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        전라남도 한옥보존마을 및 행복마을 한옥의 평면유형에 관한 연구

        이창재,최일,김정규,유창균,Lee, Chang-Jae,Choi, Il,Kim, Jeong-Gyu,Yoo, Chang-Geun 한국주거학회 2010 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.21 No.5

        This study examines and analyzes plan of Hanok which has been newly built at rural areas in Jeollanam-do province and is to present the direction in setting architectural plan of Hanok at rural areas. For the purpose of this study, analyzed the types of Hanok based on the topological characteristics of main house and main spaces including room, living room and kitchen. Five types of 105 Hanoks, type-I, type-II, type-III, type-IV and type-V were drawn on the based of the shape of main house and topological characteristics of main rooms including room, living room and kitchen. Type-I had spatial composition of main rooms in a row and showed similar shape of main house with traditional private houses in Honam region, type-II showed placement of living room in center and main rooms beside it, type-III showed change of type-II and placed kitchen and annex behind living room and similar plan composition with type-III and secured the area of living room and rooms by enlarging the number of rooms, and type-V had the shape of main house with twisted form and placed living room in the center and each room at side or twisted part to ensure openness of living room.

      • KCI등재

        유닛모듈러 주택의 BIM 라이브러리 개발 연구 - 소규모 도시형 생활주택을 중심으로 -

        이창재,임석호,Lee, Chang-Jae,Lim, Seok-Ho 한국주거학회 2012 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.6

        This Study developed library of parts, applied with 3-dimension character which has width, length and height and a reference plane, for the system development of BIM design on housing unit modular. The current BIM software has not the concept of a reference plane or work tolerance in modular, so the development of parts library applied to unit modular has not moved forward. So, we developed, in this study, parts library applied to windows, built-in-furniture, kitchen systems and knock down bathrooms, with a reference plane and work tolerance based on single roon prototype on urban-life-housings. BIM library can utilize changed size and work tolerance of parts, and fabricating reference plane will be created automatically when an engineer puts work tolerance in the BIM library with supplement of some category related to work reference. Through this BIM library development, we consider the part module can be used for housing complex planning, and architectural designers will be able to utilize the BIM library for housing complex design.

      • KCI등재

        한옥의 모듈러 공법 적용에 관한 연구

        이창재,임석호,Lee, Chang-Jae,Lim, Seok-Ho 한국주거학회 2012 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.4

        This study was conducted to apply the modular construction method to Han-ok. The modular method, which is differentiated from the existing one, means a construction method that equipments, windows and interior materials are prefabricated as a six-sided object at a plant and then they are assembled at the least process on the spot. As for the theoretical observation, the theoretical basis to apply the modular method to the modular housing and Hanok was divided into environmental and economic aspect. In order to apply the modular method to Hanok, the unit scale and size were selected and the plane of unit module Hanok was developed. And a standard with regard to the unit combination and material lifting transportation method was set and planned. In addition, through the comparison the unit modular Hanok to the existing Hanok, the difference was analyzed and the strength was identified in terms fo design method, structure, construction method, period and cost. In final, the conclusion, with regard to the economic, technical application in future, was drawn through arranging the study contents. The unit modular Hanok to carry out the high-quality dwelling through construction period reduction, standardized construction materials and improved insulation performance can meet the demands for a paradigm of new construction technology.

      • KCI등재

        Shockwave Simulations and Visualization for Teaching Quantum Chemistry

        이창재,Lee, Chang-Jae Korean Chemical Society 2009 대한화학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        양자화학에는 추상적이거나 비직관적인 개념이 많이 존재하여 학생들이 이해하기에 어려움 을 준다. 다행히, 전통적인 강의실에서의 강의를 보조할 멀티미디어 웹 응용프로그램을 제작할 강력한 도구들이 웹 기술의 발전으로 많이 생겼다. 이 논문에서는 이 문제를 다루는 한 방안으로서 쇽웨이브 기술을 이용하여 웹 브라우저 상에서 쌍방향 시뮬레이션과 시각화를 동시에 해결하는 방법을 제시한 다. 여러 예를 통하여 어떻게 쇽웨이브 기술의 특성을 이용하여 웹에 기반을 둔 학습 자료를 용이하게 개발하는가를 보여준다. Quantum chemistry has many concepts that are either abstract or counterintuitive, giving students difficulties in understanding them. Fortunately, the advancement of web technologies provides us with hordes of powerful tools to produce rich multimedia web applications that supplement traditional classroom teaching. In this paper we present an approach to address this issue that combines interactive simulations and visualization on the web browser using Shockwave technology. With several examples, we show how to take advantage of the features of the Shockwave technology in developing web-based course material with ease.

      • KCI등재

        국내 모듈러 주택의 특성 및 MC 설계를 통한 건축자재 표준화 효과 분석

        이창재,임석호,Lee, Chang-Jae,Lim, Seok-Ho 한국주거학회 2015 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.26 No.6

        Modular construction is a process in which a building is produced off-site in module boxes using standard materials. Since the introduction of prefabrication in building construction, Modular Coordination (MC) has become an essential design tool in building design and construction. However, in Korea, the design standardization has not been adequately applied to modular construction. This study intends to analyze the current status of modular construction in Korea and explore the applicability of MC design in the construction industry. The analysis of the current status of MC design within Korean four major modular construction companies indicates that an incremental dimension is not properly used in horizontal planning modules, which results in a problem of increasing construction cost by high material loss rate. But, in vertical planning modules, a incremental dimension of 100 mm (1 M) is found to be used although the structural system varies among manufacturers, which demonstrates the potential for an open system to be well applied in modular construction, despite different structural systems.

      • KCI등재

        CIP조건 항공화물운송에서 손해배상청구권자의 확정 - 대법원 2018. 3. 15. 선고 2017다240496 판결을 중심으로 -

        이창재(Chang Jae LEE) 한국기업법학회 2020 企業法硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        국제무역거래에서 Incoterms 정형거래조건 중 하나인 운송비·보험료 지급인도(Carriage and Insurance Paid, CIP) 조건에 따르면 매도인은 합의된 장소에서 자신이 지정한 운송인이나 제3자에게 물품을 인도한다. 이때 물품을 지정 목적지까지 운반하는데 필요한 운송계약과 보험계약을 체결하고 운송비용 및 보험료를 매도인이 지급하여야 한다. 이러한 CIP 조건이 사용된 항공화물운송에 관한 손해배상사건이 최근 우리 대법원에서 다루어졌다. 사안에서는 보험계약에 따라 발생된 손해를 전보하기 위하여 보험자가 보험금을 피보험자에게 지급한 후, 피보험자의 손해배상청구권을 보험자가 대위하여 행사하는 문제에서 그 대위권이 인정될 것인지 여부를 놓고 보험자와 운송인이 소송 당사자가 되어 다툼을 벌였다. 여기서 매도인이 손해배상청구권을 행사할 수 있는지, 보험계약상 매도인이 어떠한 이유로 피보험이익을 가지는지 여부가 문제된다. 또한 본 사안에서 사용된 항공화물운송장 이면약관과 몬트리올 협약 규정에 따라 보험자가 대위 행사하는 손해배상청구권이 정당하게 성립되기 위해서는 운송인이 손해발생 사실을 인지할 수 있도록 서면으로 이의가 제기되었어야 했는데, 주어진 사실관계로부터 서면이의 제기의 유효성이 인정될 수 있는지 혹은 그러한 서면이의 제기가 반드시 필요한지 여부가 사안의 주요 쟁점이라 할 수 있다. 먼저 원심법원은 피고 운송인에게 손해배상과 관련하여 서면에 의한 이의를 제기할 수 있는 지위에 있는 자를 매도인으로 보았다. 따라서 사실관계에 적시된 바와 같이 사안에서는 매도인에 의한 정당한 이의제기가 있었으므로 약관상 부제소합의 조항은 적용될 여지가 없다고 보았다. 반면, 대법원은 서면이의를 제기할 수 있는 자를 매도인이 아닌 매수인이라고 판단하였다. 다만 서면이의제기를 요구하는 약관조항 보다는 운송인의 손해배상책임을 규정한 개별약정의 우선적 적용을 인정함으로써, 약관상 화물을 ‘인도받을 권리를 가지는 자(매수인)’의 서면 이의제기가 없었던 점 보다는 개별약정에 따라 ‘매도인’의 손해배상청구 서신이 제출되었던 점에 무게를 두었다. 결국 손해배상청구권 행사를 위한 전제요건을 충족한 매도인의 권리를 대위한 원고 보험자의 권리주장이 정당하다고 판단한 것이다. 논문은 판결에 나타난 사실관계에 기초로 해당 사안을 분석하고 판결에서 문제되었던 쟁점들을 평석하기 위한 목적에서 기술되었다. 특히 CIP 조건에서의 화물인도의 의미와 그러한 인도 이후에 매도인이 피보험이익을 보유하는지 여부를 중점적으로 검토하였다. 또한 화주와 운송인 간의 손해배상 특약에 관한 불이익변경 금지의 원칙에 대하여 현대적 의미에서 재해석을 시도하였다. Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) is when a seller pays freight and insurance to deliver goods to a seller-appointed party at an agreed-upon location. The risk of damage or loss to the goods being transported transfers from the seller to the buyer as soon as the goods are delivered to the carrier or appointed person. Recently, Korean Supreme Court delivered a notable case relating to loss of air cargo transported in this CIP term. At there, plaintiff, the insurer, sought damages based on its subrogation rights for lost smart phones which were stolen during transport. The carrier moved to dismiss, contending that the insurer’s subrogation rights were not properly established, because there was no timely written damage notice made by consignee in this matter. In fact, a claim letter to carrier requiring damage compensation was made not by consignee but by shipper. The requirement was based on the terms and condition of Air waybill which were reflected article 31 of Montreal convention. Here, there are some questionable points of whether the seller can exercise the claim for damages, and for what reason the seller has an insurable interest under the insurance contract. In addition, in order for the insurer"s right to claim damages exercised pursuant to the terms and conditions of the air waybill used in this matter and the provisions of the Montreal Convention, an written damage notice must have been made so that the carrier could be aware of the damages. The another main issue is whether the validity of a written notice made by the shipper can be recognized from a given factual relationship. The district court first observed the fact that who was in a position to file a written damage notice against the defendant for damages. The court then noted that as the seller was a the only claimant in this case, there was a legitimate claim written notice even though it was not made by the consignee. Also the court confirmed that the stolen freight was not delivered to consignee at the final destination, the insurable interest under the insurance contract was on the cargo owner, the seller. The Supreme Court decided that the person who could file a written claim notice was the buyer, not the seller. It was confirmed that there was no written objection by the "person (the buyer)" who has the right to receive the cargo under the terms and conditions. However, by acknowledging the preferential application of the individual agreements that stipulated the carrier"s liability for damages, however, the court confirmed the seller’s letter of damages notice was sufficient timely notice of complaints. In the end, the court affirmed that as the seller"s right that met the prerequisites for exercising the claim for damages was justified. This paper was written for the purpose of analyzing the issues on the basis of the facts and legal theories in the judgment.

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