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      • 지체장애학교 교사의 지도실태 및 교사재교육 심화교육과정 인식 연구

        이희숙 대구대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        All students with disabilities have their unique characteristics, however, the special teacher licence is not divided into based on the types of the students with disabilities. Therefore the in service program for special teacher is not divided into the types of the students with disabilities. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the physical disabled school teachers' teaching status and the physical disabled school teachers' recognition toward in service program. Four hundred and twenty four teachers of the twelve schools who are working for physical disabled students were participated for this study. The results of this study were that: (a) the teachers felt the in service program is not satisfied; (b) the skills such as communication ability and rapport for counsellor had no problem, however, IEP for students with severe disability and teaching method in various subjects indicated as difficult tasks; and (c) the teachers indicated high needs that the in service program will be operated. Therefore this study concluded that the in service program for teachers who are working for physical disabled students will be opened based on the teachers' needs.

      • 중등 과학 교사의 실험 수업 빈도수와 과학교수 효능감 및 과학에 대한 태도 사이의 관계

        이희숙 한국교원대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구의 목적은 중등 과학 교사의 실험 수업 빈도수는 어떠하며, 배경 변인에 따라 실험 수업 빈도수의 차이를 나타내는지 알아보고, 실험 수업 빈도수와 교사의 과학교수 효능감 및 과학에 대한 태도와 상관관계가 있는지 알아보는 것이다. 웹기반 온라인 설문을 통해 99명의 과학교사의 실험 수업 빈도수와 배경 변인, 과학교수 효능감과 과학에 대한 태도를 조사하였다. 검사지로는 과학교수효능감 검사지 STEBI와 과학 정의적 특성 검사지를 사용하였다. 배경 변인에 따른 실험 수업 빈도수 차이를 비교하기 위해 t-검증과 일원배치분산분석을 사용하였고, 실험 수업 빈도수와 과학교수 효능감 및 과학에 대한 태도 사이의 관계를 조사하기 위해 Pearson 적률상관계수를 구하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중등 과학 교사의 한 학급당 실험 수업 빈도수는 평균 월 1회 정도 실시하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 월 1∼2회 이하로 실험 수업을 실시하고 있는 교사는 74.7%이며, 월 3∼4회 이상 실험 수업을 실시하는 교사는 25.3%로 조사되었다. 둘째, 중등 과학교사의 배경 변인에 따른 실험 수업 빈도수 차이는 교과 모임 활동 유무, 교과교실제 운영 여부, 전공, 실험 수업 목적, 실험 준비 과정별 유의한 차이는 없었으나, 성별과 학교 급에 따라서는 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 셋째, 중등 과학교사의 실험 수업 빈도수는 중등 과학 교사의 과학교수 효능감과 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 나타내었지만 과학에 대한 태도와는 통계적으로 유의한 상관관계를 나타내지 않았고, 집단 구성별 실험 수업 빈도수와 과학교수 효능감 및 과학에 대한 태도 사이의 상관관계는 전체 집단의 결과와 다소 차이가 있었다.

      • 플립러닝의 효과 관련 요인 간의 구조적 관계 분석

        이희숙 공주대학교 대학원 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to investigate if there are any differences in the effects of flipped learning in accordance with learning factors, teaching factor, class factor and to thoroughly analyze how variables work effectively in context after reasoning out flipped learning variables that affect achievement and personality. In order to achieve this purpose, the research questions were as follows: 1. Do learning factors (motivation, participation) have positive effects on achievement and personality in flipped learning? 2. Does teaching factor (teaching attitude) have a positive effect on achievement and personality in flipped learning? 3. Does class factor (interaction) have a positive effect on achievement and personality in flipped learning? 4. Does personality have a positive effect on achievement in flipped learning? 5. Is the hypothetical model indicating relationship between learning factors (motivation, participation), teaching factor (teaching attitude), class factor (interaction) and achievement and personality valid in flipped learning? The survey was conducted on 236 middle and high school students in Chungcheongbuk-Do, who studied for 8 weeks, 2~4 hours per week in flipped classrooms. At first, SPSS statistical analysis was employed to analyze the preliminary data. After that, structural equation modeling analysis was employed to test the relations among variables and verify the hypothetical model. The structural equation modeling analysis was carried out through analyzing the hypothetical model, examining suitability and validity of the measurement tools and finally examining suitability and validity of the hypothetical model. The major findings of this study are as follows: First, learning factors (motivation, participation), teaching factor (teaching attitude), class factor (interaction) are suggested as independent variables and achievement and personality, which are learning effects, are suggested as dependent variables in the research model. Second, considering learners' average awareness of the flipped learning variables, learners think positively about teaching attitudes, interaction, personality and motivation, in that order, and then achievement and participation come next. Third, comparing two groups' average awareness of the flipped learning variables, in the case of gender, teaching attitude and interaction were relevant for girls. In the case of grade, teaching attitude, interaction, achievement and personality were relevant for high school students. In the case of subject, motivation, participation, teaching attitude, interaction, achievement, all except for personality were relevant for students who studied science. Fourth, looking through how much the flipped learning variables affect achievement, motivation affects achievement the most, followed by interaction and participation. Fifth, looking through how much the flipped learning variables affect personality, interaction affects personality the most, and then teaching attitude comes next. This means that interaction in a classroom is the most important factor in building personality. Sixth, as a result of verifying the research model, motivation, participation and interaction have direct effects on achievement and teaching attitude and interaction has direct effects on personality. Seventh, as a result of verifying the research model, the hypothetical model indicating relationship among motivation, participation, teaching attitudes, interaction, achievement and personality is valid. Such results suggest the following strategy for successful flipped learning: First, strategy for raising students' pre-participation is essential because connection between homework and classwork is very important in a flipped classroom. Students' preparation as participants in class is affected by their pre-participation, also this study examined that participation has a direct effect on achievement. Therefore, to enhance students' participation in pre-learning, support is needed to make students access pre-learning materials easily. Second, to improve achievement and personality, interaction is very important in flipped learning. Interaction, in other words relations, is the key point in a flipped classroom. In this case, interaction means not only the relations between a teacher and students, but also peer learning with other students. Through peer learning, students learn how to make relationship with others, how to communicate and how to consider others. Team activities with high involvement promote students' achievement. As a result, interaction in flipped classroom has a positive effect on achievement and personality. Third, concerning that teaching attitudes has a positive effect on building personality, teachers need enthusiasm and permissive, democratic attitudes in preparing and carrying out lessons. Teachers who are friendly, considerate and encourage at the right moment and put emphasis on communication and cooperation build democratic atmospheres in classrooms and help students make relationships with others. Therefore, teachers' enthusiastic attitudes, interaction with students and effort to communicate play important roles in a flipped classroom. Such results have following educational meanings: First, by investigating variables that affect flipped learning effects, this study helps set teaching-learning strategy for successful flipped learning. Second, although effectiveness of flipped learning is widely known through reported cases, this study proves statistically that flipped learning has a positive effect on students' achievement and personality. Third, although interaction in classes has been underestimated so far, this study verifies the importance of interaction in the structural relations model and helps clarify the relationship among variables by examining direct or indirect effects and the significance of them.

      • 小亭 卞寬植 作品의 筆墨法에 관한 考察

        이희숙 京畿大學校 造形大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        미술품은 알게 모르게 사람의 마음을 변화시키고 사람의 기존관념을 깨며, 새롭게 사고하도록 만든다. 이렇듯 화가가 사람의 마음을 감화시키는 독자적인 예술품을 창조하기에는 그 어려움이 이루 말할 수 없이 크다. 그동안 한국화단을 살펴보면 많은 작가들이 노력을 기울여 왔으며, 산수화에서도 중국풍을 탈피하고 독자적인 화풍을 개발하려는 의식, 즉 진경정신을 계승하려는 시도가 근대 작가들에 의하여 시작되었다. 근대 6대가 중의 한 사람인 小亭 卞實植은 황해도 옹진에서 출생하였고 어려서부터 부모를 여의고 외조부인 小琳 趙錫晋의 문하에서 성장하면서 화가의 길에 들어섰다. 그는 괴팍할 정도로 야인적인 기질로 고독한 삶을 살았으며, 한곳에 정착하지 못하고 끊임없이 방황하였다. 소정은 靑田 李象範과 더불어 한국적인 산수화를 계승하여 구한말의 고답적인 산수화 풍에서 벗어나 한국의 정취가 넘치는 독자적 실경 산수화로 한국산수화의 새로운 전형을 제시하였고, 금강산을 비롯하여 기개가 넘치는 강렬한 그림을 그렸다. 이렇듯 소정의 작품생활은 우리 산천에 대한 체험적인 조형관을 확립시키는 동기가 되었다. 그의 화법은 진한 먹으로 점차 덮어 가는 積墨法과 묵점을 튀기듯 찍어 선을 파괴하고 리듬을 주는 破線法으로 짙고 거친 느낌을 준다. 또 그의 작품은 한국인의 강인한 끈기와 강직함을 표현했다고 할 수 있으며, 시점이 각기 다른 경물을 한 화면 안에 담은 특징이 있는데, 그러한 것도 전통적인 산수화를 표현하면서 현대적인 감각을 느낄 수 있다. 그의 그림에는 허리가 구부정하고 두루마기를 입은 노인이 지팡이를 짚고 산을 오르는 장면이 있는데, 이런 것들은 해학적이며 서민적인 분위기를 느끼게 한다. 그는 금강산을 유람하면서 산세와 바위, 나무의 형태등을 사생, 1950년대 이후 본격적으로 근대화 된 시각으로 조형화시켜 금강산의 변화무쌍한 절경을 역동감 넘치는 극적 구도로 담았고, 마른 붓끝이 드러나는 갈필과 담묵, 농묵을 자유롭게 구사하면서 거친 필치로 힘차게 뻗어나간 산세와 기암절벽들을 그린 금강산 작품들은 그의 강인한 정신의 표현이기도 하다. 이러한 점은 소정이 한국화의 한 전형을 이룩해 낸 근대 화단에 대표적인 작가로 꼽히게 되는 이유이다. 본 논문에서는 현대 실경 산수화에서 하나의 독창적인 유형을 제시했다고 보이는 소정의 기법적 특징과 특히 동양화의 준법을 바탕으로 한 필묵법에 관한 분석을 통해 그의 실경 산수화의 예술세계가 결코 그냥 이루어진 것이 아니라 자기 수양과 예술에의 열정적인 고집으로 인해 이루어진 것임을 알고자 한다. 이러한 연구과정을 통해 소정은 근대사의 격동기에도 불구하고 자신의 예술 세계를 독자적으로 완성한 작가로서 본 논문에서는 소정 변관식의 필묵법의 특징을 고찰하여 현대 한국화의 발전에 보탬이 되고자 한다. Works of art change the hearts of people - consciously or unconsciously, break our preconceived ideas, and make us think anew. Thus, the difficulties of the artists in making his original pieces of art, that influence the hearts of people, are indescribably large. When we look at Korea's world of art until now, many artists devoted themselves a great deal. Even with landscape paintings, awareness to develop their own original paintings away from the Chinese way, in other words, an attempt to inherit the spirit of keep the actual state of things rose among the modem artists. Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon, who is one of the six great modem artists, was born in Oong Jin in Hwang Hae-do. He looses his parents when he was small and grows up under his maternal grandfather, Sorim: Seok Jin Jo, and begins his life as a painter. He had a boor nature, almost fastidious, and lived a lonely life He could not settle down at. one place and wandered around endlessly. Together with Ch'eong jeon: Sang Beom Lee, Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon succeeded the Korean style landscape painting, and freeing himself from Han Mal Gu's high-toned landscape style, they presented a new model of Korean landscape painting that is an original actual landscape painting overwhelming with artistic effects. They drew high-spirited strong drawings, such as the drawings of Kumgang Mountains. Likewise, the life of Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon its an artist became a motivation for us to establish an experiential view of molding toward our mountains and the streams. With "Dash-line Method" - destroys the lines and cuts the ink spots as though splashed and gives rhythm to it - and "Jeokmuk Method - covers in layers with thicker ink -, his method of painting gives a deep and experienced feeling. We can say that his works of arts expresses the tough perseverance and the sturdy character of the Koreans. Another characteristic of his pictures is that he places each different sceneries, seen from a different perspective, on the same picture. This also makes us feel a modern feeling while the picture also expresses the traditional landscape picture. In his picture, there is a scene where an old man with a slightly bent back, wearing a Korean overcoat, go up the mountains with a cane. This gives a humorous and popular feeling. While touring around Kumgang Mountains, he speculated the forms of the mountains, the rocks, and the trees, and from the 1950's, he began modeling them full-heartedly with a modem perspective, and he drew the peerless complete view of Kumgang Mountains with a dramatic composition overflowing with a sense of movement. He freely used galpil(rough), thin ink, thicker ink that the dry painting brush paints, and the mountains and the fantastic rock cliffs that strongly stretches in his works of Kumgang Mountains - which he drew with his experienced strokes of the brush - are also expressions of his tough spirit. These points are the reasons that Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon were chosen as the representative painter in the modem world of artists, as a person who established a model of a "Korean painting." This paper studies the technical characteristic and the method of usage of the brush and ink of Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon, who can be said as the person who presented a unique style in the modem actual landscape painting. Through this study, this paper allows people to understand that Sojeong's world of art of the real landscape painting is not simply realized, but is realized through self-cultivation and unyielding spirit. Sojeong: Kwan Shik Byeon is a person who uniquely perfected his world even amidst the turbulence of modem history. This paper analyzes these characteristics and hopes to be a help to the development of the modem Korean paintings.

      • 공감훈련을 기반으로 한 분노조절 프로그램이 초등 여학생의 분노조절에 미치는 효과

        이희숙 경북대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of an anger-control training program using empathy training on anger-control of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6. The hypotheses of this study are as follows: 1-1. The anger-control training program, based on empathy training, will improve the anger-control abilities of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6. 1-2. The anger-control training program, based on empathy training, will improve the sub-factors (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors) of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6. The participants of this study are 20 students who are in the 5th and 6th grade of an elementary school in D-county, D-metro city. Anger control tests were performed on 49 female students (5th grade; 25 students, 6th grade; 24 students) in the 5th and the 6th grade at S-elementary schools in D-county, D- Metropolitan City. As a result of the pre–test, 20 children who received parental consent were selected, 10 of them were in the experimental group and 10 of them were in the waiting group. The experimental group carried out the anger-control training program based on empathy training. Programs were performed five times a week for 2 weeks, and each program lasted 45 minutes. In this study, the anger-control training program based on empathy training were used in a pre-test, a post-test, and a follow-up test. Research data will be processed by SPSS 21.0 and split-plot factorial design will be made for group 2(experimental group/waiting group). The statistically significant level for hypothetical verification was set at .05. The results of this study are as follows: 1-1. The anger-control training program based on empathy training improved the anger-control abilities of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6. 1-2. The anger-control training program based on empathy training improved the sub-factors (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors) of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6. This study is meaningful in that the results of the study are consistent with the hypotheses and the effects of the program lasted for 4 weeks. In conclusion, the anger-control training program based on empathy training is recommended to be used to improve the anger-control abilities of elementary school girls in grade 5 and 6.

      • 고객만족(CS) 기록정보서비스 발전방안에 관한 연구 : 국가기록원 열람서비스를 중심으로

        이희숙 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        행정기관은 다른 서비스 기관과의 치열한 경쟁 속에서 더 이상 찾아오는 고객만을 대상으로 하는 수동적인 서비스에 안주할 수 없는 사정에 놓여있다. 이는 국가기록원의 기록정보센터의 경우도 마찬가지이며, 기록정보센터에서 서비스에 대해 점점 더 많은 관심을 갖게 되는 것은 지극히 당연한 현상이다. 이에 본 연구는 해외의 기록물관리기관에 비해 상대적으로 열악한 환경에 놓여있는 국가기록원 기록정보센터의 열람서비스 현황과 문제점을 분석하여 고객만족을 실현하는 기록정보서비스 개선방안을 제안하고자 한다. 이 연구에서 한 발자국 더 나아가 기록물관리기관의 기록정보센터의 미약한 위상을 한 수준 끌어올릴수 있는 기록정보센터의 경영전략을 연구하는 논문으로 발전할 수 있는 계기가 되었음 한다. Due to the fact that administrative agencies face highly competitive circumstances with the other service institutions, their passive services, which target casual customers, have become no longer effective. As a result, it is required to grope for solutions to the problem and develop more active services. Archival Reference Centre in National Archives of Korea (hereinafter National Archives)in not an exception and there is no doubt that the centre has naturally raised its attention to the development of the services. The current research examined the present situation and the problems of inspection service of Archival Reference Centre in National Archives, which is in relatively poor surroundings compare with overseas archives and records services. The inspection services of The National Archives (TNA) of the U.K. and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of the U.S.A have been also taken into consideration. As the result, several reform measures were proposed which are expected to improve customer satisfaction. The suggested measures are as follows: 1. Policies for archival reference service should be shaped and customer satisfaction services are also required to be established. 2. Convenient facilities for customers have to be expanded and improved. 3. The staff of inspection service should be trained professionally. Especially, the inspection service of Archival Reference Centre has to be taken charged of an archivist. 4. The process of inspection service should be simplified. 5. Providing differentiated archival reference services by the types of customers is necessary. 6. Continuous betterment of the service is needed through a customer feedback and survey. Archival Reference Centre in National Archives is obliged to satisfy its customers whose demands for information have been becoming highly intense, specialized, and diversified. It is to be hoped that this research will contribute to increasing customer satisfaction of the centre. Moreover, hopefully, the findings could help the management of reading rooms in the other archives and records services. It is also hoped that this study will lay the foundation for future work on the management strategies of Archival Reference Centre.

      • 미술치료사의 예비 역량모델 개발

        이희숙 조선대학교 디자인대학원 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구의 목적은 미술치료사의 예비 역량모델을 개발하는 것이다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위하여, 문헌고찰과 6명의 미술치료사를 대상으로 한 심층면접을 통해 역량 요인과 세부항목을 도출하였고, 테마분석을 하여 역량모델을 구성하였다. 내용타당성 검증을 위한 5점척도의 설문조사와 개방형질문조사, 전문가델파이조사를 진행하였고, 이를 통해 예비 역량모델의 이름, 개념, 정의를 수정하였다. 연구결과는 내용타당성지수(CVR), 평균값, 최빈값을 나타냈다. CVR 값이 .56 미만이고 평균값이 4 미만인 요인과 세부항목은 삭제하였다. 전문가의 주관적인 의견들을 수집하였고, 새로운 항목들이 추가되었다. 최종적으로 이론지식 역량군, 직무수행 역량군, 자질과 태도 역량군으로 역량모델이 구성되었다. 이론지식 역량군은 심리치료지식, 미술지식, 장애/특수교육지식, 윤리적/법적지식의 4개 항목으로 구성되었다. 직무수행 역량군은 내담자파악, 중재계획, 중재활동, 중재평가의 4개 역량요인과 21개 세부항목으로 구성되었다. 자질 및 태도 역량군은 자기이해, 자기계발, 정서의 3개 역량요인과 10개 세부항목으로 구성되었다. The purpose of this study is to develop a preliminary competency model for the art therapists. In order to achieve the purpose, competency factors and sub-items were extracted through literature review and in-depth interview with 6 art therapists, and constructed a competency model through thematic analysis. In order to the verification of content validity, modification and reporting for the name, concept and definition of the structured preliminary competency model, questionnaires were developed using Likert 5-point scale and open typed comments section, and delphi surveys were conducted. The results are presented as CVR, mean value, mode. When the CVR value is less than .56 and the mean value is less than 4, it is regarded as unqualified and deleted. Open typed comments were actively collected and new competency items were added. Finally, the theoretical knowledge competency group, job performance competency group, qualification and attitude competency group were established. Theoretical knowledge competency group consisted of four categories: psychological treatment knowledge, art knowledge, disability/special education knowledge, and ethical/legal knowledge. Job performance competency group consisted of four competency factors and 21 detailed items, including interviewees comprehension, mediation plans, mediation activities, and mediation assessment. Qualification and attitude competency group consisted of three factors of self-understanding, self-improvement, and emotions, and 10 detailed items.

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