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      • 포은 정몽주 정치 사회 사상에 관한 연구

        정병원 대구한의대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        고려말의 문신 겸 정치가인 포은 정몽주는 그의 정적들에 의하여 선죽교에서 죽음을 맞이한 사직지신이다. 그는 성리학의 정통을 계승한 학자이면서 무너져가는 고려 왕조의 정치, 사회적인 모순을 바로 세우려고 노력한 개혁사상가였다. 정몽주가 활동하던 당시의 고려사회는 친원파인 권문세족과 친명파인 신흥 유가의 정치적 분쟁이 격화되었고, 불교의 폐단과 경제체계나 정치제도의 붕괴 등으로 인해 매우 혼란스러운 시대였다. 친명파인 정몽주는 자신의 학문적 명성과 위상을 바탕으로 고려의 개혁을 추진하였다. 그는 군사 면을 제외한 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 각 분야에 걸쳐 고려사회에 누적된 모순과 폐단을 개혁해 나가려고 하였다. 정치면에서는 도평의사사의 전횡을 막기 위해 도평의사사의 권한을 여러 관청에 분산시킴으로서 왕권을 강화하고 정치제도의 모순을 극복하려고 하였다. 그리고 새로운 형법을 제정하여 권문세족들의 횡포를 차단하고, 사회기강을 바로 세우려고 하였고, 사회적인 문란과 퇴폐를 개선하려 하였다. 신정률을 제정하여 고려사회 질서 유지와 발전을 도모하고, 유학교육과 성리학적 의례의 보급으로 사회기강을 바로 세우려 하였다. 지방행정을 바로 잡기 위해 관찰사를 파견하고, 전국을 단일한 행정체제로 통합하였다. 또한 중앙 집권을 강화하는 시책을 폈다. 경제면에서는 고려 왕조의 경제를 회복하기 위해 자섬저화고를 설치하여 화폐를 발행하였다. 그리고 경제활동을 활성화하여 국가의 경제 구조를 재정비하려 하였다. 국가 재정과 밀접한 연관이 있는 조운제도를 재개하여 국가 재정을 원활하게 하려고 하였다. 사회면에서 정몽주는 호적의 정비나 천민이 문제를 해결하여 사회 안정을 추구하였다. 그리고 성리학적 유교 질서의 도입, 교육제도 개혁, 역사 편찬 등을 추진하였다. 이같이 정몽주는 체계적이고 구조적인 개혁 작업으로 고려왕조의 재건에 매진하였다. 포은의 죽음은 자신의 현실정치에 실패한 모습으로 비쳐진다. 그의 죽음은 미시적 차원에서 실패라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 거시적 차원에서 포은의 죽음은 살신성인의 의리정신으로 불멸하게 되었다. 그는 죽음 앞에서도 두려워하지 않고 도덕적 의리를 지켰다. 포은의 이러한 행위는 자기를 희생하여 도덕을 이루는 살신성인의 유학이념으로 설명할 수 있다. 정몽주의 의리정신은 국가적 난국을 극복하는 자주적 주체 정신이다. 포은 정몽주가 추진한 여말 정치, 사회개혁은 정몽주 사망 후 일시 폐기되었으나 조선왕조 개창 후 태조 태종대를 거치면서 다시 채용되었다. 정몽주의 정치 사회개혁은 민심을 달래기 위한 단순한 처방이라기보다 고려사회가 처한 현실을 정확히 인식하여 근본적이고 영속적인 문제해결을 위한 개혁 정책이라고 볼 수 있다. 또한 정몽주의 성리학적 사상과 국가에 대한 충절은 새로운 가치관으로 이해할 필요가 있다. A civil minister and politician in the late Goryeo Dynasty, Poeun Jeong, Mong-ju is a SajikJisin who was killed at Seonjukkyo Bridge by his political enemies. He was a scholar who inherited the authenticity of Sung Confucianism, and at the same time a reformative thinker who tried to correct the political and social contradictions of the crumbling Goryeo Dynasty. The Goryeo society at the time when Jeong, Mong-ju was active was going through intensified political dispute between the pro-Yuan(元) group, the powerful high-ranking families, and the pro-Ming(明) group, the newly emerging Confucian families. It was a very chaotic era due to the obnoxious practice of Buddhism and the collapse of the economic and political system. Chung Mong-ju, a member of pro-Ming(明) group, promoted the reform of Goryeo Dynasty based on his academic reputation and status. He attempted to reform the contradictions and the obnoxious practice accumulated in Goryeo society in various fields such as politics, economy, society, and culture, excluding military circle. In terms of politics, he attempted to strengthen the kingship and overcome the contradictions of the political system by distributing the authority of DopyeongUisasa to various government offices in order to prevent its abuse. In addition, he enacted a new criminal law to block the tyranny of the powerful high-ranking families, to straighten the social discipline, and to improve social disorder and decadence. He enacted the Sinjeongyul to promote the maintenance and development of the Goryeo social order, and to set up the social discipline rightly through distribution of the Confucian education and the rituals based on Sung Confucianism. He dispatched governors to correct local administration and integrated the whole country into a single administrative system. He also implemented measures to strengthen the central power. In terms of economy, he installed JaseomJeohwago and issued currency in order to restore the economy of the Goryeo Dynasty. He revitalized economic activities, and attempted to repair the country's economic structure. He tried to smooth the national finance by resuming the shipping system, which is closely related to the national finance. In terms of society, Jeong, Mong-ju pursued social stability by reorganizing family registers or by solving problems of low-class people. In addition, he promoted the introduction of the Confucian order of Sung Confucianism, reform of the educational system, and the compilation of history. As such, Jeong, Mong-ju devoted himself to reconstruction of the Goryeo Dynasty through systematic and structural reform. Poeun's death is seen as a failure in his real politics. His death might be said to be a failure at the micro level. However, at the macro level, Poeun's death became immortal due to the spirit of loyalty and sacrifice. He was not afraid even before death and kept his moral loyalty. Poeun's behavior like this can be explained by the ideology of Confucianism of sacrifice that achieves morality by sacrificing oneself. Jeong, Mong-ju's spirit of loyalty is an independent spirit of subjectivity that overcomes national difficulties. The political and social reform promoted by Chung Mong-ju at the late Goryeo Dynasty was temporarily abolished after his death, but was adopted again passing through the era of king Taejo and Taejong after the opening of the Joseon Dynasty. Chung Mong-ju's political and social reform might be a reform policy for fundamental and lasting problem solving by accurately recognizing the reality faced by Goryeo society, rather than a simple prescription to appease public sentiment. In addition, it is necessary to understand Chung Mong-ju's Sung Confucianism ideology and integrity to the state as new values.

      • Dynamic flux chamber를 이용한 위생매립장의 메탄발생량 측정연구

        정병원 충남대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Even though amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been evaluated by official or researchers, method validation for evaluating the GHG emission from specific process (e.g., plant, vehicles, biomass, agricultural area, and waste treatment) were insufficient. Because the tier 1 method using GHG emission factor reported in 2006 IPCC guideline is not recommended for acceptable estimation of GHG emission, tier 2 or 3 methodologies using national emission factors or plant specific emission factors were considered in this study. As first step, the method validation for evaluating plant-level methane emission from solid waste disposal site (SWDS) were conducted in this study. The chamber method have been acknowledged as the simple and proper method for estimating surface emission flux from SWDS. Thus, possibilities accounting for real emission flux of both dynamic and static chamber methods were investigated. The validated method using dynamic flux chamber were applied for estimating surface emission flux from a SWDS in Daejeon city, Korea. Finally, the amount of methane emissions evaluated using tier 2 or 3 from the SWDS were compared. Chamber performance tests were conducted by estimating 1) steady-state reaching time, 2) homogeneity, and 3) recovery. For the dynamic flux chamber (DFC), methane concentration in chamber head space make a steady-state maintaining a same concentration levels in 30 minute. Contrary, steady-state time for static flux chamber (SFC) were not observed. The homogeneity of CH4 concentration in chamber head space were estimated as 0.5 ~ 2.4% and 0.4 ~ 0.6% for DFC and SFC method, respectively. Finally, the recoveries of injected standard gas for both methods were observed as more than 90%. As a result of these tests, DFC was considered as a more proper method than SFC despite of inconveniency for instrumental complication. The surface emissions flux of methane using DFC method were ranged from 0.135 to 2.517 mg/m2min with average of 56.5 mg/m2min. The surface emission flux were widely distributed as RSD 338%. The methane emissions from three leachate holes were estimated as 35.7 ± 8.23 g/s, 34.4 ± 0.98 g/s, and 8.58 ± 1.40 g/s, respectively. The total amount of methane emission was calculated using both surface and leachate holes emission. The annual GHG emissions from a SWDS in Daejeon city were estimated as 10,534 ton CH4/yr (e.g., 221,223 ton CO2-eq) in 2009. The total amount of methane emissions evaluated using tier 2 (basis of national emission factors) or 3 (experimental results) from the SWDS were compared. The difference from both methods was observed approximately 17.5%. In order to evaluate the accurate GHG emission, it should be reminded that the uncertainty originated from temporal and spatial distribution will be estimated for the study area.

      • 중등학교 상담의 실태와 개선방안 연구

        정병원 여수대학교 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 중등학교 상담실 운영의 현황과 문제점을 진단하여 그 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 수행하였다. 이를 위해 전라남도 소재 10개 중학교 2학년 학생 300명과 고등학교 2학년 학생 400명 그리고 교사 150명을 대상으로 학교상담실 운영 현황에 대한 학생과 교사들의 인식을 알아보고자 학생용 설문지 22 문항, 교사용 설문지 23 문항을 만들어 조사하였다. 조사된 자료는 학생용은 성별, 학교 급별로 분류하였고, 교사용은 일반교사와 상담 교사 그리고 경력별로 분류하여 평균비교를 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구를 통해 나타남 결론은 다음과 같다. 1) 학교상담실에 대한 인식과 이용실태 학교상담실에 대하여 부정적인 인식을 갖고 있는 학생이 적지 않으며 상담실의 이용방법을 제대로 알지 못하고 있는 학생이 67.2%인 것으로 나타났다. 이는 학교상담실에 대한 홍보가 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있음을 시사해 주는 것으로 학교상담의 활성화를 위한 적극적인 홍보활동이 요구됨을 의미하고 있다. 한편 상담실의 이용 경험이 있는 학생은 16.7%에 불과하며 이용 경험이 있는 학생 중 상담이 도움이 되었다는 학생보다 도움이 되지 못했다는 반응을 보인 학생이 더 많았고 도움이 되지 못한 이유를 교사의 책임으로 돌린 학생이 더 많은 것으로 나타났는데 이로 보아 학교상담실의 활성화를 위해 다양한 상담프로그램의 개발과 상담교사의 연수활동이 더욱 강화되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 교사들이 인식하고 있는 학교상담의 실태를 살펴보면 학생들과는 달리 교사들은 학교상담활동이 효과가 있다는 반응이 주류를 이루고 있으며 상담은 전문상담교사 보다는 내담자가 선택한 교사나 담임교사가 맡아야 한다고 응답하고 있어 상담의 연수가 전문상담교사에 머물러서는 안되며 전 교사를 상대로 이루어져야 함을 시사해 주고 있다. 2) 학교상담에 대한 학생의 요구 및 기대 학교에서 누군가와 상담을 하고 싶을 때가 있다는 학생이 66.8%에 이르며 또한 77.0%의 학생이 학교상담활동의 필요성을 느끼고 있는 것으로 조사되었으며 주로 고민하는 문제와 상담 학교 상담실에서 다뤄야 할 내용으로는 성적, 진학, 진로 문제, 교우 관계, 성격 및 가치관의 문제로 응답하여 학생들은 학교 상담실에서 주로 성적, 진학, 진로 문제, 교우관계, 성격 및 가치관의 문제에 관한 상담을 하고 싶어하는 것으로 나타났으며 이는 학교상담실의 활성화를 위하여 노력해야 할 바가 무엇인지를 시사해 주고 있다. 3) 학교상담에 대한 교사의 관심도 및 문제점 상담관련 연수에 참여한 경험은 일반교사와 상담교사 간에 큰 차이가 있으며 주로 성적 및 학업문제나 진학, 진로문제, 성격과 가치관의 문제로 학생을 상담해 본 경험이 있는 교사가 95.7%에 달하는 것으로 나타났으며 교사들은 학생 상담 시 학생들과의 일체감 형성이 가장 중요하다고 생각하고 있어서 상담에 대한 지식과 기술보다는 레포의 형성을 중시하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 4) 교사가 인식하는 학교상담의 문제점 및 개선방안 일선 학교에서 상담실에 대한 홍보를 자주하는 학교는 47.9%인 반면 안 한다고 생각하는 학교도 52.1%나 되었으며 교사들은 학교상담에 참여도가 낮은 이유를 상담에 대한 잘못된 인식과 학생들에게 도움이 안되기 때문이라고 생각하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또 교사들은 지식과 기술의 부족과 과중한 업무가 상담활동의 저해 요인으로 생각하고 있으며 학교상담에 대하여 학교장은 관심이 있는 편이나 교육청과 연구 기관 등의 관심은 부족한 것으로 생각하고 있었다. 학교상담활동의 활성화를 위해서는 상담활동의 다양화와 교육청의 관심과 지원 및 전문상담교사의 배치를 들고 있다. 이러한 문제점들에 비추어 볼 때 상담프로그램의 보급 등 교육청의 지원과 적극적인 홍보, 교원 연수가 선행되어야 학교상담활동이 활성화될 수 있음을 알 수 있다. 한편 외부 상담기관과의 협조와 상담과 관련된 학생들의 요구를 적극적으로 수용하여 상담활동의 새로운 방향을 정립해 나가는 것도 필요한 것으로 분석된다. This study worked out to present an actionable planning after I researched the problems with the current status of school counselor office in middle- and high- school. For this study, I made 22 questions for students, 23 questions for teachers so that I surveyed 300 second year students of middle school, 400 sophomores of high school in Jun-nam province in order to research the thoughts of students, teachers about the current situation with the operation of school counselor office. This data researched I divided the questions for students into gender, school class and the questions for teachers into the classroom teacher, school counselor, their career. And then I analyzed this data throughout crossing each other. The conclusion to appear through this research is as follows. 1) The current status of the use with the recognition about school counselor office Many students had a negative thought about school counseling and 67.2 percent of those surveyed didn't know about the practical application of counseling. This showed that many students didn't get any information on the school counseling, so through a lot of publicity campaign the information needed informing the students about the practical application of counseling. While only 16.7 percent of those surveyed said that they have experienced the school counseling, the number of the students who didn't think they got a help from it of 16.7 percent was larger than the number who thought they did. And there were a lot of students who have thought it's the teacher's fault they couldn't get a help. As a result, the development of various counseling programming and the training of school counselor for the practical application of counseling seem to have to strengthen. When I looked into the current status of school counseling which teachers are recognizing, teachers thought that school counseling activities had the effectiveness, unlike students. They said that a homeroom teacher or the classroom teacher who the student choose had better take charge of their counseling rather than professional school counselor. Therefore the training of counseling should not limit just school counselors and it has to give a chance to the whole teacher. 2) The requirement and the expectation of the student about school counseling 66.8 percent of students surveyed said that they wanted to have the time counseling with somebody when they have a problem at school, 77.4 percent felt the need of counseling. Their main problems were school grade, college entrance exam, finding a job after graduating, a good relationship with friends, personality and the values, they suggested that the school counselor have to deal with this problems. This fact showed what to do for the application of school counseling 3) A concern and a problem with the teacher about school counseling The experience that teachers took part in counselor training course was quite different between the classroom teachers and the professional school counselors. 95.7 percent of teachers surveyed said that they experienced to consult with the student about school grade, college entrance exam, finding a job after graduating, a good relationship with friends, personality and the values, many teachers thought the most important thing is to feel the same emotion as the student when they consult with the student. Therefore the formation of the lepo seems to be the most important than the knowledge and the technique about the counseling. 4) The problems and an improvement planning of school counseling which teachers are recognizing. 47.9 percent of schools surveyed answered that they often give the information of school counselor office to their students, while 52.1 percent didn't inform it to them. Teachers thought the lower late of the participation to school counseling is because they can not be helpful to the students and they have a wrong recognition about school counseling. And the teacher thought that the obstruction factors of counseling activities were the shortage of the knowledge and the technique about school counseling, overwork and the principals were interested in school counseling but the office of education, the education research institution didn't have enough interests about school counseling. Compared with this problem the diffusion of various counseling programs, the support with the concern of the office of education and a posting professional counselor to each school will have to be prior to other things. We also have to receive positively the requirement of student related to counseling with the cooperation of the other counseling center, and then we need to take a new direction of counseling activity.

      • 地方都市의 觀光産業 開發에 관한 考察

        정병원 朝鮮大學校 産業大學院 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        This study selects Yongam-kun as case region, analyzes the potential for promoting tourism industry and draws out development methods of tourism industry considering local characteristics. First, inner development method which can contribute to growth and development of region by drawing resource and technology considering local characteristics of Yongam-kun and the effect of local income increase is induced through limited resource and intermediate technology. Second, since tourism development is closely related to resident's welfare from setting the plan to development, execution and operation of facilities, the progress of upward development method which can reflect the residents's opinions is required. Third, since the area which has high potential of growth in economic structure of Yongam region is tourism industry, development and preservation of tourism resource and effective cultivation of tourism industry and facilities are required to establish tourism industry as the economic foundation of the region. Fourth, development method of the third sector which can appropriate the lack of resource in public section from private sector is required in the development of tourism industry. Fifth, tourism trend, self-supporting resource, social and human resource, facility resource, connection with surrounding environmental resources, existing transportation network, use of future transportation network, sight spots of neighboring region, and the national route should be considered and connection with tourism route in the county should be examined. Sixth, since the use of agricultural, livestock, fishery and forestry materials can contribute to the increase of income, creation of employment and activation of local economy, local tourism souvenir industry should be developed. Finally, the connection of the first industry with the third industry, tourism industry should be sought in order to promote local development with the increase of income for agricultural and fishing villages.

      • 아파트 분양계약과 수분양자의 권리보호에 관한 연구 : 선분양 아파트 분양계약을 중심으로

        정병원 경상대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        In recent years, new policies have emerged despite the fact that the nation's real estate policies were not only in the middle of a new administration, but also during a new one. Moreover, policies on housing, especially those related to housing, have recently become the hottest issue. Most policies have focused on stabilizing housing prices and fighting speculation, and the policies on protection of the rights of the relative pollinators of apartments have been insufficient. In particular, the pre-building contracts were adopted to secure funds for the construction of apartments, resulting in the rapid progress of apartments construction and supply, and the cases of water damage by both parties. In this paper, the Act on the Ownership and Management of Apartment Housing Act, concerning the defects of apartments that are provided for sale to protect the Purchaser both in the apartment supply contract, and the Act on the ownership and management of the housing system, concerning the defects of apartment units, were reviewed. This paper analyzes the problems associated with the special nature of the apartment sale contract called the pre-property system, analyzes the problem of the complementary apartment building's conditions, and analyzes the liability of both the civil law and the collateral for the damages caused by the apartment sale. For this study, we intend to collect and use data on the decisions made by the courts, such as book of prior studies, paper, and other legal cases, and the establishment or revision of laws and laws to the collective building. An apartment pre-alloy contract is a contract with an existing theory to deal with the uniqueness of the contract being formed and fulfilled after a certain time period when the existing contract theory does not solve it. The main method of analysis for this study is to study the literature, taking into consideration the realities of apartment transaction (defect repair related). I would say that the apartment classification system is almost unique to our country. The construction cost should be met by selling the land before the housing is completed and making 80% of the housing price to be paid before completion through the contract payment and intermediate payment. However, there are problems with the disputes, such as the risk of bankruptcy or bankruptcy of a home operator, the risk of paying 80% of housing prices before residents complete, the gap between sample and actual homes, and the responsibility for collateral. So, the after-sales system, which pays the owners for housing construction, has been in effect since 2004 to compensate for the problem of the pre-leaning system, but it is still insufficient. As the seasonal changes from the classification system to the post-quantitation system can be substantial, the interim process of transitional needs to be repaired and supplemented as well. It will have to organize the system of the Defect Review and Dispute Mediation Committee currently operated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport more systematically. In addition, the committee's power to assess defects and adjust disputes to deal with defects is insufficient to handle the next part of the sales transaction business (project owners) or those who are responsible for the damages caused by the occurrence of the complaints concerning the defects repair.

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