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        3.1運動時期 華商의 財産被害와 中日交涉

        이학로 중국사학회 2022 中國史硏究 Vol.- No.137

        March the 1st movement was extended in all the region of Korea in 1919. Many overseas Chinese merchants were unintentionally involved in the demonstration movement, being damaged in property, especially in the region the movement was very fierce. Imperialist Japan ruthlessly suppressed the demonstration with arms, often inflicting damage to overseas Chinese merchants' property. We have several examples of it. First we can discover the example of the Chinese merchant's property-damage in Cheon-ui market(天宜市場), Seosan of Chungcheong South Province. Some were beaten by Japanese police, and others suffered from property-damage, even though they did not have anything to do with the demonstration. The Chinese victims reported to the Chinese consul about their damage and loss, claiming for the Japanese compensation for their damage, and the apology of the policemen who had beaten them. However, Japanese authority refused the Chinese demand for compensation. The second example is discovered in the event which happened in Sagang-li(沙江里), Songsan-myeon of Gyeonggido Province. The demonstration of this region is famous for its systematic organization and intensity, which caused the death of a Japanese policeman. Overseas Chinese merchants who suffered from property-loss was paid in small amount of money in the name of consolation bonus. The third case is overseas Chinese merchants' loss in Ohsan-li(烏山里), Seongho-myeon of Suweon County. Japanese refused to compensate for their damage, insisting that the loss of their property did not have anything to do with the demonstration of March the 1st movement. Generally Japanese used to refuse to compensate for the loss, denying that the overseas Chinese merchants in Korea suffered from the damage in property due to the March the 1st movement of Korean people and the suppression action of the Japanese. When the Chinese demanded repeatedly the compensation for the loss, Japanese sometimes paid a small amount of money in the name of consolation bonus. 1919년 3.1만세 운동이 전국으로 확산되었다. 만세 운동이 격렬했던 지역에서는 뜻하지 않게 華商들이 연루되어 재산상의 피해를 당하였다. 日帝의 무차별적인 시위 진압으로 그 지역에서 활동하고 있던 華商들이 재산상의 피해를 입었다. 첫 번째는 忠淸南道 瑞山의 天宜市場에서 華商들의 피해 사례이다. 그들은 시위와 관계없이, 日警에게 구타를 당하기도 하였고 재산 피해를 입기도 하였다. 이에 그들은 중국 총영사관에게 자신들의 피해 상황을 보고하고 일본에게 재산 피해에 대한 보상과 구타한 경찰의 사과를 요청하였다. 그러나 일본측은 賠償을 거부하였다. 두 번째 사례는 京畿道 松山面 沙江里에서 華商들의 피해 사례이다. 이 시위는 대규모 시위였고, 조직적이고 격렬한 시위로 유명하였다. 시위 도중에 日警이 사망한 지역이기도 하다. 이 지역의 華商은 慰藉金의 명목으로 일부 금전적 보상을 받게 되었다.세 번째 사례는 水原郡 城湖面 烏山里에서 華商들의 피해 사례이다. 일본은 그 피해가 만세 운동과 관련된 사례가 아니라고 하면서 손해 배상을 거부하였다. 이처럼 일본은 조선인의 만세 운동과 일본 경찰의 진압 과정에서 華商들이 재산 피해를 입었다는 상황을 인정하지 않고 배상을 거부하였지만, 중국측의 계속된 賠償 요구에 위로금이라는 이름으로 부분적으로 금전적 보상을 하는데 그쳤다.

      • KCI등재

        1920年代 在韓 中國人 無緣故死亡者의 處理와 中日交涉

        이학로 대구사학회 2022 대구사학 Vol.147 No.-

        This essay is the analysis on the Chinese deceased without family in 1920s' Joseon and the study about the process of their treatment. The death of Chinese people without family in 1920s mostly occurred in the region that Chinese people liked to live. They used to reside mainly in the northern region or the central region of Korea like Gyeonggi-do Province and Seoul, where it was convenient for them to travel to China. Their jobs were various. Some were engaged in commerce, others in farming. And there were also wage-labourers. When a death case occurred, the first thing to be done was to identify the nationality of the dead. Usually it was decided on the ground of the Chinese clothes of the dead or the possessions of the dead. The death case of the Chinese in Joseon frequently occurred in 1920s. Especially after overseas Chinese Rejection Incident in 1927, Joseon Government General and the Chinese authority in Joseon responded against each other very sensitively concerning the handling of the Chinese dead without family. The conflict between two sides was partly due to the expense for the treatment of the dead. In general when a person was discovered dead, the Japanese officers checked the nationality, address, name and jobs, and then tried to find family or relatives. Then Joseon Government General claimed Chinese authority for the expense. The expense composed of labor cost and other small expenditure was not a large amount. The negotiation between two sides about which side would pay the expense used to go on mainly in the aspect of who would take charge of the case. In many cases this kind of accident was settled down, with overseas Chinese merchant forced to pay the expense. 이 논문은 1920년대 조선에서 발생한 중국인 무연고 사망자의 발생과 그 처리 과정에 대한 연구이다. 1920년대에 발생한 중국인 무연고 사망자의 경우 대부분 당시 중국인이 많이 거주하고 있던 지역에서 발생하였다. 당시 조선의 중국인들은 주로 중국과 왕래하기 쉬운 북부 지역이나 仁川 등 京畿道와 서울에 집중하여 거주하고 있었다. 그들은 상업과 노동 그리고 농업 등 다양한 직업에 종사하고 있었다. 당시 무연고 사망 사고가 발생하면 먼저 그의 국적을 판단하였다. 사망자가 중국식 복장을 하거나 소지품에서 국적을 판단할 수 있는 자료가 발견되었을 경우 중국인으로 판단하였다. 이들 사망자는 1920년대에 많이 발생하였는데, 1927년 華僑排斥事件 이후에는 중국인 무연고 사망자의 처리 문제에 대해 조선총독부와 중국측이 매우 민감하게 대응하게 된다. 그것은 사망자 처리 비용과 관련되어 있기 때문이기도 하였다. 대체로 사망자가 발생하면 그의 국적을 확인하고 그의 주소, 이름과 직업 등을 조사하고 연고자를 찾았다. 그 후 조선총독부는 중국측에 그 비용을 청구하였다. 대개 인부들의 인건비와 간단한 부대비용으로 큰 금액은 아니었다. 금액의 크기보다 책임의 소재 때문에 그 비용을 누가 담당할 것인가를 두고 양측간에 여러 차례 교섭이 오고가기도 하였다. 많은 경우 중국은 華商들에게 그 비용을 담담하게 하고 사건을 종결지었다.

      • KCI등재

        아편전쟁 이전 동남 연해지역에서의 西洋銀元의 유통

        이학로 계명대학교 국제학연구소 1998 국제학논총 Vol.3 No.-

        The Trade of China and Western was restricted to Canton, but the amount of trade really had been increased. Ch'ing government intruded the use of sycee silver upon the western merchant. For the reason, the more western merchant purchased tea and silk, the more western silver dollars they had payed flowed into China. Finally before the Opium war o.5 billion dollars put into circulation in China. It partly was altered the western silver dollar to sycee, the others broke in peices and circulated. But most silver dollar was used itself in chinese coinage system. At the first stage, the western silver dollar was used on the coast, later it was spread into the inner China. Particularly the silver was used even to pay taxes. It was the reason that the produce of silver was not to be enough and that there was the absence of Ch'ing government financial policy for the production of its silver dollar. For the beautiful appearance of the western silver dollar, the coastal inhabitants liked to get it, little by little. After the western silver dollar was used on the coast and its inner-coast, it had stimulated the transformation of the China money system, and it made China government coin its silver dollar. Before the Opium war, China local government has partly made silver dollar that imitated the western silver dollar. But the Liang Kwuang general governor(兩廣總督), Chang Chi-dong(張之洞), finally coined the Chinese silver dollar in Kwuang-dong on 1886. Afterwards all of the other province competitively minted its silver dollar, ended to be disordered the China system of coin's circulation.

      • KCI등재

        歷史敎育에 있어서 映像資料의 活用 : EBS 다큐멘터리 "商人의 나라, 中國"의 分析을 中心으로 focusing on the analysis of "The country of merchants, China," documentary produced by EBS

        李學魯 대구사학회 2004 대구사학 Vol.76 No.-

        Nowadays, the study of history is at a crisis under the influence of pragmatism. Some historians are abandoning a traditional method of study, and are expanding variously a research area for weather the crisis of historical education. They are developing new methods in the education of history. One of recent tendencies is the introduction of image materials into teaching. Some historians put films and historical documentaries to practical use in class. It is a method for making history popular. There was the attempt to apply image materials in the process of popularizing history and varieting educational methods in the West. This article has the purpose of analyzing a documentary with the latest educational method. The protagonists of the documentary were merchants under the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasty in China. The title of it was "The country of merchants, China". EBS produced and broadcast it. It dealed with a growth background of merchants, the correlation of them with the government, and a social position and a culture of them. According to it, merchants of coastal Province grew in tributary system of the Ming and Ch'ing Dynasty, and developed with modernization. They are the origin of overseas Chinese merchants. Image materials raise students' ability to concentrate all their energies upon class, and their comprehensive faculty about subjects. Students can understand easily a historical situation and a historical person by a picture. Of course, there are insufficient aspects. For example, the study of practical method and the introduction of various materials are necessary. If possible, it is necessary that historians participate in production of a documentary.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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