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        공유 메모리를 갖는 다중 프로세서 컴퓨터 시스팀의 설계 및 성능분석

        최창열,박병관,박승규,오길록,Choe, Chang-Yeol,Park, Byeong-Gwan,Park, Seong-Gyu,O, Gil-Rok 한국전자통신연구원 1988 전자통신 Vol.10 No.3

        본 논문에서는 pended 프로토콜에 기반을 둔 단일 시스팀 버스와 공유 메모리를 중심으로 구성된 다중프로세서 컴퓨터시스팀의 성능을 해석하였다. 캐쉬 메모리 적중률, 시스팀 내의 프로세서 수, 메모리 모듈의 수와 입력 큐의 유무를 변수로 하여 시스팀 버스와 프로세서의 이용률, 메모리 충돌 현상의 정도, 즉 제안된 시스팀 구조에 대한 하드웨어 측면에서의 성능을 시뮬레이션을 통해 예측 분석하였다. 공유 메모리를 갖는 다중프로세서의 주요한 시스팀 성능 요소는 캐쉬 메모리의 적중률과 효과적인 공유 메모리 갱신 알고리즘, 시스팀 버스의 효율적인 다중프로세서 지원 기능 등이며 캐쉬 메모리 적중률이 프로세서 수의 증가에 따른 시스팀 성능의 선형적인 증가와 밀접한 관계를 나타내었다. This paper describes the architecture and the performance analysis of a multiprocessor system, which is based on the shared memory and single system bus. The system bus provides the pended protocol for the multiprocessor environment. Analyzing the processor utilization, address/data bus utilization and memory conflicts, we use a simulation model. The hit ratio of private cache memory is a major factor on the linear increase of the performance of a shared memory based multiprocessor system.

      • KCI등재

        수도(水稻)의 기계이앙시기(機械移秧時期)와 묘령(苗令)이 출수(出穗) 및 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        최창열,안수봉,박종성,최봉호,Choi, Chang Yeol,Ahn, Su Bong,Park, Jong Seong,Choe, Bong Ho 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1982 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.9 No.1

        The study was done to determine the proper transplanting dates and seedling ages of rice when mechanical transplanting was attempted. Heading dates of the Milyang #23, developed from Tong-il rice was delayed by delayed transplanting and the percent of filling grain was also low. The proper heading dates for the variety should be the first part of August and the transplanting should be done by the end of May. The presumed last days for the transplantation was considered early part of June. 30 to 40 days old seedlings were very effective to have healthy rooting systems. However, the Milyang #15 had shown more tolerance to the late transplantation than Milyang #23 and the degree of delaying heading dates due to the delayed transplantation was rather smaller than that of the Milyang #23. Even when the Milyang #15 was transplanted on June 30, the heading dates were around the middle of August and the ripening percentage was comparatively high and yield was also high. Therefore, the proper heading dates of the Milyang #15 might be around the middle of August and transplanting dates should be the first part of June. The possible last dates of transplantation of the Milyang #15 was assumed to be the last days of June and the proper seedling ages would be 20 to 30 day after sowing. 수도(水稻)의 기계이앙재배시(機械移秧栽培時)에 알맞는 이앙시기(移秧時期)와 육묘일수(育苗日數)를 밝히고저 시험(試驗)한바 통일계(系)인 밀양(密陽)23호(號)는 만식(晩植)에 의(依)하여 출수(出穗)가 크게 늦어지고 등숙(登熟)이 불량(不良)해지므로 출수(出穗)의 적기(適期)는 8월초순(月初旬)이고 이앙(移秧)의 적기(適期)와 만한(晩限)은 각각(各各) 5월하순(月下旬)과 6월상순(月上旬)으로 추정(推定)되고 기계이앙시(機械移秧時)에는 인력이앙시(人力移秧時)보다 4월이상(日以上) 이앙(移秧)을 앞당길 필요(必要)가 있으며 중묘(中苗)가 유리(有利)하였다. 한편 일반형(一般型)인 밀양(密陽)15호(號)는 만식적응성(晩植適應性)이 있어 늦심기하여도 출수(出穗)의 지연도(遲延度)가 적으며 등숙률(登熟率)도 비교적(比較的) 높고 수량(收量)도 많아 그 출수적기(出穗適期)는 8월중순(月中旬)이며 따라서 이앙(移秧)의 적기(適期)는 6월초순(月初旬), 만한(晩限)은 6월하순경(月下旬頃)이고 이앙적령(移秧適令)은 20~30일묘(日苗)로 추정(推定)되었다.

      • KCI등재

        형태적(形態的)으로 다른 두 옥수수 (Zea mays L.)의 혼작(混作)이 청예(靑刈)및 종실수량(種實收量)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        최봉호,최창열,박종성,이희봉,Choe, Bong Ho,Choi, Chang Yeol,Park, Jong Seong,Lee, Hee Bong 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1988 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.15 No.2

        형태적(形態的)으로 상이(相異)한 다종다얼성(多種多蘖性)인 특성(特性)인 형매교배(兄妹交配)된 IK 교잡종(交雜種)과 무얼성(無蘖性)인 진주옥 교잡종(交雜種)을 공시(供試)하여 청예수량(靑刈收量), 종실수량(種實收量) 및 이와 관련(關聯)된 형질(形質)을 비교(比較)하고자 IK와 진주옥의 파종비율(播種比率)을 1 : 1, 1 : 2, 1 : 3, 2 : 1, 3 : 1로 혼파(混播)한 것과 IK와 진주옥을 각각(各各) 단작(單作)하여 얻어진 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 공시(供試)된 품종(品種) 모두가 단작(單作)보다 혼작(混作)에서 초장(草長)이 큰 경향(傾向)이었고 진주옥의파종비율(播種比率)을 증가(增價)할수록 IK의 생육(生育)은 저조(低調)한것으로 나타났다. 2. 출현(出現) 후(後) 40 일경(日頃)까지 모든 처리구(處理區)에서 IK의 분얼수(分蘖數)는 증가(增加)하였는데 IK의 파종비율(播種比率)이 많을수록 분얼수(分蘖數)의 증가(增加)가 뚜렷하였다. 3. IK 단작(單作)의 10 a당(當) 청예수량(靑刈收量)은 출사기(出絲期)에서 8,096kg이었고, 호숙기(糊熟期)서는 6,677kg으로 가장 많았는데 이는 진주옥 단작(單作)에 비(比)해 각각(各各) 77%와 53%가 증가(增加)되었고 IK와 진주옥의 1 : 1 처리구(處理區)에서는 진주옥 단작(單作)보다 20%가 증가(增加)되었다. 4. 10 a당(當) 종실수량(種實收量)은 진주옥 단작(單作)에서 434kg이었고 IK 단작(單作)은 373kg이었는데 IK와 진주옥을 1 : 1과 1 : 3으로 혼파(混播)한 구(區)에서 IK단작(單作)의 종실수량(種實收量)보다 16%와 13%가 각각(各各) 증가(增價)되었다. 5. IK 도복(倒伏)은 단작(單作)에서 29.2%로 진주옥의 파종비율(播種比率)이 증가(增價)할수록 IK 도복(倒伏)이 증가경향(增加碩向)이었는데 IK와 진주옥을 1 : 1 혼파(混播)한 구(區)에서 IK의 도복율(倒伏率)이 10.9%로 크게 경감(輕減)되었다. 6. 진주옥의 파종비율(播種比率)이 많을수록 IK의 경직경(莖直俓)이 감소(減少)하였고 착수고(着穗高)는 IK의 파종비율(播種比率)이 많을수록 IK의 착수고(着穗高)가 낮아지는 경향(碩向)이었다. 흑조위축병(黑條萎縮病) 리병율(罹病率)은 두 품종(品穩) 모두 파종비율(播種比率)과는 관련(關係)없이 저항성(抵抗性) 품종(品種)임이 확인(確認)되었다. This study was done to investigate the interplanting effects of corn, when a corn hybrid with tillers (IK derivaties) was interplanted with a corn hybrid without tillers(Jinjoo Ok). The interplanting ratios of two hybrids, IK and Jinjoo Ok, were 1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3, 2 to 1, and 3 to 1. The interp1anting effects were compared with monoculture for major agronomic characteristics. 1. The plant height was increased when interplanted regardless of the interplanting ratios of the two hybrids. The general growth of IK hybrid was a little hindered when the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok hybrid increased. 2. The number of tillers produced by the IK hybrid increased until 40 days after emergence and appeared to increase as the interplanting ratio of IK hybrid increased. 3. When monocultured, the fresh weight of IK hybrid per 10a was 8,096kg and and 6,677kg at silking and dough stages, respectively and these were 77%, 53% over the fresh weight of Jinjoo Ok at the sarne stages. When IK and Jinjoo Ok hybrids were interplanted in 1 to 1 ratio, the fresh weight of IK was 20% higher than that of Jinjoo Ok monocultured. 4. The highest grain yield per 10a was obtained from the Jinjoo Ok hybrid monocultured and the yield was 434kg. Even the interplanting ratios between IK and Jinjoo Ok were 1 to 1 and 1 to 3, the grain yield of Jinjoo Ok was 16% and 13% over the IK, respectively. 5. Root and stalk lodging of IK hybrid was 29% when monocultured and seemed to increase as the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok increased. The lowest lodging was found when the interplanting ratio of IK and Jinjoo Ok was 1 to 1. 6. Stem diameter of IK hybrid was also decreased as the interplanting ratio of Jinjoo Ok increased. The ear height of IK was lowered as the interplanting ratio of IK was increased. The two hybrids tested seemed to have tolerance to the black streaked dwarf virus(BSDV).

      • "논두렁"과 "마지기"의 語源的 意味

        崔昌烈 全北大學校 語學硏究所 1986 어학 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this thesis is to trace the etymological meaning of the words which reflects the simple life and culture of the Korean traditional farming houses. With this purpose, this thesis is developed as follows : In Chapter 1, the select words are listed for the study of their etymological meaning. In Chapter 2, the etymology of ‘nonturo˘ng’(the levee of a rice paddy) is traced and the following four groups of various beautiful words related to the word, ‘nonturo˘ng’, are studied : ⅰ) A group of words derived from ‘tol’, the etymological root of ‘nonturo˘ng’ ; and their coinage structure are analyzed. ⅱ) It is argued that ‘chip’(house) is derived from ‘ch’oga chibung’ (thatched roof) thatched with ‘chip’(thatch) and then the cultural background of an adjective, ‘sobaghada’(be simple), is discussed. ⅲ) The etymology of ‘salgang’(a culinary facility of the farming house) and ‘chige’(one of the most famous loading-and-unloading tool that farmers use) is studied. ⅳ) Farmers’ diligent life and culture formed around ‘nonturo˘ng’ and ‘true’(one of the farmers’ cooperative farming method) are discussed. Chapter 3 deals with the etymology of ‘majigi’(a unit of square measures traditionally used by farmers). Chapter 4 epitomizes the results of this study and generally reviews the satellite word group derived from words discussed in the previous chapters.

      • 同意性과 多意性의 限界

        崔昌烈 全北大學校 敎育大學院 1981 敎育論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        The present study analyzes the creteria of synonymy and that of polysemy and homonymy in terms of their lexical semantic description. There are‘neutralization’and‘diversification’in coresponding between lexemesand sememes. The semantic neutralization in which a lexeme matches more than two sememes, is considered as a polysemous or homonymous word, and the semantic deversification, in which more than two lexemes match a sememe, is considered as a synonymous word. The term synonymy defines the identity or semilarity of meanings. In a strict sense, though particular lexical items refer to the same object, it may not be possible to preserve the semantic equivalent to the same connotation and denotation in natural languages when these words are exchangable each other in a specified context because of the peculiarity of their lexical meanings. When a new meaning of a lexical item is derived from its given meaning, its two meanings are semantically motivated: we call this polysemy. Two major factors, which motivate polysemy, are contiguity and similarity. However, a lexical item which constituted polysemy in its nature, as the semantic diversification continues and the distinctive quality of meaning is weakened, can be reinterpreted as homonymy. The semantic quantity of a lexical item which constitutes polysemy is improved and, as its result, ambiguity is deepened. It is difficult to limit the quantity and quality of polysemy and ambiguity. In contrast, two different words are semantically motivated when they become homonymous and ploysemy is obtained. The present study also considers and investigates the difficulties in delimiting the boundary between homonymy and polysemy.

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