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        獨逸 州間放送協定上의 放送集中規制制度에 관한 硏究

        지성우 한국공법학회 2003 公法硏究 Vol.32 No.1

        Die wesentlichen A¨nderungen des zum 1. Januar 1997 in Kraft getretenen deutschen Rundfunkstaatsvertrags, die bei der neuesten Revision 2002 in ihrem Kern unvera¨ndert blieben, betreffen im o¨ffentlich-rechtlichen Bereich die Ermittlung des Finanzbedarfs der Rundfunkanstalten. Die privatrechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten betreffend, lag der Schwerpunkt der U¨berarbeitung bei der Vera¨anderung der medienkonzentrationsrechtlichen Vorschriften. In Deutschland wird die Sicherung der weltweiten Konkurrenzfa¨higkeit von Rundfun-kunternehmen oftmals betont. Die Kernvorschrift des neuen Konzentrationsprinzips wird als "Marktanteilsmodell" bezeichnet. Danach kann ein Veranstalter Fernsehsendungen vorbringen, sofern er einen Zuschaueranteil von 30% nicht u¨berschreitet. Dieses Kontrollsystem wirft jedoch die wichtige Frage auf, ob die Konzentrationskontrolle durch die KEK eine u?/berma¨ßige staatliche Einflussnahme darstellt, da die Politik auf die Zusammensetzung und Gescha¨ftsfu¨hrung der KEK Einfluss ausu¨ben ko¨nnte. Daru¨ber hinaus ist auch fraglich, ob die vorhandene Meinugsmacht nur durch Vergleich der Einschaltsquoten wiederspiegelt werden kann, wenn die Sicherung der Meinungsvielfalt an rundfunkspezifischen und nicht-rundfunkspezifischen Einnahmen gemessen wird. Angesichts des multimedialen Zeitalters wa¨re es voreilig zu glauben, durch die Konzentrationsregelungen das Dilemma der notwendigen Vielfaltsicherung und des unternehmerischen Wachstums lo¨sen zu ko¨nnen. Im Zusammenhang mit der Priorita¨tsfrage bleibt jedoch immer noch offen, wie weit und mit welchen Mitteln die mo¨glichste Breite und Vollsta¨andigkeit der gesellschaftlichen Meinungen sichergestellt werden kann, da das Bundesverfassungsgericht keine konkreten und genauen Kriterien fu¨r die Rahmenbedingungen vorgegeben hat. U¨ber dieses rechtswissenschaftlich und rechtspolitisch wichtiges Thema muss in der Zukunft weiter geforscht werden.

      • KCI등재

        정보헌법과 커뮤니케이션 분야의 쟁점

        지성우 한국정치커뮤니케이션학회 2014 정치커뮤니케이션 연구 Vol.0 No.33

        민주주의 국가에서 국민이 자신의 의견을 자유롭게 표현할 수 있는 표현의 자유는 건전한 사회 형성과 유지를 위한 기초이기 때문에,1) 사상의 자유로운 교환을위한 열린 공간을 확보하는 것은 필수적이다.2) 이렇게 민주주의를 실현하기 위해서는 자기의 생각이나 의견을 자유롭게 표명하고 전달할 수 있는 자유가 전제되어야 하므로 거의 모든 국가에서 정보를 수집・가공하고 표현하는 자유는 특별히 높은 수준의 보호를 받고 있다. The present constitution does not define ‘information rights’ or ‘informationbasic rights’ but acknowledges the above right as one of the basic rights thatare not explicitly defined in the constitution in the light of a regulation: ‘thepeople's freedom and rights shall not be neglected for the reason that they arenot enumerated in the constitution’. In 1987 the present constitution was first enacted but the advancement ofinformation society achieved today was not predicted. Thus the contents tosolve the various national issues owing to the information orientation of todaydid not exist in the constitution, which implies the necessity to review the possibilityof the establishment of harmonious normative system through the interpretationwithin the structure of an information society and how to structure thediscourses on information society if the constitution is amended. If the informationbasic rights are acknowledged, it is possible to categorize the legal relationshipof information life according to the characteristics of information activitiesunder the Clause 2 of the Article 37 of the Constitution so as to extract thecorresponding basic rights of people, and shape up the types of information basicrights. Whether or not to acknowledge the information rights by the amendmentof the constitution that expressly specifies the information rights or informationbasic rights as one of the basic rights of people is based on the agreement in the light of methodology and constitutional policies. Furthermorethe constitutional amendment has the possibility of defining the informationrights as one of the basic rights of people. Since the contents of information basicrights are abstract and extensive, which makes it difficult to explain the outlineso that it can have only single meaning. However the interpretation of informationbasis rights based on specific basic rights or a few of basic rights forthe interpretation of present constitution shall be prevented. With regard to theapproaches to the issues of an information society in the light of basic rights ofpeople, it is essential to address the constitution issues, which develop in conjunctionwith information, in an information society in an autonomous and integrativemanner rather than in a passive manner.

      • KCI등재

        Smart미디어시대 정보통신・미디어(ICT) 분야 규범체계의 재구조화에 관한 연구

        지성우 한국법제연구원 2013 법제연구 Vol.- No.44

        In this paper, the consolidation of ICT basic legislation and ICT special legislation concerning "Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning" and "Korea Communications Commission" which came on the back of governmental reorganization in recent years is discussed in the theoretical and practical aspect. Development of "data communication technology" innovatively changed the method of livelihood of mankind, the emergence of network under global dimension provided financial·social benefit and posed a challenge and a threat at the same time. Form digital revolution human kind can expect to receive many important blessings. Nevertheless, there are many advantages of development of technology by digital revolution, cyberspace like online media, internet etc. has realistically many problems that must be solved. To maximum positive aspects like the expansion of freedom of expression and creating plan of economy by the advance of transmission technology is needed. And to minimize side effects of informatization is required more. The First, Special Act on ICT has an adaptation in normative standardization to be fit in media convergence beyond convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications. Henceforth, there must be established a legal basis for the achievement of protection of economic evolution and freedom of speech in digital media, information, communication technology and content development. The second, the government action is to accomplish economic development and freedom of information in structural aspect of norm. Therefore minimizing normative problem by reorganization of organization remains clearly unresolved in politics. The third, Special Act on ICT must be basic law covering info-communications field, pay telecommunication and media contents field. The forth, from a technical point of view, net neutrality, conflict of interest for digital content and so on can be fixed easily. Special Act on ICT must not only pursuit of development of industry. Special Act on ICT and pursuit of enhancing quality of life of people and preparing program to promote democratization. From now on, we need to make powerful nation of information& communications technology and in information human rights protection field got to be one step ahead of others with reference to appear all the various aspects must be brought together in the discussion of legislation process of Special Act on ICT. 이 논문에서는 최근 단행된 정부조직 개편의 결과 탄생한 미래창조과학부와 방송통신위원회 등의 소관 법률의 가장 최상위의 ICT관련 법제의 정비와 아울러 기본법으로서의 성격을 갖는 ICT특별법에 담겨야할 헌법적 차원이 기본 문제와 몇 가지 쟁점들에 대해 이론적・실제적 차원에서 논의하였다. 정보통신기술의발전은인류의생활방식을혁명적으로변화시켰으며,전지구적차원의네트워크사회의 출현은경제적・사회적기회와혜택을 제공하였지만동시에도전과위협의이슈가 끊임없이 제기되고 있다. 기술발전에 따른 많은 장점에도 불구하고 디지털 혁명으로 인하여 인류가 누리게 된 인터넷 등 온라인 매체를 통한 사이버공간은 현실적으로 해결해야 할 많은 문제들이 있다. 전송기술의 발전으로 인한 표현의 자유의 통로 확대와 경제적 기획 창출이라는 긍정적인 측면을 보다 발전시켜 나가기 위해서는 정보화로 인한 따른 부작용을 최소화하려는 노력이 절실하게 필요하다. 첫째, ICT특별법은 역사적으로 방송통신융합을 넘어선 미디어의 융합시대에 적헙하도록 규범화되어야 한다. 향후 정보화와 정보통신 기술 및 콘텐츠의 개발과 아울러 미디어 분야에서도 경제적 발전과 아울러 언론의 자유를 수호라는 두 가지의 정책을 모두 달성할 수 있는 근거규정이 마련되어야 한다. 둘째, 규범구조적 측면에서는 정부의 행위들은 모두 경제발전과 정보의 자유라는 목표를 달성하기 위한 것이라는 점을 깊이 명심해야 한다. 따라서 정치적 차원에서 말끔하게 해결되지 못한 조직개편의 문제점을 규범적 관점 해소함으로써 소모적 갈등의 발생가능성을 최소화할 수 있도록 노력해야 한다. 셋째, ICT특별법은 미래부가 소관하는 정보통신분야, 유료 방송분야, 디지털미디어 콘텐츠 분야를 모두 포괄하는 내용의 기본법적 성격을 가지는 규범이어야 한다. 넷째, 기술적인 관점에서는 ICT융합으로 인해 발생하는 망중립성의 문제, 디지털 콘텐츠를 둘러싼 이해관계의 대립 등 다양한 문제점들을 해결할 수 있어야 한다. ICT특별법은 정보화를 통해 일방적으로 효율성이나 산업의 발전만을 추구하는 것이 아니라, 정보화가 국민의 삶의 질을 높이고 우리 사회의 민주화를 촉진할 수 있도록 제도의 설계와 구축하는 것을 목표로 하여야 한다. 향후 이번 ICT특별법의 입안과정에서 논의하고 있는 다양한 관점들을 참고하여 정보통신기술의 강국임과 동시에 정보인권분야에서도 한 발 앞서가는 계기가 마련되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        방송과 유사방송서비스의 규제에 관한 연구- 獨逸의 미디어서비스국가협약과 텔레서비스법을 중심으로 -

        지성우 한국헌법학회 2004 憲法學硏究 Vol.10 No.1

        In der Zukunft werden möglicherweise durch die Digitalisierung aller Signale Funk, Fernsehen, Telekommunikation und Datenverbreitung über die gleiche technische Basis verfügen. Zur Vorbereitung des Multimediazeitalters in Deutschlanddurch IuKDG und MDStV, die hzbriden Dienste, die im Namen von Tele- und Mediendienten nicht als Rundfunk zu qualifizieren sind, eindeutig einen eigenstandigen Regelungsgegenstand. Zunächst fallen die Mediendienste, die für die Allgemeinheit Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste leisten, unter den von den Ländern zuständigen MDStV. Demgegenüber sind die Angebote einer einzelnen, in sich abgeschlossenen Informations und Kommunikationsdienstleistungen durch das TDG geregelt. Mit diesen Gesetzen ist ein Fundament für ein neues rechtliches Verständnis von Information und Kommunikation in der Informationsgesellschaft gelegt worden. Der entscheidende Unterschied beider Dienste gegnüber dem Rundfunk besteht darin, dass sie anders als Rundfunk, keine Zulassung durch das jeweilige Landesgesetz beantragen müssen, um am Markt tätig zu werden. Damit ist das Verhältnis zwischen Rundfunk und den neuen Diensten (darunter besonders das Verhältnis zu den Mediendiensten) dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die zukünftigen gesetzlichen Regelungen beider Medien im höchsten Grade weschelseitig offengelassen werden.

      • KCI등재

        미성숙 난소기형종의 CT와 초음파 소견

        지성우 대한영상의학회 1996 대한영상의학회지 Vol.35 No.5

        Purpose : To compare CT and US features of immature and mature teratomas of the ovary. Materials and Methods :We retrospectively reviewed CT and US findings of 11 patients with immature teratoma and 18 patients(20 cases)with mature teratoma. The tumors were classified into three groups on the basis of image findings : predominantlycystic(type I), predominantly solid(type II), and mixed cystic and solid(type III). Result : All eleven cases ofimmature teratoma were of the mixed type(type III), showing multiple small(less than 2 cm) nodular and linearcalcifications and fatty nodules within the solid component and adjacent to the septa of the cystic component ofthe masses. In contrast, mature teratomas were predominantly cystic in six cases, predominantly solid in eight,and mixed in six cases. In five of six mixed type mature teratomes, calcified fatty nodules were fewer and largerthan in immature teratomas. Conclusion : Immature teratoma may be diagnosed by the demonstration on CT or US ofmultiple small(less than 2cm) nodular and linear calcifications and fatty nodules in the solid and cysticcomponents of the tumor.

      • KCI등재

        난소 상피 종양의 자기공명영상 소견 : 경계성 종양을 중심으로

        지성우 대한영상의학회 1998 대한영상의학회지 Vol.39 No.6

        Purpose: To evaluate the role of MR in the diagnosis of borderline epithelial tumors of the ovary comparedwith that of benign and malignant tumors. Materials and Methods: MR images of 42 ovarian epithelial tumors in 39patients were retrospectively analyzed, focusing on the morphologic characters distinguishing borderlineepithelial tumors from benign and malignant tumors. All images were obtained using a 1.5T imager 3-27 (mean, 12)days before surgery. The size, shape, internal signal intensity, wall and septal thickness, papillary nodule,solid component, and contrast enhancement of the tumor were evaluated. Results: Histopathologic diagnoses were 16serous epithelial tumors [benign (SB) 3, borderline malignancy (SBM) 5, malignancy (SM) 8]; 24 mucinous epithelialtumors [benign (MB) 11, borderline malignancy (MBM) 9, malignant (MM) 4]; one endometrial carcinoma (EC), and oneclear cell carcinoma (CC). Mucinous epithelial tumors were multilocular in 23 of 24 tumors, while signal intensityof the locules varied in 22 of 24. Six of 16 serous epithelial tumors were unilocular, and 15 of 16 were ofhomogeneous signal intensity. Papillary projection was seen in 14 tumors (SB 1/3, SBM 5/5, SM 3/8, MB 2/11, MBM2/9, CC 1/1), but multiple (>10) projections were seen in SBM (5/5) and CC (1/1). Multiple irregular thick septawere found in 18 tumors (SM 3/8, MB 2/11, MBM 9/9, MM 4/4), while solid components were seen in ten (SM 6/8, MB1/11, MM 2/4, EC 1/1). Conclusion: Multiple (>10) papillary projections and multiple irregular thick septa withoutremarkable solid components are suggestive MR findings of ovarian SBM and MBM, respectively.

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