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      • KCI등재

        전통시장 내 소매경쟁이 임대료에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이철성 ( Lee Chul Sung ),김장현 ( Kim Janghyun ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2018 유통경영학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        기존 전통시장에 대한 정부 정책은 대형유통업체와의 경쟁으로 인하여 전통시장의 매출감소를 방지하고 지역 경제의 기반을 유지하고 활성화시키기 위한 측면에서 이루어졌다. 그러나 대형유통업체는 SSM 및 상품공급점, 식자재 마트 등과 함께 최근에는 편의점을 통해 전통시장에 입점하고 있는 현실이다. 이러한 대형유통업체로 인한 전통시장잠식은 매출하락에 영향을 미치며, 장기적으로는 부동산 가치의 하락을 야기하여 전통시장이 사라질 수 있음을 의미한다. 그러나 소매경쟁의 측면에서 이에 대한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 그러나 이에 대한 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이철성, 김영기, 김승희(2018)과 김승희, 이철성, 김영기(2018)의 연구를 바탕으로 전통시장의 소매경쟁과 임대료의 관계를 살펴보려 한다. 이를 위하여 소상공인시장진흥공단과 한국감정원의 자료를 바탕으로 이들간의 관계를 실증분석하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전통시장 내 SSM 및 상품공급점의 입점은 점포의 단위면적당 임대료를 낮추는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 기존 김승희, 이철성, 김영기(2018)의 연구결과에서 이들 업체의 입점이 전통시장의 공실률에 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 결과와 일치한다. 둘째, 전통시장 내 하나로 마트의 입점은 점포 임대료에는 영향을 미치지는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 하나로 마트가 유통산업발전법 제외 대상이나 실질적으로 대형유통업체로 간주해야 하며, 전통시장에 부정적인 영향을 미치고 있음을 의미한다. 마지막으로 전통시장 내 식자재 마트와 기타 마트의 입점은 점포 임대료에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. The government policy on the traditional market has been made in order to prevent the decrease of sales in the traditional market due to competition with large retailers and to maintain and activate the foundation of local economy. However, large retailers have recently entered the traditional market through convenience stores, commodity supply stores, and food materials mart. Recently, it has been opened through convenience stores. Traditional market erosion caused by these large distributors affects sales decline, and in the long run, it may lead to a decline in real estate value and the traditional market may disappear. However, research on retail competition is lacking. Therefore, this study will examine the relationship between retail competition and rent in traditional markets based on the researches of Lee Chul-sung Kim Young ki, Kim Seung-hee (2018) and Kim Seung-hee, Lee Chul-sung and Kim Young-ki (2018). For this purpose, we conducted empirical analysis on the relationship between them based on the data of the market promotion corporation and the Korean appraisal agency. The results of the study are as follows. First, SSM and commodity supply store in traditional markets lower rent per unit area of stores. These findings are consistent with the findings of Kim Seung-hee, Lee Chul-sung, and Kim Young-ki (2018) that the entry of these firms negatively affects the vacancy rate of traditional markets. Second, Hanaro mart's entry has a negative effect on store rents. These results imply that Hanaro Mart should be regarded as a large-scale retailer or a target to be excluded from the retail industry development law and has a negative impact on the traditional market. Finally, it was found that the number of food materials mart and other mart in traditional markets did not affect store rents.

      • KCI등재

        최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127 품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 유망품종 선발

        김광호 ( Kim Kwang-ho ),이춘석 ( Lee Chun-suk ),강호철 ( Kang Ho-chul ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생 접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 화색 및 꽃이특이한 품종을 조사하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종들의 화색별 분류로는 크게 분홍색 단심(pink color with red eye spot), 흰색 단심(white color withred eye spot), 붉은 자주색 단심(purplish red color with red eye spot), 분홍보라색 단심(violet pink color with red eye spot), 심홍색단심(crimson color with red eye spot), 흰색 바탕에 붉은색 무늬의 이중색(asadal), 흰색(white color), 푸른색(blue color) 등 총 8종류로 분류되었다. 화색이 붉은 자주색으로서 적색이 강한 꽃으로 국내에서 육성된 품종으로 ‘광명’, ‘난파’, ‘노스페이스’, ‘불새’, ‘비단’,‘송암’, ‘영창’, ‘적퍼소’, ‘키호’, ‘탐라’, ‘화수레드’, ‘환희’ 등이 있었으며, 국외에서 육성되어 국내에 도입된 품종으로는 ‘Aphrodite’,‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 분홍보라색으로서 특이한 품종으로는 ‘꼬마’, ‘도투락’, ‘명미’, ‘병화’, ‘산처녀’, ‘태화’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, ‘Little Kim Violet’ 등이 있었다. 화색이 심홍색으로 기존의 꽃에서는 볼 수 없는 특이한 품종으로 ‘종무’와 ‘Ruffled Satin’ 등이 있었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 품종중 조경수용 소재로 보급할 수 있는 품종중 기존 품종에 비해 꽃의 크기가 큰 품종으로 무궁화 종간교잡종인 Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, ‘Daeil’,‘Jina’ 등이 있었다. 반면 꽃이 작고 조경적 가치가 높은 품종으로 ‘꼬마’, ‘미백’, ‘안동’, ‘릴킴’, ‘은하수’ 등이 있었다. 백단심계 무궁화‘꼬마’ 품종은 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 꽃의 크기가 5.2cm로 작은 소형화 품종으로 나타났다. 기존 품종에 비해 단심의 길이가 긴품종으로 ‘훈장’과 ‘하이리레드’가 있었다. 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘훈장’은 꽃의 크기는 12.0cm로 중간크기이나 단심길이는 4.8cm로 지금까지육성된 품종중 가장 긴 품종이었다. 또한 홍단심계 무궁화 ‘하이리레드’의 단심길이 역시 4.2cm로 꽃잎 길이에 비해 단심의 길이가 길어 조경적 가치가 높은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; In the results of flower color of the 127 recently developed cultivars, pink color with red eye spot, white color with red eye spot, purplish red color with red eye spot, violet purple color with red eye spot, crimson color with red eye spot, asadal, blue color with red eye spot, and white color were distributed. In the flower characteristics, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’ had the largest flower size of 16.0cm out of the 127 cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Ggoma’ were cultivars with smaller flowers than other cultivars. H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ had largest red eye, of 5.2cm of length compared to the other cultivars. The cultivars with unique flower color for landscape uses are H. syriacus ‘Kwangmyung’, ‘Nanpa’, ‘North face’, ‘Bulsae’, ‘Bidan’, ‘Songam’, ‘Youngchang’, ‘Jukpeoso’, ‘Kiho’, ‘Tamla’, ‘Hwasoored’ and ‘Hwanhee’. These flowers had a purplish red color and were developed in Korea. H. syriacus ‘Aphrodite’, ‘Dr. Uemoto’, ‘Freedom’, ‘Pink Cup’, ‘PS 80-1’, ‘Purpureus Variegatus’, ‘Red Giant’, ‘Woodbridge’ also had unique flowers with a purplish red color and were introduced from foreign countries. In addition, cultivars with violet pink flowers were H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Doturak’, ‘Myungmi’, ‘Byunghwa’, ‘Sancheonyu’, ‘Taehwa’, ‘Hikari-hanagasa’, and ‘Little Kim Violet’. ‘Jongmoo’ and ‘Ruffled Satin’ had flowers with crimson color. Therefore, the new cultivars with unique flower colors were a promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant. Cultivars with large flower sizes were Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, and Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’. H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ had small flower sizes. Cultivars with long red eye were H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’. Therefore, the new cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daewangchun’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Daemang’, Hibiscus hybrid ‘Jina’ with large flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Ggoma’, ‘Mibeak’, ‘Antong’, ‘Lil Kim’, and ‘Eunhasu’ with small flower sizes, H. syriacus ‘Hunjang’ and H. syriacus ‘Hi Lea Red’ with long red eye, were promising cultivars to a woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        Genetic associations of body composition, flexibility and injury risk with ACE, ACTN3and COL5A1polymorphisms in Korean ballerinas

        ( Jun Ho Kim ),( Eun Sun Jung ),( Chul Hyun Kim ),( Hyeon Youn ),( Hwa Rye Kim ) 한국운동영양학회 2014 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.18 No.2

        Jun Ho Kim, Eun Sun Jung, Chul-Hyun Kim, Hyeon Youn and Hwa Rye Kim. Genetic associations of body composition, flexibilityand injury risk with ACE, ACTN3and COL5A1polymorphisms in Korean ballerinas. JENB., Vol. 18, No. 2, pp.205-214, 2014[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to exam the association of body composition, flexibility, and injury risk to genetic polymorphismsincluding ACEID, ACTN3RX, and COL5A1polymorphisms in ballet dancers in Korea. [Methods]For the purpose of this study,elite ballerinas (n = 97) and normal female adults (n = 203) aged 18 to 39 were recruited and these participants were tested forbody weight, height, body fat, fat free mass, flexibility, injury risks on the joints and gene polymorphisms (ACE, ACTN3, COL5A1polymorphism). [Results]As results, the ACEDD genotype in ballerinas was associated with higher body fat and percentageof body fat than the ACEII and ID genotypes (p< 0.05). In the study on the ACTN3polymorphism and ballerinas, the XXgenotype in ballerinas had lower body weight and lower fat-free mass than the RR and RX genotype (p < 0.005). Also, the meansof sit and reach test for flexibility was lower in the ACTN3XX genotype of ballerinas than the RR and RX genotype of ballerinas(p< 0.05). Among the sports injuries, the ankle injury of the XX-genotyped ballerinas was in significantly more prevalence thanthe RR and XX-genotyped ballerinas (p< 0.05). According to the odd ratio analysis, XX-genotyped ballerinas have the injuryrisk on the ankle about 4.7 (95% CI: 1.6~13.4, p< 0.05) times more than the RR and RX-genotyped ballerinas. Meanwhile, theCOL5A1polymorphism in ballerinas has no association with any factors including flexibility and injury risks. [Conclusion]Inconclusion, ACEpolymorphism and ACTN3polymorphism were associated with ballerinas` performance capacity; COL5A1wasnot associated with any factors of performance of Ballerinas. The results suggested that the ACEDD genotype is associated withhigh body fat, the ACTN3XX genotype is associated with low fat-free mass, low flexibility, and higher risk of ankle-joint injury. [Keyword]ballet, flexibility, body composition, injury risk, ACE, ACTN3, COL5A1

      • KCI등재

        나라꽃 무궁화 품종중 가로수용, 분화용 및지피용으로 조경적 활용도가 높은 품종 선정

        강호철 ( Ho Chul Kang ),김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ),하유미 ( Yoo Mi Ha ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2016 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        본 연구는 조경수용 무궁화 우수품종 보급을 위한 유전자원 수집과 특성을 평가하기 위해 최근 국내외에서 육성된 127품종의 1년생접목묘를 이용하여 2014년부터 2015년까지 2년 동안 생육 및 형태적 특성조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 품종 중 키가 큰 가로수 및 독립수용품종, 왜성형 분화 및 지피용 품종 등을 선정하여 무궁화를 조경수로 활용도를 높이는데 기여하고자 하였으며 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 나라꽃 무궁화 품종들의 생육특성을 조사하기 위해 먼저 접목 1년생 수고를 조사한 결과 20~120cm까지다양하게 나타났다. 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Jina``, ``Yeonam`` 등이 키가 100cm 이상으로 가장 큰 품종으로 조사되었다. 최근 국내외에서 육성된 무궁화 127품종 중 조경적 활용가치가 높은 교목성 가로수로이용할 수 있는 품종은 무궁화 ``주몽``과 ``홍가로수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daeil``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Lohengrin``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Jina``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Yeonam`` 등이 있었다. 분화 및 분재용으로 이용할 수 있는 왜성형 품종으로는 ``Red Heart``, ``백령도``, 종간교잡종 ``진선``, ``꼬마``, ``여천``, ``야음`` 등이 있었으며, 키가 30cm 미만의 아주 작은 품종으로는 ``안동``, ``청조``, ``Lil Kim`` 등이 포함되었다. 수고가 작은 왜성형으로 가지의 생장이 아래로 향하는 ``탐라``, ``Melrose``, ``비단``, ``하이리``, ``별이``, ``병화``, ``미백``, ``한양``, ``청암``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``종무``, ``은하수``, 종간교잡종 Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``와 Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon``은 화단 및 지피용소재로 이용가치가 높았다. This study was carried out to characterize 127 recently developed cultivars of Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus spp.) in Korea and foreign Countries for landscape uses. The examined factors were growth characteristics such as tree height of a 1-year grafted plant(cm), plant type, growth habit, leaf characteristics such as shape and size, flower characteristics such as color, shape, size, and red eye during 2014 and 2015 for landscape uses. The results are obtained as follows; Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` had vigorous shoot growth and tall tree size of 100cm. New Hibiscus cultivars, Hibiscus hybrid ``Daewangchun`` and ``Daeil``, having vigorous growth, uniform plant habit, upright, and compact branches were developed through interspecific crosses between H. syriacus ``Samchully`` (♀) and H. sinosyriacus ``Seobong`` (♂). This newly developed cultivar ``Daewangchun``, ``Daeil``, ``Lohengrin``, ``Yeonam``, ``Joomong``, ``Jina``, and H. syriacus ``Honggarosu`` having tall vigorous growth d unique flower with long red eye can be used as street tree or specimen plant in landscape. Otherwise, H. syriacus ``Tamla``, ``Melrose``, ``Bidan``, ``Hi Lea``, ``Byeollee``, ``Byunghwa``, ``Mibak``, ``Hanyang``, ``Chungam``, ``Lil Kim Violet``, ``Jongmoo``, ``Eunhasu``, Hibiscus hybrid ``Saehanseo``, and Hibiscus hybrid ``Yousoon`` were selected as small tree of 30~39cm. They had dwarf form in tree seemed to be suitable for pot or flower bed planting on both indoor and outdoor conditions. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim`` were less than 30 cm of tree size. H. syriacus ``Antong``, ``Chungjo``, and ``Lil Kim``, characterized by its compact, upright and outwardly spreading plant habit; freely branching habit; dark green-colored leaves; good garden performance. Therefore, the new cultivars with tall and small tree size were a promising cultivar as a ground covers or pot planting as woody landscape plant.

      • KCI등재

        Quantitative comparison of mRNA expression of glucosyltransferase(GTF) between xylitol-resistant(X^(R)) and xylitol-sensitive(X^(s)) mutans streptococci

        Kim, Chong-Chul,Lee, Mi-Na,Kim, Young-Jae,Lee, Sung-Hoon 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        Since the long-term exposure of mutans streptococci to xylitol is known to select for xylitol-resistant(X^(R)) natural mutants, the occurrence and survival of such X^(R) strains were performed in batch culture methods. The aim of the study was to compare the differentiation and quantification of mRNA expression of the gtf genes of X^(R) and X^(S) mutans streptococci. Using a real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, the expression of each gtf was determined. In X^(R) strains, the relative levels of transcription of gtfB and gtfC were decreased while that of gtfD was increased, suggesting the presence of independent promoters. It also suggested that mutation related to production of glucosyltransferase occurred under the exposure of xylitol could explain the caries-preventive mechanisms of xylitol. 자일리톨에 장기간 노출된 mutans streptococci는 자일리톨에 내성이 발현되어 자일리톨 내성균주가 생성된다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 mutans streptococci에서 자일리톨 내성균주와 감성균주의 gtf 유전자 발현량을 각각의 유전자별로 정량적으로 분석하고 비교하는 것이다. 실시간 역전사 중합효소연쇄반응법을 이용하여 각각의 gtf 발현을 조사한 결과 gtfD는 증가한 반면. gtfB와 gtfC는 감소하였는데 이는 각 유전자의 독립된 조절기전이 존재함을 보여주는 것이다. 또한 자일리톨에 노출된 mutans streptococci에서의 glucosyltransferase와 연관된 유전자변형이 자일리톨의 치아우식증 예방효과의 작용기전 중 하나임을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        The Role of Arbitration in the Influence of Organizational Intangible Power on Work Commitment and Conflict

        Kim,Chul-Jung 한국중재학회 2018 중재연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of arbitration in organizational performances by means of literature review. The contents of the study were theoretical studies on the role of intangible power in the organization. By mediating compliance and repulsion, it is intended to reduce conflicts and increase work commitment, which in turn will increase productivity and increase employee self-esteem, and help improve corporate image over the long term. Factors such as the contents of professional power, the content of referent power, the importance and contents of informational power as well as the importance of arbitration were studied. It is found that when arbitration is effective, it can increase work commitment and improve the productivity of the enterprise.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Meso-Dihydroguaiaretic Acid Isolated from Saururus chinensis Inhibits Cyclooxygenase-2 and 5-Lipoxygenase in Mouse Bone Marrow-Derived Mast Cells

        Tae Chul Moon,Chang Seob Seo,Kyungmi Haa,Jin Cheul Kim,Nam Kyung Hwang,Tae Gyun Hong,Jee Hyeun Kim,Do Hun Kim1,손종근,장현욱 대한약학회 2008 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.31 No.5

        Meso-dihydroguaiaretic acid (MDGA) is a medicinal herbal product isolated from the aerial parts of Saururus chinensis that inhibits the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-dependent phase of prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) generation in bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) (IC50 9.8 μM). However, this compound did not inhibit COX-2 protein expression in BMMC at concentrations up to 30 μM, indicating that MDGA directly inhibits COX-2 activity. In addition, this compound consistently inhibited the production of leukotriene C4 (IC50 1.3 μM). These results demonstrate that MDGA inhibits both COX-2 and 5-lipoxygenase. Furthermore, this compound strongly inhibited the degranulation reaction in BMMC (IC50 11.4 μM). Therefore, this compound might provide a basis for novel anti-inflammatory drug development.

      • KCI등재

        전략적 공급관계에서의 관리통제시스템이 협력 및 성과에 미치는 영향

        김규철(Kim Kyu-chul),최종민(Choe Jong-min) 한국국제회계학회 2018 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.80

        본 연구는 전략적 공급관계에서 성과평가시스템과 사회화프로세스가 협력(4차원: 정보공유/문제해결, 변화에 적응하려는 의지, 권력의 사용 억제)을 통해 어떻게 관계성과를 향상시키는지를 실증적으로 연구하였다. 회귀분석 결과, 성과평가시스템과 사회화프로세스는 관계성과에 유의한 양의 영향이 미친다. 성과평가시스템(재무적)에서는 권력의 사용 억제에 대해서만 유의한 양의 영향을 미쳤고, 성과평가시스템(비재무적)과 사회화프로세스에서는 ‘정보공유/문제해결’에서만 유의한 양의 영향을 미쳤다. 그리고 협력 4차원중 ‘정보공유/문제해결’과 ‘변화에 적응하려는 의지’만 관계성과에 유의한 양의 영향을 미친다. 관계 성과에 대한 간접영향 분석에서는 성과평가시스템(비재무적)은 ‘권력의 사용 억제’를 통한 관계 성과에 대해서만 유의한 양의 영향이 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 협력 4차원에 유의적인 양의 영향은 관련 기업들과의 서로 합심해서 정보 공유하고, 공동으로 함께 해결하고 노력할 때 구매기업과 공급기업에 서로 만족하는 관계 성과를 가능하게 한다는 의미이다. 성과평가시스템과 사회화프로세스로 실증 연구를 해 본 결과, 협력(4차원)을 통한 관계 성과 향상을 위해서는 성과평가시스템과 사회화프로세스를 병행해서 사용하는 것이 기업의 관리 통제에 효과적인 방안임을 의미한다. 또 사회화프로세스가 관계성과와 관련이 있음을 나타낸다. This study empirically investigated how PMS and Socialization process improve Relationship performance through Cooperation(4dimensions: Information sharing/Problem solving, Willingness to adapt to changes, Restraint from use of power) in Strategic supply relationships. The result of the regression analysis showed that PMS and Socialization process have a positive impact on the Relationship performance. The PMS(financial) had olny a significant a positive impect on the Restraint from use of power, and the PMS(non-financial) and socialization process had only a significant a positive impect on ‘Information sharing/Problem solving". In addition, ‘Information sharing/Problem solving" and ‘Willingness to adapt to change" among the 4 dimensions of Cooperation have only a significant a positive impact on Relationship performance. In the indirect effect analysis of Relationship performance, PMS(nonfinancial) have only a significant a positive impact on the relationship performance through ‘Restraint from use of power". Significant impacts on the 4dimensions of Cooperation mean that it is possible to achieve satisfactory Relationship Performance between the purchasing and supplying companies when sharing information with the related companies sharing and working together. As a result of empirical studies with the PMS and the Socialization process, it means that the use of the PMS and the Socialization process together is an effective way to control the enterprise in order to improve the Relationship performance through Cooperation(4-dimensions). It also indicates that the Socialization process is related to Relationship performance.

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