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        由“月梅”到“香夫人” ― 以中国朝鲜族女作家金仁顺的《春香》为中心

        趙繼紅 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.62 No.-

        对金仁顺而言,古典《春香传》是个“带有天然亲近感,同时也是无法得到满足的故事。中 国的民间故事,上穷碧落,下至黄泉,浪漫瑰丽,荡气回肠。相较之下,《春香传》尽管故事不乏 戏剧色彩,但却流于单薄、局限,缺少跳跃飞扬的想象翅膀”,这是金仁顺创作《春香》之前的所 思所想。无疑小说《春香》为古老的春香故事插上了想象的翅膀,也成就了传奇的香夫人形象。小 说《春香》消解了封建时代的男权,在乌托邦式的香榭中,实现了女性的自主独立,给单调的当代 中国文坛带来了异域情调。小说《春香》赋予了古典原型月梅以灵魂,使她摇身一变拥有了独立的 人格,表达了现代女性对自主独立的思考。金仁顺的《春香》以韩国古典叙述中国现代人对人生思 考的表达方式独具匠心,作为中国对韩国《春香传》的第一部生产性受容作品,为中·韩文学交流 史留下了浓重一笔,在向中国读者传递韩国文化方面也取得了自己独特的文学价值。 本文从作品论角度,在韩国古典名著《春香传》与金仁顺的长篇小说《春香》的比较中,对 月梅形象的解构和香夫人形象的重塑进行阐释,力求透过春香母的人物形像重塑,把握其古典外形 下充满现代气息的思想内涵。

      • KCI등재


        Zhao, Ji-Hong(조계홍, 趙繼紅) 대한중국학회 2018 중국학 Vol.62 No.-

        Among the three elements of the story ― character, plot, and setting, the character matters the most. W. H. Hudson argues that technically the success of a work is due to the depiction of characters. In the recreation of Chunxiang, Jin Renshun deconstructed and reshaped the Korean classical work ― “ the story of Chunxiang ”, changing the figures of the work greatly by adding new characters, remaking the mother of Chunxiang. In doing so, the classical work is rich in new vitality and the air of new era. The writer has ever said: “There are no new things under the sun. Times and regions may be different, but the humanity is always the same.” Neglecting the historical background and feudal patriarchy, in a conceived Utopian Champs, the writer wrote the stories of one or more women from the perspective of humanity. She narrated the Chinese reflections on life in the tongue of the Korean classic, and brought about the exotic culture to Chinese contemporary literature. In “ the story of Chunxiang ”, as a custodian, Yuemei who was regarded as a minor character, decided the identity of Chunxiang, while she made an contrast to the noble “ Chunxiang ”. However, in the novel Chunxiang , the snobbish Yuemei was turned into another major character, an elegant and plump Mrs. Xiang, and saved Chunxiang at the critical moment. The best way of appreciating a work is analyzing the characters. The characters and the theme are closely related, and the characters are the core of the whole story, which have great influence on the work. There no telling of the story without characters. “ Chunxiang ”, the first Korean work accepted by Chinese, did a lot of contribution to the intercommunication between Chinese and South Korean literature. Facing such valuable work, we should spend time on the study of the characters in order to grasp the main ideas that the writer wants to convey. Regretfully, there is only on article focusing on the study of this work. This paper tries to make a contrastive study of the mother of Chunxiang in “ Chunxiang ” by Jin Renshun and the classic “ the story of Chunxiang ”, aiming at digging into the modern ideological connotation through character analysis. 对金仁顺而言,古典《春香传》是个“带有天然亲近感,同时也是无法得到满足的故事。中 国的民间故事,上穷碧落,下至黄泉,浪漫瑰丽,荡气回肠。相较之下,《春香传》尽管故事不乏 戏剧色彩,但却流于单薄、局限,缺少跳跃飞扬的想象翅膀”,这是金仁顺创作《春香》之前的所 思所想。无疑小说《春香》为古老的春香故事插上了想象的翅膀,也成就了传奇的香夫人形象。小 说《春香》消解了封建时代的男权,在乌托邦式的香榭中,实现了女性的自主独立,给单调的当代 中国文坛带来了异域情调。小说《春香》赋予了古典原型月梅以灵魂,使她摇身一变拥有了独立的 人格,表达了现代女性对自主独立的思考。金仁顺的《春香》以韩国古典叙述中国现代人对人生思 考的表达方式独具匠心,作为中国对韩国《春香传》的第一部生产性受容作品,为中·韩文学交流 史留下了浓重一笔,在向中国读者传递韩国文化方面也取得了自己独特的文学价值。 本文从作品论角度,在韩国古典名著《春香传》与金仁顺的长篇小说《春香》的比较中,对 月梅形象的解构和香夫人形象的重塑进行阐释,力求透过春香母的人物形像重塑,把握其古典外形 下充满现代气息的思想内涵。

      • 김인순 소설《춘향》에서의 변학도와 소단(향단) 인물변용에 대한 고찰

        조계홍 ( Zhao Jihong ) 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2020 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.15 No.-

        JinRenshun recreates the Korean classical novel "The Tale of Chunxiang", deconstructs the characters and reshapes them. "Chunxiang" by JinRenshun, as the first Chinese acceptance of Korean classics, leaves great effect on literary communication between China and South Korea. It starts a unique literary mode of narrating the Chinese contemporary thinking in the tongue of Korean classics and brings the foreign sentiments to Chinese readers.This paper compares the Korean classic "The Tale of Chunxiang" with "Chunxiang" by JinRenshun, examining the character transfiguration of minor characters BianXuedao and hyangdan. In doing so, the paper aims to elaborate the modern meaning the writer wants to convey by reshaping the characters BianXuedao and hyangdan.She reveals the solemn thinking of contemporary Chinese about the female growth and marriage.

      • KCI등재

        “춘향”과 “이몽룡”의 인물변용에 대한 고찰 -중국 여류작가 김인순의 『춘향』을 중심으로-

        조계홍 ( Jihong Zhao ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        본고는 중국 현대 조선족 여류작가 김인순의 대표작 장편소설 『춘향』에 관한 작품론적인 입장에서 진행한 연구이다. 한국 고전소설 『춘향전』과 병치하여 비교분석하는 방법으로 춘향과 이몽룡의 인물변용에 대한 분석을 통하여 중국현대여성의 사랑과 혼인에 대한 작자의 냉철한 사고가 담긴 소설 『춘향』의 주제의식에 접근한다. 1970년대에 출생한 김인순은 중국현대문단에서 큰 영향력을 가진 조선족 여류작가이다. 그녀는 70년대에 출생한 현대작가로 1996년에 중국문단에 데뷔하여 2008년에 한국 고전소설 『춘향전』을 재창작한 장편소설 『춘향』을 발표하면서 재차 각광을 받게 된 동시에 조선족 신분도 주목 받게 되었다. 그녀의 첫 장편소설인『춘향』은 2011년 중국 제10기 전국 소수민족 문학창작 “준마상”을 수상하게 되었다. 한국 고전소설 『춘향전』의 인물들을 파격적으로 변형시킨 소설 『춘향』은 단조로운 중국 현대 문단에 타국의 정서적 느낌을 가져다주었다는 높은 평가를 받는다. 뿐만 아니라 소설적 장르에 의한 현대적 변용에서의 징표로 꼽히기에 손색이 없을 만큼 중국적 『춘향전』수용의 새 지평을 열어놓았다는 높은 평도 받고 있다. 『춘향』은 또한 다원문화인 중국대륙에서 조선족을 제외한 기타 민족에게 한국문화의 메시지를 전달하는 역할을 담당한 작품으로서 『춘향전』에 대한 수용차원에서나, 한국문화에 대한 전달 역할의 차원에서나 모두 자체의 독보적인 문학적 가치를 이룩하였다. Kim InSoon is an influential writer of Korean minority in the contemporary Chinese literature. She was born in 1970, called “the 1970s writer” who grew up during the Chinese reform in 1980s and experienced the great change in 1990s. There is a saying about the 1970s writers: they were born under the red flag and grew up in the desire. In the late part of 1990s, this group of people became the main social force. During this period, Kim InSoon stepped into literature. In 2003, she gained the attention through the film GREENTEA adapted from her short story “Adilia at the water’s edge”. In 2008, she drew attention again because the publication of the long novel CHUNHYANG in Harvest, as a writer of Korean minority. The novel CHUNHYANG is the 180 degree reversal of the South Korean Classic “the story of Chunhyang”, bringing about the exotic culture to Chinese literature. In 2011, this work was granted the Stallion Award of the Tenth Session of Literary Creation of Chinese Minorities. CHUNHYANG by Kim InSoon is recreation of South Korean classic “the story of Chunhyang”, starting its era of Chinese acceptance, at the same time plays a positive role in introducing South Korean culture to Chinese besides Korean minority. Not only in the degree of acceptance, but also in transmission of South Korean culture, CHUNHYANG has its own literal values. Its other values are not given equal attention, especially the study of characters. To remedy this, the paper focuses on the character transformation of Chunhyang and Menlong to dig into the significance of rewriting such classical work and to grasp the theme accurately. This paper includes the following parts: the first part briefly introduces the writer and her work; the second part makes a contrastive study between CHUNHYANG and “the story of Chunhyang” through analyzing the change of two main characters Chunhyang and Menlong; the last part summarizes the significance of such transformation and the theme of this novel.

      • KCI등재

        Multiple Light Scattering 분석법을 이용한 천연수경성석회의 초기경화 거동

        문기연,조계홍,조진상,홍창우 한국자원리싸이클링학회 2017 資源 리싸이클링 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구에서는 무기질 첨가재를 혼합한 천연수경성석회의 초기경화 거동분석을 위해 multiple light scattering 분석법을 이용하였다. 자체 제조한 천연수경성석회의 물성향상을 위해 고로수쇄슬래그 및 3종류의 석고를 혼합비에 따라 혼합하였으며 물-고체비 0.6 으로 페이스트를 제조하였다. 제조한 페이스트를 이용하여 원통형의 용기에 일정량을 담아 장비(Turbiscan LAB, Formulaction)에 장입하여 분석을 실시하였다. 페이스트로부터의 backscattering flux(BS, %)는 23 o C의 온도에서 분석용기 전체높이(55 mm)에 대해 24 시간 동안 10분 간격으로 측정되었다. 모든 시료에서 전체적으로 BS는 시간경과에 따라서 증가하는 경향성을 보였다. 고로수쇄슬래그와 석고를 첨가함에 따라서 시간에 따른 BS의 증가 속도는 0.02에서 0.38 BS %/hour 까지 증가하였다. 반수석고를 혼합하였을 경우 가장 높은 backscattering flux와 BS의 증가속도를 보였다. In the present study, the multiple light scattering method was used for analysis of early hardening behavior of natural hydraulic lime (NHL) containing inorganic additives. In order to improve the properties of self-manufactured NHL, blast furnace slag and three types of gypsum were mixed with mixing ratio, and a water/solid ratio of fresh NHL paste was fixed 0.6. The fresh pastes in flat-bottomed cylindrical glass tubes were placed in the instrument. The backscattering flux (BS) of light from fresh pastes was then periodically measured at 10 minutes intervals the entire length of the sample (55mm) at 23 o C for 24 hours. The rate of increase of BS, slope of a linear equation to the mean value of BS (%) as a function of hydration time, was increased from 0.02 to 0.38 BS %/hour due to addition of blast furnace slag and gypsum. In the case of addition of hemi-hydrate, BS (%) and rate of increase in BS were highest.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Grain Size and Replacement Ratio on the Plastic Properties of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Using Limestone as Raw Material

        백철승,조계홍,안지환 한국세라믹학회 2014 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        Precipitated calcium carbonate(PCC) inorganic fillers for plastic offera higher replacement ratio with improved mechanicalproperties than any other inorganic fillers. Due to its secure economic feasibility, its fields of application areexpanding. For optimized PCC grain size and polymer replacement ratio, it is good to maintain at least 0.035 μm grains and keepdouble the grain size of distance between particles, depending on the molecular weight and volume replacement rate of thepolymer. PCC has unique characteristics, ie, with smaller grain size, dispersibility decreases, and if grain size is nothomogenous, polymer cracking occurs. The maximum replacement ratio of PCC is approximately 30%, but in the range of10 - 15% it produces the highest mechanical strength. When mixed with a biodegradable plastic like starch, it alsoimproves initial environmental degradability.

      • KCI등재

        高麗國《夾注名賢十抄詩》所選溫庭筠詩 考釋

        郭殿忱,趙繼紅,金和英 경성대학교 한국한자연구소 2021 한자연구 Vol.- No.31

        The famous Korean monster Shizishan cited many documents to annotate “Shichaoshi”, which included ten seven-character Octaves written by the famous Tang poet Wen Tingyun. This paper tries to compare it to “The chronicle of Tang Poetry”, “Youxuan Anthology”, “Tang Poetry Guchui”, “Appreciation of Tang Poetry”, “Tang Poetry” and finds some dissimilarities among them. This paper aims to make a textual study on it and argue the merits and demerits of the dissimilarities. The quotations in “Shichaoshi” involved many ancient classics, but were given too simple explanation. For example, it didn’t annotate the well-known “Huanzi Xinlun”. What’s more, it abbreviated the book names, “Yu” for “Lunyu”, “Xuan” for “Wenxuan”, but it didn’t give an appendix of short forms. This will bring difficulty for the offspring to collect and edit the lost ancient books. It is the modern people’s responsibility to correct the mistakes made to the ancient classics in passing from generation to generation.

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