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        주물공에서 발생한 Goodpasture증후군 1예

        김민기,고동희,이선웅,조민희,유희용,김보연,이준혁 大韓産業醫學會 2008 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Background: Smoking, upper respiratory tract infection, genetic factors and hydrocarbons are known as risk factors of Goodpasture's syndrome. We studied a patient with Goodpasture's syndrome who had worked for 27 years in a foundry company. Based on a study on the work-relatedness of the syndrome, we describe and discuss our study results. Case: A 46-year-o1d man, who had worked as a foundry worker for 27 years and had a 12 1/2 pack-year history of smoking cigarettes, was admitted into a hospital on 15th February 2006 with coughing, chest pain and dyspnea. On admission, he had hematuria, proteinuria, severe restrictive pulmonary function disorder and rapid elevation of blood urea nitrogen/creatinine. Immunological examination showed ANA (+), ANCA (-) and Anti-GBM Ab (+). Kidney biopsy showed pauci-immune crescentic glomeru-lonephritis. Mild bleeding was revealed through bronchoscopy and no vasculitis and granuloma were present on at lung biopsy. Finally, we diagnosed the worker's illness as Goodpasture's syndrome and carried out hemodialysis and plasmapheresis. In the workplace survey, the exposure level of respirable crystalline silica exceeded the TLV-TWA(0.0106 mg/m³), which was calibrated for overtime. Conclusion: Based on both the clinical test and industrial hygiene examination, we concluded that the Goodpasture's syndrome in this case was caused by long-term silica exposure. 배경: 유리규산에 노출되면 말기 신질환의 주요원인인 사구체신염이 증가할뿐만 아니라. 자가면역질환인 Goodpasture 증후군도 발생하는 것으로 보고되어 있다. 저자들은 27년간 주물공으로 근무한 근로자에서 발생한 Goodpasture 증후군이 작업관련성 조사를 통해 유리규산에 의해 발생하였을 가능성이 높다고 판단하였기에 이를 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. 증례: 25년간 반갑씩 흡연을 하였고. 주물공장에서 수동 및 자동조형작업을 27년간 하였다. 내원 2주전부터 발생한 흉통과 기침으로 입원하였으며, 내원 당시 혈뇨, 단백뇨 및 중증의 제한성 폐기능 장애를 보였다. 이후 갑작스럽게 혈액요소질소와 크레아티닌이 증가하였다. 면역검사에서 ANA (+), ANCA (-), Anti-GBM Ab가 36.8 EU/mL(참고치 0∼10 EU/mL)로 양성이었으며, 신조직검사에서 무면역 사구체신염, 기관지내시경에서 출혈이 보여 Goodpasture 증후군으로 진단하고 투석 및 혈장분리 반출술을 시행하였다. 노출평가에서 호흡성분진 중 석영이 0.0793 mg/m³로, 근무시간으로 보정한 노출기준인 0.0106 mg/m³를 초과하였다. 결론: 본 증례는 노출평가와 작업력조사를 통해 유리규산 노출이 확인되었고 다른 전신질환으로 인한 신질환이 아니며 신세뇨관의 기능 이상이 사구체신염보다 먼저 나타난 이유로 유리규산에 노출되어 발생한 Goodpasture 증후군으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        티모시의 품종에 따른 성숙종자 유래의 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화

        이기원(Ki-Won Lee),최기준(Gi Jun Choi),김기용(Ki-Yong Kim),지희정(Hee Chung Ji),정민웅(Min Wong Jung),김경희(Kyung-Hee Kim),이병현(Byung-Hyun Lee),이상훈(Sang-Hoon Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2011 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.31 No.3

        티모시의 4가지 품종을 이용하여 성숙종자로부터 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화 효율을 조사하였다. 4주 동안 배양한 종자로부터 캘러스 유도율은 Colt, Chair, Richmond, Hokuo 순으로 캘러스 유도율을 보였고, 식물체로의 재분화 또한 캘러스 유도율과 같은 Colt>Chair>Richmond>Hokuo 순으로 나타났다. 기본 배지의 종류에 따른 배양 효율의 차이는 품종별 차이는 있으나 MS 배지가, 식물체 재분화는 N6 배지와 MS 배지가 SH 배지에 비해 효과적이었다. 전체적으로는 캘러스 유도율이 높은 품종이 식물체 재분화율도 높은 경향을 나타내었다. 본 연구를 통하여 밝혀진 캘러스 유도와 식물체 재분화율이 우수한 Colt 품종은 유용유전자 도입을 통한 신품종 개발에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것이다. The present study was conducted to determine the optimum in vitro conditions for callus induction and plant regeneration from mature seed derived callus of four cultivars of Timothy. In order to investigate the effects of genetic variations of timothy in tissue culture, calli were induced from mature seeds of four varieties, 'Colt’, 'Chair', 'Richmond' and 'Hokuo' and plant regeneration frequency was compared. Significant differences were observed among the cultivars in both callus induction and plant regeneration. Genotype 'Colt' consistent1y performed best in the callus subculture and plant regeneration. The complete plantlets were thereafter transplanted to grow under greenhouse condition. Regenerated timothy plants were morphologically uniform with normal leaf and growth pattern.

      • KCI등재

        티모시 성숙종자로부터 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화

        이기원(Ki-Won Lee),김기용(Ki-Yong Kim),최기준(Gi Jun Choi),임영철(Young Chul Lim),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Wong Jung),서성(Sung Seo),이병현(Byung-Hyun Lee),이상훈(Sang-Hoon Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2008 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        티모시의 colt 품종을 이용하여 최적 조직배양조건을 확립하기 위하여 성숙종자를 배양함에 있어 첨가되어지는 식물 생장조절 물질의 종류와 농도가 배발생 캘러스 유도 및 식물체 재분화에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 배발생 캘러스 유도시 첨가되는 2,4-D는 3 ㎎/L 첨가구에서 78%로 캘러스 유도율이 가장 높았으며, 3 ㎎/L 2,4-D와 0.1 ㎎/L의 BA를 첨가하여 배양했을 때 형성된 캘러스는 조직적으로 치밀하며 유백색의 배발생 캘러스가 가장 많이 형성되었다. Type B 캘러스만을 이용하여 식물체 재분화에는 1 ㎎/L 2,4-D와 3 ㎎/L BA가 첨가된 배지에 캘러스를 배양했을 때 25.3%의 재분화율을 나타내었다. 본 연구를 통하여 확립된 효율적인 재분화 시스템은 분자육종을 통한 신품종 티모시의 개발에 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것이다. Timothy (Phleum pratense L.) is an important grass species as forage. In order to optimize tissue culture conditions of timothy, the effects of plant growth regulators on callus induction and plant regeneration was investigated with mature seeds of colt cultivar. The optimal concentration of 2,4-D for the induction of primary callus from mature seeds was 3 ㎎/L. The highest embryogenic callus frequency (25%) was observed when the mature seed were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 3 ㎎/L 2,4-D and 0.1 ㎎/L BA. The highest plant regeneration frequency was observed when type B callus was transferred to N6 medium supplemented with 1 ㎎/L 2,4-D and 3 ㎎/L BA. Regenerated plants were grown normally when shoots were transplanted to the soil. A short tissue culture period and regeneration system would be beneficial for molecular breeding of timothy by the production of transgenic plant.

      • KCI등재

        전력증폭기용 SiC 기반 GaN TR 소자 제작

        김상일(Sang-Il Kim),임병옥(Byeong-Ok Lim),최길웅(Gil-Wong Choi),이복형(Bok-Hyung Lee),김형주(Hyoung-Joo Kim),김륜휘(Ryun-Hwi Kim),임기식(Ki-Sik Im),이정희(Jung-Hee Lee),이정수(Jung-Soo Lee),이종민(Jong-Min Lee) 한국전자파학회 2013 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.24 No.2

        본 논문에서는 Si가 도핑된 Modulation-doped AlGaN/GaN 이종 접합 구조를 가지는 전력증폭기용 MISHFET 소자를 제작하였다. 제작된 GaN TR 소자는 6H-SiC(0001)의 Substrate 위에 성장시켰으며, 180 nm의 gate length를 가진다. 제작된 소자를 측정한 결과, 837 ㎃/㎜의 최대 드레인 전류 특성, 177 mS/㎜의 gm(Tranconductance)을 가지며, fT는 45.6 ㎓, f㎃X는 46.5 ㎓로 9.3 ㎓에서 1.54 W/㎜의 전력 밀도와 40.24 %의 PAE를 가지는 것으로 확인되었다. This letter presents the MISHFET with si-doped AlGaN/GaN heterostructure for power amplifier. The device grown on 6H-SiC(0001) substrate with a gate length of 180 nm has been fabricated. The fabricated device exhibited ㎃ximum drain current density of 837 ㎃/㎜ and peak transconductance of 177 mS/㎜. A unity current gain cutoff frequency was 45.6 ㎓ and maximum frequency of oscillation was 46.5 ㎓. The reported output power density was 1.54 W/㎜ and A PAE(Power Added Efficiency) was 40.24 % at 9.3 ㎓.

      • KCI등재

        벼 단인자 계통과 우량 벼품종의 도열병 저항성 분석을 통한 안정 저항성 유전자 탐색

        백만기(Man-Kee Baek),박현수(Hyun-Su Park),이창민(Chang-Min Lee),이효정(Hyo-Jeong Lee),정종민(Jong-Min Jeong),안억근(Eok-Keun Ahn),현웅조(Wong-Jo Hyun),이지윤(Ji-Yoon Lee),정오영(O-Young Jeong),정지웅(Ji-Ung Jeung),이점호(Jeom-Ho Lee) 한국육종학회 2021 한국육종학회지 Vol.53 No.3

        Rice is the most important staple food in Korea. Rice blast, caused by Magnaporthe oryzae, is one of the most devastating diseasesin the rice-growing world and in Korea. Eighteen major blast resistance genes were screened in 33 leading Korean japonica varieties using44 DNA markers. The 33 leading japonica varieties are cultivated in 659,642 ha (90.4%), and a variety of Samkwang is cultivated widelyon a nation-wide scale. Four resistance genes, Pia, Pib, Pi19, and Pb1, were detected in 10-21 varieties, and the R-genes of Pii, Pish, Pita/Pita-2,Piz/Piz-t, Pi35, and Pi65(t), were present in 2-5 varieties. Five R-genes, Pit, Pi5, Pi9, pi21, and Pi40, were not detected in the Korean japonicarice varieties. A total of six varieties, two mid-late flowering varieties, Ilmi and Saeilmi, a medium flowering variety Gopum; and three earlyflowering varieties Jopyeong, Haedamssal, and Haedeul; were resistant to blast nursery screening over 12 years. A variety of Gopum harboredalleles for Piz/Piz-t, and three early flowering varieties, Jopyeong, Haedamssal, and Haedeul, had extensive loci of the multiple-gene familyPiz/Piz-t, Pi9, and Pi40 on chromosome 6. Two mid-late flowering varieties, Ilmi and Saeilmi, harbored the Pita-2 gene, and Gopum hadPita. In the japonica rice breeding program, an effective means for enhancing stable resistance to blast will be to introduce resistance genesPit, Pi5, Pi9, pi21 and Pi40 which were not identified in Korean japonica rice varieties, and resistance genes Pita/Pita-2, Piz-t/Piz-5, to 2-3R genes among and Pi20 that showed stable resistance in monogenic IRBL lines.


        실험적 중추성 폐부종으로 인한 폐 및 시상하부 병변에 대한 Phentolamine의 효과

        이춘장,백민우,김달수,허춘웅,하영수,강준기,송진언 대한신경외과학회 1982 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.11 No.3

        This experiment was performed to define the participation of a discrete hypothalamic neural structure in the genesis of pulmonary edema and the effect of alpha-adrenergic blockade. Fifty adult cats weighing 2.5 to 4.0㎏, were used in this study. The components of the pathophysiological systemic changes, lung weight, and histopathological changes of lung and hypothalamus were studied in groups of animals when intracranial pressure(ICP) was raised to 200㎜H₂O or 300㎜H₂O for 2 hours by intraventricular infusion with normal saline. We have also observed the effect of the alpha-adrenergic blockade(phentolamine) in the neurogenic pulmonary edema which was produced by elevated intracranial pressure. The animals were divided into 5 groups : The normal control group was comprised in 10 normal cats. Control and phentolamine treated animal groups which had an elevated ICP of up to 200㎜H₂O consisted of 10 cats each. Control and phentolamine treated animal groups which had an elevated ICP of up to 300㎜H₂O consisted of 10 cats each. The results obtained were as follows : 1) In the animal groups of elevated ICP to 200㎜H₂O or 300㎜H₂O, there were hemodynamic systemic changes which were neurogenically mediated and caused an immediate elevation in blood pressure of 30㎜Hg to 60㎜Hg. The hemodynamic data of the animals that had an elevated ICP of up to 300㎜H₂O were significantly more deviated from normal control values than the 200㎜H₂O ICP groups. The hemodynamic responses of the phentolamine treated animal with elevated ICP of up to 200 and 300㎜H₂O were less deviated from normal control values. 2) The lung weights of the animals with an elevated ICP of up to 200 and 300 ㎜H₂O were significantly heavier than the normal control value(p<0.05) and the lung weights of the animals with an elevated ICP of 300 ㎜H₂O were significantly heavier than those with an ICP of 200 ㎜H₂O(p<0.01). The lung weights of the phentolamine treated animal groups were significantly lighter than the control group but showed little increase in the lung weight when compared to the normal value. 3) By controlling the elevated ICP above 200 ㎜H₂O in the experimental animals we have confirmed gross and microscopic appearances of hemorrhagic pulmonary edema. Histopathological changes of the phentolamine treated animals were significantly less sever than in the control groups. 4)By elevating ICP above 200㎜H₂O in the experimental animals, we have confirmed discrete bilateral hemorrhagic spots of the anterior hypothalamus, preoptic region induced by increased intracranial pressure. Histopathological change of the phentolamine treated animals with the elevated ICP were significantly less severe than of the control groups. 5) This experimental model may define the specific particification of the hypothalamus in the pathophysiological pathogenesis of neurogenic pulmonary edema. These results suggest that the lungs are directly affected by the intense sympathetic discharge evoked by release phenomenon from the sympathoinhibitory influence of the hypothalamus, and pulmonary edema was effectively eliminated by alpha adrenergic blockade.

      • 천식 환아의 형제에서 흡입성 항원에 의한 피부반응도 및 기관지과민성과 염색체 11q13 유전형 사이의 연관성

        이명현,김유영,김윤근,민경업,조상헌,손지웅,고영률 대한알레르기학회 1998 천식 및 알레르기 Vol.18 No.4

        Background: Increased IgE antibody responses to inhalant allergens and bronchial hyperresponsiveness are important phenotypes in development of asthma. Although heredity reported to be important in expression of these phenotypes in twin and family studies, genetic factor(s) controlling these phenotypes is unknown. Objective: To evaluate whether genetic factor in chromosome 11q13 may control the expression of IgE responses to common inhalant allergens and bronchial hyperresponsiveness, linkage analysis between these phenotypes and gene marker of chromosome 11q13 was investigated. Material and methods: The phenotyping and genotyping using microsatellite marker (D11S97) were performed in 77 probands with bronchial asthma and 80 their sibs. The linkage analysis between these phenotypes and the genotype was evaluated by affected or quantitative trait locus (QTL) sib-pair analysis. Results: Positive skin test responses to inhalant allergens were 55/77(71.4%) in probands and 44/79(55.6%) in sibs, respectively. Positive bronchial provocation test responses to methacholine were 27/61(44.3%) in sibs, geometric mean of PC20-methacholine were 5.2 mg/ml in probands and 39.4 mg/ml in sibs, respectively, and slope of dose response curve(mean ±SE, %/mg/ml) were 11.3 ±3.22 in probands and 1.97 ±0.5 in sibs, respectively. Of 34 sib-pairs with positive skin test responses to allergens, two D11S97 alleles were shared by 21(61.8% ) sib-pairs, one allele by 11(32.3%) sib-pairs, and no identical allele by two(5.9% ) sib-pairs. In affected sib-pairs, sharing rate of the alleles was 77.9%, which indicates linkage of the phenotype and genotype(p$lt;0.001). Of 25 sib-pairs with bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, two D11S97 alleles were shared by seven(28%) sib-pairs, one allele by 11(44%) sib-pairs, and no identical allele by seven(28%) sib-pairs. In affected sib-pairs, sharing rate of the alleles was 50%, which indicates no linkage between the phenotype and genotype(p) 0.05). Differences of geometric value(mean ±SE) of PC-methacholine and slope of dose response curve(mean ±SE, %/mg/ml) were 1.11 ±0.17 and 8.33 ±3.35 in sib-pairs sharing two alleles, respectively, 0.99 ±0.14 and 14.27 ±5.75 in sib-pairs sharing one allele, respectively, and 0.57 ±0.13 and 3.64 ±1.62 in sib-pairs sharing no allele, respectively. There was no difference of the above values among the three groups. Conclusion: The expression of skin reactivity to common inhalant allergens was linked to gene marker of chromosome 11q13, not with bronchial responsiveness to methacholine.


        Near-field focusing and magnification through self-assembled nanoscale spherical lenses

        Lee, Ju Young,Hong, Byung Hee,Kim, Woo Youn,Min, Seung Kyu,Kim, Yukyung,Jouravlev, Mikhail V.,Bose, Ranojoy,Kim, Keun Soo,Hwang, In-Chul,Kaufman, Laura J.,Wong, Chee Wei,Kim, Philip,Kim, Kwang S. Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved 2009 Nature Vol.460 No.7254

        It is well known that a lens-based far-field optical microscope cannot resolve two objects beyond Abbe’s diffraction limit. Recently, it has been demonstrated that this limit can be overcome by lensing effects driven by surface-plasmon excitation, and by fluorescence microscopy driven by molecular excitation. However, the resolution obtained using geometrical lens-based optics without such excitation schemes remains limited by Abbe’s law even when using the immersion technique, which enhances the resolution by increasing the refractive indices of immersion liquids. As for submicrometre-scale or nanoscale objects, standard geometrical optics fails for visible light because the interactions of such objects with light waves are described inevitably by near-field optics. Here we report near-field high resolution by nanoscale spherical lenses that are self-assembled by bottom-up integration of organic molecules. These nanolenses, in contrast to geometrical optics lenses, exhibit curvilinear trajectories of light, resulting in remarkably short near-field focal lengths. This in turn results in near-field magnification that is able to resolve features beyond the diffraction limit. Such spherical nanolenses provide new pathways for lens-based near-field focusing and high-resolution optical imaging at very low intensities, which are useful for bio-imaging, near-field lithography, optical memory storage, light harvesting, spectral signal enhancing, and optical nano-sensing.

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