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      • KCI등재

        공간통계기법을 활용한 선거구 특성과 정당 선호 결정요인 분석

        황재희,이성우 국토연구원 2014 국토연구 Vol.81 No.-

        In terms of the voting behavior, political orientations in the local constituencies have a decisive influence on the election results. This study approaches the spatial analysis on the political orientations shown in 16~17th general election of SMA(Seoul Metropolitan Area), incorporating spatial econometrics and GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression) with discrete dependent variable. In order to interpret spatially collective political preference, it is selected as dependent variable to whether saenuri-party is elected in each constituency. Moreover, the explanatory variables are specified by constituency-specific percentage of place of birth, diploma level, and 20~30s age bracket. It sequentially conducts LISA(Local Indicator of Spatial Association) analysis to identify hot- and cold-spot for the variables based on GWR coefficients. The result provides an understanding of the electoral geography and dynamics of spatially varying voting behavior within SMA. Additionally, the results can be discussed as part of a research agenda for exploring spatial dependence and heterogeneity in research focusing on electoral geography and regional planning. 본 논문은 공간계량모형과 이산 GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression) 모형, LISA(Local Indicator of Spatial Association) 분석을 복합˙적용함으로써, 16~17대 국회의원 선거에서 나타난 수도권 지역의 정치 성향을 공간적으로 구성하고 있다. 분석의 종속변수는 각 선거구의 한나라당 당선 여부로 설정하며, 국내 선거 결과에 결정적인 영향을 미치는 지역˙계층˙세대 간 갈등을 대변하는 설명변수로 선거구별 호남 출신, 대졸 이상, 20~39세 유권자 비중을 활용하고 있다. 2000년과 2004년 총선 분석 결과, 공간계량모형과 GWR 모형은 호남 출신과 20~30대 비중이 한나라당 당선에 부(\_ )의 방향으로, 대졸 이상 유권자 비중은 정(+)의 방향으로 영향을 미친다는 공통적인 결과를 보여준다. 이어 GWR 계수를 도식화한 결과는 한나라당 당선에 대한 설명변인의 인과효과가 인접지역 간에 유사함을 방증하며, 선거구별 GWR 계수에 근거한 핫스팟 및 콜드스팟과 비슷한 분포를 보인다. 본 논문을 통해 확인 가능한 학제 간 접근 방식과 실증분석 방법 및 결과는 지역계획의 이론적 지평을 확대하고, 정치, 사회갈등, 선거, 공간에 대해 보다 심도 있는 논의의 생산에 기여할 것이라 기대되는 바다.

      • KCI등재

        자가점유로 분석한 이혼여성의 주거안정성

        황재희,이성우 한국주거학회 2012 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.1

        Present study investigates on the impact of resources and characteristics of the tenure choice for divorced women in Korea. The authors utilize the micro data from the Korea Census (2% sample) provided by the National Statistical Office. The authors apply the bivariate probit model to eliminate selection bias that could incur due to sample selectivity, from a chain of marital disruption and tenure choices. This study starts with a descriptive explanation of homeownership after divorce from 1985 to 2005. It concluded that divorce results in a substantial attrition of homeownership. The authors found that out for many women, divorce initiates a process of downward mobility on the housing ladder. The probability to own housing is much lower for divorced women than for women who are not divorced. The present study concludes by suggesting some policy implications for divorced women who have limited access to housing stability. The authors also suggest some future studies that can compensate the empirical limitations of the present study.

      • KCI등재

        섬 지역사회 이익공유에 대한 고찰 - 마을공동사업을 통한 공유재 활용 사례와 과제 -

        황재희 한국도서(섬)학회 2022 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.34 No.4

        This study examines benefit-sharing measures to contribute to the revitalization of island communities. The theoretical analysis proceeds through extensive literature reviews on the commons and benefit-sharing theories and the commons-related attributes of local resources in islands. The case analysis focuses on Purple Island (Banwoldo and Parkjido) and Imjado in Sinan-gun, Jeollanam-do, concentrating on generating and distributing profits through village joint projects and implications. Based on the analysis, benefit sharing in island communities indicates the process and result of distributing direct profits and indirect benefits generated from marine use at a level commensurate with the cost of the local community. It coincides with materializing the distributive justice of island spatial resource utilization with common property. It also means distributing the associated benefits so that the socioeconomic costs of negative externalities do not lead to the stagnation of island communities that serve a public function. In the case analyzed in this study, it was found that community projects on tourism were operated through the establishment of cooperatives and corporates in the island region. The profits were distributed according to the participation rate and ownership share. This study suggests five tasks for benefit sharing in the island community. First, it is necessary to clarify the scope of the local community participating in the benefit sharing within the island. Second, the capacity building of the community is required to enhance understanding of the method of participating in the project and sharing benefits. Third, the social capital of the island community should be utilized by institutional and non-institutional means to establish a sustainable benefit-sharing system. Fourth, a particular portion of the profits generated from marine use should be invested in community projects for sustainable coexistence. Lastly, it is necessary to strengthen policy support to solve the problems of island communities by establishing the roles of local governments and regional plans. 본 연구는 섬 지역사회 활성화에 기여할 수 있는 이익공유 방안을 고찰한다. 세부적으로 섬의 공유재와 이익공유에 대한 이론적 배경을 분석하고, 섬에서 추진하는 이익공유 사례와 주요 쟁점을 다룬다. 이론 검토는 공유재와 이익공유 이론, 섬 지역자원의 공유적 속성에 대한 광범위한 문헌연구를 통해 진행한다. 사례 분석은 전라남도 신안군의 퍼플섬(반월도와 박지도) 및 임자도를 대상으로, 마을공동사업을 통한 수익 창출과 분배 방식, 시사점을 중점적으로 살펴본다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 섬지역 이익공유는 해양이용에서 발생한 직접 수익과 간접 효용을 지역사회의 비용과 부합하는 수준에서 분배하는 과정 및 결과를 의미한다. 공유재적 속성을 지니는 섬 공간자원 활용의 분배적 정의를 실현하는 개념과 합치되며, 부정적 외부효과로 인한 사회경제적 비용이 공익적 기능을 수행하는 섬 지역사회의 침체로 이어지지 않도록 관련 이익을 분배하는 것을 뜻한다. 본 연구에서 분석한 사례에서는 섬지역 내 조합ㆍ법인 설립을 통해 관광사업 중심의 마을공동사업을 운영하고, 참여율 및 지분율에 따라 수익을 분배하는 방식을 활용하는 것으로 나타났다. 분석 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 섬 지역사회 이익공유의 과제를 다음과 같이 제안한다. 첫째, 섬 내 공동체 단위의 이익공유를 위해서는 이익공유에 참여하는 지역공동체의 범위를 명확히 규정할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 섬 지역사회의 특성을 반영하여 공동체의 역량 강화를 통해 사업참여와 이익공유 방식에 대한 이해를 제고하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째, 섬 지역공동체의 사회자본을 활용한 지속가능한 이익공유 체계 구축을 위해 제도적 수단과 비제도적 수단을 병행하여 활용할 필요가 있다. 넷째, 해역이용을 통해 창출한 수익을 섬지역 공동사업을 위한 비용으로 활용하는 것도 지역공동체와의 지속가능한 상생을 위한 주요 대안이다. 마지막으로 지방정부와 지역계획의 역할 정립을 통해 섬 지역사회와 지역공동체의 문제 해결을 위한 정책적 지원을 강화할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        지역 해양수산 산업역량 진단과 과제: 지표체계 개발을 위한 기초연구

        황재희 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2020 지역산업연구 Vol.43 No.2

        This study proposes industrial implications for regional innovation by analyzing ocean-basedindustries in coastal regions. To do so, it develops an Industrial Capability Indicator for CoastalRegions (ICIC) and examines the ocean-based industries’ capability through expert surveys and spatialanalysis. The results can be presented in aspects of industrial structure, function, and sustainability. First of all, while the utilization of the ocean-based industries as a regional specialized industry islimited overall, some regions show the over-biased dependence on specific industries. Secondly, interms of the function, the results represent a weak foundation of knowledge diffusion amongregions. Also, it detects the mismatch between high manufacturing areas and major R&D investmentareas. Thirdly, the ocean-based industries in coastal regions show a limitation of industrial andspatial sustainability, which is vulnerable to internal and external environmental changes. Based onthe results, this study suggests the key implications including diversification of the regional industrialstructure, innovative projects converting the traditionally specialized industries into emergingindustries, sharing the labor market between neighboring regions, and the solid foundation for theinnovation diffusion. 본 연구는 해양수산 산업역량 지표 개발과 시범분석을 통해 연안의 지역산업 역량 강화를 위한시사점을 제시한다. 먼저, 해양수산 분야의 사회경제적 활동이 해양경제를 통해 산업 성과로정량화 된다는 점에 주목하고, 연안의 해양경제 규모와 활동을 분석하기 위한 지역 해양수산업의범위를 제안하였다. 이어 지역혁신체계에 근거하여 지역의 해양수산 산업역량을 진단할 수 있는지표체계를 도출하였다. 마지막으로 전문가 설문결과와 공간통계기법을 종합한 시범분석을 통해연안지역의 해양수산 산업역량을 기초적으로 진단하였다. 지표체계는 지역경제 기반, 해양수산 산업구조, 민관활동 등 3대 영역과 10대 항목, 이에대응하는 16개의 핵심지표 및 11개 보조지표로 구성하였다. 해당 지표체계를 활용한 해양수산분야 지역산업 진단 결과는 산업 구조·기능·지속가능성 측면으로 분리하여 제시할 수 있다. 첫째, 지역특화산업으로서 해양수산업의 활용도가 미진한 반면, 일부 지역에서는 특정산업에과도하게 편중된 의존도가 확인되었다. 둘째, 기능 측면에서는 산업역량의 지역적 확산역량이부족한 것으로 나타났고, 제조·생산 주력지역과 혁신투자 지역 간 불균형이 발견되었다. 셋째,연안의 해양수산업은 대내외 환경변화에 취약한 산업적·공간적 지속가능성의 한계를 보여주었다. 분석 결과를 토대로 본 연구는 지역 산업구조의 집약적 다각화, 주력산업을 응용한 혁신사업발굴, 인접지역 간 노동시장 공유 및 혁신확산 기반 마련 등을 주요 시사점으로 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        문화기반 항만 도시재생 사례 연구

        황재희,강창우,김예림 국토연구원 2023 국토연구 Vol.118 No.-

        본 연구는 항만도시의 기능·공간 전환 과정을 이론적으로 재구성하고, 문화공간 조성을 통한 항만 도시재생 사례를 분석한다. 이를 위해 항만과 도시 성장의관계와 도시디자인 이론을 연계하여 문화기반 도시재생의 등장 배경을 고찰한다. 지역자산과 도시재생, 수변재생 요인을 종합하여 분석체계를 정립하고, 벤쿠버 그랜빌 아일랜드와 함부르크 하펜시티 사례를분석한다. 분석 결과, 이들 도시는 쇠퇴한 항만 배후의 접근성을 개선하고 오픈스페이스로 전환함으로써항만 수변공간을 문화자본을 생산․소비하는 공공장소로 활용하고 있다. 그랜빌 아일랜드는 공업용 배후부지를 시민의 접근성이 높은 문화·엔터테인먼트의허브로 재생했다. 하펜시티는 항만 일대의 낙후된 부두·창고 지역을 수변 문화기반의 고밀도 복합도시로변모시켰다. 이러한 연구는 항만 배후단지의 위계적구조와 워터프론트 개발 등을 다룬 기존 연구와 차별성을 지니며, 도시디자인과 문화자본을 연계한 항만도시의 공간적 전환에 시사점을 제공한다. This study analyzes cases of culture-led urban regeneration as applied to the functional and spatial transitions of port cities. It explores the relationship between ports and urban growth, and connects urban design theories together to investigate the emergence of culture-based urban regeneration. It establishes an analytical framework by synthesizing prior research on local assets, urban regeneration, and waterfront redevelopment. As a case study, the waterfront renewal projects of Granville Island in Vancouver and HafenCity in Hamburg are analyzed based on port city attributes and urban design perspectives. According to the results of the analysis, these port city regeneration projects converted restricted port spaces into open public spaces. Waterfront regeneration of port cities focused on the spatial transition into public space, thereby sharing and consuming the intangible cultural values surrounding the waterfront. It differs from the traditional use of port areas, which was production-based — mainly concerning physical production and the economy — and closed to civilian access. Both cities have improved accessibility to their declining post-industrial port areas, transforming them into public spaces that produce and consume cultural capital. Granville Island successfully revitalized its industrial hinterland into a hub of culture and entertainment with high accessibility for citizens. HafenCity transformed the dilapidated dock and warehouse areas of the port into a high-density mixed-use area with waterfront cultural resources. This research presents a distinctive approach from existing studies that focus on hierarchical structures and waterfront developments in port hinterlands, offering valuable insight

      • KCI등재

        농업의 6차산업화 융복합 유형과 농가 소득 증대효과

        황재희,이성우 한국농촌경제연구원 2016 농촌경제 Vol.39 No.4

        This study tries to identify a research question: Does the comprehensive approach of 6th industrialization of agriculture on revitalizing rural economies work in Korea? To address the question, this research employs selection models utilizing the agricultural statistics of the 6th industrialization conducted by the Korean government. The empirical results show that the comprehensive approach of the 6th industrialization has little impact on increasing farm household income. The estimated selection coefficient, λ, gives the evidence of negative selectivity with statistical significance. It can be interpreted that, in terms of promoting farm household income, the integration incorporating primary-secondary-tertiary industry all together does not seem appropriate to current rural and agricultural context in Korea. On the other hand, the partial integration such as primary-secondary or primary-tertiary combination is more decent in the Korean context. This is markedly different from the policy direction of the incumbent government, which pushes ahead with the comprehensive 6th industrialization model as top priority. Finally, the present study concludes with the policy implications and raises the issues about rural policy evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        비명시적 평가지표를 활용한 농촌정책 평가

        황재희,이성우 한국농촌계획학회 2016 농촌계획 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to construct a quantitative evaluation method that can analyze the policy effectiveness with the construction of a implicit composite index incorporating spatial econometrics models. In order to propose a methodological framework for the program evaluation, this study conducts an empirical analysis with the application of the Comprehensive Rural Village Development Project (CRVDP) which explicitly claims to achieve comprehensive goal of community development. The present study pays particular attention to quantifying the composite evaluation index and drawing net effect through the application of a series of spatial econometrics models. The spatial unit of the analysis is drawn at Eup-Myeon level in rural areas in Korea, and the time horizon is in between 2005 and 2010. We utilize the Korean Agricultural Census data in 2005 and 2010. Three steps of methodological processes are needed to satisfy the objective of the present study. First, we apply factor analysis to construct the composite index that represents comprehensive settlement environment in rural area. The index should be matched with the main objective of the CRVDP. Second, we apply the derived index to a series of spatial econometrics model as dependent variable. Lastly, utilizing the estimated coefficients of the econometrics models, we apply decomposition technique to estimate CRVDP’s net effect from both cross-sectional and longitudinal perspectives. We find that the results of the decomposition analysis by the execution of the CRVDP are positively associated with the explicit object of the project.

      • KCI등재

        자소자 첨가 동치미의 관능적 및 미생물학적 특성

        황재희,장명숙 한국식품조리과학회 2000 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.16 No.6

        An optional ingredient, jasoja(Perillae semen), was adopted to improve the quality of Dongchimi. The final weight percentage of jasoja in Dongchimi was adjusted to 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1.0%, per radish, and sensory and microbiological characteristics were determined during fermentation at 10 for 45 days. The effect was varied depending on the amounts of jasoja, but Dongchimi fermented with 0.5% jasoja was most favored for color, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptability in sensory evaluation. According to a quantitative descriptive analysis for the product, the liquid portion of Dongchimi steadily became clearer and less sour in proportion to the amount of added jasoja. However, a strong off-taste was detected from 1.0% treatment. The viable cell numbers of total and lactic acid bacteria drastically increased during the first 2 days, and then gradually increased to their maximum values during fermentation and slowly decreased at the later stage. Dongchimi with 0.5% treatment showed a distinctive high number of microorganisms at the 15th-day of fermentation and this trend was maintained until the completion of fermentation. The lactic acid bacteria isolated and identified from Dongchimi were; Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lactococcus faecalis, and Lactococcus lactis. The combined number of Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus plantarum began to increase right after preparation to as much as 10$\^$7/CFU/㎖, then decreased to 10-10$^3$CFU/㎖ afterward. This study showed that the addition of jasoja retarded the initial fermentation of Dongchimi; however, too much jasoja at above 1% weight level per Chinese radish might accelerate fermentation at the later fermentation stage and shoud be avoided. A comparable fermentation pattern was observed among the samples; however, more acceptable Dongchimi could be prepared by fermenting for 11 to 30 days at 0.5% jasoja concentration per radish.

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