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        투명각막절개를 통한 초음파수정체유화술과 유리체절제술의 동시수술

        이병로,황정희,이윤정,Byung-Ro Lee Jeong-Hee Hwang,Yoon-Jung Lee 대한안과학회 2005 대한안과학회지 Vol.46 No.7

        Purpose: To report the technical effectiveness, outcome, and incidence of complications of combined clear cornea phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation and pars plana vitrectomy. Methods: Single-center prospective, non-comparative, consecutive case series. Twenty-three eyes of 23 patients underwent combined clear cornea phacoemulsification and pars plana vitrectomy for various vitreoretinal disorders due to cataracts by a single surgeon between July 2003 and August 2004. Surgical feasibility, intraoperative and postoperative complications and outcome of clear cornea incisions in all combined procedure were evaluated. Results: No significant adverse effect of clear corneal wound on pars plana vitrectomy procedures was noted in any of the patients. Operatively and postoperatively, no significant complications related to clear corneal wound were noted, even with the variations of pars plana vitrectomy procedures for cases with and without gas-fluid exchange and intravitreal tamponade. Conclusions: Clear corneal incisions is a safe and more reasonable alternative in combined phacoemulsifi- cation with intraocular lens implantation and pars plana vitrectomy. For a more comprehensive conclusion, a comparative study with scleral tunnel incisions may be necessary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        9세기 재당신라상인과 당상인에 관한 연구

        이병로(李炳魯, Lee, Byung-Ro) 일본어문학회 2009 일본어문학 Vol.45 No.-

        今まで840年代から唐商人が本格的に訪日したと言われている森克己の 学説は再検討されるべきであろう。 第一に、森は840年代から訪日している数多い在唐新羅人を見逃してい る。したがって、唐商人の本格的な訪日は840年代からではなかった。 第二に、それでは唐商人の本格的な訪日の時期である。在唐新羅人をはじめとする新羅人を代わりにして、訪日した貿易業者がまさに唐商人であった。結局870年代から唐商人が本格的に訪日したのである。 第三に、唐商人の訪日の背景である。張保皐が暗殺された840年代から860年代までは主に在唐新羅人が唐と日本との間を往来しながら交易活動を展開した。かれらの中に唐商人が含まれることもあったのである。しかし860年代後半から新羅人が絡んだ謀反事件や新羅人海賊事件などを理由として、日本政府は新羅人を追放し、その代わりに870年代から唐商人の本格的な訪日が始まったのである。

      • 발해와 일본의 관계사 연구

        이병로(Lee Byung-Ro) 동북아시아문화학회 2008 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.- No.-

        Since Balhae sent envoys to Japan, two countries had had close diplomatic relations. Balhae having diplomatic relations with Tang sent envoys biyearly or once in three years from the end of the 8th century to the beginning of the 9th century. In this paper, I will research two things. First, why did Balhae often send envoys to Japan in the beginning of the 9th century? There seems economic reason though, I will investigate the reason specifically in the perspective of the international circumstances. Second, Balhae has not sent any envoy since 827. Why didn't Balhae send envoys Japan? Was not related to Jangbogo's engagement in trade with Japan? Through the 8th century, Shilla had diplomatic relations with Japan even though there are some conflicts between two countries. But the diplomatic tie was broken because Shilla did not send any envoy after 779. Kim Namson was the last envoy. To take an advantage of this, Balhae tried to win the diplomatic relations with Japan. We cannot say that frequent visiting of Balhae's envoys to Japan had no relations with Japan's diplomatic break with Shilla. Envoys from Balhae engaged in trade with Japan. A high official, Hujiwarano Otsgu insisted Balae envoys' return to Balhae, arguing that Balhae envoys were just like a merchant so that Japan had a financial problem caused by their activities in Japan. Although Japan let Ko Jungtae go back to Balhae in 823, Japan allowed other envoys to stay in Japan after then. There was an economic reason to accept Balhae's envoy. Japan had much interests in trade items brought by Balhae envoys. However, Balhae's envoy did not come to Japan during a period of 827 to Jangbogo's death in 841. It was not unrelated to Jangbogo's engagement in trade with Kyushu in Japan. Japan should give return presents to Balhae envoys in the name of grant. It was a financial burden to Japan. Therefore, it was more lucrative to Japan to engage in a private trade with Jangbogo holding a complete power in the international trade among Japan, China, and Shilla. From 827, Balhae could not send envoys to Japan. However, since Jangbogo's assassination in 841, the circumstances have changed. Faced out East Asian trade chaos caused by Jangbogo's death, Japan needed a trade route for Tang. This was an opportunity for Balhae so as to send envoys to Japan in 841.

      • KCI등재

        9세기 신라ㆍ일본해적의 연대와 일본정부의 대응

        이병로(Lee Byung Ro,李炳魯) 일본어문학회 2015 일본어문학 Vol.69 No.-

        古代の新羅と日本は似たような歴史的過程を展開したといえる。統一新羅では8世紀末から政治的に混乱し、国内各地で盗賊と海賊が蜂起した。日本でも奈良時代の政治的混乱期を経て、全国で盗賊と海賊が出没するようになり、全国に困難な状況をむかえた。 9世紀、両国の様相は一層深刻化し、両国政府もまた、困難に苛まれる ことになった。両国の海賊が連帯して両国の政府に対抗する問題を有したからである。特に日本政府はこの点に敏感であった。政府の統制から逸脱する九州地域の地方勢力が、韓半島勢力と協力して自分たちを攻撃することを恐れたのである。 その結果、海賊の連帯に対する日本政府の対応は非常に厳格なもので あった。当時の九州地域をはじめとする日本全域に、新羅商人、あるいは新羅人が多数居住していたことがこの背景にある。彼らが日本政府に反旗を翻したら、日本は重大な危機に直面するからである。本稿はこうした問題点に着眼し、海賊の実態と連帯、そして日本政府の対応について考察したものである。

      • KCI등재

        헤안 초기의 동아시아세계의 교섭과 현황

        이병로(李炳魯)(Lee, Byung-Ro) 일본어문학회 2011 일본어문학 Vol.53 No.-

        張保皐と円仁の足取りを通じて平安初期に形成された東アジア世界の人的、物的の交流の姿を整理すると次のようである。 第一に、韓中日の三國は地理的な影響で早くから交流をもっていたが、平安時代の初期に入って公貿易が私貿易に轉換され、その人的担当者であった商人層と海上業者が登場するようになった。 第二に、彼らの私的商人たちのリーダーとして登場した人物が張保皐である。彼は唐での成功を基盤にして在唐新羅人と在日新羅人、そして韓半島の西南海の海上業者たちを自分の指揮下におき、韓中日の三國の中継貿易に從事して莫大な利益をあげた。彼は日本列島にも渡ってきて、九州地域の官吏と豪族とも交流を行うほどであった。 第三に、張保皐がたてた東アジア世界を経驗し、そのネットワークを活用した人々は、円仁をはじめとする留學僧であった。特に、円仁は承和遣唐使の一員として唐に渡り、そこで9年間も仏法を硏究した。その過程では、当然ながら唐人との交流も多かったが、新羅人の協力がなければ、彼の入唐求法活動は無事に終えることができなかったと思われる。國籍が違っても、彼らはお互いに暖かい人間愛を背景にして親交を深めていったのである。我々は当時の東アジアに展開されたような一國史の枠を越えた、すなわち國境をこえた東アジア間の人的交流を活性化させることによって、明るい未來を開いていくことに努めなければならないであろう。

      • KCI등재

        11 세기 한일 양국의 대외교섭에 관한 일고찰

        이병로(Byung Ro Lee) 대구사학회 2000 대구사학 Vol.59 No.1

        This paper tried to research on the relation between Koryo Dynasty and Japan from the 11th century. The local powers steadily subordinated to the nation with the advent of the centralized nation of Koryo in the 10th century. The government took the leadership of the trade with Japan in a passive way because of the emergence of the northern people. Koryo had no choice but to adopt a passive policy in a foreign trade, otherwise the direct confront with the northern people might help another people on the sea gain powers, which might do harm to Koryo somehow. While Koryo tried to supplement shrunken foreign trade by enrolling some powers of Keushu under the control of Koryo, Japan rather came over to the Korean Peninsula to develope its trade activity from the mid 11th century. Ideologically, both Koryo Dynasty and Japan acknowledged each other as subjected to their own country. Therefore they couldn`t establish a normal diplomatic relation, and some conflicts over the words of diplomatic papers broke out between these two countries. As the Chosun Dynasty started to rule the Korean Peninsula, the ruling class regarded Daemado as a part of Chosun. Japan had a close relationship with Chosun both politically and economically. Actually these aspects of the relationship between these two countries had already appeared in the 11th century. In researching on the relation between Koryo Dynasty and Japan, we can understand the overview of East Asia from 10th century more precisely if we take the relation with china into account, which wasn`t considered on this paper and I will leave it to the next time.

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