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        1개 분식점에서 발생한 살모넬라 식중독 집단 발생 역학조사

        조은숙,이승혁,배종면,Cho, Eun-Suk,Lee, Seung Hyuk,Bae, Jong-Myon 제주대학교 의과학연구소 2021 The Journal of Medicine and Life Science Vol.18 No.2

        Many people reported suspected food poisoning after consuming food at the same snack bar on June 18, 2020. Thus, an in-depth epidemiological investigation was conducted to identify the infectious agent and establish additional food poisoning prevention measures. The study included people who reported to the local public health center after June 18 with acute gastroenteritis symptoms within 4 days of consuming food from the snack bar. The onset of symptoms and food items consumed by individuals were then investigated via phone calls and on-site visits. Afterward, the infectious agent was identified from human samples (stool or rectal swab) of four restaurant employees and 89 people and from environmental samples (materials, cooking utensils, and water). The analysis revealed that the incubation period ranged from 2 hours to 92 hours, with a median and mode of 16 hours and 12 hours, respectively. Moreover, the epidemic curve had a unimodal shape because of common exposure, which reached its peak on June 18. After monitoring for 8 days, which is more than twice the maximum incubation period of 92 hours, the end of the epidemic was declared on June 28 as no additional cases were reported. Analysis of human and environmental samples revealed Salmonella bareilly of the pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pulsotype SAPX01.017 as the causative agent. Therefore, it was concluded that the food poisoning outbreak was caused by S. bareilly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이문건 시묘살이를 통해 본 조선중기 유자(儒者)의 상례(喪禮) 고찰

        조은숙 ( Cho Eun-suk ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2016 고전문학과 교육 Vol.33 No.-

        본고는 묵재 이문건(1494-1567)이 어머니 고령 신씨(高靈申氏; 1463-1535)의 시묘살이를 하며 기록한 상례(喪禮)에 대한 고찰이다. 상례는 죽음에 대한 의례이다. 이문건이 행한 죽음의례, 즉 시묘살이 상례(喪禮)에 개인이 어떻게 구체적으로 참여하였는가에 초점을 두어 살펴보았다. 즉 이문건이 실천한 시묘살이 상례의 특징을 살펴봄으로써 그 의례가 지향하는 바의 의미와 조선중기 사대부 일기의 글쓰기를 통해 당대인의 효의 실천과 죽음에 대한 제반 인식을 유추해보는 데 그 의의를 둔다. 조선중기 사대부들은 법제화에 의한 상례 준수로 인식변화를 끊임없이 시도하지만, 기나긴 역사의 밑바탕에 깔린 인간의 의식세계를 완전히 개조하기는 현실적으로 어려웠다. 중국과 조선은 문화적 배경이 달랐음을 인정해야만 하였다. 중국의 제도인 _주자가례_를 조선에 끼워 맞추려고 한 것은 처음부터 문제를 배태하고 있는 것이다. 신주(神主) 중심의 조상 제사와 가묘(家廟) 설립의 중요성을 _주자가례_에서 백 번 강조하지만, 조선중기 사대부는 무덤 속에 누워 있는 부모에게 더 마음이 가는 것이다. 사당과 시제(時祭)보다는 무덤과 묘제(墓祭) 및 기제사(忌祭祀)가 조선중기의 사대부에게는 더 중요한 것이다. 이런 모순 속에서 조선중기 사대부는 죽음에 대한 의례로서 시묘살이 상례를 수용하고 실천하였다. 고대인 혹은 중세인이 아니라도 현재를 살아가는 우리 인간에게 죽음에 대한 지배적 생각, 즉 현세와 정신적·물질적 생활을 지속한다는 계세사상(繼世思想)을 뿌리 채 뽑아버리기는 쉽지 않아 보인다. 만약 이 사상이 없다면 인간의 죽음 역시 고속도로 위에서 차에 치여진 동물의 사체와 다름이 없기 때문이다. 그래서 인간은 시간이 변해도 형태는 바뀔지언정 죽음에 대한 의례 자체를 끊임없이 생각하지 않을 수 없는 것이다. 그러므로 조선중기 사대부의 시묘살이는 효의 실천과 죽음에 대한 의례로 시사하는 바가 크다고 하겠다. This study investigates the funeral rituals practiced by the Joseon Dynasty as recorded about Lee Mun Geon (1494~1567, a.k.a Mukjae), who mourned by the grave of his deceased mother, Ms. Shin (1463~1535), a woman whose family's origin was Goryeon. The study focuse on the rituals performed by Lee after his mother's death, his participation in the funeral, and his mourning specifically as an individual who has lost his parent. Reviewing Lee’s mourning life beside the grave, the contents of diary belonging to a nobleman in the middle of Joseon Dynasty were studied aimsing to find out the meaning of rituals, the overall recognition accorded to death, and the filial duties that were carried out by the noblemen of the time. Although noblemen in the middle of Joseon Dynasty ceaselessly attempted to change the observance of funeral rituals through legislation, it was difficult to change the mindset of the people, who fllowed the deep-rooted traditions of long history. It must be acknowledged that the Joseon Dynasty had a different cultural background than that of China. There was a fundamental problem when they tried to adapt The Family Rituals of Zhu Xi, followed by the Chinese, to the Joseon society. Although The Family Rituals of Zhu Xi emphasized ancestral rites focusing on enshrining mortuary tablets and the importance of establishing the family shrine hundred times, noblemen in the mid-Joseon Dynasty period cared for their parents in the grave by mourning for them than by following such practice. The solemn memorial service held in front of the grave, and the annual ritual service on the death anniversary were far more important to the noblemen in the mid-Joseon Dynasty. Amid such contradictions, the noblemen accepted and performed the mourning rituals beside the grave of their parent. Human beings across the ages have always dwelt upon thoughts of the afterlife. Most people believe that they attain a state after the death of their physicalbody. If humans did not have such thoughts, they would not be bothered if death occurs on being hit by a car on the street. Thus, human beings often think of the ritual services related to death, although in different forms. Therefore, mourning by the grave of their parent held great significance among the noblemen of the Joseon Dynasty as a sign of their filial piety.

      • KCI등재

        일본어교육학의 연구 동향과 발전 방향 -2000년 이후 연구사를 중심으로-

        조은숙 ( Eun Suk Cho ) 한국일어교육학회 2012 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.22

        본고의 목적은 한국에서의 일본어 교육 반세기를 맞이하여, 그간의 연구동향을 살피고 향후의 연구방향을 제안하는 데 있다. 일본어교육학 전문 학회지를 고찰한 결과와 발전 방향은 다음과 같다. 내용학과 교수학으로 나누어 고찰한 결과, 양적 측면에서 내용학(62%)의 연구 비중이 상대적으로 크고, 언어 단위별 연구도 어휘(36%)와 문법(28%)에 지나치게 편중되어 있음이 밝혀졌다. 한국의 일본어 교육은 최근 10년간 매우다양한 학습자군을 형성하고 있다. 따라서 향후, 연구 방향은 다양해진 학습자를 교육할 수 있는 실질적이고 현실적인 연구를 필요로 한다. 내용학에는 대조연구와 언어습득에 관한 연구, 학습자의 대상별, 목적별 어휘 목록과 언어교육으로서의 문화교육에 관한 문화항목의 선정 등 순수한 일본어학 연구와 차별화된 연구가 요구된다. 교수학에서는 교육 현장에서 유용한 연구가 활성화되어야 한다. 한국어와의 유사성이 고려된 한국식 교수법 개발과 청소년 학습자를 위한 교재 및 평가에 관한 연구가 선결되어야 하며 웹기반을 활용한 각 영역별 연구가 요구된다. 本稿は韓國での日本語敎育が半世紀を迎えるにあたって、再跳躍の爲、今までなされた日本語敎育學の硏 究を振返り、今後の硏究方向を提案することを目的とする。二つの日本語敎育學會の學會誌を分析した結果 と、今後の硏究方向の提案は次のとおりである。硏究分野を內容學と敎授學に分けて考察すると、內容學の硏究が60%を上回っており、量的にやや片寄っ ていることが分かる。又、內容學の硏究の中でも語彙(36%)と文法(28%)の硏究が64%で、バランスが取れた硏 究とは言えない。一方、敎授學分野では敎授法硏究だけが目立つだけで、敎材、評價に關する硏究や CBI(computer-based instruction)に關する硏究は非常に乏しい。韓國は去る10年間、學習者の變化が極めて大きく、學習者の低年齡化が進んでおり、學習者全體の90%が 中學生、高校生である。したがって、今後の硏究は彼らに向けたより實用的な硏究、より敎育現場で活用でき る硏究が必要とされる。內容學では對照硏究、言語習得に關する硏究、學習者の對象別、目的別語彙目錄や、 文化敎育に關する文化項目の選定など、純粹な日本語語學の硏究とは違う差別化された硏究が要求される。 敎授學分野では發達しているCBIを活用した各領域での硏究を進めるべきである。CBIは映像敎育など直接敎 育現場での活用は勿論、遠隔敎育も行うこともでき、今後發展の可能性が非常に高い。敎授學分野では韓國 語との類似性を考慮し、他言語との敎授法とは違う韓國式敎授法を硏究する必要がある。又、靑少年の學習 者が多いだけに彼らに合った敎材や評價に關する硏究も今後の課題である。

      • KCI등재
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      • KCI등재후보

        터키 내 한국기업과 한국어학습자의 요구분석 -대학 내 한국어교육과정 설계와 개선을 위하여-

        조은숙 ( Eun Suk Cho ),프나르알툰다으 ( Pinar Altundag ) 연세대학교 언어정보연구원(구 연세대학교 언어정보개발원) 2013 언어사실과 관점 Vol.32 No.-

        This study aims to improve and rearrange the curriculum of the programs in Turkey which offer Korean education. Surveys relating to the requirements of a satisfying Korean education have been conducted with Korean companies and Korean learners. Results show without doubt that students have clear and well defined motivations for studying Korean and that the number of students studying Korean language is rapidly increasing. Furthermore the students, the study shows, point out that they can benefit from lectures covering various topics related to Korean studies. The original contribution of this study is its new approach to the course content which takes into consideration the Turkish-Korean partnership (relations) and students` intentions as well as their motivation to study Korean culture Language. A further conclusion of the study is that introducing the Turkish students to Korean culture will improve the mutual understanding between the Turkish and Korean students and help them develop empathy to have successful communication with an understanding of the Korean life practices. It is recognized that curriculum and education relies on social needs and must be developed and implemented individually for the unique context of each society. Besides, Korean studies in Turkey have been much more effective and widespread in the last decade. However, education policy of the country must be revised and reinforced thoroughly if we aim to make it meet the growing demands of the both countries and facilitate further improvement of Korean studies.

      • KCI등재

        학습자 변인에 따른 오류수정에 대한 학습자의 인식 연구

        조은숙(Cho, Eun-suk) 한국어문학회 2013 語文學 Vol.0 No.121

        This manuscript is focused on learners’ awareness when instructors correct the learners’ spoken language errors. Considering important language learning variables, such as learners’ cultural areas, characteristics, and rapport formation with instructors, I examined carefully difference between Japanese speaking learners and Chinese speaking learners. According to the investigation, Japanese students appear to react much more sensitively than Chinese students. In other words, learners’ cognition can differ depending on which their cultural area is. Secondly, compared to Chinese students, Japanese students generally feel more introvert of themselves. These introvert learners are optimistic about oral error treatment, but for the correcting methods, they prefer implicit feedbacks. Also, in rapport forming both groups show approximatively less 10% of students have unsuitable rapport with their instructors. These learners who have unsuitable rapport prefer explicit feedbacks. With the feedback timing, Japanese students prefer to be corrected after they say the sentence, while Chinese students favor after the conversation. I believe that this research will help instructors to know when or how to correct students errors and to help them find better methods.

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