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      • 고려인삼이 흰쥐의 장기조직 핵산 함유량에 미치는 영향

        김철,최현,김정진,김종규,김명석,허만경,Kim, Chul,Choi, Hyun,Kim, Chung-Chin,Kim, Jong-Kyu,Kim, Myung-Suk,Huh, Man-Kyung 대한생리학회 1971 대한생리학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        I. Chemical analysis A study was planned to see if administration of ginseng extract has any influence upon the adrenal, the hepatic, the splenic, and the pancreatic nucleic acid contents of rats, and to estimate the effect of ACTH administration as a substitute for stress reaction upon these nucleic acid contents of rats previously primed with ginseng. Ninety male rats$(body\;weight:\;150{\sim}200gm)$ were divided into the ginseng, the saline, and the normal control groups, which received for 5 days 0.5ml/100 gm body weight of ginseng extract solution (4 mg of ginseng alcohol extract in 1 ml of saline), same amount of saline, or no medication, respectively. On the 5th experimental day, each of the 3 groups was further divided into 2 subgroups yielding the ginseng, the ginseng-ACTIT, the saline, the saline-ACTH, the normal control, and the normal-ACTH subgroups. The ginseng, the saline, and the normal control subgroups were sacrificed 3 hours after the last medication, while the ginseng-ACTH, the saline·ACTH, and the normal-ACTH subgroups received ACTH(0.1 unit/subject) 1 hour after the last medication and were sacrificed after 1 more hour. The adrenal gland, the liver, the spleen and the pancreas of each rat were measured for RNA and DNA contents using the chemical method of Schmidt-Thannhauser-Schneider. Following results were obtained: 1. Adrenal RNA and DNA contents and RNA/DNA ratio were all significantly higher in the ginseng group compared with the values obtained from the normal control and the saline groups. Generally administration of ACTH reduced nucleic acid contents of the viscera examined. However, in the ginseng group the rate of decrease [(value of ginseng-ACTH subgroup-value of ginseng subgroup) x100/value of ginseng subgroup)] in adrenal RNA and DNA contents and in RNA/DNA ratio were more conspicuous than they were in the normal control and the saline groups. 2. Hepatic RNA and DNA contents and RNA/DNA ratio were all significantly less in the ginseng group than in the normal control and the saline groups. After ACTH, the rate of decrease in hepatic RNA, DNA, and RNA/DNA ratio of the ginseng· group was less conspicuous than those of the other 2 groups. 3. With regard to the splenic nucleic acid contents, the RNA and the RNA/DNA values of the ginseng group were higher than those of the normal control group but lower than those of the saline group, while the DNA value of the ginseng group was lower than that of the normal control group but higher than that of the saline group. Following administration of ACTH, the rate of decrease in RNA and DNA contents and in RNA/DNA ratio of the ginseng group was more conspicuous than that of the normal control group but less remarkable than that of the saline group. 4. Pancreatic RNA and DNA contents were notably lower in the ginseng group than in the normal control and the saline groups. However, the RNA/DNA ratio of the ginseng group was higher than that of the normal control and the saline groups.'After ACTH, the rate of decrease in pancreatic RNA and RNA/DNA ratio of the ginseng group was less than that of the normal. control group but more than that of the saline group, while the DNA content was actually increased in the ginseng group though it decreased in the normal control and the saline groups. Although the results are not clear enough for an accurate interpretation, they seem to indicate that ginseng exerts notable influence upon the RNA and DNA contents and the RNA/DNA ratio of the viscera stodied. On the whole the drug tends to increase the RNA and DNA contents and RNA/DNA ratio of the adrenal gland but seems to diminish the values of the other 3 viscera. In the early period following ACTH, ginseng facilitates the fall in RNA and DNA contents and RNA/DNA ratio of the adrenal gland, while it tends to reduce the fall in the values of the other viscera studied. II. Autoradiographic and histochemical analysis It was planned autoradiographically and his 1. 인삼주정추출물이 흰쥐의 부신, 간, 비장 및 췌장의 핵산 함유량에 어떤 영향을 미치며, 인삼 투여를 받고 있는 동물이 스트레스(ACTH의 투여로 대신)를 받을 경우에 이들 장기 핵산 함유량에 어떠한 변동이 오는지를 알기 위하여 90마리의 흰쥐($150{\sim}200gm$) 수컷을 인삼군과 식염수군 및 정상군으로 나누고 이것을 각각 다시 둘로 쪼개어 인삼군, 인삼-ACTH군, 식염수군, 식염수-ACTH군, 정상군 및 정상-ACTH군의 여섯 작은 무리로 나누어 다음과 같은 실험을 하였다. 인삼군과 인삼-ACTH군에서는 몸무게 100gm에 대하여 인삼주정추출액(생리적 식염수 1ml속에 4mg의 인삼주정추출물이 포함된 용액)을 0.5ml의 비율로 매일 등뒤 피하에 5일동안 주사하였으며, 식염수군과 식염수-ACTH군에는 생리적 식염수를 몸무게 100gm에 대하여 0.5ml의 비율로 인삼군과 동일한 방법으로 주사하였다. 실험시작 제 5일째에 정상군과 식염수군 및 인삼군은 각각 전처치 없이 또는 인삼 혹은 식염수 주사후 2시간 만에 도살하고, 정상-ACTH군, 인삼-ACTH군 및 식염수-ACTH군은 각각 직접 또는 인삼이나 식염수를 투여한 다음 1시간 만에 ACTH를 주사하고, 그 시각부터 1시간후에 도살하여 부신, 간, 비장 및 췌장 조직의 핵산 함유량을 측정하였다. 이들 측정치를 지표로하여 인삼이 장기 핵산에 미치는 영향을 관찰한바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 부신조직 RNA, DNA 및 RNA/DNA는 인삼군의 값이 정상군 및 식염수군의 그것보다 현저하게 많다. 인삼군의 값에 대한 인삼-ACTH군 값의 감소율은 정상군 및 식염수군에 대한 정상-ACTH군 및 식염수-ACTH군의 그것보다 현저하게 크다. 2) 간 조직의 RNA, DNA 및 RNA/DNA는 인삼군의 값이 정상군 및 식염수군의 값보다 현저하게 감소되었다. 인삼군 값에 대한 인삼-ACTH군 값의 감소율은 정상군 및 식염수군에 대한 정상-ACTH군 및 식염수-ACTH군의 그것 보다 적다. 3) 비장 조직의 RNA와 RNA/DNA는 인삼군의 값이 정상군의 그것 보다 현저하게 증가되며, 식염수군 보다는 감소된다. 인삼군의 DNA는 정상군에서 보다 감소되며, 식염수군의 그것 보다 증가된다. 인삼군 값에 대한 인삼-ACTH군 값의 감소율은 정상군에 대한 정상-ACTH군의 그것 보다 크며, 식염수군에 대한 식염수-ACTH군의 그것 보다는 작다. 4) 췌장 조직의 RNA와 DNA는 인삼군의 값이 정상군 및 식염수군의 그것 보다 현저하게 감소된다. 인삼군의 RNA/DNA는 정상군 및 식염수군의 그것 보다 증가된다. 인삼군에 대한 인삼-ACTH군의 RNA와 RNA/DNA 감소율은 정상군에 대한 정상-ACTH군의 그것 보다 적으나 식염수군에 대한 실염수-ACTH군의 그것 보다는 현저하게 크다. 인삼-ACTH군의 DNA는 인삼군의 그것 보다 증가되었으나, 정상-ACTH군 및 식염수-ACTH군의 DNA는 정상군 및 식염수군의 그것보다 감소되었다. 이상의 실험성적만으로 명확한 해석을 내리기는 어려우나 인삼은 장기의 RNA, DNA 및 RNA/DNA 비율에 현저한 영향을 미치는 것으로 보인다. 대체로 인삼은 부신의 RNA와 DNA 함유량 및 RNA/DNA 비율을 모두 증가시키나 다른 장기에서는 이들 값을 감소시키는 경향이 있다. 한편 인삼의 투여를 받은 동물에서는 ACTH투여후 조기에 부신 조직의 RNA, DNA 및 RNA/DNA의 감소율이 커지며, 간, 비장 및 췌장 조직의 RNA, DNA 및 RNA/DNA의 감소율은 적어지는 경향이 있다. 2. 인삼 및 ACTH의 투여에 의하여 부신, 췌장, 간 및 비장의 DNA와 RNA 함유량이 변동하는 모습을 화학적 방법으로 추적하여 얻은 전편의 성적

      • 체성신경계(體性神經系)의 기계적(機械的) 생리학(生理學)- 기계적전달(機械的傳達)과 체성신경원(體性神經元)의 초발국소흥분(初發雇所興奮) -

        곽재희(Kwak, Je-Hi) 대한생리학회 1967 대한생리학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        인간(人間)의 감각(感覺), 운동(運動), 사고등(思考等)에 직접관여(直接關與)하는 체성신경원(體性神經元)이 인체내(人體內)에 있어서 단일세포동물(單一細胞動物)과 비체성신경원(非體性神經元)과 같이 각종(各種)의 자극(刺戟)에 직접응(直接應)하므로써 기능적(機能的) 활동(活動)을 개시(開始)한다는 한연(漢然)한 예상하(豫想下)에서 말초(末梢)에서는 혹종(或種)의 통소(痛素)를, 중추(中樞)에서는 어떤 묘(妙)한 화학적(化學約)인 흥분전달물질(興奮傳達物質)을 탐구(探求)하고 있으며 말초(末梢)의 통흥분시발(痛興奮始發)과 대뇌피질(大腦皮質)의 기능발생(機能發生)같은 중요(重要)한 제기전(諸機轉)이 해명(解明)될 가능성(可能性)조차 보이지 않는 것이 체성신경생리학(體性神經生理學)의 현상(現狀)이다. 저자(著者)는 생태분리(生態分離)한 단일신경섬유실험(單一神經纖維實驗)과 임상적연구(臨床的硏究)로서 인체내(人體內)의 체성신경섬유(體性神經纖維)와 그 구심성종말(求心性終末)은 최종(最終) 공통기계적자극(共通機械的刺戟)을 받는 점(點)을 입증(立證)하고 뇌피질내(腦皮質內)의 입사(入射)에 의(依)한 Synapse 전달(傳達)이 기계적(機械的)인 점(點)과 모세혈관확대(毛細血管擴大)에 의(依)한 Glial Satellite 부(部)의 기계적전달(機械的傳達)과 Spine Koph 에서는 입사(入射) 없이도 Massage에 의(依)하여 초발탈분극(初發脫分極)이 발생(發生)될 필연성(必然性)을 지적(指摘)하는 동시(同時)에 저자(著者)가 부르는 『체성신경계(體性神經系)의 기계적생리학(機械的生理學)』에 의(依)하면 난간(難間)에 속(屬)하는 대다수(大多數)의 신경현상(神經現象)과 정신현상(精神現象)이 구체적(具體的)이며 합리적(合理的)이요 또 실용적(實用的)으로 해명(解明)됨을 실례(實例)를 들어서 예시(例示)한다. 본연구(本硏究)는 습수만예(拾數萬例)의 단일신경섬유관찰(單一神經纖維觀察)과 수백예(數百例)의 임상적연구(臨床的硏究)와 최근고도(最近高度)로 발달(發達)된 기술(技術)에 의(依)한 징소생리학적(徵少生理學的) 제연구업속(諸硏究業續)과 전자현미경적형태학성과(電子顯徵鏡的形態學成果)를 종합(綜合)하므로써 성립(成立)된 것이요 하등(何等)적 무리(無理)한 억측(憶測)을 내포(內包)하지 않음을 확신(確信)한다.

      • 가토(家兎) 외경동맥(外經動脈)의 신장도(伸張度)에 대(對)하여

        이동일,주영은,Lee, Dong-Il,Choo, Young-Eun 대한생리학회 1973 대한생리학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        가토(家兎)의 외경동맥(外頸動脈)의 신장도(伸張度)를 알기 위(爲)하여 좌측(左側) 외경동맥(外經動脈)을 절단(切斷)하여 적출(摘出)하고 전혈질(全血質)과 횡절편(橫切片) 및 종절편(縱切片)을 작성(作成)한 후(後) 생리적식염수(生理的食鹽水) 중(中)에 둔 군(群)과 동일(同一)한 방법(方法)으로서 얻은 각(各) 혈질표본(血質標本)을 0.15 mM 및 0.30 mM의 ATP 용액중(溶液中)에 둔 군(群)에서 각각(各各) 15분(分), 45분(分) 및 75분(分)에서 길이 일장력곡선중(一張力曲線中) 탄성(彈性)의 한계(限界) 내(內)에서 Hooke의 법칙(法則)에 따르는 부위(部位)에서 Young 율(率)을 구(求)하여 서로 비교(比較)하였던 바 다음의 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1) 가토(家兎) 외경동맥(外經動脈)의 전혈질(全血質)을 생리적식염수(生理的食鹽水)에 둔 군(群)에서는 그 Young 율(率)이 실험시간(實驗時間) 15분(分)에서는 $4.74{\times}10^7 dyne/cm^2$이었으나 45분(分) 및 75분(分)에서는 각각(各各) 4.62 및 $4.13{\times}10^7 dyne/cm^2$이었다. 한편 ATP 0.30mM의 농도(濃度)에서는 0.15mM의 농도(濃度)에 비(比)하여 낮은 Young 율(率)을 나타내었다. 2) 외경동맥(外經動脈)의 횡절편(橫切片)의 Young 율(率)은 생리적식염수중(生理的食鹽水中)에서는 15분(分), 45분(分) 및 75분(分)에서 각각(各各) 4.11, 3.75 및 $3.90{\times}10^7 dyne/cm^2$으로서 15분(分)이 가장 높고 그 후(後)는 큰 변화(變化)가 없는 경향(傾向)이었으나, ATP 첨가(添加)로서는 실험시간(實驗時間)에 따른 변화(變化)는 볼 수 없었다. ATP 첨가(添加)로서는 0.30mM의 농도(濃度)에서 0.15 mM의 농도(濃度)에 비(比)하여 Young 율(率)이 낮았다. 3) 외경동맥(外經動脈)의 종절편(縱切片)의 Young 율(率)은 생리적식염수(生理的食鹽水)에 둔 군(群)에서는 15분(分), 45분(分) 및 75분(分)에서 각각(各各) 2.12, 2.48 및 $2.46{\times}10^7 dyne/cm^2$으로서 실험초기(實驗初期)에 비(比)하여 후기(後期)에서 Young 율(率)이 약간(若干) 높은 경향(傾向)을 나타내었고, 이러한 경향(傾向)은 ATP의 첨가(添加)로서도 비슷하였다. The distensibility of the major arteries has been investigated extensively, but the value expressed as Young Modulus varies widely by the different schools of the investigators, the major reason undoubtedly being the difficulties encountered in the measurement. In the present study, an attempt was made to elucidate the distensibility of the external carotid artery of the rabbit, which was placed in saline immediately after removing from the apparently healthy, normal rabbit without anesthesia. The circular section strip and longitudinal section strip were made from the whole artery, and Young Modulus of the whole artery, circular section and longitudinal section strips was calculated from the length-tension curve of each sample. Also, the similar samples of the artery seperately obtained were placed in ATP solution in the concentration of 0.15 mM and 0.30 mM, and Young Modulus was similary calculated. Experiments were performed at 15,45 and 75 min after the artery was removed from the rabbit, and the results thus obtained are summarized as follows. 1) Young Modulus of the whole external carotid artery of the rabbit in saline was $4.74{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2$ at 15 min, but lower values were obtained at 45 and 75 min, Young Modulus being $4.62{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2\;and\;4.13{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2$, respectively. When the arterial samples were placed in ATP solutions, Young Modulus did not change much throughout the experiment, and lower Young Moduli were obtained in 0.30 mM ATP solution than in 0. 15 mM ATP solution. 2) Young Modulus Of the Circular Section Strip in Saline was $4.11{\times}10^7dyne/Cm^2,\;3.75{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2\;and\;3.90{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2,$ respectively, at 15, 45 and 75 min, the value at 15 min being the highest. However, when the strip was placed in ATP solutions, no appreciable change was observed throughout the experiment, and Young Moduli were lower in 0.30 mM ATP solution than in 0.15 mM ATP solution. 3) Young Modulus of the longitudinal section strip in saline was $2.12{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2,\;2.48{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2\;and\;2.46{\times}10^7dyne/cm^2$, respectively, at 15, 45 and 75 min, Young Modulus being slightly elevated in the latter part of the experiment. A similar tendency was observed when the strip was placed in ATP solutions.

      • 가토 신피질 Brush Border Membrane과 Basolateral Membrane Vesicle에서 유기이온의 이동에 대한 동력학적 분석

        김용근(Kim, Yong-Keun),우재석(Woo, Jae-Suk),이상호(Lee, Sang-Ho) 대한생리학회 1987 대한생리학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        가토 신피질에서 분리한 brush border membrane (BBM)과 basolateral membrane vesicle (BLM)에서 유기 음이온인 p-aminohippuric acid (PAH)와 유기 양이온인 tetraethylammonium (TEA)의 이동에 대한 동력학적 분석을 하였다. BLM에서 PAH에 대한 Km과 Vmax값은 각각 0.34±0.02 mM과 0.22±0.07 nmol/mg protein/20s였으며 BBM에서 각 값은 8.46±0.57 mM과 4.43±0.40 nmol/mg protein/20s였다. BLM에서 용액내 Na의 제거는 PAH에 대한 Km 값에는 영향없이 Vmax 값을 변화시켰다. BBM에서 TEA이동에 대한 Km과 Vmax 값은 각각 0.55±0.15 mM과 1.04±0.23 nmol/mg protein/20s였으며 BLM에서 각 값은 0.46±0.04 mM과 0.61±0.06 nmol/mg protein/20s였다. BLM에서 측정한 유기 이온들의 이동에 대한 Km 값이 신절편이나 분리된 tubule에서 보고된 값과 일치함을 보였으며 이러한 결과는 신세뇨관 세포막을 통한 유기 이온들의 이동 특성이 membrane vesicle을 분리하는 과정에서 변하지 않았음을 가르킨다.

      • 연령증가에 따른 Atrial Natriuretic Peptide의 신장과 호르몬 효과

        김종덕,김선희,김정수,조경우,Kim, Jong-Duk,Kim, Suhn-Hee,Kim, Jung-Soo,Cho, Kyung-Woo 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Mammalian cardiocytes secrete atrial natriuretic peptides (ANPs) into plasma, which cause marked natriuresis, diuresis, vasorelaxation and inhibition of hormone secretions. Aging influences the ability of the kidney both to conserve and to excrete sodium; i.e., in old animals, the excretory capacity of sodium is reduced and the time required to excrete sodium load is prolonged. Therefore, it is possible that animals differing in ages may respond differently to ANP. In the present study, we determined whether the renal, hormonal and vascular effects of ANP may be influenced by aging in conscious rabbits. The plasma renin concentration decreased with aging but plasma ANP concentration was significantly lower only in 24-month-old rabbits. Plasma aldosterone concentration and atrial ANP content did not change by aging. In 1-month-old rabbits, ANP (atriopeptin III, 3 ug/kg) administered intravenously caused hypotension and decreased in plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations, but did not cause diuresis and natriuresis. In 2 to 5 month-old rabbits, ANP caused hypotension, decreases in Plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations and marked renal effects. However, in 24-month-old rabbits, all the above effects of ANP was blunted. With hydration of physiological saline at a rate of 15 ml/kg/h for 2hr, urine volume and glomerular filtration rate did not change but the electrolyte excretion as well as fractional excretion of sodium significantly increased. The plasma concentrations of active renin and aldosterone were decreased but plasma inactive renin and ANP concentrations were increased. The changes in renal function and plasma level of hormone showed no differences in different ages. These results suggest that the peripheral vascular receptors to ANP may develop earlier than those in the kidney, and the attenuated vascular and renal responses to ANP in the old age may be due to age-related modifications in renal function and blood vessel.

      • 방사면역측정을 위한 항 Gastrin 혈청의 생산 및 평가

        박형진,권혁일,이윤렬,신원임,서상원,오양석,Park, Hyoung-Jin,Kwon, Hyeok-Yil,Lee, Yun-Lyul,Shin, Won-Im,Suh, Sang-Won,Oh, Yang-Suk 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        New Zealand white 계의 토끼에게 EDC를 사용하여 hemocyanin에 접합시킨 human G-17-I을 면역한 결과 gastrin의 방사면역측정에 적합한 항 gastrin 혈청을 얻는데 성공하였다. 본 실험에서 얻은 항 gastrin 혈청의 역가는 1:25,000이며 human G-17-I과 human big gastrin에 매우 친화력이 높은 반면 다른 위장관 peptide 들과는 교차반응성이 아주 낮았다. 본 항 gastrin 혈청의 effective affinity constant는 $1.77{\times}10^{11}/M$이었다. 또한 총 결합부위(total binding sites)는 255 nM, 이질성지수(heterogeneity index)는 0.84 그리고 average affinity constant는 $0.79{\times}10^{11}/M$이었다. 본 실험에서 얻은 항 gastrin 혈청을 사용하여 사람과 흰쥐의 혈장 gastrin 농도를 방사면역측정법으로 측정한 결과 이미 잘 알려진 결과와 동일한 성적을 얻을 수 있었다. 이러한 결과들을 종합하여 볼때 본 실험에서 얻은 항 gastrin 혈청은 생리적농도로 존재하는 gastrin의 방사면역측정에 적합한 것으로 생각된다. In order to produce antibody for use in radioimmunoassay of gastrin in physiological concentration, four rabbits of New Zealand white were immunized with synthetic human gastrin-17-I conjugated to hemocyanin with EDC. Among them, only one rabbit produced antibody that could bind 50% of $^{125}I-gastrin$ at a final dilution of 1:25,000. $^{125}I-gastrin$ was prepared with synthetic human gastrin-17-I and $NaI^{125}$ by lactoperoxidase technique. The product was then purified on a column of Sephadex Gl5/G5O (7:3, w/w) followed by a column of DEAE sephadex A-25. The specific radioactivity of the purified $^{125}I-gastrin$ was in the range of 347-1429 ${\mu}Ci/nmole$ when determined by the self-displacement method. The effective affinity constant $(K_{eff})$, total binding sites (N), heterogeneity index $({\alpha})$ and average affinity constant $(K_{0})$ of the anti-gastrin serum calculated from Scatchard plot as well as Sips plot were $1.77{\times}10^{11}/M$, 255 nM, 0.84 and $0.79{\times}10^{11}/M$, respectively. When radioimmunoassay was performed with the anti-gastrin serum, it was confirmed that the mean concentration of gastrin immunoreactivity in plasma was increased by feeding in humans and rats, and also increased by bombesin administration in rats. The results indicate that the anti-gastrin serum produced in the present investigation is suitable for radioimmunological determination of gastrin in physiological concentration.

      • Prostaglandin $F_{2{\alpha}}$가 가토 대동맥 평활근 수축성에 미치는 영향

        정수성,김세훈,장석종,박해근,Chung, Soo-Sung,Kim, Se-Hoon,Chang, Seok-Jong,Park, Hae-Kun 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        The effects of prostaglandin $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ on the contractility of vascular smooth muscle were investigated in the helical strip of the rabbit aorta. The aortic strip was immersed in the phosphate-buffered Tyrode's solution which was equilibrated with 100% $O_{2}$ at $35^{\circ}C$ and its isometric tension was measured. The contraction was induced by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$, norepinephrine (NE), or potassium (40 mM) in the nomal Tyrode's solution (1 mM, $Ca^{2+}$) or $Ca^{2+}-free$ Tyrode's solution. Effects of verapamil and phentolamine on the contraction were also observed. The aortic strip began to contract at the concentration of $5\;{\mu}g%$ and reached the maximal contraction at the concentration of $150\;{\mu}g%$ $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$. The maximal contraction was corresponded respectively to $52.2{\pm}3.0%$ and $81.5{\pm}3.5%$ of maximal contraction by NE $(1{\times}10^{-5}M)$ and 40 mM $K^{+}$. And the maximal contractions by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ or NE were induced at the concentration of about 1 mM $Ca^{2+}$. $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ induced the contraction of aortic strip even after induction of contraction by 40 mM $K^{+}$ and the contraction by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ was not blocked by the ${\alpha}-receptor$ blocker, phentolamine. And the contraction by the $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ was inhibited partially by a verapamil at the concentration of $1{\times}10^{-5}M$ and the contraction began to increase at the concentration of $1{\times}10^{-4}M$ verapamil. Whereas the contraction by NE was completely blocked by verapamil. Though both the $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ and NE induced the contraction in the $Ca^{2+}-free$ Tyrode's solution, the peak tension was not maintained. But the rate of tension decline was lower in the contraction by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ than in that by NE. The verapamil did not inhibit the contraction by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ in the $Ca^{2+}-free$ Tyrode's solution and increased the contraction at the concentration of above $1{\times}10^{-4}M$. The NE-induced contraction in the $Ca^{2+}-free$ Tyrode's solution was inhibited completely by a verapamil. From the above results it is suggested that the contraction induced by $(PGF_{2{\alpha}})$ results from the promotion of the both $Ca^{2+}$ influx and the intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ release by different way from NE.

      • 쥐의 좌심방에서 세포막을 통한 $Ca^{2+}\;Flux$에 영향을 주는 약물이 자극빈도-장력 곡선에 미치는 영향

        김찬윤,안석균,서창국,강두희,Kim, Chan-Yun,Ahn, Sok-Kyun,Suh, Chang-Kook,Kang, Doo-Hee 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Cardiac muscles show stimulation frequency-dependent tension changes i.e. Bowditch phenomenon and Woodworth phenomenon, the former is an increase of tension with the increase of stimulation frequency, whereas the latter is an increase of tension with a decrease of stimulation frequency. Bowditch phenomenon is seen in the range of frequency 1.0 cps and above, and Woodworth phenomenon below the frequency 1.0 cps in the most of mammalian cardiac atrium. To throw some light on the possible mechanism of both phenomena in rat atrium, influences of drugs affecting $Ca^{2+}$ influx through the plasma membrane $(verapamil,\;La^{3+},\;norepinephrine)$ and $Ca^{2+}$ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) on frequency-tension curve were studied. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1) At low temperature $(27.5^{\circ}C)$, both Bowditch and Woodworth phenomenon were demonstrated. But Bowditch phenomenon disappeared at the temperature above $(32.5^{\circ}C)$. 2) At $(27.5^{\circ}C)$, in the presence of verapamil, a $Ca^{2+}$ channel blocker, a time course of change in the frequency-tension was studied. It was found that Bowditch phenomenon was affected before the Woodworth phenomenon, then the former was completely disappeared. At $(32.5^{\circ}C)$, where no Bow-ditch is seen in normal atrial muscle, Bowditch phenomenon was reappeared by an administration of norepinephrine suggesting again that slow inward current of such as $Ca^{2+}$ channel is closely related to Bowditch phenomenon. 3) At $27.5^{\circ}C$, in the presence of $La^{3+}$, although tensions were decreased at all stimulation frequencies, Bowditch and Woodworth phenomenon were still demonstrated. However in the presence of both $La^{3+}$ and verapamil, Bowditch phenomena was disappeared suggesting that $La^{3+}$ is less effective in blocking $Ca^{2+}$ channel than verapamil. 4) At $27.5^{\circ}C$, in the presence of ryanodine, an inhibitor of calcium release from SR, Woodworth phenomenon was disappeared, which was consistent with previous reports of others, suggesting that $Ca^{2+}$ release from SR is closely related to Woodworth phenomenon. From the above findings, it may be concluded that Bowditch phenomenon is dependent on the magnitude of $Ca^{2+}$ influx through slow channel and Woodworth phenomenon is dependent on the amount of $Ca^{2+}$ stored in SR.

      • 흰쥐에서 내측 편도핵의 전기 자극에 의한 췌액 분비 증가 기전

        윤신희,한상준,조양혁,Yoon, Shin-Hee,Hahn, Sang-June,Jo, Yang-Hyeok 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate whether an electrical stimulation of medial amygdaloid nucleus in rats increases pancreatic secretion. And an involvement of vagus nerve or plasma secretin in this process was also studied. In fasting rats anesthetized with urethane, a monopolar stainless steel electrode was stereotaxically inserted into the right medial amygdaloid nucleus. Pancreatic juice was collected for 20 minutes, during which physiological saline or 0.01 N HCI (0.18 ml/min) was perfused into the duodenum with or without bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagotomy. In the medial amygdaloid group, an electrical stimulation was continuously applied to the medial amygdaloid nucleus during the perfusion period. After collection of pancreatic juice, blood was drawn from the abdominal aorta for determination of the plasma secretin level. The results were as follows: 1) The electrical stimulaion of the medial amygdaloid nucleus did not influence the pancreatic secretion in response to intraduodenal saline perfusion. 2) The stimulation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus significantly increased the pancreatic secretory response (volume, bicarbonate output) to the intraduodenal 0.01 N HCI perfusion, and the increases were abolished by vagotomy. 3) The plasma secretin concentration after the intraduodenal 0.01 N HCI perfusion was higher than that after the saline perfusion. However, neither the electrical stimulation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus nor vagotomy affected the plasma secretin concentration during the intraduodenal perfusion with saline or 0.01 N HCI. It is, therefore, suggested that the medial amygdaloid nucleus facilitates the pancreatic secretion (volume, bicarbonate) elicited by intraduodenal HCI perfusion through the vagus nerve.

      • 상지구심성 입력에 의한 요수팽대부 척수세포의 활성화

        구자란,이애주,신홍기,김기순,Ku, Ja-Ran,Lee, Ae-Joo,Shin, Hong-Kee,Kim, Kee-Soon 대한생리학회 1989 대한생리학회지 Vol.23 No.2

        Extracellular recordings were made from the spinal neurons in the lumbar enlargement of 16 cats before and during electrical stimulation of the radial nerve ipsilaterally and contralaterally. Only neurons activated by remote nerve stimulation (RNS) were included in sample. All the cell classes of spinal neurons which received afferents message from the skin and/or muscles were activated by RNS except LT cells. Approximately three quaters of cells activated by RNS had an inhibitory receptive field (RF) on the ipsilateral hindlimb and two thirds of RNS-activated neurons showed spontaneous activity. The most of these RNS-activated cells seemed to be in deep dorsal horn and in ventral horn as well. Stimulation of contralateral radial nerve produced activation of spinal neurons almost same degree as by ipsilateral nerve stimulation. The optimal stimulation parameters of radial nerve for activation of spinal cells were 5Hz-0.5 msec-2V while threshold stimulus for activation was approximately 0.18 V. Following close intra-arterial injection of $K^+$ ion excitability of RNS-activated neuron was increased in 4 of 8 cells whereas it was decreased in 2 of 8 cells. The results indicate that there are some spinal neurons in the lumbar enlargement of cats that can be activated by forelimb afferent $(A{\beta}\;&\;A{\delta})$ inputs.

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