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        한국 농정 ( 農政 ) 의 철학적 분석과 새로운 패러다임 (paradigm ) 의 설계

        김선요(Sun Yo Kim) 한국농촌지도학회 1996 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.3 No.1

        In the situation of rapid industrialization based on the lopsided development of economy since 1960, Korean rural society has faced a crisis of disruption. As a result, the civilian government has tried a few actions to change the circumstance. However, it is said that the coral polices were not satisfactory. Those who were concerned with the coral problems of these days argue that it is necessary to adopt new policies and further to change the policymakers` philosophies concerning the matter. The arguments are certainly based on the beliefs that the sound policies come from the sound philosophies. This study aims to analyze the existing rural polices and their policymakers` philosophies and to design of a new paradigm. For the purpose, this study was set there specific objectives: First, to overview the moor points of Quantitative Utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentham and the Social Justice Theory of John Rawls, the contrasting frameworks of the moral philosophies; Second, to trace the major or trade of the rural policies since 1960s in Korea; Third, to analyze the policymakers` philosophies reflected on the rural policies; Fourth, to design a new paradigm of the rural policies. `This study mainly adopted descriptive method based on the various source of government and non-government statistics, white pets and other researches. The major findings of this study may be summarized as follows: 1. The historical epochs of the rural policies in Korea was divided into the periods: (1) An organizational and institutional establishment for self-reliance of main crops and the New Village Movement (1969∼70); (2) An initiation of `open-door` policies to the foreign farm products (1970∼80); (3) Completion of the UR meetings and the recommendations of the Rural and Fishery Development Commission (1980-present). 2. It was found that the philosophical foundations of coral polities were directly reflected front the utilitarianism of the national development. Under tire philosophy it was the modem sector of economy that was to speatitead the national development, and the rural sector was situated to the peripheral position and hardly in the spot-light. Therefone, it may be said that the persent situation of the rural society was largely rooted in the model of economic development. 3. As a new direction of the coral policies, many studies were focussing on the NTC (non-trade concerns) functions of agriculture for the present and future society. The researchers argue that the cost of protecting and supporting agriculture and rural society may be higher than that of the burden which the nation should be bear in the case of failure of agriculture. Although it tray be true, however, it should be noted that the argument is another type of utilitarianism which prevailed in the past. As a philosophy of rural policies, utilitarianism is straight forward and persuasive, however, it has also limitations in terms of relativism in broad sense or social justice in specific manna. 4. This study suggests to set the philosophical foundations of noel policies on the basis of Rawl`s Theory of Justice mentioned earlier. It emphasizes the inviolability of social justice which was neglected for the national benfits timing the period of development dictatorship in 1960s and 1970s. The principles of social justice for coral people were identified as twofold; (1) The principle of the t equal liberty; (2) ⓐ Difference principle, ⓑ The principle of fair equality of opportunity.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 청소년지도사 실습업무경험과 중요성 인식에 대한 질적 연구

        권양이 ( Yang Yi Kwon ),오승근 ( Seung Geun Oh ),김선요 ( Sun Yo Kim ) 한국청소년복지학회 2012 청소년복지연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 대학생들의 청소년지도사 실습업무경험과 중요성에 대한 인식을 탐색하여 실습운영 개선과 실습의무화를 추진하는 데 시사점을 제공하기위하여 수행되었다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위해 2011년 서울에 위치한 4년제, 2년제 대학 소속 12명의 재학생들을 심층면접하였다. 연구결과는 첫째, 실습과정이 체계적이지 못하다. 둘째, 실습지도의 부족과 비전문성이다, 셋째, 단순잡무를 경험하며 청소년 지도사의 역할을 파악하다. 넷째, 이상의 문제점에도 불구하고 대학생들은 실습의 중요성을 인식하고 있었다. 본 연구결과로부터 향후 청소년지도사 실습은 첫째, 실습을 체계적으로 조직화해야 한다. 둘째, 현행 시행되고 있는 실습 내용은 주어진 실습기간동안에 수행되기에는 광범위하기 때문에 실습운영지침이 개발될 필요가 있다. 셋째, 실습기관과 실습지도 담당자는 체계적으로 내실 있게 실습을 운영하여야 한다. 본 연구는 대학생들의 현장실습에 대한 경험적 자료를 제공할 뿐만 아니라 실습과정의 개선을 위해서 청소년들을 지도하는 교육기관 행정가, 슈퍼바이져, 입법자들에게 더 큰 함의를 제공한다. The purpose of the study is to provide implications to improve the practicum and move toward for making it mandatory for the youth worker certificate. In order to achieve this purpose, the findings of the study have been based on the data from 12 college students at the two-year and four-year college located in Seoul in 2011. The results showed that first, the practicum is not systematical. Second, the lack of supervision and expertise. Third, the tasks assigned to the students are limited to the simple and trivia things, which in turn leads to their understanding of the role of youth worker. Fourth, In spite of the problems addressed above, the students were aware of the importance of the practicum. Based on the results of the study, some implications are suggested as follows. First, it is therefore necessary to make the practicum systematical. Second, tasks of the practicum are too broad to be covered by the given time period, the practicum manual should be developed. Third, supervisors and organizations need to run the practicum systematically. The present study not only provides empirical data about college students` practicum experiences but also gives institutional administrators, supervisors, legislators who deal with youths much broader implications for improving practicum procedures.

      • KCI등재
      • 기독교 대안교육을 위한 교사양성 방안

        김선요 서울여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 사회과학논총 Vol.21 No.-

        For development of Christian alternative schooling, the purpose of this study is to explore direction and structure of teacher education program in Christian universities. The study begins with the question on the rationales of Christian alternative schooling and the identities of Christian universities. This study moves on to the issues of ideals and realities of teacher education program in Christian universities. In order to set up the principles of Christian alternative schooling, it is necessary for professors to strive to help our prospective teachers achieve a renewed consciousness. Major findings are as follows: 1. A Christian alternative schooling views its rationale in the distinctive setting of challenging its students with the celebration of the lordship of Christ over all creation. Then why a Christian university? Its distinctive should be an education that cultivates the creative and active integration of faith and learning, of faith and culture. 2. Teacher education programs in Christian universities help prospective teacher seek responsive discipleship and cultivate shalom in their own lives, in their studies, and in society. Despite of well defined the ideals of teacher education program, the realities of it have been blunted through neglect. 3. The dulling of these prongs has been caused by a dualism and by the romantist notion of persons as autonomous agents. In general they may be summarized into irrelevant knowledge base and loss of collegiality for prospective teachers. 4. In order to set up the principles of Christian alternative schooling, it is absolutely necessary for professors to strive to help our prospective teachers achieve a renewed consciousness, a way of perceiving reality. Things are the way they are, and they continue to be that the way, only because they are created and continually held in being by the word of God. God’s covenant with creation means that no subject in the classroom can be properly studied or taught without reference to God. 5. Collegiality is characterized by trust, openness, support, and collaboration in daily teaching and learning. In teacher education we must define teaching more in terms of community where isolation is replaced with interdependence, and privatism with reciprocity. 이 연구는 ‘기독교 대안교육’을 위한 교사양성 방안을 탐색할 목적으로 수행되었다. 이 목적을 위해 기독교 대안교육과 기독교 대학의 정체성을 분석하고, 기독교대학 교사교육의 이상(理想)과 현실(現實)을 검토한 후, 교사교육의 새로운 방향과 방안을 제시하였다. 기독교 대안교육은 성경의 원리에 기초한 교육 혹은 하나님 말씀의 원리로 되돌아가고자 하는 교육으로 정의할 수 있다. 기독교 대학은 독창적이고 적극적인 신앙과 학문의 통합을 통해서 정체성을 지킬 수 있다. 교사교육 프로그램의 이상은 예비 교사들에게 ‘응답하는 제자도’를 가르치고 샬롬(shalom)을 추구하는데 있다. 그러나 기독교대학 교사교육의 현실은 신앙과 학문을 분리하는 이원론과 인간을 독립적이고 자율적 존재로 보는 세속적 인식론이 지배적이다. 이를 극복하기 위해 예비 교사들이 대안의식, 즉 ‘실재’(實在)를 수용하는 방식을 가질 수 있도록 돕는 것이 중요하다. 실재는 사물이 존재하는 방식 그대로 존재하는데, 왜냐하면 그들은 하나님 말씀에 의해 창조되었고, 말씀에 의해 계속 유지되기 때문이다. 창조 세계와 맺은 하나님의 언약은 교육과정에서 어떤 과목도 하나님과 무관한 과목은 없다. 관계성이란 매일 매일의 가르침과 배움의 신뢰성, 공개성, 지원, 그리고 협동을 말한다. 그리고 교사 교육에 있어서는 가르침은 고립을 상호의존으로, 개인주의를 호혜주의로 대체되는 공동체의 관점에서 새롭게 정의되어야 한다.

      • 현대 교육의 역사적 관점에 대한 성경적 비판과 해석 : 고대 희랍교육의 이상(理想)을 중심으로

        김선요 서울여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2012 사회과학논총 Vol.19 No.-

        현대 ‘교육사’는 우리나라 교원양성과정의 2학년 필수 교과목의 하나로 편성되어 있다. 이 연구는 이 교과목이 얼마나 인본주의와 깊이 연관되어 있는지를 밝히고, 이를 성경적 관점에서 새롭게 조명하고자하는 목적에서 시도되었다. 연구의 초점은 고대 희랍 교육의 이상을 성경적으로 비판하고 해석하는데 있다. 고대 희랍 교육에 있어서 지혜는 인간의 이성과 지성을 개발하는 것이었다. 지식은 고정된 소유물이며, 진리는 일단의 논리적 진술의 꾸러미였다. 그러나 히브리인들에게 있어서 지혜는 자신을 위한 추구라기보다 삶의 적용으로서, 하나님의 은혜였다. 지식은 만물을 지으신 살아 계신 하나님의 인식이었으며, 진리는 신뢰의 신실함과 가치였다. 이 연구는 또한 구약과 신약의 교육관을 요약하고, 교육주체에 대한 성경 말씀의 빛을 조명했다. 교육에 대한 국가의 책무는 공의를 유지하는 일에 한정되어야 하며, 부모는 자녀교육을 위해 학교를 선택하고, 교육의 성격을 결정할 권위와 책임이 주어져 있다. 이를 통해 교육의 세 주체인 국가, 학교 그리고 부모는 성경적으로 순종하는 방식으로 함께 할 수 있다. 기독교대학의 일차적 기능은 학생들이 성경적 세계관을 개발하는데 있다. 따라서 소명진술은 대학의 요람뿐만 아니라 대학의 핵심 교육과정에 실제적으로 반영되어야 한다. The ‘history of education' is one of the compulsory subjects for the sophomore year of teacher training courses in Korea. The purpose of this study is to try to find out how the modern educational history is tightly related to the humanism in order to bring biblical world-view for the subject. This study is based on a critique and interpretation of history of education focusing on paideia of ancient Greek education. In Greek education wisdom was development of human reason and the intellect; knowledge was a fixed possession; and truth means a package of logically correct statements. However, Hebrew wisdom was not sought for its own sake, but always for its application to the meaning of life was God's gift; knowledge was a total awareness of a living God who acts in His creation; truth is faithfulness and worthy of trust. This study also review the educational perspective of Old and New Testament in order to bring the light of the Word of God to the educational authorities. The task of government should be limited to maintain justice in education. The parents have the right to exercise their God-given authority and responsibility in determining schooling choice and the nature of education that their children will receive. It is in this context alone that the three elements, the role of state, schools and parents, can come together in a biblically obedient manner. In conclusion, it is a primary function of Christian university to help its students to develop a biblical world-view. Therefore, it is necessary to mention the mission statement in the catalogue, but also contribute to the core curriculum of the university. Key Words:Educational history, Ancient education, Greek education, Biblical Education.

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