. Fifth, there are modern music and orchestra method, supervision & administration of music education, literature of symphony, literature of opera seminar in twentieth century music such as the special curriculums. Especially it is emphasis in the only one univ. that the need of practical education about instrumental music, vocal music, composition, piano, instrumental korean music,korean music singing, korean music creation. The other one univ. offer practice of major(Ⅰ,Ⅱ) accompanying methods of Janggu in the curriculum of major. On the basis of these results, I concluded that the education of korean musicand practical should be magnified in the curriculums and the more studies should be continued for the curriculums development.

      • 정보화사회에 대비한 중학교 컴퓨터 교육의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        김민영 목원대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        본 연구는 일상 생활에서 정보의 활용 능력이 필수적인 정보화 사회에 있어서 컴퓨터 교육의 활성화 방안을 모색하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 방법은 3단계 과정으로 대별한 바, 첫 단계로 국내 문헌들을 사용하여 정보화 교육의 이론적 내용을 고찰하였고 다음에 중등과정의 컴퓨터 교육현황 및 교사와 학생들을 대상으로 컴퓨터의 교육과정 및 활용 실태 파악을 위한 설문조사를 실시하였다. 세 번께 단계에서는 설문지를 기반으로 정보화 교육의 문제점 및 개선방안에 관한 유용한 결과를 도출하였으며 결과적으로 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫께, 교육과정에서 컴퓨터관련 교과를 선택교과에서 필수교과로 지정하여야 한다. 둘째, 정보화 사회에 대비하여 학교에서의 컴퓨터 교육의 내용이 실용성 중심의 개선이 필요하다 셋째, 첨단시설의 기반구축, 교육용 소프트웨어의 개발 및 적극적인 활용이 이루어져야 한다. 넷째, 전산업무 및 컴퓨터실을 담당할 수 있는 전문요원의 확보가 시급하다. 다섯째, 학생들에 대한 올바른 정보윤리교육의 강화가 절실하게 요구된다. This paper presents a effective plan promoting a computer education in the information society which dramatically increase the ability of utilizing informations in daily life. In this approach, there are mainly three steps : the first is to summarize the theories of information education based on the related materials of domestic references, the second step is to analyze the present condition of computer education. In the third step, making up the questions to both middle teachers and pupils. Finally, based on these data, some useful results were obtained by revising plans of improvement as well as problems of information education. The five broad results are : 1. Computer related subject should be adopted a essential course not optionally in the school curriculum. 2. The contents of computer education should be changed more practical course for adapting information society. 3. Advanced facilities should be established, and development of educational soft ware is also required and utilized more effectively. 4. Professional human resources are needed to manage computational operation and computer laboratory. 5. Upright education of information ethics is urgent problems to the pupils.

      • 한국 음악교육의 정체성 확립을 위한 성찰적 연구

        문애란 목원대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the policy in music education throughout the historical overview, changing curriculum, teaching methods based on the learning theories, contents in textbooks, and teacher education. From this study, the researcher found that we have faced a new situation of music education due to the revised curriculum in 2009. According to the revised curriculum, music is no longer an independent subject anymore but is now a comprehensive art subject, which consists of music and fine art. Also, the curriculum will be run as an intensive course. That means students can take the course alternatively. For example, they can take music one year and fine art the other year. Music education is regarded as the 'education of feeling' which is quite different from other educational fields. It does not aim to achieve a certain academic knowledge, but aims to nurture children to have balance between intellectual development and emotional growth. In this point, the researcher wonders if we can fulfil the purpose of music education through intensive courses and block-time systems. Through this study, the researcher found several issues and possible suggestions to change our recognition for the future development of music education. First, people in the field of music education are worried about the integration of music and fine art as an art subject and we need to recognize exactly the possible problems and proper solutions. Second, to develop a new curriculum, a large scale of collecting public opinion and many experts' participation is needed to obtain procedural validity and reliability about the process. Third, the music profession has to participate in developing music educational policy and also it needs to be conscious of Korean traditional music education. Fourth, music teacher training and education is essential for developing music education. For this purpose, curriculum and employment system should be developed properly. Fifth, for better music education, many efforts are needed in the development of learning and teaching methodology, including textbook.

      • 고등학교 정보통신윤리 교육에 관한 연구 : 정보사회와 컴퓨터 교과서를 중심으로

        이성희 목원대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        With rapid development of Information-Communication technology both domestically and internationally, the number of the Internet and PC users is dramatically increasing, and so is the number of web-sites. This also increases the amount of information harmful to children and adolescents, and sometimes, even illegal, as well as the number of decent and profitable sites. Accordingly the cyber space is causing a lot of ethical problems such as illegal software dealing, communication fraud, virus circulating, personal information leaking, and hacking. The information society requires citizens with a firm belief in information ethics, because how they use the Information-Communication technology relates directly to the matter of ethical choices. As our society, which has been going through the information revolution, has already experienced, the information age is accompanied by inhumanistic, unethical problems such as trespassing of privacy and human rights and computer crimes. To solve the kind of problems, the ethics on Information-Communication is urgently needed. It is also true, more than ever, of today's issue of keeping our identity against the flood of unhealthy information and computerization of human being. So, it can be said that the education on the Information-Communication in the 7th Curriculum is very important in the sense that students will live as a member of information society in the future. The purpose of this study is, by comparing and analysing the seven textbooks concerned, to find out the characteristic aspects of each textbook related to information ethics, and to provide a basis for a view on what is more appropriate for effective education on information ethics. The result of analysis is as follows. In general, the area that the textbooks are dealing most frequently is Information Ethics(43.3%), especially the basic principles of in(respect, responsibility, justice, no evil-doing). The A textbook, however, lacks in that aspect, which makes it necessary for the book to be complemented. The second most frequent area is the Information Society(28.3%). However, in all except the C textbook, the positive and negative sides of the information society are not balanced, so something should be done to keep the balance. The third most frequent area is about the Netiquette(18.9%). All textbooks, however, has nothing about the key rules of Netiquette. Finally, the least frequently-dealt area is how to cope in the information society. The ability to express oneself fair and exactly, which is important these days, can be found in no textbooks as their contents area. Therefore, we can say that the contents of textbooks are too weakly-composed to help students foster the ability to protect themselves safely in the cyber space. Here are a few suggestions on how to build the education contents for Information-Communication ethics, on the basis of the result of the research so far. First, the matter of Information-Communication ethics is appearing as a serious problem of our society, so the textbooks of Information Society and Computers should not be function-oriented only but have some balance between functions and ethics of the Information Society and Information-Communication. Second, in determining the educational contents of Information-Communication ethics, the four basic area-Information Society, Information Ethics, Netiquette, and How to cope-should be balanced. Third, the education of Information-Communication ethics is too much to be restricted to the Computer subject. Therefore, it is desirable that its curriculum needs to be connected to other related subjects. Furthermore, it is time to consider the possibility for the Information-Communication ethics to be one independent subject. The result of analysis is as follows. In general, the area that the textbooks are dealing most frequently is Information Ethics(43.3%), especially the basic principles of in(respect, responsibility, justice, no evil-doing). The A textbook, however, lacks in that aspect, which makes it necessary for the book to be complemented. The second most frequent area is the Information Society(28.3%). However, in all except the C textbook, the positive and negative sides of the information society are not balanced, so something should be done to keep the balance. The third most frequent area is about the Netiquette(18.9%). All textbooks, however, has nothing about the key rules of Netiquette. Finally, the least frequently-dealt area is how to cope in the information society. The ability to express oneself fair and exactly, which is important these days, can be found in no textbooks as their contents area. Therefore, we can say that the contents of textbooks are too weakly-composed to help students foster the ability to protect themselves safely in the cyber space. Here are a few suggestions on how to build the education contents for Information-Communication ethics, on the basis of the result of the research so far. First, the matter of Information-Communication ethics is appearing as a serious problem of our society, so the textbooks of Information Society and Computers should not be function-oriented only but have some balance between functions and ethics of the Information Society and Information-Communication. Second, in determining the educational contents of Information-Communication ethics, the four basic area-Information Society, Information Ethics, Netiquette, and How to cope-should be balanced. Third, the education of Information-Communication ethics is too much to be restricted to the Computer subject. Therefore, it is desirable that its curriculum needs to be connected to other related subjects. Furthermore, it is time to consider the possibility for the Information-Communication ethics to be one independent subject.

      • 평생교육을 지향하는 지역주민의 정보화 교육 방안 : 학교 교육정보 인프라 활용 기반

        최정배 목원대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        Scholars of various fields in the information-based societies predict that the 21s1 century world will shape up to be an information-technology based world of globalization. Moreover, OECD developed countries are currently in the process of putting emphasis on continuing education and job skill development as their national survival strategy. Moreover, Korea is also providing various programs to meet the demands for continuing education and expanding peoples opportunities to access continuing education. An information-based society provides us with a wide-range of information and affords us a smooth exchange of ideas, etc. Furthermore, it is very conducive to improving the quality of our lives. However, we are in a situation where we cannot overlook physical and psychological injuries resulting from excessive Internet use and the negative side effects of the information-based society. Therefore, there is an urgent need to reduce the negative by-products of the information-based society as well as the necessity to inculcate a proper sense of values and proper code of conduct that a constituent of an information-based society ought to have. This research, by way of analysing our countrys rural areas drive toward an information-based society and its current status, promotes peoples participation in the drive toward becoming an information-based society and seeks to provide a hereafter preventive plan with respect to the existence of an information-technology challenged class and explore a means of preventing regional differential regarding their drive toward becoming an information-based society. Furthermore, this research provides the area residents with an opportunity to pursue a basic information-technology based education by utilizing the pre-existing information-technology infrastructure in the areas school division and through the process in which the area residents learned and come to understand one another within the context of participating in utilization of information-technology. The school, as an educational institution, (ⅰ) analyzed the results and the problems associated with the information-technology based education program for the people of the rural area moving toward regional collectivization, (ⅱ) fostered area residents proper information-technology utilization conduct index, (ⅲ) provided a program for the area residents to be able to cope with the side effects of excessive use of information technology, e.g., the Internet, (ⅳ) provided a support program to inculcate proper use of information technology and (ⅴ) made provisions to meet the area residents demand with respect to the information-technology based education program to come.

      • 미술 감상과 표현 활동을 통한 다문화 미술 교육 : 초등학교 6학년 만화 그리기 활동을 중심으로

        윤인정 목원대학교 교육대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        정보화와 세계화의 영향으로 다문화 교육의 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 다문화 교육은 바른 문화 정체성을 가지며 다른 문화에 대한 개방적인 태도를 가지고 다른 문화를 이해하고 공유할 수 있는 능력을 함양하게 하는 교육이다. 특히 미술 교과는 문화의 다양성을 학습하기 적합한 교과이므로 다문화적 접근이 반드시 요구된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현 7차 개정교육과정의 미술교과의 다문화 관련 교육내용은 미비하다. 따라서 본 연구는 7차 개정 미술 교육과정의 내용을 바탕으로 도덕, 사회 교과의 통합적 접근으로 다문화 미술 감상과 표현 수업의 방향을 모색하였다. 수업을 계획하기 이전에 다문화 교육의 개념, 내용과 방법, 다문화 미술 교육의 성립 배경과 교육적 의의를 살피고 맥피(Mcfee), 스터(Stuhr), 빌링즈(Billings)가 제시한 다문화 미술 교육의 내용과 방법을 살펴보았다. 이러한 이론적 배경을 바탕으로 9차시의 다문화 미술 수업을 구안하여 현장에 적용, 그 교육적 효과를 분석하였다. 다문화 미술 감상 수업을 위한 작품으로 동남아시아 작가들의 작품들을 선정하였으며 만화 그리기를 표현 활동으로 하였다. 총 4번의 감상 수업과 1번의 표현 수업을 하였으며 감상 활동에는 감상 학습지를 활용하도록 하였다. 적용한 결과, 미술 감상 능력의 향상, 문화에 대한 이해 증가, 공동체 의식 함양, 동남아시아에 대한 편견 감소, 표현 활동에 대한 흥미 증가와 같은 교육적 효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 동남아시아의 여러 나라 작품을 통한 다문화 미술 수업 구안, 학생들의 자발적 만화 그리기 지도 방법 연구, 도덕과 사회 이외의 교과와의 통합적 다문화 미술 수업에 대한 연구가 진행 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • UCC를 활용한 학습지도 효과에 관한 연구 : UCC의 범교과적 학습 자료로의 활용 중심으로

        이성행 목원대학교 교육대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        본 연구를 통하여 UCC란 무엇이며, UCC를 제작하는 과정, 그리고 그것들이 학생들에게 미치는 영향에 대해서 알아보았다. 앞의 연구에서 제시된 것과 같이 UCC를 교육환경에 적용하게 되면 학습자는 학습능률을 높이는 좋은 방법이 되며 교수자 역시 학습 자료를 생성하는데 매우 용이 할 뿐만 아니라 적극적으로 참여하고 높은 교육과정을 운영하기에 매우 좋은 방법이다. 과거에는 한, 두명이 만들어가는 웹페이지의 형태였으나, 현재는 여러 명이 함께 만들는 형태로 바뀌었다. 즉, 웹 관리자는 사용자들에게 웹페이지를 만들어나가기를 요구하고 사용자는 빈 공간에 자신들의 자료로 채워나가며 완성되는 웹페이지의 성격을 가지고 있다. 이는 Web 2.0의 주요 개념이라고 할 수 있다. Web 2.0의 시대에 다른 사람이 만들어 놓은 자료들로 새로운 내용을 어필하기엔 문제가 있다. 지금까지의 연구결과로 UCC를 활용한 교육에 대하여 다음과 같이 제언하고자 한다. 첫째, 학습자의 동기 유발을 위하여 UCC가 활용 되어야 한다. UCC는 학생들에게 친숙하고 재미있다는 반응을 일으킬 수 있다는 것을 위의 연구를 통하여 증명이 되었다. 동기유발은 학생들의 학습의욕을 상승시켜주는 중요한 교수학습방법이다. 즉 UCC로 인하여 학생들은 학습의욕을 높여주면 활발한 학습활동이 이루어 질 것이다. 둘째, UCC의 활용으로 학습 능률을 높여야 한다. 한 명의 교사에게만 가르침을 받는 학생들의 지식은 매우 제한적이다. 하지만 UCC를 통한 간접적 지식의 습득은 교사에 의하여 이루어지는 것보다 능률적일 수 있다. 셋째, 학습활동에 있어 학생들의 참여를 높이기 위하여 UCC를 활용 하여야 한다. UCC를 제작하고 토의하며 평가해보는 시간은 피동적인 수업진행이 아닌 학생들 스스로 학습하는 능동적인 학습활동이 된다. 즉 자기 주도적 학습능력과 상호작용을 통한 교수학습과정을 세우기 위하여 UCC는 매우 편리하고 유용한 매체가 될 것이다. 넷째, 범교과적인 컴퓨터교육에 있어서 UCC는 타 교과와의 연결 고리이다. 현재의 컴퓨터 및 소프트웨어는 소수의 컴퓨터 개발자에 의하여 개발되어지고 있으며 나머지 사람들은 이를 소비하는 소비자이며 물과 공기와 같이 우리 생활에 필요한 존재지만 중요함을 깊게 느끼고 있지 못하다. 때문에 현재와 미래의 컴퓨터 교육은 범교과적으로 이루어져야 한다. 컴퓨터라는 독립된 교과가 아니라 여러 과목에 자연스럽게 스며드는 범교과적 과목으로 발전이 되어야한다. 그러기 위해서는 이를 연결해주는 고리가 필요한데 이에 UCC는 좋은 연결 도구가 될 것이다. 학생들이 참여하여 만든 UCC는 비전문성(객관적이지 못하고 주관적인 정보나 지식의 오류 등), 시간적 문제, 저작권과 같은 여러 가지 문제점을 야기 시키는 양날의 칼임이 분명 하다. 그러나 이를 교사의 도움과 함께 교육과정에 자연스럽게 흡수시켜 활용한다면 나날이 발전되는 교육과정의 획기적인 요소임은 분명하다. The so-called UCC technology is utilized in more and more applications. UCC is used in educational field for applications in various activities such as sharing UCC as well as watching UCC and participating in the creation of UCC to maximize educational effect. There may be many advantages in applying the merits and ideas based on the spread of UCC in education. In this regard, the theoretical basis of the impact of UCC-based course materials on real-world classes is as the following. First, self-directed learning emphasizes autonomous factors such as independence, values, efficiency, inherent motivation, degree of participation and relationship, etc. As it helps one to be involved in learning activities more closely, it helps to enhance learning efficiency and bring about more creativity and problem-solving ability. Second, UCC helps to bring about interactions in educational fields allowing communication between learners and other educational environment. Such interactions are important to bring about efficiency and motivations of learning activities. In fact, there are many advantages in applying UCC in learning processes. First, unprofessional UCC created by students can be more useful than finely made UCC by applying UCC to help students more familiar with class courses. In the eyes of students, excellent UCC created by professionals belong to the category of educational contents to be found anywhere, anytime with ease. That makes it difficult to differentiate them from other contents sources. However, unprofessional UCC created by their own classmates and friends or by themselves can be easy to identify with and offer more interest and curiosity to enhance impression. Second, team work to think over and produce a single UCC based on a single issue can help to express thoughts and ideas of each person from various angles. That can help to strengthen the power of thoughts on the part of the producer and the flexibility in thinking to consider the thoughts and ideas of others. Third, it can help learners to gain more self-confidence by allowing student-created UCC in class activities and class instructors to give positive comments on them to help them to become more active in classes as well UCC activities. Furthermore, it is very likely that other class participants will feel more motivated to be active in various class activities as well UCC creation activities. Student-created UCC are bound to contain some unprofessional elements such as inaccurate information and knowledge as well as lack of objectivity in them while there are also problems such as production time and intellectual copyrights. Such problems present negative aspects in the application of UCC in school class activities. Nonetheless, it is certain UCC can be an epochal element in daily advancing educational processes by seamlessly absorbing and applying UCC created by students with the assistance of their teachers and instructors in school class activities.

      • 중등미술교육이 삶에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        김준철 목원대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the requirements and proper improvements needed for future art education through the study of the strengths and weaknesses of past art education. For this purpose, the parents of current middle school students participated in a survey. The survey showed that past art classes which the participants experienced have had an effect on their current lives. The participants involved in this research were parents of middle school students residing in Gayang-dong and Birae-dong in the city of Daejeon. The research was investigated using the following various items: the actual investigation of existing middle school art education, personal history, middle school art education degree (content, interest, accomplishment background, etc.), linking life with middle school art education (purchasing goods, leisure life, housework, children's education, occupation, art industry, etc.), and educational curriculum. These items were with paralleled with documentary research. The results of the research are as follows: 50% of the participants responded that they can remember their teachers from middle school or high school days. 14.2% answered that it was interesting to learn how to print in other art areas in their school days. According to the statistics, many of the participants reported that when they purchased goods, the influence of their past art education had an average effect. 90.2% are currently not keeping any art work from their middle school days. The percentage of participants who visit an art gallery once a year is 24%. 18.3% have an interest in exhibitions of industrial arts in an art gallery. The number of participants who read a book related to art once a year was 19.4%. 23.7% of those responded that the book was related to design. 36% stated that after viewing a beautiful scene, they would express it in traditional Korean painting. 43.8% said that their middle school art education had an influence on their photographing techniques. Many stated that their middle school art education had an influence on their family life. 46.9% stated that their children are not enrolled in any extra curricular art classes. 19.6% responded that they would like their children to learn traditional korean painting. 38% responded that art education had an average influence on children's growth. 82.6% reported that they had never taught art to children. 36.8% reported that they thought middle school art education had an average affect on their children. 90.7% reported that their current occupation was not art-related. 33.3% stated that their art education did not help them in their current profession. 20.9% stated that, if given a choice of an art-related job, they would choose to be a designer. 31.5% stated that, if they had the opportunity to further study art, they would study design. 45.1% stated that the value of art work as a good investment as average. 35% stated, that if they were to buy any works of art, that they would buy traditional Korean painting. 32.6% stated, they had purchased traditional Korean art. 52.8% stated that if they were to buy any works of art in the future, they would choose classic traditional Korean painting. 43.4% described the present quality of art education as average. 55.8% described the quality of art education in the past as average 59.3% described the professionalism of current art teachers as average. 56.6% stated that the reason for studying art, was a sense of aesthetics and an eye for art. 49.2% stated that two hours was a suitable time to study art. When asked what they thought were the problems in current middle school art education, many of the participants answered that art is ignored in the university entrance test. When asked what they thought was wrong with past middle school art education, most of the participants responded that art education should have been standardized. When asked what they thought were the good points of past middle school art education, most participants responded that there was a lot of practice time. When asked how the direction of future middle school art education should be changed, most participants responded that the individual creativity of the students should be encouraged and that various and practical art education is also needed. In this way, we know that art has a great influence on us and plays an important role in our overall lives. In summary, more research needs to be done on teaching methods and on how to relate art with the three aspects of children's lives (economic, practical and the quality of life) in order to motivate an interest in art. Furthermore, under this difficult situation of art education, it is essential that the teachers of art have a keen interest in art themselves and have a broad knowledge of art. Rather than complain about the situation, teachers need to show students how to apply the knowledge they have learned from middle school art class to their lives, how to make an aesthetic life, how to enrich their lives by cultivating their emotional development. In conclusion, art class should be organized in such a way that students understand the importance of art and build up more interest in art. 본 연구 논문은 현행 중학교 미술수업에 관한 것과 현재의 중학교 학생의 학부모님들을 대상으로 자신이 받은 미술수업이 현재의 생활에 미치는 영향을 조사함으로써 과거의 미술수업의 장점과 단점을 통해 앞으로의 미술교육에 필요한 부분이 무엇인가 진단하여 올바른 개선점을 모색하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 연구 방법으로는, 조사연구로서 대전시 동구 가양동 및 비래동에 거주하는 중학교 학생의 학부모님을 대상으로 기존 중등미술교육에 대한 실태 조사, 인적사상. 중등미술 교육정도(내용, 흥미, 성취도 등), 생활과 중등 미술 교육과 연계( 물품구임, 여가생활, 집안일, 자녀교육, 직업, 미술과 산업, 기타), 교육과정 등을 중심으로 문헌 연구를 병행하였다. 연구 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 중ㆍ고등학교 시절 생각나는 선생님에서는 중학교 선생님이 50%나왔으며, 중등교육시절 재미있게 배웠던 미술의 영역은 무엇인가에서는 14.2%가 판화를 재미있게 배웠다고 답을 하였다. 자신이 받은 중등미술교육이 물건을 고를 때 어느 정도 영향을 미치는가에 대한 통계를 보면 전체적으로 보통이다.에 많은 답을 했다. 현재 중등교육시절의 작품을 보관하고 있는가? 에서는 없다가 90.2%나왔으며, 현재 미술과 관련된 취미생활을 하고 있는 취미생활의 분야는? 에서는 서예가 26.7%나왔으며, 1년 사이의 미술관 관람 횟수는? 에서는 1회가 24%나왔으며, 미술관에서 관심 있게 관람하는 분야? 에서는 공예가 18.3%나왔으며, 1년 사이에 미술과 관련된 책을 읽은 횟수? 에서는 1회가 19.4%나왔으며, 미술과 관련된 책을 읽은 분야? 에서는 디자인인 23.7%나왔으며, 아름다운 풍경을 본 후 표현하고 싶은 분야? 동양화가 36%나왔으며, 자신이 받은 중등미술교육이 사진촬영에 미치는 영향? 에서는 보통이다가 43.8%에 만을 답을 했다. 자신이 받은 미술교육과 집안생활에서 어느 정도 영향을 주나? 에서는 전체적으로 보통이다.를 많이 답을 해주었다. 지금 아이들에게 미술과외를 시키고 있나요? 에서는 없다가 46.9%나왔으며, 현재 아이들에게 미술과외를 시키고 있는 분야 동양화가 19.6%나왔으며, 미술교육이 아이들 성장에 어느 정도 영향을 준다고 생각하나요? 에서는 보통이다가 38%나왔으며, 미술을 자녀에게 가르쳐 본 경험이 있습니까? 에서는 없다가 82.6%나왔으며, 미술을 자녀에게 가르칠 때 자신이 받은 중등미술교육이 어느 정도 도움이 되었습니까? 에서는 보통이다가 38.6%에 많은 답을 해주었다. 현재 미술과 관련된 직업을 가지고 있습니까? 에서는 없다가 90.7%나왔으며, 현재 직업이 자신이 받은 중등미술교육이 어느 정도 도움 되었습니까? 에서는 없다가 33.3%나왔으며, 미술과 관련된 직업을 가졌다면 어느 분야를 해보고 싶었습니까? 에서는 디자이너가 20.9%나왔으며, 미술과 관련된 공부를 한다면 어느 분야를 해보겠습니까? 에서는 디자인인 31.5%에 많은 답을 해주었다. 미술품은 어느 정도 투자가치가 있는가? 에서는 보통이다가 45.1%나왔으며, 미술품을 구입하셨다면 어는 분야를 구입 하셨나요? 에서는 동양화가 35%나왔으며, 앞으로 미술품을 구입하셨다면 어는 분야를 구입하시겠습니까? 에서는 동양화가 32.6%나왔으며, 앞으로 미술품을 구입하신다면 어느 시대를 구입 하시겠습니까? 고서화가 52.8%에 많은 답을 해주었다. 현재 중등미술교육은 어느 정도 되고 있다고 생각합니까? 에서는 보통이다가 43.4%나왔으며, 과거의 미술교사의 전문성은 어는 정도 입니까? 에서는 보통이다가 55.8%나왔으며, 현재의 미술교사의 전문성은 어는 정도 입니까? 에서는 보통이다가 59.3%나왔으며, 미술을 배우는 이유는 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? 에서는 미적안목이 56.6%나왔으며, 현재 미술시간은 어느 정도가 적당하다고 생가하십니까? 에서는 2시간이 49.2%나왔으며, 현재의 중등미술교육은 무엇이 문제라고 생각하십니까? 에서는 입시로 인한 중등미술교육의 소홀로 가장 많은 답을 해주었으며, 과거의 중등미술교육은 무엇이 잘못되었다고 생각하십니까? 에서는 획일적인 미술교육을 가장 많이 답을 해주었으며, 과거의 중등미술교육이 좋은 점은 무엇입니까? 에서는 실습시간이 많음을 가장 많은 답을 해주었으며, 앞으로 중등미술교육의 방향이 어떻게 바뀌었으면 합니까? 에서는 아이들의 개성창출, 실용적이고 다양한 미술을 가장 많은 답을 해주었다. 이처럼 미술은 우리의 삶의 전반에 걸쳐 그 영향이 매우 크고, 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 우선 관심을 높이기 위해 아이들이 생활에서 중요하게 생각하고 느끼는 경제적 부분, 실생활, 자신의 삶의 질 향상 등에서 필요로 하는 미술이 될 수 있도록 수업방법의 연구가 필요로 할 것이다. 그래서 미술교사들은 현재의 교육과정에서 미술의 어려운 상황 속에서 불만을 말하기 보다는 먼저 교사 자신이 미술에 대한 관심을 높이고, 아이들이 중등미술교육에서 배운 지식을 응용하여 생활을 보다 아름답게 하고 정서를 함양하여 풍요로운 삶을 영위 할 수 있도록 방법적인 것들을 가르치기 위해 미술전반에 폭넓은 지식을 가져야 할 것이다. 그러므

      • 초등학교 컴퓨터 교육의 실태 및 개선 방안에 관한 연구 : 충청북도 지역을 중심으로

        이희숙 목원대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        The purpose of this study is to find out the reformative plan for computer education through investigating and analyzing the actual status of elementary school computer education in the 7th curriculum. The investigation of recognition was conducted to 155 elementary school teachers and 239 students who are in from the 4th to the 6th grade in Chungcheongbukdo. Data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, and x² using SPSS/WIN 12.0. Results were as follows. First, reformation of facility and environment for computer education should be achieved. Second, the learning content related to computer of the practical course curriculum should be reorganized into the content included the level of previous learning and the development information and communication technology. Third, the type of computer education should be carried out with the one of independent subject. Fourth, the expert computer teacher for computer education should be placed. Fifth, It must have changed the computer education contents and environment to customer-centered educational system. The important roles of computer education of elementary school are for students to cope with the highly informationized society positively and to improve the ability of problem solving, using information and communication technology. Therefore, the plenty of investment and support for students' computer education should be necessarily realized.

      • 수학교사 원격교육연수의 개선방안에 관한 연구

        김영진 목원대학교 교육대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 249647

        This study shows the improvement of mathematics teacher's remote training through researching 114 mathematics teachers' questionnaires, and the results are as follows: First, to improve the effects of remote training, the proper control of the amount of learning and the formation of applicable training contents in schools are needed. Second, for more mathematics teachers' participation in these courses, active publicity about the process of the remote training should be made. Third, the remote training course for improvement of the method to teach and learn the investigative software should be established and various contents for the remote training course should be developed. Fourth, in the period of mathematics teachers' remote training, system supplement for active interactions between the operator and learners(mathematics teacher trainee) should be made. And to increase efficiency in schools, structural changes for sharing and applying the information among the mathematics teachers who have completed the courses should be made.

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