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        근대 교양으로서의 기행문 - 일제 강점기 조선어독본을 중심으로 -

        이태숙 ( Lee¸ Tae-suk ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.60 No.3

        1911년부터 9차례에 걸쳐 이루어진 조선교육령의 결과 출간된 『조선어독본』과 『중등교육 조선어 급 한문독본』, 대중적으로 많이 활용되었던 『중등조선어작문』에 수록된 기행문들은 근대 기행문에 내재된 교양으로 서의 특징을 드러내고 있다. 당대 최고의 문사였던 이광수의 <오도답파 여행>과 ≪금강산유기≫의 일부가 이들 교과서에 수록되었는데, 수록 이유는 이광수가 당대 최고의 작가라는 점뿐만 아니라 이 글들이 일제 강점기 근대화의 이면을 드러냈고, 금강산이 민족의 자랑거리로서의 표상이라는 점, 그리고 기행문의 장르적 특징을 학습하는 데 필요한 문학적 특징을 보여준다는 점에서 찾을 수 있다. 근대 교육과정 내에서 제도화된 원족과 수학여행은 일상화된 도시에서 벗어나 자연이나 유적을 통해 얻을 수 있는 수양의 교육적 효과를 보여주는 글들을 통해 학습이 이루어졌다. 특히 전통적 성곽의 산책로는 근대 교육기관과 공간적으로 인접하였는데, 이들 장소에 대한 기행문은 감각적 몽상의 환기라는 근대미학적 효과를 달성하고 있다. 비용과 박탈감이라는 사회적 논란에도 불구하고 수학여행에 대한 열광은 더해갔으며, 공간 또한 국내의 익숙한 관광지에서 일본, 만주와 같은 지역으로 확대되었고, 간접 체험을 통한 교육 효과라는 점에서 미지의 장소나 인도양, 스위스와 같은 이국적 공간을 통한 교양의 습득이라는 욕망도 담게 되었다. 이 논문은 르네상스 시기에 시작된 여행이 산업화 시기에 대중화되면서 일반교양으로서의 의미를 가지게 되는 양상을 일제 강점기 교과서 수록 기행문을 통해 분석하였다. The Joseon Education Ordinance, which was implemented nine times since 1911, is closely tied to changes in education policy and textbooks. As a result of examining the textbooks 『Korean reading book』 published as a result of the revision of the education ordinance and the travelogues contained in the popularly used 『Intermediate Korean Writing』, two conclusions were drawn. The first is that the journey of exploration that began from the Renaissance period in the West became popular during the period of modern industrialization and had characteristics as modern culture. For this purpose, Lee Kwang-soo's < Haeundae >, < Suryeom-dong >, and < Manggundae >, which were simultaneously included in two types of textbooks, were examined. Although Lee Kwang-soo was the best literary writer at that time, he was not immune from the political evaluation of his writings, including his travel narratives. In particular, was included in, his national travel diary, and was politically valued as a contributor to Japanese colonial domination. < Ododappa Journey > was a project of ≪Maeil Shinbo≫, the only Korean newspaper at that time, and serialized travelogues of 59 correspondences over 70 days. Among these, the reason < At Haeundae > is included in the textbook seems to be due to the wave of emotions that are expressed as feelings of sorrow and contempt for and longing for poor Joseon, which had not been revealed behind the political nature of < Ododappa Journey >. As this article was included with the emotion of the article itself, it shows the effect of < At Haeundae >, which was a tourist attraction under development at that time, becoming a representative resort destination after the 1920s. Lee Kwang-soo's < Geumgangsan Yugi > is a record of two trips to Mt. Geumgang. The famous < Theory of National Reform > is placed between the first and second trips to Mt. Geumgang. < Suryeom-dong > and < Manggundae >, which are included in the textbook, were written during the first trip to Mt. Geumgang, and they demonstrate the confidence in the nation's leader. In particular, < Mangundae > was recorded in three parts, and the elements of the travelogue such as ‘explanation of the journey’, ‘description of the landscape’, and ‘aesthetic expression’ were split to reveal teacher's intention. Emphasizing that Mt. Geumgang was symbolized as the pride of the nation at that time, Lee Kwang-soo reveals that the motivation for < Gumgangsan Yugi > is to let ‘our brothers and sisters’ know the knowledge and information about Mt. Geumgang. The form of institutionalized travel within the curriculum of contemporary students can be divided into picnic and educational travel, and the picnic has a modern plan to find a new self by moving out of the daily life in the city to nature. An article has been published on the educational impact of culture derived from travel on the significance of such travel. In particular, the promenade of the traditional fortress was presented as a major space for students to walk while spatially adjacent to a modern educational institution. < One Night in Bukak > is a text that expresses the sensual dreaming brought about by such a light picnic. This article has an educational effect as a part of the modern aesthetic of sensual dreaming. Educational Travel that began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries began at historical sites in Korea, and in the 20s, long-distance educational travel to Japan and Manchuria became common. Under these circumstances, educational travel became the subject of social controversy, but awareness of the educational effects of educational travel expanded. The effect of modern travel as a method of obtaining knowledge and information through school trips to well-known domestic and foreign travel destinations or a new experience of meditation through a picnic, as the general education of modern travel, has been extended to places that are not well known or difficult to access, and even to foreign countries after the 1930s, enlarge the space in < Lesson 18 Passing Geombulang >, < Lesson 32 Passing the Indian Ocean >, < Lesson 5 Landscapes in Seoseo > (Switzerland) 『Secondary Education Korean Language-Level Chinese Reading』 Volume 1, Government-General of Korea, 1933 (Sohwa 8). These are articles that reveal the changes in these travels. Geombulang is interesting place in that it is a geographical trip to a plateau in the area of O risan, Pyeonggang, Gangwon-do. Geombulang is a region of lava which extends to Paju, Gyeonggi-do, formed as eruptions during the 4th period of the Pleistocene. It is a travelogue that travels by car from Pyeonggang Station (平康驛) to Bokgye-ri Station (福溪里驛) on the Gyeongwon Line, which was opened at that time, and travels by car. In < Passing the Indian Ocean >, a cruise ship landed in Penang, Malaysia, and visited Penang Port and Geuknaksa Temple. This article, documenting the details of a cruise ship trip, is quite big, up to six pages long. Although the introduction to Switzerland is an inaccessible travel area, further research is needed in that it was intended to acquire the general education that can be obtained through travel through the indirect experience of travel through textbooks. The expansion of this space stimulates curiosity about the fictive and unknown world of dreams and creates the effect of arousing the desire for exotic landscapes. Travelogues included in textbooks through travelogues were taught with the intention of educational effects to achieve the original purpose of travel as a typical general education and modern culture in the industrialization period along with the genre characteristics that modern travelogues should have. As a result, students were reminded of familiar or unfamiliar spaces again on a modern culture journey as part of the institutionalized curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        이미륵 독일 한국학의 보편적 이상향 -거대한 푸가는 니르바나에서 시작한다

        이태숙(Lee Tae Suk) 국어문학회 2022 국어문학 Vol.81 No.-

        이미륵의 독일 한국학은 근대화 시기 진정한 지식인의 지향이 어떻게 만들어지는가, 그리고 서양에서의 한국학이 어떻게 전달되어야 하는가에 대한 지식인의 고민을 보여주고 있다. 근대화 시기 한독관계의 태동기에 독일에 한국학을 소개 한 에카르트와 이미륵은 독일인과 한국인이라는 국적과 나이의 차이를 넘어서는 독특한 이념형을 바탕으로 한국학을 전달하고 있다. 에카르트가 성 오틸리엔 베네딕토 선교회의 선교방법으로서의 한국문화의 보존과 전달에 힘썼다면, 이미륵은 중국학, 일본학, 한국학을 아우르는 동양학에 대한 해박한 지식과 인간에 대한 열정으로 형성된 독일 한국학을 통해 한국을 알린 인물이다. 이미륵은 동양과 서양의 차이를 신의 존재를 증명하려는 서양과 모든 사물에 신이 내재한다고 믿는 동양으로 설명하면서, 두 문화의 ‘완전한 절단’을 통해 ‘완전한 결합’을 이루고자 한다. 그는 두 문화의 ‘완전한 결합’은 죽음이 아닌 니르바나의 순간을 통해 이루어지는 ‘완전체로서의 푸가’를 통해 이루어진다고 설명한다. 그의 독일어 작품에서 독일인들이 느꼈던 감동은 단순한 어린 시절에 대한 추억이 아니다. 어린 시절이 아름다운 것은 우리가 다시 그 시간으로 돌아갈 수 없기 때문이다. 그는 그의 작품을 ‘잃어버린 것에 대한 고통과 허무’로 설명한다. 그 ‘고통과 허무’는 독일의 친구들과 전쟁의 시간에 함께 나누었던 것이었고, 그것이 전후 독일인들이 그의 작품에 감동한 이유이다. 이미륵은 일본에 의해 한독관계가 단절된 시기, 독일에서 중국학, 일본학을 아우르는 동양학을 바탕으로 한국학을 독일학과의 접점을 통해 소개한 학자이자, 그의 독일어 소설을 통해 문학적 이상향으로서의 한국을 독일에 소개한 작가이다. 그의 독일 한국학은 한국만의 고유성을 주장하는 것이 아닌 보편적 인간으로서의 존재, 문학적 순수성을 통한 인간의 치유를 위한 진정한 휴머니즘에 바탕을 둔 것이었다. 그리고 그러한 치유는 서로의 아픔을 함께 하는 ‘잃어버린 것에 대한 고통과 허무’를 통해 이루어지고 있었다. 이미륵은 보편적 이상으로서의 한국학을 독일에 접목한 독특한 독일 한국학을 완성한 근대화 시기 지식인이다. Mirok Lis German Korean Studies shows the intellectuals concerns about how the intentions of true intellectuals in the period of modernization are made and how Korean studies in the West should be transmitted. Eckardt(Andre Eckardt, 玉樂安) and Mirok Li, two people who introduced Korean studies to Germany during the nascent period of Korea-German relations during the modernization period, show Korean studies based on a unique ideology that transcends the differences in nationality and age between Germans and Koreans. While Eckhardt was devoted to the preservation and transmission of Korean culture as a missionary method of the St. Otilien Benedictine Missionary Society, Mirok Li, through his deep knowledge of oriental studies including Chinese studies, Japanese studies, and Korean studies, and German Korean studies formed with a passion for human beings, a person who introduced Korea. He is a scholar and writer who strives for the uniqueness of Korean studies through exchanges and collaborations with Germans, as well as a new ideal through the complete unity of Western and Eastern civilizations. The history of Mirok Li, who changed the direction of his life from a medical degree to a doctorate in zoology back to a writer, shows a journey of continuity rather than cessation. His German studies appear not as Korean studies translated into German, but as German Korean studies as a new reproduction through the ‘complete cut’ of German studies and Korean studies. He says that the West, which seeks to prove the existence of God, and the East, which believes that God is inherent in all things, can achieve “complete union” through “complete severance” of the extinction of existence. It is death and the moment of Nirvana, and at that moment, the fugue of the East and the West completes the fugue as a whole. The emotions felt by Germans in his works are not just memories of childhood. Childhood is beautiful because we can never go back to that time. Not being able to go back to that precious time is painful and futile, and causes longing and beauty. He describes his work as ‘pain and emptiness of what was lost’. The ‘pain and emptiness’ was shared with German friends during the war, and that is why Germans were moved by his work. During the period when Korea-German relations were cut off by Japan, Mirok Li is a scholar who introduced Korean studies through the interface of German studies based on Eastern studies encompassing Chinese studies and Japanese studies in Germany. Through his German novels, Korea as a literary utopia was introduced to Germany. introduced by the author. His German Korean studies were based on genuine humanism that advocated for the healing of human beings through literary purity and existence as a universal human, rather than advocating for the uniqueness of Korea. And such healing was being achieved through ‘pain and emptiness of what was lost’, sharing each other’s pain.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1920년대 '연애'담론과 기획출판 : 《사랑의 불꽃》을 중심으로

        이태숙(Lee Tae-suk) 한국현대문학회 2009 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.27

        이 논문은 1920년대의 ‘연애’담론을 기획출판물을 중심으로 살펴보고, 그 결과로서 상품으로서의 기획출판물이 어떤 방식으로 소비자로서의 독자에게 영향을 주고, 담론을 형성하였는가를 밝히고자 하였다. 1910년대의 ‘연애’가 근대적 계몽의식으로 조선사회에 제기되었다면, 1920년대의 ‘연애’는 하나의 기호로서 던져졌다. 하지만 그 기호는 애초의 기의를 상실한 동일성의 반복으로서의 ‘연애’라는 점에 주목해야 할 것이다. 노자영의 기획출판물 《사랑의 불꽃》은 1920년대의 연애담론에 편승하여 출간된 책이다. 하지만 《사랑의 불꽃》은 출간과 동시에 초베스트셀러가 되면서 하나의 사회현상 자체가 된다. 당시 이 책의 주요 저자였던 학생들, 특히 여학생들은 이 책이 가지는 의미를 독서의 대상이 아닌 주요한 정체성 구성의 요소로서 받아들였다. 특히 이 책이 지속적인 광고를 통하여 판매되었다는 사실은 주목을 요하는데, 신문지상에서 벌어진 일단의 논쟁은 특히 광고로서의 문예물이 가지는 의미에 대한 것이었다는 점에서 그러하다. 이 책의 광고가 의미하는 것은 단순한 제품 소개로서의 광고가 아니라 하나의 시대적 현상을 규정하는 것이며, 소비자로서의 독자에게 상품 선택의 요소가 아니라 이데올로기적 호명의 주체로서 제기되었다는 점일 것이다. 중요한 것은 이 시기 학생들이 외적으로는 식민지 하위주체로서 규정되고 있었지만, 내적으로는 엘리트 의식으로 무장한 이중적 성격을 가지고 있었다는 점이며, 그러한 측면에서 이러한 기획출판물이 가지는 의미는 이중적일 수밖에 없었다. 그것은 일반 대중들에게는 동경의 대상이며, 또한 전형적인 스노비즘(snobbism)의 발현이었다는 점일 것이다. This study has the purpose for examining into the discourse of 'Love' in 1920s. It concerns with planning publishing, 'the torch of Hymen'. As a result of publishing, it influenced student as a consumer, and made a trend of discourse. 'Love' in 1910s was objected as a modern consciousness of enlightenment, but 'love' in 1920s was throw as a sign. But this sign was a 'love' of repeated identity, it lost its signification from starting. The planning publishing book 'the torch of Hymen' (1923) was climbed on the bandwagon in 1920s discourse of 'love'. But it had become a real part of society and it became a best-seller. At that time, students, especially schoolgirls, took this book as a part of identity, not a simple book. We should attend a commercial as parts of this book. A series of commercials promoted goods. A series of dispute in newspapers was about a meaning of this book as a literature. The commercial of this book was not a presentation of goods but a trends of that time. And it ideologically called a identity to a student as a consumer. The significancy is the two fold character of student, they had a colonial subaltern identity in external, but they had a elitism in internal also. To the public, it was a hearthrob and a representation of snobbism.

      • KCI등재
      • 타액선 질환의 세침흡인생검에 관한 세포학적 연구

        김미진,이태숙,Kim, Mi-Jin,Lee, Tae-Suk 대한세포병리학회 1994 대한세포병리학회지 Vol.5 No.2

        Fine needle aspiration biopsy cytology is a widely recognized and useful technique which can provide diagnosis in lesions of the head and neck, enabling appropriate management plans for individual patient to be made. Fifty one fine needle aspirates from salivary gland masses were examined. Four aspirates (8%) were inadequate for examination. Of the remaning 47 samples, 42 cases (82%) were benign lesions which consist of 30 pleomorphic adenoma(58%), 7 inflammatory lesion (14%), 4 Warthin's tumor(8%) and 1 benign lesion(2%). Two cases(4%) were atypical lesions. Three cases(6%) were malignant lesions consisting of 2 adenoid cystic carcinomas(4%) and 1 mucoepidermoid carcinoma (2%). The cytologic diagnoses were compared with the subsequent histologic diagnosis of surgical resected specimen in 24 cases. 19 cases of 21 aspirates from benign tumors were correctly diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology, with a specificity of 90%. All 3 aspirates from the 3 patients with malignant tumor were correctly diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology, with a sensitivity at 100%. Overall acurracy was 88%. Diagnostic error was encountered in adenoid cystic carcinoma, mucoepidermoid carcinoma and Warthin's tumor Correct histologic diagnosis was made in 86% of benign tumors(84% for pleomorphic adenoma and 100% for Warthin's tumor) and in 100% of malignant tumors.

      • KCI등재

        내용분석에 의한 일간신문의 호텔홍보 특징

        오익근(Ick Keun Oh),이태숙(Tae Suk Lee) 한국호텔외식관광경영학회 2000 호텔경영학연구 Vol.9 No.1

        Corporate`s promotional tool has been shifting from advertising, sales promotion or personal selling to PR/publicity. However, a little study on hotel publicity has been conducted so far. Conceptually this study clarifies differences and similarities between publicity and public relations(PR). The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of hotel publicity appeared in a daily newspaper in Korea and then to suggest how to positively publicize hotels. Data was collected during the period of January-December 1999. A total of 119 usable articles were content analyzed. Study questions include: (1) among many publics related to hotels, which public was mainly focused? (2) what was the direction of the articles: positive or negative? (3) whether any differences in facilities, service, and marketing exist between deluxe hotels and budget hotels, and (4) were the newspaper articles only fact-giving or persuasive message? Customer-related topics took up a majority portion of the articles. Stories about budget hotel employees were relatively less dealt, but such stories seemed to have a persuasive power. A statistically significant difference in message direction was found between deluxe and budget hotels. Deluxe hotels gained more positive messages than budget hotels did. Finally, this article provides hotel publicity personnel with some ways to effectively launch publicity campaigns. Recommendations for future studies were prepared in terms of contents and methods.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 동결절편법(Frozen Section) : Application in the Surgical Pathology 외과병리 영역에의 적용에 대하여

        최원희,홍석재,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1986 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        영남대학교 영남의료원 해부병리과에 최근 3년간 의뢰된 동결 절편 809예를 검토한 결과, 임파절, 위장관계, 피부의 순으로 많았으며, 동결절편 진단의 정확도는 진단연기 예(0.9%)를 포함 하면 98.1%였고 위음성율은 0.5%였으며 위양성은 1예도 없었다. 위음성의 예는 임파절, 피부, 난소, 갑상선 각 1예였고 부정확한 진단 명기 및 grading error가 0.5%였다. The frozen section technique is a means of intraoprative pathological diagnosis, and a procedure of great value to the surgeon. This method should be accurate, rapid and reliable. This method serves useful purposes, such as determining the presence of tumor, its type(especicially whether it is benign or malignant), the adquacy of a biopsy of a suspected lesion, and the conditions of the surgical margins. But, it bears many disadvantages, the most fo which is the danger of incorrect diagnosis. We studied the indications, the limitations, and the accuracy of the frozen section method and the materials studies was total of frozen section duting recent 3 years. The overall accuracy of the frozen section diagnosis of 809 cases was 98.1% with 0.5% of false negative, 0% of false positive, 0.5% of incorrect histological diagnosis or grading errors, and 0.9% of deferred cases. The tissues submitted were lymph node, gastrointestinal tract, skin subcutaneous tissues in decreasing oder of frequency. The false positie case is not present, while the false negative cases were 4.

      • 원발성 경화성 담관염 1예 보고

        권굉보,민현식,서보양,박태준,이태숙 영남대학교 의과대학 1986 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        저자들은 최근 영남대 의대 부속병원 외과에서 치험한 원발 경화성 담관염 1예를 보고하고 아울러 문헌을 고찰하였다. Sclerosing Cholangitis is an uncommon disease which involves either all or part of the extrahepatic biliary duct system and, occassionally, affects the intrahepatic biliary radicles. The disease has also been called "obliterative cholagitis" nad "stenosing cholangitis", in reference to a progressive thickening of the bile duct walls encroaching upon the lumen. Several authors have porposed that the temr "primary sclerosing cholangitis" be reserved for cases in whic there arew no associated diseases, and that all other cases be calssified as "secondary sclerosing cholangitis". Many rigid criterias have been estalbilished for the diagnosis of primary sclerosing cholangitis. Recently the authors experienced one case of primary sclerosing cholangitis which was coincided with rigid criterias and was confirmed by operation with histologic examination. We present our case and review the literatures.

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