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      • KCI등재

        토양중 게르마늄 농도에 따른 벼의 생육 특성 및 게르마늄 흡수

        이성태,이영한,최용조,이상대,이춘희,허종수 한국환경농학회 2005 한국환경농학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        게르마늄의 약리효능이 알려짐에 따라 게르마늄이 깅화된 기능성 농산물의 요구도가 높아지는 추세이다. 본 연구는 게르마늄의 농업적 이용에 대한 기초 사료를 제공하고자 실시하였으며, 벼의 생육 및 게르마늄 흡수에 미치는 게르마늄처리 효과는 다음과 같다. 게르마늄을 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 및 10.0 mg/kg으로 처리할 토양을 와그너포트에 넣어 벼를 재배힌 결과, 게르마늄 처리농도가 증가할수록 게르마늄 독성의 증가로 초장, 수장, 수수 및 수량이 급격히 감소하였으며 게르마늄 2.5 mg/kg 이상에서는 게르마늄 독성이 발생하였다. 게르마늄 처리농도가 증가할수록 벼의 게르마늄 흡수랑은 증가하였으나 벼의 게르마늄 이용율은 게르마늄 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 mg/kg 처리에서 각각 20.7, 12.5 및 7.5%로서 게르마늄 처리농도가 증가할수록 감소하였다. 벼의 부위별 게르마늄 함량은 볏짚>왕겨>현미 순으로 높았다. 게르마늄 2.5 mg/kg 처리시 볏짚, 왕겨 및 현미의 게르마늄 함량은 각각 103.4, 30.2 및 3.02 mg/kg 이었고, 볏짚과 왕겨에서는 게르마늄 무처리에서도 각각 2.9 및 3.9 mg/kg을 함유하고 있었다. 쌀의 아미노산 함량을 분석한 결과 게르마늄 처리농도가 증가할수록 Asx., Thr., Ser. 등 대부분 종류의 아미노산 함량이 증가하였으며, 그 결과 현미중 질소흡수량도 증가하였다. In order to obtain the basic information for agricultural utilization of Germanium(Ge), the growth characteristics and Ge absorption of rice plant were investigated with different Ge concentration in soil. Ge concentrations were treated with 0, 2.5, 5.0 7.5 and 10.0 mg/kg in pot(1/5,000a), respectively. As higher the Ge concentration in soil, the Ge absorption amount in straw, husk and brown rice were increased. But the yields were decreased with the increase of Ge phytotoxicity. When rice plant was grown more than 2.5 mg/kg Ge(as GeO₂) in the soil, growth was inhibited by germanium phytotoxicity and necrosis spots were observed in the rice leaf blades. Therefore the optimum concentration of Ge was less than 2.5 mg/kg in rice plant. When rice plant was cultivated on soil supplemented with 2.5 mg/kg Ge, Ge content in straw, husk and brown rice was 103.4, 30.2 and 3.02 mg/kg, respectively. The Ge content in plant was high in the order of straw > husk > brown rice. Most of the amino acids in rice were increased with the increase of Ge treatment, besides, total amino acid contents also increased.

      • KCI등재

        경남지역의 토양 및 농작물중 게르마늄 함량

        이성태,이영한,이홍재,조주식,허종수 한국환경농학회 2005 한국환경농학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        양질의 기능성 농산물 생산을 위하여 게르마늄의 농업적 이용에 대한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 경남지역의 토양을 중심으로 지역, 지형, 토양유형 및 토성별 게르마늄 함량과 자연상태에서 재배한 농작물별 게르마늄 함량을 조사하여 그 분포특성을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 토양중 게르마늄 함량을 분석할 결과 성남지역 논 토양 평균 함량은 0.24 mg/kg 이었고, 마산시, 진주시 및 하동군 지역이 0.30 mg/kg 이상으로 높았다. 지형별로는 홍적대지가 0.26 mg/kg으로 약간 높았으나 지형에 따른 큰 차이는 없었다. 토양유형별 게르마늄 함량은 보통답이 0.27 mg/kg으로 사질답과 습답에 비하여 높았으며, 토성별로는 미사질양토가 0.27 mg/kg으로 비교적 높았다. 일반농작물중 게르마늄 함량은 곡류>채소류>과일류 순으로 높았고, 쌀과 보리는 각각 약 68 및 48 μg/kg의 게르마늄을 함유하고 있었으며, 단감과 배는 각각 약 11 및 23 μg/kg으로 전반직으로 낮을 수준이었다. 채소류중 게르마늄 함량은 엽채류>근채류>과채류 순으로 높았으며 특히 상추와 열무중 게르마늄 함량이 각각 약 62 및 65 μg/kg으로서 높았다. 약용작물중 게르마늄 함량을 신선초(Angelica keiskei), 토천궁(Ligusticum chuanxiong), 인삼(Panax ginseng), 삽주(Atractylodes macrocephala), 백지(Angelica dahurica), 맥문동(Liriope platyphylla) 및 도라지(Platycodon grandiflorum)에서 100 μg/kg 이상으로 게르마늄 함량이 높았으며, 선학초(Agrimonia pilose) 및 일당귀(angelica acutiloba)의 함량은 각각 37 및 30 μg/kg으로 낮았다. To investigate the germanium content in paddy soil in Gyeongnam province, 310 paddy soil samples were collected at 19 areas in Gyeongnam, Ulsan and Busan. Contents of germanium in paddy soils were analyzed in different topographies, soil types and soil textures. Average content of germanium in Gyeongnam was 0.24 mg/kg, those of Masan, Jinju and Hadong were above 0.30 mg/kg. Germanium content with different topographies were no difference. Germanium contents in different soil types were 0.27 mg/kg in well adapted soil and 0.23 mg/kg in poorly drained soil. Germanium contents in different soil textures were 0.27 mg/kg in silt loam and 0.23 mg/kg in sandy loam. To determine germanium content on agricultural product in the field, content of germanium in cereals, vegetables and fruits were analyzed. Germanium content of agricultural product was high in the order of cereals>vegetables>fruits. In case of vegetables, germanium contents were high in the order of leaf vegetables>root vegetables>fruit vegetables. Germanium contents were high with 62 and 65 μg/kg in lettuce and young radish, respectively. To analyze the germanium content in medicinal plant, samples were collected from 19 medicinal plants at Hamyang areas. Germanium contents in Angelica keiskei, Ligusticum chuan wng, Panay ginseng and Atractylodes nacrocephala were relatively high with 100 μg/kg above.

      • KCI등재

        교합면 소와 열구에서 산부식 제재의 효과적인 침투 방법에 대한 연구

        이성룡,이상호,이창섭,이난영 大韓小兒齒科學會 2005 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.32 No.3

        치면열구전색술의 우식예방효과는 전색제의 유지력과 밀접한 연관이 있으며, 이는 전 단계 과정인 산부식제의 열구 내 침투율에 따라 달라질 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 교합면 소와 및 열구에 산부식제의 효과적인 침투를 위해 여러 가지 방법을 적용하여 비교 분석하였다. 이를 위해 발거된 상악 제 1,2 소구치 40개를 각각 10개씩 4개의 군으로 나누었다. Ⅰ군은 교합면 소와 및 열구 부위에 통법에 따라 산부식제를 도포하였고 Ⅱ군은 각 치아의 교합면 소와 및 열구부위에 산부식제 도포와 함께 초음파 진동을 주었다. Ⅲ군은 각 치아의 교합면 소와 및 열구부위에 열구성형술(Fissurotomy)를 시행한 후 산부식제를 도포하였고, Ⅳ군은 각 치아의 교합면 소와 및 열구부위에 열구성형술후 산부식제 도포와 초음파 진동을 동시에 시행하였다. 이상의 실험 후 각 군의 산부식제 침투도를 비교 연구하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 각 군의 산부식제 침투도를 비교한 결과, 각각 Ⅲ군과 Ⅳ군에서 Ⅰ군에 대해 향상된 침투도를 관찰할 수 있었다(P<0.05). 2. 부위별 군에 따른 침투도를 비교한 결과, 근심 소와부위와 원심 소와부위에서는 Ⅲ군과 Ⅳ군이 Ⅰ군에 대해 향상된 침투도를 보였으나(P<0.05), 열구 중앙부위는 각 군 간에 차이가 없었다(P>0.05). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effective penetration methods of acid etching agents in the pit and fissures on the occlusal surface. Extracted maxillary first and second premolars were divided into 4 groups : to Group Ⅰ only acid etching agent was applied, to Group Ⅱ ultrasonic scaler as well as acid etching agent were applied, to Group Ⅲ after fissurotomy acid etching agent was applied, and to Group Ⅳ after fissurotomy the same process performed with Group Ⅱ. The comparison between the 4 groups by the use of scanning electron microscope showed the results as follows : 1. Comparing each groups with regard to the penetration rate(%) of acid etching agents, Group Ⅲ and Group Ⅳ showed improved penetration rate(%) compared with Group Ⅰ. Group Ⅱ made no significant different results from Group Ⅰ, but had somewhat better penetration rate(%). 2. Comparing each groups with regard to the penetration rate(%) of acid etching agents according to regions within fissures, Group Ⅲ and Group Ⅳ showed more improved penetration rate than Group Ⅰ in the mesial pit and distal pit. However, no significant difference between each groups was showed in the middle fissure.

      • 한국인 심부전증 환자 심근에서의 인형 거대 세포 바이러스 감염

        이명용,이무용,김영권,한성식,최성준,김효수,이영우,서정돈 단국대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.33 No.-

        Objectives: In order to evaluated the prevalence and the site of infection of cytomegalovirus in terminally failing heart, cytomegaloviral DNA was detected in the explanted hearts of transplantation recipients. Methods: DNA extractions were performed from explanted failing hearts(N=22) and normal hearts(N=5) and polymerase cain reactions(PCRs) were done for detection of late gene sequence coding pp150 glycoprotein. The products were confirmed by electrophoresis on the 1% agarose gel. n order to improve the detectability of cytomegaloviral genome, nested PCRs were executed with the primers designed for the original 607 bp products. In situ PCRs also were done with the samples which were confirmed as positive for CMV viral genome by nested PCRs. Results: All patients had IgG anti-cytomegalovirus antibody and did not have IgM anti-cytomegalovirus antibody. Cytomegaloviral genomes in myocardium were detected by polymerase chain reaction. The 607bp products by PCRs were found in both explanted failing heart(3 cases/22. 13.5%) and normal hearts( 1 case/5, 20.0%). In nested PCRs, 186bp products were found in both failing hearts(LV 4/22, LA 3/2, RV 4/22, RA 0/17) and normal hearts(LV 2/5, LA 1/4, RV 2/5, RA 2/5). These was no significant change in positivity of cytomegaloviral DNA genome between failing and normal hearts. Total positivity of cytomegaloviral genome in explanted hearts was 44.4% according to the nested PCR results. The positivity of cytomegaloviral DNA by n situ PCR was 33.3%(4/12), and the site of positive reaction was the nuclei of the myocardial cells. Conclusion: Cytomegalovirus was rarely observed in explanted hearts of terminal heart failure and nested PCR could enhance the sensitivity of cytomegaloviral genome detection. The result of the in situ PCR showed the site of the cytomegaloviral infection was nuclei of the myocardial cells. Cytomegalovirus, however, might have no direct causal relationship in the development of terminal heart failure.

      • 혼합형 자가면역성 용혈성 빈혈을 동반한 전신성 홍반성 루푸스 1예

        이승철,김선임,이승훈,이현경,조남국,한성훈,유영진,조종래 인제대학교 2000 仁濟醫學 Vol.21 No.2

        A 17-year-women developed mixed warm and cold antibody type autoimmune hemolytic anemia associated with systemic lupus erythematosus. The patients was admitted to our hospital for syncope. Jaundice was observed. Urinalysis revealed protein and hemoglobin. Her hemoglobin was 4.6g/dl and reticulocytes were 10%. Total bilirubin was elevated, while haptoglobin and complement were abnormally reduced. ANA and mitochondrial Ab were detected. The direct and indirect Coombs test were positive. The direct antiglobulin test was positive ; IgG and C3d were detected on the red cell surface. The cold agglutinin(CA) titer was 128. The patients was initially treated with high dose steroid therapy. However the patients did not responded to high dose steroid therapy. We treated the patients with plasmapheresis and synchronized cyclophosphamide therapy. Clinical remission of hematologic complications was achieved in this patients. We report a case of mixed type autoimmune hemolytic anemia with SLE that responded plasma pheresis and synchronized cyclophosphamide therapy.

      • KCI등재후보

        표면근전도와 적외선체열촬영을 이용한 요통의 평가

        이강진,최인성,이소영,한재영,이삼규,채홍재,이성과,문재동 대한산업의학회 2001 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        목적 : 요통환자에서 요통의 유무와 강도를 평가하고자 표면근전도를 이용하여 근육 활동성의 차이를 검증하였고 적외선체열촬영을 이용하여 제표면 온도의 변화를 측정하였다. 방법 : 요통환자군 16명과 대조군 16명에 대하여 요부에 부착한 표면전극에서 얻은 근전도 신호와 적외선체열촬영 결과를 비교하였다. 교란요인의 영향을 배제하기 위하여 연령과 성별 그리고 비만도에 따라 정상 대조군과 요통환자군을 짝짓기하여 각각 16명씩 선정하였다. 결과 : 정적표면근전도 실시 결과 우측의 경우 중앙값이 요통환자군에서 198.1 ㎶, 정상대조군에서는 161.3 ㎶로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었고(p<0.01), 좌측은 요통환자군에서 194.2 ㎶, 정상대조군에서 180.5 ㎶로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 동적표면근전도 실시 결과 재신전시와 굴곡시 근전위의 비가 우측의 경우 요통환자군에서 중앙값이 1.12였고 정상 대조군은 1.39로서 두 군간에 유의한 차이가 있었고(p=0.027), 좌측의 경우도 요통환자군에서는 1.08이었고 정상 대조군에서는 1.21로 유의한 차이가 있었다(p=0.036). 적외선체열촬영결과 ΔT가 0.5 ℃ 이상의 차이가 있을 때 이상이 있는 것으로 정하면, 요통환자군에서는 16명 모두 이상자로 판정되었고, 정상 대조군에서는 16명중 3명이 이상자로 판정되어 민감도는 100 %, 특이도는 81.3 % 였다. 표면근전도를 이용한 요통의 진단은 민감도가 78.6 %이고 특이도가 72.2 %였으며, 적외선체열촬영은 민감도가 100 %였고 특이도가 87.5 %였다. 결론 : 이러한 결과로 볼 때 표면근전도 검사법과 적외선체열촬영은 요통을 간접적으로 평가하는데 도움이 되는 검사법이며, 적외선체열촬영이 표면근전도검사법에 비하여 보다 정확한 검사법으로 판단된다. Objectives : We studied the efficacy of surface electromyography(SEMG) and digital infrared theimographic imaging (DITI) in the assessment of low back pain both(LBP) Methods : We compared electromygraphic signals from electrodes placed in the lumbar area and the digital theimographic images in 16 LBPpatients and 16 control subjects. The LBP patients and the control subjects were matched for age, gender, and body mass index(BMI) to adjust for any confounding effects Results : In the static analyses of SEMG, median value was 198.1 ㎶ for the controls on the right side, and they were 194.2 ㎶ and 180.5㎶ on left side respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between the two groups on the right side(p<0.01), but not on the left side. In the dynamic analyses of the SEMG, the median values of the extension per flexion ratio of right side were 1.12 for LBP patients and 1.39 for controls. and those on the left side were 1.08 and 1.21 respectively. There were statistically significant differences in both sodes(p<0.05). The sensitivity and specificity were 100% and 81.3% in DITI, 78.6% and 72.2% in SEMG. Conclusions : These results indicate that SEMG and DITI are useful methods for indirect assessments of LBP, and that DITI is more sensitive and specific than SEMG.

      • 인슐린의존형 당뇨병환자에서 임신중 병발한 당뇨병성 케톤산증 1예

        이성근,신영구,이성규,정윤석,이관우,김현만,김행수 아주대학교 1997 아주의학 Vol.2 No.2

        저자등은 인슐린의존형 당뇨병환자에서 임신중에 병발한 당뇨병성 케톤산증을 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. IDDM is an autoimmune disease resulted from beta cell destruction and insulin deficiency, and developed mostly in children and puberty. Ketoaddosis remains one of the most senous complications that can occur in the pregnant diabetic. A 26-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 0, was admitted at 32 weeks gestation because of fever lasted for 6 days. She had been treated with insulin pump during the pregnancy. Blood sugar was well controlled before admission, and the etiology of her ketoacidosis was urinary tract infection and no insulin-intake. DKA was treated with fluids and intravenous insulin. Urinary tract infection was treated with antibiotics, based on culture test. Healthy newbom was later delivered by cesarean section due to fetal distress. We experienced a case of DKA in pregnant woman and report it with a review on literature.

      • 개에서 발생한 수컷 가성 반음양 1례

        이기찬,손정민,윤기영,최호정,박성준,이영원,정성목,신상태,조종기 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2006 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.14 No.-

        In this report, we present a case of the male pseudohermaphrodite in a beagle dog. The animal was subjected for examination due to enlargement of clitoris that was shown as reddish finger-like structure protruding from the vulva. Visual examination of the internal genitalia revealed that the animal possessed both testes and uterus. Based on the findings of physical examination and exploratory laparotomy, it was tentatively diagnosed as male pseudohermaphrodite. Internal genitalia and enlarged clitoris were removed for the prevention of pyometra and Sertoli cell tumor.

      • KCI등재

        Superconducting MgB2 Wire Drawing Considering Anisotropic Hardening Behavior and Hydrostatic Effect

        Young‑Seok Oh,Ho Won Lee,Kook‑Chae Chung,Duck‑Young Hwang,Seong‑Hoon Kang,Jeong Whan Yoon 대한금속·재료학회 2022 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.28 No.7

        Numerical modeling was conducted to investigate the deformation behavior of powder mixture during multi-pass drawingprocesses for multi-filamentary MgB2wire. A modified Drucker-Prager Cap (DPC) model with an elliptical cap surface usingthe new material characterization method was developed to capture the anisotropic hardening behavior and hydrostatic effectof the powder mixture. A number of uniaxial die compaction, cold isostatic pressing, diametrical compression, and uniaxialcompression tests were conducted using different powder densities to characterize the modified DPC model. A commercialfinite element software ABAQUS with a user subroutine was used to simulate the drawing of the MgB2wire. The densityand area fraction of the powder mixture during the wire-drawing process were verified with experimental results. The differencein packing density at the inner and outer filaments of the MgB2wire was successfully captured by simulation. Inaddition, the effect of the initial packing density on the superconducting properties of MgB2wire was numerically studied. It is shown that the increase in the superconducting area, which results from a high initial packing density, should be moreeffective compared to the increase in the grain connectivity in enhancing the critical current properties for the MgB2wirewhen the final packing density is saturated after a number of drawing processes.

      • Multiple myeloma 환자에서 Bortezomib치료 후 발생한 마비성 장폐색증 1례

        김준영,이원식,손창학,박성길,진한영,박석주,조영완,정은욱,강명주,박정하,주영돈 인제대학교 2006 仁濟醫學 Vol.27 No.-

        Bortezomib is the first clinically available proteasome inhibitor that is clinically effective in the treatment of multiple myeloma. A proteasome inhibitor acts through multiple mechanisms to arrest tumor growth, tumor spread, and angiogenesis. The main adverse effects of bortezomib are gastrointestinal symptoms, cytopenia, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy. To date, severe paralytic ileus has not been reported as a toxic effect of bortezomib treatment in multiple myeloma. Bortezomib is a novel agent that has only been used clinically for 30 months, so a need exists to further evaluate its toxicity. We report a case of grade Ⅲ (NCI CTCAE v3.0) or grade Ⅳ(SWOG toxicity criteria) paralytic ileus in a 65-year-old man with relapsed multiple myeloma who underwent one cycle of single-agent bortezomib treatment scheduled in a 21-day cycle (1.3 mg/㎥ as a single i.v. bolus on days 1, 4, 8, and 11).

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