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      • KCI등재

        尙古堂 金光遂의 古董書畵 趣味와 繼承에 대하여

        오상욱(Oh, Sang-uk) 한국고전번역원 2015 民族文化 Vol.46 No.-

        본고에서는 尙古堂의 家系와 당시 교유한 인물들을 중심으로 18세기 고동서화가 갖는 의미와 그가 조선의 문인들에게 끼친 영향에 대해 살펴보았다. 조선후기 고동서화 수집가로 알려진 김광수는 명나라 尙古 華珵(1438~1514)을 私淑하고 본받았다. 好古에 마음이 있었으며, 이로 인해 벼슬을 버리고 유불도[三敎]에 몰두한 것과 고동서화를 소장하고 감상하는 공간을 따로 마련한 것들을 비교해보면, 그는 화정을 닮아가려하였다. 그리고 수집벽은 가문과 부친 金東弼(1678~1737)의 영향을 받았고, 조선후기 고동서화의 취미에 대해서 후대에 여러 문인들에 끼친 영향은 실로 컸다. 李德履, 南泰寬, 李匡師, 李德懋, 柳得恭, 朴齊家, 徐常修, 李廷燮 등의 문인들에게 고동서화의 취미를 유행시키고 전파하는데 영향을 끼쳤으며, 나아가 「청명상하도」라는 서화를 통해 朴趾源, 李德懋, 洪大容, 李東山, 趙榮祏, 金昌業, 曹命采등 고동서화의 취미 소장자를 밝히고, 훗날 「청명상하도」가 서상수에게 계승되었듯이 지식층의 고품격문화인 고동서화 취미를 계승한 것에 큰 공이 있다. 18, 19세기에 많은 수집가와 감식 전문가들이 등장하지만, 고동서화 개척자 겸 수집가이면서 옛것에 탁월한 재주와 취미를 겸비한 자는 金光遂였다. 특히 그는 서화 그리고 청동 골동품을 소장하고 수집하는 癖이 있었는데, 그의 호 ‘尙古堂[옛 것을 숭상하다]’을 보면 얼마나 옛것을 좋아하였는지를 단적으로 잘 알 수 있다. “세상 모두가 나를 버렸듯이 나도 세상에 구하는 것이 없다. 그러나 내가 風雅를 선양하여 태평시대를 서로 이어놓음으로써 300년 조선의 풍속을 바꾸어놓은 일은 먼 훗날 혹시라도 나를 알아주는 자가 있을 것이다.”라며 스스로 300년 조선의 풍속을 바꾼 일, 즉 조선후기 문인들에게 고동서화 수집벽으로 확실하게 각인시킨 김광수였다. 18세기 고동서화가 갖는 의미는 골동품을 단순한 사치품으로 여기지 않고, 선인들의 고아한 格調와 韻致가 깃든 高玩品으로서, 性情과 好古의 趣味를 길러주고, 風流와 情趣 있는 생활을 느끼게 하는 媒介物이었다. 또 단순한 수집보다는 그 眞髓를 향유할 수 있는 안목과 진위를 가릴 수 있는 정확한 감식력을 갖출 것을 강조하였다. 이렇듯 고동서화의 완숙한 취미를 위해서는 충분한 수집욕과 소장욕이 필요하며, 문인 취향과 밀접한 관계를 갖고 전개되었던 고동서화의 수집에서 김광수라는 인물이 여러 고동서화를 소장하고서 문인들 사이에 볼거리로 제공하고, 함께 감상하면서 고동서화에 대한 인식은 더욱 높아져 갔다. 나아가 고동서화 취미는 한층 豊饒해졌고, 문인들의 격을 높이는데 일조하였으니, 상고당이라는 고동서화 수집가의 작은 행동이 조선의 문인생활에 큰 변화를 일으켰으며, 고동서화 취미 유행에 있어 교두보 같은 역할을 하였다. This study will explore the meaning of old paintings and calligraphic works in the late Joseon period. Focus will be placed on the collector Sanggodang Kim Gwang-su(1699-1770) and the influence he had on the literary men with whom he interacted. Kim Gwang-su, well known in the late Joseon as a collector of old paintings and calligraphic works, took the Ming literatus Hwajeong (Hua Cheng 華珵, 1438-1514) as his model. His decision to resign his office, immerse himself in the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, to enjoy antiquities and establish a separate place in which he could both store and appreciate old paintings and calligraphy, was modeled on Hwajeong’s life. His mania for collecting was probably influenced by his father Kim Dong-pil (1678-1737). Kim Gwang-su in turn influenced future generations by his taste in old paintings and calligraphy. In particular, his mania was taken up by Lee Deok-ri, Nam Tae-gwan, Lee Gwang-sa, Lee Jeong-seop, Lee Deok-mu, Yu Deuk-gong, Park Je-ga, and Seo Sang-su. The painting Spring Festival along the River (cheongmyeong sanghado) made a great contribution by transmitting high cultural tastes to intellectuals such as Seo Sang-su as well as Park Ji-won, Lee Deok-mu, Hong Dae-yong, Lee Dong-san, Cho Young-seok, Kim Changeop and Cho Myeong-chae. Among many collectors and connoisseurs of the 18th and 19th centuries, Kim Gwang-suwas known as a pioneering collector of old paintings and calligraphic works who had remarkable taste. In addition to the old paintings and calligraphic works already mentioned, he also collected bronze antiquities. His pen name, Sanggodang (Hall of Reverencing Antiquity), reflects this interest. His collecting mania changed 300 years of literati custom. He commented on this himself, saying: “Just as the entire world abandoned me, so I have nothing to seek from the world. But someone far in the future will probably recognize me for changing three hundred years of Joseon customs by taking the lead in connecting peaceful eras.” The antiques were regarded not only as simple luxuries but also as works of art transmitting the nobility and refinement of their predecessors, which served to help people develop their character, arouse their interest in enjoying old items and provide refined tastes and an elegant life. Emphasis was placed on training artistic judgment in enjoying the essence of the art and on developing a correct appreciation in ascertaining the truth rather than simply collecting items. A strong desire to collect and possess items was required to obtain maturity in taste with regard to old paintings and calligraphic works. Except for Kim Gwang-su, almost nobody had collected and appreciated paint, calligraphic works, and antiquities on the basis of wide-ranging knowledge. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he set off a boom for collecting old paintings and calligraphic works in the Joseon period. He served as a bridge, connecting contemporary literati with the old paintings and calligraphic works that had come into fashion. It is a considered opinion that the simple fact of Kimg Gwang-su’s collecting old paintings and calligraphic works made a huge difference in Joseon.

      • KCI등재

        관북유학자(關北儒學者) 당주(당洲) 박종(朴琮)의 생애(生涯)와 도학연원(道學淵源) 고찰(考察) -『당주집(당洲集)』을 중심(中心)으로-

        오상욱 ( Sang Uk Oh ) 우리어문학회 2016 우리어문연구 Vol.54 No.-

        『당洲集』의 著者 당洲 朴琮(1735~1793)은 咸鏡道 鏡城 출신의 유학자로 18세기關北地方 유학에 영향을 끼친 인물로, 華谷 朴興宗(1600~1687)과 松巖 李載亨(1665~1741)을 私淑하였으며, 農巖 金昌協(1651~1708)과 陶菴 李縡(1680~1746)의 학풍을 이어받았다. 그리고 안동의 陽坡 柳觀鉉을 비롯 영남 남인들과도 교유하 였으며, 澹窩 洪啓禧(1703~1771)의 제자가 되었고, 이후 스승 澹窩를 따라 上京해서 楊州의 江泉亭과 渼湖의 石室書院을 중심으로 渼湖 金元行(1702~1772)을 비롯해 많은 문인들과 교유를 하였으며, 經史에 禮學에 뛰어난 선비였다. 하지만 그는 선비로써의 立身揚名을 시험하였으나, 함경도 문인으로써의 상황을 직시해벼슬을 포기하고, 관북문인으로써 지조와 절의를 지켰으며, 朱子學을 배우고 禮學을 실천하는 전형적인 유학자이면서 山林處士의 삶을 살아간다. 훗날 1777년에 담와의 손자[洪相範]가 정조시해미수사건을 일으킨 일로 인해 연루된 자들 모두가 죽임을 당할 때에, 박종만은 節義를 지키다 寧海로 16년간의 기나긴 定配에 처해지지만 곧은 의지로 더욱 학문에 邁進하고, 자연을 벗 삼아자신의 정체성을 찾는 새로운 기회로 삼았으며, 配所에서 餘生을 보내다 타계한다. 이처럼 당洲는 평생토록 학문을 궁구하고 벼슬에 연연하지 않은 함경도인의 강인한기개와 절의를 가졌으며, 그의 인물관과 의식세계는 함경도 문인의 특징을 대변하기에 충분하다. 그는 담와, 미호 兩先生을 스승으로 모시고 龜溪 洪季修, 鳳巖 韓夢麟, 楡軒韓夢弼, 畏菴 洪章海, 疏江 金鍾健, 漁南 李식, 蘆厓 柳道源 등 많은 문인들과 교유하며 학문 활동을 펼쳤으며, 고향에 돌아와서는 당주서당 등을 통해 많은 후학을 가르쳤다. 그의 학문은 훗날 관북부자 龜巖 李元培(1745~1802)를 거쳐晦堂 玄翊洙, 屯塢 林宗七(1781~1859)로 계승되는 밑거름이 되었다. 이러한 당주 박종의 道學淵源은 우암 송시열과 농암 김창협을 중심으로 화곡 박흥종 - 송암 이재형 - 도암 이재 - 담와 홍계희, 미호 김원행 - 당주 박종순의 학문적 연원을 가지며, 당주 박종은 18세기 北關四賢의 맥을 이었으며, 관북학문을 履修·傳授한 정통성을 지닌 관북유학자였다. 『Dang-Ju Collection』 of Dang-Ju Park Jong (1735~1793) was born in Kyungsung, Hamkyung Province. As Confucian scholar, he had influence over the 18th century Kwanbukregion Confucianism. With Wha-kok Park Hung-jong and Song-am Lee Jae-hyung as a model, Park Jong succeeded to the academic traditions of Kim Chang-hyup and Do-am Lee Jae. And he kept company with Youngnam the Southerners as well as Ahndong Ryu Kwan-hyun and became the pupil of Dan-wha Hong Kye-hee. Later, he followed his master to the capital and had social intercourse with many men of letters such as Mi-ho Kim Won-hang in Kang Chun Jeong and Mi-ho Soeksil Seowon in Yang Ju. Although he tried to achieve fame and prestige as scholar but gave up a government post, facing up to the reality that he was a man of letters from Hamgkyung Province. He kept his principle and belief as Kwanbuk literator and lived a typical life of Chusa as Confucian scholar, learning the teachings of Chu-tzu and practicing Yehak. In 1777, when all the accomplices were punished to death due to the attempted murder of King Jeong-jo by the grandson (Hong Sang-bum) of Dam-wha, only Park Jong was loyal] to his principle and was banished to a territorial waters for 16 years. However, he was more engrossed with learning with upright volition, taking advantage of the banishment as a chance to find his identity while keeping company with nature. He spent the rest of his days in the place of exile and passed away. He showed a strong will of spirit and principle of a Hamkyung-dorian, mastering learning for all his natural without clinging to a government post. Therefore, his character and consciousness are enough to represent the distinctions of Hamkyung-do men of letters. He was associated with many men of letters including Dam-wha, Teacher Mi-ho, Kwi-kye Hong Kye-soo, Bong-am Han Bong-rin, Ku-am Lee Won-bae, Yang-pa Ryu Kwan-hyun, Ye-am Hong Jang-hae, and Ur-nam Lee Kyung-bo. In addition, he trained disciples in Dang-Ju Village School. His academic disciplines paved a ground for succession to Dun-oh Lim Jong-chul through Ku-am Lee Won-bae. Such academic principles of Dang-Ju Park Jong had been handed down from mainly U-am Song Si-yeulm and Nong-am Kim Chang-hyup and also Wha-kok Park Hung-jong, Song-am Lee Jae-hyung, Do-am Lee Jae, Dam-wha Hong Kye-hee, Mi-ho Kim Won-hang and to himself. Dang-Ju Park Jong was a Kwanbuk Confucian scholar of legitimacy among the scholars who succeeded to Kwanbuk Sahyun, learned and passed down Kwanbuk literature in the 18th century.

      • KCI등재

        근로자의 화학물질 노출관련 기록 보존에 관한 연구

        오상민 ( Sang Min Oh ),박동욱 ( Dong Uk Park ),유성재 ( Seoung Jae Yu ),정진우 ( Jin Woo Jung ),임경택 ( Kyung Taek Lim ),이재환 ( Jae Hwan Lee ),하권철 ( Kwon Chul Ha ) 한국산업위생학회 2013 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Objectives: Employee exposure record refers to a record containing information about environmental(workplace) monitoring or measuring of a toxic substance or harmful physical agent. The aims of this study were to examine problems related to exposure records and provide some amendments to the Korean Industrial Safety & Health Act for the effective management of chemical substances under the law. Methods: This study performed a literature search and review on legal provisions related to exposure records of a number of different countries, including Korea, the USA, Japan, EU, Germany, and the UK. They were compared and investigated and the amendment of articles was suggested. Results: The results of this study were provided as suggested amendments to the related act. There were a variety of ways of improvement, including a 30-year retention period and the introduction of new access methods, contents, transfer, and maintenance methods. All exposure data elements have to be standardized, including reference to a similar exposure group(SEG), sampling strategy, and circumstances of exposure(e.g., date, shift length, use of personal protective equipment, etc.). The SEGs are described by process, job, task, and environmental agent. Conclusions: This study is expected to provide for the amendment of the related act in order to ensure effective management of exposure records and is helpful for solving the cause and result of occupational disease by keeping exposure records according to the Industrial Safety & Health Act.

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 경주지역 유람과 유기(遊記)의 특징 고찰

        오상욱 ( Oh Sang-uk ) 동방한문학회 2017 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.71

        19인 작가 모두는 많은 유기를 남길 정도로 산수에 대한 애정이 남달랐으며, 서로가 다른 유람 배경을 안고 慶州으로 유람을 떠났다. 이들이 유람 중 보고 들은 모든 것이 경주를 대변할 만하였으며, 주관적으로 서술된 遊記이지만, 내용면에서는 객관적인 시각으로 경주를 보려고 노력하였다. 옛 신라의 문화유적 佛國寺·瞻星臺·栢栗寺 등 곳곳에 산재한 융성한 불교의 문화를 보고, 月城·瞻星臺 등을 중심으로 사방에 이어진 찬란한 문화와 역사의 숨결을 체험하였으며, 玉山書院·仁山書院 등 道統淵源의 근원지를 둘러보며, 문인으로써 입지와 정체성을 확립하였다. 특히 李萬敷(1664~1732)의 「東都雜錄」, 金相定(1722~1788)의 「東京訪古記」, 任必大(1709~1773)의 「遊東都錄」, 朴琮(1735~1793)의 「東京遊錄」, 朴履坤(1730~1783)의 「遊東京錄」 등은 경주지역을 대변하는 체계적이면서 지침서격인 유기로써, 절목화·일정별·항목별 등 다양한 글쓰기방식이 활용·향유되었으며, 다분히 객관적으로 남에게 보여주기 위한 의도적 글쓰기방식을 활용한 조선후기 유기의 보편적 서술방식이 표면화되었다. 또한 이들 유기들은 경주지역을 다양한 각도에서 바라보았고, 역사적·문화적·문화재 관련 중요한 사료 역할을 하며, 경주지역 유기의 확대와 보편화 등 타인의 유기작품 양상에도 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 앞서 유람자의 길을 답습하였으며[襲用], 보편적 유람의 장소로 경주를 알리고 훗날 유객의 효율적인 유람을 마련한[臥遊] 점이 경주유기의 특징이자 의미가 된다. who each had different background in travelling. The scenes that saw and heard well represents Gyeongju. Especially, by visiting Oksan seowon, Bulguksa temple, Wolsung, Cheomseongdae observatory and other relics, in particular by visiting Poeun, Huijae, and Wooam, they sought the origin of academics, and recognized Gyeongju as the hometown of fabulous culture and history through Buddhism and culture of Silla. 「Dongdojabrok」 by Man-Bu Lee(1664~1732), 「Donggyungbanggogi」 by Sang-Jung Kim(1722~1788), 「Youdongdorok」 by Pil-Dae Im(1709~1773), 「Donggyungyourok」 by Jong Park(1735~ 1793), 「Youdonggyungrok」 by Yi-Gon Park(1730~1783) are travel journals representing Gyeongju region in Jinkyung Era. These 5 authors wrote numerous travel journals which indicates their love toward nature, Travel journal in Gyeongju region during Jinkyung Era utilized various writing skill such as subdivision, by schedule, by item. Even though it is subjectively described journal, it saw Gyeongju in objective view in contents, and the subjective intervention was also based on historical material which makes it persuasive, and utilized intentional writing method to present to others. The journals saw Gyeongju travelling in various point of views, promoted Gyeongju, and later is known to have influence on the generalization of travel journal in Gyeongju region along with the influence on travel journal after the Jinkyung Era.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Clinical Significance of F-18 FP-CIT Dual Time Point PET Imaging in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease

        Oh, Jin-Kyoung,Yoo, Ik-Dong,Seo, Ye-Young,Chung, Yong-An,Yoo, Ie-Ryung,Kim, Sung-Hoon,Song, In-Uk The Korea Society of Nuclear Medicine 2011 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.45 No.4

        Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the diagnostic value of dual time point F-18 FP-CIT PET imaging in idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). Materials and Methods Twenty-four patients with PD (mean age 69.6) and 18 healthy people (mean age 70.26) underwent two sequential PET/CT scans (dual time point imaging) at 90 and 210 min after F-18 FPCIT injection. Tracer activity of region of interest was measured in the caudate, putamen and a reference region in the brain from both time points. The outcome parameter was the striatooccipital ratio (SOR). Normal SOR values were obtained in the control group. The percent change in tracer activity between 90- and 210- min images was calculated. The SOR values and the percent change in tracer activity were compared between the patients and healthy control group. Results The SOR values for the caudate, anterior and posterior putamen at both 90- and 210-min images were significantly reduced in the patients with PD. The lowest P value was obtained for the anterior and posterior putamen (p<0.001) at both time points. There were significant differences of the percent change in tracer activity for the anterior and posterior putamen in the two groups (p=0.01). Conclusions F-18 FP-CIT PET scans at 90 and 210 min after injection are both able to diagnose PD. Therefore, the 90-min image by itself is sufficient for diagnosing PD.

      • High-Performance, Solution-Processed, Embedded Multiscale Metallic Transparent Conductors

        Oh, Yong Suk,Lee, Hyunwoo,Choi, Dong Yun,Lee, Sung-Uk,Kim, Hojin,Yoo, Seunghyup,Park, Inkyu,Sung, Hyung Jin American Chemical Society 2016 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.8 No.17

        <P>High-performance multiscale metallic transparent conductors (TCs) are demonstrated by incorporating Ag nanowire (NW) networks into mictoscale Ag grid structures. Highly conductive Ag grids are fabricated via direct imprinting of an Ag ion ink using a reservoir-assisted mold. In this mold, a macroscale cavity) called the 'reservoir', is designed to connect to a grid-patterned cavity. The reservoir has a large cavity volume, which reduces unwanted residual layers within the grid spacings by introducing a thinner liquid film. The reservoir undergoes a large volume reduction during mold deformation, which improves ink filling within the grid patterned cavity through deformation-induced ink injection. The multiscale metallic TCs show a sheet resistance (R-s) of <1.5 Omega/sq and a transmittance (T) of 86% at 550 nm, superior to the corresponding values of Ag NW networks (R-s of 15.6 Omega/sq at a similar T). We estimate the R-s-T performances: of the Ag grids using geometrical calculations and demonstrate that their integration can enhance the opto-eleetrical properties of the Ag NW networks. Multiscale metallic TCs are successfully transferred and embedded into a transparent, flexible, and UV-curable polymer matrix. The embedded multiscale metallic TCs show reasonable electromechanical and chemical stability. The utility of these TCs is demonstrated by fabricating flexible organic solar cells.</P>

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