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      • Faktorenstruktur des Typ A Verhaltens

        Kim, De-Hi 인제대학교 1996 仁濟論叢 Vol.12 No.2

        Die Kreislaufkrankheiten sind jetzt in den meisten Staaten die erste Todesursache. Viele Risikofaktoren der Kreislaufsto^rung sind also auf die besonderen Charaktere bezu¨glich. Der repra¨sentative der besonderen Charakteren ist das Typ A Verhalten(Type A behavior pattern). Die Ziele dieser Studie sind wie folgt. Erstens, die Faktoren des Typ A Verhaltens in BRD werden gesucht. Zweitens, Die gefundenen Faktoren werden mit anderen Studien in anderen Staaten vergleicht. Diese Studie analysiert die Survey-Dateien von den Deutschen-Herz-Kreislauf-Pra¨ventionsstudien(DHP). Die Dateien sind die Antworten der 4.790 Leute durch die Fragebo^gen. Die Leute sind durch die Stichprobe in der BRD gewa¨hlt worden. Die Fragen dieser Studie sind die standardisierten Fragen von Bortner auf deutsch. Jede Frage besteht aus der vom 1-6 Punkt Likert-Skala. Die Anzahl an den Fragen ist 14. Die 14 Variablen sind wie folgt: unpu¨nktlich, Neigung zu Konkurrenz, kein guter Zuho^rer, eilig, ungeduldig, Ziel-Mobilisierung, mehrere Aufgaben gleichzeitig erledigen, energisch und nachdru¨cklich im Sprechen, Anerkennungsbedu¨rfnis, schnell, engagiert, verberge meine Gefu¨hle, ausschlieβlich arbeitsorientiert, ehrgeizig. Die Korrelationen zwischen jeden Variablen sind meistens statistisch signifikant. Deshalb braucht diese Studie die Faktorenanalyse. Aber das Haximum der Korrelationen ist nor 0,3330. Das bedeutet, daβ die Korrelationen sind nicht zu groβ. Die Anzahl an den Faktoren wird nach dem Guttman-Kaiser-Kriterium (GKK) entscheidet. Auf die Weise bestimmt diese Studie die Faktorenanzahl von 5. Die Optimalisierung der Faktorenachsenrotation wird mit den 5 Variablenachsen versucht (10 Zwei-Dimensiona¨re Rotationen). Die Nennungen der Faktoren sind wie folgt: (i)Hast und Eile(Dringlichkeit und Eile):D (ii)Unterbrechen des Gespra¨chpartners und Vollendung seiner Sa¨tze(Hinderung des Gespra¨chpartners und Vollendung seiner Sa¨tze) : H (iii)Konkurrenz und Ehrgeiz : K ( iv)Gefu¨hle verbergen(Innnerlichkeit der Gefu¨hle) : I (v)Arbeit-Mobilisierung:M. Das Ergebnis der Variable 1 (unpu¨nktlich) in dieser Studie, daβ die Unpu¨nktlichkeit das Typ A Verhalten ist, entspricht nicht dem von Rosenman et al.. An der Variable 1(unpu¨nktlich) ist die Polarisierung nicht klar. So ist die davon klare Definierung einigermaβen no^tig. Das Ergebnis der Variable 6(Ziel-Mobilisierung) in dieser Studie, daβ die Ziel-Mobilisierung des Typ A Verhalten ist, entspricht nicht dem von Rosenman et al.. An diesem Punkt kann man sich daran erinnern, daβ starke Zielorientierung in Deutschland positiv ist. Wahrscheinlice kann der Charakter daru¨ber in BRD verschieden von dem in USA oder UK sein. Und an der Variable 6(Ziel-Mobilisierung) ist die Polarisierung nicht klar. Hier gibt es keine Variable u¨ber die Mobilisierung ohne Ziel. So ist es notwendig, die Variable 6 klar zu verbessern. An der Variable 13(Ausschlieβlich arbeitsorientiert) war der ausschlieβlich arbeitsorientierte Charater an der Vriable zuerst das Typ A Verhalten zu interpretieren. Aber Bortner erkla¨rt, der ausschlieβlich arbeitsorientierte Charater an der Variable sei das Typ B Verhalten. In unserer Studie in BRD ist der ausschlieβlich arbeitsorientierte Charater an der Vriable doch des Typ A Verhalten. Es scheint, daβ die Polarisierungsrichtung in BRD anders als der von USA ist. In Allgemeinen haben die deutschen und ausla¨ndischen Ergebnisse die a¨hnliche Faktorenstruktur. Aber diese Studie hat zwei besondere Faktoren im Vergleich mit anderen Studien. Die sind I(Gefu¨hle verbergen od. Innerlichkeit der Gefu¨hle) und H(Unterbrechen od. Hinderung des Gespra¨chpartners und Vollendung seiner Sa¨tze) . Es scheint, daβ die Eigentu¨mlichkeit von dem kultur-geographischen Unterschied und dem methodischen Unterschied verursacht ist. 〈Keywords〉Kreislaufkrankheiten , Faktorenstruktur, Konkurrenz, Ehrgeiz

      • KCI등재

        住民參與와 保健政策 : -保健敎育 및 行態論의 새로운 接近- -New Approach to Health Education and Behavioral Science-

        金大熙 韓國保健敎育學會 1991 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Since it was found out that the degree of medical contribution to health was timid, the direction of health policy studies has been focused on the personal health behavior. Participation in health has been closely related to the behavior. Those who have insisted on the new direction believe that the health policy laying stress on low cost and personal responsibility can avoid the pathology of medical policy and medical crisis. Participation in health has been very important method of changing health behavior. It is certainly important to change bad health behaviors. But there is no deliberation of social structure here. Most health behaviors are the adaptation to social structure. The attempt to change the established adaptation behaviors without considering social structure is difficult to succeed. It is little meaningful to say the importance of the health behavior to those who have no choice but to be ill due to the poor environment and health riske. What can guarantee the real direction of community participation at least is the consciousness and behaviors of people's right.

      • 獨逸의 類型 A行態 構造 및 그 國際的 比較 硏究

        金大熙,鄭慶均 서울大學校保健大學院 1993 國民保健硏究所硏究論叢 Vol.3 No.2

        類型 A-B行態 初期 構成 變數는 14個로서, 시간 지킴 경시, 경쟁 경향, 경청 못함, 바쁨, 조급함, 목표동원, 다과제 동시 지향, 정력적 대화, 인정 욕구, 빠름, 몰두, 감정 은폐, 직무 밖 관심 , 공명심 등이었다. '時間 지킴 輕視'(變數01)가 類型 A行態로 分類된 것은 旣存의 硏究結果들과 一致하지 않아서 異彩롭다. 기존의 연구에 의하면, 類型 A行態者는 成就的 目標를 가지지 못한다고 한다. 本 硏究에서는 '目標 動員'(變數06)이 類型 A行態로 分類되었다. 그러나, 變數6은 非心筋梗塞 集團과 心筋梗塞 可能集團을 가장 有意하게 구분해 주고 있다. 보트너는 '職務밖 關心'을 애초에 類型 B行態로 分類했다. 존스톤에 의하면, 보트너의 元祖格 硏究와 러스틴에 의한 더욱 最近의 硏究가 이 變數에 대한 보트너의 分類를 그릇된 것으로 볼 수 있게 한다고 한다. 本 硏究에서는 '職務 밖 關心'이 類型 A行態로 分類되어, 존스톤 및 러스틴의 改善된 分類에 符合되었다. 非心筋梗塞 集團과 心筋梗塞 可能集團 間에 有意한 差異를 보여주는 變數들은 다음과 같았다. 傾聽 못함(變數 3), 바쁨(變數 4), 目標 動員(變數 6), 精力的 對話(變數 8), 빠름(變數 10), 沒頭(變數 11). 回轉된 要因積載量 行列에 따라, 다음과 같이 獨逸의 類型 A行態 構造가 구해졌다. 절박감 및 속도(D), 대화 예견 및 역설적 대화(H), 경쟁 및 공명심(K), 내향성(I), 작업 동원(M). 要因 D(切迫感 및 速度). M(作業 動員), I'(統合 要因)가 非心筋梗塞 集團과 心筋梗塞 可能集團 間에 有意한 差異를 보여주는 妥當性 있는 要因이었다.(p<0.00). 特히 統合要因은 類型 A行態 要因 構造를 代表하는 要因으로서, 本 類型 A行態 構造의 妥當性을 實證하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 다른 나라에서의 硏究들도 一般的으로 비슷한 要因 構造를 보여 주고 있다. 다른 나라의 一部 硏究에서 볼 수 있으나 本 硏究에서는 볼 수 없는 要因은 敵意(Feindseligkeit: Hostility)要因 및 統制(Kontrolle:Control)要因이다. 本 硏究는 다른 硏究에서 볼 수 없는 두 가지 特別한 要因을 갖고 있었다. 要因H(對話 豫見및 力說的 對話) 및 要因I(內向性)가 그것이다. 補完된 類型 A行態 변수들은 다음과 같다: 시작 시간 지킴, 마감 시간 경시, 경쟁 경향, 경청 못함, 바쁨, 조급함, 작업 동원, 목표 의식, 다과제 동시 지향, 정력적 대화, 인정 욕구, 빠름, 몰두, 감정 은폐, 직무 밖 관심 , 공명심, 지도자 역할, 승리, 흥분, 다툼. *주요 단어: 유형 A행태, 절박감 및 속도(D), 대화 예견 및 역설적 대화(H), 경쟁 및 공명심(K), 내향성(I), 작업동원(M), 심근경색. Johnston et al. (1983) used the method of flat summing of all type A variables. But it can not be valid because each variable had a singificantly different weight. Therefore, this study used factor analysis. The questionnaire of type A behavior pattern was the German version of the Bortner Scale with 14 items as follows: unpunctual, very competitive, anticipates what others are going to say, always rushed, impatient when waiting, goes all out-mobilizes all for objective, many things at once, emphatic in speech, wants good fob recognized by others, fast, hard driving, hides feelings, many interests outside work, and ambitious. The analyzed factors (5) were as follows: Speed and Urgency (D), Little Listening to Others (H), Competitiveness and Ambition (K), Introversion (I), and Mobilization (M). The factor structures shown in thpe A behavior studies in the western world were in general similar (Amos et al., 1978: Hayano et al., 1989: Johnson et al., 1989: Johnston et al., 1983: Lundberg, 1980: Matthews et al., 1980, 1982). The German factor structure of type A behavior in this study contained factor I and factor H, which other factor analyses had not fund. Factor H was similar to verbal rivalry in the Structured Interview. Meanwhile, this study did not have a hostility factor and a control ambition factor, because the Bortner Scale did not contain such items. These two factors had turned out to be important in other studies (Amos et al., 1987: Johnson et al.,1989). Observational studies had also shown the importance of dominant behavior and social life (Henry et al., 1977). More advanced study with such items was also necessary in the Federal Republic of Germany. Only two factors of the type A behavior subfactors were cross-sectionally associated with cardiovascular disease; namely, speed and urgency (D), and mobilization (M). This tendency was stronger in possible infarction than in angina pectoris, and stronger in men than in women. This study recommended a revised German scale of type A behavior on the ground of its results and international comparision. Prospective evaluation is necessary.

      • 건강증진역학과 위험역학의 개념 및 지표에 관한 비교연구 : 건강증진시대의 역학 개념에 관한 재고찰

        김대희 서울大學校保健大學院 1995 國民保健硏究所硏究論叢 Vol.5 No.2

        This study has dealt with three kinds of epidemiological concepts through critical review of public health literatures. They are as follows: risk epidemiology, exposure-disease epidemiology and health promotion epidemiology. 1. Concept of the risk epidemiology: Firstly, diseases are the result of the exposure to risk factors. Secondly, risk epidemiologists seek after the risk factors of diseases. Thirdly, the typical measure of risk epidemiological association is the relative risk. 2. Concept of the exposure-disease epidemiology: Firstly, diseases are associated with the exposure to the factors of risk, cure, prevention or health promotion. Secondly, exposure-disease epidemiologists seek after the association between diseases and the factors of risk, cure, prevention or health promotion. Thirdly, the representative measure of exposure-disease epidemiological association is the relative disease. 3. Concept of the health promotion epidemiology: Firstly, health is the result of the exposure to the factors of health promotion, prevention or cure. Secondly, health promotion epidemiologists seek after the preventive, curative or health promotion factors of health. Thirdly, the exemplary measure of health promotion epidemiological association is the relative health. Each framework of the three epidemiological concepts has its merits according to epidemiological circumstances. Comparative study on the Concepts and Indices Between Health Promotion Epidemiology.

      • KCI등재

        건강증진 정책의 방향 및 융통성 검토

        김대희 韓國保健敎育 ·健康增進學會 1999 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Nowadays a movement of public health awareness has just begun through the recent health promotion law in Korea. Implementation of the health promotion requires a pluralistic process involving public and private participants from many sectors and backgrounds. The most important thing in promoting health is the appropriate role of government in fostering personal behavior change. `Health promotion' has been a highly fashionable term; however it has been used in many different ways unfortunately, often without any clarification of meaning. It is because the meaning of health promotion is diverse and broad. Therefore this article focuses on the categorization of the diverse meaning of health promotion. Additionally, it puts stress on the flexibility of health promotion.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회의 건강증진 생활양식 요인에 관한 연구

        김대희 대한보건협회 2001 대한보건연구 Vol.27 No.4

        The purposes of this study were firstly, to describe the performance in the health-promoting life styles, and secondly, to identify the major factors affecting the health-promoting life styles. This study sampled the areas randomly from M. City, Korea, and investigated the whole households of the areas sampled. Total subjects of the survey were 1,445. And the period of the survey was August 10th to 14th, 1998. And the statistical methods used in this study were ANOVA, regression, and factor analysis. The main measures of this study were Health-promoting Lifestyle Profile, Hardiness Questionnaire, and General Self-efficacy Scale. And the other variables were sex, marital status, age, income of a household, religion, education, and perceived health. Factor analyses yielded 2 factors in self-efficacy and 3 factors in hardiness on the basis of the scree test, principal components analysis, and varimax- rotated solution. The factors in self-efficacy were persevering orientation and self-confidence. The factors in hardiness were control, challenge, and commitment. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The average score of the HPLP was 2.643 out of the possible range, 1 through 4. It was the frequency between sometimes and often. 2. This study identified a significant difference of the mean HPLP score among the groups of age, marital status, education, income, religion, and perceived health respectively through ANOVA. 3. .49 was the coefficient of determination(R squared) given by the multiple regression(stepwise) with a dependent variable, the HPLP and independent variables, self-confidence, challenge, control, commitment and income Self-confidence and challenge had somewhat high effects on the HPLP with beta coefficients, .377 and .349, respectively. Control, commitment, and income exerted relatively low but statistically significant influences on it with betas, .165, .098 and .120, respectively. Health education would be needed for the attitude change in these factors. 4. This study found that old adults were lower in the HPLP score than young and middle-aged adults, although some studies reported in developed countries that old adults had higher scores in the HPLP than both young and middle-aged adults. 5. This study dealt. with the growing field of community health promotion. But this kind of study alone would have a limitation to be generalized throughout the country. More studies of this kind will be needed in many communities to be generalized all over the country.

      • KCI등재

        La이 혼입된 고유전체/메탈 게이트가 적용된 나노 스케일 NMOSFET에서의 PBTI 신뢰성의 특성 분석

        권혁민,한인식,박상욱,복정득,정의정,곽호영,권성규,장재형,고성용,이원묵,이희덕,Kwon, Hyuk-Min,Han, In-Shik,Park, Sang-Uk,Bok, Jung-Deuk,Jung, Yi-Jung,Kwak, Ho-Young,Kwon, Sung-Kyu,Jang, Jae-Hyung,Go, Sung-Yong,Lee, Weon-Mook,Lee, Hi-De 한국전기전자재료학회 2011 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.24 No.3

        In this paper, PBTI characteristics of NMOSFETs with La incorporated HfSiON and HfON are compared in detail. The charge trapping model shows that threshold voltage shift (${\Delta}V_{\mathrm{T}}$) of NMOSFETs with HfLaON is greater than that of HfLaSiON. PBTI lifetime of HfLaSiON is also greater than that of HfLaON by about 2~3 orders of magnitude. Therefore, high charge trapping rate of HfLaON can be explained by higher trap density than HfLaSiON. The different de-trapping behavior under recovery stress can be explained by the stable energy for U-trap model, which is related to trap energy level at zero electric field in high-k dielectric. The trap energy level of two devices at zero electric field, which is extracted using Frenkel-poole emission model, is 1,658 eV for HfLaSiON and 1,730 eV for HfLaON, respectively. Moreover, the optical phonon energy of HfLaON extracted from the thermally activated gate current is greater than that of HfLaSiON.

      • KCI우수등재

        한의사인력의 수급전망과 인력정책에 관한 연구

        김대희 ( De Hi Kim ) 한국행정학회 1997 韓國行政學報 Vol.31 No.1

        보건복지부의 한의사인력 수급정책 방향을 검토해 보면, 한의사의 신규공급 규모를 중·장기적으로 줄이려 함을 알 수 있다. 한의사인력에 대한 이러한 정책방향은 한국의 한의사인력 수급 추계 연구결과중 일부분에 바탕한 것이다. 하지만, 또 다른 추계연구에서는 2000년 이후에 한의사의 공급이 부족할 것으로 예상하고 있다. 한의사인력의 수급추계 결과들이 이렇듯 차이를 보임에 따라 본연구에서는 보건복지부의 정책방향 근거자료를 포함해서 한의사인력 수급에 관한 기존적 연구들을 검토하고 그 연구방법들을 개선하고자 하였다. 본연구의 추계결과에 따르면, 현재의 우리나라 한의사 공급구조로는 2020년까지 한의사인력의 부족이 점점 심화될 것으로 전망되었다. 따라서, 보건복지부는 한방의료의 수급정책 전반에 대해서 보다 깊이 있게 재검토해야 할 것으로 생각되었다.

      • Effects of job strain on cardiovascular diseases prevalence of the German working population

        Kim, De-Hi 인제대학교 1996 仁濟論叢 Vol.12 No.1

        This study investigated the impact of psychosocial work organization(measured through job strain) on cardiovascular diseases(CVD) morbidity for a random sample of the West German male and female working population(N=3.664) . The data used were the National Health Examination Survey of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study. Job strain was measured through the combination of job demands and work control. The measure of CVD prevalence was based on London School of Hygiene Cardiovascular Questionnaire. The logistic curve analysis for age trends was used. Highly strained workers had a higher prevalence for angina pectoris morbidity and possible infarction morbidity than lower strained workers. Blue-collar workers showed greater risk for both morbidities than white-collar workers and total workers. They showed the greatest risk when groups with highly strained conditions were compared with those with less strained conditions. These phenomena were more obvious in the prevalence of morbidity from possible infarction than in that from angina pectoris. It implies in comparison with the other studies that the severer the CVD is, the better the high job strain group can be distinguished as a risk factor for CVD from the other groups. As for the magnitude of CVD morbidity, we can say similarly like the above-mention. Especially in the blue-collar subsample, it is the clearest. Keywords- job strain, job demands, work control, angina pectoris, infarction

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