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      • KCI등재

        법관의 SNS 이용을 둘러싼 담론의 대립과 역할

        홍남희(Nam-hee Hong) 서울대학교 언론정보연구소 2016 언론정보연구 Vol.53 No.2

        이 연구는 2011년 말∼2012년 초 SNS를 통해 정권 비판적 발언을 한 세 명의 판사에 대한 미디어 담론과 이로 인해 촉발된 법원 내부의 담론을 분석 대상으로 삼는다. 판사들의 SNS 발언은 <조선일보>의 1면 단독 보도에 의해 사회적 의제로 설정되기 시작했는데, 여기서 주목하려는 것은 뉴미디어의 특성을 규정하고, 발언의 내용이나 주체를 (부)적절한 것으로 규정하는 담론의 역할에 대한 것이다. 즉, SNS가 공적인 것이냐 사적인 것이냐, 법관의 SNS 이용은 어디까지가 적절한 것이냐 등에 대한 담론을 통해 SNS에 대한 ‘권력-지식’의 관계, 뉴미디어에 대한 권력의 담론 전략, 그에 따라 형성되는 ‘품행의 인도’로서의 규범화 과정을 살펴봄으로써 담론의 정치에 주목하려는 것이다. <동아일보>, <조선일보>, <중앙일보>, <경향신문>, <한겨레>의 보도 분석과 법원 내부 담론을 미셸 페쇠의 선구성(the preconstructed), 절합(articulation), 호명의 틀을 통해 분석한 결과, 공적 공간으로서의 SNS와 사적 공간으로서의 SNS, 공인으로서의 법관과 사인으로서의 시민이라는 담론상 대립을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이는 공/사에 대한 전통적인 구분과 전제에 입각해 법관이라는 특정한 주체의 정치적 표현과 행동, 규범을 규정하고 있었다. 또한 보수 신문 중심으로 특정한 ‘막말’ 표현이 과도하게 인용되면서 법관의 ‘자질’이 문제화되었으며, 이는 결과적으로 이들을 조직 내에서 ‘배제’하는 결과를 낳았다. 해당 사안에서 보수/진보 신문의 담론 대립이 두드러지게 나타났으나, 이 글은 보수 신문의 의제화가 법원 내 SNS 이용 가이드라인을 제정하는 등 조직 내 미디어 이용 윤리를 규범화하고 조직원을 통제하는 효과를 가졌음을 지적하고자 했다. 또 이는 법원 내부의 문제만이 아니라 공무원, 군인, 교사, 회사원 등 다양한 조직 내에서 작동하는 규범화/정상화의 권력 작용 및 주체 형성 과정과 연관된다. This study analyzed discourses of media and courts about three judges’ usages during 2011∼2012. The SNS postings by these judges was set forsocial agenda by Chosun-Ilbo. I want to emphasize the role of discourses which define features of new media, (im)proper behaviors and contents. By analyzing these discourses, it is revealed the relations of ‘powerknowledge’ and discourse strategies by power. And it can be interpreted ‘governmentality’ to conduct individual’s behavior and soul by Foucault. As a result of this discourse analysis, it appears oppositive side about SNS’s features and judge’s (im)proper behaviors in opposite media. If they define SNS is public sphere, speeches of judges in SNS is improper because they are ‘public man’ not to speak their personal opinion. The conservative papers had an important role that judges are ruled out from their organization. On the contrary to this, discourses by liberal papers define SNS is private that ensure personal freedom of expression. In short, this normalization is working for governmantality over the society at large not just only for judges but also various individuals such as public officials, soldiers, teachers, journalists or employees in various organizations.

      • KCI등재

        초기 모성수행기 여성들의 스마트폰 이용

        홍남희(Nam-Hee Hong) 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2012 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구는 스마트폰을 이용하는 0~3세 자녀를 둔 2, 30대 여성 11명에 대한 인터뷰와 임신·출산·육아 카페 ‘맘스홀릭 베이비’ 게시판의 스마트폰 관련 글을 분석하여 모성수행의 초기 진입단계에 있는 젊은 여성들의 일상에서 뉴미디어인 스마트폰이 어떻게 활용되는지 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, ‘소녀’와 ‘주부’의 과도기에 있는 집단으로 생애 처음 ‘어머니 역할’을 부여받게 된 이들은 학창시절을 통해 접해 온 남녀평등의 가정들과 여성의 경제적, 사회적 성공을 칭송하는 분위기와는 다른 공·사영역의 분리와 성별 불평등을 경험하게 된다. 여성들은 직업 유무에 관계없이 육아의 일차적 책임자가 되어 사적영역에서 모성수행을 전담하며 시·공간의 활용에 제약을 느낀다. 이런 상황에서 휴대성이 좋고 무선인터넷에 쉽게 접속할 수 있는 스마트폰이 중요한 미디어로 이용된다. 그러나 이들은 외출이나 다른 미디어에 대한 접근에 제약을 느껴 스마트폰을 대체적 미디어로 활용하고 있었으며, 자신의 여가선용보다 아이를 위한 놀이용·교육용 어플 이용이나 육아·가사 정보 검색에 스마트폰을 이용했다. 또 고립감 해소를 위해 SNS, 카카오톡을 이용하거나, 맘스홀릭 등의 인터넷 카페에서 임신·출산·육아라는 여성 공통의 체험을 토대로 유대관계를 형성했다. 초기 모성수행기 여성들의 일상에서 스마트폰은 가정 내 다른 미디어에 비해 가장 적극적으로 이용되지만, 이는 가부장적 질서와 성별역할 분업, 여성 개인에게 육아를 전담시키는 사회적 분위기 등의 사회적, 구조적 모순이 존재함을 일깨워준다. The purpose of this study is to examine smartphone use of women in their early motherhood. Through in-depth interviews with 20s or 30s women who raise their babies(0∼3 years old) and an analysis of bulletin boards on internet cafe related to motherhood, the researcher found that women felt a gap between the ideal and the real about gender equality in their daily life. Women have to be in charge of taking care of their babies whether they work or not. For them, smartphones as new media are means to have them feel a sense of alienation from public area and let them have imperative idea to keep up with social trends. In a domestic area, women think that smartphone is more useful medium than any other media. Smartphone can be used to access WiFi whenever women want to make time with mothering. And it can become a portable device wherever women want to move easily at home. However, women use not other media but smartphone because they can"t use other media at home and go anywhere outside freely. In addition, they use smartphone not for themselves but for their babies or domestic chores. In their everyday life, they use smartphone to get social feeling and connectedness through SNS or Cacao talk. Smartphone is the most helpful medium for women in early motherhood, but it reveals complex contradictions about patriarchal system and gender structure.

      • KCI등재

        정신질환으로 인한 산업재해 관련 손해배상 사건에서 기왕증 등 피해자 측의 소인을 이유로 한 과실상계나 소인 감액의 인정 현황 및 평가

        홍남희(Hong, Nam-Hee) 한국노동법학회 2015 노동법학 Vol.0 No.55

        A contention to consider the cause in deciding reduction of the amount of damages was made in a traffic accident in Japan if a cause such as previous illness existed in a victim of tort prior to occurrence of a violence, and the precedents related to such reduction have been also largely made in traffic accidents. A traffic accident falls under a tort between ‘non-interlocutors’ because an assailant and a victim usually do not know each other at all at the time of tort and it has features that respective positions of an assailant and a victim are ‘equal’. Meantime, an industrial accident falls under a tort between ‘interlocutors’ because an assailant of the employer is liable to keep information about a victim of the employee and also to lead or direct the employee. In addition, it is a type of tort different from a traffic accident because respective positions of an employer and an employee are ‘unequal’ from the standpoint that an employer has the power to decide the workplace or work scope of an employee. Thus, it is questionable whether the logic to reduce the amount of damages due to the fault of a victim made in the precedent of a traffic accident can be applied to a case of industrial accident as it is, or if it has to be applied through revision, how revision is to be made. Such a problem becomes more complicated if mental disease among industrial accidents is involved. As for a mental disease, it is more difficult to prove a causal relationship between work and the disease than as for a physical disease. Conversely, it is not clear whether fault of a victim including previous illness has contributed to the outbreak or aggravation of a mental disease and therefore, it is unclear whether reduction of damages due to a victim’s fault properly contributes to the ‘equal sharing of damages’ which is the original purpose of its introduction. Japanese populations are about 2.5 times of Korean ones but the number of application for industrial accidents due to mental diseases in Japan is 10 times more than that of Korea. Like this, disputes whether a mental disease of an employee is an industrial accident are so many and therefore, judgments regarding comparative negligence or cause reduction due to such fault of victim as previous illness in the case of compensation for damages related to industrial accident have been considerably accumulated and a flow of precedent trend has been created. It is believed that a review of trend in Japanese precedents for a case of damages claim under which a mental disease of an employee becomes a problem of an industrial accident will be a reference to cases of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        광주광역시 치과위생사의 NCS 기반 직업기초능력 우선순위 분석

        홍남희 ( Nam Hee Hong ) 한국치위생학회 2016 한국치위생학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Objectives: This study aims to investigate and analyzed the priority of vocational core competency factors in dental hygienists in Gwangju. Methods: Expert survey was conducted and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) was applied to evaluate the weighting factors. First, we established the vocational core competency defined in NCS as AHP analysis model. The vocational core competency has 10 categories and 34 sub-categories. Secondly, AHP survey was conducted by 195 dental hygienists in Gwangju. Finally, the weights representing relative importance of each factor were calculated by using AHP method. Results: The AHP analysis on 10 categories showed that the weighting of interpersonal skills(0.165) was higher than any other categories while that of numeracy(0.035) was at the bottom, and the analysis on sub-categories revealed that the most important factors in each categories included the teamwork skills(interpersonal skills), problem-solving capability(problem-solving skills), listening skills(communication skills), ethical community(professional ethics), ability to understand business(ability to understand organizational structure), applicable technical skills(technical skills), self-management skills(self-development capability), information processing capabilities(information capacity), ability to manage time(resource management capabilities) and basic math skills(numeracy). Conclusions: The results in this study can be used as basic data for the development of liberal arts curriculum for dental hygiene education.

      • KCI등재

        SNS 검열의 제도화 과정에 대한 연구

        홍남희(Nam-hee HONG) 한국언론학회 2016 커뮤니케이션 이론 Vol.12 No.4

        이 연구는 뉴미디어인 SNS가 기존 규제 제도로 편입되는 과정을 ‘검열’ 개념의 검토를 통해 살펴보려 한다. 우리 「헌법」 제21조는 대부분의 민주주의 국가들과 마찬가지로 검열의 금지와 표현의 자유를 명시하고 있다. 또 1996년 구(舊)「영화법」에 대한 헌법재판소의 위헌결정에서 ‘행정기관’에 의한 ‘사전’ 제한은 검열로 규정되었다. 그런데 주요 외신과 국제 인권단체들은 2008년 무렵부터 한국 사회에 ‘검열’이 부상하고 있음을 비판하고 있다. 이들은 왜 ‘검열’을 말하는가. 여기서 ‘검열’의 의미는 무엇인가. 이 연구는 뉴미디어의 등장과 함께 미디어의 특성을 규정하는 정책 담론과 미디어 담론의 역할, 매체와 관련한 사회적 사건의 발생과 매체 규제의 정당성을 주장하는 담론의 형성, 규제 관련 입법 혹은 기존 매체 규제 기관으로의 편입 등의 과정이 SNS라는 새로운 미디어를 둘러싸고 어떻게 진행되어 갔는지를 살펴보았다. ‘개인’을 강조하는 뉴미디어인 SNS에 대한 검열의 구성 과정을 살펴보면서 이 글은 온라인상 내용 규제 제도들이 ‘검열이 아니라 규제’라는 입장에 비판적으로 접근하고자 했으며, 검열이 「헌법」에 규정된 고정적인 의미가 아니라 담론과 제도를 통한 ‘구성적’인 권력의 작동 과정이자 인구와 여론을 다루기 위해 행하는 국가권력의 통치성의 일부임을 보여 주고자 했다. This study examines the process of institutionalization of SNS regulatory system through a review of the concept of ‘censorship’. Like other democratic countries, we have Constitution that prohibit prior censorship by the state and obviously clarify freedom of expression. In addition, it defined that censorship means ‘prior restraint’ by Administration in 1996 to unconstitutional declaration to the old Movie Act. However, major international press and human right groups criticized to occur ‘censorship’ in Korean society since 2008. If so, why censorship was problematized in Korean society? Should we reconstruct the meaning of censorship? This study aims that the state governs ‘population’ by individual media such as social media. SNS gives meaning to each individual can express opinion, in the other hand, the state can surveil and control average individuals. In this paper, I want to review critically the way the state govern the individuals by media while the conservative party keep their power since 2008. In this paper, I expand the concept of censorship by applying ‘new’ censorship and ‘governmentality’ by Foucault. It is emphasized that popularization of social media means expanding the meaning censorship applied to average people. Through this paper, Firstly, the state to govern individuals by media, Secondly, the state mobilizes new technology, institution and discourses. Thirdly, censorship is not on the other side of freedom of expression but construct and produce the subject by power.

      • KCI등재

        치실 종류에 따른 치면세마 시행에 대한 불소도포 효과

        김경희 ( Kyung-hee Kim ),하명옥 ( Myung-ok Ha ),홍남희 ( Nam-hee Hong ),조민정 ( Min-jung Cho ) 한국치위생학회(구 한국치위생교육학회) 2016 한국치위생학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        Objectives: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of fluoride application after dental prophylaxis by the type of dental floss. Methods: Artificial caries lesion was made on the surface of cow``s permanent teeth having sound enamel surface and vickers hardness number(VHN) was measured. Specimens were classified into APF gel group and artificial saliva group. Each group was divided into waxed floss group and unwaxed flossed group. All specimens were immersed into the artificial saliva for one minute and dental flossing was applied to waxed or unwaxed floss. After washing and drying, APF gel groups were applied with fluoride for four minutes and artificial saliva groups were immersed into the artificial saliva for four minutes. After treatment, specimens were measured by VHN and surface conditions of enamel were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Results: VHN of waxed flossing and fluoride application group increased to 6.78±2.75. VHN of unwaxed flossing and fluoride application group increased to 7.36±2.51. There was no significant difference between waxed and unwaxed groups(p>0.05). VHN of waxed flossing and artificial saliva group increased to 1.07±2.84. VHN of waxed flossing and artificial saliva group increased to 1.05±3.13. There was no significant difference between waxed and unwaxed groups(p>0.05). There was significant increase in VHN between waxed/unwaxed flossing and fluoride application. However, waxed/unwaxed flossing with artificial saliva showed no significant VHN increase. SEM demonstrated no residue on the enamel surface in the waxed flossing groups. Conclusions: No difference was found in the remineralization of enamel by waxed flossing or unwaxed flossing.

      • KCI등재

        예술영화관 이용자의 영화수용과 공간경험

        이상길(Sang-gil LEE),홍남희(Nam-hee HONG),정설민(Seol-min JUNG) 사단법인 언론과 사회 2010 언론과 사회 Vol.18 No.4

        이 논문은 ‘예술영화관’을 이용하는 ‘예술영화 관객’들의 영화보기 실천과 거기에 개입하는 ‘공간효과’(spatial effects)에 주목하여 우리사회 영화문화의 한 단면을 조명해 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 ‘예술영화’의 정의와 제도가 역사적으로 변화해온 과정을 살펴보고, ‘예술영화관’이 멀티플렉스와의 대비 속에서 어떤 실질적, 상징적 위치를 차지하고 있는지 국내외 기존 연구들을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 또 예술영화관 이용자들의 영화 수용 및 공간경험을 구체적으로 재구성하기 위해 예술영화관 이용자에 대한 심층인터뷰와 사진앙케트(photo-enque?te)를 실시하였다. 예술영화관 이용자의 공간경험은 조용하고 자유로운 공간, ‘고급문화’ 또는 ‘복합문화’의 공간, 가치를 구현하는 공간, 시간을 결정화한 공간, ‘인간적인’ 공간 등으로 정리되었다. 이러한 분석을 토대로 이 글은 예술영화관 이용자들의 관람실천과 공간전유가 현재 우리사회 영화문화 안에서 갖는 의미와 가능성을 찾아보고자 했다. This article attempts to highlight an aspect of cinema culture in our society through discussion of ‘art film audiences’, who visit ‘art house’, especially focusing on their practice of film going and spatial effects involved in such practice. First, we looked over how definition and institution of ‘art film’ has changed historically in the process and how ‘art house’ is concretely and symbolically positioned with in comparing relationship with multiplex. Furthermore, we performed in-depth-interview and ‘photo-enquetes’ in order to specifically reconstruct art film audiences’ film viewing and spatial experience. As a result, we categorized art film audiences’ spatial experience into five characteristics: ‘quiet and liberal space’, ‘space of high-culture’ or ‘multi-culture, ‘space that realizes specific values’, ‘space that crystalizes time’, and ‘humane space’. Based on such categorization, we discussed significations and potentialities that film viewing practice and spatial appropriation of art house audiences might have in our comtemporary cinema culture.

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