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      • 세라믹튜브 및 패킹형 플라스틱 여재충전 혐기성 여상의 유가공 폐수 처리특성 및 반응조 내부거동

        허준무,장봉기,서성철,박종안,이종화,배형석,김준현 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1997 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.3 No.2

        This study was carried to develop of anaerobic reactor to be able to maximize the organic removal efficiency using laboratory-scale anaerobic filter. The ceramic tube and pall ring media were tested for the applicability as packing media of anaerobic filter for the treatment of a dairy waste. This study was conducted to determine the anaerobic treatability of a dairy waste, and investigate the effects of ceramic tube and pall ring media. Anaerobic filters were packed with packing volume of 65% of total working volume. When treating a dairy waste, the organic removal efficiency of anaerobic filter packed with pall rings was a little higher than that of anaerobic filter packed with ceramic tubes. This was because the reactor packed with ceramic tube had clogging problems and substrate transfer limitations. It seemed that the reactor packed with ceramic tubes had uneven packing due to structural characteristics. The COD removals of ceramic tube and pall ring anaerobic filters were greater than about 91% and 94%, respectively, at organic loading rate lower than 5kgCOD/㎥/d. The COD removals of both reactors decreased to 80% with organic loading rate of 10kgCOD/㎥/d. Biomass capture and solid-liquid-gas separation efficiency seemed to vary with the type of media.

      • PGE_2와 DBcAMP가 골조직 세포의 생리적 활성에 미치는 영향

        이준기,채한정,강장숙,김형룡 원광대학교 생체재료·매식연구소 1998 원광생체재료·매식 Vol.7 No.2

        One of the primary functions for which bones have evolved is to act as structural support. To achieve this goal, bones are remodeling throughout life so that their structure remains optimal for the prevailing mechanical environment. Bone remodeling consists of an initial phase of osteoclastic bone resorption followed by a bone formation period. Prostaglandins are potent regulators of bone formation and bone resorption that can have both stimulatory and inhibitory effects. Elevation of intracellular cAMP is an important intracellular signaling mechanism involved in the regulation of the expression of many proteins. In this study, the author examined whether PGE_2 or DBcAMP affected osteoblastic activation or osteoclastic differentiation in mouse bone marrow cells and osteosarcoma ROS 17/2.8 cells. The effect of PGE_2 and DBcAMP on the cell proliferation was measured by the incorporation of [^3H]-thymidine into DNA. From the result, PGE_2( 0.5-1 ㎍/ml ) and DBcAMP(0.1-0.5 mM) inhibited the [^3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA. The effect of PGE_2 and DBcAMP on the induction of alkaline phosphatase(ALP) was investigated in ROS 17/2.8 cells cultured in medium containing 0.4% fetal bovine serum. PGE_2 and DBcAMP stimulated ALP activity in the cells. PGE_2 also increased the intracellular cAMPs contents with a maximal effect at 0.5 ㎍/ml. ROS 17/2.8 cells released nitric oxide upon stimulation of PGE2 or DBcAMP with interferon-γ. PGE_2 and DBcAMP increase the phosphorylation level of CREB(cAMP response element binding protein) without any change on the amount of CREB protein. Also, PGE_2 (10^-6 M) and DBcAMP (10^-4 M) significantly increase the generation of osteoclast-like cell in mouse bone marrow cell culture system. In conclusion, the results of this study suggested that PGE_2 and cAMP should appear to be an important regulatory molecule in the processes of bone formation and resorption.

      • KCI등재

        制度化된 行政國家와 法治主義

        洪準亨 서울대학교 행정대학원 2000 行政論叢 Vol.38 No.2

        '제도화된 행정국가' (Institutionalized Administrative State) 의 개념은 한국에 있어 법치주의의 현실적·법제도적 환경을 설명해주는 준거이다. '제도화된 행정국가'란 행정국가라는 현대국가의 보편적 경향을 표상해 주는 현상이 한국헌정사에 있어 常素로 존속해왔던 사실을 인지하고 그 원인을 헌법제도화의 계기를 통해 설명하고자 하는 시도를 집약해준다. 국가형성(nation-building) 과정에서 요구된 행정국가의 요구를 뒷받침해주기 위해 한국헌법은 출범당시부터 대통령과 행정부의 우위를 제도화시켰다. 제도화된 행정국가는 국정의 능률화라는 당시 개발독재의 요청을 충실히 이행하여 정부주도형 외형적 경제성장에 유리한 환경을 제공했을 뿐만 아니라 비록 '지연된 혁명'의 형태였을지라도 한국사회가 문민통제 (civilian control)로 이행하는 과정에서 우려되었던 정치불안의 리스크를 완충함으로써 역설적으로 민주주의로의 이행에 기여했다. 제도화된 행정국가는 강력한 대통령제(strong presidency)를 구현하는데 성공함으로써, 특히 제3세계에 있어 대통령제의 실패요인이 된 '약한 대통령'과 그로 인한 정치적 혼란을 회피할 수 있는 효과적인 법제도적 환경을 제공했고, 심지어는 문민통제가 실현된 이후에서 선거를 통해 집권한 새로운 정치세력들에게 안정적인 국정수행을 가능케 해주는 우호적인 여건으로 작용했다. 그러나 시간이 지나면서 제도화된 행정 국가의 역기능이 더 두드러지게 나타나기 시작했다. 행정부의 비대화, 경제간섭주의, 정경유착, 법치주의의 형해화 등과 같은 고질적 폐단이 일상화되었다. 제도화된 행정국가에서는 행정부, 입법부 및 사법부의 역할과 상호관계가 헌법에 의하여 국정의 준칙으로 처방된 입헌민주주의와 법치주의의 요구를 왜곡시킬 가능성이 크다. 이 문제점은 국가권력간의 관계를 불균형하게 강화된 대통령과 비대화한 관료기구에 의한 새로운 형태의 권력집중의 그것으로 고착·화석화시키고 그 결과 새로운 경쟁환경에서 요구되는 국가법제도적 유연성과 적응능력을 손상시키며, 나아가 헌법적 권리의 보장을 위태롭게 만든다. 당면과제는 국회와 행정부, 사법부간의 관계를 역동적인 견제와 균형의 그것으로 재구축하는 일이다. 제도화된 행정국가에서 이들간에 '조용하고 일사분란한 명령계통'을 강조하는 것은 한 때 국정의 능률화를 위해 기여했을지 모르지만, 개방성과 투명성이 강요되는 새로운 질서하에서는 오히려 정치적 형성의 장애요인이 된다는 것을 인식할 필요가 있다.

      • 융 C. G. Jung의 개성화 과정 연구

        秦炯俊 弘益大學校 人文科學硏究所 1994 人文科學 Vol.2 No.-

        Résumé Généralement C. G. Jung oui esc un Psychologue tost considfrf comme un dérivation de la psychanalyse chez Freud. ll esc vrai qua la Psychologie chez Jung a quelque homogénéité avec la psychanalyse chez Freud, dais il esc également vrai qua entre la premiére et la derniére il y a grande différence. Freud découvert 1'inconscience dana le Psychisme de 1'homme et Jung, aussi, admen 1'inconscient. Mais tandis que la Psychanalyse esc fondle stir 1'impfrialisme de libido, la Psychologie chez Jung met 1'accent tour la multiplicity de 1'instinct. D'ailleurs, Freud maintient qu'entre la pulsion et le milieu il existe la censure et le refoulement. Mais salon Jung, il existe one sortie de complicite entre 1'un et 1'autre . Dans cette étude nous voulons élucider la diérence entre Freud et Jung on ftudiant le processes de 1'individuation. Aussi nous voulons fclaire toes miens des notions fondamentaux chez Jung, comme symbols, 1'inconscient collectif, anima, animus, Soi, etc. Enfin nous confirmont que tandis que la Psychanalyse chez Freud est une lignée droite de 1'épistémologie occidentale, la psychologic chez Jung esc assez proche de 1'épistémologie orientate .

      • 핀의 최적 설계를 위한 구조화 표본추출 적용 연구

        박홍준,김정호,전형주 순천대학교 2000 순천대학교 자연과학논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        The Taguchi method by orthogonal array, one of the structured sampling methods, has many advantages which are row cost and time saving for experiments and researches. But this method has applied limited area especially about mechanical problems. So, we experimented whether the structured sampling is useful to apply optimal design of mechanical elements. First, we made a mechanical problem to determine optimal parameters of a pin with a hole. The second, we calculated combination of optimal parameters by simulation. At the same time, we seeked optimal combination by structured sampling using orthogonal array and ANOVA(Analysis of Variance). The last, we compared these two results. The experimental result have shown that the structured sampling method seeked optimal parameters exactly. So, we see some possibility in this application.

      • 「주체사상」의 이데올로기적 기능 : 단합 기능과 동원 기능을 중심으로

        李峻炯 경성대학교 1983 부산수산대학 논문집 Vol.4 No.4

        The analysis of the ideological functions of the "Idea of juche" is seen to be very significant becaus edefinitions of ideologies are dealt with as the central themes of recent political researches and ideologies play a crucial role in the analysis of politics. The aims of this study are: (1) to explore whether the "idea" functions mainly as pure ideology or practical ideology: (2) to investigate how the solidarity function is concretely manifested, and (3) to examine how the mobilization function is concretely manifested. To fulfill these purposes, we avail ourselves of an analytic frame of reference based on Frans Schurmann's pure and practical ideology and Anthoney F. C. Wallace's goal and transfer culture. In the analysis of the functions of the "idea", we chsre solidarity and mobilization alone among several functions of ideology. Four drives or movements, which have been imposed on the North korean inhabitants, are given for the concrete manifestations of the two functions of the "idea". The results of the study are as follous: The "idea of juche" prvned to be transfer culture rather than goal culture in that the North Korean theoreticians have asserted that "all the lines and policies of our party are from and are carried out by the idea of juche:. But they have sought to enhance the "idea" toward pure ideology. Though it is difficult to make explicit which function relate exactly to which component of the idea, the relations between them are to be said. "Juche in ideology" and "independence in politics" prove to be more concerned with solidarity function, while "self-sustenance in economy" and "selfdefence in national defence" have a lot to do with mobilization function. The North Korean Communists didn't build up their regime on their oven but by the help of Soviet Russia and China. It is natural that their regime should lack authority, which solidarity function of the "idea" legitimizes. In other words, the "idea" helps to support the North Korean elite and to justify the exercise of power. The solidarity function is concretely manifested in the use of myths, the rewriting of history and the search for a utopia, which serve to promote the ends of the North Korean communist system. Most Communist transfer-culture goals require sacrifices of the population; commonly such goals are unpopular or entail means that are not popularly supported. They are accordingly imposed by a "revolution from above," which is very like Amitai's "societal mobilization." This mobilization has brought about a considerable degree of indiffrence and inertia among the North Koreans. The North Korean authorities have consequently attempted to maximize the effects of mobilization policies through the "idea". They have taken advantage of "chulima" movement and four military lines for the concrete manifestations of mobilization. It is concluded that through the "idea" Kim Il-sung, leader of the North Korean regime, has intended to consolidate his monolithic power and to maintain the supreme position of the Korean Workers Party.

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