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      • KCI등재후보

        '좋은 수업'의 관점과 특징에 대한 중등학교 초임과 경력 체육교사 간 중요도 인식 차이

        이성흠(Sung Heum Lee),최상(Sang Bong Choi),정주혁(Joo Hyug Jung) 한국체육교육학회 2011 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구는 ``좋은 수업``에 대한 중요도에 관한 중등학교 초임과 경력 체육교사의 인식 차이를 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 연구대상은 서울과 인천지역 소재 중 고교에 근무하는 체육교사 117(초임 58명, 경력 59명)명이며, 설문지는 ``좋은 수업``에 대한 ``관점``과 ``특징``을 중심으로 30문항으로 구성되었다. ``좋은 수업``에 대한 중등학교 초임과 경력 체육교사 간 중요도 인식은 ``교과내용`` 특징 중 ``학생의 흥미를 고려하는 교육내용(t=2.49, p<.05)``과 ``기본적이고 구체적인 개념 중심 교육내용(t=2.49, p<.05)`` 문항에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 중등학교 체육교사들은 ``좋은 체육수업``의 관점을 관계-전달-결과-구성``의 순으로 중요하게 인식하고 있었다. 또한 흥미유발, 선수학습, 일상생활과 관련된 내용으로 구성한 수업, ``활동위주의 수업을 통하여 학생 간 활발한 상호작용을 유도하면서 학생의 학습동기를 자극하는 학습자주도의 수업, 학습자료가 다양하게 갖추어진 환경에서 교사와 학생 간 활발한 상호작용이 이루어지는 따뜻하고 온정적인 수업, 운동기능을 중심으로 평가하지만 정서적, 심미적 측면의 평가도 동시에 실시하는 수행평가가 반영되는 수업을 ``좋은 체육수업``의 특징으로 인식하고 있었다. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the conceptions on ``good teaching`` of physical education teachers in secondary schools. One hundred and seventeen (58 Novice, 59 Expert) physical education teachers were selected from secondary schools in Seoul and Incheon metropolitan cities. The survey instrument was ``the Questionnaire(30 items) for Conception on Good Teaching of Physical Education Teachers` (thereafter the Questionnaire) with thirty questions. Major findings of the study were summarized as follows: There was no signigicant difference between the novice and expert teachers` groups in the t-test score of ``the Questionnaire``. However, for the score of ``subject matter`` domain in ``the Questionnaire``, there was a significant difference between the novice and expert teachers group in the t-test. Specifically, it was founded that important perspective of good teaching for physical education was establishing good relationship between teacher and students. Physical education teachers were not thinking highly of composing aspects of physical instruction.

      • KCI등재후보

        고혈압 환자에서 발행할 수 있는 수술중 및 수술후의 심혈관계 변화에 대한 고찰

        이성봉(Sung Bong Lee),손영돈(Young Don Son),조병렬(Byung Ryul Cho),최석구(Suck Koo Choi),유원상(Won Sang Yoo),이동철(Dong Chul Lee) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        N/A Hypetension is the most common cause of heart failure and left ventricular hypertrophy. Recently, with advances in operating techniques, equipment and anaesthesiology, elderly patients have had more chances to undergo operation. Therefore, chances for patients with hypertension that comprise 15%-20% of the adult population in Korea to undergo operation has become more frequent. To evaluate the frequency and pragnosis of the cardiovascular changes in patients with hypertension during operation and the perioperative period, the blood pressures of 100 patients who underwent operation at Seoul Paik Hospital from September 1988 to October 1990 were measured proeoperatively, during operation, and postoperatively and analyzed in relevance to cardiovascular complications. The cardiovascular complications were divided into 4 categories: 1) Increase in systolic blood pressure 2) Decrease in systolic blood pressure 3) Marked changes in systolic blood pressure 4) Others (arrythmias, heart failure, chest pain) The results were as follows: 1) Episodes of an increase in the systolic blood pressure more than 50 mmHg compared to the systolic blood pressure at the time of consultation were found in 7 cases (7%) 2) Episodes of a decrease in systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg were detected in 8 cases (8%) and in most cases, the blood pressure was corrected to normal level simply by the rapid infusion of fluid, except for 1 case that required the use of ephedrine or clacium gluconates. 3) Episodes of changes in systolic blood pressure more than 50 mmHg were found in 42 cases (42%). 4) There were 5 episodes of ventricular premature beat or atrial premature beat, but they were corrected to normal sinus rhythm by intravenous lidocain injection, and there were no more problems postoperatively. 5) There were no coronary events or heart failures clinically. 6) It seemed that there was no correlation between the level of preoperative blood pressure and frequency of cardiovascular complications, In conclusion, most of the patients with hypertension corrected preoperatively or not underwent operation successfully without any cardiovascular complications if the anaesthesiologist monitored the blood pressure and took appropriate therapeutic measures predperatively.

      • KCI등재

        조건화된 동기조작의 전이와 에코익이 언어발달지체 유아의 맨드에 미치는 효과

        이정해(Lee, Jeong hae),이성봉(Lee, Sung bong) 한국자폐학회 2018 자폐성 장애연구 Vol.18 No.2

        이 연구는 조건화된 동기조작의 전이가 언어발달지체 유아의 ‘구체적인 반응 형태의 맨드’에 미치는 효과를 살펴보았다. 연구 참여자는 고등 수준의 언어작동이 지연되고, 언어발달이 1년 이상 지연된 유아 1명을 대상으로 하였다. 연구 설계는 행동간 중다간헐기 초선설계를 사용하였으며, 맨드의 효과적인 중재를 위하여 에코익의 기능전이 절차를 연합된 중재로 적용하였다. 조건화된 동기조작의 전이 절차는 유아의 자극 선호도를 평가하여 3가지 과제를 선정하였고, 과제 완성을 위하여 필수적이거나 요구도가 높게 나타나는 단계의 항목을 누락시켜 맨드와 교환할 수 있도록 구성하였다. 연구 결과, 중재 기간중 조건화된 동기조작의 전이 과제 모두에서 맨드가 증가하고 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과는 맨드가 ‘구체적인 반응 형태의 맨드’로써 기능할 때 인트라버벌의 독립변인으로 사용될 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. This study investigated the effects of Transitive Conditioned Motivating Operation(CMO-T) on ‘specific response forms of mands’ in a toddler with language delays. A 3-year-old, male with language delays beyond a year in his development stages served as the participant of this study. The multiple probe design across behaviors was used in the experiment. Additionally, transfer-of-function procedures were utilized as combined intervention for effectiveness of the intervention. Preference assessment was performed to manipulate settings for CMO-T and 3 tasks were selected for the intervention. The sequence of the tasks were interrupted and the items which were essential for termination of the tasks and highly preferred were omitted by the instructor intentionally. The missing items or informations were provided when the participant emitted appropriate mands. Results indicated that acquisition of mands had increased during the intervention across all three CMO-T tasks and maintained after the intervention. They also suggested that mand could be utilized as a independent variable for intraverbal when it functioned as ‘specific response forms of mands’.

      • KCI등재

        유통 패류의 중금속 및 패류독소 분석

        김정은,황선일,이성봉,신상운,권혜정,이지연,이병훈,모아라,최옥경,Kim, Jeong-Eun,Hwang, Seon-Il,Lee, Seong-Bong,Shin, Sang-Woon,Kwon, Hye-Jung,Lee, Ji-Yeon,Lee, Byoung-Hoon,Mo, A-Ra,Choi, Ok-Kyung 한국식품위생안전성학회 2022 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.37 No.3

        In this study, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, and mercury) and shellfish poisoning toxins (diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins, amnesic shellfish poisoning toxins) were investigated in a total of 104 shellfishes. According to the analysis of heavy metals, lead (Pb) was detected in the range of 0.0177-0.5709 mg/kg, cadmium (Cd) was detected in the range of 0.0226-1.4602 mg/kg, and mercury (Hg) was detected in the range of 0.0015-0.0327 mg/kg. Levels of Pb, Cd, and Hg were acceptable by Korean standards. Okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1) were investigated for monitoring of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins and OA and DTX-1 were not detected. As a result of monitoring of amnesic shellfish poisoning toxins, domoic acid was detected in 5 of 104 samples and detection ratio was 4.8%. The detection period was found as follows; 1 case in January, 1 case in February, 1 case in May, 2 cases in September. These showed that continuous monitoring for the management of shellfish poisoning toxins and heavy metals is required. In addition, this study can be used as reference data to strengthen managing heavy metals in fishery products.

      • KCI등재후보

        행동재활 서비스에 대한 장애 아동 부모의 경험과 지원 요구

        김혜영(Kim Hye-Young),이성봉(Lee Sung-Bong) 한국행동분석학회 2018 행동분석․지원연구 Vol.5 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 행동재활 서비스 이용자인 장애 아동 부모의 행동재활 서비스 경험과 지원 요구를 분석하여 문제점에 따른 개선방안을 모색하는데 있다. 연구 참여자는 행동분석가가 재직하고 있는 발달재활 서비스 제공기관에서 3개월 이상 서비스를 받은 경험이 있는 아동의 부모 12명이다. 행동재활 서비스에 대한 부모의 인식과 경험을 알아보기 위하여 반 구조화된 질문지를 사용하여 심층면담을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 3개의 대주제와 그에 따른 10개의 소주제를 도출했다. ‘행동재활 서비스 경험’의 소주제는 ‘장애자녀와의 만남과 진단의 순간’, ‘내 자녀의 치료경험과 현재’, ‘희망하는 치료지원 서비스’, ‘힘들게 시작한 행동재활 서비스’, ‘행동재활 서비스 기관을 찾아서’, ‘증거기반인 행동재활 서비스의 경험’이며, ‘행동재활 서비스 인식’의 소주제는 ‘행동재활 서비스를 받고 달라진 아동의 행동’, ‘행동재활 서비스의 비용’이며, ‘행동재활 서비스 지원 요구’의 소주제는 ‘주변에 권유 이유’, ‘달라져야 하는 행동재활 서비스’다. 이 연구 결과를 바탕으로 행동재활 서비스에 대한 향후 개선 방안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to seek corrective strategies of issues based on analysis of experience and supportive needs of parents of children with developmental disabilities receiving behavior rehabilitation service. Participants of this study were 12 parents of children with developmental disabilities around Gyeonggi province who have been recipients of behavior rehabilitation service provided by qualified BCBAs(Board Certified behavior Analysts) for at least 3 months. In-depth interviews were conducted utilizing questionnaires in semi-structured format in order to analyze both experience and perceptions of behavior rehabilitation service. Based on acquired data, three main themes and ten subtitles were categorized using content analysis. From qualitative analysis, each one of three themes and its relevant subtitles were derived as follows; (1) the first theme of “experience on behavior rehabilitation service”, and its relevant subtitles of “the first meeting of the child and moment of diagnosis”, “treatment experience of my child and current situation”, “desired supportive treatment services”, “difficultly acquired behavior rehabilitation service”, “in search of behavior rehabilitation service centers”, and “experience of evidence-based behavior rehabilitation services”, (2) the next theme of “perceptions toward rehabilitation service”, and its relevant subtitles of “behavior change of children experiencing service”, and “expenses on behavior rehabilitation service”, and (3) the last theme of “supportive needs for behavior rehabilitation service”, and its subtitles of “reasons on others’ recommendation”, and “corrective needs to behavior rehabilitation service”. The result of this study can be utilized as a foundational resource to suggest future successful behavior services.

      • KCI등재

        행동계약과 쉐도잉이 성인 중국어 입문자 발음 및 말하기 능력에 미치는 효과

        임미나(Meina Lin),이성봉(Lee, Sung Bong) 한국행동분석학회 2020 행동분석․지원연구 Vol.7 No.3

        이 연구에서는 행동계약과 쉐도잉이 성인 중국어 입문자의 발음 및 말하기 능력에 미치는 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 참여자는 중국어 학습 경험이 없는 성인 3명이다. 연구설계는 대상자간 중다기초선 설계이며 기초선, 중재, 유지 단계로 구성되었다. 중국어 말하기 능력을 향상시키기 위해 행동계약서와 쉐도잉을 통해 말하기 지도를 하였고 중국어 발음 및 말하기 평가지를 이용하여 말하기 능력을 평가하였다. 연구 결과, 행동계약과 쉐도잉 방법을 실시한 중재 방법은 중국어 발음 및 말하기 능력을 증진시켰으며, 유지 검사에서도 높은 유지율을 보였다. 실험 종료 후에도 연구 참여자는 학습한 단어와 구절을 적절한 상황에서 사용하고 있었으며, 중국어에 대한 전반적인 이해가 생겨 향후 중국어 공부에 많은 도움이 될 것이라는 기대를 나타냈다. 이러한 연구 결과는 행동계약과 쉐도잉 방법이 성인 중국어 입문자의 발음 및 말하기 실력을 향상시킬 수 있음을 시사하고 있다. This study aims to exam the research questions of how behavioral contracts and shadowing affect the pronunciation and speaking of adult Chinese beginners. In this study, the researcher conducted interventions on three adults who did not have any experience in learning Chinese. To examine the research questions, the accuracy of Chinese pronunciation and speech of 3 participants were measured and analyzed through the evaluation sheet using the multiple-baseline design across participants, which consist of baseline, intervention, and maintenance 3 stages. To improve Chinese speaking ability, speaking instruction was conducted through behavioral contracts and shadowing, and it was evaluated using Chinese pronunciation and speaking evaluation papers. As a result of the study, the intervention method using the behavioral contract and shadowing improved Chinese pronunciation and speaking ability, and showed a high retention rate in the maintenance test. Even after the experiment, the study participants were using the learned words and phrases in an appropriate situation, and they expressed the expectation that it would be very helpful in studying Chinese in the future as they gained an overall understanding of Chinese. The results demonstrated that the behavior contract and shadowing method had a positive effect on pronunciation and speaking of the adult Chinese beginners.

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