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        산업안전보건법에서 나타난 도급에 관한 쟁점

        조흠학(Hm-hak, Cho) 한국비교노동법학회 2017 노동법논총 Vol.40 No.-

        From the viewpoint of contract relationship and occupational safety and health acts relationship, it is very difficult to define the limit of the scope of responsibility according to legal concept and type of contract. Especially from the viewpoint of contract theory of civil law, asking contents of invited contract, which correspond to autonomous meaning of the contract, to bear of responsibility can be controversial. In addition, It is necessary to judge whether it is appropriate to prohibit subcontracts, in a multi-layered structure such as a secondary, tertiary structure, caused by Individual contract. Forcing by limiting the unconditional contents of contract by law can cause continuous conflict with civil law and enforcing the law. However it is an important issue for worker’s life and safety and health to make their responsible for safety and health from workplace of contractor that cause the danger. In this sense, it is reasonable to judge administration area of contractor from meaning of place that gives spatial meaning to the workplace to charge responsibility. And currently, scope of contract responsibility is defined only on the basis of limited space concept, which is the workplace, but if scope of workplace changes due to changes in various industrial environments such as the Fourth Industry, exterior contract also needs to be responsible for safety and health as a general responsibility. Particularly in case of workplace where the harmful substance is handled, a corporate responsibility is required through the prior safety and health management system on provision of information, etc.

      • KCI등재

        한국불임여성에 있어서 자궁난관조영술의 임상적 고찰

        곽현모(HM Kwak),김성도(SD Kim),이영호(HY Lee),오기석(KS Oh) 대한산부인과학회 1974 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.17 No.6

        1967년 1월부터 1969년 12월까지 만 3년간 불임을 주소로 연세대학교 의과대학 산부인과 외 래에 내원하여 자궁난관조영술을 시행한 예 중 임상 및 X선 기록이 충실한 200예를 대상으 로 분석 고찰하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1) 자궁난관조영술을 시행한 200예 중 원발성불임은 121예, 속발성불임은 79예였다. 2) 연령분포를 보면 원발성불임군에는 25∼29세군이 58예(47.9%), 속발성불임군에서는 30∼ 34세군이 31예(39.3%)로 가장 많았다. 3) 불임기간은 월발성 및 속발성 불임 전체에서 불임 기간 7∼9년이 60예(30.0%)로 가장 많 았고, 속발성불임군에서 원발성불임군에 비해 불임기간이 다소 긴 경향을 볼 수 있었다. 4) 기왕력에 있어서 골반염증성 질환이 22예(11.0%)로 가장 많았으며 원발성불임군에서는 진단목적으로 소파수술을 받은 예가 11에, 충수절제술이 7예였고 속발성불임군에서는 최종 임신을 임신중절술로 마친 예가 25예(12.5%)로 가장 많았다. 5) 자궁상은 정상이 125예(62.5%)이고 비정상 70예 중 내강벽 불규칙상이 30예(15.0%)로 가 장 많았다. 6) 난관상에서는 팽대부 및 체부의 난관수종상이 76예(38.0%)로 가장 높은 빈도를 나타냈 다. 7) 양측난관폐쇄는 52.0%(104예)이였으며 편측폐쇄가 16.0%(32예)로 좌우측난관에서 의의있 는 차이는 없었다. 8) 난관의 폐쇄부위는 각부 30예, 협부 32예 그리고 팽대부가 71예(35.5%)로 가장 많았으며 좌우측 난관에서 차이는 없었다. 9) 복강상은 96예(48.0%)에서 출현하였다. 10) 골반내맥관상의 출현빈도는 13.5%로 타 보고자보다 높은치를 보였으며 원발성 및 속발 성에서 의의있는 차이는 없다. 11) 자궁, 난관, 복강상에 있어서 이들 전부가 정상인 것은 42예(21.0%), 하나 이상에서 비정 상인 것은 116예(58.0%)이였다. Hysterosalpingography has been universally accepted and approved method as a valuable aid in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and tubal pathology, especially for tubal patency. A clinical analysis has been made on 200 cases of known infertile patients by the view of hysterosalpingogrm. The results were as follows : 1) In 200 cases of infertility, 121 cases were primary and remaining 79 cases were secondary infertility. 2) Age distribution showed the peak at 25-29 year old group in primary infertility and at 30-34 year old group in secondary infertility, cases of which were 58(47.9%) and 31(39.3%) respectively. 3) 60 cases of this study shows 7-9 years of duration infertility and it was longer in secondary than primary infertility. 4) In past history, pelvic inflammatory diseases were found in 22 cases (11.0%), diagnostic D & C in 25 cases (12.5%) of secondary infertility. 5) Uterine shadow revealed 125 cases of normal finding and 30 cases of irregular uterine cavity shadow, which was 15.0% and predominant abnormal finding. 6) Tubal pathology was predominent lesion in hysterosalpingogrm and bilateral occlusion was noted in 104 cases(52.0%) and unilateraltubal occlusion was 32 cases(16.0%).Tthere was no significant difference between right and left side. 7) In shape of tubes, hysterosalpinx of ampuaalr and fimbrial portion was predominant to the exclusion of patent tubes and cornual obstruction. 8) Sites of tubal occlusion were cornual in 30 cases, isthmic in 32 cases and ampullar and fimbrial portion in 71 cases. 9) Intravasation, one of complications of HSG was noted in pelvic cavity of 27 cases among 200 cases, which was 13.5%. 10) Abdominal despersion of radiopaque material appeared in 96 cases(48.0%) of this study and most common appearance was homogeneous hazzy cloudy shape. 11) Normal hysterosalpingogrm was noted in 42 cases(21.0%) and 116 cases(58.0%) was abnormal in one or more among uterine, tubal, and intraabdominal shadow.

      • KCI등재

        무뇌아의 1예

        박학만(HM Park),조제연(Cho JH),황치학(CH Hwang) 대한산부인과학회 1971 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.14 No.7

        무뇌아의 1예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. A case of male anencephalus with hydrammions at the 10 months of pregnant 36 years women and presented with sum emphasis etiologic and teratogenic significance. A review of reference concerned.

      • KCI등재

        분만시 Methoxyplurane ( Penthrane ) 의 영향

        곽현모(HM Kwak),정순오(SO Chung),김종일(JI Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1972 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.15 No.2

        분만시 Methoxyplurane(Penthrane) 의 영향에 관한 연구를 통해 강한 진통효과가 있음이 확인되었다. Most analgesics for parturients produced fetal cardio respiratory depression. diminishing uterine contractability and other side effects to mother. In view of its broad range of safety and ease of application, methoxyflurane has attracted attention as a means of overcoming these disadvantages. A clinical study was carried on at Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Yonsei University College of Medicine to evaluate the effects of Methoxyflurane (Penthrane) in course of the labor. There were 28 patients of primiparas and 22 patients of multiparas in this study. Methoxyflurane administered by intermittent inhalation produces satisfactory analgesis effect in the majority of patients, has a few side effects, a wide margin of safety, and no ill effects upon the fetus.

      • KCI등재

        경구피임제 오이기논 이. 디 ( Eugynone E.D ) 에 대한 임상적 연구

        곽현모(HM Kwak),권병희(BH Kwun),김성도(SD Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1971 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.14 No.9

        1968년 12월부터 18개월간 연세대학교 의과대학 산부인과에서 28정인 Eugynone E.D.에 관한임상시험을 하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 전대상자는 327명으로서 총사용 월경주기는 2061주기였다. 2. 자녀생존수는 3-4명이 가장 많았다. 3. 인공유산의 경험은 전혀 없었던 사람이 110명으로 가장 많았고 1-2회의 경험자가 차위로 되어 있었다. 4. 교육정도는 전대상자중에서 12.5%가 전혀 교육을 받지 못하였고 87.5%가 국민학교이상의 교육을 받은 자이었다. 5. Eugynone E.D.복용자중에서 중단한 자는 327명중 30명이었다. 6. Eugynone E.D를 사용하여 임신한 사람은 하나도 없었다. 7. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 Eugynone E.D.를 피임목적으로 사용하여 그 효능이 100%이며 부작용도 경미함과 동시에 자연소실함을 재확인하였다. The Eugynone E.D. is an extremely low dose and provene oral contraceptives made available in a special 28 days pack by Schering A.G. We are now conducting a clinical study of Eugynone E.D. This is a result of the our experience of 3327 women registered in Family Planning Clinic in Yonsei University Hospital for period of 20 months. Material and Methods: All cases were selected among the patients registered in Family Planning Clinic of Yonsei University Hospital. A total of 327 women were selected for careful clinical appraisals. Ecah individual was questioned, interviewed and examined as to their subjective symptoms before and after the taken oral pill. The chief criteria for inclusion in the study were proved fertility and history of no obious illness that would preclude the use of a systemic medication. We admistered Eugynone E.D, instructing the patients to take every first pack is begun on day 1st of the menstruation bleeding rather than 5th day of menstruation, as has been the case with other methods, thus obtaining the need for counting. Tablets are taken continuously, one every day, without stopping. The patient who has missed a tablet, it is less that 36 hours since a tablet was last taken the patient should take the missed tablet as soon as possible. Result: 1) The 327 women who had Eugynone E.D. as of December, 1968, represented a total of 2067 patients-cycles. 2) The women age distribution showed that majority of patients were 30 to 39 year-old women. 3) The majority of number of living children was three to four. 4) Nausea: One of the side effects encountered with progestin products as contraceptives is nausea and other gastrointestinal complaints. Of 2067 cycles studies, nausea was noted only 1.46%. As most patient continued taking the medication despite the single episode or two of nausea, it must be concluded that it did not present a significant problem. Most instances of nausea were reported in either the first ro second cycle. 5) Bleeding: One of the major considerations in the cyclic use of progestins for contraception is the maintenance of a regular menstrual shcedule. There were 0.92% who had break through bleeding or intermenstrual bleeding. 6) Amenorrhea: The total per cent of missed period was 0.53% and hypomenorrhea was 5.24%. The menorrhagia was 1.36%. 7) Indigestion: The total of the complaining of the indigestion was 2.09%. 8) Body weight and headache: We encountered the body weight gain means that 5 Lbs or more gain during the taking the oral pill. The body weight gain was 0.6% and headache cocomplained patients were 0.92%. 9) Discontinue: The discontinued patients were 30 among the 327 patients. 10) Pregnancy: There was no unplanned pregnancy. 11) The side effects did not present a significant problem. Most incidence of nausea, bleeding occured in the early month of use and promptly disappeared.

      • KCI등재

        경구피임제 Eugynon의 임상실험에 관한 연구

        곽현모(HM Kwak) 대한산부인과학회 1968 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.11 No.9

        1967년 11월부터 1968년 5월 20일 까지에 연세대학교 의과대학, 우석대학, 이화의대, 인천기독병원,서울적십자병원,한일병원,대전 동산병원,산부인과에 의하여 종합연구하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 전대상자수는 510명으로서 총사용 주기수는 1111 월경주기였다. 2. 대상자는 건강한 가정부인으로서 년령분포는 대부분이 25세에서 39세까지의 청장년이었 다. 기중 가장 많았던 것이 30세부터 34세이였다. 3. 자녀생존자수는 1-3명이 수위이였다. 4. 인공유산의 경험에 있어서 1회 이상 가진 부인이 74.2% 전연경험이 없었던 자가 25.8%이 였다. 5. 출혈(점상출혈)이 있었던 자는 총 1111 월경 주기의 0.82% 이였으며 이는 제 3 월경주기 간에 급격히 자연소퇴 하였다. 6. 악심구토는 총월경주기에 있어서 2.8%이였으며 제 3월경주기 후는 거의 전무였다. 7. 두통을 고소한 자는 2.54%, 월경곤란은 0.36%이다. 8. 경구피임제사용후 무월경을 초례한 자는 0.39%이다. 9. 소화불량을 호소한자는 전 대상의 1.27%이었다. 10. 총 대상자 510명 중 단 1명의 임신도 없었다. 11. 경구피임제 중단자는 전 대상중 3.9%이었으며 기중 부작용으로 중단자는 단 2명에 지나 지 않았다. 12. 상기한 결과를 종합하여 보면 경구피임제 Eugynon 는 피임의 목적으로 그 효능이 100% 임을 재확인 할 수 있으며 또한 부작용에 있어서 그 정도가 극히 경미하였으며, 급격히 자연 소퇴함을 확인 하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        A Clinical Study on Intrauterine Contraceptive Device in Yonsei University Family Planning Clinic

        곽현모(HM Kwak),송찬호(CH Song) 대한산부인과학회 1972 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.15 No.11

        I. Introduction The national family planning programme was inagurated in the early 1960`s as part of the government policy to contribute to economic development by curbing the rapid rate of population growth. The Family Planning Clinic was founded at the Yonsei University Hospotal in 1962. The I.U.D. insertions have been performed in this clinic since early 1963. One year later the national family planning programme place primary emphasis on the I.U.D. The main activity of this clinic is the promotion of the family planning through the provisionf of modern and traditional methods of contraception, the most popular of which has been the I.U.D. In addition, the clinic provides many other services, such as assistance with home deliveries, health care for pregnant mothers and children early detection of cervical cancer, sterility clinic, and premarital guidance. Over 10,000 women have registered for contraception over past 10 years. Many clinical and experimental studies have been conducted by the clinic on the basis of this data. This paper covers general patterns of I.U.D. acceptance in this clinic from 1963 to 1971. II. Material and Method All cases were selected from among the clients registered in the Family Planning Clinic of Yonsei University Hospital. A total of 7,011 clients using I.U.D.`s were lelected for careful clinical appraisals from January, 1963, to December, 1971. Each individual was interviewed to determine her subjective and objective symptoms before and ofter the insertion of the I.U.D. Tthe recommented timing for insertion was soon after the onset of a menstrual period, at least six weeks after a delivery, or soon after cessation of the first menstrual period following abortion. All clients using I.U.D. were required to return to the clinic for follow-up observation, monthly for the first three months, then quarterly for three visits and semiannually thereafter. They were also requested to return promptly should any problem arise. The devices used in this study were the Lippes loop, Margulies coil, Organon loop, and Copper-T.

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