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      • KCI등재

        Supervised pre-training for improved stability in deep reinforcement learning

        Sooyoung Jang,Hyung-Il Kim 한국통신학회 2023 ICT Express Vol.9 No.1

        Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) technology has been actively studied with the recent advances in deep learning. As a result, the researchers are continuously improving performance and expanding the applications. However, recent literature reports that the performance of DRL is sensitive to the various design choices, e.g., the neural network initialization. Accordingly, it makes DRL hard to obtain a stable performance, which degrades reproducibility. Therefore, we propose a supervised pre-training method for both policy and value networks to improve stability. We pre-train the policy network to maximize the initial entropy and pre-train the value network to bias the distribution to a specific value. The experiments are conducted on tasks with discrete action space where it is hard to control the initial entropy. Through the experiments, the effectiveness of the proposed method in terms of stability and performance is validated.

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Formula-based Nutritional Treatment on Colitis in a Murine Model

        Jang Sooyoung,Kim Younjuong,Lee Changjun,Kwon Bomi,Noh Jihye,Jee Jai J.,Yoon Sang Sun,Koh Hong,Park Sowon 대한의학회 2021 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.36 No.50

        Background: Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) induces remission in pediatric Crohn's disease (CD). The exact mechanism of EEN therapy in CD is unknown, but alteration of the intestinal microflora after EEN is thought to affect mucosal healing. To determine the link between EEN therapy and therapeutic efficacy in CD, we established a murine model of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis and applied EEN therapy. Methods: Eight-week-old C57BL/6 mice were administered DSS for 4 days to induce colitis, and either normal chow (NC) or EEN was administered for the following 4 days. The mice were grouped according to the feeding pattern after DSS administration: DSS/NC and DSS/ EEN groups. The clinical course was confirmed via daily observation of the weight and stool. Fecal samples were collected and 16sRNA sequencing was used. The mice were sacrificed to confirm colonic histopathology. Results: Weight reduction and increase in disease activity were observed as the day progressed for 4 days after DSS administration. There was significant weight recovery and improvement in disease activity in the EEN group compared to that in the NC group. Verrucomicrobia and Proteobacteria abundances tended to increase and Bacteroidetes abundance decreased in the EEN group. In the EEN group, significant changes in the β-diversity of the microbiota were observed. In the analysis of microbiome species, abundances of Akkermansia muciniphila, Clostridium cocleatum, mucin-degrading bacteria, Flintibacter butyricus, and Parabacteroides goldsteinii, which are beneficial microbiota, were significantly increased in the EEN group compared to those in the NC group. More abundant mucins were confirmed in the colonic histopathology of the EEN group. These microbial and histopathological differences suggested that EEN might improve colitis symptoms in a murine colitis model by promoting mucin recycling and subsequently inducing the healing effect of the gut barrier. Conclusion: EEN showed clinical efficacy in a murine model of colitis. Based on the increase in mucin-degrading bacteria and the pathological increase in mucin production after EEN administration, it can be observed that mucin plays an important role in the therapeutic effect of EEN.

      • 재질과 거리에 따른 뎁스 이미지 분석

        장수영(Sooyoung Jang),전지훈(Ji Hun Jeon),박준희(Jun Hee Park) 한국통신학회 2021 한국통신학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2021 No.11

        뎁스 카메라의 이미지에는 사물로부터 대상까지의 거리 정보가 담겨 있기 때문에 장애물을 회피해서 목적지까지 도달해야 하는 무인 이동체 제어 등 다양한 서비스에서 많이 사용된다. 하지만 뎁스 카메라는 잡음이 심하기에 이를 이용한 서비스의 성능을 저하시키는 요인이 되기도 한다. 본 논문에서는 다양한 재질과 거리에 따른 뎁스 카메라의 이미지 값을 분석하여 재질과 거리에 따라서 뎁스 카메라의 잡음 정도를 분석한다.

      • 실내 재난 환경을 위한 컨텍스트 기반 자율 무인 이동체 제어 시스템 설계

        장수영(Sooyoung Jang),이상연(Sang-Yeon Lee) 한국화재소방학회 2022 한국화재소방학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2022 No.춘계

        실내 재난 환경에서 요구조자의 골든타임 및 현장대원들의 안전 확보를 위해서 자율 무인 이동체를 활용하려는 요구가 증가하고 있다. 자율 무인 이동체를 통해 현장대원 진입 전에 내부를 수색함으로써 위험 요소들과 요구조자의 위치 등을 빠르게 파악할 수 있기 때문이다. 하지만 실내 재난 환경은 기본적으로 공간이 제한적인 데다가 화재⋅붕괴⋅폭발 등으로 인해서 예상치 못한 장애물 등이 발생하는 경우가 많아서 무인 이동체가 움직일 수 있는 공간의 범위가 한정되는 경우가 많다. 그렇기에 실내 재난 환경에서 무인 이동체는 어느 정도 위험을 감수하고 이동할 수 있어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 컨텍스트 기반 자율 무인 이동체 제어 시스템을 제안한다. 자율 무인 이동체는 본 제어시스템을 통해서 1) 현 상태에서의 이동체와 주변 물체들의 속성값들과 이동체의 제어 명령 별 예상 이동경로를 분석⋅예측하고, 2) 이를 기반으로 각 제어 명령에 대한 안전성을 산출하며, 3) 이 안전성 수치에 기반해서 이동체가 수행할 제어 명령을 도출하게 된다. 본 시스템의 고려 대상인 이동체의 속성에는 이동체 재질(철, 플라스틱, 유리 등), 이동 수단(고정익, 회전익, 바퀴, 무한궤도, 다리 등) 및 그 이동 수단에 대한 가드 여부 그리고 이동 속도 등이 있으며, 주변 물체들의 속성에는 물체 재질(연기, 불, 뾰족한 유리 조각, 부드러운 천, 딱딱한 강철 등)과 물체 이동성(고정, 확산, 선형/원형 이동 등) 등이 있다. 향후 본 제어 시스템이 적용된 자율 무인 이동체 학습 시뮬레이터를 통해서 모사된 실내 재난 환경에서의 자율 무인 이동체 지능 학습 및 성능 분석 관련 연구를 수행할 예정이다.

      • 5G 기반의 스마트시티 서비스 데이터 수집 및 공유 시스템 설계 및 구현

        장수영 ( Sooyoung Jang ),한미경 ( Mikyong Han ) 한국정보처리학회 2019 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        5G 기반의 스마트시티 서비스 데이터 수집 및 공유 시스템은 5G 융합서비스 플랫폼의 시스템 컴포넌트로 설계 및 개발된 시스템이다. 본 시스템은 크게 데이터 수집 서브시스템, 데이터베이스 서브시스템, 및 데이터 공유 서브시스템 세 서브시스템으로 이루어져 있으며, 범용성, 확장성, 유연 성 및 개방성에 중점을 두고 설계 및 개발되었다.

      • 국민의 사법절차에 대한 이해도 및 재판에 관한 인식 조사 결과의 분석

        장수영 ( Jang Sooyoung ),이덕환 사법정책연구원 2015 연구보고서 Vol.2015 No.0

        Judicial procedure determines the legal rights or the legality of a specific case by applying laws. The public understanding of the judicial procedure is the indicator showing the extent and accuracy of law-related education the public has received and coverage of the procedure by the mass media(TV, newspapers, internet, etc.). Perception of the trial of the people is the basis for determining fairness, transparency and adequacy of justice. The awareness of the actual trial by the parties is the indicator that determines satisfaction, fairness and propriety of the judicial service. And, it can be seen that the evaluation by the trial parties of the court’s guide to the procedure is a criterion to measure the effectiveness of the various court activities to increase public understanding of judicial procedure(Court website, guides, counselors, etc.) This study was a survey about the understanding for the judicial procedure and awareness about the trial of 1,500 people. And the survey results were analyzed statistically. The purpose of this study is to provide suggestions necessary to improve law-related education, to enhance public understanding of the judicial procedure, and to establish a fair judicial system through the empirical statistical analysis. First, with respect to the understanding of the judicial procedure, the study analyzed ① how people obtain information related to the judiciary, ② to what extent people view themselves as knowledgeable about the judicial procedure and ③ how much information people have about the judicial procedure. The survey on the information is divided into basic information(the distinction between cases that are the subject of civil litigation, criminal and administrative trial, the distinction between party names to be used in the trial, etc), information about the civil procedure(Dispositionsmaxime, Verhandlungsmaxime, etc.), and information about the criminal procedure(Anklagemonopol, Presumption of innocence, etc.). Next, with regard to the awareness of the trial, the study anaylzed the perception of the people without trial experience(the public) and of the people with trial experiences (the trial parties). The details are fairness of the proceedings, the fairness of the trial results, problem awareness of the current proceedings, the confidence in the courts, satisfaction with the trial results, the rising level of understanding of the judicial procedure through the trial, and the change in the degree of confidence in the court through the trial. Through a variety of statistical analysis, the study analyzed the comparisons between the public and the trial parties, comparisons according to demographic variables(gender, age, income, etc.), comparisons according to variables related trial(trial type, the presence or absence of litigation agents), and correlation between understanding of the judicial procedure and awareness of the trial, etc.

      • KCI등재

        수탁 생도 입교 기준의 효용성 연구 -TOPIK3급을 중심으로-

        장수영 ( Jang Sooyoung ) 국제한국어교육학회 2021 한국어 교육 Vol.32 No.2

        This research is a basic research to find out ways to improve the academic ability of foreign cadets in Korea, aiming to survey foreign cadets’ needs and test the appropriateness of the TOPIK 3rd level as an assessment tool for the level of Korean proficiency required of them. To this end, all 66 foreign cadets in the Korean military academy have been surveyed, and it was found that the foreign cadets needed ‘speaking ability’ the most among other language functions. They also had difficulties in understanding lectures, reading study materials, writing reports, and discussing·debating by function. The most frequently cited reason in all 4 functions was ‘vocabulary’. The needs assessment for vocabulary revealed that they were in the highest need of conversational vocabulary, training-related vocabulary, and major-related vocabulary. In this context, questions in TOPIKⅡ had been analyzed and it was found that studying for TOPIKⅡ was helpful to improve general Korean language ability but inappropriate to develop foreign cadets’ academic ability given the unique situation that they are in. Curriculum and assessments that are appropriate for foreign cadets need to be developed for efficient education as soon as possible. (Korea Defense Language Institute)

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