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      • KCI등재

        통합학급 비장애유아 부모의 장애인식과 자녀의 장애수용도 관계 및 배경 변인 분석

        황선혜,조윤경 한국발달장애학회 2014 발달장애연구 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 부모의 장애에 대한 인식이 자녀인 유아에게 영향을 미칠 것이라는 가정 하에, 통합학급에 재원 중인 비장애유아 부모의 장애인식에 따른 자녀의 장애수용도의 관계와 이에 영향을 미치는 배경변인을 분석하였다. 서울시 국공립 어린이집 통합학급 에 재원 중인 만 3-5세 비장애유아 부모 181명이 설문 응답에 참여하였다. 설문에 참 여한 비장애유아 부모의 자녀 181명은 자신이 속한 통합학급에 배치되어 있는 두 명 혹은 세 명의 장애유아를 대상으로 장애수용도 조사에 응답하였으며 총 장애수용도 케이스는 496회이었다. 2013년 5월에서 9월까지 수집된 자료는 통계적으로 상관관계분 석, 일원배치 분산분석 등을 통해 처리되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비장애유아 부모의 장애 인식은 긍정적인 부분이 높게 나타났고, 비장애 유아들의 수 용도도 상대적으로 높았다. 비장애유아 부모의 장애인식과 그 자녀의 장애수용도 사이 에 유의한 상관관계가 나타나지 않았다. 이는 통합학급 배치 그 자체가 장애 인식과 수용도를 높이는 도구로 작용하고 있음을 시사하고 있다. 둘째, 비장애유아 부모의 배 경변인 중 스스로 체크한 ‘자가 장애인식’과 ‘장애감정’, ‘장애생각’은 유의한 상관관계 를 나타냈다. 스스로 장애인식이 높다고 한 경우 장애감정과 사고에서 긍정적임을 나 타냈다. 셋째, 비장애유아의 성별과 연령은 장애수용도에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았 으나, 장애유아의 진단명과 문제행동에서는 유의한 상관을 보였다. 즉, 장애유아의 특 성이 비장애유아의 수용도에 영향을 미친다는 점에서 장애유아의 장애 특성에 대한 이해와 적절한 지원이 동시적으로 제공되어야 함을 보여준다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of EFL Learner’s Features in Practicing Autonomy

        황선혜 한국영어학회 2011 영어학 Vol.11 No.3

        This study examines Korean EFL learner's behavioral features in practicing learner autonomy, in that it investigates how well learners conceive of and initiate their own responsibilities in learning activities. Due to limited target language use in EFL environments, learners' active control of their own learning (learner autonomy) is a focal issue in Korea's EFL settings. In this research, autonomous learner behaviors were investigated regarding how well the learners would take charge in given chances for involvement in the following aspects of learning; 1)selecting objectives of language learning, 2) setting approaches for achieving goals, 3) monitoring personal ideas and performance, 4)evaluating progress, and 5) creating communities and connecting with language users. The three contexts of English use include KMC, elective EMC, and mandatory EMC courses in a college, and the learner's behavioral actions were analyzed in terms of their personal choices in learning activities. Questionnaires were developed based on previous research (Benson, 2006; Holec, 1981;Nunan, 1997; Oxford, 2003), distributed to Korean college students for collecting data, and statistical analyses were performed.

      • KCI등재후보

        동독 교육발전사와 사회주의 교육제도: 울브리히트 체제하 10년제 일반종합기술학교제도를 중심으로

        황선혜 평화문제연구소 2004 統一問題硏究 Vol.16 No.2

        This paper describes the history of the East German educational system and its school structure under the Ulbricht regime (1949-1971). The educational policy and system in East Germany were influenced by the international political environment and closely related to political and economic purposes of GDR. While the participation of West Germany in NATO strengthened the principle of socialism, the anti-Stalin movement revised the existing educational basic line. Due to the failure of the People``s Revolt in Hungary 1956, social tension was getting acute and political pressure was increasing. Consequently it brought to the end all trials of liberal educational reform movements. With the success of Ulbricht regrasping political power, it was proclaimed as the most important goal of this socialist state to accomplish real Socialism and raise social productivity. These points were reflected in both of the educational laws of 1959 and 1965, which defined educational concept and role as a political elite (Kader) fostering system and industrial reserve with the introduction of 10 years polytechnical school according to the soviets educational model. This school system focused on ideology education based on the Marxism-Leninism and vational training programs. All students in 9-10 classes had to get 2 years of vational training courses (berufliche Grundausbilung), even the students who intended to go to university. The 10 years generalpolytechnical school was the typical educational system in GDR. This study will be helpful to understand the educational system of North-Korea, because it has also adopted 10 years school system until now. Through the consideration on the experiences of West and East Germany in the educational unification, we could better understand the differences of the educational systems between North and South Koreas, and grope for alternatives applicable to unification education in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일 소련군정기(1945ー1949)의 교육정책과 소련점령지역의 독일인 선전(宣傳)조직에 대한 고찰

        황선혜 한국교육개발원 2004 한국교육 Vol.31 No.2

        In this Study, the author analyses the education policy of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (SMAG) and the east Germans' response to such policy in the Soviet Zone of Occupation in Germany. Right after the Second World War, the SMAG's most important task was to reconstruct material destruction in Germany. Consequently, SMAG did not pay attention to the education policy. Additionally, the Soviets did not want to alter the traditional German education policies which were governed by the Land governments. The SMAG also did not want to replace the German education policymakers who had participated in the education reform movement in the Weimar Republic. Thus, during the early stage of its occupation, the SMAG maintained the traditional German education policies which focused on the denazification and democrization under the principle of “antifasisticーdemocratic school reform”. However, from 1948, the SMAG's education policy began to focus on the sovietization and centralization. Due to the introduction of the Marshall Plan and the currency reform, Europe was facing the new policy environment, the Cold War. There was a growing tension caused by the ideological antagonism between East and West. The SMAG began to use schools as a political tool in order to implement its policy of the sovietization and centralization in the Soviet Zone. For example, the Soviet officials tried to uniformly regulate educational activities in their Zone from Berlin. Numerous educational institutions under the Influence of Moscow were established in this Zone. Also, the German Communists and Socialists worked together with the Soviets and supported the implementation of the SMAG's educational policy. The Germans in the Soviet Zone were reeducated to be a new type of communistic humans through this ideological and political education system by the SMAG. 소련군정청은 전쟁 직후 교육정책에는 크게 중요성을 두지 않았다. 전쟁으로 인한 피해복구가 우선 과제였기 때문이다. 또한 교육분야는 자국인(독일인)의 손에 의해 복구되도록 반파시스트 운동에 적극적으로 참여한 인물을 중심으로 교육행정가와 교육전문가를 선발하여 맡겼다. 그러나 미소 양극체제로 이데올로기 갈등이 심화되던 1948년을 기해 소련군정청의 교육정책은 소비에트화를 목적으로 변화되었고, 학교를 정치선전 도구로 활용하기 시작했다. 이 과정에서 많은 교육 선전기구가 설치되었고 학교는 본격적으로 분단교육을 실시했다. 소련점령지역 독일인들은 이데올로기교육과 체제지향 또는 체제유지교육을 통해 소비에트화 과정에 편입되어 새로운 공산주의형 인간으로 재교육되었다.

      • KCI등재

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