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        생활체육참가정도와 Wellness지수, 생활만족의 관계

        김상국(Kim Sang-Kook),이광욱(Lee Kwang-Wook) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among leisure sports participation, wellness inventory and life satisfaction, The subjects were 645 adults(male=348; female=297) aged more than 20 years who participated in community-based leisure sports programs of the fitness clubs in Seoul and Incheon City, Korea, The degree of leisure sports participation; items on the Wellness scale developed and used by Kim Sang-kuk based on Wellness: Concepts and Application developed by Anspaugh et al.(l994); and the Korean version of the Satisfaction with Life scale(SWLS) developed by Diener, Emons, Larsen & Griffin(1985) translated and used by Lee Jong-kil(1992). The validity of the questionnaire was verified through specialists' meeting, the pilot test, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was found to be Cronbach' s α=.66~.83. The methods of statistics used to analyze the collected data were correlation analysis and multiple regression using SPSS WIN 11.5. As a result, the following findings were obtained: First, it was found that the degree of leisure sports participation had an effect on the wellness inventory. That is, participants who participated in the leisure sports program longer, more frequently, and more actively had the higher level of recognition on the wellness inventory than any other group. Second, it was found that the degree of leisure sports participation had an effect on the life satisfaction. That is, participants who participated in the leisure sports program longer, more frequently, and more actively the higher level of recognition on the life satisfaction than any other group. Third, it was found that the wellness inventory had an effect on the life satisfaction. That is, the participants who were highly conscious of physical, social, mental health domains as subfactors of the wellness inventory had the higher level of life satisfaction.

      • KCI등재후보
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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경북 성주지역 장수노인의 계절별 식품섭취 상태

        백지원(Ji-Won Baek),구보경(Bo-Kyung Koo),김규종(Kyu-Jong Kim),이연경(Yeon-Kyung Lee),이성국(Sung-Kook Lee),이혜성(Hye-Sung Lee) 한국식품영양과학회 2000 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        본 연구는 우리나라 장수노인들의 식품섭취상태를 분석 평가하고 건강한 장수를 위한 식생활 지침의 설정을 위한 기초자료를 얻고자 수행되었다. 연구 대상은 경상북도 성주군에 거주하는 85세 이상 고령노인 중에서 일상 생활에 문제가 없는 224명이었으며 이들을 대상으로 반복 24시간 회상법을 이용하여 1년간 4회의 계절별 식품 섭취 조사를 실시하였으며 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 계절별 식품군별 섭취량에 있어서 남자노인은 감자류의 섭취량이 여름철에 유의적으로 높고, 버섯류의 섭취량이 가을철에 유의하게 높은 것을 제외하고는 모든 식품군의 섭취량에 있어 계절별 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 여자노인의 경우 곡류, 당류, 두류, 채소류, 과일류, 조미료류, 음료 및 주류, 육류, 우유류, 어패류의 섭취량이 겨울철에 유의하게 높았으며, 종실류, 해조류, 난류의 섭취량은 계절에 따른 차이가 없었다. 조사 대상자들의 연평균 1일 총 식품 섭취량은 594.4±186.1 g이었으며 이 중에서 513.5±161.2 g(86.4%)는 식물성 식품군으로부터 섭취하였고 79.3±56.7 g(13.3%)는 동물성 식품군으로부터 섭취하였다. 섭취량이 가장 높았던 식품군은 곡류였으며그 다음이 채소류, 과일류, 어패류, 음료 및 주류, 조미료류, 두류, 육류, 우유류, 감자류 등의 순이었다. 장수 노인대상자들의 음식별 섭취빈도는 밥류에 있어서는 쌀밥의 섭취비율이 80.1~89.2%로 가장 높았으며 국과 찌개류에서는 쇠고기국, 된장국, 된장찌개의 섭취 비율이 높았다. 어육류 식품의 경우 조기구이의 섭취비율(9.4~12.7%)이 높았으며, 해조류 식품의 경우 김구이의 섭취비율(7.4~20.5%)이 높았고, 각 계절마다 계절식품의 섭취비율이 높았다. 김치류의 경우 배추김치의 섭취비율이 4계절 모두 70% 이상으로 높게 나타났다. 일품요리류는 손쉽게 조리할 수 있는 라면과 국수의 섭취비율이 높았다.<br/> 본 연구의 결과에서 경북 성주지역 장수 노인들의 계절별 식품 섭취량에 있어 겨울철의 식품 섭취량이 다른계절에 비해 유의하게 높았으며, 남자노인보다는 여자노인이 식품섭취에 계절에 의한 영향을 더욱더 많이 받는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 장수 노인들은 가공식품보다는 계절마다 제철에 생산되는 자연 식품의 섭취비율이 높았다. 전반적으로 장수노인들은 소식의 경향을 보였으며 이와 같은 소식습관과 신선한 식물성 식품들의 일상 섭취가 건강한 장수에 영향을 미쳤을 가능성도 있을 것으로 사료된다. The purpose of this study was to estimate food intakes of the long-lived elderly and to obtain the data for establishing dietary guidelines that may be recommended for the general population for the sake of longevity. The subjects of the study were 224 elderly people of age over 85 years living in Kyungpook Sung-Ju area who have no problem in daily living. The food consumption survey was carried out seasonally by the repeated 24-hr recall method for one year. The subject group for this study was composed of 58 males and 166 females, the average age being 87 years old. Food intakes of the winter were more than any other seasons. The mean daily total food intake per capita was 594.4 g, 513.5 g (86.4%) from plant foods and 79.3 g (13.3%) from animal foods. The sequence of high intakes of food groups were cereals, vegetables, fruits, fishes, legumes and meats. Boiled white rice, beef soup, soybean paste soup, soybean paste stew, broiled yellow croaker, kimchi, ra myon and broiled noodles were consumed most frequently. In conclusion, the subjects consumed much more plants foods than animal foods and consumed more natural and seasonal foods than processed foods and also showed food habits of eating small meals. Dietary habits of eating small meals containing abundant amount of fresh plant foods might partially contribute to the longevity of the subjects.

      • KCI등재

        Germination Enhancer and Wetting Agent for Quick Establishment of Kentucky bluegrass Cultivars

        Lee, Sang-Kook The Korean Society of Weed ScienceThe Turfgrass So 2017 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.6 No.4

        Wetting agent is designed to reduce the surface tension of the liquid and spread more easily across or penetrate into the soil against water repellency. The effect of wetting agent to seed germination is not clear. Using germination enhancer is one of the methods to increase the germination speed of turfgrass seeds and to shorten establishment period. The objective of the study was to evaluate germination enhancer and wetting agent for quick establishment of various Kentucky bluegrass cultivars. The germination enhancer was used at two levels of 0.3 and $0.6ml\;kg^{-1}$ as low and high, respectively. Two levels of wetting agent were of 0.46, and $0.92ml\;m^{-2}$ as low and high, respectively. Germination enhancer has no synergistic effect with wetting agent. When quick establishment is required, selection of cultivar would be more effective instead of using germination enhancer and wetting agent. Among Kentucky bluegrass cultivars, 'Award' had the greatest turfgrass coverage for establishment and the greatest turfgrass color and quality based on the result of the study. When quick establishment is required, selection of cultivar would be more effective instead of using germination enhancer and wetting agent.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluating Various Nitrogen Sources for Divot Recovery on Creeping bentgrass

        Sang-Kook Lee(이상국) 한국잡초학회·한국잔디학회 2012 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.26 No.2

        Creeping bentgrass 는 골프장의 티나 퍼팅그린 그리고 경기장과 같이 집중관리가 요구되는 곳에 가장 많이 사용되는 잔디의 종류중 하나이다. 골프장에서 계속해서 발생하는 디봇과 같은 피해는 골프장을 관리하는데 있어서 가장 큰 장애요인중 하나이다. 디봇피해를 회복하기 위한 많은 연구결가가 선행 되었음에도 불구하고, 질소의 유형에 따른 디봇피해의 회복에 대해서는 그 연구결과가 제한적이다. 본 연구는 creeping bentgrass 에 발생한 디봇피해에 대한 질소의 유형별 효과에 대해 알아보기 위해서 수행되었다. 11가지 질소가 creeping bentgrass ‘Penncross’에 시비되었다. 첫번째 시비처리 이전에 일정한 단위규격당 디봇피해가 만들어 졌으며 피해가 생긴 빈자리에 원토양이 채워졌다. 실험기간동안 잔디의 색과 질이 평가되었다. 질소의 분해속도에 따른 효과는 디봇피해를 회복시키거나 creeping bentgrass 생육에 대해 영향을 미치지는 않았다. 총 4번에 걸쳐 시비한 urea 처리구는 질소가 시비되지 않은 대조구와 비교했을때 디봇의 회복이나 creeping bentgrass 생육에 대해 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 디봇 피해에 대한 회복과 creeping bentgrass 생육에 대해 polyon 제품군, 특히 polyon mini (41-0-0)가 가장 좋은 효과를 보여 주었다. 본 실험결과 입자의 지름이 작은 완효성질소가 입자의 지름이 큰 완효성질소나 속효성질소 보다 creeping bentgrass 에 발생한 디봇피해의 회복에 좋은 효과를 나타냈다. Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) is one of the most popular turfgrasses for high-quality playing surface such as putting green on golf courses and athletic fields. Continues damage such as divot injury on creeping bentgrass is major issue to maintain golf course properly. Although plentiful researches to maximize divot resistance have been reported, minimal research has focused on relation between nitrogen (N) sources and divot resistance. The study was conducted to determine the effect of N source for turfgrass divot recovery and overall tee performance. Eleven fertilizer treatments as N sources were applied to creeping bentgrass ‘Penncross’. Before the first application, divot injuries were simulated by removing a core of soil and turfgrass from established plots and backfilling with native soil. Data collection included turfgrass color and quality. N release speed did not influenced divot recovery. Frequency of urea application had no effects on divot recovery. Urea with split application had no difference with no treatment for divot recovery. Polyon product especially polyon mini (41-0-0) had the best performance for divot recovery and for maintaining better turfgrass quality. Overall, small particle size of slow-release N form would influence creeping bentgrasss to recover divot damage.

      • Mechanical force induces type I collagen expression in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts through activation of ERK/JNK and AP-1

        Kook, Sung-Ho,Hwang, Jung-Min,Park, Jong-Sun,Kim, Eun-Mi,Heo, Jung-Sun,Jeon, Young-Mi,Lee, Jeong-Chae Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2009 Journal of cellular biochemistry Vol.106 No.6

        <P>Type I collagen (COL I) is the predominant collagen in the extracellular matrix of periodontal ligament (PDL), and its expression in PDL fibroblasts (PLF) is sensitive to mechanical force. However, the mechanism by which PLF induces COL I to respond to mechanical force is unclear. This study examined the nature of human PLF in mediating COL I expression in response to centrifugal force. Signal transduction pathways in the early stages of mechanotransduction involved in the force-driven regulation of COL I expression were also investigated. Centrifugal force up-regulated COL I without cytotoxicity and activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), and p38 kinase. ERK and JNK inhibitor blocked the expression of COL I but p38 kinase inhibitor had no effect. Centrifugal force activated activator protein-1 (AP-1) through dimerization between c-Fos and c-Jun transcription factors. ERK and JNK inhibitors also inhibited AP-1-DNA binding, c-Fos nuclear translocation, and c-Jun phosphorylation that were increased in the force-exposed PLF. Further, transfecting the cells with c-Jun antisense oligonucleotides almost completely abolished the force-induced increase of c-Jun phosphorylation and COL I induction. Our findings suggest that mechanical signals are transmitted into the nucleus by ERK/JNK signaling pathways and then stimulate COL I expression through AP-1 activation in force-exposed human PLF. J. Cell. Biochem. 106: 1060–1067, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.</P>

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