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      • KCI등재

        폭압적 정치상황과 소설적 응전의 양상

        김병덕(Kim, Byeong―Deog) 한국비평문학회 2013 批評文學 Vol.- No.49

        본고는 1970년대의 부조리한 정치상황을 비판ㆍ고발한 조해일의 작품을 살핀 글이다. 작가는 당대의 엄혹한 상황에서 나름의 ‘정치적 알레고리’를 사용한 작품들을 통해 작의를 드러냈다. 하지만 그러한 작품세계에 대한 세심한 분석은 이루어지지 못한 것이 사실이다. 본고에서는 그 점에 주목하여 조해일의 작품을 고찰했다. 그 결과로 본고에서 논한 작품들에서 다음과 같은 의미를 발견할 수 있었다. 첫째 조해일의 작품이 1970년대 한국사회의 암담한 정치적 상황에 저항하고 있다는 점이다. 작가는 어두운 현실의 타개책으로 평범한 국민들의 연대의 힘이 절대적으로 필요하다는 점을 강변한다. 둘째로 당대 사회에서 지식인의 역할에 작가는 주목한다. 조해일은 불의의 시대에 한탄만 하는 지식인보다, 미약한 힘으로나마 현실에 맞서는 지식인들에게 우호의 눈길을 보내는 것이다. 셋째 박정희 정권 시기에 억압당하는 시위의 자유에 대해 작가는 문제제기를 한다. 동시에 그 자유를 억압하는 주체들에 작가는 책임을 묻는데, 그들이 당시의 지배층이라는 것에는 의심의 여지가 없다. 조해일의 당대 정치적 현실에 대한 소설적 응전은 비록 소극적이었을지라도 나름의 의미가 있다. 작가는 그것을 알레고리 기법을 동원해 수행하는데, 이는 작가의 소설의 미학성에 대한 중시, 1970년대 박정희 정권의 문화ㆍ예술인들에 대한 핍박, 팍팍한 정치현실에서 작가가 소망하는 세계에 대한 열망 등의 이유로 행해진다. This thesis is a study of Cho, Hae Il’s literary works which criticized and satirized the situation of social irregularities in the 1970’s by an allegoric technique. It is a fact that the writer’s intention by an allegory and a detailed analysis for the works have not been accomplished until now. The researcher who attached importance to that respect in this thesis investigated Cho, HaeIl’s literary works which made use of by the political allegory. As the results of this thesis, this researcher found that his works discussed in this thesis had meaning as in the following. First. His works stands against the Korean social irregularities in the 1970’s and he stressed the need of a national power of solidarity in order to find a way out of the difficult realities. Second, He turns his warmer eyes on the intelligent to face up squarely to the difficult realities to add even their weak power than those of deploring the immoral society. Third, The writer accused an oppressor of oppressing the freedom, and also there can be no two opinions on this point that is, the oppressor is the ruling classes in those days. This researcher has had an interest in why he had an awareness of the issues about reality in those days. Probably, it is why he made passive response, that is, interest in a fictional beauty, oppression against literary men by the Park, JungHee Administration in the 1970s, escape from a difficult political reality, and so on.

      • KCI등재

        6세기 금석문을 통해 본 신라 관등제의 정비과정

        전덕재(Jeon Deog-jae) 한국목간학회 2010 목간과 문자 Vol.5 No.-

        본 논고는 신라가 마립간시기에 干支관등을 설치한 과정과 아울러 520년 무렵에 고구려의 관등을 참조하여 大舍와 그 이하의 하위관등을 설치하였음을 살핀 것이다. 마립간시기에 처음으로 干支를 칭한 존재나 그에 버금가는 왕족 등을 及干支와 沙干支로 구분하여 位階化하고, 그 이후에 壹吉干支, 阿干支, 波珍干支, 壹干支, 壹伐干支를 단계적 또는 한꺼번에 사간지의 상위 관등으로 설치하였다. 일벌간지와 파진간지, 일길간지는 壹伐(一伐), 彼旦(彼日), 壹吉이란 관등에다 干支를 덧붙여 생성된 관등이고, 壹干支와 阿干支는 技能人에서 유래한 壹尺과 阿尺관등을 참조하여 설치한 것이었다. 이사금 시기에 이미 舒弗邯을 설치하였음이 확인되는데, 마립간시기에 새로이 일벌간지를 설치하면서 두 관등의 성격은 동일한 것으로 이해되었다. 520년(법흥왕 7)에 京位17관등과 외위 관등을 정비하였는데, 이때에 고구려의 使者, 兄, ?衣, 先人관등을 염두에 두고 대사와 그 이하의 하위관등을 새로 설치하였고, 이와 동시에 壹伐, 壹尺등을 外位관등으로 轉化시켜 새로이 지방의 지배세력에게 수여한 외위제를 정비하였다. 6부체제가 해체된 6세기 전반에 喙部와 沙喙部이외의 나머지 6부 지배자들을 17관등체계에, 지방의 지배층을 외위의 관등에 모두 편제하면서 비로소 국왕 중심의 일원적인 관등체계가 성립되었다. The Process for the Establishment of the Silla's Government Officials Ranking System Based on the sixth century Silla Monument Jeon Deog-jae This study is focused on the process for the establishment of the Silla's Ganji (干支) ranking system during the Maripgan Period and the introduction of Daesa (大舍) and lower ranks in about 520 following the system established by Goguryeo. It was during the Maripgan Period that Silla divided the ruling class in Ganji ranks and minor royals into Geup-Ganji (及干支) and Sa-Ganji (沙干支), and introduced, at a time or by stages, the five Ganji posts, Ilgil-Ganji (壹吉干支), A-Ganji (阿干支), Pajin- Ganji (波珍干支), Il-Ganji (壹干支) and Ilbeol-Ganji (壹伐干支) as higher ranks of Sa-Ganji. Among the new ranks, Ilbeol-Ganji, Pajin-Ganji and Ilgil-Ganji were formed by attaching a common term Ganji to the titles of Ilbeol (壹伐/一伐), Pidan (彼旦) or Piil (彼日) and Ilgil (壹吉) which refer to higher government posts while Il-Ganji and A-Ganji were conceived from Il-Cheok (壹尺) and ACheok (阿尺) originated from the technical expert. Records show that the rank of Seobulhan (舒弗 邯) was established during the Isageum Period and that it is the same rank as Ilbeol-Ganji established during the Maripgan Period. It was in 520, the 7th year of the King Beopheung, that Silla established 17 government officials ranking system for the capital and the local government officials ranking system, including Daesa (大舍) and its lower ranks conceived from the Goguryeo posts such as Saja (使 者), Hyeong (兄), Joui (.衣) and Seonin (先人). Records also show that Silla gave some of its central posts such as Ilbeol (壹伐) and Ilcheok (壹尺) to the local government officials ranks as a part of the effort for the centralizaiton of the kingdom. It was after the dissolution of the 6-Pu System in the early 6th century that Silla established a king-centered unitary government system via incorporating the rulers of 6-Pu excluding Hwebu (喙部) and Sahwebu (沙喙部) into the 17 Rank System and the local ruling class into the local government officials ranking system.

      • Imide 단위를 포함하는 Polyamide의 합성과 열적 성질

        길덕수,배장순,공명선 단국대학교 신소재기술연구소 1997 신소재 Vol.7 No.-

        Imide 단위를 포함하는 diamine과 dicarboxylic acid 단량체들, N-(4-aminophenyl)-4-aminophthalimide(1), N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4-carboxyphthalimide(2), N,N'-oxydiphenylenebis(4-aminophthalimide)(3) 및 N,N'-oxydiphenylenebis(4-carboxyphthalimide)(4)를 합성하였다. 위의 단량체들은 서로 축합하여 imide 단위가 교대된 poly(imide-amide)s를 합성하였으며 imide 단위를 포함하는 diamine 단량체들은 terephthaloyl chloride, isphthaloyl chloride와 축합하여 또다른 poly(imideamide)s를 합성하였다. 이렇게 합성된 중합체들은 NMP/LiCl 용액에 매우 잘 용해하였으나 그밖에 극성 반양자성 용매인 DMF, DMSO 및 DMAc 등에는 낮은 용해도를 보여주었다. 고유 점성도는 0.15-0.51 dL/g 이었으며 NMP/LiCl 용액으로부터 단단하지만 취성이 있는 고체막이 형성되었다. 중합체들의 유리전이온도 및 융점은 관찰되지 않았으나 400℃ 부근에서 서서히 분해가 시작되었으며, 중합체들은 500℃에서 82-93%의 잔사량을 나타내어 우수한 열적성질을 보여주었다. Diamine and dicarboxylic monomers with imide linkage, N-(4-aminophenyl)-4-aminophthalimide(1), N-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4-carboxyphthalimide (2), N,N'-oxydiphenylenebis (4-aminophthalimide)(3) and N,N'-oxydiphenylenebis (4-carboxyphthalimide) (4) were prepared, and poly(amide-imide)s with ease processing characteristics were prepared from the monomers, 1-4 and terephthaloyl chloride or isophthaloyl chloride. Intrinsic viscosity of polymers was 0.15-0.51 dL/g and brittle hare films were obtained by casting the NMP/LiCl polymer solution on to glass plate. The poly (amide-imide)s are easily solubiel in NMP/LiCl and also in polar aprotic solvents such as DMF, DMSO, NMP and DMAc at 80℃. These polymers showed no glass transition temperature and melting temperature in their DSC thermograms. All the polymers decomposed at around 400℃ and 500℃ in nitrogen and had 88∼93% residual weight at 500℃.

      • 加壓浮上法과 流動層法을 이용한 活性슬러지 混合液의 固液分離에 관한 比較硏究

        羅德寬,李基完 순천대학교 공업기술연구소 1995 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.-

        When the concentrated activated sludge was separated by Dissolved Air Flotation(DAF) and Fluidized Bed(FB), the influence factors such as concentration of raw sludge, floating and settling velocity, effluent SS, concentration of floated and settled sludge, and polymer dosage were investigated with experiment. The solid liquid separation of concentrated activated sludge could be barely expected by sedimentation, but it could be easily done by DAF and FB. The sludge in FB was about 6.0%. Settling velocity in FB was about two to three times faster than floating velocity in DAF within the polymer dosage of 5 to 20㎎/l. FB was more effective than DAF for the separation efficiency of sludge. The optimal polymer dosage of DAF and FB were 5 ㎎/ℓl and 20㎎/ℓ, respectively.

      • 섬진강수계의 이화학적 수질특성

        라덕관,김유봉,허동균 순천대학교 공업기술연구소 1997 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        In order to investigate the physicochemical water quality in Seomjin river basin, water quality analysis was undertaken at 11 sites in the main river and side stream from March 1996 to Fab. 1997. The concentration of BOD, SS, DO, T-N, T-P, and E. coli were 0.4~2.6mg/ℓ, 1.0~24.5mg/ℓ, 6.0~13.8mg/ℓ, 0.218~2.928mg/ℓ, 0.002~0.098mg/ℓ, and 15~500MPN/100㎖, respectively. Heavy metals were not detected in sampling sites. The lower parts of Yo-cheon is the most polluted stream among the main river and side stream in Seomjin river basin. In Seomjin river basin, annual average pollution loads in ton/year were estimated to be 1,660.32 of BOD, 6,151.86 of SS, 1,421.80 of T-N, and 28.91 of T-P. It was found that Seomjin river basin was not polluted to any troublesome level for water supply, industrial, irrigation and fishery purposes.

      • 토양에서 Napropamide의 흡착과 이동

        라덕관,박상숙,김유봉,허동균 순천대학교 공업기술연구소 1998 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This study was to investigate the adsorption and movement of Napropamide in soil. In order to find out the adsorption and movement characteristics of Napropamide in soils of sand loam (soil A), silt clay(soil B), and loam (soil C), batch and column tests were performed with respect to shaking time variation, adsorption isotherm, and breakthrough curve. The shaking time to reach the adsorption equlibrium of Napropamide was 12 hours. Freundlich isotherm was fit for the adsorption of Napropamide in soils. soil B had the highest adsorption coefficient of Napropamide, soil Ca and B followed at adsorption isotherm. The slope of breakthrough curve of soil A had the steep, soil C and soil B followed at the adsorption curve. The moving velocity of Napropamide in soils was the lowest of soil B because of its highest adsorption of Napropamide.

      • 저항운동프로그램이 뇌졸중 환자의 활동체력 증진에 미치는 영향

        정덕조 서원대학교 응용과학연구소 2002 응용과학연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare activity fitness of daily living(AFDL) in elderly stroke patients. Six older stroke patients(M: 2, F:4, 74.5±9.0yr) were participated in the AFDL test before and after 12weeks exercise programs(resistance exercise by Thera-band, therapeutic exercise, two times per week, twenty-sixty minute per day, performing one to three sets of 4-12 repetitions). Six items representing various parts of the body(i.e., arm, leg, shoulder) and categories of movement(i.e., manipulation, locomotion, and stability) were selected, and defined as the human movement abilities. Six performance test(grip strength, arm curl, catching a dropped bar, carrying beans using chopsticks, manipulating pegs in a pegboard, stepping) items related to the AFDL were measured in test before and after by the same investigators, using the same instruments. The results of the comparison with the 3 items between the test before and after showed that the test after were significantly(P<0.05) superior in catching a dropped bar, carrying beans using chopsticks, manipulating pegs in a pegboard. No difference existed in grip strength, arm curl, stepping. These results suggest that resistance training programs utilizing elastic tubing can serve as practical and effective means of eliciting strength gains in stroke patients. From these results, it can be concluded that the higher activity fitness of daily living(AFDL) level would contribute to a lifestyle of more engagement in exercise or physical activity.

      • KCI등재

        제조업 산업장의 유기용제 노출에 관한 연구

        문덕환,김정하,김필자,박명희,황용식,이채관,이창희 한국산업위생학회 2001 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Objective : For the purpose of preparing the fundamental data and health promotion and control program on organic solvents in air of manufacturing industry. Methods : The author surveyed number of organic solvent components which was used in working site and also determined the organic solvents concentration in air of 927 manufacturing industries and 1,267 working process with gas chromatography(NIOSH manual) for five years from 1995 to 1999. Results : Mean numbers of solvents components by type of industry, working process was number of 12. There were exceeded to TLV of 1,2-dichloroethane in textile manufacturing industry N,N-dimethyl furan in tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear manufacturing industry and chemical and chemical product manufacturing industry by type of industry. There were exceeded to TLV of 1,2-dichloroethane in handwriting and drawing process, cellosolove in adhesive spreading process, N,N-dimethly furan in production of solvent process and adhesion process by working process. Total exceeded rate to threshold limit values of organic solvents mixture were 12.9% for EI(Exposure index) and 10.0% for Em(Estimation of mixture) by type of industry, 11.3% for EI and 8.2% for Em by type of working process. The highest exceed rate was 36.7% for EI in tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear manufacturing industry and 29.0% for Em in textile manufacturing industry. the highest exceeded rate was 23.1% for EI and 12.5% for Em in adhesive spreading process by working process. Mean values of total subjects by type of industry and type of working process were 0.7±1.8 for EI and 0.7±1.7 for Em respectively. Conclusions : As above results, the author suggest that it makes the environmental control program on 1.2-dichloro-ethane, N,N-dimethyl furan, cellosolve by kind of organic solvent and on textile manufacturing industry, tanning and dressing of leather ; luggage, handbags, saddlery harness and footwear manufacturing industry by type of industry, and on handwriting, drawing process and adhesive spreading process and adhesion process by type of working process.

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