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      • 지속가능한 혁신경북의 발전전략 : 지속가능성과 혁신성, 그리고 실천성 개념을 중심으로 With a focus on Sustainablelity, Innovation, and Feasibility

        이성근,이관률 嶺南大學校社會科學硏究所 2002 社會科學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 지속가능한 혁신경북의 발전전략을 지속가능성과 혁신성, 그리고 실천성 개념을 중심으로 모색하였다. 첫째, 지속가능한 경북을 위해서는 생태적으로 건전하고 살기좋은 환경경북, 지역간·계층간 조화로운 균형경북, 그리고 개별 지역의 정체성을 발현하는 문화경북이 이룩되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 지속가능한 경북은 기본적으로 개발과 보전, 도시와 농촌, 사회적 강자와 약자, 그리고 지역정체성의 확립차원에서 정책이 추진되어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 혁신경북을 위해서는 지역의 혁신력에 바탕을 둔 차별화된 지역혁신체제가 구축되어야 할 것이고, 이와 더불어 5T산업이 전략적으로 선택·추진되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 지역혁신과 지역발전의 국제적 나들목이 될 외국인투자자유지역을 신산업정책에 부합토록 추진해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 한편 '지속가능한 혁신경북'을 추진하기 위해서는 실천전략의 강구 또한 중요하다. 이를 위해선 협력적 지역개발사업의 추진, 투자재원의 확보, 성과지향적 행정체제, 계획고권의 확립과 지역정보체제의 기반구축, 그리고 정책기능의 강화와 지방공무원의 역량제고 등이 선행되어야 할 것이다.

      • 지역혁신거점의 구축과 지방자치단체간 협력방안

        이성근 嶺南大學校社會科學硏究所 2003 社會科學硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구는 새로운 지역발전의 전략으로 대두되고 있는 지역혁신거점 구축에 있어서 지방자치단체간 협력의 필요성과 방안을 모색한 연구이다. 이를 위해 지역혁신거점 구축의 의의 및 지자체간의 협력의 필요성과 국내외 지자체간 협력사례를 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다. 이를 바탕으로 향후 지자체간 지역혁신거점 구축의 추진원리와 접근방법, 발전모형과 추진방안 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 우선 지역혁신거점 구축을 위한 지자체간 협력모형의 추진원리로는 민주성, 효율성, 대응성, 파급성, 그리고 형평성을 들 수 있다. 그리고 접근방법은 공리주의적 접근, 기능적 접근, 공동체적 접근을 취하여야 한다. 이러한 지자체간 협력적인 지역혁신거점이 지향하는 목표는 지역중소기업의 기술력 향상, 기존 산업의 구조고도화, 지역특화산업의 기술개발, 성장유망산업의 신산업화를 통한 지역경쟁력 강화에 있다. 그러므로 지자체간 협력적 지역혁신거점은 첫째, 다양한 기술혁신 단위들이 결합되어 시너지 효과가 극대화되는 클러스터모형, 둘째, 지자체별 기술혁신주체와 환경요소들간에 긴밀한 상호작용관계가 있는 기술혁신창출형의 상호 적응모형, 셋째, 국가혁신거점, 지역혁신거점, 분야별 산업혁신거점체제가 연계된 네트워크 모형, 그리고 거점지역과 하위지역간에 기능분담이 체계화되어 있는 계층적 무형으로 구축되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        프랑스 주택 임대료 규제 및 관련 제도 연구

        이성근,최민아,Lee, Seong-Keun,Choi, Min-Ah 한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원 2018 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.9 No.4

        Since year 2000, French housing and rent prices rose at a rapid rate and the housing market has been overheated. Face to this phenomena, the French government enacted a new law Alur which is a legislatif tool to control the private housing rent price for the cities, where the tension of the housing market is very high. This new law has impacted the housing market in two major ways. First, for the 38 cities designated by this law, the rent price's increase rate can not rise above the IRL, which is the rent reference index. Secondly, this law also permits local authorities to control the housing rent's price following the concrete price guidance. Especially in Paris, the city applicated this method for private rental housing since 2015. This city classified its own area by 14 zones. Based on the market surveys of each sector, local authority made a guidance for private housing rent's price. The guideline is consisted of average prices, maxima and minima price by types, which is classified by the construction year, number of rooms and furnished or not. Therefore, this study aims to understand french housing rent's price control system and draw implementation for korean housing rent policies. This research is meaningful for it introduces recent foreign regislations which could be helpful to control the housing market in Korea.

      • 연구논문 : 외식프랜차이즈의 입지차이에 따른 고객이용 특성 분석 -대구시 미스터피자를 중심으로-

        이성근 ( Seong Keun Lee ),류진영 ( Jin Young You ) 영남대학교 한국균형발전연구소 (구 영남대학교 영남지역발전연구소) 2008 한국지역혁신논집 Vol.3 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 외식프랜차이즈 고객을 대상으로 입지차이에 따른 이용행태적 특성을 분석하는 데에 있다. 이를 위하여 대구지역의 도심과 부심지역의 미스터피자 이용고객을 대상으로 2008년 5월 2일부터 6일까지 5일간 234명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 그리고 이용고객의 특성은 고려요소, 의사결정, 이용행태, 만족도 등으로 구분하였다. 분석 방법은 입지차이에 따른 소비자의 이용특성 분석을 위해 X2분석과 t-test를, 그리고 고려요소와 만족도 간의 관계를 규명하기 위해 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 이용행태를 분석한 결과, 고려요소, 결정주체, 이용목적, 이용횟수, 이용시기, 만족도 등에 대해서는 입지에 따라 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 또한 고려요소와 만족도간의 관계분석 결과, 도심의 경우 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요소로는 방문의 용이성, 교통혼잡, 음식의 맛, 신속한 서비스로 나타났고, 부심의 경우에는 실내인테리어와 신속한 서비스로 나타났다. 따라서 프랜차이즈의 입지차이에 따라 고려요소별 우선순위에 차이가 있음을 알 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to survey and analyze usage characteristics of food franchise customers between CBD and Non-CBD urban areas. This study focused on Mr. Pizza franchises located in Daegu Metropolitan City. The survey was conducted from May 2 to May 6, 2008; 250 customers were provided with a questionaire; 234 questionaires were completed and returned for analysis. This study chose 4 variables: selection considerations, decision making, usage behavior, and satisfaction. Following the survey, two analyses were undertaken. In order to analyze the usage characteristics of Mr. Pizza customers, a X2-test and a T-test were utilized and a multiple regression analysis was done. The study found that there are significant differences between CBD and Non-CBD Mr. Pizza customers, in particular with reference to the selecting considerations, location decision maker, usage purpose, frequency of visits, usage time duration, and satisfaction. It was found that there were some locational differences regarding satisfaction between CBD and Non-CBD franchises. At the CBD franchise locations, location convenience, traffic congestion, food taste, and friendly service affected overall satisfaction most significantly, At the Non-CBD locations, interior attractiveness and friendly service were the chief reasons for deriving customer satisfaction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        구미 · 창원국가산업단지 혁신클러스터 비교연구

        이성근(Lee, Seong-Keun),이관률(Lee, Kwan-Ryul) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this study, which is based on the two examples of typical Innovative Clusters in Korea, the Innovative Cluster in Gurni and the Changwon National Industrial Complexes, is to compare and to contrast the construction levels and the impacts on the structure with each other. The main three results of this study are: First, the construction levels of both innovative clusters are quite good in agglomeration econornies, labor market, network, and embeddness. While the one in Changwon gets best evaluations for agglomeration econornies, labor market, network, and collective learning, there is no difference in regard to embeddness and govemance. Second, in regard to achievement of innovation, the innovative cluster in Changwon shows a higher achievement than the one in Gurni. There is no difference in establishing corporations and enhancing the openness and innovation, which are the most important factors for achievement, but it differs in the ability of technical development and taking advantage of new chances Third, according to the analysis of impacts on the structure, six components in Gurni work properly, but in Changwon, onIy five components (all components except for labor market) work well. Moreover, the pattem of impacts on the structure in Gurni displays very denseJy, while the one of Changwon does not. One of the reasons for these differences is the lack of linkage ability between labor market and network in Changwon. To make the situation worse, collective learning is not enough to affect the achievement of innovation. The results show that the most powerful elernents for the achievement of innovation are collective learning and embeddness in Gumi, and embeddness and network in Changwon.

      • 연구논문 : 경북지역 개발촉진지구사업의 추진과정과 성과분석

        이성근 ( Seong Keun Lee ),이주현 ( Ju Hyun Lee ) 영남대학교 한국균형발전연구소 (구 영남대학교 영남지역발전연구소) 2008 한국지역혁신논집 Vol.3 No.2

        개발촉진지구는 개발수준이 타 지역에 비하여 현저하게 낮은 지역의 개발을 촉진하기 위하여 설정한 특정한 구역이다. 본 연구는 경상북도 내 11개 시·군을 중심으로 개발촉진지구 개발사업에 대한 사업계획, 추진체계, 민자유치, 사업성과 등 추진과정 및 성과를 분석 하는데 목적이 있다. 분석결과, ① 일관성이 결여된 지구지정, ② 유사한 사업목표 및 내용, ③ 행정절차의 복잡성, ④ 사업기간의 장기화, ⑤ 부족한 민자유치, ⑥ 미흡한 사업성과 등의 문제가 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구에서는 이를 해결하기 위하여 ① 종합적이고 체계적인 정책집행, ② 지역특허제 도입, ③ 민자유치 활성화를 위한 인허가 승인절차의 간소화 등을 제시하였다. The term "government facilitated development areas" is defined as areas having a low level of development as compared to other regions and as areas which have been earmarked by the Regional Balanced Development and Facilitating Local Small Medium Sized Enterprises Act. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation and performance of government facilitated development areas in Gyeongbuk Province. In this study, 11 government facilitated development areas were selected. Four variables were analyzed: project plans, implementation systems, project financing space (in particular, private sector financing), and project performance. This study found there were a number of problems regarding the implementation and performance of the development projects. First, there was a lack of consistency in nominating the regions. Second, the regions had adopted similar plans, but they were not aimed at each region``s particular needs. Third, there was a complexity of administrative procedures in the development process. Fourth, there was a delay of project implementation. Fifth, there was a lack of project financing, in particular, from the private sector. And last, there was a low level of performance. In order to improve this policy, it is recommended that there be a comprehensive and systematic policy implementation, the adoption of a regional patent system and a simplification of the financial approval system.

      • KCI등재

        대구광역시 달구별대로 인근 상업용토지의 지가결정요인

        이성근(Lee, Seong-Keun),이관률(Lee, Kwan-Ryul),권대동(Kwun, Dae-Dong) 한국지역개발학회 2006 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to find the factors that caused changes in land prices on a selected yearly basis. To undertake this study, the selected years were 1993, 1995, 1998. 2001, 2004, and 2005. Each year was examined based on a nwnber of independent and dependent variables. The main thoroughfare through Daegu Ciη-D떠gub띠 Street-was divided into three sectors: the Duryu Intersection area(a sub-CBD), the Banweoldang Intersection(the CBD) , and the Beomo Intersection 따ea(a sub-CBDl. In this study, several variables were adopted. The dependent variable was the parcel land prices as they varied year by year. The independent variables were accessibility and areal characteristics. Accessibility referred to the commercial lot distance from the thoroughfare, distance from the CBD, and distance from the sub-CBD. Areal characteristics referred to zoning, and lot characteristics, such as lot size, lot shape, width of thoroughfare, etc. In order to conduct this analysis, multiple regression analysis were carried out. The results of the study reveal that for the periods 1993 and 1995, the relatively important factors were the width of the thoroughfare, zoning, the CBD, and lot shape. For 1998, the same four factors plus the distance from the local sub-CBD were relatively significant. For 2001, 2004, and 2005, there were three relatively important factors: the width of the thoroughfare, zoning, and dista

      • KCI등재

        신도청의 건설투자사업의 지역경제 파급효과 분석

        이성근(Lee Seong Keun),이춘근(Lee Choon Keun) 한국지역개발학회 1995 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.7 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze regional economic impacts by the construction of the new provincial office in Kyung-buk input-output model. In order to quantify the impacts by construction of new provincial office, this study is to make Kyung-buk interindustrial table(23×23 sectors) and to analyze industrial structure of the Kyung-buk region. Therefore, The study contributes to the control policies of industrial structure in the Kyung-buk region. The input-output model provides a framework with which to assess the economic impacts associated with the introduction of a new industry into the regional economy. Individuals with responsibility for planning economic development need to be able to make quantitative estimates of the total amount of economic benefit that can be expected from various policies. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. Industries with high influence coefficient were primary metal products, metal products, textile and leather, machinery, and food and beverages. And, Industries with high sensitivity coefficient were primary metal products, electric power, gas and water supply services, machinery, chemicals and chemical products, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, and textile and leather. If the new Kyung-buk provincial office is constructed by new city development projects, the total amount of investment is approximately 1,738.5 billion won. The spread effect of gross output by the construction of the new provincial office was 2,869.5 billion won. The spread effect of gross employment by the contruction of the new provincial office created 54,041 employees.

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