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        만성(漫性) 위장장애증상(胃腸障碍症狀)을 가진 농촌주민(農村住民)들의 위내시경(胃內視鏡) 검사소견(檢査所見)

        박정한,천병열,이동구,최용환,Park, Jung-Han,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Lee, Dong-Koo,Choi, Yong-Whan 대한예방의학회 1986 예방의학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        농촌주민들 가운데 만성 상부위장장애증상을 가진 사람들이 어떤 위장질환을 갖고 있는지를 조사하고 그 관리대책을 마련하기 위하여 1984년 7월${\sim}8$월에 성주와 영천군의 전 주민들을 대상으로 최근 6개월이상 상부위장장애증상으로 고통을 받으면서도 의사의 진단을 받아본 적이 없으며 본 조사에 응한 20세이상의 남자 106명, 여자 108명, 합계 214명을 대상으로 위내시경 검사를 시행하였다. 대상자의 16.8%가 위궤양, 15.4%가 십이지장궤양, 14.0%가 위염, 그리고 3.7%가 위암이었으며 내시경 검사상 아무런 병소부위가 발견되지 않았던 경우가 52.3%나 되었다. 위궤양은 남자가 26.4%로 여자의 7.4%보다 많았으며(p<0.01) 십이지장궤양도 남자가 20.8%로 여자의 10.2%보다 많았다(p<0.01). 남자의 7.5%가 위암이었으며 여자들 가운데는 한 명도 없었으며 60대에서 가장 높은 유병율을 보였다. 위장장애증상이 있음에도 내시경검사상 아무런 병소부위가 없는 사람이 남자는 35.9%인데 비해 여자는 68.5%였다. 위장장애증상과 내시경소견 사이에는 특별한 연관성이 없었다. 본 조사에서 위궤양이 십이지장궤양보다 더 많은 것은 농촌지역 주민들의 식생활 및 사회생활관경과 관련이 있는 것으로 생각된다. 위암은 조기발견이 치료에 가장 중요하나 증상이 있어도 진찰을 받지않는 사람이 많은 것은 농촌주민들의 암에 대한 인식부족과 의료기관이용의 어려움등에 기인된 것으로 생각되므로 집단검진과 같은 위암조기발견을 위한 국가적시책이 마련되어야 할 것이다. This study was conducted in July-August, 1984, to define the causes of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in rural population and to provide data for the management of such patients. A household survey was conducted to identify all the residents of Youngchun and Sungiu counties in Kyungpook province who were over 20 years of age, had chronic upper gastrointestinal symptoms for over the last 6 months, never had medical examination for the symptoms, and volunteered to participate in the gastroscopic examination. Gastroscopy was done for 106 males and 108 females. Gastric ulcer was found in 16.8% of all the examinees, duodenal ulcer in 15.4%, gastritis in 14.0%, and gastric cancer in 3.7%. No lesion was found by gastroscopy in 52.3%. Gastric ulcer more common in male(26.4%) than in female(7.4%) (p<0.01) and the same was true for duodenal ulcer(20.8% of male, 10.2% of female). Gastric cancer was found in 7.5% of the male while none of the female had gastric cancer. A higher proportion of the female (68.5%) showed normal finding in the gastroscopy than the male(35.9%) (p<0.01). No significant association was found between the upper gastrointestinal symptoms and the gastroscopic findings. The higher prevalence rate of gastric ulcer than that of duodenal ulcer in this study which is the reverse of the study findings of urban area in Korea and western countries may be related in part with the dietary habit and social environment of the rural population. Although early diagnosis is the most important for the treatment of gastric cancer, many of the people with chronic upper gastrointestinal complaints defer the diagnosis and treatment. It is may be due to lack of the knowledge of diseases and the health care attitude of the rural people. A national program for the health education and mass screening for the gastric cancer should be developed.

      • 接客業所 從事者들의 B型바이러스性 肝炎表面抗原 陽性率

        曺永喆,千丙烈,金斗熙,朴任坰,宋善祐 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1987 慶北醫大誌 Vol.28 No.2

        접객업소종사자들의 B형간염 표면항원 양성율 및 감염율을 알아보고 위험직장군을 찾아내기 위하여 대구시내 중구보건소에 등록된 8,060명의 접객업소 종사자들을 대상으로 혈액을 채취하여 HBsAg 및 anti-HBs 검사를 RPHA방법을 이용하여 실시하였다. HBsAg 양성율은 6.0%, anti-HBs 양성율은 23.4%로서 HBV감염율은 29.4%이었다. HBsAg 양성율은 남자(7.2%)가 여자(5.4%)보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.01). 직장별 HBsAg 양성율은 음식점이 5.7%, 다방 6.0%, 살롱·나이트클럽 5.8%, 이·미용소·목욕탕 6.7%, 호텔·여관 7.7%, 음식점제조업 6.6%이었으며 남자가 여자보다 높은 양성율을 보였으나 호텔·여관에서는 남자가 3.7%로서 여자의 10.2%에 비해 오히려 낮게 나타났다. 연령별 HBsAg양성율은 남자에서는 연령별로 큰 차이는 없었지만 여자에서는 19세미만에서 7.8%로 가장 높게 나타났다. 위의 결과로 보아 접객업소종사자들의 HBsAg양성율은 일반인에 비해 크게 높지 않았지만 호텔·여관의 여종업원들에서 가장 높게 나타나서 이들에 대한 상세한 조사가 필요할 것으로 생각된다. 접객업소 종사자들의 근무양상을 고려할 때 이들에 대한 B형간염백신의 예방접종을 취업초에 반드시 실시할 것이 요먕된다. To identify the prevalence of HBsAg and the occupation of possible risk for hepatitis B, a total of 8,060 serum samples were collected from personnel in service trade registered at Junggu health center in Taegu city. These serum samples were tested for the presence of hepatitis B surface antigen(HBsAg) by reverse passive hemagglutination(RPHA), and for antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen(anti-HBs) by passive hemagglutination(PHA). HBsAg was detected in 6.0%, anti-HBs in 23.4% of the study population and serologic evidence of hepatitis B infection(HBsAg or anti-HBs positive) was 29.3%. HBsAg was significantly more prevalent in males(7.2%) than in females(5.4%)(p<0.01). Prevalence of HBsAg was 5.7% in employees of restaurant, 6.0% in coffee shops, 6.7% in hairdresser's shop and publc baths, 5.8% in salon and night clubs, 7.7% in hotel and inns, and 6.6% in food industries. In hotel and inns, HBsAg was most prevalent than any other occupations and more prevalent in females(10.2%) than in males(3.7%). Age-specific positive rate distribution of HBsAg revealed that the prevalence of HBsAg was higher in males than in females after age 20 years and that the prevalence of HBsAg was variable with age, but before age 20 HBsAg in female(7.8%) was higher than in male(6.7%). This study data suggest that HBsAg is not more prevalent in service personnel than in general population, that their age and sex distribution of HBsAg may be sufficient to account for the possible risk of transmission of hepatitis B in service personnel especially among women working in hotel and inns. Accordingly, occupational category and service personnel with high risk for acquisition or transmission of hepatitis B were those workers in hotal and inns. Thus it is recommended to survey all the risk factors for hepatitis B and to immunize all the susceptible service personnel with hepatitis B vaccine at the finding employment much as possible.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        대구시 인근에 산재한 약수에 대한 위생학적 조사(1986)

        차상덕,장봉기,천병열,김두희,Cha, Sang-Duk,Chang, Bong-Ki,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Kim, Doo-Hie 대한예방의학회 1986 예방의학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        최근 질병의 치료 및 건강증진을 목적으로 많은 사람들이 약수를 마시고 있어서 이에대한 위생학적검사가 중요한 관심이 되고있다. 대구직할시와 인근한 11개 약수터를 대상으로 1986년 3월 27일부터 4월 17일까지 약수터의 위생시설상태을 알아보고 약수를 채취하여 생물학적 및 이화학적 검사를 실시하였다. 주변위생시설이 제대로 된 곳은 11개 약수터 중 3개소로 27.3%에 불과하였으며 생물학적검사 중 대장균이 음성인 곳은 1군데 뿐이었다. 이화학적 성분검사결과 음료수 수질기준을 초과하지 않은 지역은 3개소 이었으며 특히 '가창약수' '영천약수' '달기약수'는 중금속 농도가 음료수 허용기준치를 초과하고 심한 산성이었다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 세균 및 이화학적 성분 조사에서 전체 11개 대상 약수에서 우리나라 음료수 수질기준에 비추어 볼 때 부적합한 결과로 나타났으며 가장 부적합한 항목이 많은 곳은 가창 황물과 영천 황수였다. 이에 대한 대책으로서 약수터 주위의 위생시설의 미비점 보완 및 약수터의 위생적인 관리가 필요하며 중금속 농도가 높은곳은 오염원을 찾아 제거시켜야할 것이다. 'Medicinal water' have been used for the treatment of disease and the promotion of health. To study the quality and health effect of 'medicinal water', the eleven springs located near Taegu City during the period of March 27-February 17, 1986 were tested for biological and physiochemical examination and were checked for sanitary environment around the spring. Among them three springs (27.3%) had a good sanitary equipments and only one was negative for biological examination. Three 'medicinal warer' were accepted as potable by physicochemical examination. According to above findings, all of the 'medicinal water' sampled from the springs located near Taegu City were not potable by this sanitary survey adopted Drinking Water Standard in Korea. Kachang and Youngchum 'medicinal water' were more contaminated by heavy metals and bacteria than those of other springs. To solve the problem of contamination by heavy metals that originated from uncertain sources, we should search for the sources of water contamination, remove it completely and also support the environmental equipments and management system in protection of safe 'medicinal water' supply.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        목단피로부터 항균활성 성분의 분리

        권오근,김성환,천병열,박채규,손건호,Kwon, Oh-Geun,Kim, Sung-Hwan,Chun, Byung-Yeol,Park, Chae-Kyu,Son, Kun-Ho 한국생약학회 1999 생약학회지 Vol.30 No.3

        To evaluate antimicrobial activity of Moutan cortex the compounds isolated from $CHCl_3$ and EtOAc fractions of Moutan cortex were subjected to eight pathogenic strains. Benzoic acid, witch was identified from the $CHCl_3$ fraction, had MICs with $625{\sim}1,250\;{\mu}g/ml$ against all of the strains tested. Methyl gallate, p-hydroxy benzoic acid, gallic acid and $1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-gallyol-{\beta}-D-glucose$, which were identified from the EtOAc fraction, showed the antimicrobial activity, and the methyl gallate had the widest antimicrobial activity with MICs of $625{\sim}5,000\;{\mu}g/ml$ against all strains tested. p-Hydroxy benzoic acid showed MICs of $1,250{\sim}2,500\;{\mu}g/ml$ against all of the strains tested except C.albicans. Gallic acid had the best antimicrobial activities with MICs against the Shigella dysenteriae and Streptococcus mutans-strains of 78.1 and $312.5\;{\mu}g/ml$, respectively, but not against the C. albicans. And $1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-gallyol-{\beta}-D-glucose$ had the best antimicrobial activitie with MICs against the B. cereus, Staph. epidermidis and C. albicans strains of 39.1, 39.1 and $156.3\;{\mu}g/ml$, respectively, but not against the E. coli and Shig. Dysenteriae.

      • 農村地域 初·中·高等學生의 B型 肝炎感染率

        金顯,芮旻海,李誠國,千丙烈 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1988 慶北醫大誌 Vol.29 No.4

        농촌지역 초·중·고등학생들의 B형 간염 감염률을 조사하기 위하여 경상남도 합천군내 초·중·고등학교 학생 총 14,760명 가운데 B형 간염 예방접종을 받지 않은 7,540명을 대상으로 하여 RPHA방법으로 HBsAg를, 그리고 PHA방법으로 anti-HBs를 검사하고 HBsAg 양성자는 6개월 후 재검사하여 HBsAg와 anti-HBs 상태의 변화를 추적하였으며 침술력, 수술력, 수혈력 그리고 가족력에 대한 설문조사를 실시하였다. HBsAg 양성률은 4.1%이었는데 남자가 4.7%로 여자의 3.6%보다 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 남자에서는 14세가 6.3%, 여자는 18세 이상이 6.6%로 가장 높았다. Anti-HBs 양성률은 10.4%(남자 10.6%, 여자 10.2%)이었는데 10세에서 15세 사이에서는 11세를 제외하고 모두 남자가 여자보다 anti-HBs 양성률이 높았는데 16세 이후에는 여자가 남자보다 높게 나타나는 정반대의 현상을 보이고 있었다. B형 간염 감염률은 14.4%이었고, 남자가 15.3%로 여자의 13.8%보다 높았으며 연령이 증가함에 따라 감염률은 높아지지 않았다. HBsAg 양성자의 6개월 후 재검사 결과는 234명중 216명(92.3%)이 계속 HBsAg 양성이었으며 이 결과를 근거로 하여 추정한 만성보균자율은 3.8%(남자 4.3%, 여자 3.4%)였다. To investigate the hepatitis B virus infection rate of the students in a rural area, 7,540 primary, middle and high school students who had not been vaccinated were sampled from 14,760 students of Hapchom county in Kyungnam Province and tested for HBsAg(by RPHA method) and anti-HBs(by PHA method). HBsAg positive students were retested for HBsAg and anti-HBs after 6 months from initial test to investigate the changing pattern of HBsAg and anti-HBs. Overall HBsAg positive rate was 4.1% and the rate for male(4.7%) was statistically higher than that for female(3.6%). The highest HBsAg positive rate of male students was 6.3% for 14 years and that of female was 6.6% for 18 years or more. Anti-HBs positive rate was 10.4%(10.6% for male, 10.2% for female) and that rate for male was higher than that for female between age 10 and age 15 except age 11, wherease, the rate for female was higher than that for male form age 16 to age 18 or more. Hepatitis B infection rate was 14.4% and that for male(15.3%) was higher than that for female(13.3%). The infection rate was not increased with age. Of 234 students who had follow-up after 6 months, 216 students(92.3%) were postive for HBsAg. Therefore, the rate of chronic carrier was estimated as 3.8%(4.3% for male, 3.4% for female).

      • KCI등재

        産業場 勤勞者의 傷病 및 醫療利用樣相

        鄭日煥,李京恩,朴宰用,甘信,千丙烈 대한보건협회 1992 대한보건연구 Vol.18 No.1

        This study was performed to investigate the pattern of medical care utilization and morbidity state of industrial workers in Taegu area. A questionnaire survey was carried out for 1,258 workers of 46 various types of local companies, mainly textile, in Taegu area from Aug. 1, 1991 to Oct. 31, 1991. The respondents consisted of 1,017(80.8%) blue collar workers and 241(19.2%) white collar workers, 700(55.6%) male, 558(44.4%) female. When workers were ill, 58.9% of them chose a particular medical facility for the reasons of convenient transport and geographical accessibility. To the contrary, in the case of choosing oriental medical clinics, perceived effectiveness of treatment(36.4%) was cited as the most important reason for visits. During one year period, the number of workers who experienced hospitalization was 60 and chronic morbidity rate was 134 per 1,000 workers. Chronic illness consisted of respiratory disease(25.3%), gastrointestinal disease(24%) and musculoskeletal disease(18.7%). The most preferred medical facilities for chronic patients were hospitals(32.9%), followed by pharmacies(32.2%). The average losses of work days per chronic morbidity were 18.6 days. Acute morbidity during 15 days was 558 per 1000 workers on the average. 1.55 cases of morbidity occured per patient, and each morbidity case lasted for 4.13 days. 87.3% of the patients got medical treatments, and 3.66 days of medical care and 36,028 won medical care cost were required per treatment. The number of absent days per morbidity was 0.55 day and activity-restricted hour was 6.51 hrs. The most common illness experienced during 15 days was 39.8% of respiratory disease, followed by 25.8% of sign, symptom & ill-defined conditions and 19.5% of gastrointestinal disease. The most number of patients actually visited pharmacies(63.1%), followed by hospitals & clinics(16.9%). As many as 12.6% of patients didn't even pursue any medical treatments at all. For the reasons of seeking no treatment, patients cited unseriousness or mild illness(44.0%), busy or no free time(20.0%), doubtful of treatment effectiveness(16.0%) and hate to be bother (14.0%). Concluding from above results, medical care utilization of phamacies and morbidity rate of industrial workers turned out quite higher than those of other occupations or general population.

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