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        鄭敬珍(Jeong Kyung jin) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2017 일본연구 Vol.27 No.-

        本稿は混沌社成立の背景に注目し、18世紀、近世大坂における文人詩社の変遷過程を再検討したものである。具体的には、大坂の儒者菅甘谷の塾や、その後、活動していた文人詩社蒹葭堂会と混沌社との関わりに注意を払いながら考察を進めていく。 混沌社は、1765年(旧暦)儒者片山北海を盟主として大坂で結成された文人詩社で大坂を代表する文人交遊の場であった。混沌社の研究は18世紀半ば以降、近世日本の文人社会のあり様と多様性を理解するうえで、重要な意味を持つ。第一章では蒹葭堂会と混沌社が儒学を基盤とする塾から胎動しはじめ展開していったこと、彼らが門下の垣根を越えて交遊していたことが、文人詩社の結成を後押ししたことを確認した。第二章では、各詩社における会約を比較し、各々の詩社の特色を浮き彫りにすると同時に、混沌社に至るまで詩社の営みと交遊の様相と変遷を追跡する。第三章では、浪速混沌詩社集の詩や、《蒹葭雅集図》の詩などの記録を取り上げながら、混沌社の特色がすでに、成立以前に確立していた可能性を検討した。それと同時に詩社の集った文人たちの関心と才能が漢詩にとどまることなく、多岐にわたっていたことにも注目した。それを通して、文人趣味が集う人々の生き方の一種として定着していったことが近世日本の詩社における営みの変遷を促したことを再検討す ることができた。 This paper reexamines changes in literary societies in 18th-century Osaka, with a focus on the background factors leading to the formation of the Kontonsha. More specifically, I will pay attention to the Kontonsha’s relationships to the following organizations: the school of the Confucian scholar Kan Kankoku, and the Kenkado-kai, a literary society active later. Kontonsha was a literary society established in 1765 (in the old Japanese lunar calendar) under the leadership of Confucian scholar Katayama Hokkai and was one of the major meeting places for literary people of the time in Osaka. Researching the Kontonsha is crucial to understanding the state of literary societies in modern Japan since the late 18th century, as well as their diversity. The first section demonstrates how the Confucianism underpinning the conception and development of both the Kenkado-kai and Kontonsha societies, as well as their members’ crossing of the boundaries of student and teacher through free interaction, helped to drive the creation of future literary societies. The second section compares the different societies’ meetings, highlighting the distinct character of each literary society while simultaneously tracing what the activities and interactions of these societies were like and how they changed leading up to the formation of the Kontonsha. The third section draws on the poems recorded in materials such as Naniwa Konton Shishashu and Kenka Gashuzu to consider the possibility that the characteristics of the Kontonsha were already defined prior to its formation. In this section, I also focus on the way the groups of literary people gathered in these societies had interests and talents in a wide variety of areas, rather than being limited to Chinese-style poetry. Through this framework, I was able to reexamine how a certain way of life took root for these members with diverse literary interests, and how this was a driving force behind the changes in literary societies’ activities in modern Japan.

      • KCI등재

        충북도내 보육교사의 직무스트레스가 영유아 학대인식 및 실제행동과의 관계에 미치는 영향

        정경진(Jeong, Kyung-Jin),정효정(Chung, Hyo-Chung) 한국영유아보육학회 2021 한국영유아보육학 Vol.- No.131

        본 연구는 충청북도 보육교직원의 영유아 학대예방을 위한 어린이집 직무스트레스 수준을 살펴보고 학대에 대한 인식과 실제 행동과의 차이, 그리고 직무스트레스가 실제 학대에 영향을 미치는지 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 충청북도 소재 어린이집에 근무하는 보육교직원 374명을 대상으로 설문조사한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 보육교직원의 직무스트레스 수준은 보통수준 2.54(SD=.60)으로 확인되었으며, 업무과부하가 3.4점(SD=.86)으로 가장 높고, 그 다음으로 학부모 관계 2.37(SD=.75), 원장지도력 2.25점(SD=.85), 동료관계 2.06(SD=.70) 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 보육교사의 영유아 학대에 대한 인식은 성학대가 가장 높았으나 실제 행동에 대한 자기평가와의 차이는 정서학대와 신체학대를 더 많이 하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 보육교사의 직무스트레스, 영유아 학대인식과 실제행동에 대한 상관관계 결과 동료관계에서 오는 갈등이나 의사소통의 부재로 인한 스트레스가 높으면 업무과부하와 원장의 지도력에 대한 직무스트레스가 가중되어 영유아의 실제 신체학대와 정서학대 행동에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과를 근거로 보육교사의 아동학대 인식과 태도에 따른 어린이집 아동학대 발생 원인을 파악하고 예방을 위해 현실성 있는 교육과 대책을 마련하는데 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다. The present study was conducted to investigate the job stress pattern in day care centers of the day care center teachers in Chungbuk with regard to the prevention of the infant abuse, the difference between the awareness of abuse and the actual committing, and the effect of their job stress on the actual abuse. The results of the survey conducted with 374 day care center teachers in Chungbuk are described below. First, the overall job stress level of the day care center teachers was at a normal level (2.54 points, SD=.60). The job stress score was highest in the work overload (3.4 points, SD=.86), followed by the relationship with the parents (2.37 points, SD=.75), the leadership of the manager (2.25points, SD=.85) and the collegiality (2.06 points, SD=.70). Second, the infant abuse awareness of the day care center teachers was highest in sexual abuse. Third, the correlations among the job stress of the day care center teachers, the awareness of infant abuse, and their actual committing showed that when there is a high level of stress due to the conflicts in the collegiality or lack of communication, the job stress caused by the lack of the manger’s leadership is increased, giving a negative impact on the actual committing of the physical abuse and emotional abuse of the infants. The results of the present study may provide the fundamental data to identify the causes of the child abuse at day care centers and prepare realistic educational programs and preventive measures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보


        정경진 ( Jeong Kyung-jin ) 동서대학교 일본연구센터 2017 次世代 人文社會硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        本稿は、1764年朝鮮通信使行の際に大坂で制作された≪??雅集圖≫を取り上げ、その中の繪·詩文·跋文を總合的に分析したものである。朝鮮通信使行の歷史上、朝鮮側の者が日本人に繪卷制作を依賴した事例は、他に例をみないということからも、本雅集圖の制作と贈答は興味深いものと言える。本稿では雅集圖の主題ともいえる詩社·??堂會に焦点を當て、雅集圖の構成要素、すなわち、繪·詩·跋文を總合的に分析していく。さらに、大坂での交遊の前年にあたる1763年に記された??堂會の?「草堂會約」の內容と雅集圖の序文、詩を見比べることで、京坂文人の交遊の有樣を浮き彫りにする。まずは、雅集圖の跋文の內容を分析してから、繪と詩に表されている視覺イメ一ジと??堂會の有樣を浮き彫りにする。最後に、雅集圖の詩と「草堂會約」の內容を比較し、??堂會という18世紀の文人詩社の交遊の有樣を明らかにする。雅集圖の跋文で大典が强調した、盟主·??堂の「禮」と「和」の詳細についても考察することができた。さらにいえば、本稿の考察は、??堂會の終焉が混沌社の發足にどのように結びついていったのかを考える一つの手がかりになった。それは雅集圖が朝鮮の文人のために制作されたことの意義に加え、本雅集圖が日本の文人集いの樣相を理解する上でも有效な資料である、ということを意味する。同時代の日本と朝鮮の文人たち間に、共通する「文人世界のイメ一ジ」が存在していたことの證左であると言えよう。本考察の試みが今後、同時期の兩國文人の詩社の特質を考察する上で重要な絲口になることを確信する。 This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the pictures, poems, and epilogue in Kenka`s Elegant Gathering(Kenka gashuzu) that was produced in Osaka during the 1764 Choson Communication Embassy to Japan. Given that there was no precedent in the history of such missions for the Koreans to commission the Japanese to produce a picture scroll, the production of this piece and its role in the gift exchange merits our attention. This paper focuses on the Kenkado kai, the salon of poets that is the main subject of the picture scroll, and provides a comprehensive analysis of the piece`s structural elements―that is, its pictures, poems, and epilogue. Moreover, the paper uncovers the nature of companionship among men of letters in Kyoto and Osaka by comparing the contents of the Kenkado kai`s “House Rules” (sodo kaiyaku), codified in 1763, one year prior to the Osaka exchange, with the preface and poems contained in the picture scroll. The paper begins by unveiling the visual imagery of the pictures and poems as well as the nature of the Kenkado kai, after analyzing the contents of the epilogue. Finally, the paper compares the piece`s poems with the contents of the “House Rules,” and clarifies the nature of companionship in the eighteenth-century salon of poets that was the Kenkado kai. The paper also considers in detail society leader Kimura Kenkado`s ideas on “propriety” and “harmony,” emphasized by Daiten Kenjo in his epilogue. Moreover, insights from the paper suggest a clue for considering how the disbandment of the Kenkado kai led to the founding of Konton shisha. Not only is this picture scroll significant because it was produced for Korean men of letters, but it also demonstrates how picture scrolls can serve as valuable sources for understanding various aspects of the gatherings between Japanese literary figures. This can only mean that there existed an “image of the literary men`s world” common to Japanese and Korean men of letters in this period. I hope that this inquiry will provide important clues for examining the characteristics of both Japanese and Korean salons of poets in this period.

      • KCI등재

        상황맥락적인 피드백을 활용한 CAI가 화학 학습에 미치는 효과

        김경순,정경진,차정호,강이영,노태희,Kim, Kyung-Sun,Chung, Kyoung-Jin,Cha, Jeong-Ho,Kang, Yi-Young,Noh, Tae-Hee 대한화학회 2007 대한화학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        이 연구에서는 컴퓨터 보조 수업에서 상황맥락적인 피드백의 활용이 학생들의 개념 이해도, 과학 학습동기, 컴퓨터 보조 수업에 대한 인식에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 인천시의 한 남녀 공학 중학교에 있는 1학년 114명의 학생들을 상황맥락적 피드백 CAI, 피드백 CAI, CAI 집단에 배치하고, 8차시 동안 ‘물질의 세 가지 상태'와 ‘분자의 운동'에 대하여 수업을 실시하였다. 구획변인은 중간고사 과학 성적을 사용하였다. 이원 공변량 분석 결과, 사전 과학 성취 수준에 관계없이 상황맥락적 피드백 CAI 집단의 개념 이해도 점수가 다른 CAI 집단에 비해 높았고, 그 점수 차이가 통계적으로 유의미하였다. 상위 학생들의 경우 피드백 CAI 집단의 과학학습 동기 점수가 CAI 집단의 점수보다 통계적으로 유의미하게 높았으나, 하위 학생들의 경우에는 세 집단 간 점수 차이가 통계적으로 유의미하지 않았다. 컴퓨터 보조 수업에 대한 인식의 경우, 상황맥락적 피드백 CAI 집단과 피드백 CAI 집단의 상위 학생들은 CAI 집단의 상위학생에 비해 컴퓨터 보조 수업에 대해 긍정적으로 인식하였다. 피드백 CAI 집단의 하위 학생들은 다른 두 CAI 집단보다 부정적인 인식이 약간 높았다. 교육학적 함의를 논의하였다. This study investigated the effects of situational context feedback in CAI upon students' conceptual understanding, science learning motivation, and the perception of CAI. Seventh graders (N = 114) from a coed middle school in Incheon were assigned to the situational context feedback CAI (SCF-CAI), the feedback CAI (F-CAI) and the CAI groups, and were taught about ‘three states of matter' and ‘motion of molecules' for 8 class hours. Prior science achievement test score used as a blocking variable. Two-way ANCOVA results revealed that the conceptual understanding test scores of the SCF-CAI group were significantly higher than those of the other groups. For the higher achievers, the scores of the F-CAI group in science learning motivation test were significantly higher than those of the CAI group. However, there was no significant difference among the lower achievers of three groups. The higher achievers in the SCFCAI and the F-CAI groups perceived the CAI more positively than those of the CAI group. The lower achievers in the FCAI group perceived the CAI more negatively than those of the other groups. Educational implications are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        차폐망 및 접지형태에 따른 고출력 전자기 펄스에 대한 차폐성능 분석

        안병진(Byeong Jin Ahn),박재현(Jae Hyun Park),정경진(Kyung Jin Jung),주문노(Mun-No Ju),우정민(Jeong Min Woo) 한국전자파학회 2021 한국전자파학회논문지 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구에서는 HPEM(high power electromagnetic) 펄스 발생장치를 이용하여 야외에 설치된 건물에 HPEM을 노출시켜 건물 창문의 차폐망 격자크기 및 접지형태에 따른 차폐성능을 분석하였다. 차폐망은 미설치, 격자크기가 각각 0.215 ㎜, 1.3 ㎜인 차폐망이 설치된 경우들을 비교하였다. 접지형태에 따라 비접지, Front-end 접지, Back-end 접지, Mesh 접지로 구분하여 차폐성능을 분석하였다. 접지가 되어 있는 경우, 주파수 영역 1 ㎓ 이상에서 HPEM 저감효과를 보였고, 차폐망이 있는 경우, 모든 주파수 영역에서 우수한 차폐성능을 보였다. 또한, 차폐망 격자크기가 0.215 mm인 경우에 1.3 ㎜인 경우보다 주파수 영역 650 ㎒ 이상에서 더 효과적인 차폐 성능을 보였다. 이를 근거로 HPEM으로부터 보호되어야 할 핵심설비에 대한 보호대책의 필요성을 입증하였다. In this study, a high-power electromagnetic (HPEM) pulse generator was used to radiate the HPEM pulse to a building installed outdoors, and the shielding effectiveness according to the shielding mesh grid size and the grounding system of the building were analyzed. The cases of the shielding mesh not installed and that of a shielding mesh with grid sizes of 0.215 ㎜ and 1.3 ㎜ installed were compared. The grounding system was divided into isolated, mesh grounded, front-end grounded, and back-end grounded according to the grounding system, and the shielding effectiveness was analyzed. In the case of grounding, the HPEM reduction effect was observed in the frequency range of 1 ㎓ or higher, and the shielding performance was excellent in all frequency ranges in the case of the shielding mesh. In addition, the shielding mesh grid size of 0.215 mm demonstrated more effective shielding performance in the frequency range of 500 ㎒ or higher than that of 1.3 ㎜. The results proved the necessity of protection measures for core facilities to be protected from HPEM pulses.

      • KCI등재

        Thermoresistant properties of bacterioferritin comigratory protein against high temperature stress in Schizosaccharomyces pombe

        류인왕,이수희,임혜원,안기섭,박광학,사재훈,정경진,임창진,김경훈,Ryu, In Wang,Lee, Su Hee,Lim, Hye-Won,Ahn, Kisup,Park, Kwanghark,Sa, Jae-Hoon,Jeong, Kyung Jin,Lim, Chang-Jin,Kim, Kyunghoon The Microbiological Society of Korea 2016 미생물학회지 Vol.52 No.4

        The Schizosaccharomyces pombe structural gene encoding bacterioferritin comigratory protein (BCP) was previously cloned using the shuttle vector pRS316 to generate the BCP-overexpressing plasmid pBCP10. The present work aimed to evaluate the thermoresistant properties of BCP against high temperature stress using the plasmid pBCP10. When the S. pombe cells were grown to the early exponential phase and shifted from $30^{\circ}C$ to $37^{\circ}C$ or $42^{\circ}C$, the S. pombe cells harboring pBCP10 grew significantly more at both $37^{\circ}C$ and $42^{\circ}C$ than the vector control cells. After 6 h of the shifting to higher incubation temperatures, they contained the lower reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrite content, an index of nitric oxide (NO), than the vector control cells. After the temperature shifts, total glutathione (GSH) content and total superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were much higher in the S. pombe cells harboring pBCP10 than in the corresponding vector control cells. Taken together, the S. pombe BCP plays a thermoresistant role which might be based upon its ability both to down-regulate ROS and NO levels and to up-regulate antioxidant components, such as total GSH and SOD, and subsequently to maintain thermal stability. 이전의 연구에서, bacterioferritin comigratory protein (BCP)을 인코딩하는 Schizosaccharomyces pombe의 구조유전자를 shuttle vector인 pRS316에 클로닝하여 BCP 과잉발현 플라즈미드인 pBCP10을 제조한 바 있다. 본 연구에서는, 플라즈미드 pBCP10을 사용하여 고온 스트레스에 대한 BCP의 열저항적 성질을 평가하였다. 대수기의 초기까지 성장시킨 S. pombe 세포의 배양 온도를 $30^{\circ}C$에서 $37^{\circ}C$나 $42^{\circ}C$로 전이시키는 경우, pBCP10 함유 S. pombe 세포가 벡터 대조 세포보다 $37^{\circ}C$와 $42^{\circ}C$ 모두에서 유의하기 더 잘 성장하였다. 높은 배양 온도로 전이한 뒤 6시간에서, pBCP10 함유 S. pombe 세포가 벡터 대조 세포보다 낮은 활성산소종(ROS)과 일산화질소(NO)의 지표로 측정된 아질산염(nitrite) 함량을 갖고 있음이 확인되었다. 온도 전이 뒤에, 총 글루타치온(total glutathione) 함량과 총 수퍼옥사이드 디스뮤타제(superoxide dismutase) 활성은 대응되는 벡터 대조 세포보다 pBCP10 함유 S. pombe 세포에서 현저하게 높다는 사실도 확인되었다. 종합하면, S. pombe BCP는 열저항적 역할을 보유하는 데, 활성산소종과 일산화질소에 대한 하강시키는 활성과 총 글루타치온과 수퍼옥사이드 디스뮤타제 등의 항산화 성분들을 상승시키는 활성, 즉 종합적으로 열안정성을 유지하는 활성에 근거하는 것으로 추정되었다

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        강원도 유통 발효주 중 바이오제닉 아민류 함량 조사 및 위해도 평가

        배철민(Cheol-Min Bae),신인철(In-Cheol Shin),이완(Woan Lee),이혁화(Heok-Hwa Lee),최여은(Yeo-Eun Choi),김영주(Young-Ju Kim),이가희(Ga-Hee Lee),정경진(Kyung-Jin Jeong),최승봉(Seung-Bong Choi) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.3

        Objectives: This study was conducted to estimate the related health risk by investigating the content of biogenic amines (BAs) in commercial fermented alcoholic beverages. Methods: Ninety-seven samples, including takjus (34), fruit wines (26), distilled liquors (20) and beers (17) were purchased in Gangwon-do (Province) in 2019. The eight BAs (putrescine, cadaverine, spermine, spermidine, tyramine, β-phenylethylamine, histamine, and tryptamine) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC) after extraction (0.4 M HClO4), pigment removal (carbon cartridge) and derivatization (1% dansylchloride). The health risk of exposure to BAs due to ingestion of commercial fermented alcoholic beverages was estimated as the margin of exposure (MOE). Results: Various BAs were detected in takju, fruit wine, distilled liquor and beer. Putrescine (not detected (ND)- 12.60 mg/L), cadaverine (ND-5.45 mg/L), tyramine (ND-8.34 mg/L), β-phenylethylamine (ND-13.73 mg/L), histamine (ND-7.96 mg/L), and tryptamine (ND-19.00 mg/L) were found in takju. Putrescine (ND-15.34 mg/L), cadaverine (ND-7.90 mg/L), β-phenylethylamine (ND-3.06 mg/L), histamine (ND-9.68 mg/L), and tryptamine (ND-14.06 mg/L) were identified in fruit wine. Putrescine (less than limit of detection (<LOD)-1.31 mg/L), cadaverine (ND-4.21 mg/L), and tryptamine (ND-75.23 mg/L) were found in distilled liquor. Putrescine (ND- 11.42 mg/L), cadaverine (ND-12.66 mg/L), β-phenylethylamine (ND-6.26 mg/L), and tryptamine (ND-4.07 mg/ L) were detected in beer. On the other hand, spermine and spermidine were not detected in all samples. The risk assessment results confirmed by MOE were all greater than ten (minimum: 92, maximum: 9,191), so the health risk was deemed low. Conclusions: The commercial fermented alcoholic beverages contained various BAs, and there was a difference in BA species and detection amount according to type. The health risk was estimated to be low given that the MOE was all greater than ten.

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