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        안전·안심디자인을 위한 고령자의 낙상사고 위험요인에 관한 연구

        김미영(Kim, Miyoung),최민영(Choi, Minyoung) 인제대학교 디자인연구소 2016 Journal of Integrated Design Research (JIDR) Vol.15 No.4

        연구배경: 현재 한국은 인구 고령화의 진전 상황에서 고령자의 안전사고 증가는 커다란 사회문제로, 위험요인으로부터 안전 확보와 피해를 최소화하기 위한 종합대책 마련이 강조되고 있다. 고령자 인구 급증에 따른 주요한 보건문제 중 하나인 낙상은 국내외적으로 그 심각성이 증대되고 있다. 일상생활 속에서 발생하는 낙상사고로부터 안전 제고를 위해서는 고령자의 특성 및 사고를 유발하는 위험요인들을 잘 파악하고 이를 반영하고 배려하는 디자인적 접근을 위한 연구가 절대적으로 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 고령자의 낙상사고 위험요인 분석을 통해 안전·안심디자인 방안 모색을 위한 기초연구 목적으로 진행하였다. 연구방법: 낙상사고의 위험요인은 선행연구를 통해 포괄적으로 접근하고 한국소비자원의 자료를 이용하여 고령자의 가정 내 낙상사고에 영향을 주는 위험요인 분석을 하였다. 연구결과: 첫째, 선행연구결과로 추출된 낙상 관련 내적요인으로는 ‘인구사회학적, 건강행태적, 역학적, 기능적, 정신적, 소인성’으로 나타났고, 외적 요인으로는 ‘설비 및 물품, 장소, 주거형태, 시간, 계절 등’으로 나타났다. 둘째, 낙상사고에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석에서는 ‘연령, 위해 품목 중·소분류, 발생장소, 위해부위 대·소분류’ 로 나타났다. 결론: 고령자의 낙상사고 위험요인들을 종합적으로 분석하고, 이를 반영하여 예방에 초점을 둔 디자인적 접근을 위한 기초연구로 외적 타당성을 높이는 양적인 방법으로 접근하였다는 데 의의가 있다. 이를 기초로 향후 낙상예방에 안전·안심디자인을 적용할 수 있는 후속연구를 제안하였다. Background: Currently, negligent accident increase of elderly under condition of ongoing aging population in Korea is critical social problem. Therefore, comprehensive measure provision for safety security against risk factor and minimization of damage is being stressed. Falls as one of major health problem in accordance with rapid increase in elderly population becomes more serious issue in and out of country. For the sake of safety enhance against falls happening in everyday life, it is absolutely necessary to study for designical approach figuring out elderly property and risk factors causing accident and reflecting this with consideration. In this context, this study was proceeded, aiming at being a basic research supporting safety·security design measure groping through analysis of risk factors in elderly falls. Methods: Risk factor of falls was approached comprehensively by means of preceding research and included analysis of risk factor affecting falls accident occurring at elderly`s home based on data from Korea Consumer Agency. Result: First, internal factors concerned with falling injury induced from antecedent research result turned out to be ‘demographic, health behavioral, mechanical, functional, mental predisposing’. External factors included ‘installation and commodity, place, dwelling pattern, time, season and others’. Secondly, according to analysis of factors having influence on falls, they included ‘age, classification of harmful items into medium and small sizes, accident spot and classification of injured part into large and small sizes. Conclusion: The study has signification for analyzing risk factors of elderly falls and approaching in quantitative method increasing external propriety as basic research for the sake of designical approach focusing on prevention, reflecting such risk factors. Based on this study, a follow-up study on applying safety·security design to fall prevention has been proposed.

      • KCI등재

        TIMSS 결과에 기초한 과학의 정의적 성취 특성 및 과학 교사의 인식 분석

        김미영 ( Miyoung Kim ),조지민 ( Jimin Cho ) 한국과학교육학회 2013 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구에서는 TIMSS 2007 결과 과학 영역의 학업 성취는 높지만 정의적 성취가 서로 다른 국가들을 선정하여 정의적 특성과 관련된 학생 설문 문항을 분석하였다. 또한 우리나라 과학 교사 대상 온라인 설문조사를 통해 과학 교수 학습의 특성과 정의적 성취에 대한 인식을 알아보았다. 학생 설문 분석 결과, 과학에 대한 자신감, 즐거움, 가치 인식 수준이 높은 학생의 비율은 홍콩, 싱가포르, 잉글랜드는 높고 우리나라, 대만, 일본은 그 비율이 낮게 나타났다. 실제 과학수업의 교수 학습 특성을 보면 우리나라는 실험과 연구 활동이나 실생활 맥락에서의 과학 수업이 잘 이루어지지 않고 있었다. 과학 교사 대상 설문 결과에서 과학에 대한 자신감이 낮은 이유로 과학 내용이 어렵고 흥미롭지 않은 점과 과학 학습을 위한 절대적 시간의 부족을, 과학에 대한 흥미가 낮은 이유로 과학 내용이 어렵고 미래 자신의 진학이나 진로와 관련이 없다고 생각하는 점을 제시하였다. 또한 과학 교과의 가치 인식이 낮은 이유로 진로를 위해 과학을 잘 할 필요가 없어서나 과학이 일상생활에 도움이 되지 않는다고 여기는 점을 제시하였다. 또한 과학 교과의 가치 인식이 낮은 이유로 진로를 위해 과학을 잘 할 필요가 없어서나 과학이 일상생활에 도움이 되지 않는다고 여기는 점을 제시하였다. In this study nations with high academic achievement but disparate affective achievement in science according to the results of the TIMSS 2007 were selected and students` responses in the main survey for affective properties from those nations were analyzed. In addition Korean science teachers` perception of affective achievement and the properties of teaching and learning science was explored by an online survey. According to the results of the analysis of students` responses in the main survey the percentage of those with high levels of confidence in pleasure in and value perception of science was large for Hong Kong Singapore and England but small for Korea Taiwan and Japan. When the properties of teaching and learning in actual science classes were observed in Korea actual classes focused little on experimentation research activities and the context of everyday life. According to the results of surveys conducted on science teachers students` low confidence in science was due to difficult and uninteresting curricula and the absolute lack of time to study science and their low interest in the subject was due to difficult curricula and the view that science was unrelated to their future academic or professional careers. In addition according to the teachers students` low value perception of science curricula was due to the fact that there was no need to excel in science for academic or professional careers and the idea that the subject was of no help to daily life.

      • KCI등재

        광야의 상징성에 관한 소고(小考) ― 이육사의<광야(曠野)>와 목단(穆旦)의 <재광야상(在曠野上)>을 중심으로

        김미영 ( Kim Miyoung ),장동천 ( Zang Dongchion ) 중국어문연구회 2018 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.86

        Lee Yuksa and Mu Dan were poets who created poetry in Korea and China respectively in the common time of 1930s and early 1940s. Both Lee Yuksa and Mu Dan share the image of ‘Wilderness’ by writing the poem “The Wilderness (광야)” and “In the Wilderness (在曠野上)”. Since the mid 1930s, there have been many poems with the title of ‘The Wilderness’ in Korea and Japan. However, while many were meant to serve the strategy of Japan’s permanent occupation of Manchuria, the “wilderness” of Lee Yuksa and Mu Dan were clearly different from that which the poetry titled “Wilderness”. What made the poets who lived in two different spaces dream about the same space called “Wilderness”? The tragic perception of the world, unable to compromise with the world, led the two poets to a “wilderness” as a space where they could open their inner freedom. The “wilderness” as a place to get freedom of thought has utopian character. However, the acquisition of Utopia was not easy to obtain or dream of two poets. In the case of Lee Yuksa, the utopia through thorough self-sacrifice was left in the future, and Mu Dan frustrated about utopia after thorough criticism of reality.

      • KCI등재

        목단(穆旦) 시(詩)의 윤리 의식과 참회 정신

        김미영 ( Kim Miyoung ) 중국어문연구회 2017 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.83

        Since the late 1980s, when the research was conducted on the subject of Mu Dan(穆旦), the work of Mudan works was interpreted in various layers such as romantic, symbolism, modernism, realism, and idealism. In the context of the content, the study can sum up a large sum of self awareness which learned modernism and a compromise of social consciousness facing the national realities of the Sino-Japanese War. But there is a need to re-examine the debate that a somewhat conflicting combination of ‘persona’ and ‘crowd’ or ‘nation’ are harmonized in the Mu Dan’s poetry. The individual must face up to a large group of people called ethnic groups. Nevertheless, how can anyone understand that the Mu Dan’s poetry is singing the national psyche and embracing nation sufferings at the same time? The nationality of the Mu Dan’s poetry is not an abstract language. For him, the nation was an extension of the others he witnessed. Sun Yushi(孫玉石) said, “Mu Dan had a humanist sentiment that is representative of the ‘haracter of suffering’ and ‘compassionate’. character of suffering or compassion is the emotion that occurs after the existence of others. After all, it is one way to read the Mu Dan’s poetry how a person’s inner feelings are portrayed. We need to refer to the ethics of Levinas. There is a point in understanding the spirit of Mu Dan’s poetry in the philosophy of Levinas who stresses the responsibility and solidarity of the man suffering from the pain.

      • 성인의 자외선차단제 인지도와 소비성향에 관한 연구

        김미영(MiYoung Kim),윤천성(ChunSung Yoon) 한국뷰티산업학회 2014 뷰티산업연구 Vol.8 No.1

        최근의 뷰티비즈니스키워드가 안티에이징, 항 노화에 집중됨에 따라 자외선차단제의 소비가 증가하고 있다. 광노화예방에 따른 자외선차단제 선택은 무엇보다 중요하며, 자외선 차단제 선택의 경우, 자외선차단지수가 높다고 무조건 좋은 것은 아니다. 자신의 피부에 맞는 자외선차단제를 정확히 선택을 할 수 있도록 점검해볼 필요성이 제기되어지며, 본 연구의 목적은 피부자극이 심해 피부노화, 광노화는 물론 화상, 피부암까지 일으킬 수 있는 자외선에 대해 제대로 알고, 이를 예방하기 위한 방법과 소비자 자신에게 맞는 최적의 자외선차단제를 선택하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 문헌연구와 통계 자료, 선행논문과 기타 자료를 이용하여 서울 및 인천, 경기지역에 거주하는 20-50대 대상으로 2014년 3월 7일부 터 3월 13일까지 불충분한 설문지 12부를 제외하고 남성 154명, 여성 174명, 총 328명으로 설문지법으로 유의수준 5%에서 검증하였으며, 통계처리 SPSSWIN 18.0 프로그램을 사용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구 분석 결과는 20-50대 남녀의 자외선유해성 인식과 자외선 차단지수 인지도, 자외선차단제 인지도를 알아보고 이에 따른 자외선차단제의 사용실태와 구매행동차이를 보였으며 소비성향요인 분석결과, 환경의식형, 합리적소비형, 브랜드선호형, 유행추구형의 4개 요인으로 분류되었다. 본 연구를 바탕으로 화장품업체와 에스테틱 관련 실무자들에게는 다기능성, 고기능의 다양한 형태와 종류의 신자외선차단제 개발방향 제시, 기초자료제공과 소비자들에게는 자외선차단지수와 자신의 피부 상태에 맞는 차단제 의 올바른 선택방법을 제안하고 이를 반영할 수 있다. Recent concentrated anti-aging beauty business based on keywords ultraviolet protector consumption is on the rise. Select the prevention of photoaging What is more important than ultraviolet protector, sunscreen of choice when a high SPF is not an unconditional good. Ultraviolet protector to your skin the right choice so that you can check exactly what needs to try and is being raised, the purpose of this study, the deep skin aging, skin irritation, burns, as well as photo-aging, against UV rays that can cause skin cancer to know well, To prevent this, a way that suits their own ultraviolet protector and consumers to help, to choosing. This study analyzed the results of 20 to 50 men and women aware of the hazards of UV awareness SPF ultraviolet protector awareness and recognize the resulting factor analysis of consumption patterns, environmental consciousness type, reasonable consumption type, brand preference type, fashion pursuit Factors such as the type of four were classified. Based on this study, Aesthetic cosmetic related companies and practitioners have versatility, high performance of the various forms and types of air fresheners when developing new ultraviolet protector, provide basic information for consumers and SPF ultraviolet protector-sensitive skin conditions and their correct proposed a method for selecting them can be reflected.

      • KCI등재

        당시(唐詩)에서의 춤동작에 대한 문학적 형상화Ⅱ<sup>+</sup>

        김미영 ( Kim Miyoung ) 무용역사기록학회 2014 무용역사기록학 Vol.35 No.-

        이 글은 당시(唐詩)에서의 춤동작에 대한 문학적 형상화들을 추출ㆍ분류하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 그 결과 날리는 소맷자락과 느리고 빠른 회전 동작, 그리고 기타 여러 춤동작들에 대한 다양한 문학적 형상화들을 추출하였고, 더불어 무용수의 자태와 미모 그리고 가는 허리에 대한 문예적 수사들도 모았다. 한편 ≪건무(健舞)≫에 속한 춤들은 속도가 빠르고 춤동작이 많은 매우 역동적인 춤이었고, 이에 반해 ≪연무(軟舞)≫에 속한 춤들은 부드럽고 서정적이며 우아한 춤이었다는 것을 문예적 묘사들을 통해 확인할 수 있었다. 문학적 형상화에는 예술적 언어로 발전시킬 수 있는 요소가 분명 있다. 이 글은 유가(儒家) 악무론 (樂舞論)의 사상성과 효용론에서 한 발 비껴나서 실질적인 악무(樂舞) 미학(美學)의 담론을 이끌기 위하여 이에 필요한 밑거름으로 춤을 감상한 이들이 인상적으로 보았던 춤의 `무엇`과 그것에 대한 문예적 표현인 `어떻게`를 추출한 것이다. The purpose of this thesis is for extracting and distributing literal imagery about dance movements in poems written in Tang dynasty. As a result, literal imagery about dance movements were mostly extracted from blowing sleeves, slow and fast spinning movements, and various dancing movements. Furthermore, there are literary rhetorics of beautiful figures, faces, and slender waists of dancers. Adn dancing movements of Geon-Mu were described as dynamic and speediness; while as dancing movements belonged to Yeon-Mu were depicted as soft, lyrical, and elegant. Those descriptive words for dance in Tang dynasty`s poems were highly artistic language while it could be compare to the literal shaping of dance. This thesis analyzed literary phrases of dance movements in Tang dynasty`s poems; so that how the people appreciated substantive esthetics in music and dance, not for philosophy and pragmatic theory.

      • KCI등재

        가사도우미, 요양보호사, 유통업체 판매직 근로관계의 특성과 노동법의 실효적인 규율 방향

        김미영(Miyoung Kim),이주희(Joohee Lee) 한국비교노동법학회 2015 노동법논총 Vol.33 No.-

        The low quality of employment in the personal, retail and social service sectors revals a issue unnoticed by the labor law scholars and policy makers, That is the issue of the precarious employment or the precariousness of employment. The precariousness of employment does not just mean whether or not employees with a certain job can enjoy any protection from unfair dismissals in employment relations. Rather, it generally descibes the situation that today many employees have faced job insecurity, irregular jobs, low wage, poor working conditions, and jobs excluded from the protection of labor laws and social security laws. In other words, it is about the quality of employment in labor relations. The low quality jobs extensively have been spread in the majority of industry, and all employees can be confronted by it regardless of the type of employment in certain occupations. The situation requires us to consider whether to change the fundamental principle of labor laws or not. For example, whether the minimum wage law only sets up the lowest pay in employment relations, or the law has to assure employees decent wages enough for the good standard of living with dignity in labor society. The current laws of labor can’t effectively regulate the precarious or contingent work in a workplace. It’s not a superficial phenomenon but a fundamental defect in the existing laws. The labor laws have to be changed to set up the good labor standards in the service sectors creating more jobs then any industries today.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 영형 대용의 해결과 최적성 이론

        김미영(Kim Miyoung) 담화·인지언어학회 2004 담화와 인지 Vol.11 No.3

        The purpose of this paper is to resolve the Korean zero anaphora by the method based on the Optimality Theory. Korean zero forms are divided into three types according to syntactic distribution and uses-deictic, general and anaphoric. Anaphoric zero forms are unidentifiable syntactically. Therefore, this causes the problems concerned with identification of their referents. An approach based on the pragmatic inference isn't also method enough to resolve anaphora. But, the Optimality theoretic approach which is unified method can resolve Korean zero anaphora successfully. In order to identify the referent of zero anaphora, the following seven universal constraints are established and used; a. Be Relevant (BR) b. Theta-role Match (TM) c. Morphological Match (MM) d. Disjoint Interpretation (DI) e. Recency Preference Construal (RPC) f.FunctionalParallelism (FP) g. Center-Continue (CC). These seven constraints are ranked as following: BR > TM > MM > DI > RPC > FP > CC (Incheon University)

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