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      • KCI등재

        Global Value Chains and the Changing Pattern of North-South Trade: Apparel, Electronics and Automotive Sectors in 2005-2014

        Joonkoo Lee 한국무역연구원 2016 貿易 硏究 Vol.12 No.6

        Manufacturing production shifted to developing countries over the last decades, giving rise to global value chains (GVCs). It increased manufacturing exports from the Global South to the North, reshaping the pattern of international trade and division of labor. However, since the global economic crisis of 2007-2008, a new trend called “shifting end markets” has emerged, or the rise of the South as end markets in GVCs. Yet, economic growth began to slow down over the past few years in many emerging economies. This paper examines the changing patterns of North-South trade, focusing on three GVCs - apparel, electronics and automotive - in 2005-2014. Using bilateral trade statistics from UN Comtrade, the patterns of North-South trade are analyzed for both intermediate and finished goods in each sector. The paper confirms the rise of South-to-North manufacturing exports although the growth pattern differed significantly across the sectors. It also finds that North-South trade patterns have become stabilized since 2012 with pre-crisis dynamics moderated particularly in finished goods. Finally, the relative role of Northern and Southern countries in South-bound exports varied across the sectors, while South-South linkages appear more robust in the face of the recent slowdown in emerging market economies.

      • KCI등재

        Varieties of Regional Cultural Flow and Strategy: Revisiting South Korea’s Experience from a Global Value Chain Perspective

        JOONKOO LEE 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2021 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.50 No.1

        This article examines regional cultural flow from a global value chain (GVC) perspective, focusing on South Korea’s engagement in cultural flow in East Asia. The article argues that the regional flow of cultural and media content has been complicated as a result of the growing fragmentation of value chain activities and rising emphasis on localization. It allows for varieties of corporate strategic options for regional engagement beyond the traditional mode of exporting finished products. This article presents an analytic framework to examine such varieties, based on the GVC approach. Three emerging modes of regional cultural flow that depart from the export model-the new international division of cultural labor, format trade and international coproduction-are illustrated with the examples of Korean firms’ engagement in regional cultural flow, mainly with China. The implications of the framework and the case illustrations are discussed in relation to regional cultural flow in East Asia.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 공급사슬과 노동조건 : 역사적 배경과 최근 연구동향

        이준구(Lee Joonkoo),정선욱(Chung Sunwook) 한국노동연구원 2020 노동정책연구 Vol.20 No.2

        한국 기업들의 해외진출이 활발해지고 글로벌 공급사슬의 주요 행위자로 부상하면서 해외 사업장이나 하청업체에서의 노동문제가 중요한 도전과제가 되고 있다. 하지만 관련된 국내 연구는 아직 초보적인 수준에 머물고 있다. 본 논문은 기업의 다국적화, 특히 글로벌 공급사슬에서의 노동문제를 둘러싼 논의의 역사적 배경과 전개과정을 살펴보고, 최근 연구동향을 미시적 관점, 거시적 관점, 다양한 자료와 방법론의 활용이라는 주제로 나눠서 소개한다. 최근 연구는 미시적 관점에서 자발적 노동기준의 효과성 제고에 영향을 미치는 구매업체의 구매관행과 거래관계, 감사(auditing) 관련 프로세스와 투명성, 현장 노동조합의 역할 등에 초점을 맞추는 동시에, 공급사슬을 둘러싼 국제정치경제적 맥락, 무역협정과 노동조건의 연계, 구매업체와 공급업체가 위치한 국가의 제도적 맥락 등 작업장 수준이나 구매-공급 관계를 넘어서는 좀 더 거시적인 틀에서 문제에 접근하고 있다. 또한 전통적인 현지조사나 사례 분석을 넘어 다양한 산업과 국가들을 대상으로 하고 여러 방법론을 시도하는 연구가 각 분과에서 증가하고 있다. 이를 바탕으로 본 논문은 국내 맥락에서 향후 연구를 위한 연구주제를 제안하였다. As more Korean multinational enterprises emerged as major players in global supply chains(GSCs), addressing labor issues in their production networks has become a major challenge. Yet, little research has been devoted to this topic. Against the backdrop, this paper aims to examine the historical development of the scholarly discussion of labor conditions in GSCs and provide a comprehensive review of recent studies in the evolving literature. Three key trends are identified in the literature on labor conditions in GSCs and various forms of public and private labor governance. First, we witness the increase of research focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of private labor governance from a micro standpoint, such as changing buyer’s sourcing practices, increasing transparency in auditing process, and giving voice to unions. Second, macro-level approaches have been on the rise, calling for attention to the domains and issues beyond supplier factories. These focus on a broader global political economic structure affecting both buyers and suppliers, as well as the nexus of trade agreements and labor conditions, and the national institutional contexts where suppliers and buyers are embedded. Lastly, the recent studies exhibit a growing level of diversification in data and methods used as well as in industries and countries investigated. The paper concludes with our suggestions for future study in the Korean context. These include more in-depth study of Korean first-tier suppliers in GSCs, focusing on the effect of long-term supplier-buyer relationship on labor audit practices and outcomes, as well as their investment in smart factories and its impact on labor conditions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학교 내 ‘실천가이자 연구자로서의 교사’ 프로젝트 사례 연구

        이은상(Lee, EunSang),김준구(Kim, JoonKoo),오유진(Oh, EuGene) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.8

        본 연구는 학교 내에서 현장연구하는 교사들의 경험과 이들을 바라보는 학생들의 인식을 이해함으로써 학교 내 연구에 대한 시사점을 제공하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 이를 위해 단위학교에서 ‘실천가이자 연구자로서의 교사’ 프로젝트에 참여한 교사들의 연구활동에 대한 인식과 경험의 특징, 촉진 및 저해요인, 학생들이 경험한 효과와 인식을 교사 10인과 학생 4명을 대상으로 5개월 간 심층인터뷰를 통해 살펴 보았다. 그 결과, 교사들이 참여한 현장연구의 특징은 현실문제 개선으로부터 출발 한 연구, 실용성과 과학성 사이의 다양한 스펙트럼, ‘공유에 의한, 공유를 위한’ 연구로 나타났다. 단위학교 내에서 교사들의 연구활동을 촉진하는 요인은 도전을 허용하는 자유로움, 연구가 일상이 되는 학교문화, 멘토로서의 연구동반자였으며 저해하는 요인으로는 바쁜 일상, 동료에 대한 의식으로 나타났다. 학생들은 교사와 학생과의 공감대 형성, 수업개선, 연구결과 공유에 대한 기대감과 더불어 실천가이자 연구자로서의 교사들을 롤모델, 평생학습자, 미래교육 발전의 밑거름으로 인식하고 있었다. 단위학교 차원에서 현장연구를 촉진하고 활성화시키기 위해서는 실천가이자 연구자로서의 교사상을 정립하고, 교사 연구에 대한 사회적 경제적 제도적 지원 체제를 구축해야 할 것이다. The primary purpose of this study was to provide suggestions and implications as to action research by trying to understand the teachers’ experiences of it and students’ perceptions of the teachers. For this purpose, this study, which adopted qualitative methods of data collection and analyses in order to ensure vivid and detailed descriptions, examined the teachers who participated in ‘Action Research Teacher Project’ in relation to their perceptions and experiences of action research, factors that facilitate or impede it, and students’ perspectives on those teachers. The results showed that an action research was largely motivated by the perceived immediate needs to improve the local reality facing the teachers in their own contexts of teaching, and it ranged from immediate practical value to rigorous scientific/academic standards in terms of what each teacher put an emphasis upon in their quest for a research. Another thing to consider regarding an action research was that the teachers thought the research findings should be shared. A factor that facilitated action research in a school was found to be an atmosphere where taking on a new challenging task was recommended and implementing research was regarded as a part of their pedagogical duties. The presence of mentors as a research partner also played a role in promoting teachers’ active participation in action research. On the other hand, lack of time and consciousness of colleagues impeded an action research. Students had positive expectations and perceptions of the teachers who implemented action research. All in all, it is of paramount importance to construct a supportive administrative and financial system that might lay foundation stones for expanding teachers’ role into practitioners and researchers.

      • KCI등재

        교육공동체의 핵심 가치·역량 측정을 위한 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구

        김준구(Kim, JoonKoo),이은상(Lee, EunSang),오유진(Oh, EuGene) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.20

        본 연구는 서울 C여자중학교에서 사용할 교육공동체의 핵심 가치·역량(core values·competencies) 측정 도구를 개발하고 타당화하기 위해 수행되었다. 교육주체들(학생, 교사, 학부모)로부터 상향식(bottom-up)으로 도출된 학교가 추구해야 할 5가지 핵심 가치·역량(협력, 공감, 도전, 건강, 즐거움)중 협력, 공감, 도전을 본 연 의 대상으로 선정하였다. 문헌 및 선행연구에 대한 고찰을 통해 협력, 공감, 도전을 각각 3요인으로 구분하였고 이에 상응하는 예비문항 29개를 1차적으로 도출하였다. 1차 전문가 검토를 통해 각 요인의 타당성에 대한 평정을 받았고 모든 요인에 대해 FVI(Factorial Validity Index)값 0.8이상이 나와 타당하다는 평가를 받았다. 2차 전문가 검토에서는 29개 예비문항의 내용 타당도와 문항 수정의견을 받았으며 모든 문항에 대해 CVR(Content Validity Ratio)값 0.2이상이 나와 타당하다는 평가를 받았다. 이후, 탐색적 요인분석(exploratory factor analysis)을 실시하여 공통성 (communalities)과 수렴 타당도(convergent validity) 및 판별 타당도(discriminant validity)를 근거로 요인 탐색을 실시하였으며 그 결과 5개 구성 요인(협력, 공감적 정서, 공감적 사고, 공감적 행동, 도전)과 20개의 문항으로 구성된 측정 도구를 최종 적으로 도출할 수 있었다. 확정된 20개 문항은 모두 크론바흐 알파 계수(Cronbach alpha coefficients) 0.6이상으로 신뢰도(reliability)에 문제가 없었으며, 상관분석 (correlation analysis) 결과 다중공선성(multicolinearity)의 문제도 없다는 것이 확인 되었다. 5요인 모형의 적합도(goodness of fit)를 확인하기 위하여 확인적 요인분석 (confirmatory factor analysis)을 실시하였으며 적합도 지수인 CFI와 TLI가 0.9이상, RMSEA가 0.1이하로 나타나 본 연구모형이 적합함을 확인할 수 있었다. The primary purpose of this study was to develop and validate a self-rating scale to measure the school community’s core values·competencies for ‘C’ girls’ middle school located in Seoul. This study aimed specifically at developing a scale to measure three core values·competencies of collaboration, empathy, and challenging spirit out of five original ones derived from the collective opinions of its students, teachers, and parents that additionally included joy and health as well. Each of the three selected core values·competencies were operationally defined as consisting of three sub-elements as a result of the implementation of literature review and rigorous logical reasoning, which led to the initial derivation of 29 questions regarding the constructs. Then, the constructs were assessed by the selected 5 expert panelists and turned out to be valid with each construct’s FVI(Factorial Validity Index) score reaching above 0.8. The 29 questions, which were derived from the constructs, also underwent expert panelists’ thorough review not only for checking its content validity but for obtaining feedback on question revisions. As a result, all of the questions reached 0.2 score of CVR(Content Validity Ratio) that was set as a cut-off point for content validity. Subsequently, the scale was statistically analyzed on the basis of the two yardsticks of convergent validity and discriminant validity by conducting EFA(Exploratory Factor Analysis). The EFA reduced the 29 questions belonging to the 9 factors to the 20 questions and 5 factors. In addition, the scale was found to be highly reliable as the questions’ Cronbach alpha coefficients reached above 0.6, and the correlation analysis provided robust evidence that there was no problematic issue of multicolinearity. As for the goodness of fit, the CFA confirmed that the 5-factor-scale satisfied 3 indices of CFI, TLI, and RMSEA respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Toward a Bipolar Apparel GVC? From the Perspective of First-Tier Suppliers

        HYUNJI KWON,JINSUN BAE,JOONKOO LEE,SUN WOOK CHUNG 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2021 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.50 No.1

        This case study of a Korea-based apparel first-tier supplier examined the evolution of Global Value Chains (GVCs) toward a bi-polar governance structure in the apparel industry, a stronghold of lead-firm dominant and uni-polar chain. It also hypothesized that strategic suppliers" emergence is a necessary condition for the governance transformation towards bipolarity. Company K provides a compelling case to corroborate this hypothesis as it fulfilled a wide array of value chain functions that encourage buyers to form collaborative relationships with them. Our single case study provides a multi-level analysis of how the bi-polarity has emerged (global, industry-level and organizational-level). Its unique contribution to the germane literature is the articulation of organizational strategies that these suppliers undertook to stay cost-competitive while building capability. Supplier upgrading tends to focus on capability building with less regard to how they manage their human resources and ways of working. In this study, we give due attention to organizational changes these first-tier suppliers undertake to secure and improve their positions within GVCs, which holds useful managerial insight for emerging MNEs hoping to do the same.

      • KCI등재

        교육공동체의 시민적 인성역량과 학업 성취도의 관계에 대한 탐색적 연구

        오유진(Oh, YouJin),김준구(Kim, JoonKoo),이은상(Lee, EunSang) 한국도덕윤리과교육학회 2020 도덕윤리과교육 Vol.- No.66

        본 연구는 시민적 인성역량과 학업 성취도의 관계를 분석하여 시민적 인성 함양을 위한 교과 교육활동의 개선방향을 제언한다. 분석결과,‘협력’은 세 교과의 학업 성취도와 공통적으로 유의미한 정적 상관관계를 나타냈고 도덕 및 사회과 학업 성취도의 유일한 예측변인이었다. 한국 학생들의 협력능력 부족이 우려할 만한 수준으로 드러난 국제적 연구결과를 감안할때, PBL 학습에서 높은 협력역량을 발휘한 학생이 높은 학업성취를 보인 본 연구 결과는 큰 의미를 갖는다. 하지만 회귀모형의 설명력〔R2〕이 약한 수준으로 나타났기에 향후 개선이 필요하다. 개선의 첫 번째 방향은 학업 성취도를 인지적인 차원을 평가하는 것으로 여겨왔던 현 교육의 대전제를 재검토하고 시민적 인성역량의 인지적 · 정서적 · 동기화 요소가 균형 있게 반영되도록 학습요소를 재구조화하는 것이다. 두 번째 방향은 시민적 인성이 인지적 차원의 학업 성취도에 직접적인 영향을 행사하도록 교과 핵심적 인지적 구인에 대한 동료 간 공동구성 기제를 규명하며, 학문적으로 타당성이 검증된 공감, 협력, 도전 역량 교육 프로그램을 PBL 학습에 혼융적으로 녹여내는 것이다. The present study aimed to suggest pedagogical directions for teaching subject-matters based upon implications derived from an analysis of relationship between civic character competencies and academic achievements. The analysis demonstrated that collaboration had a significant positive correlation with academic achievements of the three subjects (i.e. English, ethics, and social studies). It was also found that collaboration was one and only significant predictor of academic achievements of ethics and social studies. In light of a recent international study that shows Korean students’ lower ability to collaborate, it should be noted that the student with a better collaborative skill showed a better academic performance. However, a caution should be taken in generalizing the findings of this study considering the weak explanatory power of the regression models. The first direction for the improvement is to reconsider the current educational foundations which have conceptualized academic achievement as assessed only on the basis of cognitive aspects and to restructure learning elements in such a way that reflects cognitive, emotional, and motivational dimensions of civic character competencies in a balanced manner. The other pedagogical suggestion is to identify the mechanism under which a group work serves to facilitate cognitive learning of subject-matters, which will lay out the foundation stone for civic character competencies to be directly linked to academic achievements. This can be further aided by a valid project-based learning that focuses on teaching empathy, collaboration, and challenging spirit.

      • KCI등재

        A Double-Edged Sword of Strong Ties: The Case of a Korean MNC and its Labor Auditing

        SUN WOOK CHUNG,HYUNJI KWON,JINSUN BAE,JOONKOO LEE 서울대학교 사회발전연구소 2021 Journal of Asian Sociology Vol.50 No.1

        This study introduces one Korean multinational corporation and its labor audit process to offer a deeper understanding of a lead firm’s supplier audit on the ground. Specifically, we examine how the close relationship between a buyer company and its suppliers-particularly in the context of partnered foreign expansion-positively and negatively affects its labor audit process, focusing primarily on audit style, coverage, and outcomes. While building on the recent consensus that buyers’ auditing is more likely to benefit from a long-term, capacity-building approach rather than a short-term, policing one, we suggest that this relationship is more complex than the current literature assumes. Examining one Korean MNC’s supplier labor audit, we found that their close, sticky relationship functions as a double-edged sword. On the one hand, this labor audit-which is comprehensive across all labor-related areas-has significantly contributed to improving suppliers’ labor standards through long-term, close interaction. This audit also helped its suppliers reshuffle their HR and labor relations practices. This finding is generally consistent with the positive view of the long-term, capacity-building model in existing literature. However, our findings also demonstrate that this close and sticky relationship can prevent buyer firms from imposing penalties and renders contract termination even more difficult. We also found that, due to their interconnectedness, any problem related to buyer factories can directly cause corresponding problems in supplier factories. In short, by introducing a specific Korean case, this study seeks to advance and enrich the current discussion of corporate-based supplier labor auditing.

      • KCI등재

        Intestinal Metastasis of Osteosarcoma Presenting with Intussusception - A Case Report -

        Seong-Ho Yoo,Min-A Kim,KyuJoo Park,JoonKoo Han,SangHoon Lee,ChongJai Kim,EuiKeun Ham 대한병리학회 2002 Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine Vol.36 No.4

        Metastatic osteosarcoma most commonly affects the lungs and other bones. Intestinal intussusception caused by metastatic osteosarcoma is very rare. We report a case of metastatic osteosarcoma of the intestine in a 39-year-old female. She underwent surgical resection of the left femur due to osteosarcoma and received additional chemotherapy 3 years ago. Pulmonary metastasis was found two years later and the patient complained of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting after 8 months following excision of the lung nodules. Abdominal computed tomography revealed intussusception with a suspected polypoid mass in the distal portion of the jejunum. The histologic findings of the resected bowel were those of osteosarcoma. This is the first case of documented intestinal metastasis of osteosarcoma in Korea. It is suggested that the tumor metastasis to the small intestine should be considered in patients with previous osteosarcoma, when the patient presents with acute abdominal symptoms and intussusception.

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