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      • KCI등재

        시니피앙의 미래: 『구운몽』에 관한 정신분석학적 테제

        정희중 한국비교문학회 2012 比較文學 Vol.0 No.57

        This paper attempts to analyze Guunmong through the lens of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory. Many critics have interpreted the novel through psychoanalytic theory, yet none of the studies have given particular attention to the function and logic of the Signifier. In this paper, I will examine the interplay between the subject and the Signifier, the motif which is manifest through the characterization of Sung-jin/Yang So-yu. In doing so, I will show how Sung-jin/Yang So-yu embody "the split subject" in the Lacanian sense throughout the narrative structure. In his dream, Sung-jin lives the life of Yang So-yu who ends up having an imaginary relationship with the object of fantasy. After waking up from his dream, Sung-jin reaches enlightenment and succeeds the position of authority in a temple. By challenging linear and dialectical readings of this narrative, I will propose an alternative interpretation of how Sung-jin traverses his fantasy and reaches the end of desire, which is represented as the process of achieving "enlightenment." For instance, Sung-jin's encounter with eight fairies in reality is repeated as his relationship with eight wives in his dream, and later as the meeting with eight ascetics again. This repetition proves that Sung-jin, as the split subject, pursues his desire till the end without compromising it under the gaze of the Other. This uncompromising attitude of the subject opens up the path to the drive beyond fantasy and beyond the Law of desire at the end of the novel. In other words, through the repetition, Sung-jin experiences "the end of desire," the state where the symbolic fantasy disappears. I will conclude that the last repetition in Guunmong gestures towards the future of the Signifier in which the drive leads the subject to move beyond fantasy.

      • KCI등재

        신생아 모발 표면을 둘러싸고 있는 비늘에 관한 주사전자현미경적 연구

        정희중,진현숙,장아영,장은주,장병수,김경숙 중소기업융합학회 2020 융합정보논문지 Vol.10 No.5

        We investigated the morphology of the scalp hair shaft from the base to the distal end of the newborn hair and the ratio of the longitudinal axis diameter of the scale exposed to the surface of the hair to the diameter of the hair by scanning electron microscopy(SEM). Neonatal hair was observed to taper from the area adjacent to the scalp toward the end of the hair. In this study, as the thickness of the hair increases, the ratio of the long axis diameter of the exposed scale becomes relatively small, but the long axis diameter of the exposed scale on the surface of the hair is similar in length regardless of the thickness of the hair. In conclusion, it was confirmed that the major axis diameter of the scales exposed to the surface of fine or thick hair does not change significantly. 본 연구는 신생아 두피 모발의 기저부에서부터 말단부위까지의 외부형태와 모발 가로 직경 대비 모발 표면에 노출된 비늘의 장축 직경 비율을 주사전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 신생아 모발은 두피에 인접한 부위에서 부터 모발의 끝부분으로 갈수록 완만하게 가늘어지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 모발의 두께가 커질수록 노출된 비늘의 장축 직경 비율은 상대적으로 작아지는 것으로 확인되었지만 모발 표면의 노출된 비늘 장축 직경은 모발의 굵기에 관계없이 비슷한 길이로 나타났다. 결론적으로 가는 모발이나 굵은 모발 표면에 노출된 비늘의 장축 직경은 크게 변화하지 않는 것을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        사이클 동호인의 대회참가정도와 참여만족도 분석

        정희중,윤양진 한국체육정책학회 2013 한국체육정책학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to figure out cycle club members’ tournament participation satisfaction according to their participation types to establish the cycle event as a kind of life sport and provide foundational data to expand the base of cycle club members. Regarding the study subjects, club members that have participated in a national cycle tournament more than once are set as its population. And difference verification is conducted to their participation types according to the socio-demographic characteristics and also to their tournament participation satisfaction according to the participation types. For 62 days from June till August, 2013, 2 Masters Cycle Tournaments and B Metropolitan City life sport club members were provided with 300 questionnaire sheets, and total 250’s sheets were collected. In fact, 238’s data went through computer processing. As the analysis methods, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach´a analysis, one-way ANOVA, Duncan, all the statistics’ significant level is set as α<.05. And the study has drawn the following conclusions: First, about the cycle club members’ participation types according to the socio-demographic characteristics, there was significant difference in their exercise frequency in terms of their sex, their participation experience, exercise time, and exercise period in terms of their age, their participation experience, exercise time, and exercise period in terms of their job, their exercise time and exercise frequency in terms of their monthly income, and their participation experience, exercise time, exercise frequency, and exercise period in terms of their tournament participation motive. Second, about the cycle club members’ tournament participation satisfaction according to the participation types, there was statistically significant difference in the convenient facilities and courses in terms of their exercise time and also in the courses in terms of their exercise frequency and exercise period; however, their participation experience did not indicate statistically significant difference.

      • KCI등재

        니체의 데카당스 극복- 소크라테스와 바그너 비판을 중심으로

        정희중 한국예술종합학교 한국예술연구소 2022 한국예술연구 Vol.- No.35

        This article analyzes the confrontation and conflict between Nietzsche’s tragic and decadent cultures, with a focus on Nietzsche’s criticism of Socrates and Wagner. Nietzsche viewed the concept of decadence as the downfall of cultural heights, a destruction of the harmony between nature and humans as achieved by the Greek tragedy. For Nietzsche, both Socrates and Wagner correspond to this decadent culture. Socrates and Wagner form a culture of decadence in which the parts exceed and dominate the whole through ‘the hypertrophy of reason’ and 'Leitmotif and Infinite melody,’ respectively. Nietzsche, who seeks to overcome such decadence, connects the problem of decadence with the physiological problems between illness and health and unfolds the thought that revaluing existing cognitive and moral values into artistic and physiological values can overcome decadence. This does not merely annihilate Socrates and Wagner as decadent but transforms them at the cultural level. 이 글은 소크라테스와 바그너에 대한 니체의 비판을 중심으로 니체의 비극적 문화와 데카당스 문화의 대립과 갈등을 분석한 글이다. 니체는 데카당스 개념을 문화적 높이의 몰락으로 생각했는데, 이는 그리스 비극이 성취했던 자연과 인간의 조화가 데카당스 문화로 인해 파괴되었다는 것을 의미한다. 니체에게 소크라테스와 바그너는 모두 이러한 데카당스 문화에 해당한다. 소크라테스는 인식의 비대화를 통해, 바그너는 라이트모티프나 무한선율 등의 기법을 통해 부분이 전체를 초과하고 지배하는 데카당스 문화를 형성시켰다. 이러한 데카당스를 극복하고자 하는 니체는 데카당스의 문제를 병과 건강이라는 생리적 문제와 연결시키며, 기존의 인식적이고 도덕적인 가치를 예술적이고 생리적인 가치로 재가치화함으로써 데카당스를 극복할 수 있다는 사유를 펼친다. 이러한 극복은 데카당으로서의 소크라테스와 바그너를 단지 소멸시키는 것이 아니라, 예술적 차원으로 변용시키는 것에 해당한다.

      • KCI등재

        니체의 미적-생리적 변용의 두 요소 - 아폴론적인 것과 디오니소스적인 것의 갈등과 화해

        정희중 한국예술종합학교 한국예술연구소 2024 한국예술연구 Vol.- No.43

        This article examines the conflict and reconciliation between the Apollonian and the Dionysian in Greek tragedy, with a focus on Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy. Nietzsche posits Greek tragedy as the medium through which these two opposing forces are harmonized, enabling the Greeks to find meaning in their existence. However, in Nietzsche’s earlier philosophy, the Apollonian and Dionysian are not independent entities but derives significance from their interplay. The resulting tragic experience serves as a consolation, allowing individuals to rationalize their suffering through the Dionysian encounter. While Nietzsche later repudiates this aesthetic justification, advocating instead for the affirmation of life itself, his earlier tragic thought illustrates that life’s anguish and conflicts cannot be eradicated entirely but can be transfigured both aesthetically and physiologically. 이 글은 니체의 『비극의 탄생』을 중심으로 그리스 비극에 나타난 아폴론적인 것과 디오니소스적인 것의 갈등과 화해를 분석한 글이다. 니체에게 그리스 비극은 두 갈등적 요소가 서로 화합함으로써 탄생한 예술이며, 그리스인들은 이러한 비극을 통해 자신들의 삶을 정당화할 수 있었다. 그러나 니체 초기의 사유에서 아폴론적인 것과 디오니소스적인 것은 각각 독자적으로 존립하는 것이 아니라, 서로 경쟁하는 관계 속에서만 인간에게 의미를 가질 수 있다. 이 경쟁을 통해 산출되는 비극은 디오니소스적 체험 속에서 인간이 자신의 고통스러운 삶을 정당화할 수 있는 위안제로 기능한다. 물론 후기 니체는 이러한 미학적 정당화를 거부하고 삶 스스로의 긍정을 주장하게 된다. 다만 니체 초기의 비극적 사유에서 우리는 삶의 고통과 갈등이 단순히 제거될 수 있는 것이 아니라, 미적-생리적으로 변용될 수 있는 것이라는 점을 확인할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘소크라테스 대화’에서의 진리 합의와 자기이해

        정희중 범한철학회 2022 汎韓哲學 Vol.106 No.3

        이 글은 넬손-헥크만 전통의 ‘소크라테스 대화’를 통해 이성적 대화 속에서의 합의의 의미를 재발견하고 철학의 실천적 모습을 드러내고자 한다. ‘소크라테스 대화’에서 이성적 대화의 목적은 궁극적으로 진리를 합의하는 것에 있다. 대화참여자로서 우리는 질문에 대한 진리 합의(Wahrheits-Konsens)를 목적으로 대화한다. 이러한 대화의 의미는 개인의 생각이나 판단을 진리에 비추어 검토하지 않는 사람은 삶을 공동체적으로 영위할 수 없다는 것을 의미한다. 즉 대화는 질문에 대해 하나의 정답을 찾고 그 정답을 독단적으로 타인에게 강제하는 것이 아니라, 타인과 함께 살아가는 실천의 본질이다. 그리고 이러한 대화에서 사용되는 소크라테스적인 논박술과 산파술의 요소는 새로운 자기이해로 나아가는 수단에 해당한다. 또한 대화를 통해 산출된 합의문은 고정적 문자가 아니라 이러한 새로운 자기이해에 관계하는 것이다. 그러므로 ‘소크라테스 대화’는 단순히 제로섬 형태의 전투적인 대화가 아니라, 서로의 인식적 불일치와 갈등, 불안 등을 치유하는 대화에 해당할 것이다. This article attempts to rediscover the meaning of consensus in rational dialogue and reveal philosophy's practical side through the Nelson- Heckmann tradition of 'Socrates Dialogue.' In the Socratic Dialogue, the purpose of rational dialogue is ultimately to agree on the truth. As dialogue participants, we communicate to reach a consensus on truth (Wahrheits- Konsens) on questions. This dialogue means that those who do not examine their thoughts and judgments in the light of truth cannot lead their lives as a community. In other words, dialogue is the essence of living with others, rather than finding one correct answer to a question and arbitrarily forcing the correct answer on others. Moreover, the elements of Socratic refutation and midwifery used in these dialogues correspond to the means to a new self-understanding. In addition, the agreement produced through dialogue is not a fixed text but is concerned with this new self-understanding. Therefore, the 'Socrates dialogue' is not simply a zero-sum type of combative dialogue but a dialogue that heals each other's cognitive disagreements, conflicts, and anxiety.

      • KCI등재

        데카르트의 수동적 물체론에서의 힘 개념 : 웨스트폴과 하트필드의 대립을 중심으로

        정희중 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 2022 철학사상 Vol.86 No.-

        This article attempts to discuss Descartes’ concept of force in physics and kinematics with the opposing interpretation of Westfall and Hatfield. Westfall viewed Descartes’ physics as having a dynamic element and criticized that Descartes’ physics fell into contradiction. In response, Hatfield saw that Descartes’ physics should be understood with his metaphysics and criticized Westfall for not having this point of view. According to Hatfield, Westfall focused more on physics and the laws of motion than on Descartes’ metaphysics, thereby failing to think integrally of Descartes’ physics within the system. This article supports Hatfield’s position and tries to confirm the significance of thinking about Descartes’ physics and metaphysics together by confirming the metaphysical basis implied by Descartes’ physics. 이 글은 데카르트의 수동적 물체론과 운동학에서의 힘 개념을 웨스트폴과 하트필드의 대립적인 해석과 함께 논구해보고자 한다. 웨스트폴은 데카르트의 물체론에 동역학적인 요소가 있다고 보았으며, 그로 인해 데카르트의 물체론이 모순에 빠진다고 비판하였다. 이에 대해 하트필드는 데카르트의 물체론은 그의 형이상학과 함께 이해되어야 한다고 보았으며, 이러한 관점을 가지지 못한 웨스트폴을 비판하였다. 하트필드에 따르면, 웨스트폴은 데카르트의 형이상학보다 자연학과 운동 법칙 자체를 더 중점적으로 생각했고, 그럼으로써 데카르트의 물체론을 데카르트의 전체 체계 내에서 통합적으로 사유하지 못했다. 이 글은 하트필드의 입장을 지지하며 데카르트의 수동적 물체론이 내포한 형이상학적 기초를 확인함으로써, 데카르트의 물체론과 형이상학을 함께 사유하는 것의 의의를 확인하고자 한다. 이는 갈등론적 관점에서 한 이론에 대한 두 대립적인 해석이 빚는 갈등이 갖는 가치 또한 시사할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 시니피앙의 미래: 『구운몽』에 관한 정신분석학적 테제

        정희중 ( Hee Joong ) 한국비교문학회 2012 比較文學 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper attempts to analyze Guunmong through the lens of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory. Many critics have interpreted the novel through psychoanalytic theory, yet none of the studies have given particular attention to the function and logic of the Signifier. In this paper, I will examine the interplay between the subject and the Signifier, the motif which is manifest through the characterization of Sung-jin/Yang So-yu. In doing so, I will show how Sung-jin/Yang So-yu embody "the split subject" in the Lacanian sense throughout the narrative structure. In his dream, Sung-jin lives the life of Yang So-yu who ends up having an imaginary relationship with the object of fantasy. After waking up from his dream, Sung-jin reaches enlightenment and succeeds the position of authority in a temple. By challenging linear and dialectical readings of this narrative, I will propose an alternative interpretation of how Sung-jin traverses his fantasy and reaches the end of desire, which is represented as the process of achieving "enlightenment." For instance, Sung-jin`s encounter with eight fairies in reality is repeated as his relationship with eight wives in his dream, and later as the meeting with eight ascetics again. This repetition proves that Sung-jin, as the split subject, pursues his desire till the end without compromising it under the gaze of the Other. This uncompromising attitude of the subject opens up the path to the drive beyond fantasy and beyond the Law of desire at the end of the novel. In other words, through the repetition, Sung-jin experiences "the end of desire," the state where the symbolic fantasy disappears. I will conclude that the last repetition in Guunmong gestures towards the future of the Signifier in which the drive leads the subject to move beyond fantasy.

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