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        바람직한 미국의 대중정책

        Nye, J.S. Jr. 한국전략문제연구소 1997 전략연구 Vol.4 No.2

        하버드대 J.F.Kennedy행정대학원 J.S.Nye Jr.원장은 Wall Street Jounal지(5.13일자)기고문을 통해 최근 미국내에서 국내정국및 차어나로비 스캔들 등으로 중국에 대한 봉쇄정책을 부활시키자는 논의가 대두되고 있으나 대중 봉쇄정책에는 한계가 있으므로 아시아에서의 장기적 이익을 위해서는 중국에 대한 건설적 개입정책을 계속 추진해 나가야 한다고 주장

      • KCI등재후보

        Global Opportunities & Strategies for Korea’s Aerospace & Defense Industry

        Nye, Jason K.,Chae, Woo Seok 한국방위산업학회 2011 韓國防衛産業學會誌 Vol.18 No.2

        As Korea plans to achieve US$ 5billion in defense export by 2014, there are still many challenges Korean defense companies have to overcome to increase their market share in the global aerospace and defense markets. As countries with far more advanced defense industry have decades of global defense business experience, Korean defense industry will need to continue strengthening its ability to penetrate the increasingly more competitive global market. Furthermore, as defense export is also a business that each seller country government must provide full policy support, there needs to be more effort by the Korean government to help its defense industry overcome various challenges in the global market. On this paper, we propose that Korea’s success in the global aerospace and defense markets will require a combination of factors including: understanding the market trends and opportunities, developing a strategic approach to succeed in response to emerging procurement trends, and developing the right international processes, including Reciprocal Defense Procurement Memorandum of Understanding (RDP-MOU) with the United States, and teams. With forethought, proper preparation, and long-term commitment the Korean defense and security sector can become a new leader among the nation’s export sectors.

      • KCI등재후보

        응급 심폐소생술 후 자발순환회복 및 생존퇴원 관련요인

        이선녀(Sun Nye Lee)(李善女),배정이(Jeong Yee Bae)(裵井이) 위기관리 이론과 실천 2011 Crisisonomy Vol.7 No.4

        This study performed to determine factors influencing on return of spontaneous circulation and discharged alive after cardiac arrest. Authors surveyed characteristics of participants to identify the resuscitation factors to be used to increase the survival rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in emergency room. Authors studied prospectively 331 consecutive patients with emergency room and out-of hospital cardiac arrest who visited Emergency department of Busan Paik Hospital from April 2007 to November 2009. The results of factors influencing return of spontaneous circulation and discharged alive were that the return of spontaneous circulation of females were lower than those of males by 0.82 times, a large of age higher. The non-cardiac was higher than cardiac by 3.53 times for the return of spontaneous circulation. Traumatic heart arrest was lower than cardiac heart arrest by 0.31 times and witness by Cardiopulmonary was resuscitation lower than not Cardiopulmonary resuscitation by 0.67 times. Early CPR by witness and early defibrillation were essential to improve the rate of return of spontaneous circulation in a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Public education and public relations of CPR are needed for Korean people to improve the rate of return of spontaneous circulation in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 본 연구는 2007년 4월 21일부터 2009년 11월 18일까지 인제대학교 부산백병원 응급의료센터에 심정지로 이송된 대상자 중 심폐소생술을 시행 받은 331명을 대상으로 하여 응급실에서 시행되는 심정지 대상자의 심폐소생술 시행 후 자발순환회복과 생존 퇴원율을 파악하고 이에 영향을 미치는 관련 요인을 분석하여 심정지 대상자의 생존률을 증가시키고, 응급 의료 서비스의 현황을 이해하고 앞으로의 발전을 위한 기초자료를 마련하고자 하였다. 자발순환회복 관련 요인을 분석해 본 결과, 남자보다 여자가 0.82배 낮게, 나이가 많을수록 높게 나타났다. 심정지 원인에 있어서는 비심인성 심정지일 때에 심인성 심정지 보다 3.53배 높은 자발순환 회복률을 보였고, 외상성 심정지는 심인성 심정지 보다 0.31배 낮게 나타났다. 목격자의 기본 심폐소생술이 시행되었을 때보다 시행되지 않았을 때 0.67배 낮게 나타났다. 첫 에피네프린을 사용 한 시간은 5분이하일 때가 유의하게 낮게 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 심정지 발생 후 목격자에 의한 신속한 기본 심폐소생술이 이루어질수록 소생가능성이 높은 것으로 확인하였다. 따라서 조기 응급의료체계의 활성화와 기본 심폐소생술에 대한 교육과 홍보가 필요하며 국내 실정에 맞는 응급의료센터에서 심정지 대상자의 심폐소생술의 개발에 관한 연구들이 필요하리라 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        프랜차이즈 미용실에서의 체험마케팅이 브랜드 태도와 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향

        임순녀 ( Sun Nye Lim ),채희옥 ( Hee Ok Chae ),전현진 ( Hyun Jin Jeon ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2014 패션 비즈니스 Vol.18 No.5

        This study examined the relative importance level of experience marketing on brand attitude and brand loyalty in beauty salon franchise stores, and attempted to raise the competitiveness of beauty salon services by presenting this elements as experience marketing strategy directions for beauty salon franchise store management. A questionnaire was used for this study on 350 adults residing in Gwangju Metropolitan City and SPSS 20.0 statistics package was used for analysis. In summary, the results of this study are as follows. First, five factors that make up experience marketing in beauty salon franchise stores were found. They were sensory marketing, relative marketing, emotional marketing, cognitive marketing and behavior marketing. Brand loyalty was categorized into the two factors, attitude loyalty and behavioral loyalty. Also, we found that experience marketing had a statistically positive impact on brand loyalty. Secondly, experience marketing of beauty salon franchise stores was found to have a statistically significant positive effect on brand attitude. Thirdly, we found that the brand attitude of beauty salon franchise stores had a statistically significant positive effect on brand loyalty.

      • KCI등재

        PCM과 TEM을 이용한 서울지역 일부 공공 건축물의 실내공기 중 석면농도 조사

        정숙녀 ( Sook Nye Chung ),남은정 ( Eun Jung Nam ),황순용 ( Soon Yong Hwang ),오석률 ( Seok Ryul Oh ),신진호 ( Jin Ho Shin ),엄석원 ( Seok Won Eom ),채영주 ( Young Zoo Chae ) 한국산업위생학회 2011 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Objectives: This investigation is purposed to evaluate the airborne asbestos concentrations in the public buildings having asbestos containing materials(ACMs) in Seoul. Methods: The Seoul Metropolitan Government carried out an asbestos survey to the city-owned public buildings to identify the level of risk exposure, classified into low, moderate and high risk. To evaluate the airborne concentration of asbestos, 11 sampling sites in ten buildings based on the survey were selected. The air samples from the eleven sites were analyzed by Phase Contrast Microscopy(PCM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and compared the analytical results from the both. Results: 1. The airborne fiber concentrations by PCM were less than the detection limit(7 f/mm2) in 9(82%) out of 11 sampling sites. The highest concentration was 0.0043 f/cc, but it was below the guideline value for indoor air quality(0.01 f/cc), proposed by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. 2. In two sampling sites, having moderate risk level, the chrysotile was identified and showed it`s concentrations of 0.0102 s/cc and 0.0058 s/cc, less than 5 μm lengths. 3. The ACMs identified in the two sampling sites were a packing material(65% of chrysotile) in mechanical area and a thermal system insulation(5% of chrysotile) in a boiler room. Having more possibility of asbestos emission in the mechanical area, it would be required to set up and carry out the asbestos management plan. Conclusions: Based on the result of this study, the airborne asbestos concentrations in the public buildings with ACMs were generally lower than the guideline value for indoor air quality. There are widespread concerns about the possible health risk resulting from the presence of airborne asbestos fibers in the public buildings. Most of the previous studies about airborne asbestos analysis in Korea were performed based on PCM method that asbestos and non-asbestos fibers are counted together. In the public and commercial buildings, having ACMs, it is suggested that the asbestos be analyzed by TEM method to identify asbestos due to concerns about asbestos exposure to workers and unspecified people.

      • KCI등재

        주상복합건물의 관리체계에 관한 고찰

        임숙녀(Suk-Nye Lim) 한국토지공법학회 2023 土地公法硏究 Vol.102 No.-

        집합건물인 주상복합아파트란 상업지역 또는 준주거지역 안에 건축된 건축물로써 동일한 건물 내에 주택과 상가가 복합된 건물을 의미한다. 복합적인 용도를 가진 주상복합아파트가 증가함에 따라 주택부분과 상가부분에 대하여 관리방법이 충돌되는 문제가 대두 되었다. 공동주택은 「건축법」상 용도에 따른 구분이고, 집합건물은 건축물의 구분소유 여부를 기준으로 한 개념이다. 아파트 등 공동주택은 구분소유를 전제로 하기 때문에 집합건물에 해당한다. 반면, 집합건물은 공동주택뿐만 아니라 업무시설이나 근린생활시설 등도 포함하기 때문에 공동주택보다 넓은 개념이다.*이 논문은 2022년도 남서울대학교 학술연구비 지원을 받아 연구되었음. 홍성진, “공동주택관리법과 집합건물법의 하자담보책임 정합성 확보 방안 연구”, 토지공법연구 제91집, 한국토지공법학회, 2020, 120쪽대부분 주상복합아파트의 경우 상가와 아파트가 혼합으로 조성되어 있다가 보니 관리비를 비롯하여 관리 단 등 다수인의 이해관계의 충돌을 합리적으로 조정하기 위해 건물관리의 통일성이 요구된다. 이와 같이 복합적인 용도를 가진 주상복합아파트가 이원적 관리체계에서 비롯되는 문제 해결을 위해서는 「공동주택관리법」과「집합건물법」의 이원화 되어있는 법을 단일 화 하는 방안과 더불어 통합관리가 필요하다. 공동관리가 필요한 한도 내에서 공동 관리하는 경우들에 관한 합리적 관리를 위해서 표준관리규약 등 관리 규정이 마련되어야 한다. 따라서 공동주택관리법에 따른 이원적 관리체제가 아닌 집합건물법에 따라 주거소유자와 상가소유자 및 사용자 전체로 구성된 통합 관리 단으로 하여금 주상복합건물을 관리하게 함으로써 종합적인 관리가 이루어질 수 있도록 하여야 할 것이다. 또한 주상복합건물의 관리 단 및 일부공용부분 관리 단 설립에 대한 행정 지원이 확대되어야 한다. 지역에 따라서는 주거와 상가 부분의 관리 단 및 자치위원회가 상호 협의하여 관리규약에 공동관리에 관한 규정을 두고 있기도 하다. 그러나 여기에는 관리비용 지출, 관리인, 관리비 부과 비율 등에 관한 세부적인 규정이 없으므로 통합관리에 대한 불신·불만으로 통합관리에 관한 적법성을 다투는 경우가 발생한다. 지방자치단체에서는 집합건물 관리에 관한 지원을 위해 업무를 담당하는 부서나 기관을 두고 있다. 하지만 서울과 경기 등 수도권을 제외한 대부분 지역에서는 주로 건물에 관한 분쟁 민원과 조정에 관한 소극적 업무를 수행하고 있다. 일부공용부분 관리 단에 관한 문제는 일부공용부분 관리 단 설립의 적법성 여부를 다투는 사례가 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 관리 단 및 일부공용부분 관리 단은 건물 사용승인 후 또는 입주초기에 설립된다. 따라서 통합관리나 공동 관리하는 경우에 대한 기준이 되는 표준관리규약 등 관리 규정 마련이 필요하다. 집합건물의 공용부분에 대한 관리는 관리 단의 업무 대부분을 차지한다고 할 만큼 매우 중요하다. 그 구분이 명확하지 않을 경우 분쟁 발생과 법적논쟁의 대상이 되기 때문에 주거부분과 상가부분의 소유자가 함께 사용하는 공용부분의 범위와 이용기준이 마련되어야 한다. 주상복합건물 관리에 있어서 주택관리사, 빌딩관리사 등 전문성을 가진 관리인을 선임·선출하도록 하는 규정을 두어 전문적이고 합리적인 건물관리가 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 한다. 또한 분쟁을 사전에 예방하기 위해서는 분양단계에서부터 분양계약서 및 관리규약에 공용부분의 범위와 공용부분의 사용방법 등을 규정해야 할 것이다.주상복합건물의 합리적 관리를 위하여 집합건물관리에 대한 이원적 법체계를 정비하여 법 제도를 통일할 필요가 있다. 집합건물은 관리의 목적이나 방식에 있어서 의견을 달리하기 때문에 다수인의 이해관계를 합리적으로 조정하기 위해 건물관리의 통일성이 요구되고, 기술적·법률적·경제적 관리 측면에서 전문적인 관리가 필요하다. A residential and commercial complex, which is a collective building, is a building built in a commercial or semi-residential area, and means a building in which houses and shopping malls are combined in the same building. As the number of residential and commercial complex apartments with complex uses increased, there was a problem of conflicting management methods for the housing and commercial areas. Apartment houses are classified according to the purpose of the 「Building Act」, and collective buildings are concepts based on whether buildings are classified or owned. Apartment houses such as apartments are subject to classified ownership, so they are collective buildings. On the other hand, collective buildings are a wider concept than apartment houses because they include not only apartment houses but also business facilities and neighborhood living facilities. In most residential and commercial apartments, shopping malls and apartments are created in a mixture, so uniform building management is required to reasonably adjust conflicts of interests of many people, including management costs. In order to solve the problem of multi-purpose residential and commercial apartments due to the dual management system, integrated management is needed along with a plan to unify the dual laws of the Apartment Housing Management Act and the Collective Building Act. Management regulations, such as standard management rules, should be prepared for rational management of cases where joint management is required. Therefore, it is necessary to allow an integrated management team consisting of housing owners, shopping mall owners, and users to manage residential and commercial buildings in accordance with the Collective Building Act, rather than a Therefore, it is necessary to allow an integrated management team consisting of housing owners, shopping mall owners, and users to manage residential and commercial buildings in accordance with the Collective Building Act, rather than a dual management system under the Apartment Management Act. In addition, administrative support for the establishment of the management group of residential and commercial buildings and some public part management groups should be expanded. Depending on the region, the management groups and autonomous committees of the residential and commercial areas consult with each other to provide regulations on joint management in the management rules. dual management system under the Apartment Management Act. However, there are no specific regulations on administrative expenditure, administrative expenditure, and administrative imposition rate, so the legality of integrated management may be controversial due to distrust or dissatisfaction with integrated management. Local governments have departments or agencies responsible for supporting collective building management. However, most areas except for the Seoul metropolitan area, such as Seoul and Gyeonggi-do, are mainly passive in complaints and mediation of disputes related to buildings. Most of the problems with some public parts management organizations are cases of arguing over the legality of the establishment of some public parts management organizations. The management team and some common part management teams are organized after approval for use of the building or at the beginning of occupancy. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare management regulations such as standard management rules that are the basis of integrated management or joint management. The management of the common part of the collective building is so important that it takes up most of the management team's work. If the distinction is not clear, it is subject to disputes and legal disputes, so the scope and standards of the common parts used by owners of residential and commercial areas must be established. Regulations shall be established to appoint and appoint managers with expertise, such as housing managers and building managers,

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